B"Wffy,IBWt WWMB SWSHaBHHH 'WSWi't' '- "os ILLUSTRATED uenm " PBIOE ONE BFgHWBBI 7&CiS!i" W&kjI '" ' 1 '""" 9 "- ir. VOL. I-NO. 84 rHTTiADELPHTA, SATUBDAT, DECEMBER 19, 1914. Cermtn.U14.at m rcnw two Coktakt. A P4Gtf 2TC(Mf THE NEWS OF THE DAY AS RECORDED BY THE EVER-WATCHFUL CAMERA MAN AU A ' ' , iwA-: Mt- .M- ;r WV a A, ..., it t..i T&-- w r.s" -r ,' , i :- T-; , rv -HriS 'i . v,- IS M '&$ 'Mh -, r8U ip. tw. inacE etr tSV'A K&Jtt&i , tffcj lBlllff? .fcSTUi 1 t ft' rati as Win rgmin: ;n imttm M)n mA 0-i LMI IW-8ITIU iftft .'! I, ijww. j awrta.-- ?V ",. M nr & ,, v b IS..'. Bf'i i.i' iw miivm MWW!frMiffi tArant HP. 7F i fjfci; ? s? mat &$ f 5s. FOOTLIGHTS FAVORITE A WAR NURSE Mile. Id.i Ruhenstein. the Russian actress, is receiving wounded soldiers at the hospital in Paris which she has equipped and presented to France, m SKYLINE OF CITY TOWARD THE WEST OBSCURED BY OVERHANGING PALL OF SMOKE This view, looking to tho west, was taken from the top of the Curtis Building on Independence Square on a clear day. It is sufficient testimony as to why there are so few photographs of Philadelphia's really imposing skyline most of the time it is invisible on account of the clouds of smoke issuing from office buildings, factories, apartment buildings and hotels. Only City Hall tower stands clear above the murky clouds. Kfc'Xa&nmmzmm HIMII III III hi I Willi UK MUKZMtnK' '(',' vmm .-,i.i f ;, ., W:: !--. ;.,'Vt7-WT " ;-,S"r-V W&&4 tyrm U- $. "'?' -& : j. ' W, :: r' r ;, tt 4&&,k IKvi -'":3- r?r-f? "X! Tf, ', xn ;. x . '' &r?"i'siff A r. ' v : "'. T U : ? ,....; ' ,$yt t i rt 7fr ,?? s m.. Si- r' , r ;Xf , v '',&. tfari !?. rsri.l.s $' 'f";,'. "I ?& -.4- 2 jwmi dr. m M u-: :gMWWff :g s; !&. SjlS222SS2SlS?s'S VPSfl . HISTORIC BOAT NOW ABOUT TO BE SOLD FOR JUNK The Sylvan Glen was used as a river transport in the Civil War to carry cannon and troops across ."fl me nuason- luvcr. itcrwara sub was urougnt oown to xne ueiaware Kiver, which she plied for many years, being an especial favorite with racegoers between the Arch street ferry and Washington Park. - ' & '&,:', ?&&& I W && 'V i&feU'i .., i 'tTA riF&r&FW'. .., ... ,...1 1 is '," m m 2E3?3J &ft!. AJM.- V- FRENCH MONKS MINISTER TO GERMAN WOUNDED This photograph was taken In a monastery in Northern France now used as hospital. $r mi j: Cti1 s. ft- & mi IS KW! iFSCi Li " te 'cii..f 'jta : j..- r.li- PARK ENTRANCE IN GERMANTOWN TO BE BEAUTIFIED AND ADORNED WITH STATUE A-circle Is to be created out of the plot la tho foreground, at the Intersection of Rittenhouse street and WIssahickon avenue, on whlelk vrlli taml a statue of David Rittenhouse. WJUC w siana a Ik-tJnl " ,. . "w"? ' i-Slf-rj IS ' SSfS MSOLmOM WHO WILl fESICN GREAT tlWCOLH ITATWt . F..W- f-'SI s-' s, jla 'H JK joJ)lHbir iiL 4 SH Hi t-Ax r r, i .? 4 ir"i- ,'S , Q. itf 5?!"" Sf-- -J, RESCUING THE LIBERT BELL FROM POSSIBLE HRfi IN IftO MINUTES A AmL lumouicd bv the srob uprtus, Ss bee irf?te4 la Iodepodsnc Mali to Kfe41a.,j tta taaioaa telle am a . J