rovTssiy". Lrjrwnoft- Philadelphia, mati kday, 'deckaibkr 10, '1014. 31 H -OTOTLS iSTU iCtAS SERMONS AND SPECIAL MUSIC IN CITY'S CHURCHES intatas, Carols, Anthems and Children's Entertain ments Tomorrow and Through the Week. Protestant nnd Ciltliollc . churches hroughout the city will welcome the fclirlstmaa sencon tomorrow with sermon, our and cppclul observances, Ministers III preach special sermons and the Sun- ay School children will hold elabornt exerciser Choirs nnd choruses will sins ho famous carols and Christmas can ning. Most of the edifices will be beau tifully decorated with holly, palms nnd evergreens. Following the customs of the centuries, there will be npproprlato celebrations In ? which the children will participate with recitations,! music and dialogues. In many cases these observances will take place In the cycnlng at the usual hour for evening worship, nnd largo spruce nnd eclar trees, brightly Illuminated with electric lights nnd laden with gifts and decorations, will occupy prominent posi tions In the large auditoriums. At tho Central Congregational Church the pastor, trie Jlev. V. V. Berg, will tako for his morning topic "And on 'Earth, Peace." In tho evening he will speak on "Tho S6ng of Mnry." At the H evening servlep Christmas enrols will be sung, wUh tho nsslstance of a choir of i, young people. The subject of the ser mon to tho Junior congregation In tho morning will bo "Tho Hestcst Christ mas." At both services there will be special music, under the direction of lien nmln L. Kneedlcr. The soloists, assisted by Hoy Comfort, violinist, will be" Jllss M. C. Gilbert, Miss Horn Itoblnson. "Wil liam J. Clark and Douglass MacDonald. The Cluls'tmas entertainment wilt bo given on Wednesday evening In the chapel. At St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 16th onnd Locust streets, the Hev. Klllot White. rector, Holy communion will be admin istered at 7 and 8 o'clock tomorrow morn ing: nt 10:3) there will be matins nnd at 11 o'clock tho choral cticharlst will take rolnco, and the rector will preach. At 4 o'clock In tho afternoon will come chornl evensong, with a short address by Mr. flVhlte. On Christmas Day thore will be elaborate services nt 10:10 o'clock, nnd the carols, "Tho Shepherds Watched" nnd "The Shepherds Left Their Slieep," will be sung. A beautiful effect will bo produced to- tmorrow evening nt Aiessinn iwUineran church, 16th nnd Jefferson streets, when two lame trees will be Illuminated with lelectrlc lights, and will be surrounded by In large orchestra that will play Chrlst- as hvmns. Tho solo quartet, under tho treetlon of Shcpard K. Kollock, will give hrlstmas anthums, and the pastor, tne lov. D. E. welglc, win mane on au- dress. At the East Baptist Church, the pastor, the Iltv. Dr. C. H. Woolston, will preach on "Tho Messaga of Christmas" In the morning, and tu tho evening he will give an Illustrated sermon on "A Midnight Visit to Bethlehem." Special muslo will bo a featuro at both services. There will be an elaborate musical pro gvnnj at both morning nnd evening serv ices In the First Methodist Episcopal Church. The pastor, the Ilev. Dr. Charles AVesley Burns, will preach In the morning on "The Boad to Bethlehem Town." nnd In the evening on "The Truce of God." At the Methodist Episcopal Church of the Covenant, the Jlcv, Milton Howard Nichols will preach In the morning on "The Central Fact In tho World's Heart nnd History." A 2:30 p. m. the Christmas exercises of the' Sunday school will take place, nnd In the evening there will be a special musical service, with hymns and anthems. Miss Corbln, of the Deaconess' Home, th and Vine streets, will give "Tho Story of Our Home Needs." Special programs of music are an nounced by "the Itev. George D. Adams, pastor of the Chestnut Street Baptist Church, for the morning and evening serv ices, nay Daniels Jones Is the organist and director, and the Eololsts will be Mrs. T. C Newbourg, Jr., Mary Newklrk, Frederick C. Erdman and Horace H. Hood. The Bev. Arthur T. Mlchter, pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, will preach to tho members of the Young BKjMen a League, In the morning, and in tno jkvenlng -the choir, under the direction of mi wees J. Frescoln, will "give Maunder's. Sfc'cantftts, "Bethlehem-" Solo parts will M sung by Mrs. Charles Eves, Albert Moore and George Farrlnston. At the Fletcher Methodist Episcopal Church the pastor, the Rev. ft. H, Craw ford, will preach a Christmas sermon at 10130 o'clock tomorrow morning, and In the evening the cantata, "The Nativity," will be sunr. The Bev. William H. Medlar, pastor of the Qlenolden Congregational Church, will preach on "Day Spring From on High," .a, Christmas sermon, In the morn ing, and In the evening his topic will be "No Boom In the Inn." Special Christmas music will be given in the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, the Bev. Pr. John Allan Blair, pastor, tomorrow- In the morning Dootor B)alr win prearn on "The Day-Spring from on High," and his evening theme is to b The Christmas Angels." The Sunday sehool will hold a "White Gift" Chrlst- 'TOa.a service at I 3Q p. w. At Temple Luthern Church the Bev. fir. A. Pohlman, the pastor, will preach Christmas sermons at both servlee to morrow. The Bev- 8. C. Gamble, pastor of the 2Hn Unitarian Church, will preach to Bjarrow morning on "I Thirst," and at S p. m. hla theme will be "Christmas BUra and Golden Wedges." "Marching with the Sou of Man" will be the topic of an address te be given by tbe Bev K E. Hvass, pastor of the Qirard Avenue Unitarian Church, to morrow morning. Following the address there wilt be a dUeusslap of the plaee of jgauu in modern religion. pmwiH ocric Ytu q utia In the ia tun iwina xveaDytenta the Bev. Qr. John T, Reeve. r, bjf the Sunday acUtool. in the S Doctor Reeve will crush on WojRdsrful Saviour." ami In th eMalBg blS tOOlO la ta ba "I Blum - ?,- sjweui program ef suute, arranged ma, t.ura wooj ureo. wiU b i to Areb Street PmfeyUriui ivuuwrew tb Muaoe baa hui docoratad With 9nr. . .il UfettatM greet. T Kv Cjueai taatf4 atecsruiy. the paaier, wiU prcaek lf t raombMc oa - Tea loc cauo' and te evealn, wa '-aj.ttn-haj a&4 tiia World WV ACTIVITIES EIjc Jfricitbl $nlj) Merry Christmas! To nil we wish n season of unusual gladness. May your Chflstmns Hay be full of laughter and song. There Is no other holiday so uni versally celebrated. While tho chimes ring out the glad tiding of Christ mas morn In the old Quaker City the same spirit of kindness nnd gladness thai we shall feel will reach around the world, Th custom of giving nt this glad Rea son Is bcnutlful. But It Is the spirit In which n Rift Is offered that makes It worth while to the recipient and the bestower. Its valuo In gold should count not nt all. Always the giver should get the greater Joy. In Philadelphia nnd America there have been special opportunities '. jertr to brighten the Christmas season for the unfortunates nbrond and at home, Wc should enjoy our Christ man because we linvo been nblo to give so much. Every person who has helped even n little should feel n senso of gratitude for the chance to scatter what sunshine was possible. But we should be most hnppy because fthcre remain vast opportunities to sow nbout ua alwnyu that gladness that conies only through lovo and kindness. Wo should be glad because there nro countless thousands to whom we enn give the glfts of faith by showing them thnt wc. who are Christians, ore Just as anxious to help and cheer them as tho Master was when He sent the Babe to the manger In the little town of Bethlehem. "It Is more blessed to give than to receive." But lot our "Merry Christmas" al vta.vs carry with It n gift of sincere love. PHILLIPS. PRINCETON STUDENTS HELP GARRICK MEETINGS Will Aid Doctor Ely Tonight and To morrow in Scarcli far Recruits. The success of the Garrlck Theatre Sunday evening meetings of the Lemon Hilt Association In drnwlng traveling men, students, hotel guests and nonchurch- goers generally has frequently been tho subject of fnvornblo comment by visitors from nearly every qunrter of the globe, and. now tho methods employed by this pioneer evangelistic orgnnlzatlin "are to bo studied with a view to their practical application clsowhere. A delegation of Princeton students, act ing under tho direction of Dr. Ritchie Smith,' superintendent of field work nt the seminary, will accompany the Rov. Dr. James B. Ely on his vlst to one of tho local theatres thin evening, where he will extend his unique Invitation to tho nudlenco to nttend tho church of their preference on Sunday or come to the Garrlck Theatre Tomorrow night, for nn -hour prior to the service, tho students will be paired with workers of the Lemon Hill Aajoclntlon In visiting the central hotels and apartments and giving Invita tions to passersby on tho downtown streets. ' DOCTOR RICHMOND WILL . IHLI UIM OUIVIIIVU inittu. Hector of St. John's Church to Refer to Troubles In Sermon Tomorrow. The Rev. Dr. George Chalmers Rich mond, rector of Old St. John's Protestant Episcopal Churc)i, Brown street below 3d, who hns been summoned to appear before Chancellor Henry Budd on January IS to mnke answer to charges of conduct unbecoming a rector, will talk! on his difficulties tomorrow evening In his ser mon In that church. N He Is to speak on "Why I Stand for Billy Sunday; or. The Need of More Real Rcllnlon In tho L'plvcopal Church In Philadelphia." Doctor Richmond says: "In this srmon I will refer to my com ing trial," which may be taken to mean thnt he will discuss the circumstances that ledejjp to the charges being made. In theThornlng Doctor Richmond will preach on "Spiritual Shocks, Sorrows and Solutions." On Christmas Day ha will preach in St. John's Church at 10:30 a. m. on "Was Christ Really Born or Is Christianity a Mvtll?" Thin tnlk will Vi . In....... tlon of the Incarnation In the light of current events. S0NS OF-REVOLUTION GO TO CHURCH TOMORROW The Rev. Hamilton Schuyler to Preach at 20th Annual Service. The Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution will hold Its 2flth church service, to commemorate the beginning of theencampment of the American army at valley Forge, tomorrow afternoon nt t oIock. In Old St. Peter's Church, 3d and Pine streets. The Rev. Hamilton Schuyler, reotor of the church, will preach the sermon, and the Rev. Dr. aeorge Woolsey Hodge, chaplain of the society, will be In t-harge with Mr. Schuyler. Members of the organisation will assemble In the parish house nt .1:30 o'clock, from which they will move In a procession Into the church edifice. Their color guard and visiting clergy will precede the procession. CHURCH TO GET FLAG Camp No. 681 to Present Banner to Elrst Beformed Congregation. A patriotic service, with a flag presenta tion, will take place In the First Re formed Church, 15th and Dauphin streets, tomorrow evening. Camp No. (St, of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, will present the banner to the ohurch, the presentation address being made by, Post President Wells, I. B. Vrooman.prMl. dent of the Board of Trustees, will make the speech of acceptance. A special musfovprogram will be a fea ture of the program. The Rev. John D. (Hicks, pastor of the church, will make an address. Because of the Christmas holiday next Friday, peraona deslrlno notices Inserted In the Saturday Religious page next week, will confer a favor by sending same to this office not later than Wednesday evening. MPTER Billy" Sunday has won you for Christian service, a church home will be thai next requirement. The rxttulr Church xq-u win wan t a bright, modarn work ing church. This you , will lad in J Messiah Lutheran Te 'steusir ,, , 16lh and Jefferson Sit. HauUI X VI eiatc. Fuatot. Cell, rit or 'posi Churoh oSce. JWS n US.IVCI3 K. B"JMr fzs sViij.-Vs,sKVSisM OF ATI, DENOMINATIONS THE REV. H. A. MUSSER A "JUNGLE MAN" IS ONE OF BILLY SUNDAY'S BOOSTERS The Rev. .H, A. MuBser, Formerly a Superintendent of Missions In India, n Busy Man. One of the busy men In the Billy Bun dny campaign headquarters Is tho Rev. H. A. Muster, tho "Jungle Man." Mr. Mttsser who was for many years n mis slonaiy in India, hns been shrinking from publicity, but he lias been so busy nn assistant secretary of tho Executive Com mittee nnd ns secretary of tho big Prayer Meeting Committee, of which tho Rev. Dr. George II. Blckley Is chairman, that everybody nssoclntcd with the movement In every section of the city has come to know him. Ho was secretary of the Laymen's MIs slonaiy Movement and wns asked to go ahead with tho preliminary work pre lous In the organization of the com mittee for tho campaign. Step by step ho has seen tho machine grow around him, until he now superintends n large office under Georgo C. Shane, executive secretary, as Mr. Shane's assistant. Nearly every night of the week Mr. Musser Is busy speaking to some church group on tho different phases-of tlie Sun day campaign. Ills tnlk on "what n Jungle Man Thinks of Billy Sundny" Is filled with wit' and humor, and Is becom ing popular throughout tho city. For eight cars Mr. Musser was super intendent of missions In Central India, nnd he hns acquired n genial and Intense ly interesting way of telling his stoiles that assure big crowds wherever he Is nnnounced to speak. CENTRAli Y. M. C. A. MEETING Tho Sunday afternoon men's meeting nt Central Branch will be nddressed by Dr. 1. G. Shnllcross, of Hnhncmann College, tomorrow, on the subject, "Pearls." An hour of attractive service. Including con gregational singing of Billy Sunday hymns and music by instrumental trio, will bo held from 4 to 5 In tle auditorium. The Drop-In Class, led by Thomas L. Lawton, meets In the lobby at a p. in. Subject. "Loyalty Demanded," preceded by music nnd song service. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES Ttabbl Joieph Krauskonf will prench the ec njtii of hli rerlM of sermons on "1'strlotlim Veru Humanlurlanlim" In the Keneseth Israel Temple, Hrorul alrect above Columbia atomic, tomorrow morning-, at 10.30 o'clock. His topic will bo "Zola and Patriotism." The Rev. George I. Uhler will tie the apeaker nt tha Lutheran Ministers' -ileetlns on Mon day. Hla subject la to be "The Person of Chrat." . The n?: Dr. William r Fulton will admin ister the acrnment of tho Lord'a Supper In Grace Chanel, Oakmont. tomorrow morning. The Hey. Henri M.""d. Huff, mlnlonary In the Perkiornen Valley, will be the apeclal prtacher at tho Houae of Prayer, Branchtonn, tomorrow evening;, The revtor. the Rev. H. O. a. Vincent, will preach the flrat In a aeries of aermjiu to be given by visiting clergymen In St. 1-eter'a Church, Otrmantown. .,.Vrs- S,nerlne. w,,e "h "Little Bunnle" Jle will participate In the services of the Second Daptlat Helping Hand Clais tomorrow afternoon. The subject will be "The Story of a Dollar Jfote. " The Bethany Anchorage for Olrla and Wo men. mO-1 .North Hlh street, will hold meetings on Sumla., Tuesday and Thursday nights. Donation clay will be observed on Thursday, when gnu of all kinds of useful articles and cash vill be received Dr. Henry Rerkowltz, rahM of the Rodcph Shalom tfyiiagogue, will apeak at State College tomorrow morning, In the alternoon at a meet In pf the Menoran (Society and In the evening St III I s aJt t. . A. The Rev. Dr. J'rancls J Collier will preach a Christmas sermon before the Presbyterian Ministerial Association In Westminster Hall on Monday morning His subject will ba "The (llory of Immanuel," "Sermon Stuff" will be the aubjeet of an ad dress the Rev, M, If. Williams will give at the Congregational Ministers' Meeting on Mon day morning at 1810 Chestnut atreet. At the Tabernacle Methodist Church tha Rev. Dr. Homer W. Tope, district superintend ent of the Antl. Saloon League, will preach to. morr"W morning, and In the evening there will be addresses by llertram Rearlck and Con giessnian J. Hampton Moore, The Ttev. DavlJ n. Hpdegrafr, home on hla first furlough from Kolhapur. the Wnlirn India Fresbytertin Mission, speaks tomorrow rnoinlny on "Mission Work In India." in tha Biyn Mawr Tresbytcrlan Church, Jn the eve ning be will give a atereoptlcon address. lie la a graduate of Yale (1003) The Iter., Dr. John Gordon, til Temple IJnl eratty. will assume charge of the pulpit or the Koiborougli Baptist Church uctlnz pastor tomorrow. The speaker at the PhlladelphU-.New Jeraav Methodist Episcopal Preachers' Meeting tu Wesley Hall, JUGS , Arch street, on Monday morning, at It o'clock, will be the Rev. Dr. Charles I., (loadell. minister of St Paul'a Church, New ork. and one of America's CteaUat evangelist pastors. "Tht Home Where Christ Still la Born" will he the aubjeet of tl) Rev Dr Kdwtu Hejrl Delk's s.rmoii at the morning service In St. Matthew's Lutheran Church tomorrow. "The Secret of Constancy" wilt be 'he theme at the enmr aerlo Sreelal services will be. held on Christmas Day at 11 a. in In Calvary rrtsbytrln Church tomorrow moraine the Rev. B. V Slmkln win oreaoh The Quest Chamber.' In the. etenlng thera will be a musical service at which tb choir v. ill alrrg the anthem. "Fierce Waa tlie nn ri'-cw'- sna a irfseria rs. jsi en Christmas pay at 10 o'clock WHEN THE WAR REACHES AMERICA THESE QUESTIONS WILI. BE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE Are the Wicjked Dead in Torment? rector at Sioo f. il. Where Will You Be in the Resurrection? lecture at 1t30 V- M. Judge Rutherford Bible Baete iBteseuitiesa Leetuer Ju.t From tho War Zone NIXON THEATRE 524 Below Mirktt SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 &t Fhh Ns CftltotiM WhW fsHAUMa gttMlii sen ta m --"- a. ,ev t ss V"sjsjs aasMssiaBBS ajrsara aas gj pjjqsBjagsjfijgs, ajJMHfp MORE THAN 25,000 DINNERS FOR POOR ON CHRISTMAS DAY Gifts of Clothing, Candy and Toys Will Also Bring Cheer to the City's Unfor tunates. Thousamls of the city's deaervlne- poor will he fed nntl slven gift", to lrlfihten their Christmas Day through the benevo lence of the Christian people of Philadel phia. Various organisations that, have nnnunuy made It n rule to provide din ners for tho unfortunates, and to give wiiiu-, rmii anil toys to the hungry children In the consesterl districts, arc making a special effort this year because they say there nre greater demands for assistance man Usual. Jloro than M.00O dinners will be provided through the efforts of such organizations as tho American Itesotie Workers, the Salvation Army, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, tho Episcopal City Mission, the Society for Organising Charities and others. Most of theee organizations also pro vide clothing to those In rreatest need, and thero will rw many little feet warmed as well as hearts on Christmas morning. , Tho Homo Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, tho Bethany Anchorage for Girls and Women, the inasmuch, Galileo and Whosoever Gospel Missions and dozens of other charitable organizations will lielp In making the day ono of brightness for those who would otherwise see no Joy, but Instead would bo cold nnd hungry, and. In not n few cases, have no place to lay their heads on Christmas night. BIDDLE CHRISTMAS PARTY Blblo Classes to Have Celebration on ' Fridn.7 Afternoon in This City. xno nnnuai Christmas party of the Drexel J3lddle Bible annses will be held at the winter home, 1917 Mount A'ernon street, on Christmas afternoon. Tlie classes from every section of the city and Camden will come at their appointed hours, nnd each member will receive a gift. The members will be Identified by tho Blblo Class button, and the gifts will he distributed throus: the leaders of tho respective classes. Arrangements: have been made to care for about 15,000 mem bers. Speelal Billy Sunday page next TUESDAY, December 22. Watch for It. Learn everything about Mr. Sun dny and the coming campaign. Dur. Ing the great revival the EVENING LEDGER will cover every phase of the big meetings. RELIGIOUS NOTICES Baptist BAPTIST TEMPLE, Broad and BerksT Preaching by the Pnator, RUSSELL 11. CONWELL Mornlntf, 10-10: Ulble Scnool. 2.30; Eve 7 4.1 HENRI SCOTT Basso of tha Phlla.-Chlcago Opera Co , will nsslst the chorus in ti rvenlng. Organ Re clml. 7 l.v Wm Powell Tnaldell, Mus Dlr METROPOLITAN GRAND JIALB QUAR TET will sing morning; and evening. iw. " UNHi-l tsStStSS Christmas is a Church Day the day of her sweetest message. And this year witnesses the most notable anniversary of the birth of the Christ that the Church in Philadelphia has known for many decades. A strange thrill and stir and expectancy mark our City's Church life at the present time. Part of this she shares with the whole world; part of it is peculiarly local. Consider one stupendous fact : Last night approximately ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PERSONS gathered in about SEVEN THOUSAND PRIVATE HOMES for MEETINGS OF PRAYER for blessing in the coming weeks. DOES THE READER KNOW ANY PARALLEL TO THIS? SUCH AN ACHIEVE MENT MIGHT WELL BE THE GOAL OF GREAT CHRISTIAN ACTIVITY; INSTEAD, IT IS ONLY PREPARATION FOR" GREATER ACTIVITY. This is not the place to tell of the legions of men and women who are already organized and under drill for special service in the Philadelphia Evangelistic Campaign during the early weeks of the new year. The magnitude of the special enterprise upon which the Church in Philadelphia has entered is amazing: no other city of the first class has known anything like it for more than a generation. AND THIS EPOCHAL ENTERPRISE IS THE WORK OF THE UNITED CHURCHES OF PHILADELPHIA. FOR TWO YEARS THIS PUBLICITY COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATED CHURCHES HAS BEEN ADVERTISING THE CHARACTER AND WORK AND WEL COME OF THE CHURCH. Now, we remind the public that the Sunday Evangelistic Meet ings, which open in the Tabernacle at Nineteenth and Vine streets on January 3, are meetings under the Churches of the city. In this campaign Mr. Sunday labors in behalf of the Church, and not the Church in behalf of Mr, Sunday. The project is of, for, by and under the Churches of Philadelphia. The Tabernacle Meetings are an Outreach of the Church in Philadelphia The local expenses, in building the largest special evangelistic tabernacle ever erected; in building a nursery, rest room and auxiliary structures, in clerk-hire, postage, printing, houserent, etc., are tjstimated at some thing less than $50,000. This is a purely Philadelphia expense, for strictly Philadelphia purpose, It will be met by offerings in the Tabernacle. As soon as the expenses have been met, the collections will stop. Philadelphia fashion, local leaders are proposing that at least half this sum, or $25,000, be placed in the collection plates on the opening day of the campaign. We venture to-urge, in a public way, the propriety and wisdom of this in order that Christian givers may early designate a share gf their 1915 benevolent budget to this purpose. Or the offering may now be set aside as a Christmas gift. In this, way wc shall remove as rjujckly as poBSJbje all financial matters from th$se great Gospel Meetings. And, by the way, may we repeat once mqre that Mr. Sunday himself has exacted io guasanteais, asd fcas berjh given none. Aside from meeting the actual expenses of him and his workers while in the e&y, the 5&PV mitee"of the Churches will npt pay Mr. Sunday one penny of compensation. His only remuneration will Je the absjitute free-will offering made to him in the Tabernacle on the closing day of the meeting. i8 nEMoiors NOTICES Baptist Contlnneil EABT rtMTIST CltrncH uiran ana nui i.'olumbi bl Avtmtrs. ItEV It. VfVlT.HTY W L U. in jo The Mes t Tirlstrrn 7 TO p. ,m.''A. MMnlRht Visit to Melhle- hm." iliustrstftit hv M9tinu,M a sr J.hurchecOTMM,tJirl9jjma mysle. SECOND HAPTl'ST MKI.riNCJIf ANt CLASS meets 5 St Jth below nirard ae. Mrs, Catherine Wise and "Little Dunnle Wl.'1 'The Htory ef a Dollar Note." Hethany An ehoraee, 308 N. th at., for Oltls and Women --rteilgloua Meellnits, Tuesday, Thursday and Fundajr nl,hts. Donation Day, Thursday, De cember 24. Groceries, canned goods, Hrls' and women's clothlnr. wood, coal, etc , thankfully accented. Checks payable to Mra. . touna Foster, 3T N. Hth st Christian (t)lsclplra ef Christ) THIHD CHRISTIAN CIlimcH Lsnrsater nve . Holly and Aecen atj. . i- r,. wirTj-i-;u, t'sstor. m au. 330. T. S. Consreaatlonal iSth and Green.Ttev, W V. Berir CErtfritAT, 11 a. m., "And on Karth, reace" n p. m , "ine nong or Mary " Special Chrlstmaa muslo at both sexvlces. "The church with a Junior congregation." Dreiel Diddle Illhle Classes DRKXnr, MIDDLE MtBLE CLASSKS . ,. The officers and members of the organisation extend to all tho season's greetings. Call n s It no can be ot service. General office, ll'l Mount Vernon at Ethical Cnltare PIIOF". NATHANIEL SCHMIDT. Broad Street Theatre, II a. m. Subject, "The Coming Trd oration of the World. Ethical Society House, a p. m.. "The Teaching of History In Our Bchoole " Publlo welcome. Franklin Home FRANKLIN HOME Jtft TUB IIBFXMIHA- TION OF lNEDTtlATEfl, nt.lft Locust st Sundays, 8 p. m. Servloe conducted by Dr. Carl II. Baker. Lemon nil! Association. "WATER FROM A. ROC OARniCK THEATI1 SUNDAT NIOHT, ALL WBMJft lVatlierafi MESSIAH LUTHJRAN .. Ths rMendly Churoh." ICth and Jefferson its. ..j Daniel E Weigle. Pastor. wRl trreaoh len W gfayiJJifiTiB- orrra to ttth KINO'' Chrlslinss Celebration of the Bible School nd Congregation. Ten-nleee Orches- tra, Jtieciridtliy iiiumin.iea vnrianne tw TcniPi.E. ."Cd nndnace Rev. A. Pohlman. M. D.. 10 SO a. m , 2 30 and 7:4a. early eerMco will be held on Christmas day at C:.1Q. A program Methodist Episcopal CHURCH OF TUB COVENANT Spruce and IRth elreeta. MILTON HAROLD NICHOLS, Mlntater 10 no Christmas Anthems by the quartet. Sermon, "The Central Fact In tha World's Heart and History.' 23t unriBimas Service by the Sunday Hcbool. 7-4, chrlstmaa Hymns and Anthems. "The Story of Our Home Neede," by Mies Corbln, member of the Deaconeas Home, Wh ano vine strewm THE FIRST METHODIBT CHURCH OF OER- CHARLE8 WESLEY BURNS, Minister. Morning service. 10-43, "ON THE ROAD TO I1KTHLEHEM TOWN." Evening service. 8. "THE TRUCK OF CJOD." Elaborate musical programs at both sen loss by eeted boy choir, direction of H. rt. O1 Daniel. FLETCHER. Mth and Master. R, If. cnAW FOHD, Pastor, Chrlstmaa Bormon and Music. lO.rto a. m. Cantata. "The Nativity" inihell bv choir. 7:48 ti. m. , MOUNT HERMON, 10th and Porter. Rev. F. c. Thomas, 11. 8: S. 8- 2:80 p. m . SEVENTH STREET, 7th and NnrTla H. E. JOHNSON. l0:SO and 7 45 rhrts(mns Story in sacred sons, nt'.h atere optlcon views, at 7.45 p. m. I TABERNACLE, lltli below Oxford, A ST i Croell 10.1O. Itev . Homer W. Tope. D. D. T 43 Flair Presentation, speakers, Freu J. Shovrr. lq.. Hon. J. Hampton Moore. New .leruaalem (Swedenborglanl SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SEKVicET Sunday morning, by Church and Sunday School ot the First New Jarusslem Church, Twenty eecond and Chestnut afreets. Sermon by the pnator, the Rev. Charles W. Harvey. Sub ject: "True tVelcomers of the Christ Child." Herlce nt 11 o'clock. Communion after the morning service. All seats nre free. Everybody la welcome. Presbyterian THE FOURTH PRESBTTKRIAN CHURCH, South 47th atreet and Klngsesslng axenu Minister, the Rev. John T. Iteee, D. D. 1U 43 o. m., "Tho Wonderful Saviour." Spwial Christmas muslo bv choir. 7:4n p m , "No Room for Jesus " Christmas service by Sab liatli Schpcl In evening. aRE"EN HILL, airard ave. above lflth RevT ED. WARREN preaches Morn. 10 00. No Eenlng Service. Christmas and the Church In Philadelphia The Greatest Enterprise in Philadelphia at the Opening of the New Year is That Conducted by the Church "! liUfaay la prajpa-ed nr4 paid (or - & Publicity Corumlttes) sal (feat IIWCIWIilsT lttis ol rttuAiiclpbU Klwrd nm.lniots Noncns rreabrterlan Conllnaed Ar.c.'il.fiIR.BKJ rmasntrEniAN cnuncn 18th snrt Areh ttreet. 10 15, "The Incarnation ' f. "Bethlehem and the World-War" Dr Macartney will preach. ChrlMmM music. Mornln-"Ths Bone; of the Hhepherde," Woodman; "The Dapn ot Life" Coombsi Evenlnjr-'-Arle''. , udti. vr ix,ra. tiaa uome. iiavnes. nnino," Burflelte: "Trie JToly Nlsht." Mueller. "The reople That Iked In 'Darkness,'' rioters. ' taiKen in iirKncss, Jtocera. Orssn fe Hal morninr and evening en ths Turner Memorial Oran. HOl'R PnKSIlTTErtfAN CHURCH aid and Wharton te. Minister. Iter.. J. ORAT DOLTON. D. D. Jtev. WILLIAM TAVLOn CALDWEILU As- eltant. 10 in and 7:4.1. Special Christmas Pro trams, Chrlstmaa choruses led by M voices. NOItTIIMINSTKR CHURCH ... ... . ..s,b snd Mating st. Vf. COURTLANDnOniNSO.V. D D., Pastor. 10 13 J PUBLIC WOH8H1P pitSHIP, SBRMON ON ."THE PniNCJl OF PKACTJ' 3 JO I Hlble School, 7:18, T, 8 CO Illhle Rrhnr.1 t'hri.lm r. s. a e. BrwciAL cHnfsTitAB Music nooi 'a . r.ifni mas Service. iniormai Service, Christmas Day. 10 a, m. -. ".ininu V.I1IW SVSrT-i1.1 Jc.HAj'ro,d t.ublnw Men s st, in i5IVVlT i'OORn. D. b., Minister, members rommun,on nnd reception of new -JJgrJL'y'slniaw eermon, Chrlstmaa muita. .urJH.'' I'RKSBrTEniAN CHURCH Baltimore ne., cor 50th st il,v. J- BEVHRIIJOB LBE. D. D., Minister, tor Lee m Publ,e Worship. Sermon by Doe 5:S0 p 'm,-Graded BtMe BoheoL - - "" xiidir. u, iA, wm preaon on "GOD'B CHRISTMAS OlFTfll" 11 a. m. "The ipav-Sprtni ir I From on High." i. m. 'The i-nriatmaa Angels.' Christ In3?l.l5,1,, tnernlna; ajjd evening. ComeJChrl timasylll.meiin more to you. ON TXBrjRNACLB upiun 'l'ArJK. Tork and CoraJ an REV ROI V ROBERT lltrrrTBm. PIBmll preeoh. 10.80 1 lo p, amnsnuti." d.,im . .w- I'JV""1? StroJN's-bt." by Parker: "Hymn Child Jesua." br O. B. Vaert. EvenlngCarol lierrlce. at 7i celock. Ser mop: "The ynoountable Child." Organist and musical director, Emily II. Pratt. Sif"r,t,t'I,'l511 BunV Mrs. Albert 2lntl. Charles Huntberger and F. 8. Caperoon. Bee- onu quarxai, neti a Moore Chain, Sophie Helsch, Charlea Aiken nnd Charles Shuttle worth, assisted by Bettrand Austin, 'oslllst. WEST II OPE. oor. Preston and Aspen atsT nv. Cliarlea E. Broneon. D. D.. Mlnlttw. Rv. Charles H. Whltaker. B. b.. Assistant 0-80 a. in. Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip. iOMO s. m. Momlng Worship, with SermoS: Theme, "The Church of Today and To morrow." Special Music. Quartet and Chorus Choir. . :0O p. m.- Bible Bchool Celebration. "The While Gift Chrlstmaa Service." Protestant Eplsoop CHURCH OF THE HOLY AP08TL.Efl ,. ., . a'"1 antl Christian streets. REV. GEORGE HBRRERT TOOP, Rector. Holy Communion, 0 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon. 10.SO a. m. Evening service and eermon, 7!30 p. m. At the evening rervlco the choir will alng "The King or Lcv My Shepherd Is," by II. R. Hhllley, and "Now the Day la Over' by J. Marks. Postlude and prelude by harp, v lolln and organ. Violin olo selected . ST. UEOUUIS'B, nist and Hazel ave. Rev. O. La ria. Smith. 7:30. 10-10 and 7-3f ST. JOHN'S. Brown below 3d. Dr. Blehmond preochea tomorrow. 1Q:SQ a. m. and 7:45 p. m. ST." MARIC's'cHURCli lflth and Locust afreets. Tho Rov. ELUOT WHITE, Rector. SUNDAY 7 and 8 Holy Communion. 10 SO Matins. 11 Choral Eucharist. 4 Choral Evensong, with short address and anthem, followed by orgsn recital. The Rector will preach on Sunday, at 11 WBDKDAT 8ERVICE8 7, 7:45 and 0 a. m.. and 6 p. m. At 12 m. on Wednesday and Friday (except Chrlstmaa Day) the Litany will be aald and Intercessions for peaco made. CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICES 7. 8 and 9 Celebrations for Communions. 10 30-choral Eucharist (Mozart's Seventh Masa), preceded by solemn procession. Carols, "Tlie Shepherds Watched," "The Shepherds Left Their Sheep." Hymns 10, Ail and SI. On the Sunday In the Octave (St. John Evsn krllst'4 Dav) the Chrlstmss music v. Ill be ro ieated. Tho Choral Eucharist will be at 11 a. m., and 4 p. m a carol service for the children of the parish, with shortenod Kveneong, address and procession of the Untted Sunday Schools ot St. Mark's. 8t. Ml chael'a and Bt. Mary's, will be held, l hu-ustn:. i ad 'nun ttwk&ug, I.M1.-I r'i.'jlf "Wirjiy'llf'TftV! c'lrijucfll ffl" "" VOIi1AfiS PRESBTrERIAN CBJRCIL fM."Molu'? streets, namsay Swain, Mini '?'' Service at 11 o'clock. fiermoni MslritiBtti Osl.n. . - r.m -T' E1 rtfiMOtODS NOTlfJfeS frcteeUwt KtiSriptl Conllnned PArtlBlt OT BT. LUKH sv AND HS EPIPHAMV . Uth below flmrrn Rot. UAV1D.M. StftET.H netor. Btkt 8 oft a Mlrt. m Holy Communion. 10 00 a. m Pundsv School ai II TO a. m. Mnrntnr Prayer and Serraftn, .t.wi p Jn, -jinins; jTurrr, efh snft Orgsn. harp and 'cello prelude. Interlude ah! postlude. , Mrs. Helen Tamall. Boprane Bolotst.. The Reetor wljl ntoach at both serrtefs. - IP1PHANT CHArnL 17th and Rummer sts. A.oO n. m. Holr Communion. lino e. m. Morning rrajer and Sermon;, 3.15 P m. Bunday School. 8 oo-Er.nlnr Prayer and Address . Rev. Inlnc A. McClrew -will preh ST, BTEPHEN-S CHtTRCH lOlh et. above Chestnut hv. CARL IX GRAMMBR. f4. T. 1 . Rector. Sunday services, 10 IB o m Holy Communion ii a. m.Morning prayer arnj sermon. 4 p. m. Special musical service.. Henry Gordon Thunder, nraanlst. CHRISTMAC DAT SERV1CJS3 8 A. M. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 A, iMl HOLT OOJIMHNION AND SER ION. SPECIAL CTUU8TMAH MU8IC. THE HOUSE OF PRATER, Ilrsnclitowrt, Rev. II. 0, o. VINCENT, Minister. HenrlceH, IQ'80 a. m , 7 p. m. neformed FIRST N, A., 16th and Dauphin sts. Rev, jonn u, xticav, l-aeior. iu:u ana o. s. a. 3'8o presentation ot Flay, s p. m. Reformed Episcopal orni nsmEnsrjart. ieih and Oxford Augustus D. Bamett. p. D., Rector- 10.! a:io, 8, Evening topic "can a Iran Paved Without a Prlestr' Prelude to rr mon. "The Motto ef the Unirnpioysdl 1(aa Charity, but Justice.'' BocIsJJst Literary Beoiery JOHN COWPBR POT WPBR POWTB. Lecturer and rJ 1 "War and CultujVrwlll sjMJt est ore lrrelser" a ftrmA fit. aTleatre. WSEJSJ funday. 8 p, ra. Mnelo by Via Dea Beemt trlng Quajtet, Aamlaston free. Spiritualist mT5 20LLKR. LEB3 -WrLL . COJfOycrf meetings, Sunday evanlnr. i o'clock. IBM Columbia rts, qerrmin and English. Swcdenborglan BEE NEW JERUSALEM. Unltar)a njlBT VNrrArUAN. 2125 Cbeattret srLjReT, C. B. Bt. Jotan. Minister, 10 a. ns, . Hsndar Bchool. 11 a. m. The Minister wilt preach ?ehooI, 50 I i'j :S0 P. F. A. Teellaletala will rreacfi In Itai Christmas Dy, services at 11 a. m. GIRARD AVE. (1830). REV. K. B, EVANB 10-45 "With the Bon ot Man' "Cello seles, 12 Discuss.. "Jesus' Place Today." .7t4. Mr, ec. 45. Mr: AlDert rsamunqs "C1IR1BT. and RUDDHAl" Unltril rreabyterlan Stars and Oolden Wcdgee." T.nnr wren's Christian Association i, a. RHALLCROSS. Hahnemann Oollec, 1 ,lnlrl A n. rrt.. In Rudltorltim t of i M .w- tral Y. M, li. A. .cons; Di"ric4iu jnusm. Dron In Class, under. Mr, Lfwron, maetav 1 10. 0. m, Come for a ongni nour. am men welcome. BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS Christmas in Philadelphia American Rescue Workers Will Distribute DINNER BASKETS to the poor on Thursday afternoon. December 14, at Ml Rue St., under the direction ol AOn 'Christmas Day Dinners will be sorvii! to the men residing at our Industrial Homes. 4007 Ludlow st.. In charge ot ilalor Charles Ernst, and Martha and Ann sts.. In chaigs of Jhn .T1IIJ CHILDREN CANDIES. FRUITS AND TOrS Major II. B. Houts will entertain children on Chrlstmaa Eve. at 147 H. 0th. Chrlstmaa morning children will receive lifts at 2624 Frankford ave.. Adjutant Wl fam Stoughton In charge. National Headquarters, 2827 Frankfort ave.. Gen. James William Duffln In rharge. WILL YOU HELP US FEED 0000 PEOPLR Contributions may bo sent to Urn. Jap-e William Duffln, care of National Heaflquar' ters. 2827 Frankford ave. THE SALVATION ARMS'. Hie , Philadelphia Headquarlers. Colonial Trpsl Building. 13th and Market. Colonel R. E. Hols In cumiuand. Telphones: Bell. Walnut 37M-''. . , Keystone, Race C4?3 A. VPS Hm II w 1 m ' X - ' tU ri '! --,, s. .j &-- a-r- -),--