EVENING LEDGER -PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1914. ilTS K P I, BjyjSjifflF IINDENBURG HIS iFAlTH IN ULTIMATE GERMAN TRIUMPH Commander Praises Austrian , Allies and, Giving Credit to Russians, Says Foe Must Fall. VIENNA, Dec. IS. J A correspondent of the Vienna Nolle BVele Presse has obtained nn Interview tjrom Field Marshal Von Jllndenburir, the hero of Germany. A translation of tho unln portion of the article, at published here, follow! In answor to a nuestton relative to what experiences he has had slnco the co operation of the German and Austro- llluntarlati armies. General von iiinuen " burs answered. "The Austtlnns nnd Hungarians are ex cellent soldiers Mon ns welt as olTlcers nrc bravo and courageous, we have been inglttlnir shoulder to nhoulder and havo Implicit conlUlonco In tho ultimate success lof our mutual nehttne. Wo esteem the ffAuhtrlans and Ilumrarlans us excellent srcofnriules. Tho relation between tho two armies Is very cordial. At present we are maintaining- lively connections with Clen- Beral Dankl. tho leader of tho First Aui- Binan Arpiy lorps, wun wnicn wo uj Sestobllahed linos of cojnmuntcatlon." PRAISC3 FOIt RUSSIANS. The conversation changed from friends n iMmln. In nnswer to a question 'about tho iluislans, General Von Hlndcn burc said: "ThA TTlaT,a ton nr irnnrt soldiers ,They have discipline, and dlsclplne will eventually decide this war. But Russian discipline, (s entirely different from Ger man and Austro-Hungarlan discipline. In our armies discipline Is the result of ...I.). an.1 tmnrnln. wllllfl In the. RUSllan army It Is a combination of silent, Inane obedience. Tho Russian soldier stands still because ho Is told to stand Btlll. And he stands as If nailed to the spot. What Napoleon I said of tho Russians holds good even today: 'It Is not sufllclent to Bhoot tho Russian dead. It Is also neces sary to throw him down.' "Ves, tho Russians nro Rood soldiers, tho General repeated. "But nevertheless ono needn't fear them. Wo aro not at all afraid of tho Russian superiority. Superi ority is characteristic of the Russians. It Is their principal weapon. He who fights against Russia tights against superiority. At Tannenberg they wora threo times stronger than our forces, yet It has been showshow much that helped them. Oh, no, this, superiority is not half as danscroua as It appears. Numerical I--,,.. In n jlnnlalVa AnP.lAllV nOt i . i. . . i.i...u. ,. , li. war l me present siuuium i mw ...... CZAR'S ARMY FAGGED OUT. "Though tho Russians drlvo against our borders Ilka a huge steamroller, they will i not llnd it possible to roll over us. Quito Et .. . ,-..l tho contrary; tno uussmna r iut. out. They may say and do what they ptease tho fact remains that all Indica tions point toward a speedy disintegration of their forces. They are boglnnlUB to foel the lack of arms and ammunition Tho prisoners wo tako point significantly with their hands toward their mouths That means that their soldlors aro hungry, Even their officers lack food Tho other day wc captured ono who was disguised as a peasant. Ho was about to bo shot as a spy. At tho last moment he aucceoded In establishing tho fact that ho had disguised himself for no other rea son than to obtain food. "Unfortunate though that may seem, it favors us. War cannot be conducted along sentimental lines. The more cruel war Is being waged the mora merciful Is Its reality, because the sooner the war Is terminated Tho moat humanitarian way of conducting a war Is that which brings about peace most quickly." CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY THIS BTTLB TYPK (or like this) One Insertion ..t, 18a per lint Three Insertions In . week..,. l.'Hc per line Seven consecutHe iniemoiu... iw per line 1000 line contract 8ltuatlona wanted. vermin, ea per lint ton in a win,, 10a per line THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In all classifications except lisle nd blluatlona Wanted a wants, . Lost ana ruuna. ftt- onus, uoaratng ana itoaras. On insertion 20o Der line TUrc Insertions In. a week.... hW m Seven consecutive Insertions... 150 per Una lOOO line contract (Jally ad- vertislng ..... '...... lSWo per line All relfe art based on agat measurement, 14 agate lines to the Inch. CEAT1I NOTlCEB-eltoer paper 10 lines ona tiro .We. Tare insertions 'Lot DAILY ONLY In BSmt DtvtmUr t, jjj ,' COMBINATION RATE for insertion In both tha morning ana erenlng paper of same dayi PUBLIC LEDGER UOtNJNO,) - EVENING LEDGER (EVENlNd.) Add four eaU par Un net to rata sites aboia, UELF AIIU BlTUA'flUWa V AN TfcU ADVEr.TlSINO IN TUB FUUI40 LEDOBH HAY DB 1NSEUTED IN TUB EVENINQ X.-EDPEU WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE. Titers ts a druir atora near your home that win accept Leaser want ana at orric rate HELP WANTED PEMALE CHII.QNUHHIS. Protestant, for two children; Main Una, L Oil. Ledger Central. CLSRK. quick Food writer, pleasattt ofnte; eenjN work perm pos. L 357. Led. Central. HXP INFANT'S NUP.SK. while, for tatw 3 IS uvanta old, ref required. 18H N. Uroa FUEWHUCK LOBS EH CO. Brook. lyn. require a woman aa buyer i as.tr .'or tiwlr depaitmant of at ttork UW lacai. tanoy IIomu, r ana man aft needle- nc IVs U a department of wide soap and offers unusual opportunity to a woman. pf sblllty with .iMffajiw huh uparisaca or llie mR Apply la pcraoa vr bjr null. VUB) tf oratHioitraphy & ST. Lsdgir antral. GTKNOt.KAPUclK-YouDr woman. lotatriY with Ourtla or ubn wfclUnw. iMvlJl IB olUuitlua and abUlty Ioo4 Sito lj"""t ta a new bJ.J.ieM small ilaiyt5etart! wuibsrn ctTii. t ey Sy? t5&jCt! 'M$sg3n&K HELP WANTED MALE iMcffn'JL-rx- Mww 7"" . -rr"" Jkaaii iT ) , Irui & Offlca Wand about H yun aid 5JMniii IH 9 1WB U fMnJH w cJloahl est IB n4 up la aaaatj. rvrbssaL. xn-ar ITKSlCX t irn n imiit ,1- -" W VMWW 4et ir Ufnrlrfl"dii -. Ik 1.. , a j. 1 T . fc An l . ltd i inms vasi ui.xrr sHtHlsH tf t,t,t f& i. rt ,at Lit WB.cth mtit " n w twh fw jut piuUuttoa ana (a "" (tl UDBWiuBiu u UrUClafcl ti Onil lutt u -y tH bv5 I, baihat Vootln o L JirTr id f fftt-rv ,a iKt i ffn 1 1 1 T & IOSMV unci B mH9rtt & fJ HEIiP WANTED MALE LtNOTYPB orBltATOnS wanld. Apply dco F. t-asher, I4T North loth t. t'llOMtNBNT FOOD manufacture hsa an openlnic tor a young man ot abllltr, sood chnrsctrr and with aom perlnc aa salesman, to call on re tail a-rocery and delicatessen trad Philadelphia and vicinity, moderate salary to start, but xeliirt futiir for the right iran . Replies will b considered confldentlal Must state age, experience, eipecta lions and, It unemployed, slve reasons. t BO, Ledger Central. 8At.nfiMAN Wantfd, experienced salesman for I'ennsyHanUi knnwledan of automoBllea preferred! aB 30 to 31. application murt In clude such details as nee, experience, aalary, etc. I' fCO. Ledger Ofllce. , fiTB.VOOItAritEIt-Ynung man. formerly with Curtis or other publisher, having Inclination and ability: good chance to adnnce In a new buelnesss arroll salary to start. Apply bj letter, with reference nnd salary wanted, C Tiaker, 111) S Ith at. WANTETJ Poler Inductrlous Initrument maker and designer who can take Idena nnd design and work out and mnniifncture electro magnetic and mechanical npparatus Apply Flnnignn Induction Train Control System, Spring Harden Illdg , Philadelphia. 1'a , General AinoMOUILB repairing and driving taught by exnsrts, special attention given to enrbutetor and mngneto details! a road lesson eiery day and license guaranteed: day and enln courses, easj terms Call, write. orphons Kensington m 1 Huntingdon Aulo School, Sin It r. lluntlnrdon AGENTS :1RNTS-Uv propositlortl no canvassera ,s-h & Co , 17n nrosdway. New'York city. SITUATIONS WANTED PEMA1E A8SIPTANT noOKKKKPEIl. stenogranhcr d atrcs chance to mako gooil. F P47, Led. Cent. BOOICKnBPKn, nrat-clasat several eara' x rerlenco T 014. ledger Central, , UOOKKllBPKII.BTENoanAI'lIEn. cotnp v r llable, mod start If ndvancem't. 11 2H.Ld Of. BOOKKKKPEll-TYPlST Bxti,, accurate mod erate salary to atnrt. V ViX ledger Central, ClIAMHBItMAID nnd waitress, young colored glrl! reference PSOS, Ledger Offlco ClffLliNUHPn for child under 2 erl young Knjillsh Protestant. P 810 ledger Offlc. COOK Competent colored cook with beat ot references from present employer, nlihoa a l position In city Apply 1511 Federal at. COOK wishes situation, cooking and down atalrajork. Cnll r.810 Lena at.,.Qln , COOKj" colored, city "or suburb 4010 Ludlow st , tVMt Philadelphia. . OOOK and chnmbcrmnU. colored, wish posi tions together! best ref. 1"0J 1'nnama at. COOK and downstairs work, young Of man Protoslant, oxp and comn P S0.1, Led on. PTtRSSMAKBR wnnts cngagementa. homo or out: good fitter. IMP Montrose: Dick. M-41 Wj " 'v.T-rr r.. .... ......... ..... uitEHSMAKER of New York desires .qngage ts. evenlni conns specialty Phone ai m rTRHT-CLABS WENOORAP1JRII desires no sltlon; best references. P 815, Ledger Cent. GERMAN . rrotestan; '". w'sne.n,. .-- gonil noma ramcr inan nign, wo. . -..-.-. TintiHEicmHM'll for gentleman or lnalld; or in omen at healthy strong, refs ST7 Perklome IIOUHKMA1D (white wants ! Ite) wants posltloi sltlon. can cook nA v.alt on the table 15TO Arcn lioi'8kt OltK-Competent wjan wishes po sltlon In private family: rajtotkl best of references Apply MI" Lombard, st utiliSEW ORK, chambinvork or waiting pre-. firred expe-fencd S37 N. Colorado 1'liono Diamond 1S10 D. , iiOOKBW ORK-Young woman '"J,'ti family mod MoryP.8HjLedgerJJfflce fSiFXST-of chlldnurse experienced. English . . ts cfw T Adl reJk flfTle4 NURPE, Practical, wllfink. Invalid or nerjous person, assist light duties I 807, icuger Office RET INl'D experienced, voting woman desires "pos lion housekeeper, hotel, restaurant In- :.i,,, iinn nr manaalng housekeeper, nritsi i'roiinni i- -' "wn'.vi"" r.miiv Mirhest reference II 5 in. I.edl un. SOPRANO nnl pianist oeslrea nMmnts for concert, weddings teas, the danaants E Sol, T avn P-nlrnt S'TENOOHAPllFIl-Ranld ace '.' 'n,u.".'wi"n?' moderate starting salary F BIS. I edCent. Hl-SNOORAVHER. experienced! best creden- tlaia F BW. LdgrCentrsl , HTPNOilltAPUFR !H veara' exp competent, accurate f l"n Ld nr J Duphln BTKirolmAPlirRrCan "slat bJcpir i good writer fl months' exn 7 USUI TUlip t'oi'NO LADY companion musically Inclined, HvV-ri-nced Seamstress unquestionable refer- nc will travel n SOS Uiwrunice YOUNO business woman, exrcriencen as dook lieerer nnd stenographer, la seeking -a real nnSnrTnnlty. F 717, Ledger Central SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A THOROUGHLY UrKrriST younc man. 31. w'Jh 1- '"? experience, would like to get In touch with a progresses btialnaas Xne.n?:pfn7rin.IUcne,tono,.f5: ACCOUNTANT, COST ACCOUNTANT Traveling a'idltor, avat-maller: 17 years' experience with largest firms of tl elr line: highest references, bond It required. 0 46. LT3DC.ER CBNTRAL nEVR'inoHirar RHFER- KNCD8. r 834. LEDClLR CEM. SceotlNtANT. auditor, college training, wide modern organisation m corporate affairs: bestj "offlc .manager, 83. exp . knowiens ot 5?S.Vn orsanliatlon metro.1ai .familiar jvlth corporate arfalra: best ref. 11 n. I.e".c.gi. Tmii'FtiTIIIH young rolleca student nesires po Hiien In bank faw offlc or mercantl e e-ta'nUshrS.nTh-lghe.t r.f.r.nc.i bond If re quired. F 813 ledger Central AN. EXPomrNCFH SP"T.?riSu.",..V.fli.h: atlon V" V.V'Vi.'r.encM ,4" year.-In nU room I formejrly with Walton ALojin rrent: leaitner roomi. ... .,. .--a -.,- CO. I.ynn. WS. ... "'---::: i-t TmmrnjgmMt&vwiPU CAE& .i.. ?"-.:.. . . ' 15-lbKKEEPTO and accountant, capable ot Dtaklnr charVo. wishes Poslllonwlth reilabU .''..rni.Tiest raferenc. F 841, Ld. Cant. vTnnivKFKPnR Ycung man, thoroughly ex D?.nCc ToublJ entry and .Met "W.'V V Tll'V""derata salary. U 1 ld. umce. nWikKEEPCMt Vaars of experlsnce aa book- leper arid Inslda ealesmant unexceptional references. H -Oft. ledger Offlee. , "TTf itr icwim Practical. welLtratned mechanic. careful driver, courteous and attentive manners, open forV new ri'Rtoni total abstainer, Syejra with highest reference B ti60. Ledger Central . n I IIC-Young msn. K. . amoitious gooa euu- cation J"."...V. i.J-;i-n dulrea In con Set with relibi KoriTwIth vT,w of work, "n" up to Mils ooaltlon, ino-lest salary F WSWliS CONFIDBNTtAl. OR PRIVATE BECnUTAUT C poilttpn T deilred. by. young- ma; now Lri'7 "slnVle' TTliT. and. bust- uinr I hlxh ness eolleg education a years var ledeipirlenea, and goo.1 sound n sbm sis plshsst Mferencesi Un4 fTSouTre,!. For interview address " r & IS LEDQER CENTRAL i CONSTRUCTION FOnBMAN -m...l-nAAi4 InV alt details rain- fr4 etNrite gradlpg; T yra' municipal engineering; also Panama. Canal! will tak full charge -a firm wishing to secure a .really e Any com. Patent mas aoares j n Pi."CT Lancaster sv ?hfl Itelroont iOASD. 00OKTvaerd7"wshM msII Miblle; j obJagtUa to Ti KvUva fhons D4ek. aiaa w ltln, Urate r U Baln- una. RDRTR-oan-srB4 maa,iaiti feast rWANTAJOB '."euSfiS m. ramr yarr inus 1 a ad salsa eireHeate4 the right eepcrtualty swi lmportaat thaa salarr O t. Lajger CMHraU JTA SKS ilBgle and aoker wfshs inds liorsfs, uto bast of wfshss pesltlon ple una. Milan wm, Hwri aad carden mb run aw bt of refMMtOA, rmnf i aaapayjT ji . sen . utiiwni t, tVMI PhlUdeIel . 19 . I. welsbt; bs UAH neat hoetst. reseaeubH: taller of utile tty man ean do sarlbtog iw PoUr MM. JJJ2 Jegsrsy ,t UAV M deslr to set wttb a ean do sarlbtog uJ rsffrts. II AV goST aanv real eata'e trtaaurer Of SBlL. f TV I.adi.r CeaUiT take .ar( Jitssn. nH9t CWSiriF" ioBiTidir u w.ftid" y )WM laarrVed OMtntJ J-RlrTfW fW i araond weriggep j,. j -3 of an arsta nf a m proftretkder r ftT t4jpsr Csnlrsi ah I Vi alMN iinsiwi Xtjuag mmn. luislaas l'' i aueble maar ilri ncjl'nt Ubltlon Pfe,) lu (urnltunr'ArnurI fe4jjgfCVstnU iiM sjaaaslskiuid to Yu- ,l wt' nwp wv a auta lairrni rn sss1 ,vi'?k4$i hjEi .u... ... .-T SITUATIONS WANTED MALE SECHKTAMYTRNOORAPltLn, accountant, exp i beat nit desires pos n Sl7,IJedOff SlllTPINO CLBRK-Toiinir man, ll, married, etperlenced In rates routing, correspondence, managing and everything. pertaining to traf fic work, now emplojed. deslrea chango; beet . references F t.47, ledger Central STENOOnAPHEH, bookkeeper, office manager nnd correspondent, with sound business Judg ment, energetlo and compt Jl; ) . law, mfg and really lines B 101, 11 Off 8TKNMIUPHKR, joung. man, 20, rapid typists wining to do any kind of offlco or sales work, q , Ledger Central. BTFNOORAPIIEn-lleglnner. willing to work! accurate rapid orer : 1M2 N Howard st. STrVOOHAPHBIt. 18 beginner rapid, aceu rate! 3 years' office experience 4jlN nist, tVAITLIL German, wants position s bnllee In prhate or clubhouse) references 100 N rimae st. ,, , WARLHOl'SEMAN desires exeeulhe .posi tion: understands grain elevating bond and general warehousing OM, I.edger Central TYI'LWltlTINO or stenographic v.ork dur ng spare tlmo desired by stenographer owning machlnei half days or entire enlngs II 108, Ledger Offlc; YmtVrt MAV. nnlverttllv srsdliale nn.l,llln.ta ,lMlr-a nnv tm-illnn mSn to inncem't on merit! best rels F7.V1 Led Cent YOUNO MAN, wishes position ns driven five sears' experience) liest of references from last emrloer. J'has Frank iflin lximbanL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES tVILLBT, 18'in Manton el. fl I'hlla rl",i,!,r!!',n help" city. or coun refPhon Llcklnson nOOL AUTOMOBILES For Pale OITIl nrlces on used - lll Hiirnrlsa VOU. eieclally w nepiaiiv wun our i our convenient payment plan! prices from 1TO up, rnone Locual 0337, 8. A 8. AUTO ,CO , 1422 Vine st. tVlNTON 1011 touring ear darls, suitable for truck: good nndlllon; only TO 811) N 18th. t anted OAKLAND upright piano, brand-new, will ejr ehango for llfll Fonl touring car, fully equipped 4.10 North 2d AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES STltRE YOUR CWl with lis In our new up-to-date gaiago, electric ilglit and steam beat! best of care taken of your car, reasonable rntc Olrard ave and Varnock st. FIltfiT-CLAat touring car.'lt per Jioiir.nes.Iy painted with weather protection Call Main 2Jm or Park 37ft. Harry Ooodman CONTINBNTA kL OARAOE llest service low day and night ISlli andNorrls. AUTO PAINTINO 8BH ROULTON FOR YOUR AUTO PAINT INOi good work only: low prices SU13-13 Cambrldra st Phone rreston IM1T2 DOQS, BIRDS AND GOLD PISH POMFRANIANB for sate, best Imported stock. 61)80 tVoodbine ave. Phone Ovcrbrook 4011 B'LDINO MATERIALS REPAIRS CANVAS C0VnR8, any size, for building con. tractors YObT 7IB N. Delaware ave. BUSINESS NOTICES API'KAR at your beat thla Xmasl llae your furs carefuly repaired for the poll- FURS day season ljxrert workmanship and reasonable prices Phone llelmoni 2331 w. ciiAajjipoaa.iLti Arch st i EirrN'S I Formerly with Rnnwlt Toller Hp. FUR I clnllst on remodeling hlgh-grada SHOP furs workmanship, guaranteed, 1711 Columbia eve Openevenlngs. Dla ,1081 Ifcmltchlnc done while you wall. A. Reich ard. 11 la Chestnut, Pictorial Review patterns. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR S A LT FinST-CLA83 trOVINH- PlfTUIlE THEATRE IN PHILADl'Ii- PIIIA: F BI.LKNT LOCATION, OOOU StON'KIMMtlllt Ml'Sr HFLL, OOOI) REASON FOR SELL1NO. P 1U, LEDGER OFl'ICE i 11-noOMED APARTMENT HOUSE, prhate meters to each room, bringing $30 over ex penses must be sold this month as owner Is leaving city: no reasonable offer refused: neighborhood loth and Mt Vernon. Address replies to L 333, Ledger Central, DO YOUR books tell the truth and at tho right timer II IS our DUSincss to arrnnae uccnuma so that tne true state of your affairs will be aulckly apparent II c lla apparent II c 11 a pee. unu Stephen Olrard Illdg. ueu pnunv, vi hi, u., tVANT TO MEET PARTY with bobtail laun dry route who has experience and executive ability to handle all outside work for com pany owning suburban plant with growing trade. Will buy route and pay aalary. or make drawing account and sharo of profit arrangement. Jf wv ,dctr Cfntra, SALESMAN and marager. formerly connected wllh large building supply house and having builders, deslrea to meet party with linoo lo form partnership to start business first nf th yesr F P13 Ledger Office. COAU lumber ard, feed .tors. Jllro.d aiding private nau. v r.nvi .,.-...., . w,.,s.i...... lurroad. Montgomery Co . Pa . e.tabllihed 40 years: must b. sold to settle eslat; bue. ne.J 10lh. S51.000. Alex W. CUrliab, sirent tnr heira'303 Cherry st. Phlla YOUNO MAN with W0 capital wanted hr business man aa associate In a real estate bui nssa: est. 20 years; good security; refs. gTven "nd required MJVl. ledger Central. OROCKRY AND DELICATESSEN store, sult abl tor eltnVr man or woman, weekly aalai tlTS; Call at 133 N. 20th, CARPET CLEANING WEST rillLA. MONARCH BTOItAnE CO, vuc. v7n ...A ... nuciarm) ivn. S C I'glt jivy w'"- ...w-".. zzzjq CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH VBATIIERS AND FANOIES CLEANED. DYHD. rUIlLBD AND MADE ,u INTO LAll'ST STYLES MAILHOT. 1310 CHKSTNUT DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY diamonds iiouaur . , ' Bsnk Rsfsrsnces Apprslsement, lev IlAltltY V SMITH. lUANBOM HT, DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DRESSMAKING at home, .best of reference. 2292 N 17lhjiihoiie Diamond 8a. URllBSMAKINn taughti short prac course, MtDowell's 801 Dsnckla. Hide.. 11th A ilarkej. POR SALE niLLIARD pool comb, 2d hand b BL.ld? r.ntd iis'd Kaalar. 880 Olrard bought. ave CARPETS, sold, storage, Wilton, Axnitnstsrj siillabU boarding A apt, house 1310 Poplar. ltEATHItS-Novtlty snd other makss removed for fater lieattpji. rbullOind gurnteed Installed theap. MAKIN W Drtdg at. yOR K63 CASH will sierlflc mahogany ss not player-piano, promloent make, coat ;ouu, 1517 Mootgomsry av. WANTED ANTIQUH furn . broken .Jewelry guU" Silver, -I.,-.....n. (. .. (..Ill TMK Walnll, platinum, Ulsa teeth. TW Est FURNITURE fettsT.! Furoltur Ca. 8143 KenslDgtaa ave. . ROOMS POR BENT ijiDiNfi aa40-Ri furalsbed or. uafur. aiisaaj, a , tr m4si yewsw. BROAD, 8. 4)0 CoaaibmMy (uralha4 reaau, nell haataJ. tats of hot water L (due. bltOAD. N - l18-Vry dwlrsbl well heat furalibaa taomt. rtasaaaMt. tsUpkoa OWJAB. ,4rLarg, jiawly funUMJ ieai vaMkt. WoodUad lf-7 W. ise-uars. sofuanawy rur. rsjfs. : board m "" M&gsFtSsxaJsri UHtVfU. PIAMOND, 9UtWJtesd.ar iTCATnMHB, 14 LOCUaT T10-PrlvU fsjnhy wUfreBt 1 r i i urn coat' HU D , at u eulif. Sol wa.ur tot. Poeur Uio Vk&lgtt iJ' BPRUCS 1127 Daafnshf furalsaed or partly luroiehed new s vjuuj i. tua. atr WKl'i I 11 TbtreUetoiy fruui roam evutfe i a exposur hut aiwr beat ipitUCJI . ii 11 raW. room ewu nir rtvau JSktS IIUK 'WW. vvoat . wm" ttSSaa41 ViilSt,,''K. a' ROOMS POR RENT WALNUT, 840nrurnlehe,l roem for. gent!- men, hot.water heat) ad) bathi "prlvJfamj WaDTT. 870(i-PrlTat famlPy will ynt weiu inrnisneq room ir geniiemen. nTjT S, B7-3d ilooTfronti private, fsmllyi other vacaneles; ressepabla Filbert 3833. nTirTrrJ4Y5o".sTSfr"rrenfi newly furniih"31 running water) other vacancies 1STH H, 023 Refined gentlemen! slnglo or . double rooms, every home comfort!phone . 18TII AMOVE BUS3UEHANNA-Thlrd-story front, furnished; board If desired; reference! an conva. owner, u doe, i.qger uenir. 17TII ST, N 8t3S-8mal private family will rent beautifully furnished rooms, 2d floor. single or en auiie) gentlemen: pnone Z3D 8, Vii Rooms, single or en suite! prl vate baths, running water, stesm heat! newly papered anilpalnted: gentlemen Jreftrred fstllT N , 107 Lancasterav.) Itedroom, sit. ting roem with porch other vac. Tree 6343D. iTrTK NT. Ml lleasant wel.heater roonisT Diif single, er en suite Phone Paring 1071 Y. 41TH 8T, 8, 21-OentTenTan can hav attractT lutn roomj piual family) break.; phone BOTH riT.. H . 111 .1 nlcelv fnmlehed roomsT single or en suite, second floor llelmont 4(103 . ' , 821) ANDTURSOSfFur. west Jlranch nlshe, rooma) men only! Y. M. 0. A, meals, shower baths: near L. All the comforts ot nome, t'none iieimoni so.".,, PRIVATE family will rent 3 large furnlehed rooms) near iTtn and Locueti referencea re- nulreil L P3t uirwi i, vos, imager central. HANDHOMnT.Y fumlahedfront morn In large modern private home. Electric lights. Ten jmlnutes to City Hall. Telephone lis ring 413. ATTRACTIVE- room, corner apt.! 2 enuarea from "L"; lmard opt.l gentlemen. Ilel 170S T, I'rnfesslnnat Offlcea. ClirvHTNL'T 8T, 4018-Otnca and waiting room, titled up either for a doctor, dentist rr a si fcjallsi nrat floor! light and. warm; aoodjielg.Uborhnod I'hope 1 'region 3237 W, DOCroil'B OFFICE IIUILU1NU. 20.11 Walnut at. Offices for rent, with heat, light and nr ylce. For particulars jilionLocust 2IICI. B0AHDINQ ALLkUHENY 'AVE rooms) board If del 1221 Nleelv furnished rooms) Doarq ir deiirsa. pnone iioga tiut u ARCH, :023-2u2l-Hsndaomely furnished. In ciuaing suiierioiatilejfoi table, 1. CllllHTNUT. ST. 40ia-Urg;e. well-furnlshed rooms, with board, not a boarding house hut a home for a few business men and woman; convenient, only 4 minutes from 40th st. ele vated station, good neighborhood. Phone Preston 3J87 W. CHESTNUT, 4018 - Nicely furnished rooms, with board, alao table board convenient to elevated nnn irolloyi I'none I'reston ni-M P, aHEKrJn827 2d-story""front, ba"thTonv . run. nlng Mater, routhern exposur Pop 4788 A. SlXSTER, 18l2-Renne a"duirfamllyhasV. in.tii mnm wun noaru, ror soniiemen. I'lNIl Sf , B2S- Room and bnardTfor couple or frnuemen: uining room) up to aate; si up, 'hone Walnut ftl47 8P"RtCE, 1220-Jlonme, single or suits, private : b'lth' excel lent t able board t phon e SFIlUCE, 12JI-12J0 (Ilrirmende)-Furn rooms. slnglo. en suite, prltate baths, table hoard. WALNUT, 1044 2"d floor front for cou;reor gentlemen table unexcelled Rslmont VIM A 22D, N, 2300 Refined cnuple nr gentlemen can Bedim board In nrlvata famtlv: nhnne. lr HT . H 320 J'rl lamlli has comfort 'Ith board! refined Pres. 2H11A sitting room w Slid N l.tTH BT-lMceptlonnl chance for se lect people) good tal le and home enmforta WILL HOARD refined ProtesUnt girl of 10 era old, no children. 4237 D rnone Kensington APARTMENT HOTELS THE PARKSIDE Olrard ave and 40th st Suites 1 to ,1 rooms and bath APARTMENTS NEAR niTTENHOU8B SQUARE 2 rooma and private bath, furnished or un furnished; will rent la ona lemleman. private family, no others P rBu, Ledger Office. SPUING GARDEN. lulO-Exreltent apta In 8 different houses; some furnished kitchenettes "TOLU,r8TTT431-Apnrtmenls of " l"to 4 rooms with lathe furnished or unfurnished. Ilrat class. 323 up Apply Janitor. I.tTH. N , 113 Newly-furn apts, also single rooms, steim heat, electric lights; excellent table gtntlemen or mar couple Pop MM MAT, H, 122i One very moderately"furnlshed t-room apartment, private bsth electricity, hot-water heat, pleasant neighborhood; across from parg cars convenient, private family, FOR VACANfiRi and complete Information X all apartments free consult APARTMENT BUREAU nth and Spruce sts Prone Walnut 080, or wrlto for "Apartment Directory." December Edition Free " O.M' or two gent'n; elegant furn, room ; run. water, bath. noi-water neac 331 N. 18th St. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS ARCH, 2041 Parlor bedroom and prlv bath, unfur . 123. also furnished rooms, 12 up lSl'lf. N , 1812-llrTght Apis ; 4 rooms and all mod, convenlencea. 310 and fl.',60, Janitor. HAMILTONCOURT CHESTNUT AND SDTH STREETS Ore Housekeeping Apt., fl Rooms and Hath. Ops Housekeeping Apt,, a Rooms and Uath. R. II THATCHER. Manager. HOUSEKUEPINO APARTMENT, 2 rooma and J..14, r"oms and P. It. Company, nam, central; low rent. 1117 Pennsyhanla Illdg. THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME UP-TO-DATE . HOUSEKEEPING A P A R T M' E N T S PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY IK YOU WANT TO MOHTOAOE, rent, buy, II or exchange "SEE TAULANB ABOUT IT" POO Walnut at OERMANTOIVN CHOICE properties in all sections of Otn , Mt, Airy, Chest If i all prices, Write for speoUl list, J, II Chadwlck Jfc Co , 3918 Oermantown. MAIN IJNK. PA. II. IL -so" ACHES, "Vain Un see.; ad, prominent Phlladelpiilane excel, fruit farm; quick eale; I3S0U THOMrsON, West Cheater. I': Iladilonfleld. N. J. HAVE SEVERAL line properties at bar I ' prices WM. CAREY MARSIrALL, Ml i'. ain i'd. erai si , wamui National Par. N. J. YOUR opportunity; lots 5exl50, nar trolleyt overlooking Del.; adlolo. Campbell Soup ii development Oreater N J Co.. 3a 8 16th. PKNNSVLVANIAy,RM8 12ACRBB, $7000, near Whttford Station. A, D.Hald. tVest Chesyir, Pa R, E. SALE OR EXCHANGE I1AROAIN Store and dwelling 6204 Market it Bruckmann alO Hartlett. Atlantic city. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantlo City, N. J. HOTELS, .eottagss. apartments, ehisis for Philadelphia prjc: E. fWl, 31 B Pen a. ay At apartments, etc., to ex. ernes, una lantlo City. WILL HXPIIANOE Atlajtio Cjly property for gPQdJ'blla. I IfOO, Ledger Office. REAL ESTATE WANTED PROPERTY la sad around Philadelphia (er BnglUU Ipvsewrs. only ptrttea wKh good In. rAMa.BraduelBX Drasafftlea ot dsalrabls Iaaa. iloH need reply. Wire or wrU at oae to lyit, NY REAL ESTATE POR RENT ciyy cAMtHAl. lecood lWr, en er two room for Kb Cowpaay lsTf Pnaay'o Drofaaaloo. MBpaajr OU Bid. lAlaisia car 1 ear Uaasoct.Ci ygtele. W hemes, Mfg. IfUors I35T esotrair xoollsYE ty, suit any business or llgltl sBasoScQ Tsfe InT-blso. Df&Otlk. lsMBi gaed Vsbi stearnle tts ffeesssjM- eag rurnm si. Hustaees Rooms. Kte. y i iafwafp a tra.la. Warta Bsead st wit ,wt of around fc hiAx . T4wtvf mv.m, i Atlaatla OHy. N J. iiMiiJIUMS AMU ' COTTAUIUJ rear, sap QQO Me tUK VtKsl 4M- SK!rOi4I ,il tulull siAMi' ! H Br'SPh r hi i "ir i J" TEETH 1 lltr-"-?A EXTRACTED sJn. ' "l fSHfe If 6WssHHeWtarass A TUB OTHBn MAN'S PAIN. "Toothache, eh? Well, X'U hava tha thing: pulled out It It wore mlnol" "Huh, so would I, if It wera yours!" AN OLD ONE. Lady Does your horse ever shy at motors? Cabby Ulcss yer, no, lady: he didn't even shy when railway trains fust c-nni In I THE BRIGHT SIDE OF The Crown Prince gives a lecture "You say your father' got a steady jobl" "You bet! De people lie works for wouldn't let him tco home for any thing," "I'm Elad to hear he Is so ap preciated. Where does ho work?" "In de workhouse. lie's doln' sir months." WENT TO PJECKS Lawyer I understand that you and Perkins were calm and ealleeted when the esploslon took place? , PatWell, sor, I was calm, but Perkins was poJleoteu. vajtr poutm -TtM hnn mat Ua mfw M la ta 014 " Wkii is wnfig ub tti uttu- Jitumi TL i4y 4wiM4 W BBRSEveaaXaaik j MiTf jf- SCRAPPL.E AL OH, HAVE THE POOR EUROPEAN UJRR SUFFERERS. J 7 S,;rottN,THEBU3lNE55 MEN'S LEAGUE ISIUIN HURUBEUILLE3H0U)F0R THE BENEFIT OFTHEUJRK UlCTims-I'UESRUEBTUJO TICKETS FOR Vou-lrio" PER. OHN'I'UE PROMISEB THRTEUERYBOBTIN THIS OFFICE UJ1LL (IUF ONE MONTHS 5RLRRY TO THE UJRR- uystanaer. THE GERMAN ARMY on "tactics" to some of his men. STINGY. "Is old Doxey as stingy as they say he Is?" "Yes. He won't even buy a calendar, for fear he won't live the year out to use It up." New York Sun. UNREPORTED ACTIVITIES OF WAR x i m& fc. " i v-u an 6avUCl Guarding a chiefs house In New He Remembered "Now, Perley," said the teacher, "this letter ts 'V,' see If you can remember and tell mi what It Is when I ask you again." Next morning when Perley came back to sohool tha teacher slid; "Well, Perley, can you till me what this letter la to day?" "Sure, I know," replied tha bright pupil. "It's me."-Nw York World. Mutual Thanks George Ade la said to have Introduced a speaker at a banquet by remarking: "Two towna In Indiana lay claim to the honor of Mr. Blank'a birthplace." (A pause during which Sir, Blank Btrove to look modestly deprecating.) "Warsaw states that he was born la Kokomo. and Kokomo Insists that the honor belongs to Warsaw,"-srybody', v 1 : y K " fr UNCLE SAM, THE OSTRICH, EKPLAINS HIS "ADEQUATE DEFENSE" A HEART I OH-MROHN-l'MTRKlN UP R COLLECTION FOR THE POOR SUFFERING PEOPLE IN EUROPE- LOONTOU-J 7 BUYRTRKORTHEUl RELIEF FUNB-NOTHINQ- UTiat0lJ fj r- -Z OH-nMEnHEWtTH HOW DIP HE KNOW? Green I've a new car that's a beauty. It runs so smoothly that you can t feci IL Perfectly noiseless odors; and, as for speed, It whizzes You can't see it eo byt Friend Can't feel It, can't hear It, can't smell Itl I say, how do ycu know you have a, car at all? London rasas. Guinea against airship attacks. Ouch I "I like to see a woman wearing one of those clinging gown," remarked Mr. dabb. "I know you do," replied Mrs. Gabb. "The longer a gown clings to me the bat ter pleased you are," Cinclnantt En quirer. Not Bo Terrlfyinff "I eat only roasted chestnuts on ao count of the worms." "Uut roasted chestnuts have their shara of worms " "Oh. I don't mind a worm so much If It Is well cooked." Kansas City Journal, Some Advice If fame and fortune you'd pursue, Don't sit around and grump, You can leap Into fame if you Are always on the Jump. Cincinnati Bntjulrer. I... - ' a" is- ii ii si ' aTVL saf -j - tfJ&V&!!L C-JLPilrk vl o i Si X-x J A I -XYM nan r i in' , rm VfVW ' 94V 4 - ',