Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 18, 1914, Sports Final, Page 12, Image 12

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I Least, That Is Edict Issued by Ban Johnson Baseball
Czar Says He Will Not Permit Collins
to Write News Articles.
The old question of preventing or try
-in to prevent bnseball playersJrom writ
Inff for newspapers Is again' up before
the moguls of organized baseball, it
-as recently Mated by "Ban" Johnson
that ho would not permit "Eddie" Col
lins to write after lie became ft member
of the White Sox clan. Whether John
son was inspired to this stand by the
recent declaration of the Chicago Til
buiio or whether tho Tribune's announce
uunt was tho result ot a conference with
Johnson Is not known. At any rate, tho
Chicago daily's announcement was cer
tainly an Innovation.
The Trlbuno announced that tho
main reason for Collins leaving the
Athletics was not a matter of money,
but uccalleo his writing has caused
friction In the ranks ot the White
Elephants. The paper requested that
In order to preservo harmony among
the Chicago Americans, Collins ought
to refrain from doing any literary
work. This at tide, which wus ad
dressed to Collins and Comlskcy,
Rtated that Chicago papers had men
employed to wrlto basebnll and that
these publications did not dcslro any
of Collins' or any other player's arti
cle for their dally sporting pages, tt
further stated that, with Collins In tho
lineup, the White Sox had a good
chnnco to win tho American League
flag and therefore Collins should hcCd
the volco of the papers, which ox
pressed the sentiment of the public,
by not doing any writing ns long as ho
remained with tho White Sox.
JUst what Collins thinks of this un
usual public communication cannot bo
learned. "LMdle" Is now In North Caro
lina on a hunting expedition with "Jack"
33unn. Whether ho Is willing to abldo
by the decision of tho Trlbuno and Pan
Johnson Is problematical. Tho chances
.ro that If there Is really a concerted
' esffort being made to pfEvent Collins writ
ing. It would have been far better to ha e
privately taken up the matter with him
Instead hf publicly demanding that he re
tire from the Journalistic field.
John Harvard's shado was stalking o'er
the campus-ot tho collcgo
That ho founded many years ago and
Hlth his name endowed
To hammer Into highbrow heads some
odds and ends of knowledge;
And tho spirit's step was halting and
' his ghostly head was bowed.
sin atmospheric tear rolled down his non
existent check.
His spooky bones were shaken by n
fleeting, phantom sigh;
His occult throat was choked with sobs
and so he could not speak.
He was lachrymose and gloomy and
we'll tell tho reason why.
John Harvard's ghost was rather proud
of Harvard's football team;
Ho Knew Its men wero heroes and he
knew It had the steam;
VBut woo wus his, alack, alasi one au
tumn day It came to pass
That Harvard, boasting of Its class, put
up a plaintive scream.
In honor-stricken accents Harvard raised
a noisy wall.
Havlnsr reached tho sad conclusion that
" a microbe could not fall
To mako a. husky player sick, tho cul
tured Harvard men were quick to
' make a loud and forceful kick-
Against the drinking pall.
John Harvard's ghost could stand for
this; ho had no word of blame.
He thought the private drinking cup a
necessary shame;
But now "Doc" Wiley forward jumps
end says that lots of sugar lumps
the players need to fight the mumps;
John Harvard's ghost Is lame.
And so he ssatks the campus and sheds
his ghostly tears,
The while his phantom heart Is filled with
terrifying fears
That soma day Harvard's football team
wilt ban all players rough,
Torsako the toughened pigskin and use
a fat cream puff.
Although the air was quite chilly In the
flctnlly ot Concourse Lake this morning,
a. number of skaters had good cause to re
member that old song "Stars of the Sum
mer Night.'
j If Ote Yankee owners succeed In dis
posing ot the club at their own price,
J500.000. a new record will be established,
according to a local baseball man, "They
ay that the Eddie Collins sale was the
biggest yet recorded," said this fan. "but
If the Yanks made their proposed trans
fer the Collins deal will fade Into com
parative Insignificance." When asked Just
what he meant the same gentleman re
plied: "Well, you pea the Yankees have
ac grounds, no manager and no ball club.
As far as I can see they have only Fritz
ilaleel. The sale of the-Yankees to my
mind means the sale of Afaisel and little
else. Hence even If Collins brought JS0.00O,
that Is a small figure compared to 1500,
COO." And the fan wasn't far wrong at
Two soccer teams recently played a
Same of real football. Anent this athletic
Innovation, we suggest that Penn's chess
team and Southern High's checker crew
engage In nimortal combat on the Ping
mit field. j(No hard leather or paplerj
autahe padtBff allowed).
.Doctor Ttttey suggests that football
qaen curry a lump of sugar with them In
every game Possibly his Idea Is to make
every performer on the gridiron what la
Vulgarly known as a. "sweet player."
5.1 Hi
"Bddls" Collins was recently discussing
athletics in general, when, as usual, the
fr)vffation drifted backward as far as
the world's series or an. "tou Know,"
rwnarked the White Sox second base
man, "that wa made one prediction on
the, series which came true. Talking over
the series before the first game, wa all
;wu " vt.yn. .-... ..-... i-
In tour games. And It was.
Is to be sincerely hoped that when
tathloo Is held M conjunction with
in relays on April M mat those in
o( the mealing will do tbalr Uvs-
Maw Id advance and not wait utitil
tka events hav bo staged ana we
tfoghlts awarded before dsotdlng that th
wloiior ta a profSMMWU- ran uww,
at vary on re4iBbM la the ease of
"Jln" Thorn, wbo won ta psntaltUoo
eat 4eaibHM at StonVhton In Bt
t. football system at "P. as exew-
r alltsit by the "tmta htaher up," has bea
- ttiinMr ettticissd In tha past- The new
friyttha" OomwlttM lias chfitoei to oar-
Jat tw vUa that bav tld. U they
le thu feV "4U aarvia ta
tw Kd ami ! wt aawtot b -
mtt ib all tt wtU J1
At t!fct obu of tha N W
Ca it at tha Wt PbJUdelphU
iMUtwvtuii caawst ha turrctd.
:;; n:
-tmmx" DtWMI- ? f Johao'
arjMia. lw to cxwsaAni to l w
L m'fltm rrttnmn, Is of ta uaUm
jftuty m Watt iHcaa. of i-ia"
I.i;a rtiji i.,ta (vJit iJFvs tsaug mi
-, JB$ kft li80 2i al
Lucas on hero In the hope of matching
him beforo somo local club. Lucas re
sembles "Jim" Jeffries In physique, and.
according to Dunn, handles himself very
much like the former great heavyweight
c; :i!
If this were England Instead of Amer
ica Miller HuRglns, who has signed a two
year contract to pilot tho St. Louis Car
dinals, would probably bo decorated with
a Victoria Cross.
When Mack gathers together his clan
for spring training about February 10
there will bo 10 of his 1913 world's chanr
plons missing. Those who were on the
championship roll that bent tho Giants
far the highest baseball honors who will
no longer bo numbered among the White
Elephants are Houck, urown, llender,
Coombs, Plank, pitchers; Collins, Orr,
Lavan, Inflclders; Daley and "Danny
Murphy, outfielders. There may bo
others, too, who will not bo with the Ath
letics who havo not yet shifted their post
ttou In the baseball firmament, but tha
10 named, with the possible exception ot
Orr, who may be recalled from the ra
clflc Coast League, are tos,t to Phlladcl
phla for all time.
Harvard has decided that It Is best not
to take a chano on the University of
Michigan next season. Tho scant, hard
earned victory of the Crimson ocr tho
Mnlzo and Gold frightened the Cambridge
clan to a certain extent and tho chances
are that they will not lisle a defeat nt
the hands of their Wrntorn rlvnta Iti 1913.
Tlowevcr, Michigan Is apt to take an
other big Eastern opponent. The Wohcr
incs desired to take on Yale, but the Blue
was unwilling, phibably becauso Athletla
Director Itarthelmc, of Michigan, wished
to make a return date. It mny bo that
Princeton will take n "flyer" at Michigan,
hut again tho question ot a return con
test to be -staged in Ann Arbor In 1918
may prevent tlieso elevens fiom clashing
next fall. Yost Is very anxious to get
one of the "Dig Three" on his schedule.
His team of 1914 was a great disappoint
ment to the followers of tho sport In
Michigan and he would Ilka to redeem
tho past season by a ictory over Har
vard, Yalo or Princeton.
During a search through a maze of ex
changes wo came across tho following
Item, reprinted In the Chicago Tribune:
(Tho author of tho following In
closed a money orddr for 12. The
Sporting Editor of tho Knnsas City
Star, to whom tho letter was ad
dressed, sent him back his money
order and rclaed tho mlssho to
the Chicago Tribune).
1 Pago My Dear Sir November M.
1D1 Well, I havo been Head The kan
sas City Star one year, and I wish to
get a Position as n ball Player I nm
nn Indian, and I havo 12 years old
and I Find on My Sclft am Abel to
Play ball. In som team. I Never been
In Fast team but I will State Mv
Propotlon Sty Hope Is, become Som
star, anu I have been looking For
n, Position one year ago, but I Page
can.t get that Position, I wanto Play,
out FIclJor First basemen, and I nm
left hundle and I hope your answered
Poro soon, and I Will Play ball The
next season, and I send 2 Dollas For
do you know, and Put Every Every
day In Paper Very Truly Yours, nnd
Sonday. (Signature and address) 3
Page Send mo "Results and how Much
Money do you Wante. and I wante
Bom did I paid For, you llxs up. My
Weight ICO pon nnd My Tall Is S foots
2 Inches.
Llttcl Indian out Fiel Desire Play
ball, som team. The Next Season he
mean Som Chance ho will work out- ,
Fore Soon, (Signature and address
If all the baseballs which are hit Into
the stand and over the stand here during
a season could be recovered enough would
bo saved to pay tho salary of any New
York player except Christy Mathenson.
The Giants paid somewhat more than
HOW last year and the expenses of tho
Yankees was almost as much, making a
total of J80O0 in round numbers. The
balls are sold to tho clubs at 315 a dozen.
The Boston Braves spent even more.
The expense In their case was traced to
tho short right field fence. Charles Som
ers, of Cleveland, reports a wastage ot
33763, and Schuyler Brltton had to write
a check for S2395 for the 193 dozen balls
that wero used by the Cardinals last year.
And yet some of the fans are Indignant
when the special police make attempts to
recover balls which have been hit Into
tho crowd.
CHICAGO. Dee. 18. "Ifs upvjo the Kew
York National Luiut flub to ahow ua that
pitcher ilrqura i thtlr properly. Unless
they da w ahall certainly use Jtarquard next
seaaon." .
TJius spok . n. Ward, ot tb Brooklyn
Federal Lessru Club.
Ward la here to attend a meetlnr of the
Executive Comraltten ot the Federal Lessue.
lie aaaerted that he and hie associates ara
perfectly willing to return llarquard to the
Ulanta, but be will Inalat that ton 'New York
club produces evidence that It has a juat
claim on Msrquard's services, ll aaya that
ualeaa the queatton U aattled by spring-. Mar
quard will b carried by tha Brooklyn Ved
tals when they start on their training trip.
CHICAGO. Vc 18. The Biecutlve Com
mute ot the. Federal Leacus met her today
to rush tha 1015 campaign, Orranlied baee'
half a activities In the Walter Johnson eaaa
formed one of the principal Items of discus
slen. Bresnahaa Cleaning Shop
CHIQAOO, Dec 18. TTslv.
saksd on Is members of the C
tha National L-easu. acoordln
era have been
Chicago dub. at
acooruina- ta announce
ment by Iloaer iireanshan, manager of the
UD ur'immaa uiq mat jt players on the
club' reserve Uat would b retained. 11 aald
that soma ot tho men on whom waivers had
been saked represented trtdlas material and
that be wu prepared to trad six of them for
a certain atoond baseman.
Central League Changes '
FORT WAYNE. Ind.. Dc 18 -If to Cm.
trai Larue aheuld b Isereaaed ta an elsfet-
ireuic leuaxsiewq, u; awte, ra., and
os. W. Vs,. will, b the cilia iddad.
Br ta LAUla ItWtUurOB&ar. Breaident af
league, wtu) jalvrced nam tf cast vas
tus ." thTaSSSSS, arww"s."s?
ajinlted ftr e, parted oc a yeaas
Cuban Pitches KTo-h.it Game
Alias pHcaer.
Ifleaiad to a
?rJ?i0i iSSi.
a "-
atruefc ettt C3 Obaft. s aav tem
" ""nBg.
in aaa mtfn a. mm ruea.
WQ fu.
Xo Qhange 1b SAedules
IMS. M.-Way la tlu
oV'tki smsTwslsSsA I
et tsV 1hii.
SM Box' Tralula PUtvi
ijc (, -The Bumim Aiaencam
saisuie game uat
ajwaH.JisWT rRi M. V " i-ZT
Sfk &Mrusls. iy
lut 1UW1U
aw t
abaSiftseT ssaaiiS
I cHAues; op ytujn j rjn weu-T du&?SJ j
ltArrAiR9uMnaM - j "7 I TSt-OvM IT JAKe . yS'iTatlfflM-r' ? J l.n, I It T
U Ma - i wo w. and AAt-ron'3 I V- TJrV "ZsZ: M-fluE r"A JAfK Pof
TH.FiiS.T TouMT HEKT SHOT J Tl jr I Lhih IMAM R V , VT .
I aj t Tniei, I'm J irfir"' . J I Jak TtoTy rU2i I L'rj LM4?. I -
I not eriviNd a j I it domj j-J v rjraT I " HTmat l l OH-tfH
jj raw wMtiMm
Aftrn. tonight midnight fighters In Cali
fornia VlH hnc to neck other flelas. 'lho
bars will bo up on all boxing contests
and a goncrnl cxodui of fighter and man
ners la otnected. It Is an 111 wind that
blows nobodv good. We liasternors wilt
now hae nn opportunity of eeelnr tho
crack toast boxers in action hero. ' Tom
Mccarvy of Han rnncleco. la to open up
snob In New Orleans. Others go to other
bally Sal adore must win from Joo
Azevcdo tonight on the coast If he wlshea
to get any money. The articles drawn up
lor the OiHtal Athletic Club's 20-round
nght, which will be the last profeealonal
tight there, rends that Azatedo will be
ghen the errllrs purse, unlei Sally Sal
tadore "Ins ths fight. It Sally loses, all
that lie will get as his share of the eve
nlng'i entertainment will be his training
TJ. of P. Meets Penn Strtto and Haver
ford Clashes With Yale.
Fcncr games than usual nre scheduled for
tomorrow, but among those to bo decided
there are several of outstanding Interest,
llaverford College will meet Talo In the last
Intercollegiate gamo of the seaaon at llaver
ford Thn UnUeralty of Pennsylvania will
tackle l'enn state at Franklin Held and of
the club games the one between Merehantvllle
and Dlsston nt Merchantvllto will ba of special
Interest Tomorrow a games follow.
llaverford College va Tale University at
llaverford. ltnerec, James Wslders".
oniciri2T ct-un lbaqipb.
First 'Ulvlslon. . , .
Gcrmtntown vs Merlon at Manhetm. Baf
tiee, F. Addis.
Moorestown is Philadelphia at Moorestown.
(Referee, A M Addleon
tecona division.
University of I'enrsjtvanla vs Belfleld at
Manns Heferee T. Alrd
llaverford College i. MoorMtown at llaver
ford Itefcretf. T. L.. MacKenzle.
Philadelphia 2d vs Philadelphia Sd at St.
Martin's lleferee, K. Waldron
Victor Talking Machine Company vs. Bethle
hem at Third and Krla atreetn, Camden
ValtAnlltj. vt rvllara nt Ilialnr flun lane
and Wyoming avenue. lleferee. J. Bteel. i
Jardlngton t. Vlncome at U.M and South
atrrrtn fteferee. J L,yall.
Whitehall Hovers vs Bristol at Bridge
street and Torrcadale avenue. Referee, D.
Amrf(nn Pultev romDanr vs. Bhamroclc at
4?ii() Wlssahlekon aenue lleferee, D. Oatea.
iiorhnrnuch va. LaMott at Koxborough.
lleferee V. Lobley. -.-..
if urluii'Ai. jLiiutskii; uwvuft.
v'n.(hn.t Itnta' tfTltjh m. Kenalnaton Bora
Club at 26th and Jefferson streets. Refere,
w. I'ortwooa,
Morton Iloys" Club s aermantown Boys'
Club st McMahon and llalnes streets. Ref
eree, YV. E. Allen
iTnlrpltv nf Pennsylvania, vs. Pennsylvania
Statu College at Franklin Field.
aiercnanivnie va uission si uscrciiftuivuio.
Mtrlon 2d vs. Rangers at llaverford. Ref
eree, M. Itegsn.
At 6Sth and llaverford Avenue.
Vlctrix vs. Pick of lloaemonl Celtic and West
Kenalngton tteaerves vs. Asccnswu,
At Marcus Hook.
Viscose vs. Pick ot Wilmington ana Edgs-
moor. . . .. ,
jit lactjny ikiu i-ai.
ntsaton vs. Pick ot Kensington and St.
Nathaniel. ,. . .
Ulfston Ite&ervcs va. s-urtian x. iu. a
At 2d and Erie- Avenue.
wmrfiMTi v TMcIt nf n.iva Club first and
Boys' Club third, Kensington Junior Church
Leoiu?. . ,..t.... ,....
suntan juniors va di. .i,a,,,ci tfu.wi.
At Washington Park.
Putnam vs. Pick of Smith A. A.. PeabodJ
and Falls If. 31. A.
Qt. Amoros juniors vs. vcotuu Mtui,
At, Audubon
Audubon vs. Pyrin Point.
Only Local Man to Land Big Event
Away Prom Town.
J. ST. Barnes, professional at the Whlte
rnarsh Valley Country Club, Is the only
local man to have won an Important title
during; the last season. Barnes won the
Western open at Minneapolis.
Barnes la also the Joint bolder or the
record tor the Whltemarsh course, al
though officially the 71 made by Walter
llagen. American open champion, during
the Philadelphia open, Is recognised as
the record. Barnes made a 71 earlier in
the year.
Johnson Expects to Close Yankee
. Deal Today.
FRHNCU UCK. lad.. Dae 18. -"A final
coafermwe os th sal, of the New Tortc
Americas balweea Colonel Jacob Ruppert and,
my partis probably will b held today." said
Baa Johnson, president at ts Amertcaa
League, last Bight. After a ooofereac of
Colonel Rupprt and Cajtaln 7 V. Huston,
filh Vankee. but did talk about lb sanager
ilo jjjd tome change Id the ib-up whtsit
Rufpert must tave.aetttsj ta ofder to ot
T4V ta team I will net m thu aautu,
tt I b say that If. tse deal far the saStuger
ifeirbaapti-U ""
-T.AT'Trr-.- ji .- .w- -. .- .... -. .
Leeva " 1 4T XaMdsga
er. disUd KT
SJJ9) ltSST ftier.
i k4
W W "S
Vh& JHPM& . Mt JS: ?9f AVMjOMa.
wmrnexom $&mW?m
Mats Of la
Secretary of Pennsylvania
State Game Commission,
in Special Article, Suggests
December 1 as Ideal Date.
The fifth article of a series by Secre
tary Joseph Knlbfus, of the Pennsylvania
Stato Gamo Commission, Is very Inter
esting, and as follows:
"The deer season should begin after tho
close of the bird season, say December 1,
ending December 15, both days Incluslte.
"Through tho selection of this tlmo as
the open season for deer In this State,
tho malo will have been given a chnnco
to pass through the titling stason un
harmed and be given the full opportunity
to serve the purpose of his creation.
"Tho male deer during the rutting sea
son becomes almost Insane. Ills eyes
bulge, his blood becomes heated, his neck
swells and he Is really not fit for food,
and is more easily killed than at other
"After the amative season has passed, ha
returns to normal condition, and makes greater
return In weight as well as flaor to the one
who takes him.
"At this time tho leaves will be oft tho
trees, hunters can see what they aro shooting
at.Hml tha danger to human life will bo ro
duced'to a minimum. Deer can also see the
hunter at a distance. Bird hunters will be
out of the woods. During this tlm we fre
quently hav falling weather, and the danger
of forest fires will bs lowered. During this
tlm In the higher altitudes we frequently
have snows, deer can be tracked and the ma
Jorlty of those wounded ba secured. Viola
tors of tha law can the more readily be taken
and punished,, and deer killed during this
time will keep better than If killed earlier In
the season,
"Somo win no doubt object to this season for
deer upon the ground that the weather Is
likely to b oold and unfitted for standing on
watches. This ts perhaps true. Many argue
that the driving ot deer should be eliminated.
Tho Qamo Commission contends ths law In
tends to protect the gamo that It may In
crease to be taken by hunters, and feeia that
drltlns deer In a reasonable way la not
"Another objection will ba that mors deer
will bo killed became ot the ability o track
In the snow. In my opinion, any gain to ths
hunter because or snow will bo mora than
overbalanced by lb wariness of the deer at
this time as compared with that of tha rutting
seaaon, and the further fact that the deer
a well as the hunter has a better chance to
sea what la going on around htm."
The bimonthly swimming meet at the West
Branch Y". M. C. A. last night Tfaa hotly
contested. Green carrying off first honors,
with 10 points, closely followed by Drainer,
with 8. snd Williams, with TM, Summaries!
So yard's Dresner and Allen tied for tint;
Orcene. third, Keller, fourth. Tlm. 31 seconda,
100 yarda Won by Keller, Romlg and Will,
lams, tied for second; Ommerl. fourth. Tlm.
1 20 2-0.
Fsncy diving Won by Williams; Greene,
second; Dreshcr, third.
Plungojor distance Won by Greene j Allan,
second, Prasher, third. Distance, SO feet 0
0111 Muffs tt. the bfg blond halfback who
was expected to be such a sensational football
plarar at Penn. has left th university and
will Join a moving picture company on a tour
of Alaska.
Moffett entered Penn from th University
ef Wisconsin, where he was a star football
player. II waa on Harold Gaaton'a scrubs
last fall and lipped. through th varsity Una
whenever he wanted,
That Newark has little chanc to obtain
th Olympic fame to help cut Its celebra
tion of the SsOth anniversary of ths found
ing of th ally was ths general opinion among
athletla leader In Ibis city yesterday It was
pointed out that no assurance could be given
lo any other etty than Berlin until that ctty
had relinquished It right to hold the meet
or the Internatkwal Olympls Commute had
canceled th authority given ta the German
to hW th msetj
NEW TOPIC. Do 18 LwU K. Tburlow
rolled s. peffstl seer st 800 last algbt oa th
bTwltrfr alleys of a Bedford Tousg Men's
Christian AssMlatloa, la Bnxjklyn.
Rellly Overcomes Heavy Handieap
Ma gam and ass rt?Ht ts MM rope aev-
w (ram
Stw&rcct Defeats CUae
' Oariirsjs Wt fiii Sttttou
MsmmkJ ttf itr"? '
Young Corbett sat at a Now York ring
side tho other night. Somebody got floored
and was making an effort to get up beforo
the fatnl 10 "That reminds 'm of the
time Hddlo llanlon floored me in San
rnnclico " stld Corbett. "1 was right at
tho top of my form then, but there 1 wos
fiat en my back. As I got my shoulder up
a llttlo from the tloor 1 raw a great big
red moon coming up over tho cdjto of the
tins I looked and looked at the thing
It seeemed to hypnotise me. 'Uee. atn't
that pretty, I remember mumbling to my
acir Thrn It began to fade away as sud
denly as It had appeared 1 heard rtef
erco dmney counting 'six seven eight' and
then I got up. I still Insist that I never
saw a prettier sight than that rrrat rod
moon looming above tho edge of the ring."
O'Brien and Kelly to Meet In Main
"Big Pat" McHale, the well-knowri
sportsman, will open tho Nonpareil Ath
letic Club show tonight with "Freddy"
Kelly, tho fast welterweight from Rising
Sun, nnd the clever West Philadelphia!,
"Young Jack" O'Brien. In the main bout.
The full program Is as follows:
Main bout "Young Jack" O'Brien,
West Philadelphia, vs. "Freddy" Kelly,
Itlslng Sun.
Kcitil-flnnl "Bill" Donovan, Kensington,
vs "Young" Orlffo, Shenandoah.
Third bout-"WIIHe" Moody, Port Rich
mond, vs. "Johnny" Burns. Kensington.
Second bout "Bobby" McLeod, Scot
land, vs "Young" Stanley, Itlverton.
First bout "Tommy" Boyd, Kensing
ton, vs. "Abe" Sherman. Ban Francisco.
Slegnl and Gallrtgber Put Up Unin
teresting' Fight.
"Lew" Siegal could have fought, but
wouldnit. and "iilcV.y" Gallagher would
he fought, but couldn't. Ths consequence
was that the wind-up at the Broadweg A. C
last ntglit waa not very exciting, except at
Intervals when Slegel would wake up and
reveal some of his old-time dash and skill.
Gallagher forced ma tiers from the start and
being In better condlUon than Siegal was able
to Isnd a number of good hard body punchea
unu get away without a counter. In the
fourth round Siegal got started and showed his
true boxing form. II smashed Gallagher all
around the ring and outboxed and outalugged
"Mickey" all through tha seaalon. In the
fifth Gallagher camo beck strong and had
the better of tha aesalon. but in ths alxth
Slegsl again took matters In charge snd forced
Onllsgher to cover up and hold until ths last
minute, when they both fought like wild eats
until the belL Gallagher's aggressiveness and
blcgel's lack of condition gained tha verdict
for Gallagher. ...... . .
In tho first half of the wind-up. "Johnny"
Mealy, of Bouthwark, defeated "Jo" O'Keete,
of Gray's Kerry. In a hard contest. Both were
clever, but Mealy had the harder punch and
he was entitled to th decision at th end of
the six rounds. In th third bout "Mieksy"
1 minor liad all th batter of "Ben" 8mitli, of
Ockland. Cal.. In a Bout In which Smith dis
played gameness. Ha lacked ths knowledge ot
the gams ttlat Tralnor showed and took con.
slderable punishment, several times being on
the verge ot a knockout, but he managed to
atlck to the limit. In the second bout the
'Sattl Ktd"' disposed of "Young 6m"
Langford In the. fifth round of ths hardest
fight of the night, "flesttle" ws the harder
puncher and gradually wore th Memphl boy
down, and In th fifth round sent over the
"sleep producer
Young" CriJrlen rdded another "K. O." to
his already long string ot victories by send
ing "Young IMcIncls to sleep In th second
"Danny" Morgan has given up the
management of 'Iulslana," tho fast lit
tle Philadelphia bantamweight Morgan
tried to match "Louisiana." with "Kid"
Williams, but "Sammy" Harris, Will
lams' manager, would not take the match
and Morgan concluded to le.t "Louisiana"
go to some other manager.
The Quaker 'City Athletlo Club, with a
handsome new clubhouse at 2SXh and
York ftireet, will throw open Its doors
for patronage on Christmas afternoon
with "JoeC Borrell. ot this city, and
Frank Mantell, of Providence, R. I., as
the principal attraction.
'Figbtinfj Bob" GIvJer Winner
AIBIJTOWN. Pa-. Dec. IS, The bout b
twen Vtghtlog Bob-' Olvlsr, 6t this city, and
"Johnny" Hysi T TrcntSB. N J. was
stsswsl in ths ninth round by th re'eree at
"LeBrrUj A. C her last Eight. "Plghtlnjr
Bab" 'was declared the wlueec after "Johnny"
Diets, w Pnuaacjpoja, was junaica ityan.
ttu-aw th sponge uto th ring. The toaUI was
sohsdulad to .so ten rounoa.
. fvssl'
OliioftgO Wo-nts Boxing
Settles Action, for $1.8,000
gBJWSUBail. H. T. Dee, It,
ftofat Club Hold ?St
Ssw IP Item "u& la lci ic'.v
i Tt (u riinie m
ttSlkis, .
Jut ciaun4
rXyslrtan failed to vextfr his statssieaL
" TtB six-round samlinal fartfc Burke, th
Bthlebasa $jTTOsrksr- tWfa. fought s
Siw wltE "Young" Nslsos. flf'thls tty.
- ' ' " iii '
tt D, IjONPOK.
wzbmV aranssai vs sm vmsi usssss wsimbsi asuaesa tassi
&T&Er$Jm $??- sfsss?
jfi.'s miijni Ba was nmm SHH P w al.-UrsitVm
BW ' ' I
sji rnmrn i
A1loM, i
18, 1014 ,,.,
Will Havo Heading Team In Its
Greystock will endeavor to entertain
the basketball fans or South Philadelphia
tonight by defeating the Heading team.
Tho "dreys" are sadly In need of a few
consecutive victories at tho present time,
and n defeat administered to tho up
Btaters this evening will be a welcome
start for the followers of the Church
Some Improvement has been dlsplajed In
tho teamwork of Oroystock recently, but
the men havo somo distance to go before
they can approach the form displayed by
tho leading fives of tho Eastern KnBUo
at presont. Cross Is playing a much bet
ter game at guard than ho did at centre,
and that switch has served to put now
spirit Into the fading "Oroya."
This evening there will be n. preliminary
gatno before tho regular fray boglns at 9
o'clock. Indications are that a. capacity
house will witness tho contest.
Jasper bumped tpe Eastern league leeilers
In their basketball game t. Nonpareil Hall
(nut night, defeating De Nerl by a score of
.11 to .11 In a spirited coirteat. It was a foul
goal toed by Kummer In the very. l"t min
ute of play that ga Jsaper tho victory and
lle.l the Kenalngton bo)s with Camden for
thl d plsce In tho league race
Standing of tile Teams ,
vr. i.. r.r. vt. u. v.
Ve Kerl ,. . I 4 ,t Jnrper ..
ltrndlng ..7 4 .am Trenton
Camden ... 7 0 .538 Ore stock
t a .ras'
n u ,m
S 0 .250
II lnflfl.l.OIll. A. II,
PoBfirtv. Do Nerl 11
Hparf, Heading ll
.Tl US Zl ili
14 14U
A ll'l
llouirh. Trenton
24 143
Ztl 112
n wo
ir, in
42 n
14 10.1
11 kx
2S 1T0
0 171
Kummer. Jasper
Adnms. Cnmden .....
Wilson, Greystock ....
rtrmn, Camden
Dolln, Ctmden
Kane, Trenton ,
Htoele, Camden
Newman, Do T erl
ntssrrntd, Jnsucr ....
Coalman, Greystock ...
Krenojl. Dfl Nerl . ...
Dork, i)o Nerl .. ....
Cross. Gre stock
Gctilnger, Trenton . .
Trnnckle Trenton .. .
Rugarman. Greystock .
CavanaiiRh Jasper . ..
lrmrrprtv. Tteftdlne. . ..
Morris. Reading 11
Klnkald. Do Nerl It 14
IVIlnnnell. rtrndlng 11 11
Ilrady.t Jasper 7
(leig. Trenton j.
tlcwllllams. Greystock . 12
nckhardt. Jaaner 11
Kirkcatrlck. Jasper r
neggs. Heading 8
Itt-rron. Camden 11
Itogeln. Tteadlng 7
Cooper Trenton 4 2
Thompson, Cnmaen 2 2
Frort. Trenton ., 2 1
A pts.
Kl 421
r .lat
nt n;j
.1(1 .123
40 101
31 S91
11 Va 1K
11 11R US
14 108 inn
n ni rwi
12 78 141
To Nerl ..
Heading 11 71 1-t'J
Central High Five Goes to Media
Tomorrow Afternoon
Central High School goes tOfJJcdlo. to
morrow to- play tho 'Wllllnmsorf Trades
School basketball team. Central High has
been playing below par this season, but
with "Bill" Butler In form the team hns
been strengthened, and will present a
better defense. Williamson Is an un
known quantity, but judging from past
deeds should put a capable five on tho
West Philadelphia faces tho hardest
proposition when they meet the Tenn
Freshmen at Welghtman Hall tomorrow
evening at 7 o'clock. The game will be
preliminary to the l'enn Varslty-Itutgers
match. The freshijten outweigh the
Westerners considerably, and the latter
will have to put up a. game fight to win.
The David Oreer Club, formerly of ths
Brotherhood Leaguo has open dates for games
at home and away. Address W. Mcl'hllllmy,
1712 South Slst street.
Ths Glrard lleserves would like to book
frame with all second and third class teams
utvlng hall and paying a fair guarantee
Trefer to play on either Monday, Wednesday
or Thursday evenings.
Ths Indiana Boys' Club, a first-class travel
ing team, would like to arrange games with
teama in and out of ths city offering a reason
able guarantee. Would like to hesr from De
Nrl tteaerves, Combine. Clifton Heights and
teams of ths American League and St. rtlta.
In a hotly contested swimming meet ths
Central Y. M. C A. defeated the Heading
Swimming Club by th overwhelming scoro ot
34 to 10 point.
The closest race of ths evening waa ths re
lay, ths winning team being compoaed of Cox,
Leopold. Dies and Greer. Heading's team,
Spangler, Kelserj Ottls and K. Spangler, was
second. Time, 1 minute CO seconds.
BT THOMAS, Dec. 18. George linger, of
Philadelphia, won a special co-bird white flyer
match from Charll Stacker, of Merehantvllle.
N. J., hero yesterday. Unger scored 40 out of
a possible half-century of feathered targets
against the Jerseyman's 8D. The content waa
any one's battle until tha lasr ten birds were
Mlk Dorlias, the. Penn strong man. reported
for wrestling yesterday afternoon for the first
time sine he stralnad several ligaments In bt
left leg on the mat on week ago. He will
work out with Coach Craig's squad every
evening from now on.
State College ha clinched Its 1913 football
ram with Harvard. This was verified by
Hay II. Smith, graduate manager of athletics
at SUt College, who stopped off In Fhlladel.
hla Isst night between trains. Ho was un
Is way back to Bute and signed the con
tract with Harvard a few day ago at Cam
bridge, Mass,
According to the stskj book lust Issued by
th Cuba-American Jockey Club, continuous
racing Is assured In Juba for 67 days this
wlntsr. Ths winter meeting at Marlanao la
scheduled to open at Oriental Park on January
7 and close on March IS. 1016, with racing
very day. Including Sunday.
Puderbaugh New Dickinson Leader
CARLISLE, ra.. Dee. 18. Tackle Ftank
Judsrbaugh. of ths Dickinson College football
earn, has been elected a Dick osou7s gridiron
esder for 1MB, by ths men who had won
their Ds. Puderbaugh comes from Eldorado,
pa. Is a member of the Junior class of Dlckl
Inson. and has ben tackle on the varsity
eleven with a good record for three years. Tha
winners of th Dickinson letter p are"
Uornbergef. Wilson, MoWblnnsy. Puderbaugh.
Dalton. Simmons, Myerik Hertsler, ShellSyT
Johnson, Heck, Klnlcy. Taylor and Palm. "
Chicago and Dartmouth May Play
CHICAGO. Dee llJmli Stagg yesterday
referraTto th University of Chieags AthlHje
Heard ot Control Dartraoubh a rMBaat far a
fStUllsam with Chicago Re F fait Last
?er Chicago declined to i4 ths footbTll
earn to Cambridge tiu Harvard would net
promise a return visit Co ChUaro In IMS.
Chicago also dsalared its oppoaatfcn to intar
lietto&al garota generally Ths Dartmouth &-
taettoaal garors generally
vftiltoo probably will t
answersd will
Swim Meet at Princeton
Citr Collage of Near York will sss s,
deugattsa o lunusrs sad dusters ta
f (UWWUM t'Hl.Vfm ,fuu. ,w la
tcsLon It&lvorslty
aquatic rices.
Boottlsh Soccer Hea Rsrnslcler
Dae. 18. ft)
kas esfiait a an
aday at Qkutovf to n
iSsea) u B hasvioai tM vsottlatt uu& ,u
i r
swucst. dassMBB of thai Knxliah
W MsTssseFS-fg sftii VVessUlikD 111
I tSs4 id ts rwiaa-
Xiw sTtt Is WUUM
ev-jmumn n a uc .-Mts h4
fc'ftJEfiff " &. m
Hop, Step and Jump Will
Be Innovation When Col
lege Athletes Gather on
Franklin Field Next April.
In addition to having o, pentathlon con
test nt tho University of Pennsylvania re
lay carnival next April tho Quaker man
agement, According to nn announcement
mado today, will havo four other Impor
tant features for tho first day of tho meet.
Thoy aro two medley relay rnces, a hop-atcp-nnd-Jump
and throwing tho M-pound
Tho medley relays promlao to bo ex
tremely Interesting. The first will bo for
sprinters and middle distance runnonf,
and Is patterned nfter a similar event nt
tho Olymplo Games, held lq London in
I80S. Thrnrst tworunnera run 220 yanl
each, tho third min runs 410 ynrds nnd
tho fourth 8S0 yards. The aefiond medley
relay provides that tho first man shall run
410 yards, the second ESO yards, the third
three-quarters of a. mllo and tho last a
Tho beauty of these odd relays Is that
tho samo colleges which competes In them
can nlso compete In tho thrco Intorool
leglato championship relays at one, two
and four miles the next day. Tills Is pos
slblo becauso not moro than ono man In
tho Saturday relays would havo been
obliged to run in tha medley relay tho
day before.
It la further felt that tho medley relay
at tho odd distances wilt permit many
teams to compete In them who aro unabla
to toko part In the regular championship!
relays for lack of men strong enough at
tho samo distance, but who will find tho
medley races Just fitted to their teams.
Tho short medley relay, whoso full dis
tance Is a mile, was first held at London
In 1903, and was won by the American
team, comprising Hamilton, of Kentucky,
and Cartmcll, of Pennsylvania, who ran
tho first two 220-yard distances; Taylor,
of Pennsylvania, who ran the quarter
mllo, and Mel Sheppard, who ran the half
mllo. This event was not on tho Olymplo
program at Stockholm in 1912, while ths
distance relay has never been run any
whero before. Its total distance will bo
two and one-half miles.
Tho running hop, step and Jump and
tho ES-pound weight nro new events for
collcgo men, but should provo popular.
Two other features for Triday's program
will bo tho Interacademlc nnd Philadel
phia High School championships, whllo
another event open to local high schools
other than West Philadelphia, Central and
Northeast, and called the "Philadelphia
suburban high school championship," will
be put on tho program.
Athletes in New York Event 3hatter
Maries Right Along.
NEW YORK, Dec. 18.-Jcw records
wero hung up today la the 21-hour rollor
skating raco at Madison Square Garden.
Eight tennis wero tied for the load at
the 11th hour. U a. m., having covered 143
miles. Tho former recotd was 113 miles,
7 laps, made by Arthur Launay nt Mil
waukee this year.
A terrific sprint, which began shortly
before midnight resulted in several of
the teams being lapped. Later the stren
uous pace forced a number of tho racer.1
from the contest. Launay started tho
sprinting and held a half lap lead on tho
field for IS minutes. Ho was finally over
hauled by Roland Cionl, of Norristown,
Pa., and the racers then held to A
steady grind.
Phila. Soy to Captain St, Luke's
Txuls Vf. Randolph, a Philadelphia boy.
has been elected explain of the St. f.ukVs
School football team. Itandolph has played
on, the varsity for tha last three years, nnd
In' the season Just finished aided In many ot
6t. Luke's victories. Uesldes being a stsr
football player, he has quite a reputation aa
a polo player. Tho iollowlnr lad were)
awarded their football letter: Hallowell, Gross,
Itandolph. Craig. Hargent, Drown, Campbell,
Lonzstreth, Stokes, walmsley, Crooks and
X-ray on Patterson's Kneecap
Dritaln Patterson, who plsyed tackle on ths
Washington and Jefferson football team during-
the past season, snd who was plcksd for
a position on the All-America eleven by
many experts, lslted the gymnasium of the
University of .Pennsylvania yesterday after
noon on tils way to tho University Hosplu.l.
where he had an X-ray examination made of
his kneecap, which has been glvlnc htm con
siderable trouble since the close of th sea
son. Ho believes that th bono ha been et'ber
broken or chipped, and If such 1 tha caso he
Intends to submit to an operation rljht after
the Christmas holidays.
Braves at Penway Park
BOSTON. Dec. IS. Presidents Jamea B
Oalfney, ot tho world's champion Boatoa
flrnvcr, and Joseph J Lannln, of the Red Sox,
signed an agreement yesterday whereby tha
National League tesms will be permitted ta
use Fenway Park until Mr. Gaffney new
plant Is completed,
v' )vant Basketball Gaines
. Brotherhood All-Btsrs, composed of ths lead.
Ing players In th Brotherhood Lesgu. hare
arm U out of 11 games played so far, loatng
only to Lndenhurst snd Bt (Hlta C C They
have defeated St. Andrew, First Dutch Bar
rett Uanufacturlnx Company, St Joseph (of
Richmond). West Psrk. Bast Fly (Wat Phil
adelphia) and other track fives, r
Tb Brotherhood boys led In th ram with
Bt nita from th start until about three) min
ute from th end. when O'Neill dropped lr,
three field goals On Saturday, Deceinier 10
the AU-eXar play Aquinas C. C th city's
Independent champions For games addraa
H. Hamilton, W0 South Slth street. """"
Bt. Augustine "Wants Games
Manager Martin Foley, of St Augustine's
Catholic Club and Lesgu. Lawrenc. ad Vtn!
streets, has four fast team working thl
seaaon. There ts a great deal of rivalrv
among them for first honors to win th silver
loving cup donated by Alfred Van Thuya
Vine stre.t On next Saturday .venlnS; De
cember lfc th first and second teams will lias
up against the fast teama of tlJlaWaro tiSi
St Joseph's. 1th snd Willing, ilV at the
hall, Lawrenc ana Vln streets, where lovers
of th sport will find on of ths fastest ga.nsi
plsyed In tb cage this season. Ttimi deilr
Ing asm. vltb a fair guarantee, In or out
of the city, can afdrea Martin Ful.V Ml
North Bth street ; BennsTMarkst alia a.
. Delawares Seek domes
The Pelawaro Boys' Club would II Ve. to
arrange garfe with Orst-classj taams
Attdroaa either II. A. 0'8rln. ill Baal
BsUte Trust Buhdlrur. or I D Stauall
Wl South, M street. U""'
Miss Taylor Hookey Captain
J& "&' WstvlW Otals' hoekay
ZT$d?s l - 4 warn
gW thr BU-r,! ot? S2f.'
NaUaiul a t f,u" MHt
game rW -. an,'? Z'u
OLYMPIA A. A. 8 a..i4
C sQ7it"S8:', ' '
---. --.eB JBr f j
.- t iTrfjf'-ftfflt1ii-fT-j" AQ.fphi tl'ftflMWWilfflft iitiitfe-i th Tflfctffflfftf i- - 3