Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 17, 1914, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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m'F''in,-jrwf'" Mvt'L'
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Prices j of Camembert and
IRoqiiefoft Little Above'
Nornial-Producc Market
fRSmains Unchanged.
Aittiij- dinner lablcs In this city trhich '
hava 'befen graced only with tnodeit
American cli'feaw since the outbreak ot
thottTAf W fcurops, onco more give forth
llie -Vjle6tno oilor of Roquefort and
Crfjenbr!avhylifts come uncenaorcd
TfttmpirleVjiheBe market, -which
ha -io'hrfS(J6rc'difV'liiarkcd depression,
lias co mo Into Its own' hRaln and alt ot
tho populhr varieties mnj- now be bought
at prices which are llttlo above the cus
tomary figures.
Cholco "ooxy" Camembert Is quoted nt '
K cents a package only G ccntn above I
the normal. Parmesan cheese, neatly
bottled In England and quoted at prices
ranglnir from 5 to.W cents, according to
size, shows an ,KjUnl Increase, and tho
Very chMcestJiand most moldy Itoque
fort call be ltJi.tU'SO cents a package, a
price whl.ch' i10 cents lower than was
quoted several Weeks ado.
Although Munster cheese has lemalued
Arm at iOffcents a poUnd'nnd Corgonzola '
cheese fnmi Italy has -shown only a 5
ccnt Increase on each package, tho pop
lllar Imported Swiss Variety has been
scarce and high until tills weak. At one '
umo it was flout at corns a pounu,
then It jumped to CO cents and now the
price has sons to id cents.
.Eilani chces!jiiUvan,ce(l 15 cents each
with' the' outbreak of tho war, but as
lUth the Swiss the price has gradually
deerepseO, until the normal level has al
most! be'een reached, prices ranging from
U toJIl.B cach.-
One'cheose expert of this city explained
the' eudSen' Increase in price and ho recent-
decrease' as follows:
"Those, fellows had guns which they
tlre'dby the use of powerful gases, such
as free hydrogen. When they fired those
big guns so much that the gases got
scarce ,thc Governments bought up all
the cheeses, such as Roquefort and
Camembert. It was found that a piece
of cheese put In the breech of a gun and
left for five minutes would make a gas
which had Ave times the explosive force
of gunpowder. This, of course, increased
the price of the cheeses, but It was soon
found to be impracticable, for the ex
ploded gases were so powerful that they
killed all soldiers within CO feet of tho
gun. It was then decided to resume
shipping the cheeses to America, and, ot
course, me price uroppeu again.
"As for the Edam cheeses', they ad
vanced, because It was thought they
would bo uied'as heretofore In tho capac
ity of camtonballs. Several of them ex
ploded In' the guns, however, and blew
them allto pieces, so that Idea was given
up, tdo.'" ' ,- Si.
Am(jng the American cheeses, 1.1m
burge? continues to hold Its own, and the
market Is said to be stronger than Is
usual Sitllaftlme of tho year. The prices
of plzfeapplo, prcam and pimento cheese
continue at, tho' usual level, and are pop
ular amoncjthose -vho bellevo In tho
- "niaUe-ln-Amri"ca.' slogan.
Thejproduce markets arc marked by no
unusual feature thlsjiveek In. the way of
changing prices. Meats, fish, fruits and
vegetables continue to bring figures cus
tomary forj this season. In the poultry
market eggs ; continue . to be quoted at
figures ranging from -IS to CO cents a
dozen, and butter from 40 to CO cents a
pound. Turkey has decreased slightly In
price, and strictly first-class "nearbys"
may be had at figures ranging from 2S to
X0 cents a- pound.
P. S. Putney lectures on Dairy Ex
periments at State College.
The last day of Farmers' Week began
today In Griffith Hall with a lecture by
1 S. Putney, assistant 'professor of
dairy husbandry at State College. He
outlined the results obtained at the col
lege and the experiment station In the
feeding of dairy herds.
This afternoon's schedule Includes lec
tures on "The Feeding and Caring for
Poultry" and on "Alfalfa," by M. C,
Kllpatrlck. Instructor In poultry hus
bandry, and F. D. Gardner, professor of
agronomy. This evening will be devoted
to a discussion of the Smlth-Lcver bill
by If. S. McDowell, director of agri
culture extension, and a. lecture and meat-cutting-
exhibition, also to take place In
Griffith Hall. In which Professor yv, II.
Tomhave, qf the animal husbandry de
partment of State College, will demon
strate upon the carcass of one of the
cattle exhibited yesterday in the court
yard of City Hall.
barn 77 lfblwari. itlx Paul -. '
elKXLSaPJt-S.,!r&' wf
trtk Isiann. Mnisux it
.. and Emit;
-annuffl. ai i.il
ion-, ion jurnrn
it., and Sonhl Or-
a mi.
K Wm-- &flBQS' Ja wnm ' Bopl,to 0r- r W 'VWaneaaay nisnt, not In- MoWiJUamlL of Schuylkill Haven, a rad- KEK St "aKnES ChiYcU It 10 a. '& I
EL flPf - lJE4 QjffrtS?. KIar. p. nd v-m cJUdllUTt ti sfnklnif lw& aocount. was cal practlUofter. died esUrday after ev- futerment at Holy C3tom Ccntetery. 7 I
1 Ki f iPm, Kinwr, r. W(ew,mJH I erai day- nmeas irom pneumonia. He 'v'V? VivTx ?ml),r i.,JfA5!'"F 1' II
m. HiaRtfr. " '' - ' i i .1 , i. si . I !. sii i.s i.i p . , I, , . , , .. . ' ' - ' Ti
Wtmm ' i IMIsalsi i iMlss I W " ' ' ' -'-rp'f-- i ibh
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nwksA.,. 'WmmBKm
ill J$mBkftBEEifZ. ' mSsRM
Mrs. Lidle L. Conkling. of 2210 Watkins street, cannot hear at all.
All questions and remarks must be written for her. She relics almost
entirely on her dog to inform her when the door bell rings or her
attention is necessary to any matter.
Seeress Predicts Religious
War for England, Rise of
Romanoffs and Downfall
of Turkey.
Copyrltht, 1914, for the nrclNO Lsdser by
United Press.
PARIS, Ucc. 17.
Madame do Thebes, the Parisian seer
ess, who yesterday Issued her annual
prophecy, forecastlng.among other things,
the debacle' of the German War Lord and
tho ending of tho war In 1915, further pre
dicts a religious war for England, high
fortune for Belgium, prosperity for the
Romanoft dynasty, the downfall of Tur
key and ''many private dramas" for
America, Her "news of the future" fol
lows: pThe dismemberment of Austria Is Im
minent. The Slavs will separate from the
Germanic element, tho latter Joining with
Catholic Germany.
"Two things have saved Belgium, their
King's honor and their priests' faith.
King Albert and tho Cardinal of Mallnca
rescued the country In the nick of time.
Belgium has been welded In the crucible
of rain., Her future Is brilliant under the
same two mortal forces, with tho King
leading provided ho escapes a danger
which menaces him.
"England has returned to tne edge of
an abyss of the most frightful of religious
wars. She will be cured by fire.
"For the house of Romanoff I see only
good, despite the terrible perils bom of
hate. -"nr Is effecting a wonderful trans
formation In the character of the Slavs.
Russia will emerge morally better and
stronger by reason of Interior accord.
Poland will take her old place again and
serve as a hypen between Russia and
Gerniany. .
Turkey Is doomed to go from Europe.
She 'asked for war and got it. However,
shu Is. not gone yet. I see blood, fire and
tears. I see the entire Bosphorus red
with the 'Bulgarians, Greeks, Serbs, Itu
maufaria and Montenegrins, blessed by
the crumbling ot the last plllais.
"Time has not yet come for peace for
entire. Europe. Oh, no! Servla has not
finished, her wars. Bulgaria will be rent
by men of- the past,
I see njany private dramas for Amer
ica. I discern a woman singularly even
prodlglbuslyr-gifted with money and en
ergy. Ifer hour Is near. But she will
meet an end she little expects.
"It 'will be a middling agricultural
and fine Industrial sear, though troubled
by financial crises. Seismic disturbances
will he1 .general. The forecast fqr weather
Is generally dry. Volcanoes will be ac
tive. There Hill be furious waves from
burning seas. Lands will be covered and
uncqvered yea. Uvea snuffed out by
thousands. We will share in this trial,
"The ees of the world will be more
than ever turned toward Europe; In Eu
rope they will be turned toward France.
"I call year 1U4 fu! juration, the 1715
fog. The dayu will dawn sometimes liary,
later beautlfylnB-so will 1S16 be."
CITY GETS 9118,100.68 IN WEEK
Receipts at Office of the Treasurer
Receipts at the ornce of the City Treas
urer the last seven days amounted to
JUS.KX 65. Payments for the same period
aggregated JS33.9S3.1S.'
The balance In the Treasury at the close
ot buspess -Wednesday night, riot Including-
the sinking fund aocount. was
"Spot" n Common Terrier, But nn
Invaluable Friend.
"Spot." just a plain unpcdlgreed bull
terrier, who cats vaseline, and Is the
helpmeet and sole protector of his owner,
Mrs. Mdle Conkling, 2210 Watkins Street,
will be one of tho features of the common
dog show to be held In Washington
Squaro next Saturday. Spot, who Is an
Invaluable aid to Mrs. Conkling, who lives
alono and Is deaf, should not find It
dimcult lo obtain a blue ribbon, If half
the things ho can do are shown.
Whenever tho doorbell ot Mrs. Conk
llng's home rings or thero Is a knock at
the gale. It Is Spot, who tells of It, He
seeks out lih owner, graspa her dress In
Ids teeth and leadi her to tho place
where she Is wanted.
Mrs. Conkling confesses that she
doesn't miss her hearing becauso the
faithful dog notifies her In an In
telligible manner of all Bounds. She
knows when the baker. Iceman, butcher,,
milkman, postman and other visitors ar
rive by Spot's action.,.
Suspect Went to Unoccupied House
With Jewelry.
A jewehy "salesman," who, It is al
leged, escaped over a back fence with
two cllnmond rings In his pocket, was
held under JIOO bail today by Magistrate
Coward In the 7th and Carpenter streets
Benjamin I,ewls, 22 years old. Vine
street near 7th, the prisoner. Is said to
have agreed to sell two diamond rings
to a person In a house nt 8th and Vine
streets for Philip II, Weiss, a Jeweler,
131 Federal street. Weiss waited outside
for an hour and a half, he testified, and
when ho rang the bell he discovered that
no. one lived there. Lewis was arrested
this morning by Special Policeman Gold.
Towns In Montgomery, Bucks and Dela
ware counties will benefit through the
decision of tho postal authorities to estab
lish free deliver and collection service.
Estimates of tho postal service carry
a reiuest for an appropriation of JIW.OOO
to start the work this year.
The funeral of Edward Sinclair Camp
bell, a mining engineer, and chemist, who
dltd Tuesday from an" attack of Blight's
disease, took place tills morning from his
home, 207 South 4th street. Hekwas 51
years pld. Mr, Campbell was graduated
from the engineering- school of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania In JSS1. For many
ears he was stationed at Greensboro, N.
O., and later transferred to Soddy, Tenn.
Prior to coming to this city he was en
gaged as mining, expert at Sheffield, Ala.
John Fisher, a banker ot CaUsauqua,
Pa., died Tuesday night at the German
Hospital. He was it years old. Mr.
FfBher was engaged In the red! estate and
banking business for 31 years.' He was a
member of the Ilks. His widow and
three children survive.
NEW VORK, Dec. 17. John G. Follans
bee, financier and steward of the Jookey
Club, died Tuesday afternoon ,ln his sum
mer home at Summit, N. J. Mr. Follans
bee at one time possessed one ot the finest
stables of race horses In the country.
POTTSVILM3, Pa., Dec. 17--Dr. Prank
MoWiltlamk of Schuylkill Haven, a medi
cal practitioner, died esterday after sev
eral days' Illness from pneumonia. He
was a graduate of the University of Penn
sylvania. It Is believed he contracted the
disease while out In a storm to attend a
patient, also stricken with pneumonia.
Dctor MeWllllams was formerly con
nected with the staff ot St Joseph's Hos
pital, at Reading, Pa., where he was for
a number of years.
Oairett Moulder, 83 yeats old, the last
surviving chapter member of the Uppo
woe Tribe, No. IT, lmproved'trder of
Red Men, of West Chester, died at his
homo In Phocnlxvllle, Po yesterday,
LONDON, pec. 17. Sf. If, Ilugglns, a
widely known sporting man, who won
the title of world's champion In Interna
tional quoits matches In 1912 and 1913, Is
dead at his home In bid Ford. He was a
member of England's exclusive clubs and
athletic associations.
, nni:tt. -At 8ttl, -Wain, on Drcemtwji
IIFI. UWIlun u..j-j,,. iuimi.ii; ". . -
kinhis. runerAl serviced And burial si
Bc.-itllo. WmIi.. Deeembtr 0, 1014
llAnilEft. On D6embr t. 10H. SfAUT
V wife nt rtobert N, rtarber, Sr . nn.l
lUurhttr nf the 1st William and Loula
m.. at her late leMdmee. S.OJ1 N 10th it. !
Interment prUat at Wnt Lou ret lull Ceme
tery. . I
ItAVt.n. On December 14, 391', FHANK ,
HA1-L.K. d . 77 sears , The retain e
M rrlnda nt tlif ftmllv. slto He It Lo'ts. I
No. suit. F and A, M.t Columbia Mark
Lodge, No. 01 ! Jerusalem n. A. Chapter, No.
It St John's Commandery, No, ', K. T ara
InMted to attend th funeral erlce, on
Friday afternoon, precisely at 2 o'clock, at
tils lata residence, .ton riaoe at. Interment
at Wtit Laurel Jflll Cemetery.
llOYI.K.-'On December IB, 18H. MICIf AEI
A., hunbantl ol Catherine A. Jlovlo. FuneMl
on Trldav. at .I'M a. in., from IMS N. lltli
at. Solemn Itlsli Hentilcm Ma; at St.
Malnrln'a Church at 10 a. m. Interment
Old Cathedral Cemetery.
IMtAW.KY. On December H. 10H,
Ot.IVBtl J., huaband of Mary E. nradley.
Funeral on Trlday. at B;30 a. m.. from I. JJ
S SSd rt. Bolemn lllrli Han of tlequlem
at tho Church of St. Kdmond at 10 a. m
Tntetment Holr croiii Cemetory,
CIIAHLKSMOnTll. On 'December 1. IBM,
IfAItUV V., husband ot Kllrabrth Charlee
north. Funeral aenlcos on Fatiirday, nt S
p. tn at hl late tealdence, 3l East Wood
Ian n ne.. Qcrmnntown.
DKl'IIltVKN. On December IS, 1011, MART
A., wife of John tl. Deperven. Itelatltes and
frlemls, arc Invited to attend tho funeral
nen'lcer. on rrlday. at 2 n. m.. at lier lata
rnilOonce livw N. ltili st. Interment prl
ato nt Mount Tcace Cemetery. ... ,
ElXIAIt. On Docember IB, 1D14, MA71T ,T
Ife of J. P Mdrar (neo Bailey). I"untrl
ervlcK on rrlday. at 1 p.m.. at the retl
donco of litr mother. il70 W. Oxford u In
terment Mount Mnrlali Cemetery.
KI.I.I1. MAUY KI.US, 4400 Ulrard ave.
KNOAIU1. On December 10. 1D14, CimiS
TOI'HEH, husband of Marsaret V. Knaard
fnee Flai). runeral erlce on Saturday,
nt 2 p ni.. Bt 1737 N. Darlen st. Interment
private, . . ... ,...
KSl.F.lt. On December 10, 1914, FltED
UUICK KSLKfl. Huneral from tho residence
of William i:niart, Wjndmoor, Montgomery
Cuunty. on fiaturdav, at 1 P. m. Interment
at North Codar Hill Cemetery.
rAIIKEN. On December 14. 1914, MAItT
l'nili:N, widow of John Farren runeral
on ITIday, nt 8:S0 a. m., from 2349 E. Har
old at. Sole-nn Itenulem Mnsj at Stt Ann's
church, at 10 a. m. Interment at St. Ann's
roW'KKH. Suddenly, on December 12, 1014,
CiVbMEJCTINE A. rOWKES. late of Plain
flld, N. J
FIWSKIt. At South Westvlllo. N. J., on
December -5. 1014,- JAMES FHAHEn. Fu
neral on Saturday, December 19. nt 10 n. :n
from tesldcnce. of hti son. John Iraser,
Ulieatnut st , Soutli We'tvlllc, N. J. Inter
ment private at Mt. Morlah Cemetery.
ntKEI.S. On December 14. 1014, TLOR
ENCE FItEELS. wife of Charlca Kreola and
dauahter of Catharine and tho late Beverly
roDC. Funeral Friday, at S:10 a. m., from
32 N. Frazler at. (S6th and Market). High
Mass at Our iJidi of Victors-. fi4th and Vina
tta.. at W n. m. Interment private
GAL'H. Suddenly, on December IS. 1014,
ANNA, daughter of Annie and the late John
Gaus. l'Mneral aervlcea on Saturday, at 1
n in., at 211'S Watkins st. Interment pri
vate at Olennood Cemetory.
CiOlt.MAN. On December IB, 1014, JOHN,
husband of Catharine Gorman, lineral on
llday, at 8;30 a. m., from 1300 Butler at.
Solemn High Masa of llcciuleni at St. Ste-
rhen'a Church, nt 10 a. m. Interment at
loly Scpulchro Ccmotcry.
1IAK1. SuddenU', on December IS, 1914.
JANL1 It., widow of Thomas Hair, Jr. Dug
notice of the runeral will be given from lier
lata residence, 7 St. James ave.. Merchant
vlllo, N. J.
HANI). December IS, 1014, at his late resi
dence, C123 Wayna ave., Uermantown.
Mass at 10 o'clock. Friday, December IS, at
Church of St. Vincent do laul, Qermsn.
HUDSON. On December IS. J014, PAT
ItlCIC It., husband ot Anna C Hudson (n'o
Carroll). Funeral on Friday, at 8:30 a. in.,
from 2111 Berks at. Solemn Requiem Mass
at St. Elizabeth's Church, at 10 a. m. In
terment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
JAMES. On December IS, 1014, CHARLES,
son of tho late George and Ann Jamea,
Italatlvea and friend of the family aro In
vited to attend the funeral services, on Sat
urday afternoon, precisely at 2 o'clock, at
lit late residence, S1S2 Brown at. Interment
at Mt. Morlah Cemetery, nemalns may be
viewed on Friday evening, between the hours
of 7 and 0 o'clock.
KALLAM. On December 14. 1014, ANNIE
M., daughter of tbe late Patrick and Susan
Kallnm. Funeral on Friday, at 8:30 a. m..
from Rta North Tanev at. Solemn Mass of
Requiem at St, Francis' Church, at 10 a. m.
precisely. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery.
KKI.I.Y. On December Id, 1014. MARY A.
KELLY, oced 84 sears. Kelatlvea and
friends ure Invited to attend the funeral, on
1'rldav-, at 7:.iO o'clock, from lata residence,
184S North 22d st. High Masa at St. Eliza
beth's Church. 23d and Berks st., at 0
a, m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery,
KN'OIILAUm. On December IS. 1014,
jnjCIlfNB R. KNOBLAUCH. Funeral serv
ices and Interment private.
KOClIKRSl'EROKll. On December IB. 1914,
I1LM1RA REBECCA, widow of Ueorje W,
Kochtrsperxer. Funeral services on Friday,
at 8 p. m.. at Schuyler's, Broad and Dia
mond sts. Interment private.
LAUIIKR. On December 16, 19i4, MAR
OAJtET. daughter of the late Iaaaa J. and
Mary Lauber. Funeral services on Saturday,
at 2 p. m., at 1110 Went Mqyamenslng ave.
Interment at Mount Moflah Cemetery.
LAZAIl. HARRY LAZAR. 2418 South ISth
IB SAGE On December 16. 1014. MARY
T widow of Francis Le Sage. Funeral on
Kattirriav. at 8.30 a. m.. frtlm tho residence
of Iter son.ln-law, Henry J, Taube. UuO fiist
f'heltori ave,. Oermantown. Interment Holy
Pepulchre Cemetery.
I.KNLIK On December 14, 1014, NA
THANIEL J., husband of Mary Leslie, at his
late residence, 1118 Diamond St. Lue potlce
of fum-ral will be given.
LKMIH. At Mount Ilollv, N. I., on Decem
ber l.r., 1014, JOHN L. IJ-.WIS. I'uneral on
I'rldas, at - p. m.. from hU-lato residence, SJ
rine, t Interment at Mount Holly Ceme
tery LONOKNDOKFCn. On December IS, 1014,
FRANK II., husband ot tho late Elizabeth
Longendorfar. Funeral service on Satur
day, at 10 a. pi., at his late reatdsnea. 111
North t3d st Interment private, at North
wood Cemetory
MAST. On Decembsr IS, 1014. Joseph,
son ot Elizabeth and the late JonepH Mast.
Funeral on Friday at 2 p m., from the real,
denoe of his brother-in-law. Auzust Eralf.
4s2ii North ISth st, Interment private, at
1b w YTII1 fainiasa,pis
lvv Hill Cemstery
MrOANN. Sudden y.
-Suddaaly, on December IS, 1014,
JOHN, beloved husband of Jane McCann. Fu-
neral on Saturday, at s 30 m.. tmm hi
daughter.- realdenca. Mrs Jennie Hand. 613
May st.. West Philadelphia. Mass at the
Church of Our Mother ot Sorrows, at 10 a.
m. Jntorniant at Holy Cross Cemetery.
MeEIJlOYVf-On December 18. 1014. MARY
B. MoSLROY. Funeral sendee on Satur
day, at 2 p. m., at (he residence of her
grandson, William A. (MeCabe. 1012 North
Uber at. Interment private, Fsrnwood Ceme
tery. SIrAIUai.K On December 14. Jls.
JOHN f McOARRiaLE, hiuband of tl.
lata Bllaabeth MeQarrlrla rn.a 1-w.vln.v v..
neral on featurday, at a SO a. m.. from S2I3
South Carlisle Solemn High Msss of ni
dulem at 8t Monica's Church, at 10 a. m.
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
MraitATif, On Deeember IS, 1914, ANNIf?
W. McORATH, widow of WHUm McOratS
and blad daughter of the tale neland and
Tsabella Walker. Relatives and frljnd" are
Invited lo attend the funeral, on Ps turds y
afternoon, lotb Inst, at 2jM o'clock, from
her late residence, 331 Freeton st., Wej
Philadelphia Interment at Fernwood Ceme
tery, New York elty papers pleaso copy.
MfKAI.VEY. On December 14. 1914. JOHN
McKALVBY, husbind of the late Hllzjbeth
McKaivey. Funeral on Monday, at 8.30 a.
m . from 2200 Lombard at Solemn High
Maim of Requiem at St. .Patrick's Church at
10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Ceroe
terv. Mctr.TVAIN. On December IB, 1914. CATH
ARINE M.. widow ot Hugh T Mcllaaln.
Relatives and friends are Invited lo attend
the funeral acrTlccs, on Saturday afternoon,
st 1! o'clock, at her late residence, 4117
I.elrty ave. Interment private
Mount Alrv ave.
MII.I10AN On December IS. 1014, OEn-
TRinB II,. daughter of the late Robert and
Emetine Mllltgan Funeral services at her
late, residence, 1337 Notth Alden at., West
Philadelphia, on Friday, at 2 p. m. Inter
iment Northwood cemeler)
.MIinnKN-On Decemher 14. 1914. CLARA
HAYEfl, dnuKhtcr of Malcolm 15. and Marv
n. Murren. Funeral tervicea on Frldav, at
1 p m., at .127 Fan Thomnon t. Interment
pilvate, at North Cedar Itlll Cemetery.
Oj.nFlKI.H-. Sud!nlj, nn Deremher IB,
1014. SARAH, ividor. nf Henrv Oldfleld. Kn
it era I on Saturday, nt S p. in . from 1818
fellers at., Frankrord. Ftcnl-e In the North
Baptist riiurch. n p. m.. Interment North
C'dar Hill Cemetcrv.
rilF.I.AN. On ner-mher II 1914. at Mount
Itoval, N. J., CLDMUNT husband of Bcasla
I'nelnn nnd eon of I ho late James and
Annie Phelan Funeral on Saturdas-, at
y in., from the residence or Thomas Hopper,
14(1 Iloseberry st. (2d, bolow miner). High
Maai of Requiem at the Lady of Mt. Carmel
Church, at u:.TO a. m. Interment Holy Cross
RIEr-TAt .Tlnkeravllle, N J., riMA
Iirrril A., widow of Captain John Price. Fu
neral from her late residence, Tlakersvllle.
N. J., on Frlda-, at B p. m. Services at
Sunday PublicLedger
December 20th
The Most Beautiful Magazine
Ever Issued by Any Newspaper
On.Sunday, December 20th, the PublicXedger will publish;
in connection with. the regular issue of the Ledger, a mag
nificent Christmas Magazine, printed in full colors through
out. The front cover is by Arthur I. JCeller.
Noted artists who have contributed to
this Christmas special are Jessie Wilcox Smith;
May Wilson Preston, Clara Elsene Peck, John
Rae and May Aiken, who won the prize con
test offered by the Ledger for paintings foi this
, There's a stirring Xmas poem by Percy
Mackayc and an original and tuneful Christmas
Carol by Leopold Stokowski, Director of the
Philadelphia Orchestra.
In this edition, besides the Xmas Magazine and exquisite
Intaglio Section, there wilfbe two pages devoted to winter
resorts of the Southern States and Bermuda. After Decem
ber 2 l'the price of the.Christmas Magazine will be ten cents.
Christmas Number Out Sunday, December 2Qth
17, 1914.
rlrl1 t. ft.
Church, at 5:30. Isterment
IlICltTEIt On December 10, 1014. ADAM,
husband of the late Jennie .ehter, and son
t Central Cenietery.
of the. l"...'inarie..m. -;-W, ".".-"-
Funeral "i,fi.""TV,. ,!w.i.e
beiirre O'Neill, 317 ntzrerald at,
from tne . rejiaencj . """i--;,,;
' ment Tcrnwood cemetery.
Annln at
S U-NDERS. On December 10, 1914, EMpA
HBTH. wife of John P. Saunders and daugh
ter of '.Tohn and Lur5L"SlV,BirS?"Vm
Saturday, December 10, at 2 Ei. j.-'n
r.Fl Hnrrnsgle at., ro Chase. ,Fhlldelphla.
Interment Lawn View Cemetery.
8nnf,T,RT ' Qn December 18,,r 1014,
WiCIIAEr. P., husband of, the late Mary T.
Beulle Funeral on Saturday, at 8 0 s. m.,
fron I 4740 NerUi 3d St. lHn "" 1'n!
tnuicn oi tne Incarnation, at 10 a. m. in
ternum Holy Cross Cemetery. ,,,..
SI.!..!.!!. On December 14. 10M. aOlIN.
nusoami ni i-auimo noiii "'", ',"V. ".il
f.. ..
Deutchen Faerber und Drucker Vereln. Phil,
adeiphla Mllehhandlers UnlerstutrungVere n,
St. Michael's Bruder Unteratutrung herein,
ottri lear. veiauvc nnu ii,e". ' ,7 ..
'are Invited to attend the funeral, on Frj-
dencV 2211 nnierald at. Interment at Cedar
JIIII remetery, ,, .... ,
HHEPHRnn. On December 14. 1014. IIAR
RIF.T SHF.PHE71D (nee Ward), wife of Jo
seph Shepherd. I"uneral services on Friday,
at I p. m at the residence of Mr em,
William M, Shepherd, 2143 North 30th at.
Tnlarment strictly private. ,,, .
KironT. On December 18. 1914, WART A.,
widow of William Bhort and daughter of the
late Oeorge and .Mary Stinger. Funeral
services on Sunday, at an. m , at J22C North
IMh st. Interment at American Mechanics
HERTnA SIMPSON, 2309 Ells-
vvoitn at-
On Deeember IS. 1914, OEOROB
W., husband of Elizabeth 8. Taylor. Fupejji
services on Friday, at 10:20 a. m., at U
Lots of tilings of interest to the youngsters
in this bright, beautiful magazine; but through
it all runs the Yuletide spirit that will win the
hearts of old and young alike.
New Patk Ave..Colllntroodr Ni 3. Zh
Sent atrlctty prlt-au, at Bt rjraeV ffiR
Cemetery, ulney, Philadelphia, '
THOMPnON. -On Sfeember I jffl
MEDORA D. THOMPSON, at her fji, "I
dence,41718 North 2Bth at Due ttM
runeral -will be given. '" "z '
CnP."..."'.1-. J", KAW
Kitherlne Iforstmann snd wife of AbbSi
C Uhde. Funeral sarvlces on rloir Sail
p m at 5710 Cambridge m. Interment sis
... ae Northwood Cemetcrv. " yj
WALMST.EY. On Deeember Id, lou, teS
Walmsiey. aped 7f years nUHvs th
friends are Invited to attend the funlJJ
from her late residence, 8220 Fonuin ti" J
Haturdaj-. at lio p. m. Services nitl
Memorial Church ef tho Advocate, aSthVe
Diamond U., at 2 p, m. Interment p?I,,
at Jit. Peace Cemetery. 1"J
WATSON-. On December IS. 1914. in?
'iVJmdb B1DWBLL, widow of WlUanJ Dfi
;i!.in. Funeral services on FrlJ '?.
p. m., at pa Dlsston St.. Tacpnr,"tJ?
niKNTEMc-On Deeember 14. 1914. nrffl
W.lt). .Funeral .ervlee. on -Frld v, .
m. at hts late residence, 420 Sepvirii
nmceed to lalmer Vault
WHITEHEAD, on December 10,
rvim.tll. .On Deoember to 4.7
'...Vnniri A . rf.ll.M,f nf Rf.-v T '.tVA'
late Tlicmas Wnlteliead, Funeral serrlfj
dnc B50T. Chaw at., Qcrmantoim, tnl
a,Vt Ttlll rvimtmWW . ..I.
a nr.iR-At .Tffirian IleinliaL rmt..
dlpM. at 0 . m., on December ib, i?
ii5-T,n ti'nT.rB T.it.tie.a. l."1
mm tnvlfi(1 ta ftttenii th funrt acrt-fca!
fJhuraar, Rt B.f,0 p. m.. at tha apartttcaSl
of 011 tr H. Half, 1820 Chestnut at. 3g
a, m. Interment at Lewlaburg. At
WOI.K.--On Deeember IS. 1014. HEUlfiB
husband of Cllffle Wolf. In his 60th yrici
Relatives and rrlends are mvlted to attiiS
the funeral sen Ices, on Friday, at 10.30 a.,
nt his late resldenc, 2115 Green at. iKajj
meni priraic ivinuijr uiu.ft wnaiii
There arc Christmas stories by Harriet
Prescott Spofford, and Harriet E. Mathews
prize story, written especially for this issue, is
of particular interest. Two wonderful pages
in full color show Xmas sports in foreign lands.