ETENTG LED&ER-PHIADELrHTA, TtJEBDAf, PfeOEMBEft 18, 191. i - ,r T r ..,t ,,,,.,- i 1..1, ., i ,.,.,. , ii ii ,i ,11 mililMniiH I n ij JJi!L' ' i ' i i i i A wHli.WMiMfelik. .in ufnni infill 'imiJiUi KV'iHTO -ft ,. it. , nnil .. j i.i imii i. !" II Hi !! z tC fmi J n Jv-' w "I'ti lBrvcr BESIjct"-- -vl3.BBBmBmmBbLl 'SIf 'rj. $ - 4 jyiSlt!feLS ? Mil. AND MllS. JACOB 8TEELMAN DIBS TON, of Norwood Hull, Chestnut Hill will entertain at a theatre tmrty, followed by a sup Jr and danco at tlieTUtz-Carllon Hotel, on Bat urday evening, December 26, In honor of their niece, M.ns Pauline Dlsston, debutante daughter of Mr. and Sirs, William Dlsston. The gueats will tnelude Miss Dlsston, Miss Cordelia Diddle. Miss Margaret Berwlnd, Miss Eugenia Cassatt, Miss Manraret .Handy Burton, Miss Marie Louise Wanamakcr, Miss Margaret Dennett, Miss Elsa It. Reath, Miss Mary Drown War burton, Miss Hope T.. Deals, Miss Cornelia C. Ieldy, Miss Elizabeth Thompson, Miss Dorothy Dlsstbn, Edward Brooke, Jr., Alfred Sergeant, Saunders Meade, A. J. Drexet Diddle, Jr., Regi nald Hutchinson, Hare Davis, Frederick Still man, Jr., Henry C. Barclay, William II, Du Dairy, John H. Potter, Binngham D. Morris, Jr., Atfrcd C. Gilpin, Phillip S. 1 Randolph, Jr., John L. Montgomery and R. I'cnn Smith, Jr. Mrs. Franklin Langstoff, of 2217 Locust street, wilt give a dinner before tho Coxe ball on Friday, December 18, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. Sturgls Ingcrsoll. Mrs. Ingorsoll will bo re membered as Miss Marlon D. Fowlo. Miss Elizabeth Byrd Pleasants, of Rockland, Waytoo, announces the engagement of her ncce, Miss Elisabeth Low Pleasant, to Hober C. Orews, of Toronto, Canada. Miss Pleasants, who lives with her aunt In the charming old Colonial estate of tho Pleasants at Wayne, will be the guest of honor at a numbor of social affairs this winter. Miss Frances Ross will give n luncheon Thursday In honor of Mlsa Pleasants. Miss Pleasants and Mr. Crews will be tho guests of Mr. and Sirs. Walter Addison Fox, of Cjmwyd, over the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Harold Qllllngham and Miss Edith Dill ingham will give a matinee party, followed by a tea at the Bellevue-Stratford, on Wednesday, December 23, In honor of Miss Harriot 0. Leaf, whose engagement to George Upton Favorlto was recently announced. Tho gueats will Inj dude, besides tho honor guest, Mrs. Edward Bowman Leaf, SIIss Kato Furn'ess Jayne, Mfss Charlotte Fahnestock, Miss Elinor Judd Dean, Miss Hope .McMlchaol, Miss Margaret Handy Burton, Miss Helena Robinson and Mlsa Isabel Page. At tho luncheon which Mrs. Millard Fllmoro Frlsmuth will give on Thursday at the Marlyn, the guests will bo Miss Anna Chrysty, Mrs. Herman Horn, Mrs. Herman Horn, Jr., Mrs. Charlos V. Rlsley, Mrs. Herman 0. Hatllnger, Mrs. Thomas H. Roth, Mrs. Charles D. Swift, Mrs. Charles F. Shcllenburger and Mrs, LIHIe Kudor. Miss Mary Dallard will be guest of honor at a dinner danco to be given December 21 by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Elklns and Miss Ethel C Bikini at their homo, 7E01 Creshelm road. The guests will Includo MIsb Hestor Ander son, Miss Eleanor L. Porcher, Miss Anna Stew art, Miss Marian Kingston. Miss Helen Foster, Mjss Katherlno Newbotd, Miss Huberta Potter, Miss Margaret Baker, Miss Anne Elllcott, Ham ilton Vogdes, Arthur Werrlck. Frederick Dal iard, Warren Donaldson, Arthur Crosby, Brooks Lister, Thomas' Foster, Robert Oantort, Eyra Price. Terrlll Price, Alfred Phillips, Jr., Albert Stout, Jr., Herbert Alsen and Sidney Kelley. - Mrs. Thomas Hunter, of 1S2i RlUenhouia square, will entertain on Friday afternoon at luncheon, followed by bridge. Covers will bo laid for 12. Her guests will be Mrs. William Dixon, Mrs aeorgo Urquhart, Sirs, Silas Tom ll'nson, Mrs. Charles Daniel, Mrs. Walter O. Bells, Mrs. Robert Drlggs, Mrs. Frank C. Stockley, Mrs.t W. W. Walton, Mrs. Henry Otoly, Mrs. Alfred Guy and Mrs. Anderson Ross. Mlsa Frances S. Mears, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B, Mears, of 1818 De Lancey place, iiaa returned to her home after spending the cummer and autumn at Burt's Ranch, near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. lIUs Mears spent the week-end as the guest of Miss Anna Lewis Barroll at her home on Charlton street. Allen Lane. The Cosmopolitan Club, of New York, will give a reception on December 20 In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Stokowskl, of this city, All the members of the club and many guests wil( he present, Including the most prominent , musical, literary and arttstlo people of New t York. Mr. and Mrs. Oustavous Seldel, of the Hotel yValton, will leave on Friday for their beauti ful villa at San Lucia, Fla., where they will remain until April. ALONG TD.E MAIN LINE VTPiio(irooD Mrs, John Joyce, Jr., has re- tarned to her home on Lancaster road, after a Visit to Freeport. I L, where she was the guest t hec sister, Mrs. Leo Halpln, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. White, of Hnt road, will spend Christmas and that week-end with Ur. White's brother In New York, ABPJioae Mrs. John Armond La Fore and her little daughter, of Wlster road, will leave for Washington, December 23, to attend the twddlng of Mlu Helen Stevens, daugfiter of Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Stevens, and aeorgo Gregory, which will take place In that city Tuesday, December 29, at the brlde'a home. UH ltth street. HBBION-Miss Isabelle Wanamaker, daughter p Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wanamaker, will itave Monday, December is, for Pittsburgh, vhere she will spend Christmas wees; as the KUtat of Miss Elisabeth Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Thayer will give a dinner Friday, In honor of Miss Alice Chapman Thompson, The guests, numbering- about SO who wtll be from this year's debutante set as vnU as from the oldsr set, wul later attend Ce ball, to be given by Mrs, Alexander Brinton Coze. ALONG THE HEADING Ut. ad Mrs. Max s. Apt. of m North Uth street. Oak Lane, will issue Invitations shortly for tie marriage of their daughter. Miss Pearl Apt to Bamusl Berger. The ceremony' r4U be Mrformed oa Tuesday Btgfct, February , at the getel Adelphla. Miss Apt tuts setd Mlw M Apt. her elatfr, for uiaM of tmm; UN. sswwl Kaber, miuron of honor, and these fcrtfesmjJdi, MUs Alio Blteb. ! Ato4tette Herger, MIm Mg 8Fwr, IHm of the brtde mmm. m mm Wm. mm tarn wee mm, Wh CUa Caw, mm lst Qmi MN&r' w "1 ,f?'3pr tfjsaH 1, iKjr ' ' fT ?' "S ' -'V'-fi SClM' llf KtPil' I extrcmc'jr "ct'To member of the committee In clmrgo of the MacIe-in-America Fair. The car in . HllAIIlWwS M-v'' ;V! -'' jC- -Mil MADE-IK-AMERICA PffiSfll 'W "' S-!ii FETE OPENED Rfir i '" $ wl "'i'M '''" ft' ''I fHvf ,'- ' '"Et 'fe."4 JJi'.. VfA'''Vf$. "s Jllli The Event Which Opened Monday and mSrh' M 'VB vlV tf'Or 1111 Which Will Continue for Three Days, Wnmh&HWl's -IliU 1-i r-?m'l;Jte;, . -'llrlMc''I Is a Great Success. WClllJfflSS:MliUii$yi WEDDINGS OF INTEREST 'D -i MRS. ROBERT LEAMNG MONTGOMERY Ono of the prominent younger matrons inter ested in the city-wido movement for the rolief of the Belgians. Miss Edith Silverman and Miss Marian Sil verman. Mr. Derger will have his brother, Slg murtd Bergcr, for best man; and the ushere will be I. Slgmund Cravls, William Slepln, Dr. S. Norman Grahn, Samuel. Apt, Jerome Apt, Milton Staub, Samuel Klein, John Fnggcn and Robert SchteBS. Mlsa Olive May Wilson, well known aB "The Santa Claus Girl" and daughter of Mrs. S. H Wilson, of Jonkintown, will be the guest of honor at a luncheon, given by the Minerva Club, at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, oa Wednesday, December 30. at 1:30 o'clock. CHESTNUT HILL Mr. and Mrs. J. G Noblit, of MO East Mt Pleasant avenue, accompanied by their son and daughter-in-law, Sir. and Mrs. William Noblit, will leavo on Sunday for Florida, where they will spend the winter months. Mrs.' Charles M. Camm, of 103 East Gowen avenue, entertained the members of her lunch eon bridge club yesterday at her home Mrs. Frances McGrath, of Benezet street, has as her guest Mrs. Helen Bancroft, of Now York. Miss Emily Taylor, of 33 East Mt Airy ave nue, will entertain at luncheon on Friday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Earnshaw and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Blmonln are among tho Ger mantown and Chestnut Hill young married set who will attend the Ambulance Ball tonight at Horticultural Hall. DREXEL-BIDDLE CONCERT Annual Affair Held Last Night at Bellevuo Stratford Great Success. The world and his wife turned out In spite of cold and biting winds last night to attend the annual concert of the A. J, Drexel Blddle Bible Classes, In the ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford. The affair seems to j grow In importance so cially as well as otherwise each year, and In tho Intermingling of all classes and many sects one may say the affair was. Indeed, a great success, for' every one was happy. As Is usual, a large number of the Bible Class members were present and took their places around the walls of the ballroom. Many of this city's favorite singers were heard. One of the most charming solos of the evening was the Ballatella from "I Pagllaocl," sung by Mrs. William Baker Whelen. Doctor Llpaohutj also sang In very fine voice. Joseph F. Edwards was a new star In the firmament of amateur affairs. Mr Edwards has lately re turned from Europe, where he has given much tlms to voice culture. He Is possessed of a powerful barytone voice and has quite some histrionic talent He gave the prologue from "Pagllaeet" At Intervals during the evening the -members of the Bible Classes gathered before the stage and sang several verses of taeir favorite hymns. The Rev. Floyd W. Tomklns made a short ad dress during-the evening, as did William Bills Boull and the genial host himself. Npted in the Urge fashionable audtense were Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Van Rensselaer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brinten Coxe, Mr. and Mrs. BMward T. Sttesbury, Mrs. Alexander Brintan Coxe, Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon Mead Large, Mr. and M"- Heary D.PaUeo, str. mi Mrs. J, RJOgway RsUry. Mr. and Mrs. Tfcospas cUagway. Mr and Mrs. William BUM Seusl Mrs. Albert Paaeoast, Dr. aaA Via, Mrtokiw Coles. Mr. aad Mrs. Benest du PB,t, Mr sod Mrs ftclaud Fuulkc. Dr. and Mrs W. FUjuoM Wl!ut. Mr nod Mrs Daniel L. Hutch ymm. 4'.. Ms wuusjb, Gssstest. M4 A. Has, I a,: T5flBsaBBMBjMSBHr " ilMiBt -pWJ lilt '' ., , iflfMBMtBieieieSl MMffTT i - 'WeWTeF-A MISS KATHARINE HERMAN KREMER Miss Kremer, who mntlo her debut a few seasons ago, is one of the foremost workers in the various charitable affairs. Slio is ono of the most popular members of the younger set and has been indefatigable in the Emergency Aid work. Miss Guggenheim and Mr. Glmbel Are Married In Now York Today. THE wedding of Miss Lucille Sarah Guggen heim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Guggenheim, of 998 Eth avenue. New York, to Frederick Adam Glmbel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Glmbel, of 771 Madison avenue, Now York, will take place today in the St. Regis Hotel. Tho ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman. The bride will be at tended by Miss Frances Levy, and the beat man will bo Bernard F. Glmbel, a brother of the groom. The ushers will be Edward A. Gug genheim, Adam Long Glmbel, Robert SI. Slayer, of Chicago, and Jack F. Goldstein. After a wedding trip to California, Sir. and Sirs. Glm bel will take up their residence at 375 Park ave nue, New York; MOSS DHOD The marriage of Miss Ray L. Brod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Ray Brod, of 1835 West Erie avenue, and Joseph Moss, of Pine street will be solemnized tonight at 8 o'clock in the Beth Israel Synagogue, 32d street and Mont gomery avenue, with tho Rev. Dr. Marvin Nathan officiating at the ceremony. Mr. Brod Will give his daughter In marriage. She will wear a lovely gown of white duchess satin, trimmed with duchess lace, a lace veil arranged with orange blossoms, and will carry a bouquet of orchids, and allies of the valley. Miss Bes sie SIoss, slsterW the bridegroom, will be maid of honor Soft pink taffota and lace will form her gown. A pink hat, trimmed with a pink rose, will complete her dainty costume. She will carry an arm bouquet of pink roses. The bridesmaids will be SIlss Ray Moss, Miss Helen Heilbron, Miss Florette Bauer, Miss Felice Har ris, SIlss Irene Rosensteln, SIlss Reba Blatt berg, SIlss Reba Rosenblum and Miss Ray Rosenblum. They will wear frocks of white taffeta and lace, and black velvet hats. A single red rose will be the only trimming on each Hat They will carry old-fashioned bou quets of red roses. Dr. Samuel Moss will be his brother's beat man. Emanuel Stpss, another brother; John Kutner, Samuel Green, Joseph Fischer, Herbert Balus, Henry Arronson, Benjamin Dlntenfass and Dr. William Harts will be the ushers. The service will be followed by a large reception at the Mercantile Club. Mr. and Mrs. Moss, after an extended journey through the South, will be at home after January I at 1S35 West Erie avenue. GERMANTOWN Miss Anna V, Evans, of 6817 Creshelm road, will leave on Saturday for Florida, where she will spend the winter as the guest of Miss Sarah Noblit, The Beta Sigma Bororlty held an Interachool meeting at the Walnut Lane School at 8 o'clock yesterday, which was fallowed by a tea. Miss Olive May Wilson, known as "The Santa CTaus QlrlJ" gave a talk to the members. THE LADY Seenet Bellevue Garden; time, our to tlx; Reason, a fa whtrt the beaux and belU a mix, Staged up urith flowers, bouquets qpd buntfia; Crowded to dwr, tome for free tunehea. New debutante, boised. fivtt last ffrmgt Kmi of a fetf of whom ptetm me, Minwil fa, U$kt ewesttra foes, WwuUrfui fmmU, mrveUm$ . DEBUTANTE AFFAIRS Miss Edith Nevill Smythe Will be Presented Today Other Affairs, MR. AND MRS. J. L. NEVILL SMYTHE, of Prospect avenue, Chestnut Hill, will give a dancing tea this afternoon at the Acorn Club, to Introduce their daughter, Miss Edith Nevill Smythe. Tho receiving party wilt be composed of the season's debutantes, Including Miss Katherlno A. Bowie, SIlss Slary T. Dcnckla, SIlss Jean C. Bullitt, SIlss Slary E. Clayton, Miss Slary S. Wurts, Miss Emma A. Dorr, SIlss Jane E. Harding, SIlss Dorothy E. Foltz, Miss Anna M. Walthour, SIlss Emily La Fargo Clax ton. Miss LIUle Crlsdeld, Miss Isabol Wurts Page, Miss Elisabeth L. A. Brewster. Mr. and Mrs.' Rodman Wnriamakcr, of "Mlllrose." Wyncote, will glvo a large danco In the Gold Room of the Rltx-Carlton, In honor of Miss Marie Louise- Wanamaker, their de butante daughter. The ballroom will be at traotlvely decorated with palms, ferns and cut flowers. The guests will be largely from the debutantes and younger dancing-men set Many dinners have been planned for the llttlo debs boforo the dance. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson Curtln, of 2115 De Lancey place, will entertain at dinner, In honor of Miss Hope McSIlchoel. Mr. and Sirs. John Shipley Dixon, of "Meadowbrook," Vlllanova, will entertain at dinner In the Bellevue-Stratford. The guests will be Mlsa Mary Brown Warburton, Miss Marie Louise Wanamaker, SIlss Edwlnn Elklns Bruner, Miss Slargaret C. Fox, Mlsa Katharine H. Kremer, SIlss Mary Croier Page, Sir. and Sirs. Qulncey Adams Glllmore, Sir. and Mrs. Robert Sturgls Ingersoll, Louis R. Page, Jr.. Edward C. Page. Joseph Marechal Brown, Jr., Harold M. Wlllcox and John Browning Clement, Jr. SIlss Jean C. Bullitt will be guest of honor at a dinner, to be given at her home. In the early evening Doctor and Mrs. Wilbur Paddock Klapp, of 1718 Spruce street, will give a theatre party, to be followed by a supper at the Rttz-Carlton, In "honor of SIlss Mary Stuart Wurts, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurts. Sirs. J, R. Evans Roberts will give a theatre party, t) be followed by supper at the Rltz Carlton, In honor of M)ss Inez Drayton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clayton, of the Belgravla, will give a theatre party, In honor of their debutante daughter, Miss Mary C, Clayton, The guests will later go to the Rodman Wana maker dance, WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. James Dowd, of KU Glrard avenue, are being congratulated on the birth of a daughter December 13. Mr. and Sirs. William J. Cronin will give a tea at their home, 3933 Walnut street, this after noon, from until 6 o'clock. Cards of the Misses Cronin are Inclosed. OR THE TIGER And her own goum from, head to toe Leopards abovet leopards below; On youth remarked, Wt (?w his namet ' "Don't bUm Uoprd, 1, too, mm Nam of this maid, em't teH you tkat. IePa m( her Mm, it wV tier ft; , For attfluk to hrt (fey p fev, Meooa, nmmkr, ikout G mt A, Certainly If tho Mado In America Fete con tinues today and tomorrow to be tho success It was yesterday, many of the poor at home and abroad wtll bo kept -warm and working this winter, as is evidently the ardent wish of tho generous women who have given money, talent and, best of all, time to tho good work. This evening there will bo an nmbulanco ball in connection with tho Mado in America Fete, tho proceeds of which will be devoted to tho purchase of supplies for the Philadelphia ward of tho American Ambulance Hospital In Paris. Tho "Dance of the Eight Kisses," a specialty dance, wilt be featured by Silas Frances Hoar and Vinton Frledly. Silas Ella Brock and Joseph du. Barry, SIlss A. Beatrice Geyelln and Rowland Evans. SIlss Anne Wil liams, of Baltimore, and Charles P. Davis, of this city, "will danco specialty dances during tho evening. A small booth, explaining the purposes of the American Ambulance Hos pital, in Paris, will be placed on the ballroom floor. Tomorrow, the last day of the fair, there will be an Arabian Nights feature, representing Persians, Arabs, black Blavcs, a big harem scene and women garbed in Oriental costumes. Sirs. J. Kearslcy Mitchell will bo Queen of the Arabian Nights and grouped around her on cushions will be Sirs. Robert L. Montgomery, Srrs. Georgo Willing, Jr., Sirs. Charles S. Snowden, Sirs. George Dallas Dixon, Sirs. Henry P. Vaux, Sirs. William SI. Elklns, Sirs. A. J. Antelo Devereux, Mrs. Alexander Brown, Sirs. W. Frazler Harrison, SIlss Christine W, Blddlo, Sirs. Thomas SIcKean, Sllss Eugenia C. Law, Sties Hannah Randolph. SIlss A. Bea trice Geyelln, Mlsa Constance Perkins, Miss Roso Dolan, SIlss Beatrice ClapUn, John Slohr, Fltz Eugene D. Thayer, Clarence H. Clark, 3d, R Penn Smith, John R. Fell, W. Frazler Harrison and Upton Sullivan. SIlss Dorothy Tweedy and SIlss Lorna Tweedy, of New York, will dance an Oriental dance. Sirs. William J. Clothier will dance a harem dance, SIlss Ella Brock and Joseph du Barry will dance a Cubist dance. The Misses Wyborg, of New Yorit, will dance a Russian dance. SIlss Slarguerlte Cuperton and Sir. Durant will dance a polka, and Mrs. Harold A. Sands and Chesley Richardson wilt dance ball room dances. Thero will be tableaux and an open Blnglng competition. In which a number of society's matrons will participate. The Bulck Slotorcar Company and the Ford Motorcar Company have donated automobiles, MERION EMERGENCY AID Enthusiastic Meeting Took Placo Yesterday at the Home of Mrs. W, P. Gest. Despite the busy shopping days an enthusi astic meeting of the Slerlon Branch of the Emergency Aid, recently established by the women members of the Merlon Clvla Associa tion, was held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock la the home of Sirs. William P, Gest. Hazle hurst avenue. Merlon. The aim of the new Emergency Branch, the first meeting of which was held at the home of Sirs. Edward W. Dot, Is to BUpply hospital garments and bandages to the wounded soldiers, but at the same time to give work to unemployed women by turning over to them the cutting of all the garments and the making of some. To simplify the work, paper patterns, as well as sample garments, are furnished by the members. Over 50 finished hospital garments were turned In at yesterday's meeting by the prominent Merlon womeit belonging to the new branch, and these Included four dozen pillowcases, 13 wrappers, 21 pairs of pajamas and conva lescent jackets. About as many other artielej are In a "nearly finished" state, so It leaks as It the next meeting, planned for shortly after Christmas, would bring together several hun dred pieces. After eaeh meeting the finished garments are sent to the Btaergcney Aid. Head, quarters, and this means that the pieces turned In yesterday will be well on their errand of msrey before she next lo( is finished. It Is the intention of the members to send the supplies In as fast as the finished gsurraents can be made. Three or four sewing: machines ara kept busy at eaeh meatta,' while at the same tlfae buttons are sewed oa and outtonbelM made as quiekly as Interested fingers eaa fir the e41. All the sstsabers are ewtbuslastta ver eh werk, aad west those wb expect to sad the wter away fro feetsw are psrumlirg to give eftietlwicwMais bjSee leavtak a tu.t their abseaae wMl set be tui cause ot k fetttaw 9? the swed wask. Mm. gr indole J, Beejb baa giawtwitr a mass i a st a mnaleal aad oar party, Thursday nipi. January T. from 2 ftUl VcittA, ttw psaitsdji of mtki-.ii. wUi be Atcoa te tit wests 4 t fsg rWepssJ eswvssvV' wssl VVM lsir abroad, the women members of the Merlon Clvla Association aro also planning several in teresting lectures or talk to be given by welt known women. On February 4, Miss Ida Tar bell will give a talk at the homo' of Mr. Ed ward W. Bok. The members of the Woman Committee of the Slerlon Clvla Association nre Mrs. Norman Ellison, chairman; Mrs. Edward W. Bok, Mrs. Gcdlon Bocrtcks, Sirs. William P. Cost, Mrs. George D. B. Darby and Mrs. Frederic W. Rockwell. AMUSEMENTS B. F. Keith's Theatre BIGGER RIOT THAN EVER! EVA TANGUAY , Cyclonic Whirl of Happiness !, WITH ALL NEW. AND NOVEL SONGS. SUPPOtlTED BY A SUPERB SHOW DOIlOTUr REQEL & CO., In "A TELE PHONE TANQLE;" SALON SlNQEnS: BERT F1TZQIBUON AND A GREAT BILL OF STARS. ' ACADEMY OF MUSIC - BURTON HOLMES; TTTTS FRIDAY EVENING, 8:15 AAAJ.O SATURDAY MAT., 2:30 ALLIED POWERS 60c,- TSc, it at Heppe's, 25a Academy. Germany A1?gTnlA Tues. Evg. gga PVioafnuf Qf OPERA Home of World's lIltJSUlUU OU HOU8B 1 Grcatwt Photqplr Afts. 1 toll. 10c 4 13c Evr. Ttollt 10c, lKa,4fic' LAST WEEK SKl THE SPOILERS Twice Dallr. Afternoon 2:80. Evtnlnrt 8130 Preceded by Dally Chance First-Run Pictures Coming 2B THE CHRISTIAN FORREST Last 5 Evgs. wWb"! N. Y. hippodrome p T N A 1? O R B PRODUCTION OF X 1 IN A XI U ft J Popular Price Wrdneadxy Matinee. Bt- St llM . IJkJUlOl BJliAiO J-tVtV Klaw & Erlangersr)T7iXT TITtt StupendpuB JDililN -H U XV Prlet.t.Pc. 11.00 and 1.B0. No lHthr, PALACE THEATRE u1Trep CONTINUOUS 10 A. M. TO Jl P. -M. TODAY Adele Farrington ,n Mf " "THE COUNTRY MOUSE" A Story ot Social nd Political Lite. A "n"I?T T5TJT I'AST SEVEN TIMBB " "7 AJJJiiljJrXlJ. Popular II Matin.. XBurs4w "TflTI AY" v",h I U U A X EDUUND BREESB NEXT WEEK 'aSS" JOSE COLLINS ,n ,h 3J- " 3 U i X ' TOM McNAUOHTON T VPTP LAST BEVEN TIMES ' XJ X XlJ La.t Popular Matinee Ttftnerrew "HIGH JINKS BTELTA MATHEW NEXT WEEK m'S,Tua Seat, tor Chrlatmu Matinee and Nlht Today rpPT?WrPT'MT ln "taa feasant oibv' lXVilliN XX1N1 with Clifton Crawford THE MARKET ST. ABOVE 10TH rtp , .U ,-,. CONTINUOUS 11 TO U rS 1 Al iiHi X jriKBT Biiuwrmu MAHOUERlxa CLARK THEATRE la TllH CHL'LUUUE" onitva a sta i EXTRA FEATURE RUBBER tNDUSTBT Nt (Xmu) Week, "aiaN OF THE CHaS New Year-a Week MARY PICKFORD In "CINDERELLA" TJT?r.ATi TnlaNeWeefc, Erse. at Boerg. XJiVVAXJ Matinee Wed. Bat at 2. CHARLES FHOIUIAN Presents WILLIAM BLANCHE MAWH Gillette Bates Dora In Sardou's Maeterplace, DIPLOMACY BEATS NOW BELUNQTOR XMAH WEEK ACADEUT Or MO 3 1 Q WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. DEC. 18 AT 9 9 KRBISLER DIRECTION C. X ELLIS TICKETS. TS CENTS TO II Ob Bale at Hcpae'a. 1 Caattcut Street. XWfMii8ae2& H2K??. UBT&I KumwiAa xmiK. iu NEW TOHK JImi. D e . c 1 B n , pueoeec. 2 AID A DS2."i ZmSL lLaa I1W Cheetnat Street. wSa't TM8;ES?'jjT. Ij U U O ill gyivia Loyal I Bvealat fiAW Bft . Qa Wtk A4"a. NIXTXTB BBUINA .V, SCAhUAl.' GRAND T94ayaaii.i LITTLE ftM. Jc.. 1 aM T Hum ( fflE.SVBffl THBUtttHC m&simL GARRICK PO' EMPIRE 111! Mrt1I(l''Q '! KtfiWsksl KsjjJUnyj 1U AMD MAJCXWk iMwikV M.tuj,.jfim to 4 MUX . Eva. .14. Jil We, h &U- t Jti 9mMmm
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