ILLUSTRATED V. ILLUSTRATED fttftfttttl 'J&f k AJA " BJ- PBIOB ONE OEHtf t&; r-Ko. so PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1014. CoiiWBi,I91l,t in Fcto imxjra ComMkt. JJy?jLSHarjpT(i , . P.4G0 J0AT TOE JVtfWS OF THE DAY AS RECORDED BY THE EVER-WATCHFUL CAMERA MAN . ftj&S ' ' , I CORNER GUARDIAN "WHO HOLDS BACK RUBHINO TRAFFIC AT BUSY SPOT fe'! aSSSmmmm ? J ; ' " Traffic Ybfoceman Charles J. Rosenbergerwhose duty It li to maintain law and order at one of the crossings of Juniper A BIG ARMFUL OF CHRISTMAS PACKAGES 'M &WWffflH&mmV' -ijMflff- ,' "4 Btreet In front of City Hall, la having hi troubles these days with crowds of ahoppera, motor speed fiends and December Messengers and delivery boys, of .the big atorea axe already fl&V' liKMaEffitfm&BBBmlEr " 'i 9 r?J? "TbUzzarda. He-is a special favorite with women pedestrians, who have learned that his upraised hand furnishes safety. feeling the full force of the shop-early movement. But that IF , 4MjS9Hp3nPHffi9HH ' ,, 'tl 1 -i; -- - tub .. .. .. ... , - - they are In favor of it goes without saying. It means a lessen- . -m0 ' liiHt ' 4 J (;; """ rnmm ... ...,,,, ., , , .,... ,.-,-,.-, ,, ,tlTirM ,-,. ... ng of the frantic rush on the last day. . W&B IBft "! Khi-aaBHWOIBO' ... .... . .......... .... ... .... . . . . !iu. . J- Igjjfe? CHARGING UP A SLIPPERY HILL IK SNOW-CLAD FLANDERS watch hav di&csnded hmb ha liao of th oDoo&in? trmiu In Bdeium hivii been eBcnall jtevora nn th - , j- y-- --3e i tr -t ZT r j -- "y " T71 L. .. c-. 'm . .-i.- n w m.wi friWB Mr fiiH minfi 4ug wilH M wtvuyyjux yiiwse wwu utit wwttwi; wi ajarm 10 tne eHett PITTSBURGH'S FORMER MAYOR PUUdtipkla has naaay ftremteMt vUu y day. wk nut oi thittt m far mt): A GOVERNOR AND A PRESIDENT Abft h Govaraor Cfaarfca R, Miu ef n,. Ad Uov la Wyiiwn t. TBaiTu M,, 4l Ike Mfr lpt mm Mvfi - jre iws m ttt f T " fBfjpwf WI HW WfUHIW M lob MttfiflaalMfia Ufi titttai iHf' SwflplPF Wl WPPt w Wlr If : --
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers