EVENING LliiKKK PHILADELPHIA, ' TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 101 4" LI HELP WANTED MALE SrtrkltT mniv seeking a hew or better pOMlioM iuumu p-uro si once iree copjr or ijcvgev i rookie! oprurrri'NiTr all at or wiltn to f edeer Ontral. Broad arid hesrnut ate. and nk fnr vnur ennv ItlH arouaintert with Mr Walters, who mar Inare sume, oilier heloful hinta lhat anolr W(I ulmlP lo rour (rf. aL'STtKflH , opaiilo or earning $3 and up- iffwii, nsiii. comm Minn tresis. 10 nfiran- sirnio o'lr rr-e ttURine itMCnine. Apply a ambelan 1.R2 Arch sf nrio, Mr PH BAf'HINEnT SALKS CO wanta voiing man pa secretary 'o invMt jioii", wun eerviotss atniarjr svu rKir i' va, inWger oniee. JA 'o eel automobile recording devices. either m a aide Una or whole, tlmo; ltbeial ommisston basis and permanent connection n salesman w!o mn show results, r (.eager nentrai vK A.VD TVlflT. enlnrej. foe suburban man lyo euro for horse, tvoman to ilo cooking ann housework sfeet fraHlliman Tfnnm 15OT Pith. lie 1 (I eer Tuesday at S p. m ILlCflMAN - llleh-ernde mam exr-ent. ornor. for ono desiring to make splen.. perm, con pecnon oniy men ioeainfr sterling qualities neea nppijr giving pout eper. and enrna.j trlrtly confidential f 312. Mdger Central. V111YAL ruunc inen. alnsla nr tnsrrtei!. ran MIMA fw....u M.l...,.4 -... . ull.tl ..1,1,1..., HWIS. IIUIIV31, TiaillVkJ (Jllll.l IH.IIVII ,II1JT IBundny" publication. 330 Land Title nidi 3014 ANIl linVIl iilnmnti innluli nr. gellr man, abtolnlety safe propoiltlon, good omniisilnn Andrew F ill, Ledger Central. JPnrtlN'TrVriEW fnr tmrlnrir. Ann f A. It. Held Creamery and Dairy Supply Co.i wth at. ana llaverford a. JKIVfinSAL, nreftiman and enmnnaltor wnnt. Id. IS. E. corner 17lh and Carpenter ata. I' 'WANTKD-daleaman, 23 to 30 yeara of c, iu refiTcscni oia concern nnrina oms eiiabllahcd trade In Phlladolphla; vtrr modeat aalary unill ability la ILJrerflRllve. IntjilllVMnt man. JldHrra. ft ., with reforencca, P 721. Ledger Oltlce. LWANTEl-aoda water diapenaer: muat have -.Trance. iur unesinui ai. BiTUATIONS WANTED FEMALE &ANT IlIOlr-nnAnn commercial pol- !jflllrt by the Commercial Itcalatry Uu- I u. ii iocer v-rnirai. juisa uean, Ithe employmeiit abcclallat In charge. l ao nMuiiiuiiwia on me 01 comueieni f jparencetl joung women for all lorta wt wtufv ijusiiiona. KTTGU CLASS colored girl educated, re- KUJied. W&nta nrmanent nnaltlnn! hlMnnrcn. chmnbermniu or lad 'a maid: competent dreta Hmahcr, reference. Write 3fcll Warren. ISJlOKKEEPfclt. drat claaa: aeveral yeara ox- i "CAPADLK cook wanta lit.: country prcf.s ref. "yiW, Ledger llwnch. "lt and Pine. itAllnunMAln wllfg to nsjl.t with other du IPeloa: rofa. St. Paufa apt, houie. 10th 3c Arch. IfcLORRD WOMAN wanta place, cooking or H5oi enerni nouioworK. exp.: rera. I'osi ocrrctt. OIC. COmuctrtlf. TTnirllah. vmiM ImVa Tiadba. Ivrnrk In rmnll rnmllv T. Tin ImI- i n rain J' " '' ""' s ' " COOK.- Compe ten t Knallth 1 rotentant dcslrea 1520 Fnlrmdunt ave. good ref, COOIC Wlkhoa nnaltlnn In n.lv... f.mllu l.AT JNreferonco B 101. Lodger Ofrtce. ' KllK.S3MAKi;u wanta engagementa. homo or out: good fitter 10.10 Montroee; mckJ2-llW. DHKSSMAKCH would like few more engage aamenta. Phnnn Pnnlnr r.UQ w iior n'aiin i i - - ...-m ..nt.H.. IltKSSMAKi:it. competent, desires engace- almcnta H rinltv. Aiiit tlNa 1 oQll rwfnvsl iHNPEniKNC'KD eolornd flrp-mnker nTivrt tcntter and fitter: advanco stviea: etrcot and evening govv'na; tailored suite, alteratlona; pitarma reascnnble. Phono Uarlng H7j v. IPIjTbKcLATs STKNOOHAPIIElt desires ;T lateltiaii het references. F .142. Ledger Cvntial, 'AKIIMAN COOK, with best rcfercnces7"wlhea f position Apply 1210 N. Hth. iOOOU COOK wtshto housework: small "family: auMirlw: lef. fi. Led. Branch. I2.K) Itlilgu av o. uiuu8l;k.lki'ei. itenned, experienced, cairn Bible young woman ueslrea, position aa man B aging housekeentr: hotel, restaurant, Insll ffitutjon or prlvnlo family; highest reference. p-A 1.10. Lodger Office. j AlOtlHKUl V KS ilnd their help problem quickly Bjsolvfd by Ledger Want Ada ; many appll fJcanla from which to make a selection; Inter Tier's cun 1 arranged any day and hour at If the Household Itcglstry Bureau, socond floor, WVtAsw Burning, itth and chestnut. Call upon or telephone Miss Head. In charge. HOIJSEIIOLU ASSISTANT, ATTENDANT, MKNUINtl. COMPANION. I'tmCHASINd Olt KUI'KRVISINO OF IIOUdKIIOLU; lllOHHST nEFEltENCES. F 2JS, LEUOElt -tin uiAi, llUUSKU'OHK. chambexwork or waiting pre faiTed: cxnerenred. 347 M. Colorado, phnnn Diamond 1344 D. UOUSKWOItK. chamterwork, M; no laundry; colored: reference. Call 1B47 N. Park ave. XKAT or child's nurse, experienced, . Enxr i Hiti Protestant. L 72, Ledger Office. iiADY, profeaslonul teacher or French Psrl rslen), patient and kind with children, re i quests engagement as visiting governess, or Badulta refereneus. F 012, Ledger, Central NlJUSK fon Invalid or mervouo patient: will j assist lltht duties. V eOl. Ledrer Dfllce. NUHSi: wishes position as nuree or upstairs wwk; experience r ui. i eager wmcc. NUHHK. pracilcul American Protestant Infant or child; II) cars' experience, n 21 Led, Olt. NURSE (undergraduate), maternity or nervous; assist light duties' teas P 8irj. Ledger Off. NUBSK. (practical) wishes caro of Invalid or nervous patient. L 723. Ledger Office. NUU.SK, practical, for doctor's om'ce; Ameil- tn tTPtcsiBni. u yj, leaner unice. Br6S(55RAT,nER7 having own maeKlne. de sires work of any description. F 430, Ledger Central STi.NOO.RAPllF.It-Xnowl bookkeeilng good wrlter; $8, 163 Led. Branch. 1310 Dauphin, STENOahAI'HEH and typist, willing to work; mu'Jgfnio gmmrj, mui uiuom St. 3TKNOORAP11ER. experienced; best credeii- .viaisj r n.,.- jctiEer uenirai vvamiijnu. cneap, by day or nock, by re. .apectabla wom-in. Address 313 N. 5th. WOMAN. Herman, des'res pos." as'houaekeepTr ind;coolt excellent ref. lUl'cl Balnbrldgo t. Fdlftv'O business woman, experienced Ha boolf .aeeper and stenographer, is aseklng u real 'opportunity. V 7.17. Ledger Centralf SITUATIONS WANTED MALE h Aro. you ateklnr a man of peculiar . training ana experlenco for a iesionsible f 1- .clerical, executive or tecbUcal po. sltionT k ' The Lodger's Commercial Registry Eu- reau haa on file at ledger Central busl jies records of many capable men. Bet. ter consult Mr. WsiteriT nnd let htm' help you aohe tho help problem. ATi3;-i,nIJ'IEVV. nin of good char ,CIer and habits, ago 23. graduate or fat',lf, BnV,r,,t- ' yra'xVlen?e , Ii'2iJX'Lns)nei",e' deslrea position as Li!nlm2.J"" wh,ra tachnlcal education ;Aand experience are eapeclally rsnulrid- k- t 445, LI3DQEH CENTRA!, fbbliA iTI ri r TtJ. w.!lh Office work.' esoaeiiiTiif., .U?i?i4 aptiigy. dMJpo.Ada: 7srixrd."isr. ! .ArlT EXPORT HOUSE SKS?. J "&. S Interview this man. ru, vwturtM, gooa personality tA ,"Ji"".. Huniltar with the tr.rt. 's isngiian. Frencfc tl.rman. BwTnl A'm.XThrni0- SSSU x 441, LBDOKn CBNTRAU pOKKBtSfmt-K'ouiig man of good Draon.i- JgSlS TySr?'.in'"r"h'' KatSJs ?"'). oyr experience bookk.ni7TS . Vt s.werat mni. work, now iinnk.; JL.7?". iWTJSn&BSfc Ledger Central. EailKKlaaPBR, office miutit, (Cff yal' mS PaIaaiJ',Waair.r'Biiyfg-,Xi'- It or tuusaman, col. r. relUMe and . msauv. rer I; it ?. " Hollander, wlsnas sHuitloa: "MS " j. imager oaic. BR aail genaral Gun.- 0f E iotly sonfldenUal. KrTHaS 5tWt.-K.diJ-nTS&7,r.: h$FJZ&Z rat mm at MirotuTOB. a,t ttasw. long Qerftayet vm juu uli is; LnXa nrnar psattl.i F aj. Lsdi ai Clre.l era Mgiailiig vntHxu r aeiri. iZ J jj Eatltri,B. V 7u I.d rwursl -j?.e.& iiei atir ,- it HIS N lit " , sSiifsP rffArf frfarAn..A. u'T.'sLA T". if4 .bllllV? LfenaTAI f-ns.i " pis8 yMJIaa-l, mnwii r&i 111 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE teXPEftlBWEu 8ALKJ MAttAttErt AND BALBfiMAN. COMPKIKNT TO RBPrtESBNT LAnon INTKHKSrR WANTS POSITION AS rtEI'flKSENTA- tivk on MNAOt:n f 75t, led,- OBH CENTltAl.. i OAnDENKH, thorough, practical, all-around man underatanda poultry; Mat f .r"r!s,Lc.Ms married; family ironn I1 722. ledger Office. HOUSBMAN. UtltTnt,,take care of furnaces or siren) boilers and do general work; white. H 201, l-cdscr omee. . JAPANRSR nanta poaltlon.aa cook, tenera.1 lioueork In prliate good reference! ex jMencotlVrltoA.. 701 lMne. . JANtTXm.marrled, Teabon., willing. hrtdy with tooli; good clcanar. IJox 4, 715 Jtf. Marahall. iMALK STUnUNT. about trt graduate In aliort hand and typemltlnr, will accept a pojltlon for tha winter ror boanl and lojliilhg. ltcm Inglon, Oliver. Monarch. F 7l, Ltd Centrah XiAN AND WtFC, neathoneat. respectaRTe. aa butler ano cook: cny rcicrenco. iw l-oplar 8200 2H0 Jaffeiaon at. MAN ANtTwiFrl want potltlana as butlcf and cooki experienced) reforencea. W. K.. 201T Arch at Phone tAcuat SJ82 . Xia.v and .wirn 'ofrJJ,5H"S? houseman and cooki retercncn 1B1T Flora t. oPPldfe" NPANAOKlf,"accountanl.W'. JWr; lenced In up-to-dato aTStamf, able to attend to all oirico detain. als tip' fnicd In i;i anting In mill In connection with manufje. luring endi bejl referenda. F ill. Ledger Central. . . -. oftlra mar., exn iletlres pojt " '"' V!: R IIPPINO CI.KPK -Younr man. ti. mimm, experienced Inrate. .rou,l,co,f.,;",mfI!r,' managing and rTthlng pertaining to trat lie wort:, now pmplnie.l, diflreii change: beet rcfcrcncea r .47 Udtcr f'r.tral. TWHHtrAtj MAN , Kxperlenced on con und. ajatematlt Ing, niece work intea and eftlclencyi capable euperlntcpdent cr aatliiant of manufacturing plants age to: married; hlgheit referenrce , . F 74", i-nbc-En cKNrnAi. TIME CLKltrt or arsletnnt carpenter ahop farenwn Young man. 21, deslree poiltlon In or out of city; reference pnd bond If ro quiren. r aw, Lcoger central YOUNO K 24 yeara, old. elnglo, good buel neea training. .1 leara' experlfiwe. gradtinte Central Manual and Dreiel, nt prctent em plovcl. dealroi, lo'mako n change; can fur nlah bett of relcrencca. II 12, Ledger Office. lOIJNO MAN. 21i tSn years nt Drexerinaf, wlahoa permanent poeltlon. flctd or oltlce. experienced In all detnllt; capable of taking full charge. Aw reliable firm vvlahlng to mnkoja eoodndljltn adifreeaJCIOLcd Off. YOl'Nd'XlAN, fif nnge eight veara' eipcfl ence. itealrea rtoMtlon, nel or office heating bua'neaa prcf I tef.r' I14L Ledger Central. "OUNI1 MAN. ationg. vvanla any kind of labor I.0rK.I50o,l.r."crnce' Addrem V. P. U. C. M.. 2Zi s, nd at. P-KIO'? "Vnl' "r,''yr,trtU4t, "icrgeticT amblt'oua. dcelre- nnv rloaltlon open to ad rancom't on merit, beat refa. r 73,1, Led. Cent. VOUNO married mKn. 21. dora not amoke. chew " '2ir ij'z. j. JOzs ' " ieogcr urr. lOCNII MAN vianta poltlon eooil panter. .11 l4. Ledger Office. pUN(J MAN nlshca pnltlnn of any kind" Jbiajgperlence. 201.1 W. Turner at ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES tamhSemin voun ,Pf8. plain vv-altreaso, chambermaids. chlldnuracs. lnundrea-oj. oureivnrk girls, best icftr.ncc". wish altua. Ilona. city rr countr. Mrs, Kane Bll imn st J;hore iiciMt .min, ' "" 8' COOKS, chambetmalda, clilldnurset, housework S'l-V '"iV.' "ur?f! '""nan and Polish glrla jant poaltlona Mlsa Ro Dougherty I.1P1 Olrard ave. j't ii.i COLE EMPLOYMENT AOENOY. 101 R aiTh t.-llellalile help of all kinds tpplled 'w th. out charge.. Phone. Trc-ton 1232. FOUTHUKN Kniiloynient Ulrertiirv Select col" cooks, liniiae'da rhanVda. ualfea. n!o male ..!. in., ..., , ,r ,-,rnnrrn W IICI1, Wlf.LUT, lF"t Mnnton St.. S. Phlla. Southern help; city or coun,; ref. Phone Dickinson .-,Cxc. AUTOMOBILES I'or Palo OUR prices on ucd ' cars v, 111 nurprlae vou. rrrcwii ",,,. LuuTiuiriK payment plan; prlcco from 100 up. "! Phone. S. & S. AUTO CO., 142 Vln- 1 Locust .TO. 14J2 Vine SL WIS 'AUTO LICENSES UPTOWN HEADQUARTERS COLI.IN8. 1012 I.niHOH AVI3. i 'AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES A- BTORE YOUR CAR with us In our new up-to. dute srniage, electric light and steam licnt: btat ot care token of your far; reasonable rates. Olrard ave. and Warnock at. """"""" CG.TlNTrNTXT.fU'itXm:-Bten-Tow intts. open day and night. 12th lintT Nnrrls. Fmsr-CLAS.S tounns car, $1.30 per hour. Call AUTOMOBILES taken" on dead storigersouth. ern ilarsgo. HOW Smrth nnad'at DUUK". B'LDING MATERIALS EEFAIRS CANVAS COVERS, any site, for building con. tractors. YOST. 713 N. Delaware ave. BUSINESS NOTICES APPEAR at your lest Ihla Xmaa! Have vnna i.r fur" cM"lr repaired lor the holl lUIta day season, l&ioert workAnmhin n.,,i rcnsonable prices. Pliono Belmont .iu . V. CHAS. J. BOOSS. JUT Arnh it tnl s Formerly with Uonwlt Teller. Spe RiriVn f.'""". on, mdfng high-grade f.'iVS., ' .'V1 workmanship Guaranteed. 171.1 Columbia avgopen eicnlngs. Dip, seas. 14. KtlttVr-l ,? liivnm, . r-n.. &7"ltu IJ"?''f.M. sold, reiS red, liclete,-,!, Pollshlnn; a ieclaltv. rnone ropiqr Wnlu. lgoti NArth loth t. llemslltchlnr done ivhlla.vn.. ..,. a t.. aril. Ilia Chestnut. I'letorlaf Review pattsrosl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES trlet manasens win wll bo given exclusive Pennsylvania. New Jersey, Delaware. New York and other Important terrltori, for the best and most salable nrodUvt over placed "n Iho marVeti It will sell to every auto owner. every home, every place of business , general manager to net as Jobber and troll tb stores JlfO to .300 capital equlred. Investigate this at onto, as It Is a high-grade business proposition lhat Is right In every particular and A permanent business ou are building upiril0,ir Te'cjihone Wnlnut l7x. or 720, '..v- .l . -I ." , fiiuvri si.. HDum liHI1.,lalnI,l. ' " lladelphla CAPITAL WITI SERVICES 1 want a. party to Join me In manufacture patent leather, also auto and artificial. Rave a tried and pi oven process; no oirierl. inent: can enter 'a. the business at once. , Great demand; unusual opportunity. AUSTIN O. FROMB ' 413 N. 2.1 St., Camden, N. J, ' We should worry! We hv a no mineral floorl We didn't Uitlier the old floorl Wo (Lun't stop bualness! We Just sent far the PIIILA. MINERAL FLOORINQ CO. IHU2 HUMMKR ST. DO YOUR books tell the truth and at the right time! It Is our business to arrange aevounts so that In true state of your affairs will be quickly aubartui li c Magee, ltW) Stephen Olraru Bg. Ull ihone, Wal. U4t v 14-noo: tnttari iSIBD 'APAUVMJSNT HOUrfK. private Ito esth room, brloglng liut over ei- s:' niust be Bold this month. . na.np oensea la leaving clt)U no reasonable oiler relussd, nsdghbortwod loth and Mt. Vernon, Call 4. unwn, or povps poplar 0,1(0, CoALTTumber yard, feed store, ntllroad aiding! private house, at SalfSrd Station. Perklemen lUt'road. Uentgomsry Co fa established .0 yestia. tDtiat be aott to settle estate, busl nesa tSU.'lIl.UM. Alex W Oerhab. agsnt w aa-n-aas. ewsvj y.gieraijs- sax, iniltV TtlTff "Ui'nT !. CVSV n..i..i YOUNO MAN with 18000 capltsl wanted be business man a associate In real estate btislnsfs est. 20 year, goaa soeurlty, refs. g Inn ami requlrejf M UM, Lgdger Cealrml PICTURK theatres, all prices. aiiJV location jood bvveslmtflts Bsrrlst f Co , 214 N. th CLEANINO AND DYEING DIAMONDS AND vIEWKlSV SOS SALE ILLIAitD .BOOl. rat. W head booskt. jyld rented eX Jfcfex, oijaj-j iVe "aigahff'ra sss: un'Kts 'WWir' lUenU 4sUlr I stkusX -un.sl A&XXA?et flKSEW.A.'KA, P9H CIKCULATION-N'ervouo troub esTTheu: SVi'm, In""!'1 'ondltlona. flesh reducing an I tV fe MM"h.ano.5n" a-'lro-TherSu. Ilea. Allie M. I'nin nvil V? iim4. ',nn u, uu, LAJ. OSTIIJpIl FEATHKH3 AND PANC1K8 ullLHOT. IWO cnESTeJfT DRESSMAKING AND MILIJNEiiy na.Aia.siav " b'steltad seth. S SVtT STSSBBlSBBBB7 AagSlJSLjTasBSSK t Wwfc WmOSSm "i "arvmm m mIi tuamit ' PAINTING AND PAJPEftHANOINO riVB hOOS16kpapreii. 1.71up scraping and altlng pnatal A aatiitaction guaranteed. v. Miern ltttB llldce Bell pliono Poplar liiOS. rERsoj ONALS CAtib TABS WANTED liltOKBK Jeclrv, gold, "liver, platinum, falae teeth, antlquo Wugh.'-'a Walnut t lsprt CAST-OFF OI.OTlIftJ, bought: aitoc, etc. Send postal. BNKtllMAW, W2 Poplar at. PUKNITUKB ffftSRlsa etc., part ntmy,. Kn. Furniture Co, 3143 Jenslngton are. BOARDING AtXEOHKNV AVft, 1221-Nlfcly (urnUhed room: board If fletlrert. l'lione Tioga 77i7 O. AHClt, 2023-202;i-llundsomely ,furnlhed. In- eluding aupcnqr tame, ni taoie, fi. Ol'UAU AVK., 4711 furnished rooms with home comiona; aieo taoie toaro. CHESTNUT, 401S NUoly furnllhfd room. with board; alao table board, convenient to elevated and trollcta. Pliunn lrelon itl.'t D. I'lfltlUOMllN. R77 linth, mul Poplar)-I.arge, turn taloon parlor: private family: phone. MASTEIt, 1812-Heflned adult family hai S.T1 front room, wunDoara, ior gonucmen. I'INIJ HT , H2"-rtooni and beard for couple or Centltmen: dining room, up to dale; 3 up, Phne Walnut IU47 . SPnUCE. 1220 Ttooma; tingle or aulte; private bath; excellent table board: phone. . Sl'ltL'v'l!. 1224-I22U (llrlamondc)-Furn, rooma, alPglc. en aulte; private lulhi, table board. isrll, N. Wirt Select home, d and 3,1 floor front rosma. Phone Tioga 0V40 VV. ROOMS FOR RENT ASK LEDOEn CDNTHAL W'llEttD TO LIVE This Information Bureau has on file very complete iUta regarding desir able apaitmenta, furnished rooma with and without board. Iho vacancies are Indexed according lo location and price. Consult these Illes without cojt and pave time and worry, xou will prob ably locatu dulckly and aatlsraitoitly. AIICH, 2011rarlor. bedroom and prlv. bath, unfurn . 23; also furn. rooms, $2 up. HALTIMOItK. 3000-Two l.cnutlfullv .furn, moinh; all conva ; break opt Wood. 100 I. HAItlNO, .1S40 Ilooms, furnished Or unflir Ishtd, 2d floor, for housekeeping: phone. rirtOAD, 8..420 Comfortably furnished rooms, well heated; lota of hot water: phone. llltOAD. N 11118-Very desirable vclt-hcatcd furnished rooma; reasonable; telephone. CEDAR AVE,. 4fi03-Large. newly furnished room, phono Woodland 47.S7 W. CHESTNUT, 4217-Prlvale family haa few de slrabfo rooms for retlned people; table board next door. Baring 7301 X. CHESTNUT. ID2S Nicely lurnlshed rooms, single or en suite, convenient, pnone. CHESTNUT. 102it-Deelrabta furn. or unfurn. su Itca: private bath; profnaslonnl offl:es. DIAMOND. 2102 Second-floor front room, third front. I3.80 ' $4; LANCASTER. 3741-Brlght,chterful cor. house; rooms newly papered, painted: furn.. unfurn. LOCUST, 4400 Centleman can hive room, bath. In refined nrlvato home. single also double room: convenient. Baring l.T.T) W. PARK AVIi. N., 1803-Nlcelr furnished front rooma. running water: phone; reference. riNB, 800 Single and double rooms; furn.: steam heat, electric light: private baths. POPLAR. 1428 Rrlght. i-heerful roomr. with bath, for men. In prlvato family. Pop .Idlil I). SPRUCE, 1127 Desirable furnished or partly furnished rooms; Southern cxp.; run, water. SPRUCE. 1312 Sunny ronm, prl. bath: niso suite with bath: quiet home. Wnl. 714, W. BrRUCE. 2022 Desirable 2 private bath, single room ; room suite with owner; phone. WALNUT. .'1400 rurnisheil room for gentle, men; hot.vvoter heat. adj. bnthr nrlv. fam. WALNUT. 170(1 Private family will rent well furnished silting room, bedroom: gentlemen. 11 H S 1117 2d rtnor ri-nnt: private rnmlly; other vncnncles reasonable Filbert 33.1, 3TIf.""riTs47 2i1-stofy 'mnt:"newly furnished": running water; other vacancies. KITH ABOVE'T'UBQl'UIIANNA ThlTdtory front. lurnlshed; imird ir desired; reference' all conva. Owner. M 432, Ledger Central. 17Tll"ST . N. f-TOSS- all private family will rent rcautlfullv furrlsej rooms; 2J floor sltiglo or n suite: gonilemen: phone.-. 23D, S.. 122 Rooms, single or en suite; prl vate baths running vvatrr.steam heat) newly paperedanl palntedj gentlemen preferred. 33TH, N.. 107 (Lancaster ate,)-lledroomTVIP ting room with porch : other vac. Pres.0343D. 41S'I N., frc; Pleasant well.heatcd "nMimsl unf.: singly or en suite. PJinne Baring 1071 y' , . .. , 5:, A-D SANSOrurt West llranrh nllie,t rooms; men only: Y. M. C. A, meals, thovver hatha; neir L jVII thn mmfn.t. .1 home. Phone Belmont 4081. PRIVATE family w'lfj rent 2 large furnished rooms; near 17th and Locust; references re quired. L 03S, Lclger Central. ATTRACTIVE room, corner apt.; a souares from "L"; Iward opt.: gentlemen. Bel 170S Y. "7" APARTMENT HOTELS MARCEL 925 PINE STREET FIRST RANK 'IN ITS APPOINTMENTS AND SERVICE The Marcel has Just been remodeled nnd newly furnished. Rooma agreeable and home like, single or eu suite. 1 excellent apartments. 'TABLE D'HOTE 50 CENTS OUR FRENCH COQKINO IB UN EXCELLED IN PHILADELPHIA. THE PARKSIDE Olrard ave. and 40th at. Suites 1 to 8 rooms and bath. APARTMENTS ASK LEDGER CENTRAL WHERE TO LJVE Thla Inlormatlon Bureau has on Ala very complete data regarding Heslr. able apartments, furnished rooms wtb and without board, The vaoanclea are Indexed gfcordlag to location and price. Consult ihcss riles without tost and Vt i1" nd. w."7- You will prob, ably locate quickly fend satisfactorily. NEAR niTTRRlliriltiav aWtySTwi'm 5.,r??.nd.,tUaU Ul!l furnlhd or un furnUhed, wllf xtal to ono xentIMian. iTlvate t7. ' "" " rv, Lecaicr on ice. PINK ST.. ITGO-'iW rooms and bath: 3 rooms and bth. reasonable ranla. i.nly 3 apart. APARTMENT BUREAU. Ulh and Sprues. PfHTNO tJAjiyENTTTU-a UrgeTTuIriose'. ly furplsbed I, front rogros, Uth, seuthsm sxiiosuxe hardinMO,! doors. Uol water sP"rw?SaARDEN. iaioK.Viiun"fir,-B 1 different houses: same furnished kltchenatlas. T " " wmn 7 rflnr,pg .fTS 2038-; Slttlns' Kliiin. klth IssUt. heat. ue. nicely furnished aX!!T5t or, 4X(n 2d flour unrurn Invnlv rius. nrlv bath. South nn Ptunn imi 13W, N UW-lfewly furn. a Ms , also stasia tsdile- gentleniea or arLjiuoleiop aSS. APARTMENT BUREAU lMh and Spiuee Ms Prooe Walnut tso. or Sififn"' ,'1 Dlrectwjr." DweuUr ro furo room- runT 394 K 1Mb at. water, tuth. bot-wstac APARTMENTS WANTED xsru $iw 1 HOUSEKEEPING APARMBNTS THE NASH 1527-29 Sprue Street HAMMOMal IP TO UATH HOUSEKEfcPING PARTMfcNlS PKOr-fcSSiONAI OhFICES UN KIHUI -Luu, Apply 4 cmte 1 ' li-i'SJ- , ., .,... lnitiaflairHn anrnu .-. smm.y&- VsrJf iOSr SKpia wki ' LaftLgEr HOUSEKEEPING A2ABTMENT3 HAMILTON COURT CHESTNUT ANU 30TH STHSKTS Ora Jlouackeeplng Apt , fl lloftmi and Uath. One lloueekeeplng Apt. A llooma end Uath. n. It. THATCttKTt. Manager. . Aifctl, foil Parlor leSroom "and prlv bath, unfur , $23 1 alao furnlthed roomn. 2 up lSTIIi N, ir.l? tlrlKhi Apti.i 4 rooma antf all mod. convenience. 30 and t1S.no. Janitor. libl'PBKHnPINtl APAItTMr.NT. 2 ronma and Mthi central: low rent 1'. n. Company, HIT Pennayivanla Blrtg REAIi ESTATE FOR SALE , CITY oni ST.. N , 013-3-atory dwelling; bargain Hyde A Son, 1117 N. nth at i.Vfh, N tTCCBwefllitg: a batR ahfe yard; aultablo for phyalelan or arartment houae. Hyde ft Ban, 14.IT N. t.lth at. IF Ybu WANT TO MoTlTtiAOti, rent. buy. cll or e change 'SMR TAULANR AllOUT IT" . 000 Wnlnut at. . WK8T I'llll.ADIirPlllA "CALt. TAUS." ORItMANTOWN CIIOICU rropertlea In all eectlona of Otn.. Mt. Alrr.. Cheat, It : all prlcei. AVrlle for epeclal , lint, .f. II. Chadwlck fc Co , r.HlR Oermnntown Suburban IIKST PlH)P08fTIOR In lielanaie "coimtyl send for list SW OPE ft SONS Darbv Ta West Cheater, fa. fin AcrtES. West Chester sectlonT choice, modern country place and farm; must ha sold or exchanged; 1211.500 J. B. THOMPSON, West Chester. UadiliwfloliL, N HAVE HF.vnnAL fine nmnertles hsreain price" WM. CAKEY MAUSirAIJ,. Ml Fed- era! at. Camden , National rark. tt. j. YOUft opportunity: lots 25xlB0. neartrolley; overlooking Del , adjoin. Campbell Soup Co. development. Oreater N. J. Co.. 3.1 S. ldlli. JLKNHYM'AMAARMB 140 ACHES chocolate" loam, aoodluirdlngs, stone 'nonelon. slone coltago. barn for 00 neno; on none roan near railroad, 41 nun. utea to Broad Street Station: one of the best Block farmi In Pennsylvania, la a business proposition or a gentleman' country seat: cheap to quick buyer: 100. ir.0, 200 nnd 2H0. ?"" ,n11 theap. JONATHAN C. HAREj Mct Chester, Pa B"ACRES, 20O-l mlPta atatlonT" bargain 'A. P. HEALD. West Cheater, Pa. FLORUlA FARMS 200 ACRES ncsr Be Funlak Sprint, Fla, One) of the mos: delightful sections In that State; excellent productive aotl: ISO acrce under cul tivation; the finest garden truck and fruit land In Florida: recan, tig nnd neaeh trees bearing: small house and outbuildings: valu able pine timber on the place: best live stock range In the state; near National Highway and R. R.: title O. IC; possession can bo'ar range to suit purchaser; a splendid winter nome ana a goon income producing property; thla property Is offered for an Immediate saio ui inn inw nguio oc oniy e.u per acre, Any one desiring to purchase wire or write W. J. Mullen, LrfJCKpOri, N. T R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE BARGAIN Storo and dwelling. 0204 Market at. Bruckmann, 310 nartlett. Atlantic City. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE "CALL TADS" Atlantic City, N. J. HOTELS, cottages, apartments, ?!?? apartments, etc., to ex- Philadelphia properties. Chas Pen a. ave., Atlantic City. cnange ror I'l U. Fell, 33 8 WILL EXCHANGE Atlantic City property for good Phlla. L 803, Lodger Office. REAL ESTATE WANTED PROPERTY In and around Philadelphia, for English Investors: only parties with good In-como-produclng properties of desirable Iocs tlon need reply. Wire or wrlra at once t American representative. W. J. MULLETT. Inx-kport. N. Y. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 231 AND ra N. CLARION HT -8 rooms each; rent greatly reduced to acceptable tenants J. i:dard Lutx, 240 N. XTtti at. , T FTNBALIS"l)i0 S. 12TH ST. Office open Sat. night. Both phones. Kill 8, 12th si.. 12 rooms, sll corns J2R Into Pare St.. Dr.. conva. (lillli Norrls). ro 1014 Lxrona. 7r.. conva. floth A Federal). 17 14.1T N.Warnock.flr..cnnvs.lllth & Msstrr) 13 1R07 Trenton avo,.7r,conva.(Front&Noriia) 11 734 usee, rear, n-room npusa. 11 TlAItOAlN lfl Der wk..DlOt nf ernitnd ,s-fcM- N.W cor.tlanw-ck.Colu mbln aye. 2411 3 nth' IVest Philadelphia jrRKET ST.. 4107 Tv.o-story store and dwg for ahoea or dry goods, CD.1 Prexel Bldg ll'nelorlea. lV'Hrehouaea. .Mfg. Floors FLOOIt SPACE, 13x33; central: good light. gas and electricity, suit any business or light Ug IUUUliliMiM. in,i iuh IFI1I, P R. Co 1.117 PENNA. BLDO. CENTRAL, second floor, one or-ttro rooms for rent chenp; suit any buslntsr or profession. P. R. Coinuany, 1317 Pennsylvania Bldg. Oincrs ltutlness Rooms. KIcT" " THREE modrn ntlco rooms, first floor, cor ner 13th and Spruce; reasonable. Phone Walnut USU. U2S WAONIJIt AVE. K tnr. modern, 0 rms" 20; train. Ostendorf. 21)21 North Proad at. Drexel Hill. I'u. STORE AND RliSIDENClf- Orowlnt conn, niunlty; one month rent frte. Harry W 1VJII.II. fiw" ,,,, n. Atlantic City, N. J. APARTMBN1S AND COTTAOES for rent, iurnlahed or uMurUahed, by mopth. icajon or esr, all locatlnns; prices 123 per month up H. O. Harris Co.. nartlett Bldg. MORTGAGES 1438,000 TO INVEST Jn'ccnscrvatlve JJrst mortgagee In amounta ol tSOOO or over. Quick answers. Kennedy & Rambo "IS0." t ,n An ,w FOR FIRST AND SlicONI) MORTGAGES SAMUEL H. CHB8T.MUT 1310 CHESTNUT ST. THE KID'S CHRONICLE I WAS Betting awn Marj Wntklns "tepg tuvvUIng; to her t.hU aftlrnoon, Mary Walklna bcelng the prlttleet gerl la the block, anil niajbe In the alty and having a bloo drees awn with, a sash making It look &g her waist .and her neez was about the Balm place but looking awl rite, and ahe eei). Do you think you'll get roeny KrUsntus presents, Benny. U: I hope so, I and, I bet I'll get a lot, she setj, and say, wot do you think Wat, I s,ed. Qej, she sad. I dont no wat to goaa about, I sed. Puds Slmklns sd he was going to give me a Krlssmu present, he set. Uld he, I s3. Tea, vvaaent that nice of him, fted Mary WatWaa. Majrb hM got a aid wun he going to give ytu, I sed. ties nuthln; of ttkt klml, he sed lisp gOlBg to buy roe wuh, wat tht nle or UsH, alw sed- Awl rlt?, I sed. AU4 wb eJts do J.BU UKlsk. d Hit xd tm whs going to ijJ, rrv, wun, to, ge sd. i lAW ale) I SStl. Yajs. Hid s dtd 8ant Kawwi. ttw s4. Ill give) you wun, I 4. O. wUl yo-i. Q. I dttmt WMfl (or o to think I was agJUitg yw ( give m, WWl I wooileut ask yhw, u gie , KrUs.Mii pnurtut (Mt msytw u taw Uty, yoti awsmt Uink I w asking you tr$s we wun, 014 ysu. s4 Mary Wat kin. O, (sp. I wuf to gave , wun. 1 was) gen, to tell ou aywy, l tied, aud she ed. Well 1 wooden t wunl yuu to taluk J i.ia.i laming fur wun, au4 i wj u HO i.u wen I went liuuu I tuua. a litis' bl,vn wKh vai.u uu a cisblt bj wuitls, u.u 1 Jui.t ii j westthir lu silver ui uol and I slii.icd u awl up uu it (d. .k,,,. leva iBiulirtJis hi) In csmw 1 dvuit lu.it vovsi SBWiy to B.u etiysMus; lm ggm., w fivj U to Mai , WatAtijs Itm KiUmjs , . , i 1i ,.i nir , tflaVfrn alkw w ' M I, 45i r-7 i f He Jlcavywalte thinks all the girls ore crazy to tango with him. She Well they nre. I tried It once and couldn't lako a step for two weeks. "Mnry, why didn't you sound the dinner gong?" "Please, ma'am. I couldn't find It." "Why, there It Is' on the hnll table." "But you said this moaning that was the breakfast gong I" PLAY Olllccr (to Tommy, who Is having hl& It hurt much? Tomm Not much Sir, cmly when by the machine, Punch, WHEN YOU'RE ALL ALONE It's a mauf Hour past the time he said . he'd phone Ml IF I KNEW WHERE HE WAS- '' l mham -w S-- Vgginr''M hJ" Ly 5 -TIIISlli.il II 5fw CRAPPL6 JOHN HUMPHREY'S "John, joti tnn't. put '.vour coal In there. I'm Uiliiff thnt closet for Clirlfllnun )rrcnts " "lirtiii nun't (lid'C ojioii Hint cup board 1'vcmovcd your things out nnd put my pi cent In there." "linuir vim bu Htiuopini; loun' mult pantry, Mlalah Humphrey. If a body can't havo no1 private placo to keep a few Christmas things In, Ah'll go where Ah kin." TITLES TRAVESTIED-,"MILESTQNES" hair cut with liuitu cllppem) Does 'Is foot slips and '0 'anga on to me IN THE HOUSE WAITING FOR YOU GET IN THE TUB w I BETTER WAIT THOUGH, jtt I CANT WAIT AUU V .k , ' , ONE HOUR I'VE VA1TED NOW If W ' l- svh' ff Tt4 CA4- - ... ij. .....a. "wu , i, . ., , Jb , ..A.b UsnlhJL FAMILV SHOPS. BhtiL& , V , - ' fft j i ill I . "And 1 thought J'ou woiLbii i mind If I put a few things In your chiffonier. We've been shopplnc early." "Why John, I told you Uiat the chil dren nro keeping their presents In yourv stttdv. You mustn't go In there." London OjPlnlon.. Ho Time Is a funny thing. Isn't tit It hardly seems possible that ,we,Tt heen married a whdle month. '"' " She I know lb It seems like 'years and years. -. . , A PHONE CALL BEFORE HE) PR0BALY RING- -i JUST AFTER I HAD STARTED ' If . B "-' U I . .11 ISO, t J i 1 If S v I'M tf r mfT . 11 . i i i , l? SVIA VMASWS ' ; ; ' . . , -I -I'M ! .!,,! ':':, sE. -jU. WJTFs TT tl.S rJ : TO; I MSI ! 1" I saaasssajgaMa. Vm I VI . - r sTA.K. T ....-" a 1 tc infWi - ' f
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