PJPPgMgilUJiijWl MtiUWlPlgWWaBBW jjEVBNINO LEPGEB-PHILADELPHXA;, TUESDAY, DEOEMBEB IS. 101 i. IfW " r5 L CHRISTMAS FAKERS MAKE EASY MONEY FROM THE IMARY p, Worthless Goods Exposed for Sale on Curb at Prices That Beguile the Credul ous Shopper. The Christmas faker la here so ltst ttta before bitylnpr ths be bargains from curbitono merchants. "" These venders, vrho nro only seen aroUnil ths holldnjs, como from parts unknowrL They nro sllb of tonirua and their cooJs look substantial while the' are on the Hands or wagons. They move from ptaco to placo because It Is extremely necessary. The fellow who sells at 5th and rflbert streets one day may be found near 6th and Market streets the next. Later he will bo found in Ken Blnglon of West Philadelphia. Some times he Is found In jail. An to their wares they Include a line f poods which rnnke a flash without ex posing qUallt). This Is not truo of all the Christmas venders, but, nevertheless, the faker la as' plentiful as the ono vino Bills on the level. The moat,., glaring of Christmas fakes Is the holiday cologne sold by these open air merchants. It la Bald to be made of water, a little lemon julco and a tint of washing blue. The lemon Juice gives the liquid a yellowish tlnrro and the washing bluo Is used for bottles aliened to hold a special btand. The concoction Is mixed by the tub'ut and put up In bottles of all shapes ob tained from junk dealers. Usually the labels, which are very fancy, are got from a printer who does work for the drug trade. After the liquid Is bottled and corked, the top of the bottle Is cov ered with a neat piece of chamois and fastened with a fancy string or ribbon. BPIUTING ADROITLY DON12. When the bottles bearing ths fancy libers are spread out In a vender's wagon With a background of straw or sawdust they look attractive, and the finishing touch la added when he faker Bpraya the tops of the bottles with real cologne. Tho spraying Is done quickly with an mtomlzer when no ono Is passing, and tho scent which greats passersby causes many to stop and buy a bottle for 10 or IB cents. The vender announces that they are "salesman's samples" as an excuse for the low prices. Fortunately for him many of tho bottles nro not opened until after Christmas. And the poor fellow who gives one ns a Christmas gift never knows why tlio recipient greets him cold ly when they meet again. One of these cologno merohants did a land omco business yesterday near 9th and Market streets and later on Market ' street below Eth. FirtE SALE" FAKEP.S. The flresale curbstone faker Is an other who 'gets easy Christmas money. One of these merchants' operated yester day on 9th street near Arch and also on Market and 7th streets. He had cameras which were bought up cheaply from a Manufacturer -"whose place was recently burned out nt Metuchen. X. J." These cameras sold for 25 and 33 cents, and, according to the faker, "would make an attractive Christmas present for the bdy." .Photographs supposed to have been taken "by some" of the cameras were nailed against the vender's wagon. Some of the photos wero at least seven by ten Inches although the cameras on sale wore Vf, by 3H- The vender had a number of "plants" In the crowd who always started business when there was a tendency among the onlookers to be dubious. "Jloavlly plated table ware bought In largo lots froui a firm which recently failed," wnavapid by an open-air peddler for, 15 cents ifikoL The set consisted of a knife, fork and, spoon for a child. Tho Tender operated near his brother mer chants and frequently shifted his stand. His argument sounded all right. But as the same table sets are sold by one of the local 10-cent stores for 10 cents, thoso Who took advantage of the exceptional effer lost money. FRAUDULENT SOLICITORS. In addition to the faking venders, there are a number of other Christmas fakers peratlng successfully. One of these, a well-dresed negro. Is soliciting financial aid In West Philadelphia for the South-' wark Colored Orhpans' Home at 9th and BsJnbrtdge streets. As there Is no auch borne, those who contributed will enable the collector to have a very Merry Christ mas unless his scheme Is stopped. Two men who are soliciting clothing and provisions for the "Pennsylvania Vol unteers" are also doing a thriving busi ness In the outlying sections of the city, tepeelally In West Philadelphia. They tell householders that they will not accept money, but In moat cases get cast-off clothing which can be sold for fairly good prices. Their business must be good, for they have a wagon to carry awajr donations. There Is no such organiza tion In the city's list of charities as the Pennsylvania, Volunteers. And It Is safe to say that ths membership consists solsly f the two persevering solicitors. NEWS JnrtKfiBTS XBW TOnSL-fas "agonr column' aewspapar publishes ths foUowtDr d.: "JU. wjd, blaelc whits sjianteli fat; nervous; die -tfth mistress.' BOaTOX.-Aftsr pterins aetaettva sad oap twrinr a burglar who hid broktn lata IM kBi Of EJwrd n. Berry, IM Cross itrwu liatdui, Otori CrMkttt allarwtd hu mtn to p wWI ti wu thlnklns trlixt t da with Jasi. VVASlUNOTON,-yiT hundred hUh ichcol mucil ubc to CbrUtroM ahapMrs ir. a dtirt-Eiiat- ttsrs uilcltliif eAtrbuicas for a ran. teaalty DslltUy festival. Si 355 jffliWJ ( I WANT MU TWO 6UVS To ficucaOfj: VEfl. &i FT5 f " ' ..-,., i . . , . . ... l , , 7 j Wmj, WmtoZ 'JVr30!! it ' FRI3KM5 POP. CURSE&'. NOT. LOOKS OUT OF LOOKS 'AROUND To Will WS TUL' C'GAR WBMA-MoKe! wfcioo Eftie ' I 1 mmm ' sssssassse assist m aBHH" esssssMss ms anas MMVIBwavv"H"B''anHVMMBa " " (((( , j RCAD3 HBADLlMES Aui0 GET i A RCDS 3orC OL.D GRABS SCCTlOW OF OfOLY THE WANT'flD HOMe,, j OF MANS "pAPeR WHIFF OF SMOe LETTERS, CIRCULARS. 0WSfAl(!R .SoMCOMG SECTION BUT " AMY '"ZZ3-. SCJ. im sfiAT ahead ' trie, foumis in has ThF!oaim om Port in a storm jZ?& ' 5? I 'PdOKBT-S FLOOR. "- fl WHAT ROOSEVELT THINKS OF D.SJAVY STIRS COMMITTEE Chairman Padgett Refuses to Invite Him to Testify, While Hobson Leads Fight to Give Colonel Chance. WASHINGTON, Dec 15.-The Houso Naval Committee had a preliminary skirmish today on the question of call ing Colonel Itoosevelt as a witness In Its Investigation of conditions affecting tho national defense. Chairman Padgett, speaking for him self, flatly refused to issue such an In vitation. Representative Hobson led a light to get Itoosevelt as a witness. Other mem bers of the commltteo Indicated they wanted to get at the base of recent Inti mations by Itoosevelt that he suspected plans were being made for an attack In the future on New York and other cities. Representative Butler made a request that former Secretary of the Navy Long be a witness. The committee decided to thresh the- entire question out In secret session. America's big coast cities would not be bombarded by an nllen fleet In the event of war. Commander Stirling, of the At lantic submarine fleet. Bald today In his testimony before the House Naval Com mittee. He counseled against construc tion of small submarines, saying he did not believe In the coast-defense idea for these vessels. "I can't conceive why a fleet should come to this coast," he said. "I don't think a fleet would bombard even if sub marines were not there. For, In order to bombard cities. It would be necessary to annihilate our fleet." This feat, he Intimated, was not likely to occur. Hut It the fleet was wiped out an enemy would have to send out Its auxiliaries to watch our submarines, he said. In the cfUrse of time they would force the submarines to come to the sur face by reason ot the need to recharge batteries. Commander Stirling said that the G-J submarine was out of commission, that four were undergoing overhauling at the Norfolk Navy Tard, five were In the Canal Zone and nine at New York. Ot these several were being reconstructed by the Government and several others were In various stages of repair and overhaul. The vessels In the Canal Zone, he said, were In good condition, but they were forced to use an Inadequate and unsuit able old training ship as tender. More over, the torpedoes of the first division were of an "old and unsuitable type." OBITUARIES EDWARD H. HANCE, SR. Manufacturing Chemist Succumbs After an Operation. Edward If. Hance, St., 81 years old. founder ot the firm of Hance Brothers & White, pharmaceutists and chemists, 1 JM iSoWNA ?Ed A SLAVt?, UMCLB TOM, imtaJ MUCH ill PERTENP MOVING PICTURE OF of this city, died yesterday at the Qer mantown Hospital ""following an opera tion. Ho suffered a nervous breakdown when his wlfo met her death' In a car riage accldont last year. Mr. Hance was the oldest manufactur ing chemist In Philadelphia, having been in the drug business since 1?5C. He wai appointed president of the Philadelphia Drug exchange and he held the office of tieasurer for more than 25 years. For many years ho was a member of tho Union League and director of tho Ger mantowu Hospital. Mr. Hance was born In Philadelphia 'and received his early education In prt ato schools. He is survived by his two sons, Anthony II. and Edward II. Hance, Jr., both members ot the firm. The funeral will be hold Thursday afternoon from his late residence, IM West Tulpe hocken street, Germantown. t KBV. DR. OHAS. TOWUSEND OIlANGE. N. J.. Dec. 13.-The Rev. Dr. Charles Townsend, for the lost 19 years pastor of tho First Presbyterian Church, died lit his home, 55 Cleveland Btreat, this city. He was 5T years old. When a young man Doctor Townsend became a news paper man in his native city. He spent (he yearn touring Europe and writing travol stories for magazines. Upon his return he entered Auburn Theological Seminar' and was graduated in the class of '83. After his ordination he became nastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Lanslngburg, X. Y., where he spent 10 years. Then ho accepted a call to Woodland Presbyterian Church. Cleve land, where he remained for two years. He then came to Orange. Several years ago he wrote a volume entitled "Forty Witnesses ot Success," which attracted considerable attention. In 1903 he received the degree of LL. D. from Washington and Jefferson College. KBS. ELIZABETH COCHRAN Mrs. Elizabeth Cochran, 'widow of Wil liam J. Cochran, a veteran officer of the Civil War, who was captain of the Black Hussars, a crack Pennsylvania cavalry, will be burled from the home of her Bon, Harry H. Cochran, 165 East Walnut lane, Germantown, tomorrow afternoon. She died yesterday after a long Illness. Mrs. Cochran was In her 78th year, and widely known In Germantown, where ehe was a resident for yenrs. She was a member of tho Anna M. Ross Circle, the Women's Auxiliary of the Orand At my of the Re public, and one of the oldest members of the First Presbyterian Church of Ger mantown. REV. DR. W. H. LAWRENCE NEW YORK. Dec, J5.-Rev. Dr. William H. Lawrence, rector of the Union Metho dist Episcopal Church, Williamsburg, Is dead at his home, 93 Conselyea stieet, In his 64th year. He ,was In tho ministry 11 years, during a part of which time he occupied the chair of ancient languages In several Southern colleges, Doctor Lawrence, who was born In Farmlngdale, N, J . was the son of the Rev. Dr. Will iam H. Lawrence, one of the founders ot the Ocean Grove Assembly, Before asum lrg the pastorate of the Union Methodist Episcopal Church, ha held charges at Northport. L. I.; Morris Park, Port Jef ferson and Richmond Hill. JOHN L. WELSH SHAMOICIN. Dec lS.-John L. Welsh, a well-known attorney and former chair man of the Northumberland County Democratic Committee, died here today following a brief Illness. Ha was State Advocate of the Knights of Columbus. REV. CHRISTOPHER McEVOy Rev. Christopher A McEvoy, ex-preel- dent of Villanova College, died last night SNOODLES' DIARY : A STAGE MANAGER MUST -STVGE STUPF mi m? I i - Huri A COMMUTER WITHOUT at Villanova, Pn., after a prolonged Ill ness. He wns H years old. Father Mc Evoy entered the Order of St. Augustine, at Villanova. In 1868, and three jcara later was ordained n priest In this city. Ho was rector of churches In Ardmore and Chestnut Hill. He was elected pro vincial of the Order of St: Augustine In 18S2, and again In 1SS7. Ho became presi dent ,ot Villanova Collego In 1S90. Tho funeral services will be held at the Villa nova College chapel on Thursday morn ing. KEV. E. ATHERTON LYON NEW YORK, Dec. 15. The Rev. E. Atherton Lyon, former rector of Christ 'Episcopal Church, of Yonkers, from which ho resigned a year ago, Is dead at his home In Hudson, N. Y. He was born In England and was educated In Dublin University. He came to New York In 1891 and went to Dobbs Ferry- A year later ho moved to Yonkers, becoming as sistant rector of St. John's Episcopal Church and later rector of Christ Church LOUIS ROTHENBERG LONG BRANCH, N. J., Dec 13. Louis Rothenberg, a retired druggist and for years actho In civlo affairs, mks found dead In bed jesterdny at his Broadway home. Mr. Rothenberg wai born In Germany 62 ears ago He had a wide acquaintance, having for n num ber of years conducted three drugstores In the city. Mr. Rothenberg served as Health Commissioner. He built the Rothenberg Apartment House, In the west end of the city, a dozen jcars ago. FRANK BAYLE rianK Baylo. one of the oldest lumber merchants of this city, died yesterday at his home, 1613 Race street, from a com plication of diseases. Due to III health he ictlrcd from business a year ago. He was 77 years old arid a member of the Mellta No. 281, R. A, M., for many years. His widow and son survive. EDWARD C. EATON NEWARK. N. J., Dec. 15. Assembly man Edward C. Eaton, actlvo In New Jersey politics for about 20 years, died at his home here after v. lingering ill ness. His death came upon the 51th anniversary of his birth. Mr. Eaton held city and county positions before goln to tho Legislature. SISTER MARY ROSE f NEW YORK, Dec. 13. Sister Mary Rose, who was known as Miss Anna King, daughter of Thomas King, a build er, of Brooklyn, dlod at St. Joseph's Convent. Flushing, aged 21 years. Be fore she entered the com ent Sister Mary Rose was in the houses of the order In Far Rockaway and In St Vincent de Paul parish, Brooklyn. Major General J. J. Monteagudo HAVANA, Dec. IS. Major General Jose J. Monteagudo, commander of the armed forces of the Cuban Republic since 1911, died jeiterday after a long Illness He had been a sufferer from liver trouble for several years, and recently visited the United States in search of health. He spent some time at Lake Placid, N. T, in MEMoniAai COUFLCGII In loving remembrance ef J. WIS. COUTI.ESH. Dee. 18. X10. I Beatljs; UAKKV. Oa Decsmbtr 4. lilt. WILLIAM V son of lb late Braul C. and Harriet 1 Barrr. Fwoeral on Tburiday, at a p. ro., from the mldtnce of his brothar-ln-law, Ralph V lUehwlne. 2330 eouth 84 it. Inter, mint Ftrnwood Cemetery BAVIX-Oo December II. 1811. PRANK NOT IN THE Boo MUSTACHE s A PAPER OR A CIGAR DEATHS IYLK, funeral MefA 77 i 7 eJirs. Due notice of the funeral will be eh en, from this late reit- tlence, 1641 Itace it;- nECIITRI. Suddenls-. on December 13,1014, anniiiJ Ji.. widow or Jacob uccmei 1 uneral services on Thursday, nt 2 p. m pre- cliely. at 1010 North 20th si. st. Interment prl- vaifl. I1ENDEL. On December 12. 1014, NELLIE 11.. wlro of frauds X liendtl Funeral services on Thursday, December 17, at 10 SU a. m at her lata resides , SI02 Krankford ave . Frankford Interment at Bcachwood Ct meter j, UulmeUlle, l'a IIOOKHAMKII. On December 12, 1014. AL LEN M , Bon of John A. and 1.11a E. Book hamer Funeral sen Ices on Wednesday, at 2pm. from Zlon Lutheran Church, whlte innrah, Pa Interment at Union Cemetery. Take Allcmotvn trollejs to church. nltOCAN. On December 12. 1014. KATKA IlINE V daughter ot John and the late MaryBrogan t uneral on Wednesday. atSJU a m, from 4S10 I-ancaator ae., lt Phila delphia Solemn Itenulem Man at Church of Our Mother of Sorrows, at 10 a m Inter ment at Cathedral Cemeterj. BROWN.-On December 14, 1014 LEWIS J i IJHOWN I "uneral services on Thursdaj, December 17. at 2 10 p m , at the residence of his aon, James D. urown, 10-' 0 Margaret at., Frankford. Interment private, at Mag nolia Ceineterj. UltUHII On December 13. 1014. ANNA ItRNRV, widow or Cliauncey II Brush, services nt her late residence, 05 liiat llene rrt at.. Chestnut Hill, on Wednesda), at 2 n m. Interment prUate, ntlltNH On December 12, 1014, HELEN FllANCES. daughterrof Jamea and Elbe M. J.urns. Funeral on YUnrsda. at 8 SO a, m. from 6020 Haddington at. High Itcqulem Mass at Our Lady or Lourdea' Church, at 10 a. m Interment at St Denis' Cemetery CirnMM NATALB CIPRIANI. 1221 3 Juniper st. CLAD On December 11, 1014, EVA M. L. daughter of Jerome A. and the late Annie M Clad and sranddaugtucr of the lata Valentine Clad. Iuneral on Thursdaj, at 8 a. m , from the residence of her father, 1711 Sigel at Solemn Requiem Mass at 0.30 a. m. sharp, at Church of St Thomaa Aquinas Interment private. COCHIMK. On December 14. 1014, ELIZA BETH, widow of William J. Cochran, aged ,S j ears Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at son's residence. Harry 11. Cochran, 163 East Walnut lane, uermantonn. Interment private COHEN. On December 14. 1014. KATII- i-itl.NU il. COHEN, daughter of the late Henry and Matilda Cohen Funeral services on Wednesday morning, December 10. at 11 o'clock at the residence of her brother, Charles J. Cohen, 331 South 21st st. It Is desired that no flowers be sent. COI.I.ANCI. JOSEPH COLLANCI.823 Cath arine st COlinitEY. At Parryf N. J., on December, - iuii, uiAjduAi.nA I.UUUJ1U1, nue or wllmer M. Cordrey. Funeral from Parry, ? J , en Thursday, December 17, at 1 p. m. Interment Colestown Cemetery. IIVV1H. On December 14. 1014. RICHARD It. DAVIS, at his late residence. 13.H) W. Columbia ae. Due notice of the funeral will be si veu. 1) WIS. On December 14. 1014, J SCOTT. nuaband of Emma C Davis, In his 74th year. The relatives and friends are Invited to at tend the funeral cervices, on Thursday after noon, at - o'clock, at his late residence. 421 North 34th st. Internment at the convenience of the family. K DOMKN1CO. JOHN DE DOUKNICO, 8308 Wharton st. DK WOI.r. On December 13. 1014. ISAAC DR WOLF, huibaiid of Fannie De Wolf (nas I'eUer) Itelatlte and friends, also all or ganizations of which he wus a member, are united to attend the funeral sen Ices, on Wednesdu). at 2 o'clock sharp, at hla lata residence, 2427 N 20th t. Interment at Federal St. Cemeterr Remains may be viewed after 7 d. m Tuesday DOVI.E. On December 12, 18H. BER NARD, husband of Rrldget Doyle. Funeral on Wednesday, at S SO a. m.. from 1018 E. heltzer st. High Mass at the Church ot the Visitation at 10 a m. Intermmt private, at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. DUFFY. On December 14, 1014, LEO sunatub, son or jiran ana jsaosus. uurty and grandson of Anna and the late William Faberty and Bridget and the late Petal Duffy. Funeral on Thursdaj, at 1 p pi , from hli parents' residence, 1812 South Ileechwood at. Interment Holy Cross Ceme tery. KASTLACK On December 12.101. CLARK V , son ot Clark V. and the late Annie Bast lack, Funeral services In St John's M. B. Church. Jd St. below George, on Thursday, at 2 p m, precisely. Interment at Mount Peace Cemetery EINIU On December 12, 1014. EVA ISINIQ (nee Cunningham), wife or Martb) H Klnlg Funeral on Wednesday at 8 a m from her 'ate residence. 2786 Klrkbrlde at Rrldeeburs Solemn Hlsti Mass at All Saints church at 0 TANKLLL F1LOMI5NA FANELLI. IBIS S. Juniper st CALLAQUEIL On December 14, 1914. micnuviii m iiitvh 91DUUI isfuisr: S1A1VI C1.WU1, VSUMDIK U tfUUIl iui ir7 Gallagher and granddaughter ot Daniel ana Abby uslUglur and June and the late Ed- "ward MM skaFunaral pn Wednesday, at 1 1 HAE A FERTILE BRAIN, l WrSMTCHrK ROOrJP UTTLE EVA. 9.ji"0 run Th STICK f Round CHtCKUMgJ DEATn p. m., from the residence of her parents, 2922 Federal st. Interment at Holy Cross Cemotery. OARDNEH, At Tivorton, R. I on th 11th. in her "3d year, GERTRUDE, widow of John A. Gardner and daughter of the late William E. Bow en, of Philadelphia. GllinS. Near Columbus, N. J., on Twelfth Month lltli. 1U14, THOMAS S. 0111133. axed 07 sear. Relatives and friends are Invited 10 auona me lunerat, f irom tare resiaonce, near Columbus, N. J., on Slsth-day, the 181h, nt 10 30 a m. Interment Uoper snr Bpnnsnria. om Market Autoa will meet U a. m. train from Market si. ferry, Philadelphia, ard 0:40 a. ra. train from Trenton at Dordentown, N. J, OI.ISSON. On December 12, 1014. JENNIE T,, wlfo of J. Brooke Ulisson and daughter of the Kte Jesee O. and Martha J. Phy. Fu neral rcrvlces Wednesday, at M p. m at her late rerldence. 1ft.' I N. 55th at. Interment private. West Laurel Hill Cemetery. GOLDBERG. LOUIS COLDDERO. 820 S. .Id at HANCE. On December 14, 1014, EDWARD H. HANCE, aged 81 yeara Relatives and trlends are Invited to attend the funerar services, on Thursday, at 2.10 p. m., at his late residence. 104 West Tulpehocken at.. Ger mantonn Interment private. Carriages will meet trnln at Tulpehocken Street Station itavinc uroaa aireet at J'J. IIKI.TKIL On December 18, 1014. TRED IiUICK, husband of Matilda Heller (nee Ho denbender. Funeral on Thursday, at 1 p. m , from .701 West Fletcher st. Interment pri vate, I'ernwood Cemetery. HESS. Suddenly, on December 12. 1814. HENRY C. HESS, husband ot Anna 11. Hess (nee Runge). Funeral services on Wednesday, at 1.30 p. m.. at 2810 Stiles St. (near 28th st. and Glrard ave ). Interment rtrictly private, at Montroso Cemetery. HHUITTV On December 13. 1914, ANNIE CAMP-HEWITT. wife of John Hewitt. Fu neral aervlces on Thursday, at 1 p. m , at 412 Belgrade at. Interment private, at Nortrmood Cemetery. HIGH. At Moorestown. N. J., on December 14, 1014, BHLLAItD I... husband of Mary D. High. Funeral on Thursday, it -' p. m . from 23 East 2d at. Remains may be viewed Wedneeday evening. Interment Colestown Cemetery. HOLLAND. On December 12, 1014, MART A., daughter ot the late Bernard and Cath arine Holland and beloved aunt ot Aloyslus Holland Twiblll. Friends are Invited to at tend her funeral, on Wednesday morning, De cember 1(1. at S-30 o'clock, from her late resi dence. 830 North liith st. Requiem Mass at the Church ot tho Gesu, at 10 o'clock. Inter ment at New Cathedral Cemetery. HOPE Suddenly, on December 12. 1014, sJIAURY O... husband Of th lata 1 a.,.. I'' Hope. Funeral on Thursday, nt 1:30 p. m . Irom 2101 East Llpplncott at. Interment pri vate. West Laurel Hill Cemetery. JA15NKTTO, MICHAEL JAENBTTO, 1204 Bouth 8th St. JOHNSTON. Suddenly, on December 1J. 1011. JENNIE S., wife of I thereto James snd daughter of the late David and Jane Johnston. Funeral services an Wednesday, at 'A ? re.vlt"10 apartments of Oliver' H, Hair. 18J0 Chestnut at. Interment private. KKI.I.r. On December 11. 1814, MICHAEL J. KELLY, son of the lato Patrick and Siary lfell. Funeral on Wednda, at 8 30 a. m., from 43T K. Ulde at. Solemn Requiem Mass at Church of the Immaculate Conception at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. KULAK. HENRY KULAK, 1533 N. Front LAM II. On December 12. 1014 MATTHEW, husband of the late Ellen il. Lamb. Funeral Wednesday, st 8 10 a. m., from 3 S. 43d X . West Phtla. High Mass of Requiem nt fit James' Chunh at 10 a m. Internnnt private. Old Cathedral Lemetery. "nnie, LATH imp. On December 12, 1014. EVA RAKER, wife of Velmer P, I-athrop. Funeral services, on Wednesday at 0 SO a. m.. at her U,a r.,dn.ce, ,i,s:? Tenth st Interment Green Mount Cemeterv LITTI.K. On Deremher 12. 1014 HER. BnRT LITTLE. Funeral services, on Wed. nesday at I I?. m at 4130 Reno st Inter ment Mt Marlali Cemetery. . JleEJOVv At the Augustlnlan Monastery, Villanova. Fa., on December 14. 1014 VERY RKV. O A. McEVOY. O. H. A. FuneraJ on Thursday. Divine ortlee begins at 0 30 a. m. Solemn Requiem Msss at 10 a. m.. at St. Thomas' Church, Villanova, Interment at Villanova McILWAIN. At her residence, 4UT Leldr ave, on December IB, 1014 CATHARINE M. ldow of Hugh T Mcllwain. Due notice ot the funeral will be given. HAHON." On December 18. 1014, MART A.. wife of William l and mother of Rev. Jo septa A Marion. Funeral on Thursday, De cember IT, from her late residence, 172T South 18th st . at n a. in. Solemn llas-i nt Riqultm at St Ttomaa1 Church at 10:30 a m Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. MALAnKEY-December J2. 1814 PETER, husband of Mary Malarkex Funeral en Wednesday, at 8 SO a. m., from 403 East 1 UUies si Germ: ton n. Solemn Mtsa of Requiem at the Immaculate Conception ( hurch at 10 a m Interment at Holy Sep ulchre. Ceroetery MMNKY. On December 13. 1814. WILD lAil husband ot Catharine Malonev (aee l.i nth). Funeral on Wedaeadsr. at SUS4 a m. from 4BIS, Wayne Tv., Oermantown Solemn High Requiem Mass at Church of St. Francis, of Asstsl at 10 a. m. Inter ment at Holy Seputthrs Cemetery. MANNw On December 11, 18J4, CJEORCiE SAY fRST 60TTA L6ARM how MOSTACHP AN' rVVMTS OOH I iHATS DEATHS hi mm. Re. husband of Itary C Mann (ni , 482T TSOK'I ent prlrstey Hi. ANNA il from 871 t S 30 a. m at at st: st Cedar Hill cemetery MARONEV-pn December 12, 1614 Kiflow or jonn iuaiu ij ... North leth st .on Wednesday ', at HOiemn insn . . """".'ivr;,., . rid rne n s unurcn bi m j. ,.. .....- Cathedral cemetery MABOMf-On December 14. 1014, ED Tit, st 8 130 a m, from 1001 nitner st SJmn High Msse of Requiem st the Chnrhi.0i,fiS Jlonlca, t 10 m. preelsely. lntennnt Holy Cross Cemetery. MKMIE L'HARLOTTB MENHE, 4203 Ha" Blelon st. j ! MOORE. On December 14, 1014, MART B widow of Richard Mei ruMrat en Ices at Second Presbyterian Church, 4lh iM1,, Benson sts., Camden, N, ,f , Thursday, De cember 17, at 11.10 p. m Interment prlste,U Evergreen Cemetery. PEPPER. On December 18, 1014, MAROAp HBT A , widow of Edw Pepper. Funeral., on Wednesday, at II a. tn , the parlors, n of Albert Moore, 722 North. Broad sL In1 tfment private, at Fernnood Cemeterj". t liniNFIHK.n. On December 14. 1014 MARIE LOUISE REINI-RICD, widow of Joseph Relnfrled Funeral on Thursday, at , 8130 a. m, from her late residence. ,1137 Wallace st. Solemn High Requiem Mass Bg the Cathedrsl, nt 10 a. m. Interment Cathc dral Cemetery. H rilKLAN, On December 14 1814, at Mt Riyal, N. J., aLESIENT, husband of Beasl J'helan and son of the late James and Annie A Phelsn Funeral on Saturday, at 8 a. nW T from the residence of Thomas Hopper, 149 Rojeberry ft. High Mnss of Requiem at th' Lady or Mt. Carmel Church, at 0:30 a. m.. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. JIIBDON. On December l4, 1014, JOHN II. IHBDON. Relatltes and friends, also Car riage And Wagon Builders' Association of Philadelphia, nro Invited o attend the funeral services, on Thursday mornlnc nt Urandywlne st. Interment private. SAVAGE. On December 14. 1014, JOHN, husband of the late Catharine Savage. Due hot Ice of funeral will be given, from the residence of his son, Harry Savage, north-.Bf west corner 3d and Berks sts. J" SELZER. On December' 14. 1014. JOltNAt husband of Pauline Reiser (nee llaenel), etrf hts resldenee. 2241 Emerald at. Due notes' of the funersl will be given, 8TETHICR. On December 12. 1014, JAMES '. HTirTSFR, Sr., aged SO years, hushand ot Busle Sletser (nee Klllle). Funeral on Wed nesday, nt 2 p m.. from rcald'nco of hie son, Clalro Sletser, S20 Paul st Gloucester -J?AV.vM, J' Interment nt t'eilar Orovc THOMAS On December is. 1014. MART. widow of Charles C. Tliomas. Funeral eerr Ices on Wednesday, at 1 p. nt., nt 317 NortS Sslford at (fiOth snd Vine). Interment pri vate, at Cedar Hill Cemeterv. TUCKEn. On December 14, 1014, OEOROE. husband of Emma Tucker (neo llRmlltontj Fbneral on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., fromdls lata residence, 110 Kalgnh ate., Canidcn, N7 .T. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery. , VANDroIIIIT. At Elwood. N. J., on ilon-V day, December 11. 1TJ14, MARTyir, wlfefoLH Arehlo L, Vandegrlft. runeral services on Thursday, December 1. at 10 a m N afp Presbvterlan Church. Elwood, N, J, Interij-r ment Elwood Cemetery. - IVHITE On December 14, 1014, WILLIAM?, It. WHITE, at bis late residence, 1421 West1 Erie avenue. Due notice of the funeral wllt-r be irhen. WOI.rE. At Jefforson Hospital. PlilUdel-' , phla, at 0 o'clock a. tn . on December 15 v 1014, LEON B WOLFE. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral f) ervtces on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clork. nt tho apartments of Oliver II. Hair, 1S20 n Chestnut street. Also services at Lonlsburg. la.. on Friday morning1 at 11 o'clock. Inter , ment In Lewlsburg. .X WRIGHT. On December 12, 1014. MAnY , E., wife of John B. Wright. Funersl sen- ' Ices on Wednesday, at 1 p. m., at 2031 Glrard ave. Interment private, at Northwool v Cemetery. ' TOUNO. On December 14. 1014, REBECCA, viifs of William J. Young- and daughter ot 1 Oeorgo E.and Annlo Walton. Funeral on' Thursday, December 17, at 2 p. in., from? 6am Edmund at., Tacony. Interment Magnolia' Cemetery. nf ZHIIACK. SOnilE ZUDACK, 27th ancli ' Passyunk ave. tff CLASSIFIED RATES V DAILY AND SUNDAY " J THIS STYLE TYPE (or like this) ". Ono Insertion 13e Berlins! Three Insertions in a week.... UVio per llne i Seven consecutive Insertions... 100 per Una WS- 1C0O line contract (dally ad- $ yertlslng) .................... 8s perlins? Situations wanted, three Inser- j tlons In a wc-k 100 perllnij THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this)! ' Permitted In all classifications except HelpST? and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found, Per sonals, Boarding and Rooms. ' One Insertion 20o perllne Three Insertions In a Tfeel:.... 17ieperilna ?JJin.,co,,,'cu,'ve Insertions... 15o perllne.ji 1C00 line contract (dally ad- vertlsing) 12!4o per UnsV All rates are based on agate mesurcmentaM' DEATH NOTICES-eltber paper 10 Une; one time , Three Insertions "",, DAILY ONLY , In Effect Dtetmler 1, 1311 "'n -.JROci ..31.U rnifrtiMiTinM datu ,-i. for Insertion In both the mornlns and evenlDrt. ueauussai us, esssetsw mji PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNINO.) . EVENING LEDGER Add four cents per lino net to rates gilssl boe. f, HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTKD ADERTISINO IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER. mat re Inserted in the EvfeNioS'l LEDOEIt WITHOUT ADDITI ON A 1? CHARQE. ' Vfj There Is a drua storo near jour home tbtt,' will accept Ledger want ads at office ratMy HELP WANTED PEMAIE ' " u.vr..irii. jj. ADVERT1SINO SOLICITOR on commlssluZ- baits, cvnerlenn nhan ,,,.., - -." "' Jf -tP exctptlonally good proposition Apply 6e'?, ArTst Tuesday. Jd-tloor Iront: 13 AM KUI'tTA'i'HIJ urnnian r.. .u.i.l - ji" ' -1 ,in.r I.:. ..i:vl" -i". 'r, & "" soeclal dtiLtt. ..... ..V.H, BH.K,,. vu,i,,,,aiiuii, excellent oppoitunity for an ambitious woman to to IL uev.1 with nKoodnrm B3I, Ledger Cent. CIIAMUBJIMAIp. German, inr small "adult ' 4 ramilj. -perler.co and referent reuulred J t'alKoom0. LedgerBljg 'uS. morrllrnir , CHAMBERMAID, wash and Iron. smaiiifanK - J!V refer.nteApply 1520 alruts! ' "" w ClIH.u.MJtiar4 'named, Catholic, must lias a -JrnoonTeVerreV" -1" V IX1GK. cliamLermatil and ufird.. ni."lj" ...2. . jubutba. Meet employer, Iloom' vso, I'qbJfaJ Ledger Wedneada) t,in 3 GIRL to da Eoo.1 home baking no other worn ' good wages, sleep In U 7HJ. Ledger OrfieS suburbs. Meet employer Room 230. Public Ledger, Tuesday. 3 p m. , HOOSEWORK-Neat "clean. wFlfs glrl."pro; testant preferred, able to answer telephoned eiperlenca and ref required L 7S1 Led orr HOUSEWORIC-Whlte woman. Protestan'tit r ' adults, reference 114 S. 40th t'""""' t MANUFACTURER requires service ot trans ' lator for Spanish letters, part time; must b able to operate typewriter fTiMO. Led. Cent, i, 'N,UR3?1n." qOVERNESS. Cstbollr,eip..oug; for 2 little children In country 1, 030.CeU.Ceny SHCllpTAIlY to a phislclan. snawer In owu , bandwritlnE state experience and waxes -i S2Q3 Bast Cumberland at ". STENOORAPIIER civ. referenr. ...A perlenca and salary t, 348. ledger Central. in" nuais.v to atmonstrats sheet call or rtte Frank Opdeubrow txh tu Pa.T'!qSffi'eCet tW """" WWJ' YouSe ACTERS1 A CiWCH ff HELP WA'NTED MALE A AOYBimSlSp SoTTaTOiTr'Mma.i.iqni I basis. e,c.rlence. absolutely neecuanr ti3J j sateptlonaTly- good preposition AppifjSeW 4 i 7 sy I "rsl T fM TH' AUDWCE ; AM BID Z ! Et J - ?iCL I -W,-; 4MP ... . JHWJIjSiLUlUil mmmwmiwm HsWL JaaaFB ,aaiis 1 -rM - . " I - . I N.b- s-nk. V a. ' --o. - . ' Ar..r f srB I tftr i 7 mmM.1 St .V'a JWIM , . V " v l fillMIJii.. f v 1 yiM3r.m.-,. . i je- IsHMs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers