iking EDaiB-pmEABELPHiA tttmdIy, i fi ens m 1 iTT?riM27 IF 1 REACTION SET IN AFTER NEW YORK OPENED STRONG 'Osscs Were Made Throughout List Feeling That Recession Will Sta bilize Market. MEW TOnK, Dec. 16. After opening tfantr, with prices up all around, n. sharp, reaction set In, which carried the quo tations of stocks below yesterday's clos ing from !i of a point to 27. points, the declines generally being fractional ones and In somo cases ranging; around a point The reaction In prices seemed to bo caused by quite a. little foreign selling and prodt-taklng. Tho latter was thought to be more largely responsible. The general undertone was strong, how. ver. Total sales were: Htnrkq. 2M.fi(jO Mint-en: fconds, $1,950,000. The reaction In prices did not create any great surprise. In fact. It had been gen- rally looked for. llrokers were of the NEW YORK STOCK SALES clow 24'f .ToH 67H So). 27; 02J( 45U 3S5i 64), 29 2d Al'i 35!i MH 28! 20 01). HH Yes.Cl. Hlth Low Alaska (lolrl Mines 25H 25 20. Aim Chalmers dopref. 35 Atnl. Copper. t.. 60), Am. ill. Sow 30). Am. can. 27H dopref ,,.., 02), Am.CurAPdr. in doprer.. ... .. 114 1 13.' " Am, Cotton Oil..' 40 41 39 30Ji Am. Hide & Leather..,. 4 4U 4 Am, tco. S3M C3H 23 23 AtnLoco 25 24K 21'f Am. Smtltlne 60M OHS " 68" dopref , ..100X 100H 100M 100!i Am SnulT Co. .'. . 148 148 148 Am.Suttr 107 107H 107 107 Am. Tel. & Tel ..117JJ 110 117M U3 Am. Tobacco 221 2215J 221W 221M a naconda Copper SIM 20J 2ij Atchison WW rOK MM dopref , 0S! Bait A Ohio dopref Beth Steel .jlJi dopref......' ? 87j Brooklyn Itjpkl Transit. 87 California Pet 10 CanadianPac 101!i 1B8 Central Leathers 30 30H 35M OSW 74 ' 70W iUi 85M 87 10 on), oou 4051 83)l Soli 17 03H 03M 70M 70 40? &".) 80) ( 17 1585 j .T.M dopref lOOM 100)5 lOO'i lOOtt opinion that the market was ndvnnclng i Chlcaco, Mll.'st. Vaul . . Olf At too fast a pnee and a sllcht dron In prices would do much to stabilize It. Thus the decline was looked upon with favor generally. As was the case In the upward swing, Heading was one of tho leaders down ward, closing 2V5 points below tho final yesterday at 148. Lehigh Valley was on at 134: Pennsylvania M at 10S; St Taul 1 at mii iUchlson 2 at 83. Accompanying, the reaction camo a fur ther reduction In the call money rate to Vi per cent. This Is tho lowest money has been loaned since the war In Eu rope began. Later the rate recovered to IJ4 per cent, tho ruling rato throughout last week. .There wcro some loans of time money t 4M per cent for four and five months. This was the first day for trading In tho tmpoitant International sharet slnco tho suftponsloli caused by the European war. Chief of tho stacks In which there Is a trong International Interest and which wero traded In for the first time wero United Stales Steel, Great Northern Southern Pacific, Canadian Paclllc, New Tork Central and Baltimore and Ohio, , Tho first salo of Steel was an order for 4000 shares at 55, a goln of one point from tho price of tho last transaction through tho Cleailng Hcruse yesterday, nud seven points 'abovo tho minimum price estab lished by the Special Committee of Flvo. Among tho sales for foreign account were some DaUlmore and Ohio at tho tart and later United Stntcs "Steel com mon and Union Paclc. Lendlpg foreign houses stated that with prices of inter national Issues tho only way Curopo can trado Is on the selling side, and more foreign buying cannot bo expected until peaco.,Is at hand. Tho powerful capitalists who had much to do with the upward movement In tho market recently did little today, and seemed to be disposed for the Drescnt to let the market take caro of Itself. Tho absence of buying from this sourco madn the bear operators a little more confident, and Instead of urgent covering they were rt'spo&cd to put out fresh lines of shorts. Tie position of the short In terest on Saturday and yesterdny was Called pitiful, as it was colled' on to return stocks without a chance to cover except t sharp advances, and wero placed at the mercy of whoever Is in charge of bull ish operations. The early trading In creased the already largo outstanding short account, and It 1b now more vul nerable than It was before.. ChM & Ohio Chlno Copper Chicago. Great Western 1 1 dopref... v 20)i dopref. ....130 Chl & North est dopref Col Fuel Iron Con. Can 42 Consoldas 120 Jorn Products DM do prcf Distillers Sec. 14 Denver and lllo Grand. 5 do prcf 10H Krle 23! i do 1st prefd General Klcclrlc 141 General Motor 80M dopref..... nl Goodrich Co 20Jf Great Northern Great North Ore. Cent." . Guggenheim International Harvester 01JJ Intcrboro-MctropolltJn. 13H dopref 53 International Paper prcf Inspiration 17H Klseco Kansas City Southern., 23H 45! 35H 11M 31 02M 120 43M 35 11 29H COM 120. 1265S 125 30 30 25 25 42 42 121)4 120 OJi 0 05M 14 GM OK 23M 30M 30! 141 80M 01 20 05Ji 13M 5M 0M 22 34! 140 SOU 01 25M 110M HO J. Kayscr Co. . J. 29 4SM 93 13H 5315 3,Ji 17H 95M 22M 81 27U 40J5 OH 12M 52 35)5 17 0SM 2255 84 Lehigh Valley 137H 13SM 131 NEW YORK BQND SALES . . ' IIlKh. Low. CIos. .000 Am Dock &. Imp Sa..lU3U 1 02 ',4 102U 1WMJ Amer Hlda & I. O1...10I 4000 Amer Smelt Seo CJ...1IWU 1000 Atner Tl olt 4s 7 ltOOOO Amtr Tol cvt 4',i. . . 00U Seooo Armour Co 4V4a 01 TKU Atchison son -in U1S euoo Atchiaon Ss I00U IOOO Atchison adj la atp.. HSH fiuooo Atchl.on cv 4a lUOc).. IU"i 6000 Atfan Co Lino lat 4a. W;U 14000 Halt A Ohio U& S-Vi fcouo unit & Ohio 4a... ... tou ii 101 1Uf4 oS'4 UlVi 88 HV.t DO' lOeoOO Halt A 0,1 cr -ta.... Hl HX) II & O P L, E4WV 4s. 80 7fK) Hth Hteal Ss IfllS IiO 4000 lieth Hteol r(J .1 Hli 181 4OU0 n U v Oa lUtT tier A. 01) .usff Sod) Hwok Un, Ely lat 50..10O ODU ieoocci,srn4i., 72 73 louo Cal Vat '& Cieo Ca..,. Ul Ul )0U0 Cent an cona Da 10OU luuu lfK) Cent Leather lat Ba.. Ih. OOK 1SOOQ Cent Pao lat 4a HUH If 00 Ches & Oh cv 4Ua... 72ii 2000 Ches & Oh 4US....4. 87 1000 Chi & Eaat III Ba,.,. 75 llOOOChl at vwt u i 1000 Chi & Nwn 314a...... 78'i 11000 Chi U & O joint 4a... Ot'a H)00 Cht II & ( ten -la.,.. H) 10000 Chi Mil & St I sen 4s 20 soon Chl Mil & t P cp 5a 101i tOCOO Chl Mil & St 1 cv 44a n7"i lieoo rhl M & Bt P een 4(4s OMi l 1WHKJ Chl n I I" col 4a,. 2HVJ StOCO C II I 4 1' COl l t o 2Mi 10.-0O Cona Oaa Co 4ha..lllU UOH 11000 Don & Itlo O 4a 444 42 lOOO Den ic Rio (1 rf.l Urn. . iW. ft! soiii uis secur Corp c. XW Dul'ont rowd 4Wa. eooo Frls tren 4a....... S00O Erie onv 4a Ser A 7000 Krle conv 4 Ser IJ. looo Erie I' 4a SflVi 7lC 101 07 ! .'BW 20', M 854, mil ,i 11)00 nencral Motor 0. . BOTi . MU KK . on . OBH . M .inou 1000 pen Ulee deb 5 100i nti nun & 3In....i.. .. T.i UM inilua Alo & ,. . (f44 lWKW IniD cv rot :ta od 6a.. 08 flOOO Interb Met 4Us il'i (WO Interb n T nl Sa flfit , T00O Inter Mer Mar 4Ua. ... no X0 Intern) Punir Ra 100H . 0O0 K C Ft H'& M 4a...; 8K ' B000 Kail Oily So 5a , SO7 1000 Laclede Oaa let It..., S7 0OQ I4 S deh 4a IC9S " no 7nn IJi S deb 4 1031 IiO 4fiOO l.la; A M T Be 100 4000 Lbr M T Ta 120H HOOO Irlllard Ra ioo SOOO IrllUrd Ta,.,..,..,..l0U 0000 Manhattan in . ,'. . m8 iOOOMeic ttl Co 6.. .. 1&7 .SS! J!'"" St L, 4a . . . . 4Sft IfOOO Mo Pac 4a . 44 jOOO do col Bo 101T . DO SOOQ do 19JO . . . . 8t) lonft Nit Starch 5 .. 6H lEodcNat Tube 6j m3 sono N Y Air Brake cvt i, 3G 1S0U) N Y Canal Jmp 4Ha. . ,107n 2000 N Y C L. 8 atja.... ..79 MOO N Y O & II SUa.. ... kn iom N r I'lty 4a loss toco do 1W8 I0OO do 4Ua 1000 3n i(f.vr . . . io.".i n y n h 4 11 o. 2000 N Y IHwy ref 4a zaittHi 00 aaj oa Lace Island Loulsi lllo S; Xashvlllo . . 120 Mackay Co Mercantile Marine 1! Mexican I'etrolluni MIssourl.Kansas&Teias 113- do prcf. . Miami Copper Missouri Padflc. ...... National lilscult Y Nat. Enameling New. I'ed. M.&S. prof. Nevada Con S, Y N. II. & II Now York Cen Nt Y.. O. & West Northern Pacific, PacinoMail Penna People's Gas Pittsburgh Coal , do prcf Pressed Steel Car Pullman Co Hallway Steel Spring.. Hay Cons Reading.. Republic Iron & Steel.. dopref Rock Island dopref Itumely Co do pref Quicksilver Seaboard Air Line do pref Sears Roebuck do prcf Sloss Schef field So Pacific Southern Railway.. .. Stodebaker dopref , Tennessee Copper.. . . . Third Avenue......... Union Pacific' , do pref U.S. Rubber. United Railways Inr.. dopref 30 30 123J5 123 70H 70H l!f 15i CO C2 11J OJi 29 29 10 18 10,'i OH l2o 125 IUi 11X 29H 29H 13!i 13 C7 Go 85i 83 21U 205 104)i 10-UJ 102f 103 22H IW 212 22 109 109 108H lOSVi 117H 117M 117 117H 10M 17 17 17 84!i 81 81 37 35 35Jf 1S1U 1 5 1 ? f 15 IJi 25) 2US 21M 17H 10! 10! 18? i 10)5 lOJf ink mi 2t S2J 23)ii 17), 43'f 35 It 29)4 90i 120 125 30 Si 42 120 9 OoH 13!f 5)4 OK 21! 34M 140Jf SOW 91 20 110 27)( 40J, on 12H 62t 35)j IT 95U 22) 81 134 30 12o)i 70H l!i 53 0) 29 18 9H 125 ) 29) 13).' 55 . 83 20) EASIER MOHEX NOT REFLECTED IN STOCK PRICES Philadelphia Market Eased Off in the Closing Deal ings Uk S. Steel Sold Higher Here Than in New York. 150) 1S0)S 147) I4S 20 77) 1H 'Mi ov 21 in 15 80) 10).- 1BH .. 34JI 87) 10K 75H IJ4 2) 5Jf 2W 1).' 13) 45 10U 75H V.i 2) 5 22 1! 13) 45 33) 38 50) 20)f 78 m 3)f 6)1 23 M 13H 45)i 174)4' 173) 174)i 121 121 121 !M 22) 88J lOJi 34 87M 32! i 36)4' 33).' 38 22H 87 16! i 34H 87H 33 36Jf Tift announcement of the ofllclal re duction In the cull money rate In tills city to 5 per cent, was by no means un expected, as new loans lnivo been made nt the lower flsuro for some time. Nor did the news stimulate security values here today to any extent, tn fact, tho reaction In New York carried prices down in the afternoon. Time money wns of fered this mornlntj at 4',4 per cent, for three months, and brokers expressed the belief that tho quotation would bo still lower shortly. Kasler monetary conditions were rc llectcd mora In bonds tlinn In stocks. Interstate Is wcro taken In considerable quantities at 56Tj. Keystone Telephone ia were also 111 demand, mid over-the-counter business was said to bo brisk. City bonds wore scarce. A block of registered 4s of 193$ sold at 99 and school district 4H3 on a 4.10 per cent, basis. Stocks Wore lrrcculai', and tho tradlne broadened out to Include a number of usually Inactive Issues. Ilapld Transit moved up to 13?; before much supply nas forthcoming. Then It cased off below lust night's final figure. Electric StorriKO scored a fractional advance, and so did I.ehlgli Valley Transit preferred, Key ntono Telephone preferred, York Hallways preferred and Philadelphia .Company. TI10 weakness ot the arbltrago Issues checked enthusiasm and prices became dull and reactionary in tho afternoon. Cambria Steel after selling up to I4(j broko tn 43 around 2 o'clock, when tho Anthracite shares began to recede. Little wns done In Heading and Lehigh Valley during the moinlng. but United Slates Steel, after opening up to 5J',4 and D5i, which wns no less than above tho New York top price, slipped down In sympathy with tho reaction In Wall street. Pennsylvania held relatively steadier. Philadelphia brokerage houses reported a considerable arbitrage business between New York, Wilmington and this city in the various powder stocks. An oltlciat of tho duPont Company statod that while his company was doing a big foreign business It was chiefly with the nations not at war, whoso sources of supply had been cut oil on aceount of hostilities, and had come to this country as prac tically the only open market for high explosives, Just ns they had for nil sorts of other materials. Thero has been a big rise In nearly all tho powder se curities in the last month. LOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALES Yaa close. 10 Am Ton S Am Oaa IOO 10 Amer Ico r0 Amor ltya prer.loo Ti Com Iron 41V. 57U Cam SteM 4- 100 Con Trsc N J.. 7:1 lflS ElMtrle Slor.. 4'i 120 Uen Aaphtlt pf. US 100 Interborn MM ttf ina Co N Am... -lit ara Key Telo Co... 14! -"J5 rio t c prof 01 20 Leh Nav t c.. "till SKt Lhlgh Val . . . OSK tin Ih Val Tr. .. 16(5 1R .1- .- ..TIT .. uu y c. High. Low. Cloao. 2JU 117i 27. 1024 102M, 102V4 2:lA IS ,SH, 1UL Al w. 27W 10 Northern Cent.. SIVS !0 Niv Con Cod.. 871 Penna M'J .inn. I'hlla Co 35 20 do cum pref nul I'htla niee 21 210 I'htla lip Tr IS 10CO do tr ctfn KU4 11 Heading T0?4 ncii Ba I'ac 810 Tnn Ilel cash... 0 U15 Ton Dctmont .. .. 21K Ton illnUii:...J15-10 too Union Trac 41 " inn united oaa imp ki 4SU 4B)i 42'4 4lji 4.'! ,4.1 72 i 72W 72ii 11)i 4.1 41) ns 6S tiS 12i I23. 12 211, 31f 21', 14 13. W nivi oil '"'h 77 77 77 00 7Ji 07'i Wi 1S IH& 2 2S 2S M 83 S' 13 wii iau S4H &4 n-in r.iu 351i 3.1 35 40 4(1 40 21 l'i 24 I3U i:ib 13H li 1.1 1.1 75 74 'S 74'i sun stiH '' 0 lib a a 4 15-10 4 4; 7H 'rl 74 11 41 41 8.1 Kl S.1 Photo by Ooldcntky FRANK M. HARDT Who has been appointed cashier of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. At present he is assistant cashier of the National Bank of Northern Liberties. HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. M. Trac 41 41 100 Union 20 no 70 ti B steel.... 100 I' R T 1 e . 100 Ocn Ann nM 2(H) Tononnh Mln 2110 U. H Bleel. -O W J 8 8.. 70 Willa KIrt. lo 10 t.ch Valley inn IT Rteel.. Ill Thl!n Ww... 21 IT. 34 Cam Steel... 41V, 4 10 3o 4HS ltio 2S Kevatono Tel. II n WW Poutli Pacltlo Sli'i'lW 100 12n 20 10 .1 10 r.o 2.-. :n 21 .v m so w?, Kio tB, ml 1.N sAi: s, 10) II S Pteel.. B w J SB,. 100 1; s Steel. 27 Penna . . . 22 do 2 do TO York Itwj PO U S Steel. 80 do 100 do 2S do Ux-alvlilcnd. H . S4S 8! . M'5 . r.iU . M' . 5Hi BONDS. II S Steel . PllTt e 1'iilla dec. Penna .... I.cli Valley I! H Steel.. Tnnoali M Phlla Co... I.eh Valley York ltwy. iUi U 8 Pteel.. Heading .. renna do., I.eh Vniley ion jiei. .. tr S Steal. r 11 t t t no do Penna rhtla Eloc. WJSS... rio IT S Steel.. Am Can... $10000 Interatate Rwys 4s. Booo Interatate Itw;a la. 10i Kleo X. reop Tr 4a. R1 Kleo ii I'eop Tr 4s. 2000 Keystone Telepliono 5s. .. 10.30 to 11 A. M. 2S Plilla Eleo... 21 20 no Ke atone Tel. 14 rn 10 Ih Valley.. iW ! 10 Oen Aj pfd. a ,' 20 l.oh V 1Y pfd 2 10 20 Union Trac.. 41 s 21 Ton nel....l 1B-10 in 1.1 Ins Cu N A. 21U 100 Ml 11 a I M 100 ,V) r:ieo Stornse, 4n n 20 Phlla Co n.vi B 10 Ih Val Tr.. 1.1'i 23 1 U 8 Steel pfil.104;i to m Phlla Co ,W 2 20 Ponna r.45 12 :u Cam Steel... 44ia Kx-dlvldcnd. BO.VDS. 4in Cam Steel scrip MOO Ilaldwln Loco .la 11 to 11.30 A. wr. Nov Cons Am ltwy Penna IT 8 Steel Penna .. II a I... Clen Asp Ton lief. Con Trac U O I... Am Gas., I'hlln Co I.eh V Tr Key Tel Penna . MJ4 :! , rti , IV) SIU 1 T!? :J , 75 Mrs-iil .. Cll 4 1,1-1(1 .. 13 J 13 .. l.lU 54 n-10 21 r,o Kit 27! f'OTa 70 78 r.. inw pfiUni I.... Ml! .... ni5 8.1 pfd. OS ... .11-18 N J 72K .... M ....102U nr.if. Pfd. 21 Pfd. ll Hi .... 5I, . . 1)7 ..102 1HIS U S Steel 1 do prcr . IS Wt Jer & B. li .. 51 .10411 8 USSteel do pref Utah Copper Wabash do 1st pref ......... Wells Pargo Western Union. WooUorth pref Wheelinc Lake Erie. do 1st pref 25H so;; M 'iii ha 70H 57K 0 25 fi5 lim 118 70 Siii 0 25 filH 70 65ii 0 25 COJf 100M IWJf 1W) S1H ityi 50 1 1 1 24 2 2 0 CO 115 78 58)j 115 Total sales, 200,500 shares. 10 10 78 fifiJi 115 10 FINANCIAL BRIEFS loov irnnt ml ejg M) K) 07 07 Ml tK 100 100 t204, 120U 100 100 h I SS A tU MVi 'I 10OOO N Y Stata 4I4 1000 Norf &Wat con .. tWli 18000 Norf ic Weat evt 4!i..ICrK Jioan kor Pa prior 4..?. .. 00 IW ( 1U3U imtt lilth B00O Nor Pao sen 8s. JlfflteiSrart!-!?:: STOOO Penna cv SHs luuu fenna, 0 Pcaoa 4r iis rtr. . t A. r T AIL. 7 'PnrtlAnd R fu TttVl' ' ' a .000 PubUe Srv N J 6.. .. iOOO Ray f-on Copfr Ss. .10 lOftt Kaa-Iiag gf a 4s . ... u 11 step it at es 4&io. . a ') Rock Talan1 rfd 4a. . A i to4& laiano as a ElLI it & Bo raf 4s . A lono St L I il A 8 flit 4a. . ft 1S0 6t L S V rllUl. . (i SOW Bt Paul at M 1st 4i.lfl 14003 Staboard A U adj j., 8 SOOcI Soul'. Ball fi 6 e.ton Bout a Pae rfd 4a . S ttOOO South P10 cv 4. . . . I 47if ii o ret t p la 184 S oo souta fas ltd 4a. bSM Bootb Hy Sa . vsm Soaili Ry con ft . $PO Noutb H St L 4s. tUOOOTexu Co cv 6j.. Aim Thj,i Act nf il . tanttTMrd AV9 adj Ha . oOO Tol St L W 4S WW 1 TWtla tl?i una Uuiuu pao lit la Mft tleloa Vac or 4s Matt 1'olon Pae rd U S Ua (tun 8 V 4 SOW V 8a Bj-flwn Br. j ao vg. rw m 1lM) WMutat) 4 3000 Wth lat 1 leott) tin tw 11 i 1, Hm W BKetrF Am Hi..4i 'Waat c in b -Oi Vta4 Cntai e a m 2H H Central Railroad of New Jersey extra semiannual dividend of 2 per cent., pay Able December S9, to stock of record De cember IS. Exports of coppor for October, totaled 8.U2.M8 against 12.23o.im n 1913. Import amounted to 11,1(3,293 compared with f3,27vll last year. The Clearing House of the Philadelphia Ptock Exchange will be reopened for the clearance of stocks beginning Thursday, December 17. J. W. Sparks Ac Co. announce that James A, Lonewell, formerly wltli Dick; Bros., has becomo manager of their stock department. .George K. Johnson, president of the Pttui Wutual Life Insurance Company, was today elected a director of tho Fourtlj Street National Bapk. The Union National Bank has retired $45,000 eme.rgenoy ourrenoy, and the Her chants' National Bank, of Newark, N. J , (SCO) at the local Subtreasury. Iron ana steel xpqj-U In Oetober were value4 t M.itS( agttlst 6.m,sT last year. Imparts were ftgs.iW ewu pared with Jt.,7il in the ao.reapedls- period 91 Jl. York Jtwy 111 ao prar Rx dividend. Total sales, 10,430 shares. BONP8. 4200 Am Q & EI 5s. Kl'i bOOO Hold Loco Ss.. 102 712 Cam et scrip. . . 07H 1088 Elec & V Tr 4a. 70 1.VHI Oen .Up deb 5s. . . 140OO Interatate Ity 4a 5U 2UX) Kay Tel 5a 8uft SHOO 1. V gen con 4s. .. no Phlla Co scrip., nl IOOO 1'iilla Co cons 5s HI 2000 ri.iiu i:ieo 5...ioutt 150) Un nwy In 5s.. CU Total sales. J5J.010. UK 51 .11 KUTk 10IU 101 50 50 SO S!i 81, 8l 30!i 30a SUM Slli 81 81 Itrtji 102 102J4 I)7ii 07 07J4 70 78 7H 07 07 U7 suit sa't 5tili, M) W)-li W, kVj M'.i hS 5 Ul 01 01 sou SO". KOU iooi5 looij lout, on 6(i ca I.OOAI1 BID AND ASKED eAsjuiual iuetlu At theVanuai iutliig of the Bslnwot Tfuit CoJy te foTlovdDg- dktors we re-Jt4 to Mt-ve tgtt four yean: J. Franklin Winter, John Wslw and Sir. B. A. Pullitoi. 'I P Tbe nrst tranMtcttoK on the Kw Tork QtMk Bxchaus today was 4VM sbaroa of Unt4 States SrwJ at , jjp I points Ittm the miniiuum UhUlid by the Stwcial CooinUttte of Five. ISie avra price of Jv rawty stocks ' .o ytt ewt. yetrUy to H,W- Tbis tojuparea watt tb low point of .U jr cot. on July 3v. The last higsi pautt was 10I.S4 per cot. oo May tl Ust PUudlplua brokarA nous . witti tAudon cornier tious hsuj no Utxpcrtant loreifin Mllmg; orders, t,ui Nsw York le l,ort,l acoi London sales S(a tW iLl L't4tMW C4MMMI Crt. Baldwin pref Cambria Steel .... Klectrlo Storage ... General Asphalt . . do prat Ke atone Telephone do pref ......... Lake tiupe Cop .... Lehigh Navigation do t c Lehigh Valley Lehigh Valley Tr .. do pref ., t'liiia 1,0 ,....,,... Pennsylvania ..... I'hlla Ilap Trail... I'hlla nap T t c... Phlla Bleo Heading Tonopah Ilelmont . Tonopah Mining , . Unit Oaa Imp ..... I'nlon Trao ....... 1'nlt States Steel., York Rwys ....... do pref Ex-dividend. Yesterday's Bid. Asked. liu ... 4JJt 41 ... 48V 411 a3 C8U .. 13U 14a ... 01 (U 12 ... 7U1, 7 ... 7(1)4 78 ... G8S (10 ... mj 10 . .. 27V8 2S ... 38 :ts ... 1311 lfll . . ml n ... ait, 21 ... ml 7.mi ... S 5' ... 7'i 8 ... R2'i M ... 4flJ 41 ... 5 It, 5111 . . . soi? s: Today's Bid, Asked. 4Si 43 4U 50 07 13i or aj Sit 70(5 78 T7 7 87 It l.vij 34V4 33 A4U .MU 13 l.'l 21 74l'i 4ti T', S.4 l Penna r.l 12 if a r s.l 17 do Mt .v U b Steel.... .M4 20 Leh V Tr pfd. 2S So Ileadlnir ..71 13-lfl 14 Heading ..74 1.1-10 IOO 1! H Hlcel 61 s Klec Storogu. 4tni3(4l Tonopah Bel. tT5 13 l'enna 5I'5 10 Phlla Kloc... 2.IIJ nx-dlMdend. tooNos 20D Am Oaa A Lice 5 Sl'i SOOO Am Gas . Klec Ss 81 11.30 A. M. to 12 U. 10 U Steel. too do ..121, 60 l'enna r,li , .. "-. . v . " 0.1 Ton Bel.... I 10-in 2(0 I' It T 1314 5 l'enna r.l)-j 10 I'hlla Co s.vl TO Inn ro N A. 2I5 5)i Cam Bteel... 41 ' IOO I.eh Vat Tr,. l.VA l(l Keystone Tel. I.vj IOO P R T t 0.). 135 l') do ntj 8 phiia nice. 21 .-.n r n t t c. i.i . ,in n.'d in North Central S5 ITwllr)nnf1 BOND3 10CO lnterststo Hay 4s. SOOO Kaldwln Loco Ss... Tlli I, '1. . ,.,(? 1U Leh V Tr pfd 23 ... .Vl'a ...102U 12 to 12.30 P. K. Del. pfd. . . t IOO Thlla Elec SO do 10 do 40 Penna ... in da 80 Tonopah aid Kov Tel "n Ton Bel. 20 i'nlon 'trac, ion II a I 10 Ton IIel....4 23 U 8 Steel.... 1nO Keystone Tel. 100 Cam hteel.., I do. ...... Ux-dlvldend. 143 Cam Steel 23!i 100 U .1 Steel..., 10 Leh Valley. , 'ennn V S Steel..., cio do Leh V Tr nfrt Ton llel....l I 21 54J , 01'. 15-10 . 41 15-10 10 52 "10 lilji 2.1 111, 10 4 2M BOND3. scrip Leh V Tr pfd, Ton Bel..:.4 W J a S Penna Tonopah Bel, . fll'i . ns . rv. is.1. 15-10 , 28 13-10 , 50 5 07(1 12.30 to 1 P. M. n w nii 52 S3 aV. 74 B21I 40U 40U 'ft 30 Sl PROFIT TAKING ON CUBB NEW TOHK, Dec 15. Trading- on the Curb today was fairly active in spots. There was considerable profit taking noted In several Issues. United I'rofit Sharing sold down to 16. United Cigar Stores was fractionally lower. The Chi cago Northwestern 5 per cent, bonds dls played considerable activity. They sold down to wy, after which an advance to JOS H took place under good buying support. Bid ana asKea quotations louow . Bid. Oolddeld' Coniolidatid ' '. "".'.",".'.'." Greene Cacaasa tLM. nes Maxwell preferred, . ... sslns BloTitw prferrd .lltfeaun UnfteS agar, i8or'M.' do arsxarrad . . . TJnlUd Proflt-Sh IVtllye overlana uo prsrraa. Tukon XI0I4 .. j m 41 44 : 1H 91 llS i?j- atH & MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH srr&etra T....U, K ' ' J& Ask liaeNaawra. iMwar ... MUsaS sNtaaslen . SlwSfw ::v.v.::: Tefiajak lalaiBnt"! f oot6 sfctaftsteii . Twwinn Usrgfr .... Bg 7 MesssiapiMa ....... West abd WHMfMja STOCKS. sHfatn Slw'JMl .".'....'.'.'.". nggin ffR raasaiVr..:. (WSJlS Oosva3&aUt OauaeU. Hsrsajr . Jumbo Xitamtoe KukSJWS Oro SnJ tiui Sllser Pica MUrt4.i.Aitgui i3WMtar 11 Leh valley.. U.V. Q I R T t c. 100 Tonopah Del. 5 20 I-eli Nav t o. '.to 'iononan uei. 4',H 2a u a steel Kx-dhldend. 4 l'enna .'.Ui 4 U Q I... a Len vauey. . i-i'.a BO.NPS. 17 Phlla Ca ecrln 1)1 10xi I'hlla Co cona 5a hV jsuoo i.en val cen cons 4a ph 2 Cam Steel scrip 07 1 to 1.30 p. ir. 100 P n T t o.. M!i 20D Tonopah Bel. S 160 Tonopah Bel. 5 3 U S Bteel 52 2 Penna BlU 1.30 to 2 P. M. 10 Phlla Ltec... 21 33 U 8 Steel.... W 12 Ileadlntr .... 7415 12 1'hllj. glsa... 21 6 Leh Valley.. 11JV, 3 Penna Mh-lrt 10 Heading .... 7IU 10 I1 It T t o.. Ull El-duldenJ. BONDS. 5C0 Can Asp del Es 110 Phtla Co serin IOOO Leh Val coal 5a 100 II s Steal.... 10 Iteodlnjc 50 Cam Steel... 5o da..., 5o do an do 23 Tonopah llel. 41 4Ti . 07 . 01 .lot 2 to 2.30 P. M. 4 U a I M 10i I.h V Tr pf. T5 Ih V Tr pfd. as Ul Intar Met .". 3d) Tonopah UeJ. 4Ta 2IS Paua 81e... 28 Leh V Tr pfd. VI, 10 York ltwy pf Kx.dlvWwl. UU.NlHi, 10QO Am Oaa 4 BleoJ i 02 Cam Steel strip 28 30H Sl'i 2.30 to 3 P. M. JOUS Steel... aoo do........ 20 Lab ValUy, Sdo. do 40 Sod do... 00 00 3 PMla Co. Ill) (VI.... 100 l'eaoa ... ISO Cam Iron, B- St 51 10 w rv: a el...! sT x-divideod. h i 20 IU IOO 4SR BONDB. Am Ice. I'hlla Ca. 11 & fitAl. Phlla Bloc... 31 Cam Iron 4!U p a t t ., is Ih Vallav. Dili Toaopah Bel. 4jJ Cam Steal... 43 Tonopah Mln 7V Phi Co cm Df 40 IJleo Storage. 49 PbtU Co scrip,...., 91 Cam Steel aertp , Bill rHlw WUI4 9. Iwtt SEOUEITIBS STEONG IN IONDON U3NIX)N, Dse. U.-Scurtti In the straiet were strong tn the main today. SoHtlmant was cheerful. The Stock Ex eiiange Committee published a rule flolug mnibrs who unduly dly deliveries of sta)k. American lesuas were rampant, re Aacting favorable news from your side. Canadian Pacifies triuxved Hrogth- Copper snares sympathise with the fresh advance In the tota at that uitial. Sio Jlntos were quoted at H4i. Kaffirs moved upward on good bait arly divi dend declaration. IlraaiUan securltk were firm. Exchange aa LotwUn at Alo again baproved. V Saourttlen at Auction At. tuettoa the Uowla wet told fey staiu val T Tfeauiau Ik Co. today,. ' M raSSJa Natljaal e'lra Iasoran. IB t'loiaTcYty of Phil 14. mi fc'- MOO Ckiy of Phlla- J'.a. US2 Is BaAk of Vancouver Sujend WHEAT IN CHICAGO MARKET IAS FIRM IN THE MAIN TODAY Reactions at Times, But Final Prices Were 7-8c. to Ic. Higher Export Sales Continue Large. CHICAGO, Dec. 15.-Wlieat was firm in tlio tmiln today. There were reactions at times, but final prices were Tic. to Ic. higher Severe weather over tho West, where snow has fallen, Caused some np piclienslon with rcgntd to winter wheat, especially as to tho situation In Kansas, .Speculation was not active, and wires to tho lCost worked poorly. There is a good deal of Interest in the report of tho Department of Agriculture, which will bo Issued at 13:30 p. tn., Thursday, and will give tho nrea sown to winter wheat thin fall nnd the condi tion on December 1. It Is beltdvcd that a good Increase In the acreage will bo shown. Koine authorities said tho grain will exceed 10 per cent. Tho acreage of Canada, Is expected to snow nn Increase of more tlinn 15 per cent. Tho murltct at Liverpool moved upward on lack of Manitoba offers, nnd private reports of frost In Argentina. Es timates on tho exportable surplus of that country aj-o being reduced. Exporters continued their activities in this country totlay nnd tho sales exceeded 1,KM,000 bushels. Tho llnal estimate of tho Government placed the yield of winter wheat at CSL 990,000 bushels, against 523,11,000 bushels Inst year, nnd of spring wheat nt Z06 027,000 bushelB, against 29,819.000 bushels In 1913. The combined yield wan about 933,000 bushels under tho preliminary esti mate. Tho visible supply In Europe nnd America Is now about SX, 245,000 bushels, rgalnst 199,214,000 bushels last year. The Increase for the week was 9,C43,000 bushels. Clearances of flour from the seaboard were 37,000 barrels and of wheat $61,000 bushels. Corn was firm with wheat. Tho final figures of tho Government on corn wero 2,672,SOI,000 bushel3. against aMO.988 000 bushels last year. Clearances from tho seaboard were 206,000 bushels. Futures closed Uc. to ijc higher. Oats wcro Btronger. The final Govern ment figures on oats placed the yield at 1111,060,000 buslicl3, ngnlnst l.i:i,7CS.00O bushels Inst year. Clearances from tho seaboard wero 336,000 bushels. Futures closed Ue. to 'ic. higher. Provisions were firm on steadiness in holdings and with corn. Leading futurea ranged aa follows: Wheat Onen. Iflirh. Low. close Pecemter... 1.18". 1.1s'. 1.17 1.18 tl.18 Way 1.2314 1.2-' 1.2lfi 1.22t h.2lW juiy l.ir,!. l.idH 1. iota -1.10)4 Ti.tuti corn mew delivery) PhUadelpkia Markets CHAIN AND FLOUR irHEAT. flecelpts, 102.418 buah. Thire was a fair demand frem exporters, and Kith atronger advices frem the Wt prlcea ad vanced le on both winter and soring varieties Quotations car lots. In ennort elevator. No. 2 red soot and becember. Jl.SOfll.St'i: No. 2 red Weatern. 11.2101.26; Ko. 1 Northern bulittli. Il.30fll.82. COIIN. Ileeelpta, 15,7 buah. Trade Quiet, but offerings light and value steadily maintained, Quotations! Car lots for local trade, sa la location No, 2 yellow, old, 81 B SIHc.: steamer yellow, otd, S01i81c. new yel low, as to quality, ogHOtlc.t new cob, per 70 Ibj., OtfjCSc. OATS-ltecelpls. 89.930 buah. Offerings moderate and (slues steady, but trada was quiet, Quotations: No. 2 white, 64-BM'iC standard white, MHc.i No. 3 white. Slo. n.l'!:OUIt-",elpts, 1205 bbls. and 8.844, 010 Iba. In sacks. Trade quiet, but mill ,llmlt steadily held, quotations per 100 lbs. liiift-nodi Inter clear, I.70(J4 oo: do., stralgnt, 4S v", 110., natenr. an .KHf.Tr,. Ksneds. mraiKiii. iJ,?A2,.ckJ- 'l.2of5 40i do., patent, uts sacks. 3.404JJ5.B.V Bprlnt first clear, IJ.ion3.n0i dn . tralyht. s.:(.ifis to; do, patent, s.oof3.00; u., .uvurKs orsnos, swrubu; city mins, cnoico nnd fancy tmiwt, (iui..iO! city mills, MBUlar fSe.?rV,n,cr- elfi ' 7r4.u0; do. etraUht, 5Y.'i-.x5 .''2- Patent, I5.SOQ3.i5. RESERVE BANKS DIFFER SLIGHTLY AS TO SYSTEMS Philadelphia Federal Insti tution Does Not Clear1 Checks for Its Out-of-lown Members. Tea close. Drcombcr. May July Oats December, 31ay lird .lunuary. . May lllbs .Tnnuary.. Wny I'ork January . Mav Hid Rl'l rili raf. l'l 70S. 4 823, ?4 K) OU'.S 47 51 i rail . 0.P2 .10.12 tlO.CO 10.23 ,.. 0.0" ...10.22 . . .tis "" . ...IS. 72 tAsked. 10.02 io.:i7 18.40 13.03 0.02 10.12 0.02 10.20 10.02 10.M 18.33 tl8.33 18.72 118.80 D.SO lo.or 10.87 ti0.20 18.10 IS. CO LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAflO, Dec. 15. ItOCS. Receipts. 40. (XX) head. Market steady. Mixed and butchers, tn.CoriZ7.13; iwl heavy, 10.83(4 TilO; rough. hraw.- SO.&OtB.80t llsht. Ifl.llOIUJ 7.13; piss, r,.2r!nu.25i bulk. .85a7.1o. CATTLL! Hccelpls. C50O head. Market (cak. lleees. 3.&0(ill: cows and betters. ja..',UJ8.20, stoi.kera and feeders, I4.00CC 11.111; Tenuis. $7.2308.10; calves, W.f00. fjILi:P Ilecolpta. 30.000 head. Market steady. Native and Western, S3.30UU.2U; Limbs, S3.8UO8.40. CA1L MONEY RATE OUT Philadelphia Banks and Trust Com panies Announce Seduction. Several of the leading banks and trust companies of this city reduced tho offi cial rate on call money loans from 8 per cent, ta 5 per cent, today. The reduction applies to both new nnd outstanding loans, Somo companies, however, nro still maintaining; tho hlcher rata cm old loans. This Is the first official chance on tho local call late, us far as outstanding loans are concerned, since August 1, when the war bouan nnd money Jumped from 4 to 6 per cent., but In the last few weeks new loans have been mado at v'.a and S per cent, in moderate amounts. The lowest call money touched III 1314 was 3V4 per cent., at which rate it ruled from Juno 1 to June SO. GOVERNMENT BONDS 2a of 1030. res 2s of 1U.10. cou , l'anama 2s, res 1'anuma 2s, cou l'anama new 3. re". , Panama now Ss. cou.. Ua of 1018, ree 3a of 11)18. ami , 4s of 11)23. ret 4s ef 1023. oou Bid. Asked. . . . .ua ...1)0 ... U3H mi7 1)0 1)7 .... 035 .... IX) ....100 ....IUI ..10SJ, (i lwi',5 .losS Philadelphia, rsew Yorx Boston lhla. 4Vaa Pr cent, Open Market Rates &la, 6. HO 4VM314 k 3H4 4J ... 03H 6 fcij itlle paper. J to 6 months; rnlladrl Reserve Banks' Discount Rates SO days, no d.ivn. a b Kaw York Il)lladelphU . Ueston ........ Obleaeo dt. ImjIs llovelaHil Itlolinwnd ..... Atlanta ....... Kansas City .. VlnnaaMIs ... Dallas ......... Ban Franolieo , tv5 a ... a. .. I & :::::::::: l BANK CLEARINGS Haul: clsartnis today eetnnara Hilth eorrs- n3Cis- day Uittw yearsT apon. Ho st en Balllner Cbicogo .. lull. laia. i!ii isMa-a L.s2?i wjmw , sv.iwi.i jj.Bii.in. ai.4m,a,vi dism M& d: FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET NBW YORK. Pc. 1S.-TO 'otfltu. I.O., tU Daanse market was auUt. 4 TtK; fraaoa for aback, marks, mL . Mb; shUs. cabiM, a.ii,: In th aftsruoou la faaturs as weakness In natcbausias oo fairly aaavy atfeilas, Tor ehacks SSU was aiKMaa ujd SM. for cabU. dna4 aterllse ,487. cabUa. 48fH franca. c&cVa. 314H: cabUs. StfK. HEADS FEDERAL COUNCIL WASHINOTON. D. 15. -Manias B. For tran, of Chicago, today was elected presi dent of he Advisory Council of tup Pd wal Tserve system, and. Ijsvi L. Hut. at IfallailelphU, was aUotad vic Sr4nl (Ut. Mr. Forga. Mr. Hye J. P. Mor gan, of KW York; D. Ci. Wliig, of lltw Usp. and W. 3. Row, of Ctu;iaa.U, wrs rttfjf aewbr of the LMtsfsVitwe CH- Mttt4M. COTTOK MAKKBT STEADY -NtJVV YORK. Dc U.-Tbe i-c4tat UU ket closed staady. 4 puuuta lowar to pulnta bi-bi 1' ru us folio j-tueiliuei a 87 e St) IF. .::::-II J I Xlv f fill t t I. if ,JT VMH, Si. is nrmiy maintained. We auote nearby and Ueatern In wood at fOSOCK PROVISIONS iS- n,arl' Jult nd without Important chanse. tjuotatlona! city beef. In sats, emoked ?"" alr-drld. 2829c.i do., Weatern, .In aets, J"'0,1id. 2Sa20e.i do., city, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drlsd. 29tf:ioc.i do., JX5,teJn' 1'nucklos and. tenders, smoked, 2t? JJ?c'l. to., hanw. 3Sf30; pork, family, M,B()tf skinned, loose, HBlBMci do,, do., smoked. 14 i4ftc.j other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and aveisse, isoiSUe.i do. smoked. ll'rn cured. 16V13tie.i do., boiled, boneless. tSS'J.'Vi, nlcnlo shoulders. S. P. cured, loose. lJHe'llHc.i do., smoked, 12U12Vtc,i bellies, In Pickle, nccordlnt to averaite, looae. lBfrlBWo,: breakfaft hacon, na to brand and avers ic. city furcd. 1S31DC.; do., Western cured, iSall'ci !"" " eaiern, rnnnaa, tierces, liHifiinc.) "" do., do., tuba, llitctllUo.; do., pure city, kettle KtZiiSiwii "wk" do-do-d0- REFINED SUGARS List prlcea steadily maintained, but trado quiet, neflnera" list prices; Standard aranu 11;' .0o.s fine granulated, 4.8oc,; powdered, i'-S-it confectioners' A. 4.75c. i soft grade, 4Cj4.0c. DAIRY PRODUCTS HUTTKH. orterlnga of fancy troode Hebt and values firmly held, with demand equal to the olTel.'nroi of this description. Quotations: oatern. fresh, solid-packed, creamery, fancy speclsls, 30c.! extra. 34c,: extra firsts, .l.'w .13c.! nrsts, 30B31C, : seconds, 2tW2Sc. ; ladle packed, JIJT23C. aa to quality; nearbT prints, fancy, 37c: do., average extra, KOTtSOc.: do., flraia, .12Sfl4c: do., aeconds. aofiJto. Special fancy brando of prints Jobbing at 42R44c- I.UI.S. The market quiet with moderate t lmnln ftfr,.na At nnMh) flnir... Oitnln- tlona: In free cases, nearby, extras. 425f4.ic but ample offerings at quofed figures. ......a, ,,1 .it;o canea. neftruy. exirus. .wii Dvr dox.: npnrhv nrir. aiL'fitt2..1i) np Rtnndnrn caac; average nearby current receipts. M0.S0 ptr standard case, exceptional lots higher; Weatern. extra firsts. tl2iil2.30 per caro: do., firsts, slO.MO. aoiiio fancy stock higher: mixed held and fresh and ordinary stock. XHftDOO: Southern. J10.80B11.4O per caac. Refrigerator egga. cholco and fancy fall-packed. 27W30C. : do., sprlng-pncked, as to quality, 21fi23c. Per doz. Fancy selected candled fresh eggs were Jobbed nut rvt 4H4J49C. per dox. CIir.ESE. Offerings moderate, but ample, and the market qule; and without important change Quotations: New York, full-cream, earlier receipts, choice. 10c; do., do., cunent make, choice. lr813W.c..; do,, do., fair to cood, 14UU14S0.; do., part skimi; StfUc. POULTRY LIVE. Trade quiet and the market barely steady under fairly liberal offerlnes. Quotations: Fowls, 12014c; old roosters, lottllc; spring chickens, according to quality, lltfiac: tur keys. uaiOc.i ducks, 13014c; geese, 1.1315c; guineas, young weighing 2 lbs. and over apiece, per pair, 00c; neighing l"Sf(li lbs. apiece, per pair, SOfiuSc; guineas, otd, per pslr, 40c, pigeons, per pair. lBfflSc. l)Iti:8SKl). The market ruled steady on fine desirable-sited stock, supplks of which nc,v smaii. vtuoinuors; ura.ys, ary-pnexea l'ancy, large, nearby, 2122c; do., western, 21c: a crags receipts, 17&llc, 12 to box, dry packed, selected heavy, 18Hc; Inferior, ISO 10c; No. 1 old. 18c. rowls, weighing 4W3 lha .Aim. ITlZn . .( IK. anTnA iniZ. . do.. .Its lbs. apiece, 14013c, do., 3 1M. and under, 12B!3c: fowls, bbla.. dry-packed- western, dr-plcked, 4'4B3 lbs. apiece. MlSo.; do., 4 lbs., llHie.: do., 31i lbs.; 14c: do,, 8 lbs. and under, 12013c, old roosters, dry-picked, 12 He: broiling chickens Nearby, 1H2 lbs, apiece, 20&i22c; da. fair to good, lU01Sc; Weatern, T34J2 lbs. apiece, 20c; do., fair to good, H4J18c; roaat lng chlckena, dry-packed. In boxea Jlllk-fed, 18 to 24 Iba. to rlox. 22Q23c: milk-fed. 23 to 20 Iba. to dox., 10J21c; corn-fed, IS to 24 Iba, to dox.. 20tJ21c. ; corn-fed, 23 to 30 Iba. to dox., isaitlc. ; milk-fed. 31 to 36 lbs to dox., 14Uc,: mllk.fed, 37 to 42 lbs. to dox., 14H".i milk-fed. 43 to 47 lbs. to dox., J3Hc; milk fed, 48 lbs, to dox.. 17c ; milk-fed. CO Iba, and over. 16c. ; corn-fed, 31 to 30 lbs. to dox.. 3Vi QHc; corn-fed, 37 to 42 lbs. to dos., ISV.si 14c; corn-fad. 43 to 47 lbs. to dox., 14(4 0 13c : corn-fed. 4S lha. and over tn das., ldc. corn-fed, 00 lbs. and over, 17c: roasting chickens, dry-packed. In bbls. Western, milk fed, dry-picked, 6 lbs, and over, I7n.j Western, milk-fed. 4 lbs.. 16c; Weatern, milk-fed. 3l Iba., 1414c; Weatern, milk-fed, dry-picked, mixed nelghta, 1414Kc; JVeatern, mllk.fed. 2H33 lbs., 14c; Weatern. cArn-fed, 3 Iba. and over. 10c i Weatern. corn-fed, 4 Iba.. 15c. ; Western, corn-fed, dry-picked, mixed weights. tvcaiern, corn-tea, ,,yj ids., l-ic; wes( 14C em, corn-fed, 2W8J3 lbs., 13c Staring 1201.V. 11 to 12 (lucks, l-Mliac. eprlnc geese, snuabs. per dozen hire, nelvhlnir lbs per doien. I4C4.W); white, neighing 0 to 10 lbs. per doten, J1 23R.t,Ta; white, weighing o lua, iter itosen, s.auu..jo; ao. loxen. iW2.23; do , (170'4 lbs. per 1 50; dark and No. 2, 50c.Sl. FRESH FRUITS TUe general market Is quiet and without Im portant change. Quotations: Apples, per -., .,,. S2.30n2.73: do.. 7 Iba. tier do , (1704 Iba. per doxen, 11.23 .7302.30: JJ.73(fr3.RO: llnl.lwln. XI. 7: Greening. t.732.73; Spy. I1.7302.R)): other varieties, at.iou,au: meant good eating 1.00; apples, Western. m. 11a nei hnv. SlfM .n. "fw", uiiatvara anu Pennsylvania, per hamper. )0c, Lemons, per box. 1ft4, Orangeu, Klorlda, per box, tl.23K2.23. Tnn- fcrlnes. Florida, per at ran. 2.IU)43.r, Grape rult. Florida, per box, ll.50SJ2.23. l"neap. a 1 V n crate t-orto uico, si..aoxa; nor- .ua, ,,M..i, er ddi Hack, 2.30. Cranberries, fancy lat varieties. 48l..'i0. Crar berries. Capo Cod, Harly per bbl.. J384. Crnnbrrrlea. Cans Cod. per bbl. mack, ne Early. Black, per crato. 7.V (fll.SO. l-m n )a- rlea. Jeraey. per crato. 7.V0I1.23. I'eara. Now .", wr f.o'SZ'JiTFS"- """Mo: uucneas. s Q3; Howell. I2Q2.5U; other varieties, J2Q3, VEQETABLES There la a fair Inquiry for desirable stock and values arc well sustained. Quotations: White, potatoes, per buah.-Pennayhanla, SS 62c: New York JRSSoc.; white potatoes Jer. sey, par basket, 33&-40c: sweet potatoes. East, ern Shore, per bb,-.No, 1, 2ff2,73: No. 2. II.&0 est 73: sweets, Jersey, par bbl. No. 1. S3.BQ; No. 2. 2Q2.25; sweets, Jeraey E" bttiiv 60S73c Onlona. choice, per bush., TIHsiSe,, do., ordinary, per buah., coa 03c.; dc. choice, perjpo-ib, hag, SI.25&1 SO: do. medium, per IO0-lb. has. SScftll; dc sI onda. pir lOO-Ib. bag 0D7So. Cabbage, do r.itlp. per ton. ITQS: do., Danish, per ton. Iinftl" ran nnw,, Mao, VaI- n. .-.1 . titl.23. Bplnach. Norfolk. kale, Norfolk, pur bbl., Out laa, ter pasxei ki ..miz per crate, 73c. bbl.. ilffl.:5: e. nor-arollna, c. Lettuce, pnn ri Ida. ter basket n -'Mi 2: do . Nort per basket, 0Oft73c. Ilaana, Florida, par baiket 9-i.uuvii: Assi'iaJii. rionua, per oox ss w,ua, ur ua.hii, S1.IDS. l'.?tt5i.!i-S05-..J'i'. uuitv... tfV.vV 1 llln L.ucuiabara. Flurlda. Dr basket s. ..; ,.-,, . .--.-.. . 1 . equasn, r luriua, iwr nasxar, si.i Nw York, per bunch. 244) tie per -lu. osikc), tiyi.uu, tub rooms. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGOS NEW YORK. tJsc I8.-BVTTER.-Matket firmer: recslpts. SOTO package j- creamery ex ; w.,?S;ia "',h "lng. 34JM4c., mats dairy, 31SSc; Imitation cisamery, 31Wu EUQ3. Markat firm; receipts, nn u. ircsn eaira, uiii., wani'., ircsn nrsls, 4-c: iiMfur "mi" i sestiec; spselal marks. Mc, naarby mlxi i DIVIDENDS DECLARED Standard Coupler Company, regular uulan pual 4 per cant, on prsferrad, payaWs ! Ear 24 to stock of raaord Pecetaoer IB. TSoEs closa Daooutbar 10 and raofwn January u. No dividend was declared 00 comaen. ind none lms bean paid tbla jaar """ Fraakfera TruK C'empany, regular aetnlan. nual T Pr cent., payable January 3 to stock of raoird Oaeuaber 14. Tobaceo Products Corpeatlou. regular auar tarty IK pw cent on prafarred, pavabw Janu ary 2 t stock of record Dmnur 21 OjNIvte Flour MI1U. regular quarterly 2 per cant., nayau January z to stock 01 record D ..-,t,A ID Brandruw tt lfaBdtrsoa Coninany, uau-vl auartrl IV per ct. oa urJrrl stock JSBf .. WIIVfW vtuteBd Cjuany lar uarirly rwu jiir"BrbSs ?4 oiiiru t?i ibo. hww , wnpaay. juiAt ism on wmmwrma. navitaM aiLnuair Upcuipw Btiactuiy 1 15 U slock f r.-oMl "rrr-Krj ."Ct:- W iV WMtMV at wmaaxa xjcaBssr ai. gtos "- TilakBbona CossstnukV. aMaauaUr au&rt4ttrir 1. mt aA&k.. nV- 4! pM4Mbf il ta Muck at ;MliMiLt cont an ttfvarril bQM Jbu ck o racord nwmatiar a. mtv 1ft u atocl K xpn Bxiaua usantatay regular ejuar- SMaWkvd Oaa llabt Cuaipauay rvgular aauul aaplkV u pxr mat. ou coaamua stock Ifiltjaail u4m T lajbrt f imnrsny tssjalHT'iTiiB) 4 oe cant. Iin lUfeKlsB XUE rSNNSil A.M.. CttyPANV t-OK INSIKANCK8 OX UVTW AsiU OR.Vt.TIM. AKJT11TIK8 tia,b 14th. IV J 4 Tns s.iJ of LWi o.ton ht tats Os-j cts ,uUr f,u.rtarl d..,daa uf Mi iW saw alkaMJ. ciaar of ul. nj2wa4 aTa"tkM TSwdnsaa 4u Bueaul etrbtk 11 e b NBV.Hal.1 With the formnl Inauguration of the) new form of tatement by tho Philadel phia Clearing; House Hanks this week. It mny bo said that tho loenl Federal lie- servo system Is now completely under way. All the Items contained In the old form nre retnlned, but, of course, a "wide variation Is shown from former state ments, owing- to the reduction In reserve requirements, which are some 113,000,000 less than wns required a yenr oro at this time. Consequently the surplus rose arbitrarily. The Fedornl Ilcservo Bank of this city operates practically Uniformly with all tho other rcservo centres excepting Chi cago and Kansas City. It Acts aa a Clearing- House betweeri its own mem bers within the city, butSdoes not as yet follow tho example set by the two West' crn Federal banks, which recently be gan to clear for out-of-town members to n certain extent. Nor has It yet been decided whether this city will follow suit Somo comment has been mnde that the Federal Reserve bankB, by not reporting: clearings made for members, cause the country's volume of tiado to bo mlsr represented, but It was pointed out by a local ofllclal today that this was In dicated by the. deposits which ara re ported recently. The Philadelphia Re serve Bank Is n member of the local Clem Ins House Association, whereas the Chicago Federal Ilescrve Bank has not yet Joined the association In that city. Tho introduction of the new system has been remarkably well handled as a whole and tho country's fllnancos have scarcely felt the slightest Jar. Monetary condi tions, in fact, immediately became easier desplto (he unprecedented upheaval In Europe. This, however, leads to one seri ous question that of Inflation. Sup posing conditions In Europe and else where had been normal when the new system was Inaugurated. Would the sud den loosening up of reserves havo de veloped an era of over-speculation and Inflation In this country, or would the various arrangements made to safeguard the country from this have proved ade quate? Tho full force of the Federal Tteserve system will not be entirely developed for a year or more. Meantime frequent ex changes of suggestions and experiments are being mado nnd the banking frater nity la gradually adapting Itself to the altered conditions. The ultimate general plan of clearing will doubtless be that a given Federul bank will do the clearing for its own members within the city and ivll! participate in the- several clearings qf the local clearing house on behalf of the members of the Federal Iteserve Dis trict outside the city wherp the bank Is located. The Federal Reserve officials them selves admit that they are still uncertain as to many points In the working out of the new system, Unfortunately it waB begun under abnormal conditions and It still must stand the test of normal conditions. It will, doubtless, therefore bo several years before final Judgment can be passed upon It In all Its ramlflcatlons- XX) last 3 ear; bushels per acre, U3.il In 11)11 and Si. last year; total production. 2.1)72,804.000 Eushela thla year and 2,440.0M,0O0,last. Farm Liiua December 1. U3.T cents a bushel this ..7.. ...... ml )nat Tai. value. X1.7U!? ."(IK) mn ).' .-.",i vri.,.TArtT7.' ,i-'. :: rr""" "- YEAR'S CROP WORTH NEARLY FIVE BILLIONS fcarmera of the United States Pro duced $4,045,852,000. "WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. Farmers of the United States produced crops worth ll,lJ,S52,O0a this year, from 300,072,000 acres cultivated, as compared with 4,96. 497,000 last year and M.757.45$,000 In 1913. This "prosperity" statement was issued today by the Department of Agriculture with the final crop estimates of 1914. Tho crop reporting board. Department of Agriculture, tcAlay made tho following estimates of the acreage production una value of crops on December J; corn Acreage , iw,uw, i;i" ixr" 000 last 5 ear: bushels per acre, lf3.8 In 101. and 2J.i isi hushela value 1 In 1014 and (l.eu2.002,000 last year, "winter Wheat-Acreage In ,11)14. 30,008,000, and last year, 31.U0U.b0o: yield per acra thla year It) Duaueis, laai year iu.a; tola produc tion In UU), IP4.M)0,000 bushela, nnd In 10 U, 323,3111.000 buahels: value December 1, 0S.S cents per husheli In 1013, 62.11 cents. Total value In 1014, $075, 023.000. and In 1013. M4J. 01(3.000, Spring Whcat-1014 acreage. 17,333.000; Utt rear. 1S,4S3,00; tteld per acre in 1U14. 11.8 bushels'. In 1013, 13 bushels. Total production In 11)14, 200.027,000 Luahels. In 1013. 230.811), 000 Value. December 1. 1)8.6 cents psr bushel; 1U13, 7K.4 cents per bushel. Total value, 11) '4. f2ai.0S7.O0O: lt)LV417i).127,0OO. All Vheat-10i4 acreage. 63,111.000: 1013. 50.194,000. Yield, per acre, 1014, ln.0 bushela; 1013, 13.2 bushela. Total production, 1014, MU,017.(IOO buihals; 1013, 703.(80,000 bushela. Prlca December 1. CS.0 cent per buahet; lu IX 70.t centa. Total value, ion, t$78,tl80,000; WIS. IdlO.122.OuO. nata. Acraga 1011. Ss.442.0CO; 1013. 38.300, 000; yield, 211.7 bushels per acre. 1913. W.S bushels. Total production. L141.oe0.fl0o bushels, 1013. 1.121, 76S.OU0. PrUa December 1. 43.g rents per buihels, 1913, 39 2 centa Total value. 1100.411 COO: 1013. li33.Bnd.OO0. llarlsr Acreage. T.&O3.000 101.1. 7 4K,0 yield. 25. bushels Pr acra, 1013. 2S N bushel. Wtal production. larnsfooo-. ii3, mi&o.ooo Price Dacembar 1 W-8 cents per bushel: 1013 ti.1 cents. Total value. 0o,SOa.lKM. 1913 ''"-Acrags. 2.541.000 WIS. SaeT.OOt,. ytild, 10 S busbala psr acre. 1013, 30,1 byvhsla Totai prluoilon. 43.770,000 lrfu. 43.4eLO0O buahels, Prioe becember 1. 4.3 cents ptr bushel. 1913. 03 4 centa ooo inn. .aai.ouo. . Value of all Important cropa was as follow Oorn-2 7tB,eO4.00O bualtafs. worth 4L7G2 SUO.OOO. as core pared with 2.44043.000 busbala, fcortit l,&2.00irO0O laet year. vv neat eui.utf.ijuu uuanti wwvm ..,. IOO. agaliut TUH.ow.uuo ouaueis. jzs.oou lata L asi 666.000. Total value, 7.01S.- worth lUtO,- rS.000 last year, oita-1.14l.o5o,dOO buahale, worth 1499 491,- ooo. ai'nst'l,lit,TtS.0LO biuhalj, worth 1 :: Potatota tOS.d21.O0a busbsls. worth llOB.egO.- alniK sai.aw.wu busbws, worm sjit, - 70071.tWO 000. against , T0O7I.OiXi taa. against 01,100.000 Ua vterth T07.Oi)0, .rth tTT9, LgpO. I4 .-suoubr dloi. sMtrnt u him lAWl.0o?f, JfM year. .. an i jm ' ,IS. year. tatoBHifwyut gk4tto , KHW '(U- pevsAs, wortb La lea. was-tli bl, north mMm BAB SJLVEtt In Londao today bar Mirer aa quoted si at pcrue ff Ha MH Kf Vorlt comias,-. rial Wr sllwr was 4U44 csnis o,t "i Ready or Iirimediate INVESTMENT The Guaranteed MORTGAGE PhiliwWipiu Company for Guamnteseing Mortgaga fMH. tlf:l I'UlA jfW ff 3ti itircS? dtitttter TM TM T. nr4ii.11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers