HtfrffMBl EVENING LEDGER-PHILAI)ELPHIA MONDAY DEOEMlER 14, 1914. 13 1' tK i h it & UNLIMITED DEALINGS , WILL BE ALLOWED 1 IN N. Y. TOMORROW 5pc cial Committee Lifts Ban on All Stocks Copper ,,, and Railroad Shares Led Market Today. NEW YOltK. Dec 14.-untlmlted trad Ins will be permitted on the New York Stock Exchago beginning; tomorrow. Up to the present time trading has been per tnltted onty In certain stocks named by the special committee of five, which ruled out such stocks as Untied States Steel and .others, In which heavy speculating might Influence the market. The announcement that the ban was lifted1 on all stocks came this afternoon, when Secretary Ely, of the Stock ex change, Issued the following statement: "Tho special committee of five rules that Degtnnltu? tomorrow, December 15, all stocks now being dealt In through the Committee on Clearing House will be admitted to dealings on the floor of tho exchange, at or about the minimum prices heretofore established by tho committee and Under the provisions of rule No. 34," Copper shares vied with railroad stocks for leadership of tho market today, with the balance In favor of tho formor. Amal gamated Copper was tho most active of the group, advancing 4H td BH from Saturday's close. American Smelting ad vanced to 63, up 2V4; Nevada Consolidated 3 to 14: nay Consolidated 1, to 17,; Tennessee Copper 2 to 33, and Utah Cop per 3 to D1H- flhort are on the anxious scat In Wall street and the uneasiness on the part of those operators who were committed to the bear side on a largo scale In July was reflected In urgent efforts to cover stocks today. There was a general de mand fcr the return of borrowed stock on the part of lenders, who now find little trouble In obtaining money accommoda tions at low rntcB, In some stocks these efforts became frantic when it found how acant the supply was. This was particularly the case In Amalgamated Copper, in which bear op erations had been heavy during the period the exchange was closed. In Oc tober theBo operators sold Amalgamated as low as 37 on the Now street curb lm- mediately after tho dividend reduction In October, but then copper metal was lUicia pound against 13Vie. today Therro Is a good deal of gossip here to the ejffect that all through July Amal gamated had been bought for what Is re ferred to as the syndicate, and tho stock sold In October Is also said to have been accumulated for the same Interest. In certain independent quarters these stories find credit and it Is assumed that other copper stocks were also accumulated both on the board In July and on tho street In October. Sales of United States Steel were made through tho Clearing House at El, which compares with a mlnlnjum price of IS Strength In this Issue was attributed to the optlmlstlo comments of President Farrell, of tho corporation. Ho says: ' "Ilook for Improvements after the opening of the new year. I am of the opinion that there will be a demand for Iron and steel products after the railroad rate question Is decided. I believe we are to experience a .considerable demand for Iron and steel for shipbuilding, but that may be tardy In developing." Led by Lehigh Valley, 'eastern railroad shares made further advance. Lehigh Valley Jumped four points to 138: Read ing SH to 1D0: Erie, 1VI to 23H; Pennsyl vania, 1 to 103. In the early trading Pennsylvania went oft fantlcally, but later recovered. The strength In these Issues was based on the report that the Interstate Com merce Commission would grant the car riers an Increase In freight rates. Some said that tho decision would be handed down tomorrow, while others were of the belief that It would oe given out proD ably on Saturday. Money loaned at 3Vi per cent. RAPID RISE IN TOCKS - SOUNDS-NOTE OF CAUTION ,'Witr Is Not Yet Over, is Warning. Dealings Large. NE AVYORK, Deb. 14. The Evening Bun. In Us financial Review, says: About the only point of objection to the day's session was a feeling held In some quarters that prices were advanc ing too rapidly. In view of the fact that trading has been suspended for more than rour months, this Is a rather strange commentary upon the market movement, but It Is worthy of consideration, for the European war, which caused the closure Is far from settled. The outstanding feature df Saturday's dealings, namely, the apparent actual dearth ot stocks, was again In evidence and Influenced very sharp advances between limited sales, -especially In the Copper shares. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. fl! n Boiler ,,,j acXamars . uiaway MUoafe Bit .,,,. Montana ,-.. Northern Star ...... Tcnopah-Belmont , .. Tosopsh-Exteniilon . . . Tonopah-Merger ..... Tonopab-Mlneral . ... Bihui Eula wen nu QOLDFnsLD BTOCKfl. mil ., .......rr,., .03 .07 ..,,,, .14 .is , uooin Ihilldor 03 .04 .C O. D OU .11 comb Frao , ., .is ,H DIunemiJfleLJ B, B, , u ,04 Data? t . .10 Florence , ,.,.. ... .65 .78 Opldrtcld Cossoltdiud IV iu,. Ooldlleld Merger ,. . . .41 Ji Jumbo-Extension 2 j Kewsnaa , 23 ;& Oro. ..if .IS Sand Kan , ,18 14 Silver rick '... .Jb u MISCBtANPOUB. mrviaw A.tec- "I ?W Kfcsberly , . afdiM? iis NEW YORK CURB QUOTATIONS Blri. Asked, Biaden Copper Geldfleld Consolidated Mreena cantuea t Bom ...... M&xwell . . . . t;:v:;: .K I n J 4 aM HtpUalag . ...v Otis PUvltar do pfd . . Rlinr-Hwwaau Sterling Sum . ..... Tobacco PredtMU p(4. United Cigar Stares . . i 31 DM . Lag Profit BbariBsi firs Overland ... . d Mi . Tukea Oo)J NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NBW YORK. Wo- y-Wn easts awiket reJ ttreas: Pa-tee W W I to H toteta tiaa. 84r4ar caasn; aHi mt m , fSSsf 'nrw&JS'-j, f P SB. May. fl.No. NEW YO&K MBTAL MAEK3ST VJ!W YORK. Dec i The metal aw 1 - . vj mui HxUy Tin MVU. i sTetftW aaMtttar !$. NEW YORK STOCK SALES Sst ClllljhLow Clow Alsska Gold Minn .... 25H 2S) 25)1 2fi AIH Chalmerj . . 8 8 ' 8 8 do prof .. . a 36 35 35 Am! Copper 62)4 671. 62) fifl'i AM II Sugar 30'f 30) HOH 30'f Am Can 2o) 27) en 27f dopref 80 02) 02 f2 Am CarAFdy I3'( 43 44 45 Am Cotton Oil.... .... 30 39! 30 30) i Am Hlde&Leathsr.... 3J 4H i 'f dopret .. 10H 19) lfl!5 Am Ice 22 23't 2.1 23Ji Am Smelilni 50)i 60U 6711 60 dopref 10O Wi 100 Am.Sugar. 100 107 107 107 Am. Tel fttel 117K 117J 117 117'f Am Tobacco 216 220J 217 220 Atchison .....01 95 03H 05 dopref OS) 08) 08i Beth Steel! 42 42 41i 42 Drootcljn Itaptd Transit. R6' 87 Sft) 87 California Pet ll) 10U 10' 10H dopref 65 57 55M 65) j Cenltal Leather.-. 35)f 36Jf 331i 30 Chicago areat Western. 10 11 10 11 dopref 20h 2S 28)i Chicago, Mil. St. Paul.. 01 2J Wl 92) doptef 130 132 127 130 Erie 22M 24 23' 23! doUtptefd 30 30'f 30 SOW ConsolOas .', 110) 120 110 120 Corn rroducts. . . . ( OK 9 0 Denver and lllo Qtand. AH 5 6 6 dopref 8!f Wi 9)f 0) General Electric 139U 111 140 111 General Motor 80 87 S0H SOX dopref 00 01 00 01 Goodrich Co 20 2GM 2G'j 20'X Guggenheim l)i 1) Hi InternaUonal Hamster 91 01) Ol'i 01H Interboro-Mctropolltan 12) 13)i 13 13)t dopref 62h 53!f 62Ji 63 International Paper.... 8 0 0 0 Imptratlon 15 18 10J 17)1 Intl Mercantile Marine 1 W IX l' Kansas City Southern.. 20f 22K 21 22) Lehigh Valley 134 138 131J4 137 Loulsvlllo A Nashville 125 125H 125 125i Minneapolis & St Louis 11H 11 H)i "H MIssourl.Kansas&Teias 10i 10H OX 10'f Miami Copper. ........ 17 18)i 18),' 18H Missouri Pacific 10K 10U 10)i 10H National Biscuit.... 125 125H 125)i 125( New Ked M. A. S. prcf. . . 20 20 20 Nevada Con 12 UH 12K -14 N Y..N II Jt It ... 535i 67 60 565f N. Y., O. & West ... 20H 21'S 20 21'i Northern Pacific 0SH 104J 101 101 Pacific Mall 21 21! 21)f 21)i PaclflcT &T 20 22 21" 22 Penna 108 1095i 107JS 109 Peoplo'sGas 117 117J4 117)S 117'5 Pittsburgh Coal lOJi lOJi 10i 10) dopref B0K 8!1 hOH SXii nallnay Steel Sprine .. 19)i 23li 22 2J4 nayConi 10 21Ji 10)i 17k Heading 14S 151 1483i 151 Ilepubllc Iron& Steel... 18 19M 18k 19'i dopref "5i 75k 75) Rock Island 15 1M Ik Ui dopref 3 3k 3k 3k UumelyCo 6k 0k 6k 0k dopref 21 21 21 Southern Kallnay ' 10 10k 10 10k' dopref 0-1 04k 04 04k Tennessee Copper ...-31 33 31k 33 Texas Company 132k 130 130 130 Third Aenue 37 37)5 30k 37k U. S. Rubber 46k 55 54k 55 Utah Copper 48k 61k 49k 51k Wabash H k -H i Western Union 5S)i 59k 5Sk 59k Total tale, 230,000 aharre NEW YORK BOND SALES 2-41 P.M 102V 03H UOYt 07 Ul, 82 82 VI', 100 u 30 8OV1 8IH 87 85 OSS 102"4 100U OtlS 112'i tu 71S 6S). W 86 101), H5H OS 23S 23Vi 80)4 15 80S 110', 00)1 37 834 (H4 C3'i 66)4 81 10014 8314 081! 74S 80S bo 84S SSV4 usn 100 80S 131 85 43'i 43), 42 103 v; P3Vs MS ss was 79i 1(54 71 61S 03 ioi s 80 63H 04K 09)4 68 V, 03)4 00 68)4 SIS H 86 66ti BBS TS 78 43 101U m T 8 iai S3 W44 High 2MW Amer Smelt Sec Vi ...102"4 18S00O Amer Tel cvt 414a . . 0SH J0O0 Amer Tob new 6a. ...lMU 100O Amer Writ Ip ri . . . aj, 4000 Atchlaon sen 4s Uli. 1I000 Atchlaon aili 4a. .,,... S2 7000 Atchlaon adj 4a tp.... M 49000 Atchlaon ot 4a lt60 . 93K C000 Atchlaon 8 . ...100 3000 Atlan Co Line let 4a . 33 4000 Halt & Ohio 4a. . SDH 25000 Bait A Ohio ct 4Wa.. 844 5000 Bait Ic O 8n 3a.... ST 3000 Beth Steel rfd Sa. . . 85, 10000 Brooklyn Up T 5i 101S 1 1000 Canada South S 102 Vi C000 Crnt On cons Sa ... 100i COOO Cent Leather lac 6a. . MV, 1000 Cent RRNJti 112V, 2000 Car Cent 1 83 2000 Choa & Oh c 41.... 71). 21000 CM Ot Weat 4 0S, COOO Chi & Nwn Ken 4a . . 00 1000 CM It Q gen 4s . 05 2000 Chi Mil & 8t P cp 6a .101). COOO Chi Mil & St P cv 4Ha. 06Va COOO Chi Mll&Sl P gen 4H. OS 4000 Chi It I i P col 4a 2K CDOOO Chi R I It P ool 4a crt. M 1000 Chi St P it M 4 O 6a. O0V4 eooo Col Midland 4a 15 2000 Col ic South lit 4a.... Kl'i 64200 Con Oai Co 6a W I....110S 8000 Del & HUd 4a 1010. . . 08 6000 Dt Beour Corp 63.. .57 4000 DuPont Powd 4Vj...S3'q 300O0 Erie rcn 4a OJH 1000 Erie conv 4a Ser A . OMi 0000 lifla conv 4a Bar 11. . . OtlV, 1000 Imp Japa Oov B 4Ha 81 000 0n Motor Ga.. . .10OH fOuO 111 Can rfd 4a. ... bdV 10000 Ina cv ret 3d pd da... 00 1100O InUrb Met 4H... .. UK 8000 Interb R T ret 6a. ,. UGH 1000 Inter Mer Mar 4Ha , 30 6000 Inter Paper 6a. . 81), 2000 Kan City Bo 6a , H1 1000 Lacks bteel 6a 1019,. 037. 6000 Laclede Gas 1st 8s, 100 6000 Lake Shore deb 4a 1023 DOS SOOO borlllard T 121 4000 Olex Pet Co fli 3 O.. . W5 7000 Mnn & Bt U U '' 30O Mo rac 4a 43), 6000 do cv As . . ,, , 42 SOOO Nat Chat at St L. 6s. .103V 1000 N T City 4s 1937 . BSH 2000 da 4 1M0 83ft 7000 do 4 ha . . ,. 83H 12000 do 4ft 18S3 . ,,,.,106), 1000 N Y Dock 4 Via 70 1000 ,N T Oil II 4 P 61.. .100)4 UOOO N Y nvy ret 4s... ., 71 SSWO do adj 6a 31); SOOO N Y Tel sen 4a . . 8A 2104 Norf -West cvt 4V- 101 H 07000 Kor Pao prior 4s . 30 1000 da gen 3a , . . 63 H 100(1 paainc Tel 6a ... 04 , 1000 Fmbi cv 3Ua. . . 89)t SOOO Public Serv N J Si . 86V1 4000 Itemtng get) 4s , . . S2), 1000 Itep lr s 8 6a 1040.. 80 62000 ltok Island 6a. . . 60V, 68009 South, Pao evt 4. . BIS 70009 da an i t p. 5 1034 87 102 OM. 120), 07 WIS S2 82 mu ICO'i 30 6H SI'i 87 85 9STi 102)i 100). 80). U2i 82 71S 68U 80 03 101, Mt 03 23S 25H BOH lfi SO'i 110 os 57 85S 8OV1 WH 6t 81 100s 83H 87S T4!4 90S 30 84!. SSUs OS). 100 90S 121 i !. 43i 43 1WU 00 vi WH 88) 100S 7M4 100)4 70S 51 K 03 100i MS tnv, 4S 00 vi 6dV4 om 604 W Vi SOS MH 86 4 MV4 Tii TH 4a 101K WS 81 . e 101 s 80S 3000 South Pax rfd 4s. . 86 8V4 . . TS .44 .1!4 1000 South flyqr S 4s . 36000 Ta R vt 6s.... lOOOThinl Ave w4... SOOOOTUnt Ave 14 5a... iOOOTol St U k W4a .., COOO V a Rubber Be, ... SOOO V B Steel 6a. COOO Union Po evt 4a.. W 66009 wah-P Ter 1st vt 4a, ft 3009 Weat Weodto 6j Iftl 2000 West U4 1st U.,....,t$ 1609 Weat S A M vt St.., B, Total salea. U,.S00. ""s umDBWDs deolAbed PaWe felsfiuw Bi Tejagtaj 3ejBr nguMc JsJteriy IS ' et. M Me4eand! javafcia Mwary IS Book . Oten. tvfta 4r 1 Hw OiU9 KaJlway ajut Ukt Cvamr, m am MBUBwt. 9vM r-taher i 10 aug 4 ne"l ot mewUm It. f u,t ta 9k tuaiJ JllUsI 3L W"?"5 VM. "" WM M IK I twopht Stnt UlIw7 Ou&9ay a M -a wir 41 iff lilMl UqeiOM U4 t vvw n i(i rvxuiar maj irb (r H '' hlir of kU L - nt " ittrLdMd M it ot 1 t bi , ftaJdaa JuuiSC Buior Kali ay a4 i totru ciumnv n r atia.cwbf IS bt 4 OS armtmrTmi nil r lid .tufk L vmftilxX 1. .u.kJ T1. ACTIVE TRADING ON PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE Local Traction Securities and Keystone Telephone De velop Unusual Buoyancy. U. S. Steel Shares Soar. Trading; on the Philadelphia Uxchange today assumed old-tlma proportions TJrokernRe olTlces were tilled with cus tomors, and, althoiiRh most ordors eelved were for Investment, a certain amount of speculative buslnens devel oped. In point of Interest United States Steel shares outrivaled over) thing else with a. rise of MH. up to 6 points from the minimum limit. Ihe local traction stocks also nhowod activity and buoyancy. Hapld Transit rose quickly, establishing a gain of a full point nbovc Saturday's close' before the (Irst hour was over, while Union Traction advanced rapidly to II be fore midday, and Inter sold up to ll'i, compared with 39, at the end or last week. In the case of the latter Investors ar gued that It was selling way out of linn as a 6 per cent, guaranteed stock,, and that oven tho possibility of having to pay up the full pnr value still left It n fair purchnso at going quotation). Keystone Tclepbono shares continued to climb Into new territory. At H the stock Is selling higher than at any time In two years or more Lehigh Valley Transit also developed strength, whereas the optimistic Interview given out by the head of tho Steel Corporation helped not only United States Steel, but nlstf Cam bria Iron and Cnmbrla Steel. Tonopali Belmont also made a new high record, ai did Tonopah Mining. Pennsylvania appeared to be for sale In moderate quantities, despite the In crease In passenger rates permitted by the commission It was suggested that some foreign liquidation might be In progress, but If this was true the volumo was ery small and the price rallied quickly In tho afternoon Heading and Lehigh Valley, on the other hand, displayed un Improv ing tendency throughout, following tho lead of their New York quotations. There was a report today that German buying of bonds was in progress In tills market It was snld that Berlin had been picking up l,ennsl'.anla Converti ble 3)4s of 1915. Incidentally tho now Chicago and Northwestern gencrnl gold Ds, which were brought out at 10JV4, are now quoted on the street at 107T4 to 10SW LOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALES High. 1JW 2 30 24 24 21 34?4 MS MR 3ft 3ll 3 42i 41 42 41 4.V4 4I 4nU 4B 40!', 14 14)1 IIS .11 1M .1.1 iiSH f,s ns 21i 21), 21U uij iss n'i ill no in 7(1 7(1 ill (in 074 nil l.'.u is K.', 27V, 274 275 wm 84 mi 3IS R3S M4 ui 111 m .13 .13 3'. 21 24 24 n 13 n 11S in, ns 75l, 74',, 73', Sill .iti 31. r.Vi 7 7)4 V' 4ts say, 4i K.1 R2 6J'4 40 Am Ire in Amsl copiwr 1 Am Itntlnna . 18(1 Camlirla Iron.. 41 290 Cambria Steel . 41 26 Idee tftoinita . . 40 II) Die Kocurltlc, 100 den Atphalt . Tl 1JO ilo prcf . . (IS '. Ina Co N Am . 21, .'.2(1 Koj Tel ..II 73 Key Tol t c u 3U I.ehluh Nnv t c 7H 1IM lXilgh Vnl . (IT1, 41 1 eli Val Tr. 1 10 ilo tirer 103 Northern Con JI5 Penna Flall.l 30 renna, Salt XI fg 03 HI Phlltt Co . :tHj 470 I'hlla. Electric . 21 100 Phllft Rap Tran 1214 1047 do tr ctfa . . 12)i (VI 7 rtoarllntr .. 71 20 Tenn 3op StVl Tonopali Bel 5 nio Tonopali Mining 7S 1142 I'nlon Traction. 3WS 1t l'nlfed naa linn. 8JT. 1 vn coi r J . ;; 2fi2U U S Steel .... 64 104 Warn Ilk I K. H .. 10 2J0 York Ilw . 7', &U IIONDS Ijut price llljrh $.1000 Am fi V. r s.1 "Sin .lOiio tlald 1 oro 3a..tff2"i 1112 ail Cam St j.rrlp. , 07), t)7'i SOOO Kl . IVn Tt 4 70 70 inmi Ke Tel .'. . vS sns 10 lh Nnv l"ts OS 0 tOOO Mh V g co 4V,a IKIU istj 2i)i4i VaV gen 4a sstji '4 100(1 V Tr rof In SS 4()ft(l I'a Co .'Aia Win nil PlHi v; lnr llM. Kl, M't in: 102 n;i. 7! Ml), IC IWI ss ni4 HI', 711 W4 t) iwni sii HP14 i'lmii i'eo rasa i c i b- i X( v 1000 Span Am I Da AW, 1004 100i 10014 FINANCIAL BRIEFS Bids will be received until Decembei 21 by Dunellen, Middlesex County, N J., for (35,000 5 per cent, sewage bonds. "rtetall business has been stimulated by the heavy holiday buying." say Marshall Field & Co. "Wholesale mall orders nre heavy, but not as large as a j ear ago Buyers havo been In tho market In larger number than last year. Collections are about normal." Luzerne Countj. Pa., will receive bids up to December 21 for $65,000 4 per cent, bridge bonds. Emergency cunency outstanding has been reduced to 1180,000,000. "We are receiving orders from old cus tomers who have done nothing in the market for a year or more" remarked the head of a Broad street brokerage house. Practically all of the leading brokerage houses have summoned their full working forces back. The last of Baltimore's Clearing House, certificates have been retired. It Is understood that eoeral of the uptown trust companies are considering announcing an official reduction on both call and time money rates from 6 to S per cent. A New Fork Cotton Exchange member ship was sold today for 16000. The last previous tale was at (9600. Approximately SOOO shares of United States Steel sold In Philadelphia, on the rise to 51 Governor Charles J. Hhoads. of the Federal Reserve Bank, of Philadelphia, who attended the conference of govern ors, of the reserve banks In Washington lost week, was at his desk today. Mr. Rhoada said that those who were pussent at the conference felt that conditions throughout the country were Improving. Wltb regards the South, where the cot ton situation has been causing alarm, Mr Bhoada said It was felt that the worst was over and the outlook was promising Members of the New York Cotton Ex change today voted that the exehaage be closed on December 3d. Owing to unsettled conditions. It has baen decided not to offer United States Stl Corporation Btoek to employes for subscription in 1S15. This will be the first year since the profit sharing plan be came operative! in which eeaployea wilt not have tie privilege of subscribing to the stoek. COTTON PKIOES STEADY NBW YORK. De. lt-at he ooelng st the aoUoa market prtc were steady a,i aa &dvau ef frow 1 to 6 joints beXore the,oal pries t?vjjtd groats tHMBs-Ol UMtar lbe sttsawliu ef Liverpool and trade sniytsui. Tfce enuring by UmuOs ud the couUMMd estate of coUoo by the South resulted l Ik list showing a, net gain of i to 1 petets. There waa a bt: demand for Deteuibr and Uarak. lJ,rpjLl c04.tuu was stea.d frizes vers as follows "ATS-IT'S TS I i 11 II .... am ii i.H im tM joectmber Jijaxj alrtl) sfy Jal- iHKT JB (BBBBBBBBBBSBSW t Wl4ejitt.JTtAs)at . w ,&4v Atta .,fevvK-4' W.Wrt,.- . 4 -Photo by Hana Studio WILLIAM BRADWAY New vice president, trust officer and treasurer of the Logan Trust Company. He is also treasurer of the Old Pupils' Association of the Friends' Central School, treasurer of the Transatlantic Society and a member of the Union League. HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. M. 20 Thlla Eire. . 21 loo 1 II T 11 n Am nwi .. io 100 p n T t c l.i)i 20 Heading . 74)4 2 tlnlon Trac . 40 ro Key Tel pfd to 200 ! II T I c. 11)4 CO neadlm . 74'4 10 ilo... .... 131, 1J 3o 74, 110 Union Trac . 40 1 Penna olJJ 10O Tonopah Mln 7 in do. MU S.1 Leh Nav t e 70 IJ . "So- MW IB lh Valley. 67S 20 I-oh Vnlle.. 17f, II do ..... . 07H 20 do . . ;i 25 Penna 94 1 I'nlon Trac SO), 10 Penna Salt . B &s Com Iron.. .41 7.1 U B 8.. . . no fi Penna . M(4 loo Heading .. TIMS 10 Union Trac. 40 2 P It T t c.. 13)4 1 Penna . r,4'4 10O Cam bteel .. 4VJ tl Union Trac . 40 II) Cam Iron.... 41, 1 do 40 OO lar I & 8 10 SO Penna . W'i 20 U U 1 82)1 130ND3. $1000 Bpanlah-Amerlc-an Iron s . . 101)4 12S Cam steel ocrlp 07(4 I Cnm Uleel ecrlp . ... nj'i 4000 Penna c 314a 101S. .... BH 10.30 to 11 A. M. 2S Heeding . 74), R Penna . M'- .'fl I.oh Val tr . 11 100 do. . r,T4 10 Leh Valley mu, too nradlnir 74 7.10 2( lh Vnl tr 1(S 10 Union Trac 40 10 P II T t c. . 1.1)4 200 Keystone Tel. 134 100 York nwy . . 8 10 do I3l 20 V 8 S Ml), 20 dn . . . 12(4 .1 Leh Valley C7W 10 I" 1 1. . . M 100 Keistone, Tel. 11), 25 Leh Val tr.. IBM 20 Penna . Klti 2V) V fl 8.. . mil 10 U 8 B. . . 50) 1W do BOS 100 Union Trac. 4f 100 Keyatone Tel. 13(4 11 lh Valley. . i.7 2) IT H 8 . . . Ortf 25 Itoadlnu .. 74W Co Tonopah ilel. 5)4 0 Xa t r 7(1 21 tJ S S . ... SofJ 20 P 11 T t c . 11)1 75 Keystone Tel. 1 IJ 20 Tenn Cop. . 321i 100 ilo 13: 21 Union Irac. 40 100 do 13il 100 Heading . . , 74)4 DONDS. f2 Cam Sieel scrip . 0714 1000 Am Oaa & Kleo 5j ' 8.111 1000 m Una A Kleo ELM. . ( . . . MT .1000 Nav cv 4)4a .... ... OS 11 to 11.30 A. M. 200 Keystone Tel. 14 78 Cam Iron .. 41 Ifto 1" It T t c . ll)i 120 Keystone Tel. wl ,') Union Trac. 40U ) do 14)i 100 do 40)4 25 ,10 14I; 5 rien Asp pfil RS C) do . . 14 (i 20 Heading . .. 74J s Iria Co N A. 21 in I.oh Valley 07)1 SO U 6 3. . . . 60 100 Kei atone Tel 1-Hj, 10 do . . 50)4 11 Pnlon Trac 4i)4, 1 Un C N J...2J-.' 100 P H T t c. ml 10 Ponna ... 51 W Keystone Tel 14 50 Warwick .. 10 20 Penna . MTi 10 Key Tel pfd. 5 do . . 5 III 20 Union Trac. .ft I 40 Cam atcel . 43(J 20 do 41 SO Kryatoim Tel 14 10 do... . 41 10 Union Trac. 41 CO Heading- .... 74K 25 Cam Steel... 43'4 " DONDS 2CC0 I'eoplee Pass t c 4s. 3 Cam yieol scrip... , 8.1 7 11.30 A. Jff. to 12 M. 10 P It T I e. ll)i 5 Phlla. Kleo . 21 10U TVm Bel. .5 S-10 10 Cam Steel . 41 10 Heading 7I). 10 Keistone Tel 11)4 SCO Tonopah llel. AH 35 do ... . 5 3-11) 4 Warwick 10 10 Tonopah Mln 7) 1 Kler storage 40 100 U S 8. . . 50), 200 do... 60S 200 Tonopah Bel 6H HO Tonopali Mln 7)i i Leh Valley., loo Tonopah Mln 20 Tonopah lie). 2.1 do 100 York nwy . 5 Keyatone Tel 10 11 3 Sleet .. 100 Keyatone Tel. 83 Heading .. KHI II 8 S 103 North Cent.. m U 8 8 10 Hesdlns . .. 2) U a 8 5 Valley,. 6R if? IJ! :.. Tit 75 51 ft,h 71 51 K 8. 24l 24 21 41( lixi Norm cent 10 A mat Cop. Un North Cent 1 um oteel M'i 10O Tonopah Bel. 84 5 Phlla Elec. OS 100 1' 8 B. . . 2U ien vaney. . ua 10 U 8 R.. . . 50; 10 (len Asp pfd. tSW 10 Penna . . 54'j 33 Leh Val .. CS.1-10 20 do. 08 3-10 7 Heading- . .. 7S)4 1 Phlla Elec.. 2 do 31 do 6 Union Trac . 50 Tonopah Bel 2 Phlla Eleo... 12 to 12.30 P. M, 100 Oen Asp pM. 23 u a I . Penna . Phlla Elec... Heading . .. Leh Val Tr. U S Steel . , Leh Valley U S Steel ... Phlla bice... do. . . . Tonopah Bsl. Al'4 24 IS 51), 24 21 3)4 82), 20 0.SV4 1U0 ll)i 10 15(1 41 200 5liJ 100 82'i 100 Hl'4 1(1 on; 100 in Hen Asn nfd ill P II T I c 100 Leh Val Tr. 50 Union Trac U O I . . . KM If 8 Meel. . ai 11 a 1.... . I11O U S Steel.... 100 do BONDS 10TO Key Tel 5a 11! Cam Steel scrip 12.30 to 1 P. M. 10 Penna. Bait . 05 100 Ton Mln .7 11-10 100 V a Steel 50 Val Tt 40 Phlla Kleo. 10 do 44) Am lea 5 Phlla Elec. 0 da "ft 1S 24 21 21 21 K I) u I.. . . 15 Penna , . 5 Kleo Storage. 10 Hist Becur .. 14 Penna 4 Sifc 1 to 1.30 p. ir. 10) Kel Tel 2011 II S fl -11 Klec Stor 10 Oen Asphalt 10 U S 8 100 do . . 2 Penna 14)4 10 U 6 3 5J 100 do 50 53U 40b 10 Phil II T T O 53)1 B8 .15 Oen Asn pref. 5S ti soo Phil n vt c n)4 jo Meaning 751,, 1 Penna 5414 11 Heidi na- . .. isi! 15 Key Tel at 10 U O I &1 100 Ton Mining-..!",; 70 Q en Alpha 1 a 111 uhii 11 1-1-1 ni n iai- 10 Phil 11 T T c is; BONDS I10O0 Schuylkill Valley sen cons 4'ts 5000 Baldwin Loeomotlve 5s 1000 bchuylklll Valley gen 4s l(Jrt) Amer Oaa & Electric Bs 2000 Schuylkill Vallty gen 4s SOOO do tr lef 5s. . . SOOO Schuylkill Val Tr ret 5a . 1.30 to 2 P. ivr. 1 83 R Ih Valley .1 30 Ton Mlnln . 5 Oen Asphalt.. 100 Phlla USeo 25 Oen Asphalt . I II II I S Reading . .. wi 11 s s . 35 Con Steel IS Phlla Co a i) a i 54 fl 83 Si, 4 Penna 94)4 10 Sen, Val Tr pf f7 BONDS 1S00Q Electric J. People's Tr 4s 2 to 2.30 p. ar. 79 10 Cam Iron 7 Penna. . .. 50 Phiu Co . A Pwiaa . -. IO Panna. Salt. 10 Pbll R T T C MM 6 do . . 13 U ft,'1- M 1 u a 1 sff, 100 Tea Mia. T U-lfl an Si i t'oton Traa. 41 SO Phlla Co.,,.. 36 BOtDeX SOOO Leh "tat Oea ooaa 414a 2.30 to a P. M. M)4 Cam Steel . 44 P It T t 0 . lil, TonAUh fLnl HIT 3b Can Etsel. . 43 S ICO 7S Tea WU .1 U-l3 10O 2 Peosa. . S4H 60S tort Ihrt. 5 RMdlBg? . 1SU as . 7X1 P $ Jin 1 V s?. 0 cam meet 11 Uuob Tree 41 MSI NT . I' !?".! I! vauef '.V Mt-V HW 4taa. I ha,v eesM 4Wa,.. ttm I .mm & RAILROAD EARNINGS LOUIalVtULal . K4MViMA SOtiTUKH aULLWAl 6 UoJsu x$m li es)i -JW) U 8 e ixu y a, it to da. 40 u a X Has S it WHEAT IS STROM TODAY ON HEAVY SALES FOR EXPORT Pronounced Strength Abroad Makes Sentiment Bullish. 8,893,000 Bushels Sent Abroad Last Week. CHICAGO, Dec. 14. Wheat was strons this morning, with sentiment bullish on confirmation of heary sales for export at the close of last week and on pronounced strenftth abroad The Greek movement has, bought nearly 2000 bushels of cash wheat from the Armour Grain Company, and tho Swedish Government has taken more than 760,000 bushels. Foreigners bought futures this morning, and there were said to bo additional orders from Greece and Inquiries lrom Italy. It appears that foreign agents who have been holding back In the hope of lower prices nre now actively engaged. The Import requirements of Australia, where tho Import duty has been removed, are placed at 8.000,000 bushels. Shipments of wheat from North America for the week were 8,893,000 bushels, of which 3,011,000 bushels went to Italy. In Argentina, where conditions wnre unfavorable because of rain, the weather was fine and cold today. There was free buying at Liverpool, where tho under tone was strong, private advices have been received from Argentina that the recent low temperatures caused some deterioration In tho crop. Spot wheat at Liverpool was up Bd. and flour 6d Corn was stronger on commission buy ing. The selling was led by local traders Weather conditions were excellent for heavy feeding. It was estimated that Saturday's export sales would reach 1,000,000 bushels. Shipments from North America for the week were C46.00O bushels. The market at Liverpool was strong with spot up 3d. to 6d. Oats were higher, but not active. Local traders sold. Shipments from North America for the week were 9JI.O0O bushels. Provisions were higher on light of ferings. Leading futures ranged aa follows ,. . Saturday's iicui upen. man ijiv. tloe clott ijtv. ..lutie i-iuxd 121K i aiji u sjvI L15illSJ .. urmiiH 1 IV 1 UM 1 IN ay 1 23 1.2.1 1 Juiy . . 1 ibh 1.15'S 1 uorn (now uemer) itremocr 0.1'i 03i 02 lli, 09J SB. '(Bit io May m "ot! 0O' ooI July Oala December May . . . Lard Jnnuar . May rtlbe January May . .. Pork 4ft B24 4S B2), 47, 47)4 61 t5- n.RO .10 05 S 81 0 PO 10 SO 0 75 101'J 10 05 MO 07 HIOJ 0S1 .10 IT 0 15 tO 87 0 77 10 12 110 20 10 1 J IOI Januarj .18 12 18 15 18 10 MS 10 18 02 JIa iy . .. Bid 1 18 57 18.70 18 57 18 00 18 00 tAnked LOCAL BANK STATEMENT GIVEN IN NEW FORM Philadelphia Institutions Report $22,045,000 Surplus Reserves. Tho Philadelphia banks for the first time today Issued their weekly statement In the new form It uns Impossible, therefore, to make adequate comparisons of differences with previous weeks. The surplus reported was ?22,045".000t an unusually large amount, due of courso to the reduction In the limit of reserves required. Loans were greater than nt this tlmo last year. Ilelow Is Riven the now form of statement and also tho old form for the corresponding periods In 1913 and 1012' Lnina S300,710.000 17D,P37,ono J370.SS8.OnO Dli'ts find). Rll.70O.00il 2S10.I2.UOO 2SO IMN.000 CIrcul n . l-'.ll72.00n ll.307,tK)0 13.I17,OiiO into ir OKI l irfu.iimi t,n.i.iuiu Dep ot hks 114.810,000 111020 000 Eg t'lr II. U.SH.1,0110 11.107 000 Itre held 7fll)4lt)ll M.llll 000 lies req d M.rnn onO M.aenono Surplua 22 045.000 4.1M.000 12.8fBI.OfX) 124,3(.000 in flio non 82. 104 1)00 7I 83S IXK) 2,2d0,000 COTTON CONSUMPTION LESS Census Bureau Figures Show De crease in November. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 -A report to day Issued by the Census Bureau shows cotton, exclusive of linters, consumed during November 420.G63 running bales In 1914, compared with 458,356 bales In 1913; 4 held in manufacturing establishments on November 30, 1,060,7(5 bales in 1914 and 1,42J,C33 In 1913, and In independent ware houses. 5,003,371 bales in 1911 and J.Iii.'.TH In 1913 Import, 13,271, equivalent EOO-pound bales, In 1914, and 72S1 in 1913, exports, including linters, 760,929 runnlnar bales In 1914 and 1,501,259 In 1913. Cotton spindles active during November, 30,141,315 In 1911 and 20,911,337 in 1913. Linters consumed during November, 23, 739 bales in 1911 and 28.242 In 1913, held In manufacturing establishments, ,8,353 bales In 1914 and 58,823 In 1913; and in inde pendent warehouses, K,MW bales in 1911 and 34,511 in 1913. Exported, 7267 bales In 1911. MONEY KATES Call Tltn n. ... .-..,..- -ii .ri"". I'nuaocipnia la , S 0 4H8fi)4 t ,. . . 3 f 4 4 $4$ 5 3 5V, 5 0rt -j ::.,'..' w ..-m :sew roric Hoiton LThlraao Philadelphia Commercial paper, with Three to six months' maturities, 4 to 5 per cent. Reserve Banks' Discount Bates 30 no Dais. Days New York .. Philadelphia Uaaton . . .. Chicago . Si. Louie .... Cleveland . Atlanta Richmond .... Minneapolis . K'ansas City . . Dalit. San Kranoliao 514 A 6 6 a 6 a e : 5i 5 5U 014 c BANK OlffiAHlNaS Danlc elearinra today compare with eon's ruitllnr dav last ivo veara leu. ijn. 1912 fnuaneirnia .- oo'.'r1 : UWSlOn 45,101 uio 4n hA 191 7 Aftl ft&l S1VU " , - ".-; TrT'.rr . n . .7 Mraw.iwi uajiiraere. v.9 01& ivtvini loae.ull FOEEIQN EXCHANGE MARKET NBW "VOBK. Dee It Tha axchanse BMiket was dull and easier IHtiwuid aterUiiK 14 157)1, UiA blea. II ffi.. VdScllaV " MM WM. iw YlTm wm w v & U. UV, fO.MTli WlTsI, (UtfilMs GOVEBNMENT BONDS 3s of 1930 restater . 2s of 1B0 ecunpea . . PaaaBUV 2a tighter Panama 2 oflupon . . Pauanja new 3 tealMer Panama new Sa aoupon Is or 1018 retUter 14H4 ef IBIS Muea 4a or lyrD refiaier is ot 192S oiupoo NEW YORK BUTTEB AND BOOS NBW YOKK. DM- l. -Uar iLuksl asn wif 9f lwt. eHMae. . ry azim. -: hisW lssllS4iloA M oeirr, Alai-kat. Inauar. wkJSM mUUl dtSl atsaa Fruk nut, 44, tresn. , iStfiui' EL6IN BXTTTBR MAEKKT mAiM. ui..o. i.. I'rr maisat teaoy eaui wblcb la ta aNTCK s ro tJ 1 pJf Usi veas btst .11 ItltM BAR SIXTSR it- in er cmuwrtiel ti iftiMy ta LtmAta. siaajt t-H U -See tr kllier u 4Mae J. 4T4 aU 'St Pliiladelpliia Markets GRAIN AND FLOUit , 111IKT necelpt, 79.B7S bne The mar ket opened lfllHe hlsher, but afterward loet rnoft of the lmttrnement. rloilne at a net ftri- anc of Vkr Quotations Lsr Tots, In oxport elevator No. 2 red eimt and December, il lOff 1 )U No Z red Metetn. 1 2801 25, No I Northern Dtiluth, tl 2n: 31. COIIN. IlecelptV, 10BJ5 bushels The market ruled firm but quiet Quotations- Car lots for Iocnl traje. ns to location No 2 yel low. old, siBll'ic . steamer sellow, old, 80H 81c . new yellow, aa to quality, OOi071c 1 new cob, ner To lbs . (l7rose IMTH-necelpts, 15.4(18 bushels Trade was fair and alues ruled firm, quotations No. 2 white. 5lff51)4C.i standard white, Mfcc ( No .1 white, SHc. . I'LOLlt-neeelple. 1701 hbli . And 1.485, ItHO lba In sacks The market was qulst, but mill limits wer well maintained Quotations per 100 lbs. In wood. Winter, clear, $4 75 4 00,' do . Mrata-ht, 54J5 28, do., patent. 15 WJ.TJ, Kansas, straight, Jute ancka. 1120 83 401 do., patent, Jute sacks .40e , srrlnr. nrst olear. JSUOffOSO, do., siraUht, I5!W8 00 do. pstent, 53B'5I)0. do, fa jorlte brende, JOBOJOi city mil In, choice and fancy patent. WfiflBOt citv mills, reaulsr FPir ntr, clear. $4 709i BOj do., straight, (5fT5 25: do., patent. 15.5085.75. WtOVISIONS The market waa quiet and without Important ehnnsc Quotations' City beef, In sets, smoked and sir-dried, 28ff20e.i da, Western, In sets, smoked, 2S4f20a,j do., city,, knuckles and lenders, smoked and alr-drled, SOflnoc., do, Western, knucklos and tenders, mokert, 2MJ flOc., do., ham. f30; pork, family, 4t.B0 24. hams, S. P. cured. ie, 33'414o.! do. skinned, loose, 11013))c., do, do, smoked, 14 CHHc , other ha ma, smoked, city cured, as to brand and avetnse, lBCHHo.l do., amoked, Jleitirn cured. lBttlSHo.) do., boiled, boneless, 202le , picnic shoulders, S. P cured, loose, llHSrilHc, do, smoked, 12H012HC. bellies, In plcklo. accordlns. to average, loose, lBBlB'ic: hreakfait bacon, aa to brand and average, city cured, 18tHHc.i do.. Western cured, lStno. i lard, Western, mflned, tlercea, HUUn'Sc.; do, do., do., tubs, 11'iOllHc. , do., pure city, kettle rendered In Heroes llWfflW.; do, do, do., In tubs, HHCllHc. REFINED SUGARS Tilers was little trading, but mill limits were steadily held. Ilotlners' tlat price'. Standard granulated, 4.00C.I fine granulated, 4 85c , powdered, 4 05o. oonfectlonera A, 4 76c , eoft grades IS'l.OOc. DAIRY PRODUCTS UUTTKK The martet for fine gooda aa Arm with light offerlnga and ralr'demand Qun tatlonsi Western, freeh, solid-packed, creamery, fancv specials, oOu : extra. Sic, extra firsts, S2SMC., nrsts, 30113 lc.. seconds, 2M2Se ; ladle packed, 21Q23C, aj to quality, nearby prints, fancy, 37c, do., average extra, astWOc: do, firsts, 32t14c ; do , seconds, 303llc Special fancy brands of prints Jobbing at 424f44c. EtiOS. Fresh stock was In small aupply and steady, though quIoL Quotations: In free cases, nearby extras. 42$j4.1c. per dox.; nearby firsts. tll2.80 per standard rase, nearby current receipts, til 10CM1.70 Per standard cases. Western extra firsts, S12W12 80 per case, do , firsts, Jll.10fUl.70 per enso. mixed theld and fresh mid ordinary stock, 0f 0 00, Southern ti0 80fill40 per raao. Itefrlgerator eggs, choice and fancy fall-packed, 270c.: do , spring packed, ns to quality, 21025c. per dox. Fancy selected candled fresh eggs were Jobbed out at 40O4SC per doi Oil KKM;. There waa little trading, but values were ateadlly held under small supplies. Quotations Net York, full-croam, earlier ra- kT-lio, wiioivr. u:., iiu , uu , current iiittnu, choice, 15eiBl4o,, do, do, fair to good, 14i m),c ; uo , purr sKims, POULTRY I.I E. Demand only moderate and mar-J Vstf tarrtn 1 nnaip HIAPrtl Biinnllna AuMa I Ansa H "T-t. .asm uiiuvi iiucim nuiirii uuuiviuuai Fonls, 1:9110.; old roosters, 10311c , spring chickens according to quallt, iltflAo., tur keys, IMflUc , ducks, llwltc : geeee, 13jl5c; guineas, joung neighing S lbs and over apiece, per pair, We., uclghlng 1HW1 lbs. apiece, per pair, 5Qri5c , gulneaa, old, per pair 40c , pigeons, per pair, 11fL8c DItKSSP.Il. Fine rieilrable-slted stock no In smull supply and mtues were steadily held. Quotations Turkeys, dry-nncked rancy. large, ncarb. 21ti2.'c , do, VVestern, 21c, average receipts, 17(pl0c. 12 to boic, dry pocked, selected heavy, 18)jc ; Inferior, ,120 13c , No. 1 old, 18c Powls, weighing 4)403 lbs apiece, 174c., Uo , 4 lbs. apiece, ltlsio : do , .)i lbs apiece, HJJ1.V ; do , 3 lbs. and under 12rl3c , fowls, bbls, dry-packed Western, dr) -picked 4'5C(0 lbs, apiece, 1W,c lo 4 lbs . 10'4J , do, .T4 lbs, 14c. do, 3 lba. and under. 12013c.; old roosters, dry-picked, l'J!4c : broiling thickens --.Nearby. D,i)2 lbs. apiece, 20fflJ2c: do., fair to good, 10(3 18c , Western. ljiQi lba. apiece 20c., do., fair to good, 14 (2 18c : roast ing chickens, dry-packed, in boxes Milk-fed, IS to 24 lbs to dor 22Q23C : rallk-ted. 25 to 20 lbs to doz , ltlrc21c. ; corn-fed, 18 to 24 lbs. to doi . loftilc , corn-fed, 25 to 80 lbs. to dor., ISStlDc , mllkfed 31 to 30 lbs to doz., 14Uc . milk-fed, 37 to 42 lbs. to dot., ll)4c.; milk-fed, 43 to 47 lbs to dot. ISHc : milk fed 48 lbs In doz.. 17c. . milk-fed 01) lbs. Rnd oer 100 ; corn-iea, :ii to au ids to uoz.. 1. rtfllc , corn-fed, .17 to 42 lbJ. to doz, 13)4( 14c i corn-fed. 43 to 47 lbs to doz., 14 H? 15c , corn-fed, 48 lbs and over to uoz., luc; corn-fed, 00 lbs. and over, 17c, roasting chickens, dry-packed, In bbla. Western milk fed dry-picked, 5 lbs and over, 17r. , Western, milk-fed 4 lbs 10c ; Western, mllk-fcd. 3Vs lb 1414c , Western, milk-fed. dry-nicked. nilxM weights 14Crfil4)4c , Western, milk-fed, 2)4ffl3 lbs., lie.: Western, corn-fed, 3 lbs. and oer 10c; Western corn-fed, 4 lbs., 15c: Western, corn-fed dry-picked, mixed weights, lie , Western, corn-fed, 3)i lbs. 14c; West ern, corn-fed. 2J3 lbs, 13Uc. Spring ducks, HtJtSc Spring geese, UOllr. ;quabs per dozon-" nlte. neighing 11 to 12 lbs per dozen 8104 50. white, weighing n to 10 lbs per dozen, S3 2MJ1 71 white, weighing i lbs rer dozen, H 50iS2 71, do , 7 lbs per dozen. &!a:23, do WW, lb. per dozen, S1.23 (Jl BO. dark and No 2, 50c 1 FRESH FRUITS General trade quiet and market without Important change. Quotations Apples, per tbl -King. W7.MM50. Baldwin SI 75(82 50. Greening. Jl 7382.73, Spy. ft.7303.Sii. other good eating varieties, fl ,5fi2.5g. medium, flitf 1 50. apples. Western, per box, f 161.50, apples, Delaware and Pennailvanla, per hamper, 5O3f0c. Lemonr. per box f3fcl. Oranges. Florida, per box. fl 25(72 23. Tan gerines Florida, per strao I2.503.50. Drape- iruu, Jioriua, per pox, l.auui;.. i-ineap-ples, per crat Porto lllco. fl23t3 Flor ida JKJ2.MJ. Cranberries, fancy late arletlea, per bbl, flBI.50. Crar berries. Capo Cod. Early lllack, per bbl., f.S4. Cranberries. Cape Cod, tany mack, per crate i.w efsi.oo uranuer rles, Jersey, per crate. 71o$tJl 21. Pears, New York, per bbl. Seckel. f3.50i&5; Duchess 82 (13. Howell, 42tj2.50; other varieties, f.'3. VEGETABLES DemanJ fair for choice stock and aluea gen erally well sustained Quotations ) htte pota toes, per huih. Pennsylvania, 5S70Jc , New York, 45&1.'c , white potatoes, Jersey, per basket. 314T40C. . sweet botatoes. Eastern f-hore per bbl. No 1, f22.73; No. 2. f I 50 rat ,0, aweeis, jersey, per ddi. fo z f33 BO, No. 2 822.25; sweets, Jersey. per basket. C073c Onions, choice, per bush , 70ijT5c. , do., ordinary, per bush , 60S 03c ; dc , choice, per 100-lb, bag, f 1.23Q1.S0, do, medium, per loo-lb bap 85cw31:do. sec oiida. n.r hoz. 0ivh7.V! Cabbaso. do mestic per ton. fit) 8; do. Danish, per ton. stieri. i-auunower now iorK. per craie, ,c, 081 ! .Spinach Norrolk per bbl . f 181 2B kale. Norfolk, per bbl , 634Su0c Lettuce. Flor. Ida. per basket (12562: do. North Carolina.. per basket, 509T75C Deans. Florida, oer basket. 3 50fl-t.H0 Eggplant, Florida, per box 32 504 3 Cucumbera, Florida, per basket 81 75C2 30, Squash Florida, oer basket, 81.50482 Celery, New York, per bunch 25945c Mushrooms, per 4-lb, baeket. SOc gf 1 SO Funeral of Mrs. M. A. Forepaugh Tl a funeral ot Mrs. Mary A. Fore paugh, widow of John Forepaugh, who wag ensased for many years In circus enterprises with ills brother, Adam Fore paURh, will be held Tuesday afternoon, at 3:49 o'clock, from the hrtne of her son-in-law, Howard F. Keiiney. Jr , 6158 Chew street, Germantown She died SJat urday nluht In her 78th year. Mr. Forepaugh Is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Howard V. Kenney, Jr. OBITUARIES HEV. BEUBEN UCHTENWALNEB The Rev. Reuben M. T.lchtenftalijer, 88 years old, one of the oldest retired min isters of the United Kvangeltoal Church, died yesterday at the home of his sen, Dr A B. Llchtenwalnar, 346 North 7th street. The Rev, Mr. Uobtenwalner hId pas torates of Evangelical churches In Read lag, Bethlehem. AUwjtowu and tUi City The funeral servtces wilt be h4tl4 tomor row night at the resideooe of his son The body will be takes to Allentown for burial OEOKGE W, CPTJOKBR Oeorge W- Tucker, 119 Kaigbs's ave IUk. Camden, head at the firm of Otoifft V. Tucker & Sefi. wbs4Ml tobacoo 4salrs, who dl4 yesterday from a. stoftke of iiaralyels staff ered a year ago. will he bwted 'Vdo4ay Mr Tucker, who WAS i H; h year, wm widely Unewn a Ca4, whf be has been resident for tt years. B leaves a wMavr, two sons ao4 two daughters BEV. 3AJCBS HATJQHIQN funeral aarvlces tor tha JUv. Jaiuea IIsvsKbtVh. eor ewerMus of Use stpUcu al web of tho Hedeemer. will b usld lit 4 o'clock tbl ailaraoon at the Church pf the RedeeunM Bryn Mawr 'ltu wUI be conducted by Bishop Hblulaudor aad the He v Ueorije C Carter Htshoii Tal bot, of the Central Pennsylvania Diu- U(a4 M- iu-. Z i ware uiu iu (o. j. yearn UMuuted a gtacea-y tiujatueae at Mt Feateial street CbmKb dlwt tuday fiuj.v Ui oUae-is the 'vjuenJ .U b cunduited Itrao bJa homo, Wdn ,-J.i.v Atearsuos; IstciMkca 4U b at iuroe town. rt. He is survived by his widow, two eons nftd two daughters MBS. EM2A BHABP Mrs Kllta Sharp, TS years old, widow of the late iMflo Bharp hnd mother of Harry C Bliarp, vice president of the Camden Board ot Education, died yes terday nt the home of her son, 618 Ben son street, Camden Mrs. Shafp had been a resident of Camden for many years OHABLES RXDOBLY diaries Ttldgely, 63 enrs old, n. police man of Camden for 15 yearn, died yester day at the Cooper Hospital, following tt brief Illness ot pneumonia. He liveed nt Zith and Lincoln avenue, Camden, and 14 survived by his widow and four children. i.v MKMortiAsr sAlTH.- In memory of OEOtlOB W. SMITH. M. O., who pasted to the hi er lire uecem IB rAUlLT. ter 11. juiu. 3Bcat)& AllAJtS. On December 13. 1014. MICHAEL, A , husband of Mary Adams Funeral on Thursday, at 8:30 a. ra., from 1214 Fits gerald st. High Mass of Requiem at flplnh any Church, at 10 a. m. Interment Cathe dral Cemetery. AEftTHEN. On December 12, .1014, St her lata resldenee, 155 S. Watnut lane. German town, MART ESTHER, daughter of the late Jobn P. and Kllia 11 Aertsen, aged 80 y4ars Relatives and friends are Invited to attend ' the runeral services, on Tuesday afternoon at 8 o'clock. In St Michael's Church, High st , Oerraantown. Interment private HAZARD. At dreen T.ane, pa, on Decem ber 13, 1014, HARRIET M COX wife ot John F llarard. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday afternoon, at " o'clock, at the apartments of Oliver 11. Balr, 1B20 Chestnut st. Interment private. lmUSII. At Chestnut Hill, on December 13, 1014. ANNA FORNEY, widow of Chauncey II. lirusli. Due notlco of the funeral will be given CA.MrilKr.I On December 18. 1014, MART, widow ot Robert Campbell. Funeral on Thursday, at 8:30 a. m., from 117 West names at., uermamown. services at ine Christ Episcopal Church, Tulpehocken and McCallum at., at 11 a. ra. Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery. CAIlltKlAN. On the 11th of December.1014. I'CTKH, husband ot Kllen II. Carrlgan, aged 84 years. The relatlvea and friends are In' vlted to attend tha funeral, on Tuesday morning', nt 8 10 o'clock, from his late resi dence, 1523 Wallace st. Bolsmn Requiem Mass at the Cathedral, at 10 o'clock. Inter ment privet". COLLINS On December 18, 1014, JAilES. son of the late William and Bridget Collins. Funeral on Wednesday, at 8:30 a m.. from the residence of hla brother-in-law, Thomas W. Wallace, 330 North 23d at High Re quiem Mass at Francis Xnvler Church, at 10 a. m Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. I)i: UOl.F. On December 18, 1014, ISAAC, huebarfd of Fannie Do Wolf. Due notice or the funeral will bs given, from hla lata real dence. 2427 North 20th st HIT lir.LU At Philadelphia, on December 13. 11)14, AMOS KEELtn DU DELL, 8r. Funeral services on Thursday, at 1 p. m., at hla late residence, Columbus, Ilurllngton County, N, J. Interment Columbus Ceme tery. KIILH-MrOROTtY. On December 13, 1914. MArtOAIlBT L.. wlfo of Samuel a. Eels, and daughter of Patrick and the late Catharine Mcurnry, Funeral on Thursday, at 8 a m., from her aunt's residence, Mrs Nora Wol bert. 413 Liberty st , Camden, N. J. High Mass at tho Church of tha Sacred Heart, at lt'80 a. m. Interment Holy Crosa Cemetery, roitn. On December 13. 1014, JAMES FORD Funeral on Wednesday, at ft a. ra.. from 2440 Carpenter st. Solemn Requiem Maas at St. Anthony's Church, at 9 ',30 a. In, Interment at Cathedral Cemeten OAIUir.ItS. On December 12. 1014. FRED ERICK It., husband of Katie Garbers. aged 112 years. Ttolatlves and friends, also em ploi en of the freight department of the p, R, It., nre invited to attend tbe funeral serv icesl on Tuesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock, at ins late rr'ldcnco. 124 N, 32d at. Interment private. Remains may be viewed Monday menhir from 7 to 0 o'clock. GAHDNKH. At Tivnrton, R. I., on th- 11th, In her 73d jcar. OERTRUDE. widow of John A Gardner and daughter of the late William E Pouen, of Philadelphia GK01IGK. On December 13, 1014, BEN JAMIN E , husband ot Jennie Clatyon George, at the residence of William Mllllck, Llanei-rh. Delaware County, Pa. Due notice or the funernl will be given. aREKNEWAI.D. On December IB, 1914, RACHEL, widow of Ferdinand Greenwald Funeral services on Wednesday, at 1 p. ra., at her Into residence. 2440 West Cumber land st Interment private, at Mt, Slnal 1IA1GH. On December 13. 1014. CHARLES II. husband of the late Hannah E. Halgh. Funeral on Wednesday. December 10, at 1 p m . from the residence ot his aon, John V. Halgh. No. 2 Cottage. Gatamer Place, Tncony Interment Magnolia. Cemetery HAlirKlt. Of diphtheria, at the residence of his parents, 0153 Walnut st . on December 13, 1011, MARGARET E- daughter of Hor ace M. and Elizabeth C. Harter, aged i j ears. No funeral llUI.LANII.--On December 12, 1014, MART A., daughter of the late Rernard and Cath arine Holland and beloved aunt ot Aloyslu HollanJ Tnlblll I"rlnd sro Invited to at tend her funeral on Wednesday morning, De cember If. at 8 111 a m from her lata real dencr. 830 North loth it High Maas at tha Church ot the Jenu, at 10 o'clock. Interment at New Cathedral ('emetery .. KLI.I.V.- On December 13. 1014, CHARLES J , son of Thomaa F. and the late Alary A. Kelly luneral on Thursday, at 8:30 a. m.. from the residence of his father, Church St., Onkview. Delawure County. Po High Mass of Requiem at St. Charles' Church, at 10 a m. Interment St. Charles' Cemetory( Kellyvllle. KltKM'SON. On December 13, 1014, ANNA L , wife of Charlea F Krewaon Funeral on Wednesday, December IB, at.3 p. m resi dence York St., Hatboro, Pa. Interment Hat boro Cemetery MCHTENlVAI.NEIt. On December IS. 19H, RllV REl'HEN MICHAEL LICHTEN WALNUH. Funeral aeplcea at the residency of hla son. Dr. A 11. Llchtenvvalner. 3.133 North 7th at., on Tuesday, at 8 p m pre cisely. Further services In tha Trinity United Evangelical Church. Allentown. Pa., on Wed nesday, at 2 p. m. Interment Union Ceme tery. MAI.SllKIir.KR. On December 13, 1914, JOdtSl'11 O., husband of Elizabeth Mals berger Funeral seivlcea at his lata reel dtnee. 2.'J East Fisher's ave., Olney, on Wednesday December 10, at 8 p m. Inter ment at Puttstown, Pa, on Thursday morn ing McCAItTIIV. Died on December 12. 1914. KLI.11N. widow of llartholomew McCarthy Relatives and friends are Invltid to at tend the funeral Tuesday morning, at 8 30 o'clock, from the rssldenc ot her son-in-law. Mr. lilward F Dennis. 64t Bast Chalten ave , Germantown Solemn Mass of Requiem at the Immaculate Conception Lbuich at 10 o'clock Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Kindly omit nuwers MtlltltlS. On December 19, 1814, MAR'S A v,Ue f William J. Morris Funeral aervlcaa on Thursday, at 2 p m.. at Bt Peters Lutheran Church. Barren Kill Pa. Inter ment adjoining renutery ... . NUSTEIt. (in December IS 1914, JOHN J husband nf Catherine Neater. Funeral serv I. a on Tuaadav at 1 p m at Ma lata residence. 1213 Weat Cumberland st Intet meat at Hillside Cowtery OtiDE.N. -On December 11, 1914, CTR1L MILTON enly on of Milton N and Isabel Meares Ordan Requiem Mass at St Marks Church. 1Mb aad Locust a4a , Tuesday morn lnr at 7 o'clock Srvlc Tuesday afternoon at 2 o clock at his parents residence 9822 Ashland ave . (ð and Baltimore aye.) In lertnent private O'NKII.I -On Dscember 12 1014. ANNA R O'NEILL, daughter ot John J, and the lata Uary It- O'Neill Relatives aud friends of the family ate respectfully bivltid to a tejad. the funeral Tueadav rooratng at 8 SO o'elock. from the residence of ber uncle William n Purcell, 25.1 a 441b at Solenm nVqulem Mass at the Church ot Bt Fran-, la rie Sains. 47th aad Bprtngfleld ave. st 10 a m Interment private IlINDLAUB. On Dacember 13, 1814. HAH HIBT K widow of Jacob II Rladlaub Funeral aervUee on Tueaday December 73 at 4 p m preetMly at her late residence 5714 Ashland ave , Wast Philadelphia la terraent private, at Arlington Cemetery ROSS On December 13, 1814. ALFRSD M husband of the late Cornelia Ro Jruaeral servlcM on Tuesday December 15, at 8 p. m , at hla late resident, 031 Federal at Canaan, N i laterment private, at Doylts town Pa on Wednesday morulas'. gCIUPI'Klt. On Deceatber 13. 1914 JULIANA wife of Joseph ScMpper J?uiMt Mrvlc 00 veeoneainy, 1 b. m ai ute rseMsaee, ant rmna i- nuat nr4va.ta. at Gree&saeuoc th Park a mm- cemetery SHARP. -Oa Decesakav IS, 1814. AN fiuiYMrhTv,S'.w'jSSrb ofoaT svuaeraj aervtoas oa Wedueeday Uevainber II 11 1 I n at the residence 01 her am. Harry C Sharp. 81 Besaen at namean N J lalarmsnt Arltastea Ceaoetery KI.OANK On Demaher 12, 19)4. (,BB TRtTDW DUVALL NgJWslli. wife of Jeho D SJasa. JtslaUvea anil frleuJe are lailtc 1 to atteod rasri tefYives im r t 9 Sd ArlAk JUAClMAtV iSME eA . S- ii..'. '-i-H. -A Dl irJ.Z SS 3 T ke- a..l , aaaiioa ai nuivr ami WUSBBBLSSSJ trVfaUT ttatflal 77 VetaVfsa. FUSsaWlai sr t& &vtJtJeni ? WfieW-4 ew W. 114. iSaac TAYBcI WOiUtJT s4 U yaavra, Th ralatlvM aad ttssiuhi ere .laiTlt! t Mla'l tae BUI 1. as at laierawut urWata. at West Law r4 MUl CVaslsssry u.txi 1 t, atasti Ewi rMiee4 oa wdaa das- D- u frolu b, .ls rtlaiu.r Leiavata ''-Suj fa- cuniheflaas ass .--sail tar KlJCtll.h , ifi m lUtaUt KaV4vhAJ- sLaJS. wew esay 11 ''-sMgyj is lU t That A.BI Aahrttta, TBt'vKi' u . TmaaHW hq tfth MHa . . ft4 I f a vH Ji. xoMKreSsk,