Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 12, 1914, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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, . - EVENING LllHimXr-VllhAIMhPniA, SATtJBUAY, DEOliHBISR 12, 1814. , L. ---
New Worlds of Adventure
and Romance in Variety of
Books Imaginative Stim
ulus to Children in Wonder-Lore.
that most memoVable of sleepless
nights-oh, the sleepless nights that come
to nil of us In later Wel-uut that nlsht
When every sound, ovsry creaking In tho
house, every thud of n broken Iclclo
dropping to ths ground fvtthout made Us
start The breath Ices cpecancy with
wMeh wo awaited tho mornlng'-nnd that,
morning-l -With tho' tinseled balls giint
Inr on the .niaglcat trecf of Santa Clatis)!
and tho plethorically filled stocking, and
the mechanical acrobats and moving
trains, and-mont of all tho books. An
dersen, andOrlmnr, nnd Mother 'Goose,
and tha Leitherst'ocklng Tajes arid Dlck
ens' Christmas Carol! What hours there
after, when In our Ohrlstmns gifts we
mad hosts of new 'acquaintances fairies
and hobgoblins.' Indians and adventurers,
Iloblnson Crusob and Tiny Tlml What
If a mlttlness'tills'dur eyes In tho mem
ory of tha days' that are no more that
memory Is tenderly mellowing, hallowing
And tho loVo df books survives. With
tho advent of Jthe. Christmas season, when'
Wo wish to ba remembered on tho .morn
of morns, what bettor gift can wo give
than a book? Tllpughts of tho great
more precious thnn gold. New friends
In tho heroes and heroines and friends
WhO Will rCITmlll Unohnnclnirlv rhnrmlntr
To old nnd young wo can send our greet
ings In books. And books books! Whnt
an abundance there 1st From fairy talcs
for children to the latest fiction, from
tho old friends In most lavish do luxo
dress to the latest war science from
antique. legends to travel and philosophy,
there aro books for every ago, for every
One should, glvo bpoks to children. One
should glvo books to one's grandmother.
For books aro tho maglcnl windows
through which wo peer out of the narrow
house of routlno living Into n world of
faery Imagery, roseate romance, dreams,
aspirations, vlsldns. Alas, for the child to
whom books aro denied fairy tales and
tha world of wonderl
THE CUaANT lllSAHT. ny A. fl. M. Itntrti
Inaon. Tells of ths delightfully humorous
nrnture of it writer who has "sons to
plees" through worry nnd overwork and
gws on a tramp with a rovlnir vagabond.
THB JUKBRB. Uf flamuel O. myth. T
Marmaduke ItlcVs beromea secretary to a
Senator) then, for a rjrlod, senatorial sun
stttute appointee. He deielve himself until
he believes he l a "friend of the people."
Ill rrarrtea a tiandsomo widow, whom he
Jerelvea Into believing he has great wealth.
Internum, ruthlessly eatlrlcal,
THE LAY ANTHOKT. By Joseph Herge
shelmer. A young, man of 50, unaotled, falls
In love with a girl of marvelous purity and
spirituality. Alter going Into the world,
and resisting; temptation, he learna the girl
ha died, lie plunges Into excesses, and la
hot In a brawl. An unevenly written book,
or poignant appeal, with passages ot singular
MttMoities. By John Oalsworthy. The life
story of a spanlet which will appeal to all
lovers of animals.
TUB PABTUH'H WIPE. By the author of
'Elltabeth and Her German Garden." A
tenderly human book about two atrangely
mated peeplo who take themselves too seri
ously, TUB BAFT. By Conlnjsby Dawson. Ono
f;lrl marries for love, another for conven
ence. Uy the children that come to. both
the author of "The Garden Without Walla"
draws a slgnlflctnt moral. A novel with the
lltornry charm of a poet presenting phases
ot life.
iiiuji. uy Stephen leatock. A series or
Crusoe" (Dodd, Mead & Co., Now lork).
Ho assures us Uiat ho personally under
went every experience In the tale, exoept
soma of the suffering and tho treasure
finding. He realltcd, of course, that with
out treasure trove It would not bo a renl
boys' story nt all, and so was compelled
to draw upon fiction for this detail,
Novel Fairy Tales
That fairy tales have a place In our
modern lltoraturo, and need not be pat
terned after the ldcas.of Andersen, Grimm
or tho "Arabian Nights," Is proved by
Mary DeMorgan In "On a Pincushion and
Other Fairy Talcs" (Duftlold & Co., Now
York). Tho original note Is struck by
making Inanimate objects tell the stories.
A brooch, a Jet ahawl-pln nnd a common
pin get tired of being left In tho pin
cushion while morn attractive brooches
One of the Thr-r-illing Adven
tures of Jack and Betty "The
BettljoltBook" Stokes.
Sumptuous, ornate, literally clothed In
purple and gold, tho publishers offer us
very variety of book. "Among those
specially suitable for a Christmas gift
la "The Legend of the Sacred Image,"
by Selma Lagorlof (Henry Holt), which
tellS Of the ioUmev nf nn nr-nH nanuiint
couple from Sicily to Lucca to offer the.
meagre treasures they have garnered to
an aged, battered Image In tho cathedral.
"Tha Lost Boy," by Henry van Dylco
(Harper's), tells how the child Jesus
became separated from his parents In
Jerusalem,- and recites the Boy's wan
derings. Tho story, reverentially writ
ten, symbolically forecasts the august
uwpy o mo divine jiio ot the years
to come.
Illustrated In full colors arid in black
iid white, by Dugald Stewart Walker,
TJoubleday. Pago & Co. have Issued a
rich edition of Hans Andersen's Fnlrv
Tales. The book, with Its" happy lllus-
uauuus, is uciiKnuuL rno uurglar and
UJO Bllzrard," by Allco Duer Miller
(Hearst's International Library Com
pany), Is a fascinating atory of a bur
glar's adventures at Christmas tjme,
Ranking with "The Golden Age" and
"Alice in "Wonderland," there has come
from the press of John 'Lane a book,
"Come Unto -These Yellow Sands," by
Margaret S. Woods, which telle of the
marvelous adventures of o, man .and his
growth la faith. It Is written In a
poetic vein, and exquisitely Illustrated
by John Hancock. One of the hand
somest books of the season Is H. de
Vero Stacpoole's- "Poppyland" (John'
Lane). "The Little Prince," one of the
tales, is a colorful romance of Naples,
and the other fantasies are designed to
Interest children of all ages. Lelghton
Pearce's illustrations show a whimsical
Imagination, nnd are gorgeous with warm
color effects.
A new edition of "The Golden Age,"
by the way. has been Issued by John
Lane, and fills a long-felt need In being
richly and adequately Illustrated by ,J.
"A Christmas Tale," by Mary Stewart
Cutting (Doubleday, Page & Co.), is a
little story of a husband and father who
enjoyed making hta family happy, oven
at the cost of sacrlflco. It is a happy
moment when his sacrifice bears wonder
ful and unexpected fruit.
In "Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales"
Vipomas r. 'Crowell Company), Dr.
lagnace Kurias tells tales he got from
tha Ilpa of those storytellers who form
.peculiar' feature of the. social' life of
tho Ottoman. They are ''such tales as
may be heard dally in the purlieus ot
Btamboul. in the small rickety houses
of that essentially Turkish quarter of
Constantinople, where around the tandlr
tha native women relate them to their
children and friends," They add a new
Bote to folklore and will appeal to all.
An edition of "The Arabian Nights
Entertainment." Illustrated by MIlo Win
ter, has been issued by Hand, MoNally
In "The Arabian Nights." pictured by
Deprge Soper (New York! Thomas Y.
Crowell), Is a selection of the most at
tractive of these classic tales for yiAins
radera In a delightful setting, both In
text and picture, which will please old
ao4 young alike. Not only Is the "Arabian
Nights" one of the world'a greatest
atory books In Its power to Interest and
pJtann, but It is also one xit the greatest
to Us hulk, and the careful editing of tha
moat approved texts, combined with the
exesJleBt treatment of the decorations.
roaJft It an attractive gift book that
yoestra will ker carefully among
their permanent treasures.
While Bsardsle and Stevenson do not
tl first jstem a very syrnpathetlo com
matton. 13. B, Herman. Jn Illustrating
Bksvenson's "Fables" (Charles Soribner's
Sww), has followed the Baardsley spirit,
au4 baa auoceeded In admirably inter
Wf 0S Stevonson'a fantastic, but pointed
& W. Barrle'a "A window Jn Thruma"
Nat n illustrated' In oolor by A. C.
MtefcaeU (Charles Sorlbner"? Sons). This
attUt haa that kindly humor and know!-
When Great Men
Were Little Children
In writing biographies, authors have a
way of skipping .oyer the childhood of
their subjects and getting quickly at the
stories of their actlvo years. How often,
1- in thinking, of the. career ot some great
man or woman we admire, there creeps
In tho wish that we could know more
about lils or her childhood. Then, when
a Cellini or a- Mark Twain rends that
maglo curtain and lets us peep In and
edge of Scotch life that mako him an
Ideal illustrator.
"Helmet nnd Cowl" (Frederick A.
Stokes Company), by W. M. , Letts nnd
M. F, S. Lotts, tells tho stories of nlno
noted saints nnd of two military orders.
This, Is Illustrated with otriklng pictures
In eclbr, by Stephen Held.
Mrs. Molesworth's story "Tho Cuckoo
Clock" (J. B. Llpplncott Company), Is
tho atory of a llttlo girl's fnlry adven
tures. The book Is adorned with colored
pictures by Marlon L. Kirk.
There Is n certain timeliness In the
nppeuronco of F. E. Crlchton'a "Pccp-ln-thc-World"
(Longmnns, Green & Co.).
The story Is nbout the visit of a llttlo
girl to the Germany of the Grimm
brothers. Tho child meets with Imagina
tive adventures with kobolds nnd fnlr
lee, but nlso with very kind treatment
from all sorts of pleasant people. It Is
a delightful child's book nnd Is well Illus
trated In color by Harry Ilountrce.
"Tho Harrison Fisher Book" (Charles
Scrlbncr's Sons) ccmes In Its annual
Issue with pictures of fair women In
colors. Most of tho plates have been
seen before, but tho collection makes Up
a beautiful volume.
With tho Fair approaching overy ono
Intending to go to California should read
Gertrude Atherton's book on her native
Stato (Harper & Bros.). This la sub
titled "an Intimate history," and com
prises historic and descriptive matter of
value. Mrs. Atherton s knowledge of nnd
love for tho Western Stato glvo her pe
culiar qualifications for writing such a
book. Tha volume Is Illustrated from a
largo collection of photographs "Call
Ifornla," by (Mary Austin (tho Macmlllan
'Company), Is a sumptuous volume, tho
-descriptions of which havo been con
tributed by tho well-known California
rnovellst, and tho pictures for which were
mado by Sutton Palmer. It forms an
Ideal gift book.
"Abroad nt Home" Is described as tho
American adventureB of two happy fel
lowsJulian Street, writer, and Wallace
Morgan, artist (Century). Julian Street
nnd Wnllaco Morgan mado the trip from
Now York city to San Francisco nnd
back, stopping In many of tho principal
cities nYitt seeing- much of the life out
side tho cities. They picture American
lite as It has never been pictured before,
the amusing nlcl'o and, aboVe all, the hu
man side. What Mark Twain did for
'Europa'ln VTho Innocents Abroad" Ju
lian Street has done for America" In
'Abroad, at Home."
Edmund Dulac, whose dellcato and de
lightful fairy pictures are of artlstto
merit, has v found his happiest work In
depicting Oriental scene?, and this year
completed his illustrations to the Ara
bian Nights with decorations to "Slnbad
tho. Sailor and Other Tales from the Ara
bian Nights" (George II. Doran), an
elaborate volume with many plates In
Although "Tho Admirable) Crlchton" Is
one of Sir James Barrle's most popular
plays. It has never nppeared In book
form until this season. It Is Issued by
Doran, with charming Illustrations by
Hugh' Thomson. Kay Nellsen, unknown
a year ago, wort huge praise by the Il
lustrations to "In Powder and Crino
line," arid novv. In 'a new book, "East of
the Sun and West of the Moqn," a col
lection of old tales from the Norse, he
combines delicate fantasy, an Instinctive
understanding of tho virility of these
tales from the Icelands, and on almost
Byzantine .richness of color.'
"An Artist In Spain." by A. C. Michael,
colqr- pictures and text, sums up the most
picturesque sides, of Spanish life which
Mr. Michael has found In years ot Span
ish wanderings. "The llerolnes of Mere
dith," by Herbert Bedford, la a series' ot
miniatures depleting .Sandra , Bellonl,
Diana Warwick, Bhoda and 'others of the
women Meredith created.
satirical tketches of high Ufa In America,
with almost as many lauxha nt there are
lines to th paite..Vlvaeloualy facetious, wltlf
a trenchant but kindly Inalght Into human
Mrs. Bobert Txnila Stevenson. The diary of
a trip among the flouth Sea lilandi with
atevenaon In 1800, of Interest to all lovera ot
Charlemagne Tower. In theao engrossing ea
rays on national and International aubjecta,
the former Mlnlater of the United Statei to
Auatrla-JIunsary and Ambassador to Buaala
and Germany tells much bearing on the pres
ent world crlala.
TBEITBCHKn. A translation from the Ger
man of the writings of the historian whose
philosophy han Influenced German thought. In
which he traces the origin nf Uerman "kul
tur' and develops his Pan-Germnn theories.
THB UNKNOWN OUE8T. lly Maurice Maeter
. Ilnek. "The unknown truest" Is your psychlo
self. Maeterlinck, In his exquisite way, tells
nf the llnrenllzorl .v,r.nr.inl tranffr.f rteftri.
Otm PIlILADKLI'HiA. By Elizabeth Robins
-ennen. illustrated ny josepn renneu. A
charming account of tha Uvea of the famotih
author and artist In our city. The drawings
by Mr. Pennell rank among Ih'o finest exam-
pies cu mis Kina oi ariisiic wora.
A Discovery in "An American
Crusoe," by A. Hyatt Verrill
Dodd, Mead.
tnko nn Intimate vlow of that wondrous
period, with what n peculiar Joy wo
linger upon each delicious sentence.
But now wo have tho youth histories of
tho groat all In a single volume, "When
They Were Children," by Amy Stcodman
(F. A. Stokes Company, New York).
Strangely enough and regrettably, we
feol Cellnl nnd Mark Twain nre both
left out of tho book, whllo chapters are
given to others whose stories nre a hun
dred times less Interesting. Yet those
solected nro treated' with such uniform
excellence that perhaps we can forglvo
the omissions. Some of the best nre those
of Joan of Arc, Michael Angclo, George
Washington, Mozart, Nnpolcon. Lincoln
and Stevenson. Thcso names give nn Idea
of tho wldo scope of tho work thcro nro
45 In all.
The Scarlet Wagon
"The Scarlet Wagon" waa the vehicle
In which Mrs. Scarlet and her son Hob
rodo to town back of old Blacklo. It
wns like tho famous one-hoss snay In
many respects, but, not having been used
for quite tho allotted 100 years, the
author, Claude M. -Girardeau, refrains
from having it fall to pieces, nnd when
tho book ends, the venerable wagon Is
still In tho running,' or Jogging, If you
will. The story a quaint, homely tale
ot plain folks Is partly about life In
Philadelphia .and partly about the odd
doings at tho seashore home of the Scar
lets. There Isn't much adventure In It,
but there's lots of good, wholesome
character drawing, ami Kome'very whole-'
some love-making. Henry Holt & Co.,
New York, aro the publishers.
Ho, for the Castaway
Ono significant fcaturo Is woven Into
all tho stories of castaways that wo can
recall, from "Iloblnson Crusoo" down to
the productions of tho present period.
Every ono of them managed to save from
tho shipwreck useful articles, food, cloth
ing nnd ammunition. Now, how would
thcso characters havo fared If they hnd
been cast upon a deserted Island With
nono of the comforts or necessities of
llfwlth nothing, let us suppose, except
a Jack-knlfo?
This Is tho question which A. Hyatt
Verrill put to himself one flno day, and
directly went about determining by his
personal experience Just whnt would real
ly happen. Tho Island he selected wns
In tho West Indies, with Its caves, forests
underground vaults, and that lack of
human habitation so essential to tho ad
venture. From tho experiences thus gained, Mr.
Verrill has' written "An Amorlcan
Holiday Books
You Woiider
at Alexander Hendrie's love
for his wife a loyc which
stands out greater than all
else in his life. The story is
told in Ridgwell Cullum's
ThcWay of the Strong
You can't read this book in
two hours--it may take you
ten, but you'll 'remember it
for a lifetime: Buy it. It is
too important to borrow.
Price $1.35.
F Hnnlrincnn nns proved his rare
1 . nopttinSOIl versatility In IN
iiiricr.N.s'H i.on-
Srmtli I,ON ln which he
'JBlUll lias not only de-
" " -" scribed tho haunts
of the great nuthor
nnd of his characters
In words, but Illus
trated them nn well
In the perfect me
dium nf charcoal.
With 24 full-page
Illustrations. J3.G0
netj postage extra.
" DKUNKSS gives the
KonsevPit ?mpl"i account of
nuuaiviu hla adventures In
south America, Including-
his explora
tion of the famous
lllver of Doubt. II
lustratert with pho
tnnr.ipha by Kermlt
Itoossveltand others.
W.80 net postaso
Books and
written a charming
ly sympathetic bio
graphical sketch of
a black cocker span
iel. Illustrate.! In
rolor by Maud Karl.
SI.SQ nett postage
"The Best Outdoor
Novel of the Year"
That was a
New York book
Heller's verdict
By Hubert Footner
A stirring tala of toda)-' fron
tier with quite a new view ot
the Indian. "Never for an
Instant does tha. Interest
nag;." New York Even
ing Post.
IfutlratcJ, Ntt, $1,3S.
Doubleday. rage
x company
E. Alexander
THE TltAII,. writes
or me tireat West
PftWPlI ffom ?? Mexico to
1 UWCII the Alaskan border
" "" and reveals tha ex
istence of the pio
neer In "the unex
plored and unex
plotted portions of
the Last Went." rro
fusely Illustrated.
. $3.00 nett postage
Noah Brooks
4It.lNT8 created a
f.l0 wb.ih has
lived through two
generations. For this
beautiful edition, II,
J. Dunn haa painted
a series of glowing
Pictures, Illustrated
In full color. S.ou
nett postage extra.
Superbly Illustrated
ffll our IM-nagt color jilalc anil
forty reproductions from photographs
and tix map). Boxed Cloth, ts.00 net.
Tho wonderful plan of the laying out ot
the Canadian National Parks, tho old In
dian trails, and the new mountain roads,
tho experience of many famous travelers In
mountain climbing and the gorgeous
tcenery of the ltocklea are aomo or the
Ionics In this vastly entertaining and beau
tifully Illustrated volume.
IVIti l full-pane color plate and page
decorations by Byam Shaw. Cloth.
ts.00 net.
Laurence Hope's "India's Ive I.yrlcs"
has gone through many editions, and every
Eoem In It has been set to music Innumera
le times. At last It has Inspired nn artlrt
to nn exhaustive scheme ' of Illustration.
Mr Itram Bhaw's pictures are In perfect
harmony with the text, rich In Oriental
flavor nnd luxuriant with all tho glamour of
tho han, Us light and Its color.
Tower Musla In the Iow Countries
With 51 miulrallona, clo. Cloth. tl.SO
net. ,V. a. The author will devote his
roualtv on this edition to the Belgian
ncllef Fund.
Antwerp's beautiful cnthodral, endangered
by Zeppelin bombs, and Mechlin's noble
tower, that lias been a mark for German
enells ln the present devastating European
war, aro among the bell-tnwcrs mentioned
In this unusual and Interesting book.
iri!h 10 illustrations In color bv J. 'fin-raohl-Moony.
Crown Jfo. Cloln. IJ.OD
No fitter book could bo aelected to be
decked In holiday dresa than Kenneth Ora
hame's delightful, fanciful "The Oolden
Ago. Mr. Moony In his Illustrations haa
Just that quality of lmaglnatlvo treatment
which Is essential to tho book'a proper
decoration, . '
Author of "Behind the Beyond," "Ifon
sense Hovels," clo. Cloln. tl.tS net.
Stephen Leacock Is a humorist who puts
big Ideas Into satire and fun. Thcso de
licious adventures take us Into the realm
of financiers, American clubmen and club
women, and the magnificent homes of the
wealthy, nnd literally bubble over with
wu tnu guuu-iiaiurea tun,
Author of "The Blue Lagoon," "Chit
dren of Im Bra," etc. Colored Frontis
piece. Cloth. tl.SO net.
A atory of tho strange period when
Franco was under the rule not of Kings.
Out of Ministers and favorites, dealing with
a conspiracy to prevent the presentation of
Madame du Barry nt Court.
Four Illustrations li Earl Stetson Craw
ford, llmo. Cloth. XI. 1J net.
A thrilling American Indian story of the
long-ago days of Pontlac. By means of
the crystal rood, "Rushing Water," stolen
nfien a child by hit Indian nurse, returns
to his own people. The book haa Illustra
tions of exceptional quality.
nnd pine ore beTng; taken out constantly.
But they nro philosophical ana, instead
of whlnlni? over their fntc, tell ntorlos
In order to make the llmo pass mora
agreeably. Tliey nro good stories, too,
nnd without the horrible features which
marred mnny of tho older tales.
Real Poetry
Tools como nnd poets go, nnd poems
go on forever. When, In future years,
critics summarize prcsent-dny American
literature thcro mny ho few poets who
will havo lasted. Ono of theso will ba
Vnchel Lindsay, author of "The Cohgnt
lust mibllshcd by Macmlllans. '
nnn enulrl not comcaro I.lndsav v,t
ling In the sense Hint there Is a elmllatl&i
Yet Lindsay's sound sense, refrain arSj
rhythm nro reminiscent of tho authon
oi "uarrnoK num uiiiiaas. Una.
gay is oriiii nuiv, smuiu i'lnaanjr'i'a
poems make ono breath deep, make onesi
pram uvaii, . : ".. .o a van pUH
sftto Wltn inoir artiug.
Take this picture of "The Congo";
Then along the river bank
A thousand miles
TaUOOen CHlwutmi" wo. .vow in .iitrn, jj
Then I heard the boom of tho blood-lusl eonjl
And a thigh bone beating on a tin-pan tonjy
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Fairy Tales
Illustrated lly
Dugald Stewart Walker
Each picture Is accompanied by the
artist's own .interpretation. In a
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child, giving his conception
of the tale. ,
Net tt.lt
Poubleday, rage
c company
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