IS V EN INC LKi'MOK- Til I LAD ELI1 in VTMUi? v )U.:i HER 1 1 . M $$ 15 it 1 1 frg-, BAN-TAKEN OFF - MANY MORE STOCKS; MINIMUM LOWERED New York Exchange to Per mit Transactions in 145 Additional Securities. Sentiment Improved. NEW YOIUC, -t)ec. 12. The Uvenliur Sun, in Its llnniiclal review today, anys: Finns for rcmlinptlotl of business In WntI street linit been so well prepared tliat today no one unfamiliar with tbo facta would liavu Imagined 111 days Imd In tervened since July 30, when open pub lic trading In stocks terminated. The resumption of dealings In a limited way In bonds two weeks oro today paved the way for this morning's performance, and the market Htartcd off In very much the fjanlo way that it might after a ordi nary suspension of a triple holiday. About the only feature out of tho ordinary was tho very large attendance of visitors In tho Stock Kxchunge gallery and the Un usual number of brokers on the floor for a half 'session. Naturally a cheer went up when tho gong sounded, but otherwiso enthusiasm was less pro nounced than oiio might have reasonably expected. Activity at tho outsot converged large ly upon Reading, which touched 143Vi near IJio opening, registering an advance of about !14 points from yesterday's fln'al figure- and of 3(J abovo tho closing salo on July 30. For tho most part tho early prices woro nbovo the range nt the close of tho last preceding session. They wero generally nbova tho minimum established for tbo 181 shares which have been transferred from tho Clearing House to dealings on tho exchange. .Slight Irregularity de veloped ns tho trading ndvanccd, and It became apparent that, despite tho fix ing of a minimum range for dealings, sell ing, asl well as buying, was In progress; but tWi Important outstanding feature was recognized to bo tho fact that deal ings In listed stocks had been resumed. This Imparted a spirit of optimism to tho financial district which nugurs well for tho future It lends great Interest to the market on Monday, when 115 ad ditional Issues will be dealt in on a new and lower minimum of prices through the exchange clearing nottsc. Tho resumption of trading was the all absorbing feature of tho day, and little attention was paid to other news. How ever, sentiment was much encouraged overnight by consideration of the suc cessful outcome of tho Chicago and Northwestern bond offering and tho wide ly circulated report' of an early and favorable decision In tho advance rail way rato matter. FINANCIAL BRIEFS Commercial failures In the United States this wcc"k numbered 4ffl agnlnst.4:ft during tho corresponding woek lasKrear, In Canada the failures wero 79 .against C3 lost year. ' , " . The September dividend ot.S'A penrcciit.. on the profcrrod stock qf'the,Anferlcan Sumatra Tobacco Company' tJutt was de ferred until February 1 for, ''liaymcnt.on account of business conditions owing to tho Improvement In times is to bo antici pated and paid on January S to stock of record December 20. The Cleveland and Akron .Bag Company omitted tho dividend 'on lta atpek. The coi;ipu,iiy has been,. paying 1 per cent,-' quarterly. Owing to a recent-salo by the- Chesa peake and Ohio Hallway of lta one-half Interest In the majority stock of tho Ianaw liu and Michigan Railway, tho fol lowing changes In tho otllccra of tho Kimawlia road nto iitinauneecl: Alfred Bmlth' president In place of F. IJ. Sheldon; Dwlght V. Pardee, .secretary, and Hilton S. Barger, treasurer. Tlio latter two suc ceeding K. V". Dennett, formerly secretary Bnd treasurer. Thlrty-IIvo .railroads reporting grosf earnings for tho fourth, week of Novem ber Hhow a decrease of J3.33S.082 from tho corresponding period in 1913. Terclval Roberts,! Jr., resigned as a director of tho Philadelphia National Bank. It Is understood the resignation was the result of recent legislation by Congrctis. He Is a director of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company, tho United States Steel Corporation and other Im portant companies. Trading In raw sugar on the New Vork Coffee Exchange for future delivery wlfl commence December 18. v The largest advance" shown by any eider: allien the mite-war perlol;w,iis made by Uoiieral Motors, which opene'd at 88, compared with 63T4 at the end of July, Tho Chicago Stock Exchange, now per mits unrestricted trading In bonds Hated ' there. The Philadelphia Stock Exchange an nounced Hint on and after Monday, lie cember 11. transactions maytie made on all tci-urUletr' listed on the New York Stock Exchange, on January 31, 1911, at not less than the minimum prices posted on the board room or the exchange. DIVIDENDS DEGXAHED -Northern Securities Company, regular annual Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville, regular iSKWtJZiJSVf ZL2FIX2&L ?"" comber SO to stock of record Docemi -" - -"-- - r" -" .Mrt,. U rennsyltanla Water and V Iowar I Ooqwen t MetMi regular quarterly 1 per cent. 1 to sloe 3ca or. reea H Yw,i.'. ."? Shawlnlsarr Water and Power Trr.-- -r."' i mar. ne- uir quarterly itk per cent.. ?' aanuary u to aiocx ot recoru js record Januarv i;apuai .Taction uompany, iisarllMy 1U au cent., payable January 2to atoelt oTnmA Ds- St" ?&..9?j?. wm .ah cmbr 13. CQTT0NiiiABKET STEADY Southern Selling More Than Offset by Trade Purchases, Vff YORK. Uc. 11-Th cotton mar ket opened steady, X to 1 points, up. In sympathy wltfe Liverpool, whloft reported trade eslUoer and some short covering. There wee a renewal of Bouthern selUng, but Vbui was more than osteet by traSe buyinsT. and the market gain a, point or so la the first few minutes of trading. Yea. c. mm PsceniVsr January HINIKCr STOCK QTFQEIpNja TONOP4U STOCK U ASS.M TUB B.I :SE Kat .. 14 .$ ikau aouiriuii stotam IS1" a Gtilgf Ha us i ;..!, i vii. m , 14 Ul u n ?2lw m It w .12 Kanaa r safe 54 fiMui-.:'J EKllor riwie m w xmm TL 8, I a 1.9 T. .... 5fcifftarV !?"::: 4S. jlwway fSmm i yaltjia . NEW YORKSXpGK SALE July 30. Hlali. 1-ow Clu5 Mrmka. OoM Mlnea.. '5 'S ami unaimers, o do prcf W14 Amf Cojlr 4H4 Am a ftiWr. 10. Am Can H do prrr. m. Amer Car & My OH .tm Cotton Oil !R. Am HMe A Leather.. 3K Am Smeitlntr ' ' ' '' ' ' . " rtm Suetir 10" Am rcl A tel Am Tobacew ilS ntehlmn WK , do prsf "Mi lleth Btl do nter. , . . . . , . 21 nrooSlMi Itanld Transit TO Calltflrhla Pt Aa prot i f do nref lt Clilc Mil A St 1 .W(l 3 ft iio vm Mrle , do 1st nref ....... Coiieol 0 ' (.nrn Protluf ta IK " a Un A ltlo (1 i.. .do Drtf ue-ncrs! lilottrlo licneml ..Motor to nref Oooilrleli.Co Ind Steel vret Int irnrv,, lntertxiitiMct do uref Intl rarer do -jirrt a ..,,. .i . Intl Mer Mnr lnBlmtloii Kims city Southern.... lhlsh Vnllcy liti A. Nnt h . . '. Minn A St t.ouln fo Knn A Toxas. Miami Copper Mlnourl Parinc National lllicull. ...... NtvaUd'Con N YIN It ft II N Y O West '". va SI 20 1 ins '! li5 inj, iJSte S m iiiH 2HH !ll lonu 11T ltls 12 'Att tau nn im 21 U w los 11T. 21 14 inw 14SU 1R SOU in4 Notthern lae .... .... I'ncino Mall iPndno T A T rcnim I'coplo'a Oa .i Vlltsbureh Coil do nrrf nallway Strel Sprlnit... Hay .Cons ', llcadlim ii:-' ir.v, 144S II! nepuuiie iron hi... wji ltock lalnnd ,Jy do i.ref, l IV. aios simntcid intfc 'rrniirBoe Conner . ... S-Mt Tnxns Compnnv in rexns Jc 1'ncltlc 12 Third Avrnuo a.! Toledo Ht 1 & V do pref . ; tjnton ntir & Pane;--' ..,, linltul llivy inv....:.. W tl 8 Itubbor .......... Vt Utah copper vntinth do prof Western Cnlon M Ut nicctrla 0ot Total sale, 1011,400 shares. U IlilVj in i ami A NEW YORK BOND SALHS High. 1-oNV. (Hose, 1000 Am Tel clt 4S .'11000 Am Tel cvt 44 lwmo Am Writ Pnpcr 3. . toon Ann Arhor 4n moo Atch ndj ! t.1000 Atcll cv 4s 2noo Atcli cv 4 inm 3000 At Co Mno Clt 4 .1000 Halt .4. Ohio Win M7 h; P.V.i fI7 lis'i .ST 0t IBS fn SOti H( RSJ4 ,.ixr jfait a: uiuo -is. Halt to. Oh cv 4Hs M 7000 Half Sc O awn Iltts.... Wl1 H4'l noon neth fltccl 1st .1 K 24000 Urook IfT 51 1018... 101 10OO raliarin ailn lis 11)1 4000 Cont Lonth 1st r.s l'ili TWO Cent It It N .1 Ss 11.1 1000 Ont It II N J res tls. 112 4ik) dies & Oh cv 4"4s.... 70i. I100O Chi Ot West 4s IIS'I soon cht Nwn iren 4s Sl 15000 Chi & y Joint 4. . ns IIOCO Chl 11 & Q gen 4s KJi 1MXX) Chl Mil St If CV 4'5s. OOIJ .VWO Chl Mll&Sl 1 ken 4i,4s. IIRVI fX)0 Chl n I & 1 tr ctfs. 2il'J 88 07UX) con iia cv tn w t. . -lini'j, iiniji nnivj 100(1 Del Hud rfdi 4s.... IH) 00t PO' 400O Del Hud 4s into... vMl liyj iisaj 1.-000 Dis Hccur Corn 6s .17 37 87., .1R0D0 Krle conv 4s For A.. OlVi 112. iMJ4 4SO0O Krle conv 4s Ser U. . iaVi 'H'-i ! 0000 Krle prior 4 M) K" , H iooo Ocn Klcc dct r lmvi loij loiw 1000 Inous Al Co Bs 00 0W& Ml, 1000 Industrial Al lntt 101)0 Iowa Central tcf 4s.. 40. nn IWi mi H7i 40 noon in cm J t ns unt uiu t iooo III Steel Co 4'is., HP4 MV5 ;m loon Insp cv ret .Id pd Os.. 07)4 07$ J7W 12000 Intern Met 4S ........ 744 7l( 74l noon In'erb H T ref Rs. f.. Mt. PIW4 OOM, noon in chl J t fls.... ... nn; Ii7l 11X1,1 Tnlnr Mer Mnr 4UiS -i.. am 2J)i liKH) Intrl Paner cvt Ka... MM mil nsij sn IWi no'i 100 lOOVi i- - MI'i HIU HSU Sll 100 OOVi 100 100'i ve S 4:1 mi's! ns'I 104 MVi 107 kh; 107 II Hi IK) M!'4 IIM irj',4 I(K ImcMh Hteel M ltnr... ORIS iooo Ijicko stel nt jhi. . mi lnoou Tjich'de Clas 1st r,.i. , IOOO I.k Kit deb Is KC8. :iooo 1.1? ft Myers T 5s. . . -.000 I.orlllar.l lis ,. Jin Txiuls & Xantl 4s. . . .".(XX) Milwaukee! (las 4s... iooo Mllwaukt U ti :ijs, .100 . UOli .ion .1H . 112 . wi ouo .mo t'ne 4S. Ht noon 310 i Xul Tuba 5s UM-j HUH N V " 4s 1857 IOC, OTVj do 4'is twii ns n-HTiln drt 400(1 1I)1M IIIIEI 1..I um do .Ws mr.i R4H 1000 do 4'4 Nov 19.17 lot IMOOfi r? V Rwy all r.s 5! u noon N V Ktate 4" IB .Toon Nor Pao T'g 4s R"1 10,10 Ore Hhori 1. 1st 0 107 10HI I'aclrlc Tel nn H4"a W .PWAHI I. K.-r A . . . fill VOiki Public STV N 1 tm. .. MVi ilimi ilny Con Copper .a . . .104 loon ntraillng sen 4a 02!i '..Jfinfk ItMnuli lnhR r.a OT 104 l 107 WHi 107 114 H mi MPi 1tu w.4 n7 not. RHs tm Kl mti Ml K ROli n.i'i KlS in nsj; isS ion lot) ns in IKHi S1U 1111 r.!i'i 11 IU !i 102 soil 11.11$ 4 ik lO'l 75 4Mj inn UK) ll.'.li ifnion lten Ir 4 s 5 loin. . . not :nvn nock Island 4s IOOO do pre! rfd 4s U'OOO do Bs ' --'OuO Seaboard A I. adj n 1000 South Hell rs 3H) St U Pen to N V Sa coro South Pao cvt 4s 430U do cvt f i n ltl... SOtM South I'ao rfd I 4000 Houth Ilwy gen 4s !00 Kouth ITwy con fts. . . 12mm Texas Co evt tls HCIX) Third Ave new la,.., onn Third Avo ndl .is ttltZ 111)1? mi! .. U.V4 .. W'S . . iwi .. n4 . . os .. 7mJ . .100- ..inn .uti Toi rit i. is. . 12001) l' Kteel '' iucii IT K Hreol tea Ss..w "IMO Union I'hc 1st Is. ..i. 51 J IOOO llu Ilwya 8 I' U Ji ." iron Va nw- A Puw :.... jf, wh ;;. l,Ul Wnlul.h Mm in ret is.... "' ; 2800'1Vest Md 1st 4s... SS 2fOCO West V. M evt 3... TO Total sales, n.O0O. r.s .is no DO LOCAL BID AND ASKED Yesterday", Todaj ' li 10 Hid. Aalc. Cambria Steel , , Klec Storage,...., 42H 40 i& IM 14 001, Kayiloni Tel 1W " do pref S01i fin J l.eJlloh Nav 7S1. 7(1 I'Ht Leliigh Nav t c. IhJsh Valley , . , 1-aiikeh al Trac rfF?. .ViV.V.V. PhlU It ...... ... Mi-io .y .1-10 ta si ill ii ii i-ju ia iKil"co 342 , ai 1 3ltt 71 K taaiUni Ion rial i J8 Twi Mlu OnitMl (Km . trnltitd Traction . . . l'ort Rwy do'pret SS BANK SURPLUS REDUCED New York Institutions Beport De- - crease of $2,473,230, - Tljr(?,wu! a detreaa of JI,4T3,3JO in tti , jlirtJua reservea of the New York 9lM(jpc House banks (or th woek iut andeA . I.oatif Inci'MWw J2.S69,00O ao4 imt TlmalHl detHwIts oxpaiuled K2M.D00. TIj- iTtail3 follow aa to the aqtual cdn dltlon: Ht Dae S. 4. Cha im du I m. n Ia1 Nat 1 XVb.m .mm..; UMIKBOiJ J,lr,04T,W) .S6tt.6O0 LU,at0 8tua,w 1 Nat depoa. DovaBNaruoNDS Bid. .. IM . UU la of 110 rac. . . of 19B0 cou... r Kb S cou. '.'.'.'.' rr aaw a, n. Pu saw . coil.. as tt MM cou . . . ii 100 lHi ..100 ..KO .1081, K9SBJV9 Basks pisount Batas fiiUawSbU' ColiUtSO . ft. liuls Clttind sIjVrraO'-l-o MONEY JIATSB Ssi'f'jfr, tI c.t. . r,r.5 117 hHT 7i; , 14 is nil in U 2T 'Jfil Z7 M 04 Br. bua --.:-;-: ;;i :j":i::-;?:!.l:ip I ::::: It, J IM 1..j. CaHi &m flu tbnta t -CUSTOMERS-CROWD - BROKERS' OFFICES SEEKING STOCKS Philadelphia Securities Show ; Firmness Parity Established Between Here ; and New York. . Not '.since Uuly Imvt? local lirokcrngo houses nreeenteil Btieli an nnlmatctl nn pPHrunco ns tlicy did tills morning;. Inter est In llio I'lillftdPlpliItt innrkct Wns, of com-c. silliseVvlcnt to tlie rrsumptlon of bit'sliirM In New Yorlc stocks. There wns, nevct-llicless, -a fitlr nmontit ot activity, anil jirlro clistiBPS wero mostly miwnrtl. Parity won tiilclly estnhllslied between New York nntl l'hllntlclpltla rjuotntlons on stociks such ns Itcmllng;, Lehigh Vnlloy mid I'onnsytvanln, which enjoyed a doublo 'market. HentllitK rose rapidly on a few salee to 74, whrrins Lehigh Valley sold off Until tho quotation ntipro.tlinatcd that of Wall street. . In the llnal dealings demand developed for the local traction stocks. 1 tap Id Transit wns hid for at 12!4, COO shares foelnK wanted at that llRiire. Union Trac tion roso to 33 and Tonopah Uelmout moved up to 5, a now top price slnco tho reopening of tho exchange. Lehlglt Val ley Transit pi of erred roso a point, nntl Lehigh Volley Itnllrond recovered all of Its e.lrllor low. closing strong nt tift. In thu purely local group Blight ad vances wero recorded In Keystono Tele phone, tho Lehigh Nnvlgatlou shares and Itapld Transit. Philadelphia Klectrle and Cambria Steel ruled practically un changed, l'ctlnsylviinlu's stretigtli was all tho mora surprising In view of tho fact that It Is largely held abroad and tho recent .dividend developments. Tho payment of tho Cambria disburse ment In scrip'and tho phasing of tho Vun dalla dividend has aroused discussion as to the probable action of tho directors of another Pennsylvania subsidiary, tho "Pan Handle," when they meet near tho end of this month. In tho Urst two quarters of this year tho dividends un both preferred and common wera reduced and tho latter win passed entirely In June. The payments aro now mado semi annually, so that whatever action Is taken will cover tho last half of tho cur rent Ilscal year ending December 31. LOCAX STOCK AND BOND SALES Ych. Clos. HlKll, liw. CI050. ton Alliance Insurnnco lrif, 40 Hall Loco pM.. .lo:.. 1WI Cam Steel 4214 1N do siTlii II7U i.Hl IiitQrstnto Itnll pf .. no Ins Co N Am 21U 470 Keystono Tele Co 1I1V4 13.1 Kov Tel Co t 0 of nn r. Lohlgh Nav 7.1'i 4.1 do t o 7.YU 170 lhlah Vnlloy .. 117 ir,vi ir.ji lir'tf 1.1'., iwv. 1 1021i 41 l)7'i slS 211I 1:1 no 4.1 nn i:i(J 1:1 no 711 no n 711 nn .11! K.I or, -XV 12ri 711 71) "'i 1 4 lo 111 j ran pi u am PenniL si t-10 MV .1 IVnnu .Stilt Mfg. 29 Phlla Co 1H2 l'lilla Kliv Kin Phlla II T n(3 do tr ctfs :i2n Heading itl.l Ton-Heiiidnt . . . .'ins TonMlntrp; .... 1.10 Union Trac :;o United (las Im.. 211) York ny 11.1 D.I 00 24 1214 12lT 74 r : 70Vi r- l.i-io 4 iti 4'i n ill in. 824i M2-H. 8& 7-1. Total sales, 410 Orhares. HONDS. I VeS, Clos. Ulan. Low. nn tIS CO Close. Mi .10 Uf lOO'.i sti;! '2.100 Am O 121IH Inlprslato B .la. Kl Ml itwv. nn r,7 1000 1, N Cons 41ji.. I77i ln. , 11,11. K..CU .'B . .tm,7l 2XXI Pub 8crv Cor Bs. . . . iimsi I.'ir Itwv Inv Ss BO Total sales, flO.000. limu Gtl HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. M. M Ins Co X A.. 2.1 Phlla Klce... 10 Cam Hteel... M Nav t c n Nav. . . . n iv it t t c 100 Penna 2.1 do IIS do 10 Keyati'iio Tel, 2.1 Ih Val r, do 2.1 Key Tel ufd. 100 I'ennn 21 10 Ij;h Js'nv tc. Til 2:t'j 100 Kqvstono Tl. Ki 42!S 10 KrJ&Tel nfd. ft) 7(1 .1 KiiWtons Tel. IHI 7 100 do 1.114 12 . ion p n T t c... 12 .I'll) 13 Ton Mia-. . 7 U-W .viv. 100 dq 7Vi VIU n Loh Vol (M IM! '-" Kdyatone Tel. 1.111 iinu; 60 do w nipt in P II T t o.. 12U nn W) Keystono" Tel. 13it Kl'l HONDS. KU Interstate Ilwy 4s 10.30 to 11 A. m; Bit 100 Tonopah Mln. 7!j inn Key Tel pfd. On 4 Phlla Co Hill 2im Tonopah Bel. 4k 2.1 Union Trac. . ItsK .1 do 3St 12 Cam Ml Ben. n, 40 Tonopah vj in v ir prn. -'n'j so Ih 'Val flOlJ 40 t-enna .. S do , 3 Ins Co N 1U Penna .. .m:i.i1 , HONDfl. limo Penna cv Sljs 1013. lOOn Phlla Ulec in 100 Interstato Ittvy 4s. . .. no ..lOOii .. 57 11 to 11.30 A. M. S.1 Koyitono Tat. 1311 loP It T to.., Ito Hoadlnit .,72 IS. 10 in IlaM old 14 Cam (iiee!... ,4'JVi inn P It It c... .1 Penna SIM 3 Tonopulr Ilel, 1 .in .137.1(1 2 Cam Wleel... 1214 40 Phlla co, Co 23 13 t" 12(5 Hteet... 4214 20 neadlnit 71- Val tr. . SilVS 2i do 74 a 10 i:am RA 1 Ah 10 utn val no jnu um eirw.. 1011 ! it 'r t p... 17U .VI Union Traa. IK 311 Its) Yok Rwy... 7; 3W1 Tonojiali lit), York Rwy... 7; 3W1 Tonojiali ll Alll Ins...... 1Q It Penna Union fnkc.. !i 7 Phlla KUe., 100 SO BO.VPH. lUa Intarslata Rwv I M Do 1CW l.ah Najr na m 11.30 A. M. to 13 M. 100 rh Val..... ST H Cam 811 aep.' S7!J 20-ltald Im p'l.HHtiJ 31 ln Co N A. 21H 7 P.nna ...... fit 2fi Phlla Co SIU 7 Penna Slti 1 Ln v jr ih. ''. 8 l.ah vai 3 Lob Nav t c. 3 L Yl Ill Pit T t ... i.ari fcsr pit U lOg.Kayatooe Tl. 13 IV imn IIW. .. flfa. Mil 31 31 Nl Phllu Kub'... hi 100 Tonwutk Itol. 3 21 lh V Tr fd W. 14n In Hy pfJ; TaT IW 1" K 'I 15 WaiS v a. , iiHuitniB Jlllt v ft. 4?. jo tnion Trau.. 1 U U I.... BOND luuo In Rwya lav 3a. . . M 0 I'UVU r core oo Am i NEW Y0B.K CdFFEE MABKET NI5W YORK. n). nafct ouausd BraL. A (Mwn. SalM. TC -TI Now York acaa of 111 to 18 taaita. Pveaisar, February. 8,1 T.T2: AuittSt. T.7 ; OotoWr.- DW BANK OLBABINQS FALL s ps i man J Hp , PhlladalpWa Institutions Beport Losa o? 18,3 Fejr Cent. , Thera war general dwlltiea In the sleeriac ot the oauke o the United State duriiaf the week itet endd. Beaton I4 with a 4m ot 17 par cent- PttlMelpa)la' kwa wa lij pr sent, while Mew York declined laM iur eejit. The W) of (he country we itiu,- mrtt. eeinnHW sjaw,iiytB aaei wex Bad,m,l9 r (he QOffeepooding week laat yer. J"i- .. . law- Pc. 4.Hf". -M.S i.ivi.iHa zo.i i.utfs.uv UM.iHB s.rao Ltsa - .s - .o ae4 cltla oe oas U,7M.WU.;3 3,t 44). 13U. 087 -!. (Jther ciue d-,vs ivL4i U i-ltia. ill cutaa 2 Jiti .'.(4W.tHi3.3ttl U.J ooc d. .. 4,41,3ie JMMti.4 -taVi Tvtal all csaae tut wSnsl,i2a.e,7 W,liu,l! -. TVMWio- July :TJ7tt So. Ho: Se'uUnibar. tImB 7.S60. bid! Novembar, T.&Qi. .(.ksfc,. jmi.Tfctui!fe S'4r4nSyt?8 miSnfln.taajfiW Mewiere. ...w. jJj.Twg.jja ptJudtiuhtai. fu.waflw StoSja' ' ' " mm MB tlm QrUaae. B.wi.St -Photo hy Had Its SAMUEL S. FLEISHER Who Ss the newly elected director of the Commonwealth Title Insur ance and Trust Company. Mr. Fleishcr is a member of the firm of S. B. & B. W. Fleishcr, Inc., manufacturers of yarn and braid. He is also deeply interested in the development of poor children and has for a number of years sup ported a school for instruction of children in the arts. WAR RISK RATES EASIER Navnl Battle in. South Pacific Ha3 Caused Bcductions. nates In war rlalt Insurnnco In nearly nil trmlos uro casing up elnco the an nouncement of tho result of tho nnvnl bn'ttlo In the South Pncllk'. It In nn tlclimtod that tho rntcH will ro still lower with the destruction of the ro ninlnliiK (ionnnii u-nrahlpn In tho South Atlantic by tho Ilrltlsh fleet. Tho followliiK rates, which do not cover full cnrcocM of flour, Krnln, ronl, rubber, sucar nml copper, were promul gated today: . o " 3 S3 lis tr & '1 : S : 3S : " : ; ; a3 liKland nml Scotland (writ const) nnd Ireland Loudon Kurope. between Itavro nhd Ulhraltnr Knglamr and Scotlnnd (fast coast), except Tendon Medlierrancan, not cast Sicily... do 1 Adriatic nrccco Norway, not south Htiivnnitcr... Dnnmnrk, Norway und Sweden, not bciond Mulmo Holland .South Africa China, Japan, Java, Manila. In dia. Australia and Now Zea land via Suoz or Capo of Good Hopo via, Panama Canal Via Paclflc oast Via United Kingdom Via llotterdam West Indies, Central America and Carlbhean rcaMrrts West coast Centrnl American ports .1 Cast coast Central Amorlcan ports nmzii :.:: Itlver Plato Wrat coast South America Ma gellan do Panama Canal Outward, tlnward. 8 l'.i ti :1 4 1 ii H 1 1 Uj tt '.i 1 r, iii 1 11 I ! MODIFIES RATE DECISION Commerce Board Itulea on Bnllroad , . ... Intra-territorinl Charges. WASHINGTON", Dec. 12,-Tho Interstato Commerce Commission today modlllcd n former decision granting nn Increase of 5 per cent, on tho Intra-terrltorlal rates of railroads operating In Central Freight Association territory, which, through com binations, resulted in Increases In rates to points In West, Southwest and South eastern territories. Tho various carrlero In Central Freight Association Territory, which were author ized to make an Increase over the existing Joint rates sufllcicnt to allow of a 5 per cent." increase on tralllc moving through th Mississippi and Ohio Itlver crossings. were today ordered to give llvo days notlco by the filing of tariffs of the'sched ule.1 naming tho increases. Aa to tralllc moving north of the Ohio nnd east, of tho Mississippi, the commission ordered that tho railroads shall state separately tho Increased factors accruing to the central freight lines. The proviso, how ever. Is mado that no Increased rates slmll be established upon commodities that wero not authorized hy the commission In Its former decision. Whore the relationship between through and intermediate rates Is altered, which would Involve a violation of tho Ioiik and short haul clause of tho commerrn act. the commission states tho carriers, befir, tiling now tariffs, must first fllo applications of relief. When such ap plications are favorably acted upon by the coniuilKslon the railroads ran thon avail yiemaelves of tlio advantages of tho order Issued today. -v NOTES OF THE RAIL WASHINGTON. Dec. U.-In a printed bulletin Issued by the Interstate Com merce CommUnlon today all steam rail roads In the United States doing a bual ne) ot 11,000,000 a year collected during the month nf July last 23,aa6,l!7 in revenue and expended 117S,;o3,2. The railway operating Income amounted to S5.917,W. The St. 1'aul Railroad has made large purchases of copper for electrification work. The American Car, and Foundry Com pany baa received an order for SOU eteel car undcrframee from the Philadelphia and Heading Hallway. MlSflOUftl.-KANcUii ANl TBXAH. 1B14 f)creae Vtnt. weak Dacemker-. SAtu..VM uTlS) len July 1 ,. U.SD,0(W Ho.318 TKXAS ANP fAt'lPIC. i.T::: AUU m CtNAUUSJ NOHTHalKN. rreea July 1 e.OHl.uui iToeaSfi OKANJ) TRUKaC srbTKlil. First week Uecssobar... 1S.7IX) I1&U.14H Prom July 1 Zl,J,lS XWJrt UENVBK AND 810 URANDB. Si Ji-lr'ALO. BOCMafrt ft P1TTSBUR011. FACWIC OOAST. Octetor greea US,ue ii hwnU''mii-!! a.JcW N4 3W.3W V sjsji 1 mm 11 m , W38W YOBK.BITOWIB AMD SGQB NKW YOMK. ttec. U -WUTTBtt. steady to ttrm. rai'ilDts, iw paokaSM, crBcry, oxlra, mfm. Ulekar soorln, lOc. . gt,4, oali,, aittXit.. lmTtatloa crauaary. X4X3c tsSOCS Mil km steady to flrui, ra-eli u. aool . ttvili. mu, Braia, Muz, m.i, iicari, . aiuuJ ''.iU ., apecial mutks - JU.K MXVEB, tV( bllv V4 ili IMlJaJii Sf 11 m . 'MP mm: taJui at m itrda aj xw etui ue uuim iw".'- RAILROAD EARNINGS STRONG UNDERTONE TO WHEAT MARKET AT CHICAGO TODAY Unnamed Foreign Govern ment Buys 2,000,000 Bushels Total Sales for Export 3,000,000 Bushels. CHICAGO, Dec. 12.-Itceord-breaklnB bpIcs of cash wheat from Chicago direct to export and a consentient llirhleiihie of cneh niid December made a BtroiiR I ilndcrtono to the market today. Sales ot :,DC0,0CO bushels, mostly to a foreign Government, name not disclosed, wore reported authentically. The total export trado wits put at 3,000,000 biish'cls. Export houses bought futures ot December and March and appeared to want the wheat. Country sales woro light) and tho week's arrlvnts nt primary centres reflected tho lessened sales of tho last week. Cash snles wero 2,000,000 bushels. Futures closed 1 to l?,c. higher. Trado In corn wns llitht speculatively, but the market wns strong;. Thcro was' n marked Improvement In tho domestic demand for corn, but many export bids wero rejected. Export sales were 1,000,000 bushels. Cash sales were 3S5.000 bushels, 'Kutures closed lie higher. Oata was stronger on a better call fr cash and December. Shipping houses were tho best buyers. Speculative trado was small, l.arxo export orders wera turned down by local cash men because of. n. fraction of difference In price. Kx poft sales were 1,500.000 bushels. Cash sales wero 2X,000 bushclr. Futures closed '.Jo. higher. Provisions was nulct but strong. Lending futures minted as follows: hent- tea. Open. HUh. lien. i.nw. ,-iiMin. .. liw. OloRC. rlnflr. Dcccmbcr ..' I.K'.S 1 )S! l.'KH.'l.lMUM.Itl'i LSOS tl.M(4 l.'O-H Slay 1.-0J1 l.Mi 0111 mew ociivcryi tat; ItW, "1 iri'l noli 47?; 132 nii nil! "! (KM: on I7'i ntfi 47'i "Hi S . 11.72 .10.0(1 P.7.1 10.O." 0.72 O.7.". 10.W S10.03 0.72 0.07 0.7.1 '10.07 17.02 18.40 . 0.7.-. .10.10 10.12 O.7. 10.10 0.77 10.12 .1R.0O .IS.4D 1S.K! 18.53 18.47 '1R.02 1S.50 Bid. tAskod. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAnO. Dec. 12. 11003. Receipts. 22, (00: market 10c. lower; mixed and butchers. Sit.40U7.10; Rood heavy, , SSB7.0.1 : rough heavv, 11.403 0.7.1; llaht, J8.4OfC7.10: plus. J.-..10 n.lS. bu'k. I1.70T. CATTLE. Itecelpts. 400; market steady: bcovc.i. f0.40Oll.23: cowh and nelfers, a.5O)IS.40; to' ' era and fcedcis. 64 r.0ri(l.7.'i: Tcxana. S7.2r.ffL ,0; calves. $SU l).2.'i. SIIBKP. Receipts. 1S.OO0; market steady: native and Western, $3.00&0.40; Iambs, 73.&0 08.S3. BUSINESS "iMPBOVEMENT SLOW Conditions Continue to Mend, But Buying Is Small. Confidence In the futuro Is encouraglnp enough and undorlylng bnslc conditions continue to mend, but Improvement na reflected In actual orders Is disappoint ingly slow, Bradstrcet's says. Con servatism, practiced ns It has been over a long period, seems to have become a fixed habit, nnd In consequence buying Is of the small-lot variety, the disposi tion belnET to ahop often but sparingly at any one time, and at this Juncturo slowness In buying Is accentuated by the approach of Inventorying. So It may be said that tho larger lines of distribu tion, as well ns numerous producing en terprises, aro -working nt a reduced rate, and wherever activity is visible It Is di rectly traceable to rush orders for tho warring nations. It Is true, however, that buying of holi day goods imparts n certain degree of activity to retail lines, nnd at tho same time colder weather, with snow, has helped sales of seasonable wearing ap parel and benefited the winter wheat crop, but as a general uile purchases of seasonal gifts are rather light, and many centres note a tendency to run to the lower-priced artlcleB. Thus, while trado In this respect is relatively brisk, being especially so with mail-order houses, lack of Industrial and other employment Is calculated to re strict buying in nil but those favored cereal-producing regions that are enjoying high pricos, and as n general proposition retail dealeru anticipate n smaller turn over than formerly. FEDEEAL DEFOSITS OltOW Increase of More Thnn $1,000,000 Reported for the Week. There was a Bain of over JI.OOO.OOO In deposits anown by the Federal Iteeervo Uank of this Ity In tls statement for the week. 1 Total notes In circulation are now $710,000 against $730,715 the preceding; week. Details follow: nstiOUltCKS. Dec. 11. Dae. 4. Gold twin and gold er- tlocatsa '7,S02,flSO 17,451,1D0 Iigal tender note. ll- vwr cartlftcatea and subsidiary oola '"SIB-IS" Iledlacounts and loans.. IVKI.730 LTAUIl.lTIBfl. Capital paid In .j-'TtT'SJ Deposits V. 10.174.107 VajlaKfel rajidrVA notBa 2.'.,.S'i:i JS.5tHl i.usr.sif 18,387,081 7S0.715 Fadsral ruarva outatandlng 710,000 FEDEEAL BAKK STATEMENT Gold Coin and Certlfioates Held Now Amount to 65232,073,000. WASHINGTON'. Detc. li.-The Coneoll datad statemeut of the condition of the -IX federal Ilwerve Banks at the close ot eustneM looay was annouucatt uy inu Hedered Ileserve ljtril as fojlowa: CU'id coin and certMeutw ,HB,073,0oO Laaal tender, netw, allvcr eertia. ebU swSSdtary oola laj.lTO.OOO BUG 4fatceiuited a4 Wawia nlirl- ,..., tU wUWu day fms AUMIwr teeeurcaa VU ,eca, tfift&iiui: "" gwrv"3aSpeUe SMWT.OSa .tt.ia) ulM la clrcul UPU. ' Tool lUvbliUtoa 1ti Caah raaarv Cash J"- aJtar atlns: 4M h4 .reeerve aals4 reserve natta v circiinwssa , fcd'rel reserve main W5.1 S.U,M la elrcula- tiOQ Gold k bead wttto yerl newt aSNu ir nunwai n w ini nta I.laEllUy 0 rearv taoalag notea To Estabiiath Kedprooil AeeounU WASHINGTON, Uec. U-Keuiprcwal 6 cuuuts are- to be estaolishad by all Fe eisl Keseive Banks to facilitate tbe haji dluis of checks drasn on th it:re banks and tiic dcukiueiit uf re nitint tberefrom. according to a stats Biet Issuedj Uk1a by tbe juvtnws uf the aeAetai Reserve Baks. who kv tuti tit ..ue'ej.ce 4 the ttem 1V-paxttwAi ueccmuer May .... Oats Dcconiber Vny .... Lanl Jfinunry . May ltlbs Janunry . May Pork Jnnuary . May Philadelphia Markets GRAIN AND tfLOUIt HIIKAT. rtertlot. 76.588 bush. Itaport rfoirmnfl fair and prlew Wtther ndrnnwsl )c. under Mfonftr odtslde advices. Quotation' Car lots, m export elevulot: No. 2 red, pot and December. ft.lSHsfl.XO: No. 3 red. West ern, lt.aS'Mtl.21),; No. 1 NorllWtn Uululh, l.!l,1il.304. I'OltN.- Itecelpts, h47.1 bush. The market wns titilrt but nrm. under llht offerlnrs. Quo- tallonj: Car lota for loeal trail, as lo location: Nn. 2 sellovr, old, KltfStWo.i Mwmer yellow, old. SulttTStr.: new yelKxr, as to quality. W Cr7(c.i new coh, per 70 Iba.. OilrSe. , OATH. Itecelpta. 30M) hush. Sold alowly, wit rilled nrm, nnur sniRll siippllea. Quota tlnna: No. a whlta. filWolHc.. aiandftrj white, Moil'c : No. tl white. S8iWtr- Ft.Olm. Uecelpts, 2100 bbls. and l.RBrt, .ijo lbs. In Mcka. Tlio market quiet anil tin. ,nw. wun nioaerate nut amine oirennRR Juotniiutia r 11X1 Iba. In wood: JVIrfter, clear, J..S4.1il: do., stralKht. SMt.VSS; do., patant, MS..Ttf,'.7.'l: Kansas, stralKht, Jilto aarks. S.2i) .i.4i): do.. iHilent, Jute sacks. f3. 1(100,00) snrliii, first clear. JS.lurB.:l')L 'lf straight, .i..l,ttril.(lii; do., patent. .I155 00j do., ra vorltc brands, Cii.wi; city mills, choice and ranoy intent. (5(rd.f'Oi city mills, rettular erndes-Wlntcr, clrnr. jl.75ffl.W: do., straight. 3.l. M.VJ.V do., run .eni, f.ti.uutrd. to. ItVn l'l.OIIIt In amftll sunt,!? nnd lm1v. Vul quiet. Quotations nearby and Westorn In wood ht fS.uOflO, PROVISIONS Sold slowly and some kinds were lower, ,'uotntlon: City beet. In sets, amoked nnd nlr-drled, 2Saic; do., Western, In sh, smok ed, 2aec, do., city, knuckles and tender". Kiiikat. and alr-drled. SUgiluc.i do., Western, knu.-kles and tenders, smoked, 20WH0C.: do., hams. lAWAIdi pork, family. 23.CotfS4! hams, f. I', cured, loose, l'l'.itfllc: do., aklnned, loose, 13tflUc.i do., do., smoked, HKMltc.j Other hntllff. nmntcrf. rltv mritH. n In hmn.l nnd averaae. 1,,fil5c.; do., smoked. Western cured, lfttiLIUr.: oo boiled, boneless, 20411 Jlc, picnic shoulders, B. 1. cured, loos, UU Uftl'ic.- do., smoked. tS'iWlSo. ; bellies, In pickle, according to average, loose, iBttl.Vic.i breakfast bacon, as to brand and avcrnso, city cured, 1KB lpc. s do.. Western cured, 184luc; lant, Western, rsllncd. tierces, IlUftItc.: do., do,, do., tubs, lIHKUHc.i do., pure city, kettle K.:.W4c! fl'1"" jo" j" d- REFINED SUGARS The market quiet but steady, at the recent decline. Itenners' list prices; standard uranu latod, 4,00c.; line granulated. 4. Sic. ; tiowdered, 4.u;.c. ; conlectlonna' A, 4.73c.; suit grades, 44f4. OOe. DAIRY PRODUCTS IIUTTKI!. Wholesale trade iiulet its usual on the last day or the wock, but offerings of fancy stock llfflil and nlui-a firmly held. Juo- mncy biock iigiu ani aiufa nrmiy held, tittlons: Western, frcah, solid-packed, creai fancy specials, 3fe.i extra, aic.i extra 1; ilrsts, .loffJlc; seconds, 202c.; 1 Tyamery, Indln. packed 2P!12.'le., as to quality; nearby prima, fancy, ,17c; do.-, averaan entra. :i.Mi5lc. : do.. Ilrsts. .Tltrlllc.: .do., seconds, Hpeclal fancy brands of prlnta Jobbing nt VllfUi: IKKIH. The innrket developed n firmer tone under light receipt", and prices were high er. Quotations: In free cases, nearby oxtras, 42e:ic. per dos. ; nearby firsts, I2S12-'I() per standard case; nearby current receipts. $11.10 11.70 per standard case; Western, extra firsts, tiSQlS.30 per cneo; do., firsts, Stl.10Oll.70 per case; mixed held and fresh nnd ordinary stock, fOfJli.oo; Southern. 10.WI1.40 per cac. Re frigerator eggs, cholca and fancy fall-packed, L'l&IOe. ; do., spring-packed, ns to quality, 21 B 25c. per dos. Fancy selected candled fresh eggs were lobbod out nt 4W48c. per doz. CIIIIESK. Offerings moderate but ample, and tho markot quiet and without. Impor- tun) nhrtniia (Inofnt lAna s Moll VrtrlT 11111. tutu Liiiin,;)-, yuuintiunc" tis j.w.,, cream, earlier receipts, choice, 10c. j do., do., current make, cnoice, juirjfiuvc. do., do. ralr to b13c. good. 14U014TtC.i do.. part skims, POULTRY I.1VK. Desirable stock In small supply and firm, with demand equal to the offerings. Quotations: rowls, 12014c; exceptional lota higher; old roosters, 100'llc, ; spring chickens, acvordln; to quality. 114113c.: exceptional lota higher: turkeys. lilsitOe. ; ducks. 13tfI4c.; gecso, lSUllc. : guineas, young, weighing 2 lbs. nnd over apiece, per pair, one; weighing lWtfl lbs. apiece, per pair. oflCoe. ; guineas, old per pair. 40c.: pigeons, per pair. 151718c. DltKSMIU) POULTItY. The general mar ket quiet, but offerings ot desirable stock mod irate and values ot this description steaally maintained. Quotations: Turkeys, rirv-nAcked Kuncv. larvo. nearhv. I!lf22c.: l J lbs ODloce. IU'.'jc: do.. AH lbs. anlcce. llltl&c.: do., U lbs. and under, list 13c. ; fowls, bbls.. dry-packed- aplect, 10c, iac.; do. roosters, d Nearbv. fair to good. 1018c.; Western, fWO apiece. 20c: do., fair to rood. 14fftlbo.: roast Ing chickens, dry-packed. In boxes Milk-fed, IK to 24 lbs. to riez. 2"t,t"lr- mllk.fad. "3 to 20 lbs. to doz., 1DQ21C. : corn-ted, 18 to 24 lbs. to doz.. i'OWJIc. corn. fed. "S to 30 lbs. to do., 1 Ml lie; milk-fed. 31 to 3(1 Iba to doz., HWc; milk-fad, H7 to 42 lbs. to doz., 14(Sc: milk-fed. 43 to 47 lbs, to doz.. 15Hc. ; milk fed. 48 lbs. to doz.. 17c: milk-fed. (10 lbs. and oyer, 18c; corn-fed, .11 to 311 lbs. to doz., 13V d.; corn-red, 37 to 43 lbs. to doz., 13 HP , idc.: .i. , vurn-ieo. 1.1 10 tl IDS. o uoz., it 10c. : corn-fed. 48 lbs. and over to doz, corn-fed, 00 lbs. and over, 17c; roasting chickens, dry-packed. In bbls. Western, milk fed, dry-picked, 0 Iba. and over, 17n. : Western, milk-fed, 4 lbs.. 18c; Western, tnllk-frd. 3ft lbs., 14 Uc. ; Western, milk-fed. dry-picked, mixed weights, lies 14 He; Western, milk-fed, 2I43 lbs.. He; Western, corn-fed, 3 lbs. and over, lflc. : WeBtern. corn-fed, 4 lbs.. Iftc. ; Western, corn-fed, dry-picked, mixed weights, 14c; Western, corn-fed, 3H lbs.. 14c; West ern, corn-fed, 2U:i lbs., 18!4c. Sprlnj ducks, 1415c. Spring geese, 12813c. Kquaba. per dozen White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen. J3.75Q4.3.1; white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs. per dozen, 1303.60; white, weigh, ins N lbs. per dozen, J2.uOft2.i50: do.. 7 Iba rer dozen. $2(82.15; do.. OffflU Ihs. per doz. 1.23(Q)1.S0; dark and No. 2, f0c.ll. VEGETABLES The general market quiet and without Im portant change. Quotations: Whits potatoes, per bush. --Pennsylvania. SSt!U2c.: New York, 45iH.(2c ; white potatoes. Jeracy, per basket, HfttHOc; uweet potatoes, Uastern Shore, per bbl. No. 1, $:3.73; No. 2 1,!U "91.75; aueeta, Jersey, per bbl, No. 1, 33.C0: No. 2, 22.2.; sweets, Jersey, per basket. 00g7c. Onions choice, per bush., 7097.1c: do., ordinary, par bush., 8 OSe.; dc. choice, per 100-lb. hog, ll'.'VfeLSOj do., medium. ter 100-lb. lag. ft.1c.n9l: do., sec. onds. ptr 100-lb. hag iVM175c Cabbage, do mestic, per ton. 7N; do.. Danish, per ton, tlle12. Cauliflower, New Vork, per crate, 75 Bt 1.2.-,. Hidnach. Nurfolk. par bbl.. f Url '.'.1. Kale Nurfolk, per bbl.. 7.1(00c. Lettuce. Klor Idu, per tutsket. 1 2.14)2; do., North Carolina, per basket, ilfi75c Means. Florida, per basket, i'.'CXio. Kggplaut. I', wr box. Cutumbers, Florida, per basket. I1.7.1V2..V). b'quash. Plorldn. per liaskrt. Jl. &)'-'. Celery, New Vork, per bunch. 2.10 ISc. Mushrooms, per 4-lb. barkct. Micii1.20. FRESH FRUITS Demand only moderate, but values of choice stock generally steady. Quotations: Apples, per bbl. King. I2.7SH.oO; Baldwin. J1.7H2.M: (Ireeulng. $l.7a(rS.73: Spy. II.75fl2.S0; other guod eating arletea. 11 7."Mj2.&): mtdilim. 110 I..V); upplea. Weslcrne. per box. S191.S0; apples, Delawaro and Pennslvunla, per hauwer. &U)iOi'. Lemons, per box .?!. Oranges, Florida, ptr box. Tan gerlnea. Florida, per strap. (2.BO03.SO. drape, fruit. I'lorlda, p box. 1.5Dt)2iO- lloaap- Mea. iar craio t'orio itico. i.jaa..i. aa, Cranberries, fancy late varhHlea, i"rarurri. raoa too. Kany Hack per Blac 3T4. Crauberrlas. Cape Cod, atariy par crat. 73c.0fl.9e. (jTaauer- net ,a. .lariev . iwr trrate. 7AcCrS er crate. 7acVfI.2S 5. 1'eara.Naw York, per bbl. Meckel. i;i.3O0a: Burra llsie. MS lieu l05.9d: Sheldon. $103 urre dabnreau. S2.80 m.0; iteurrw a Anjpu, .sfx.3a; vuvumvH Howell S2-50: other varktlaa, 420. 12031 DEATH HALTS $80,000,000 SUIT Deeds for Property In New York Found on Body of Man. NKW YOItK, Dee. It Th police were slartlad to discover deeds to property In the dowutowu section of New York, val ued at mere than $s.00,0t. In the pocket of a man who died In a furnlehed room houie here last nUjbt. It developed that the dead roan was Sdwliv or Kmory O. KdwarU, and that bo same here about one week ago to bring; suit agulttst tbe Trinity Corporation, tee business organi sation of Trinity Church, ae tbe repre sentative of claimants to property held by tbe cbureh. All of tbe deeds were very old, one dated I7a showing U1 to ground tut lilcli tbe poetotVee uaw etauds. western, ary-picKea, iteltd lbs. .; do., 4 lbs., 13c.; do., .f? lbs., , 3 lbs. and under, 12(!4124c. ; old ry-plcked, 12',4c. ; brollTng chickens lliH: lha. anleca. "U(,f22D. ! da.. !2 lbs. HANDLER BR0S.&g&i Beg to announec that they have this day tafeen ofiit the buglneMt of MESSRS. 8DWJ0 S5WBST & COMPANY and have reo?vwi tbetk Irw Y office front 111 Broadway to 34 Pint 9trttV. AjCupii'j J. tdsttVAxa 4 stAlst, JUtelDaaNHAi 1 Ml PORT Off PHILADELPHIA ., Vessels Arriving Todajf Sir Winifred, Port Arthur, rruda oil. Tts .wnpanj-. tr. Tuaean, noston, men. MSselngera ami htr : and Miners' Transportation cnanoise, Merenant i I'omraim-. Str. Oreclan, Boston, h'ner and n ton, pa'naci ana Miner' ti cmnniwj, juervnen aPrTcftitM (Ore ranspertation Mr, Aliskan. tln FYam-isro via, tliartentwi merchandise, W. F. Haimr ft Oo . er..n! V11"" nrj. "aw York, cttrgn in transit. I. Itubelire (tons Vessels Sailing Ifodny Jr- .T'"'! Wenler (Ur,). Jonw. f-t rtnmana San Iwmlngo, Uerwlnd-Whlte Coal Mlnlne tonipeny. fltr. San Mareo. Davidson. Kew York, JJal lory Btcamslilp Line fcteared Deeember 10), .J rr'M tv"AP "eejeeni ClMet6n, tamps Nsci:rKimmb't50 n,,w- " HJ'.'j'itWae, ooml)( Norfolk. XV. t. Steamships to Arrive N'ntiiG I'Vofn. ened, (1 asgow i),o. s uverDool ti a (.'arthaglnlan Dominion . . nuJioirr. ...?.T' . From. Data. X'"1. Ornakoldsvlk . Nov. R ;;y.e'"." ...nmeius tvov Waddon .Bombay .Nor. ft'.WS i ?.. Nov, ;;,v" -. uoiieruara . . .NOV. ID Nov, , ....Njv. 20 Crown Point. Jondon uBssiopeia .... Canadla Apulia ,. fntita Ttosatle.i Dlrphys Hkogstad l.ouslana Persians lliantrord Cambrian lilng. Ventmoor . .,,, Htoterdyk Mohacsflcld .... I.yrn , JCarl ot Elgin.. .Shields ... uothenburr ..Nov. 21 ..London Not.31 ..Shields ?iar. SS iVIxtsrs ..Nov. at ...Nov. 2 . Nov. 21 ..Nov, 2fi . .Nov. Z . -Nov. sn .Nov 2D ..Nov. 20 ..Nov, 5 ..Nor. ..Nov. 30 ..Dee. 4 ...Copenhagen . ...tMnnebuter .. , ...J."owey . ..Uran ...Liverpool ...(Ulat ...llotterdam ... ...Cardiff ...Halboa ...Crus Grande. .vinnurea Manchester Merchant.. Manchester ... lonatus Jamaica fnlnerlnn 7iino . t,n. a-u. Dec. B ..Dec. . .Dtc R Dec. 10 ..Dee. 10, ..Uec. JO Jonn ,.1'ort Anionio" iunn .... Hkogstad anieios innaoia West Point.. . ..Chrlsttanla . . .London . . . Steamships to leavo paS8BNoer. Name. Pomlnlon Carthaginian ... Tor. ..Liverpool ..Glasgow , Date. ..Dec. IP, ..Drfts. S3 1'IlBiailT. Louslana . , .Copenhagen ...Dee, IT ...Dee. 12 ...Dec. If j'otomae , i.i.h nanteramo ... , Iindon ur ii..-.. ".er Ml,lcr .Manchester iv5St.r-Id " Indon ... J erstana .twilth Manchester Merchant. .Manchester uec. it .....pee. -2f ..11 uec Deo, PORT OF NEWYORK Steamships Arriving Today Namo. I,Vcm. lie d'lUlla. Potsdam . . Lapland ... Sailed. ..Nov. ...Deo. a ..Dec. S . . Dec fl . .Nov. 20 Naples .... ,..,...,.. .Rotterdam ' jUverpool . DUK TOMOimOW. ....Liverpool .. Uordoaux . New York, callfornle . Steamships to leave Nnitio. Krlitlanlafjord , N. Amsterdam Megantle Iiochnmbeau ... Orduna ........ st. Paul ....; Mlnnetonlca .... For. ..Hergen ... ..llotterdam ...IJerpool . . Jllavro ,.,. ..Liverpool . ..Liverpool . ..London-. .., Dais, ..Dec. 11 ..Dee. 12 .Deo. ..Dec. 12 ..Dee. 12 ..Dec 12 ..Dec. 12 FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS iSSttSSSUU,U Tt"" ta tt "BUt InlulrVfoJ STDAMSIIIPS. rralS"1 "0?Sill ""'' -'nc range to Genoa, RbEiary.,CW quar,er0' 7s- B1'.. January anj J"-,, , c,arr.orj -.: i same, 2S.O00 quarter .WJ 'onliall Br.). Phlladelphlt to Torn An nlliU nTnd ,Sr) Castetlamare, grain. 225. ?ndrj.r"iar: M- n'- SI' " botg' mber Occanlo (Ital.), 2717 tons, Philadelphia tn iftnTJfiJi''nfff': "lyMa ternSrSroSTpt. ) rlmo (Ital.), 2213 tons, same. American trade, one trip, basis Ss. 6d.. delli cry Ilombsy. ledcllvery Cnltod States, prompt, not Uarryvale, as reported yesterday. Tropea (Hr.J, 3051 tons, tranaatlantlc trade, three round tr ps, basla 7s. Od., deliveries United Klnidom, prumpt. oeuveriw City of Memphis (Am.). 3018 tons, same, en round trip, prlvato terms, deliveries United ntatea, prompt. Germanic (Br.'), 2171 (on4. Oulf to Oenoi. general cargo, 27s. d.. January. Pathfinder (Am.). 1600 tons. Cult (o Bre men, cotton, private terms, prompt. City of Macon (Am.), 31)00 tons. same. Olive (Dr.), 2300 tons. Culm to London. Liv erpool or ureenock, sugar, 2a. od,, January Kylestromo (Dr.), 21 Ou tons, same. Bhln Tlmandra, 1187 tons, from Norfolk to Ida Janeiro, at or about 13. W, prompt. Movements of Vessels Btr. Ventmoor (Br.), from Philadelphia, r rived at llordeaux December 7. Str. Merldan (tlr.). from . Philadelphia, ar rived at Cardiff December 11. Btr. Oarar II (Dan.), from New York, 'ar rived at Copenliagen December 11. Btr. United Ktatfs (Dan.), for Naw York, steamed from Copenhagen December 11. Str. Csnndla (Dan.), for Philadelphia, steamed from Clirlstlanla December It). Hlr. Lus tanla (Or,), from New York, ar rived at Liverpool Docember 11. fltr. Baltic (llr.). for iNew York, steamed from Liverpool December 11. fltr. Start Point (Dr.). from Philadelphia, arrived at London December 10. Str, West Point tllr.), fur Philadelphia, ateamed from London December 10. Sir nayonne iltal), from Philadelphia, ar rived at Bavona December 0. Ktr. Manchester Miller (Br.), for Phlladel nlila, steamed from 8t. John. N. B., Deeeni- Btr.'L. V. Stoddard. Ilanror for Fhltadelplila, psssod Nolaika December 11. btr. Bt. Andrews (Nor.). Philadelphia for Antllla, passed Diamond Shoal lightship December 11, Btr. J. M. (luffey, for Philadelphia, steamed from Port Arthur leceiber 11. Str Indian, for Philadelphia, steamed from Savannah. Deoember 11 Mtr. Currier. Philadelphia for Porto Ulran lrts. was 201 miles outh of Overfalls light. ship at T P. ra. December 11. Hlr Tobido. towing schr. Delaware Sun. Phlladelobla for flablne, was 40 miles north ot Diamond Shoal lightship at 6 p. ra. De cember 11. Str. Lyra. Ban Francisco for Naw York, waa ind inllea outh of Scotland lightship at noon December 11. Btr. Persian, Philadelphia for Jacksonville, passed Hunting Island nt 7 p. m, December Btr. dulfatream. Philadelphia for Port Arthur, as 3a0 miles south of Ilattaraa si 1don December 11. Sir. Winifred. Port Arthur for Philadelphia, passed Otrrfalla lightship at 6:10 p m Do t-4iiber 11. Btr. Paraguay. Bablne for PhlMdalpbU, pasaad Totugaa at A p. m. December 11. ch. Clara A. Donnell. tor Philadelphia. sailed from Nantaaket Itouds Dwiamoer tr Hch. Grace a. Dennett, from Folladelp. delphU Soli. Heoaeca Palmer, for Philadelphia, mled fmrai Partamouth Decambfir 11. SoIl ilovsrnor Powers. Philadelphia for Hangar, ssuwi irom vineysru lias Isvea Dcm- VT 11, rich. Wawetuwk, Phlladslpbla for Boston, filled tram viaafara itavan usciuor u. STBOKO HEADS CONFERENCE Chosen Chairman of federal Eeserve Bank. Qovernors. WASHINGTON, Dec. U.-P9njamln Strong-. Jr. governor of the Federal Ile eerve Bank, of New Yorfe today wa elected permanent chairman of the con ference of twelve Federal Reserve Nuk governor, and former Assistant Sscrsten of tbe Treasury Jawee Curtis, ot rUieion, -was eboeeai perputaaAt secretary, lit governors. anftWMl the uet meeliMf o! the orsagdiathw would be held In Wash ington, January SS- Committees were up pointed to laee up tee matter clearance and otbM uueetionei Iws and report at this meeting. of ot chec U biik- -DEOmiBKR JfiT. !. in