EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FBIDAY, DEOEMBEB 11, 10 1& CITY EVADES LAW TO POST NAMES OF ' WOMEN EMPLOYES Civil Service Commission Only Branch Taking Cognizance of Stale Labor Department Regulation. The Civil Service Commission took steps today to comply with a State Inw re quit-Ins that In every room where women are employed the names of the women nil their hours for work bo posted tn a conspicuous place. Tho action puts the commission. In a unique position compared with other de partmental oulces In City Hall. On n. conspicuously posted blank form, fur nished (ty the l'onnnytvanla Department of Labor nnd Industry, the names of the 14 -women employes of the commission "It's a. Btate law." say the Commission ers, who disavow any responsibility for lack of Kb observance In any of the, other oinccs In City Hall where women are cm- P Inquiry at the oflloes of tho Civil Service Commission showed that PM women were worklns In municipal departments. Fur ther Inquiry In some other offices failed to show any posting of tho names and hours of toll of tho feminine workers. "BILLY" SUNDAY COMMITTEE GETS GUARANTEES OF FUND Not More Than 930,000 Needed, It Is Believed. Guarantee certificate, for funda to con duct tho revival of "Billy" Sunday In this Hy during January, February and March ems being received at the headquarters of the Campaign Commlttco In the Stock Exchange Building. Officials have Issued a statement regarding the funds being Insured, so that every person interested nnd desirous of helping to mako up the ruarantec, may know exactly tho course of procedure. While the guarantee Is to be for JKftOOO, It Is estimated that not more than one fifth of this sum will be needed for the expenses. Including the cost of erecting tho tabernacle and other annex buildings, and for paying what rentals may bo re quired. The plan is to have the fund guaranteed by as many persons as possible In order1 that thousands who are Interested may say that they had a share In Insuring the fund. As soon ns the campaign opens." said Joseph 51. Fteole, chairman of tho Cam paign Committee, "the money received In collections will be devoted to the expenses "Incurred In preparing for tho revlvul and conducting It. "Just ns soon as collections have amounted to a sufficient sum to take care of the expenses, there will be no col lecting in the tabernacle until the last day, unless tlicro should be some special offerings received for benevolent causes that have the approval of Mr. Sunday and the committee. "The last Oay's collection will go to Mr Sunday. He works through tho cam paign, with his party, until the end ar rives, nnd then the public makes volun tary contributions for him," TV. It. Nicholson, chairman of the Finance Committee, today Issued a stata- mnt.!n which he.Advleed that the amount needed forlho expenses had been more "than covered by the underwriting pledges already received. However! he atatei, that In order thnt the manv others who desire to take part In the guarantee of the expenses, may have such an oppor tunity, the committee, will continue to receive voluntary pledges "In making this statement," Mr. Nichol son says, "the Finance Committee desires it to be clearly understood that the cam paign expenses for which the underwrit ing pledges have been made Include tho cost of the tabernacle for the meetings, the expenses incident to organizing and conducting work of this magnitude such as maintaining an office with neceraary secretaries nnd clerks, printing, posting, etp , and care for Jhe evangelist nnd his assistants while In Philadelphia." He also calls attention to the fact that Jt Is not anticipated that any of the underwriters will be called upon to meet any of the pledges, as It Is anticipated that the collections In the tabernacle dur ing a few meetings will "wipe out all the exoenses. ,SANTA CLAUS STOREHOUSE RAPIDLY BILLING WITH TOYS 1B0O Children Bo Far Hayo Helped to Make Merry Christmas for Poor, Fifteen hundred children have respond ed In less than a week to Banta'a appeal to fill up his storehouse at COS Chestnut street, so that tho poor children of Phil, adelphla who have no prospects of a merry Christmas will receive a beautiful surprise on Christmas morning. When the Kris Kringle Lady who Is in charge of the Pbbuo Ledoeu Santa Claus Club sent out her appeal she half ex pected that only those kiddles would heed It who had mora toys than they knew what to do with. But she was mis taken. Many children have given out of their bounty, but Just aa many havo made real sacrifices to part with their little toys, as the number of fuzzy little doggies and dollies, all of which bear the earmarks of much fondling, testify. Testerday a box containing an , assort ment of 200 beautiful toys was received from a little Invalid girl. Dorothy Parker. Dorothy cannot walk and has not the full use of her hands, and yet he made many pf the Uttlo gifts and peeked the 'box herself. The Storehouse will be kept open jintll lata. Chrl)ms re and on Christ mas morning Santa has planned to send the Pusua liEDaiK and Evening EiBBOBn automobiles to the houses of as many poor litis boys and girls of Fhlla 'drtphlfc as the more fortunate klddiea oC the city have provided for. apias oet vAaaziT in thoubld Ktapa's Wheel-barrow Disqualified by the Police. The family of Josiph Kiapa. 3l King ston street, consists of a htiprul wife and six children Ktapa, ajso has pigs. The pigs got him lata trouble today Wapa'went out this morning to gather breakfast for hi pi. He ordered hU sfUtt to trundle th wheelbarrow whU b skirmished through alleys dumping the contents of cans Into the barrow. T Jwjrrow. Kiap bad a warned Maw times by the polite, was not ui tfjic4tlQa set by unfi for ve hmn uged for suh purposes, ' When Kiapa was arrested by Ptfts. bjmi Prisad, of tb Belgrade and flear flW streets staUoa. Kla&& tiliwnofauufy poUJ toward bto v,U a, laMtM sfc waa piMvhlag the barrow. Frtwd arttated both than. 1)I. Klspa -waa seat bofate to her children aarfpixs aaa Viapa to' ifce uuty prison became ba ld hkh p a tU of HM, TruKW fdrlJforrUtowti Snanlui HARBlSBimii J-' 11 vruor Vemmr Udj, ajJbiateA Clayton tfrel. of SsniuHft, t (ntst fcr the iy'urt POOR RELIEF SUB-STATIONS ARE ESTABLISHED IN CITY Applications HoXionger Received nt the Headquarters, riana for giving Immediate aid to the poor and unemployed of Phlladelphlo havo been completed by the Emergency Aid Committee. Beginning this morning thero will be SO stntlnn instead dt One where destitutes may apply for assist ance. Applications for aid will no longer bo received at the headquarters of the Home Itellef Department In the Lincoln Build ing1. Tho substations havo been scattered throughout the city and the needy mny apply to the nearest station. Officials of these cd-operatlvo organisations will send applications with references to the Homo Itellef Board and Immediate Attention will be given them. This li expected to pre vent tho giving of money to professional beggars. Applicants In future, beginning today, must present their references at tho fol lowing places: Union Benevolent Association, 716 Spruce, slrret. , United Hebrew Charities, 518 North 4th street. r . Home Missionary Society, 633 Arch Street. City Mission, 223 South 3d street. German Society, Spring Garden and Marshall streets. St. Vincent do Paul's Society. In con nection with nil Catholic churches. Society for Organizing Charity, 419 South 15th street, vhlch can be reached moto casly by gotng to the district of fices nt 530 Wharton street, 1510 Lombard ntreet, 1532 Brandywlne street, 2316 North Howard street. Hunting Park avenuo nnd Clarissa street, 1232 South 47th street, 338 South Lawrence Btrcet, 419 South 15th street, 1439 North Marshall street, 1514 t'nlty street, 52 West Cheltcn avenue, 4018 Powelton avenue nnd 1716 South 22d street. Money from two States was received nt the Belgian Belief Commlttco pf the Emergency Aid today, while J number of packing cases nnd barrels "of cloth ing wcro also shipped Into the basement of the Lincoln Building. Tho cash contributions were: Twenty three dollars from Elizabeth A. Roberts. treasurer of the Central Committee of Moorestown, N. J.; 10 from the kitchen of the Moravian Seminary, Bethlehem, and S1.S0 from Miss Vera Caldwell, secre tary of a relief commttteo In Clear field, Pa. One barrel of knitted goods of all de scriptions was received from tho pupils of the public schools of South Phlllps burg, Pn every bit of the contents of tho barrel being tho work of tho chil dren. Tho barrel was 'accompanied by n letter frdm Miss Ella VM. AVnril. who stated that the majority of the children had never attempted any knitting until the present shipment wns begun, A case of new clothing, with no donor mentioned, was sent to the headquarters to be forwarded to the Belgian Belief Committee at Dlnnrd. Belgium. Two bundles of clothing were received for the French relief work and two for the German nt 1423 Walnut street, while cash contributions of S3 50 for German and Austrian relief work were also mailed In, GYPSY MOTH, DREADED PEST, DISCOVERED IN NEW JERSEY Danger of Its Spread to Pennsyl vania, Scientist Says. Tho gypsy moth, nn Insect pest that defoliates trees and does damage to the extent of millions of dollars, has been discovered In New Jersey, according to State Entomologist Headlee. There la danger that It may be brought Into Penn sylvania. Dr, Henry Skinner, of the Academy of Natural Sciences, said there always Is danger of the gypsy moth being carried from one region to another by automo biles, freight and transported nursery stock. To Doctor Skinner's knowledge nothing la being done in Pennsylvania to search for this pest. The gypsy moth's caterpillar eats the leavos of trees ao that these die after a few years. Doctor Skinner said. In parts of Massachusetts the pests have laid bare sections covering more than 150 square miles. According to Doctor Skinner, the Government and the State hae spent more than 310,000,000 to rid Massachusetts of the moth. The discovery of the gypsy moth In New Jersey was the cause of much dls tusslon and alarm at the meeting of the New Jersey State Board of Agriculture in New Brunswick yesterday. The catching of a male gypsy moth fly ing about an electric light led to a search that revealed a considerable number of egg masses," Doctor Headlee said. Ex pert moth scouts from the Federal De partment of Agriculture were summoned and now are co-operating with the Stato entomologist In his endeavor to cover every square Inch of suspected territory, Btate and Government officials have ex passed a determination to etamp out the Infection. An appropriation of I100O more than usually is appropriated for insect control has been asked by tho executive) committee to tight the gypsy moth. BIBEE CLASS TO DIVE SHOW Drexel Diddle Entertainers Will Ap pear for Bed Cross, The American Red Cross will be the beneficiary of the annual minstrel show of the entertainers of the Drexel Diddle Bible classes to be given In Apollo Hall, 1T2 North Broad street, tonight. Members of the organization have been devoting much time preparing for the bow, and It promises to be one of the most unique and enjoyable they have ever given. H. Frederick Wilson, managing direc tor of the Middle Atlantic States, will be the Interlocutor, and the soloists and circle will consist of 40 young men and women from classes in all part Vt Fhjlajelphja apd Camden, . CAUGHT APTEB JDONO HUNT Man Wanted for More Than a Month on Bobbery Charge, Washington Thlstlewood, sought by the police for more than a month, was held today In tfeOQ ball accused of house breaking. ' Thlstlewood was caught In a bouse at 304 Barp street last night by Special Po licemen Beblnson, Whalen and K) Two other men also wanted by the pollee escaped through a rear window Ttj men. tt Is alleged, broke Into the resldtnce of Mrs. Jennie Simon, StBO South ith street, last week, and stole jewelry valued at ?100. The pollee say they re covered some of the Jewelry from Tblstle wood. First Snow at National Capital WASHINGTON. . U-TM national capital today waa vWi by tlu $rst saw of tha iUUB. It started at :M Vetoeb; and far MV41 boj the Sake fell rapidly. Tsey Mon tn4. however, making the stseai disagreeable to pdMtrlans. fredWsutor Mmjtr Da JOans 3o4ta fcuU! HAU ii.c4- fc Jjss STOmO t4lALMOT 3THEBT NEWEST ".NEWSIES" OF J"','''''JslsssgV?itlByJMiasssssssB "'" CiSfc wS R St fiilslibl&sMH)tinBHaiasia9iBasc9v'Y & IhliMi MoP V iKt ;SsV?fc 5A M Recent initiates into the Psi Omega Dental Fraternity pf the Medico Chirurgical College appeared on the streets yesterday in original costumes to sell the latest extras. This pair dispensed the Evening Ledger in front of the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel. MUSICAL CRITIC WINS $500 VERDICT AGAINST RAILROAD Meltzer Gets Damages for Attack on Him in Broad Street Station. Charles Meltzer, dramatic and musical critic of New York, who stotod trial In this city on n groundless charge of as sault and battery made against him by employes of the Pennsylvania Railroad, was given a $300 verdict In his $30,000 suit against tho Pennsylvania Railroad by a Jury yesterday In Judge Rudkln's Court In New York city. Jleltrer charged thnt he was assaulted In Broad Street Station Cn February 23, 1911, by the men who made the charge against him after he had returned from a drees rehearsal of "Natoma." After the performance ha had supper with Victor Herbert, the composer of the opera, and was In a hurry to catch his train. The gnteman refused to punch his ticket because a portion of It had been lopped off by the conductor on the trip to this city. The gateman said Meltzer struck him In the mouth, but the railroad employe was a man weighing 200 pounds and tho fight did not progress very far. Tho critic denied having gtruck the gnteman. but admitted calling him a "swine." Meltzer then tried to go through tho gate marked "exit" and was set upon, he 'soys, by a special policeman, and three ushers. He wns indicted on a charge of assault and battery, but ac quitted In this city. MAY PLACE WIRES IN DUCTS Philadelphia Electric Company Nego tiating for Space Underground. Negotlatlqns are under way to lease all surplus conduit space from the Keystone Telephone Company by the Philadelphia Electric Company. Officials of the com panies concerned say they are not at lib erty to discuss the matter, but Intimate the proposition will be closed satisfac torily to both parties It such a deal Is consummated, It Is Inti mated the Philadelphia Electric Com pany will pay 'a rental for use of 'he Keystone ducts. The Philadelphia Elec trio Company wants these ducts, It la said, to run Its overhead wires In before the new municipal lighting contract with i'he eft J on the' basl'sTf a reduced charge per lamp nas Deen negotiated. All pos sible speed will be used tn transferring the wires from overhead to the ducts, If the deal Is consummated. About $1,000,000 has been Invested by tho Keystone Company In Its conduit system, comprising upward of 11,000,000 feet of duot space. SALE )?OB DESTITUTE ABTISTS Emergency Aid Committee in Charge of Art Auction. An Informal tea, at which 230 or more art lovers are expected to be present, has been arranged for this afternoon at the Art Club to exhibit the collection of paintings, drawings, sculpture and decorative objects of the Allied Arts Fund of the Emergency Aid Committee. Bids on various pictures In the col lection already have totaled about $2000, but they are expected to exceed this amount next Wednesday, when a publio auction will be held in the Art Club. John Frederick: Lewis, president of the PennsylvaniaAcademy of the Flna Arts, Will be theauctioneer. The fund Is for the destitute families of artists in the war zone. UNCONSCIOUS FOB A WEEK A patient In the German Hospital, who was taken there last Friday suffering from a paralytic stroke, afte a collapse on the street, regained consciousness early this morning a& gave bis nam as Samuel Weston, Jt years old, of J47S Salmon street. No, 1A Kodak Jr. U 1.00 So oampaat that it will readily slip into ths poektt. Other Kodaks, $6.60 to $65.00 Brownies, $1.90 to $12,00 Have an Extra, Fine EnkrgwnwU rode from your favorite iwgutlve. HAWORTH'S Eaatamtt Kodak Co. 1020 OMttaHt StffMi THE EVENING LEDGER FOES OF LIQUOR HERE FOR THREE-DAY CAMPAIGN i Ex-Qovernor Hanley's "Flying Squadron" Wars on John Barleycorn. The advance group of ex-Goernor Hnnly's "flying squadron" ngalnst John Barleycorn arrived In Philadelphia todny, and will Are tho first guns of the three days' campaign this afternoon In Scot tish Itlte Hal), Broad and Itaco streets. A committee of temnerance norkers m tho lsltors In Broad Street Station and accompanied them to the Adelphla Hotel, where campaign headquarters will be estaDllshed for tho stay In this city. Director Porter Is chairman of the first meeting, and the speakers Include Dr. Charles M. Sheldon. Dr Wilbur F. Sherldnn and Daniel A. Poling Trank lln Spencer Ddmlnds will preside at the meeting nt 8 o'clock tonight In Scottish Itlte Hall, and Daniel M. Poling will be the speakor at another evening meeting to be held In St. Paul's Reformed Epis copal Church, Broad and Venango streets. Tho second group, which Includes Clin ton N. Howard. Mrs. Ella A, Boole and Eugene W Chafln, will arrive tomorrow, and ex-Governor Hanly and other mem bers of the third group will bo here for meetings on Sunday. Governor Hanly will speak In the West Branch Young Mon's Christian Association Sunday after noon and In Westminster Hall In the eenlng. PENN MAN KILLED IN WAR Flags of Dentnl Hall rtt .Half-mast for Eriedrich Solbrig. Flags on Dental Hall, University of Pennsylvania, are flying nt half-mast to day for Frledrlch Solbrlg, member of the class of 'H. of the Dental School, who was killed while lighting under tho Ger man flag In Europe. News of tho stu dent's death was received by J. A. Rel mold, secretary of the Dental School, In n letter from Solbrlg's mother. Solbrlg Is the first Penn man known to have been killed In the war. He was once wounded In the hand, but after spending 10 dajs In a field hospital re. turned to the front He was killed In the battle before Rhelms. His regiment was one of the first on the firing line. Solbrlg and his brother-fought side by aide. Solbrlg was a graduate of Leipzig Uni versity, and he entered the University of Pennsylvania In the fourth year. When he graduated last June he returned to Europe with his mother. He was a member of the Cosmopolitan and Euro pean Clubs, .AVTNNEWOOpEAST OBOWTH Civic Association Attributes Xt to "Pull-together" Spirit. "Pull-together" spirit on the part of tha residents of Wynnewood, Pa., la men' tloned in tha recent report of tha "VVynne wooM Clvio Association as the causa of the rapid growth of that community, which haa developed practically from farmland to one of the show places of suburban Philadelphia In five years. The association report says the roads and ave nues pre almost "white ways," due to tho additional lighting service, and commends the fire and police protection and the co operation of the Pennsylvania Railroad, JPBIESTS TBANSEEBEBD Archbishop Frendergast baa announced the following clerical transfers to take place at once: The Itev. William J. Casey from Our Lady of Victory to the Ascension; the Her. Thomas McLoughlln from St. Michael's, Chester, to Holy Infancy, South Bethlehem; the Iter. Thomas Horan from the Holy Infancy, South Bethlehem, to St. Michael's, Chester; the Bev. John J. Donovan from St. Joseph's, Glrardvtlle, to St. Leo's, Tacony; tbe Itev. John J. McMenamJn from. St, Leo's to St Thomas Aquinas', and the Rev, John F. X. Walsh from the Transfiguration to St. Veronica's. English Sterling Adams Old and Modern Shef. field Plate English, Dutch and "French Silver Fine China, A.Schmidt&Son iwyeflWi.. JfataMfaUd lit W4J(lm jMHHay Qift 18th aid Walnut St- Pbila. N V(t Hy Bar Harbor, Ma. wwrt. R. t UaaMlia, Mass. JS.iyKt ! VAST PROMT SHOWN IN YEARLY RETURNS OF CAMDEN FERRY Excuse for Increased Rates Disproved by Figures of Annual Reports of Com pany. y Profits of the Philadelphia nnd Camden Kerry Company, which recently opposed reduction In the rnto of faro nnd Instead Increased the toll for some classes of vehicles, have been higher for tho last 10 jcara than in any decade since 1821, when tho company was organized. Tho railroad companies, which recently hae announced Increased commutation rates, brought forth the excuso that low earnings necessitated the Increase. This Is shown not to bo true In tho case of tho ferry company, which Is controlled by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. E. J. Fell, Jr., chief statistician of the Pennsylvania Itallroad, testifying yester day beforo tho Publio Serlvce Commission, sold low earnings were responsible for rate Increases. Ho added that the earn ings In 1914 were lower than In any year for It jenrs. Operations and tho vast profits of the Philadelphia nnd Camden Ferry Com pany, It became known today, wore out lined In a report of a special committee last October. That report wns submitted to tho board of directors of the company. Tho Increase In ferry toll rates, which affects slght-Bccliig automobiles, motor Odes and tnllyhos, went Into effect on November 17. Sight-seeing automobiles, which formcrlv were charged SO cents, now are charged $1; motoraycles have been raised from 3 cents to 5 cents; mo tor tricycles, from 10 cents to 20 cents, while a tallyho, which formerly was taxed 23 conts, now In charged CO cents. Samuel Rca, president of tha Philadel phia nnd Cnmden Ferry CompVny, last July protested against the reduction In the rate on the Camden ferryboats. Mr. Rca at that time pleaded for pro tection for the stockholders against fu ture loss. He mentioned the possibility of a tube being constructed under tho Delawire River to Camden. Mr. Rea said this would cut oft the earnings of the company. Tho Inquiry Into the business methods of the Philadelphia nnd Camden Terry Company wns undertaken after stock holders had raised a question regarding certain contracts, leases and other ar rangements of that corporation. REPORT SHOWS VAST PROFIT. The report oftho special committee re lating to tho Philadelphia and Camden Ferry Compnny, It was learned, shows a continued Increase In the earnings of that concern. It wns during the year of 1010 jthat an unusual dividend wai paid to tne stockholders out of the vast earn ings. In thnt year stockholders received a alviaend of 12 per cent. In addition to an extra dividend of 3TV4 per cent, pay able In stock The dividends for 1913 amounted to 17 per cent. The special committee who conducted the lnquliy wns composed of Henry C, Whltlock, J W Cooper, Frank L. Starr, T. P. Qreeu and George Wood. One of tho members of the committee today VAlfl "We found the Philadelphia nnd Cam den Ferry Company In good shape finan cially. Their profits for years back have been splendid " "Would It be possible to reduce -the present ferry rate without Injuring the Interests of th stockholders?" "Thnt is a matter for the company to decide," answered tho man who served on the investigating committee. Tho report, according to the investi gators, shows thnt the appraised value of nine ferryboats on Janunry 1, 1911, was about 20 per cent. In excess of the value at which they aje carried on the dooks or mat company after deducting the depreciation reserve. For ten years the ferryboats of the Philadelphia nnd Camden Ferry Com pany carried 130,630.450 persons, for which the revenue amounted to $3,61S,SSJ.OI. SALARY ROLL NOT GREAT. Touching upon salaries of Joint officers and employes of the company, the com mittee found that tho running expenses were not very high. Many officers of the Philadelphia and Camden Fcr.ry Com pany are also officers and employes of either the Pennsylvania Railroad or West Jersey and Seashore Railroad Companies. The committee found that of the 43 officers of ths ferry company who are also employed by the Pennsylvania and West Jersey and Seashore Railroads, a proportionate .part or tne salaries oC only five are charged against ths ferry com pany, it receiving the services and ad vice of the remaining Joint officers free. The five officers and the amount of their salaries, together with the salaries of. Thmsens J01ES ASpedaltyl !U6WalnufStreet Clocks For Christmas Our Clock Department offers a complete variety of foreign and domestic hall, mantel, automqbile, traveling and alarm clocks. AH are guaranteed, and only such makes and grades are sold as we can recommend. When a clock is purchased hers, we first adjust it very care fully and then send a clock expert to install it properly in the room or hall where it is to be placed, ThU man is always ready to make argr adjustments that may be found necessary, even after the clock rjas been installed, We arc not content merely with the sale, but want to feel surjaili that the cfecJc gives satisfactory service. JJaJl Stocks ,...$65.00 to Mantel CUks . . , 4.50 t Automobile A cefly sf our catalogue, which contains aecwate de$criftfeM a4 prk cf tbe awst Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and SSaifware, is ywtrs for the akjb& S.KIND 3r SONS DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS-S1LVER3WTHS lllO CHESTNUT STREET On Mmr: SSm Ml, Vm Ckmtfm , clerks per month performing a. Joint ser vice are as follows! President, JU6j treasurer, $78; comp troller, 116.67; auditor for passenger traf fic, $3 99; superintendent, 90; clerical and accounting forces and blher emplojcs performing Joint ee,rvlce, $342,73. GENEROUS DIVIDENDS. Dividends paid during tho last 10 years, the percentage earned on capital stock during these years and the yearly aver ago for the1 period aro as follows: rl3. Earned, P.O. P.O. It 20 13 22 IT 24 IT 22 IT S 22 12 12 loot . lims lftOH , 1WT , inos , ,,,,..,,. ioo 1010 .. (In 1010 nn extra dividend or 31 Y, per cent., piunbl In etock was pild out.) 1011 15 1R 1IH2 ,.,,, , in in ion ,.,., IT 10 According to the committee, the com pany has placed Itself In the position of being able to defend Itself against the loss of business or emergencies. Tha committee also Inquired Into the company's Investments and surplus. They found that on June 10, 1914, $310,000 was Invested In first mortgage guaranteed 4 per cent, gold bonds of the New York liny Railroad Company, which company owns a railroad and valuable freight ter minals fronting New York Ray, The principal and Interest of these bonds are guaranteed by tho Pennsylvania Rail road. The surplus not required for oper ations or for Improvements, tho commit tee found. Is safely Invested nnd Is re ceiving fair rates of Interest SAILORS END REVOLUTION IN BUSINESSLIKE WAY Purchase Biflcs ns Souvenirs nnd Haiti's Comic Opera War Ceases. Souvenirs brought homo by sailors an the battleship Kansas tell a story of American Intervention. Tho btuejnckets suppressed a revolution In Haiti, nnd It all happened when a Jackie believed one of tho revolutionists' rifles, made In 1S75 and used by the Legallstas to settle their dlffetcnccs with the Pandlstas, would be a suitable memento of a tropical cruise. Tho sailor bought tho weapon for a trifling sum. The revolutionists needed money. It seemed. They had been "fight ing" for several days. Nobody had been killed, but all were hungry. Before night news of tho American's purchaso had spread through the revo lutionists' ranks. Americana wanted sou venirs. Tho Legallstas wanted food. Ac cordingly, they sent a representative to the Kansas. A bargain sale was ar ranged and the revolution ended. It Is said that there wns not a Legallsta In Haiti who owned a gun that night. SILENT ON N. G. P. DISMISSAL First Bgiment Officers Won't Dis cuss Adams' Cnso. Officers of the 1st Regiment. National Guard of Pennsylvania, declined today to discuss the dismissal from the service of Captain Edward J. Adams, former com mander of Company B. Adams was re lleed of his command some months ngo, before tha last encampment, following charges of shortages In his 'accounts, but had retained his commission until the Issuance of a general order from National Guard headquarters jestcrday dismissing him. So far Adams has had no official notifi cation of his dismissal, he says. At his home, D319 Addison street, he said he was not guilty of the charges made against him, but that the surety company set tled the caso for $205. He declared he In tends to seek a commission In the 6th Regiment. Major Meehan, of tho 1st Regiment, Raid the officers looked upon the case as a "family affair" and did not care to discuss It. Military Dance Tonight The 1st Battalion Cf the 1st Regl mint. National Guard of Pennsylvania, will glvo a dance tonight in honor of Colonel Theodore WU-tlershelin. formerly commander of the regiment The dance will be held In the armory. Broad and Callowhlll streets.; and will be preceded by a military review. DREM STATIONERS Imported Desk Sets (Not the Ordinary Kind) Leather Gold Leather Glass Brass China Copper and Silver Gold Bronze 1121 CHESTNUT STREET Gifts T ;2m 430O00 6ifl0 Clocks Traveling: CJks , . . . $&W Alarm Ctok - 1-00 ... $1S.QQ te $25J CHRISTMAS SPIRIT HHDS GRACIOUS WAY TO WALLS OF PRISON Inmates of Eastern Peniten tiary Busy in Preparing Gifts' for Dependent Ones at Home. The Christmas spirit, like a great big enveloping cloud, a silvery, Unset cloud, has descended upon the city and a. man would have to bo vtry much of a cynic of a "tightwad" to escape Its Influence. Even the thick gray walls of tho Eastern Peni tentiary have been penetrated by It; even the supposedly atony hearts of the pris oners havo not been able to resist It Christmas in a prison Is at best a dull drab sort of nffalr. Because of the princi ples of democracy which prevail there the men are not even allowed to have any holiday goodies sent In to them and the only presents they are permitted to re ceive are prosaic utility ones, such as handkerchiefs, neckties or stockings. But, noverthless, for the last few weeks they have been laboring energetically and saving every penny that they could possi bly scrape together In order to provide a Christmas for the little kiddles whose fathers nr Inmates of the Penitentiary. Many of these youngsters, through ths circumstances of hard luck, are rather skeptical ns to the existence of the Jolly old whlto-whlskered gentleman1 who Is said to slldo down the red brick chimneys when little girls and boys are tucked under the covers on Christmas eve; but If the men Imprisoned up at the Eastern have anything to do with It, all of their youthful Illusions concerning Santa and his cnfjaclous bog aro to bo restored. Already more than $200 has been raised by the prisoners, the money being the proceeds from the sale of various articles made by the men. Warden Robert McKenty, who Is a friend to every man there, has been au thorised to make the purchases and see that they are shipped away In time to reach tho children on Christmas morning "Here, Mac; here's four bits; It's all X got, but It ain't nothln' to me If It jnakes some kid ha"ppy," , said a "yegg" who is serving a long term for cracking a safe up State. This Is but one Instance of the way they contribute, but It Is typical. A c&ndy manufacturer who haa heard of the sacrifice the prisoners are making, regardless of whether they have any chil dren themselves, was touched by their spirit of generosity and has promised to supplement it with a wagonload of candy so that each child will recelvo a box of sweets along with the 'other gifts. ' Got Your Overcoat Yet? Perhaps we saj- it 113 shouldn't, but the Truth' la the. Truth, and both of us are interested that YOLf should know it! So here it is! r We have run away from the whole city this year in the matter of Overcoat styles, variety and values! So, if you haven't bought your Overcoat yet, see ours! 515, 5f8, $20 and upward! LET IT BE AN Perry & Co. "n.b.t. 16th & Chestnut Sts, . to to $35.60 urn II :5 F