PRPMS ! art- mm , . m ' Jwr--is -3j r- .ftM -s fe i mmdt . REPUBLICAN CHIEFS PLAN AGGRESSIVE CAMPAIGN FOR 1916 Penrose, Barnes and Hillcs Will Discuss Party Re habilitation at Dinner in y . New York Tonight. .j i Ran for building up the Republican n national organization. In preparation for the presidential election In 1918, will bo dlscussrd tonight by Senntdr Penrose, William Barnes, who Is In control of ihe Republican machine In No York, and ' Charts D Hllle, chairman of the He publican National Committee, at an In formal dinner to be held In New Ybrk. The conference will be the first hold by "the three most powerful figures In the ' Republican party since the last election. ' The overwhelming Republican victories In Pennsylvania nhd New York on No vember 3 last have convinced Senator Penrose ami Mr. Humes that the Itcpub llcan party wants them to take chargo - of the presidential light In 191$. At tonight's conference the first mova toWnrd strengthening a standpat organl- sallon in every State In the Country will ' bo planned. Mr. Barnes dnd (Mr. Itllles will take charge of the field work of building up the Republican national or I Sanitation alone the same lines as It v existed under tho MoKlnley Admlnlstra tlon Senator Penrose will organlzo the " Republican members of Congress. I The plans for the 10IG campaign prob- aoiy win De along tne lines or the opln .tons expressed by Senator Penrose. Tho 'Senator has frequently said that the 1310 " fight will be mado on the Issue of the tariff, and i that the Republican cnndldnte Will be a strong protectionist leader from K State that 1a not In tho standpat Re publican column. A "campaign of education," directed . against tho Wilson Administration, will be planned b the three leaders at to night's conference. Hindquarters' will be , Opened In New York soon, and for the t next two years. Under the djrectton of Mrt Barney and Mr. Hllles, the voters x of tho country will bo taught the prin ciples of a protective tariff. . Senator Penroso will nttend the annual , dinner of the Pennsylvania Society of Now York tomorrow night. He will re turn to Philadelphia on Monday. The greatest tribute that the Union - League has paid to a Governor or Governor-elect of Pennsylvania waa paid last night to Dr. Martin O. Brumbaugh and to Senator Penrose and Lieutenant Governor-elect Frank D. McClaln. More than 1CKW men nil prominent In the af fairs of the city and State, paid their respects to the three principal Republi can victors of the last election The affair, -with a single exception, was the largest ever held In the League. When a reception was given to1 Presi dent Taft at tho League on Lincoln's Birthday In 19U a throng that was com parable to that of last night attended. For almost two hours n lino of men fifed past the three leaders of the vic torious Republican ticket, shook their hands and congratulated them. In the line -were former Governors, Mayor Blankenburg nnd former Mayors, former presidents of the- Union League and leaders In the financial and professional world. Among those who greeted tho Governor elect, Senator Ptnroeo and Mr. McClaln, ' Were Judco Orladv.ii -who ha hn '1 prominently mentioned, as the next At r torney General: Louis -3. Kolb. who has been mentioned as a posslble.j'amlldata . tor Mayor; ex-Mayor Weaver, ex'-Oover- 'nor Stuart. ox-Judgo Olmner Beeber and is. x. Btotesbury, The threo guests received the mem bers of the League In the old cafe. In the old building. William T. Tllden, president of the Union eague, -who Is regarded aa a strong possibility for the Republican nomination for Mayor next year. Introduced tho League members to ,.tha threo Republican leodors. Next to htm stood Senator Penrose, then Vice President Jeffries, of tho League, Gover . tior-elect Brumbaugh was the central - figure In the receiving line. Senator Bproul stood next to him, and last In Jlne waa Mr. McClaln. t BURGLAR SUSPECT ADMITS i ESCAPING CONVICT CAMP Prisoner's Confession Causes Magis trate to Double Sail Bond. When Policeman Gregory emptied his revolver over tho head of Harry Miller, -of Baltimore, bringing the man to a halt. ' . ho did not know what an Important arrest was making. . MlHer told Magistrate Carson, In tho M and Dickinson streets police station today. Just who ho waa. Ho was not in tho least modest concerning his record. "" held orlctnally under VM ball for Court on the charge of attempted housebreaking, but ho so Impressed tho Magistrate that the ball was raised to Sillier was found by Oregory yester 4ay afternoon attempting to break Into" jtha Tealdenco of Samuel Moreno, 830 Dick Jason street Gregory brought Miller to a halt after a ch&so of several squares. Ho searched his prisoner and found' a blackjack and a Jimmy In his pockets. Miller told Magistrate Carson that while j- working in a convict camp, after having- i tpent soven years and threo months in f tho Trenton Penitentiary on the chargo .fit burglary, ho had eluded his guards f mAd escaped SOUP KITCHEN OPEN AHEAD OF TIME FOR UNEMPLOYED 3n. Ketehum Bays Condltlona la Hortheast Ar Worst la Tears. I "Purine the It years of tho existence I of tho Richmond Soup Soblety and Relief BAoclat!on wa have never fauit aimh J JBi i nil upen our resources as at preaeut," 4riW Mrs. Mllilmento W. Kelehura, tho iAiisti in. AwiBfioa. 'Too society's sobp kitchen, usually opened in January, ba oeen operating fc two weeks be C S&IM& of tho oalllt for MM .mafia limn .. ?is- . mhwu ui jifeaisona aaty at hor homo. SbU Frankford ave- sm, una at we neaaguarters, 3W9 Ann ! tine Conditions, sh says, are worse 5 than Utey have been In ers. S "la nwwrU ta CouacHs' appropriation 1 or , for rno rOUt of U poor. I hepo ' tkat sua, of tit asoay will be u4 to , kt lb UMnnnloMd ta Krtgtoa," Mrs. ' JgoJchui 4 tofcy "Wo ar doing- all wo ur lor tb tsuBiUnf of mm wt of "At proi.i.,o mli up ai many i Chttms kuiac a tar Tmhii otmu. j WiM It U 'tBU w aro txMtios in a t -tim mm for w cjwrtn, ft t ittew f mit $ Hitioo when oy call on M "3rby ar sa csarly clad and biy t Hmt Vfa eeJ a lnw tat tsoro turn WMr Vkt thorn ail uvar (a noizbeor- Want Iwi) tor Cm of Bng- Vmn nw yOftIC pc n, -? Now Torts cwouaM t tria too wa mad urn - j-ahfi fwtuht rw. tt whlca Swig ui .7v-u4 p pinnt, a -UK ,nj fcrtgOBtttlvos) ts un4 trf Jtedstaiv to urg that Mt8t mwm t It. ii.e 4m isa- .iws ,jAjji as Isaktti VAfiNT lit few ewSa Um. IHO fi: -- -ii ' : ' TriEWROt CHILDREN W AWf wrj rJ THE. SHOW 0FAIR. GUEST fUCHARWCW; ANHOUKCUl VAST PROFITS OF FILM TRUST ALLEGED IN SUIT TJ. S. Attorney flays 10 Manufac turers Made 10OO Per Cent. In 1011. Edwin P. Grosvenor, special assistant to Attornoy General Gregory, In maklnir the final argument In the Government's dissolution suit against tho so-callod moving picture trust, revealed to Judge Dickinson, In the United States District Court today, the amazing profits derived by tho General Film Company, an ad junct of the alleged combine, after It had forced competing oxchango dealers out of business. Of the 113 competing exchnnges before the formation of the General Film Company, only one survives, he said. Sixty-eight were absorbed by the General Film Company, and the rest were compelled to go out of business be cause of the unreasonable restrictions In the licenses Issued by this constituent to the allogcd trust. In the first IS months of Its existence the General Film Company expended more than (1,000,000 for tho purchase of Independent exchanges, moro than M,000, 000 moro to manufacturers, producers and exhibitors In tho combine, and paid 7 per cent, on Its preferred stock and 12 per cent, on the common to Its shurc liolders. On an Investment of $10,000 each 10 manufacturers mado a profit of 1C00 per cent. In 1911, Mr. Grosvenor Bald. It coat Lewis M. Swaab, an exchange dealer of this city, $10 a mlnuto for 10 minutes, Mr. Grosvenor declared, for departing from a regulation In tho license agreement relating to the time for the release of Alms. Swaab had a requisi tion from a Baltlmoro exhibitor for films to be produced before noon. In order to fill tho order, Swaab v,an obliged to Telease the films at 1:10 a. m. to catch the 8 o'clock train for Baltimore. The hour set by the General Film Company for the release of films was 8 o'clock. For violating tho provisions of his license agreement Swaab was fined J 100 by the manufacturers, under the penalty of having his supply curtailed If he failed to pay the penalty. "Isn't that an arbitrary Interference In Interstate commerce with tho rights of an American citizen?" demanded the Government's lawjer. Mr. Grosvenor urged that the Govern ment had proved that every aot of the derendanus was Intended to obtain a monopoly and restrain trade. Counsel for the defendants will sub mit paper books of argument, and Judge Dickinson will announce his decision later. STATE DENTAIi EXAMINATIONS' Forty-two Philadelphia Students Take Last Tests for the Year. Forty-two Philadelphia dental students took the last of the State Board Dental examinations In. Musical Fund Hall to day Tho examinations were conducted by Dr. John J. Momtt and Dr. Alexander H. Reynolds. Tomorrow the students will be given tests In the physical branches of dentistry, Students passing the State examina tions this year are not required to be graduates of a high school or equivalent institution, but a recent act of Assembly rules that after January 1 all students matriculating In dental schools must have such training. HEAVY WEIGHTS STRAIN "Do not exercise with heavy weights; they tend to strain the muscles and are, therefore. Injurious. Exercise with light weights la very healthful." This advlca was given to more than 1000 University of Pennsylvania athletes and students In the gymnasium after chapel service this morning by Fantell, tho -weight lifter Fantell lifted Ave men, including Ed ward Russell, Edward (Mayberry, of the football squad,, and Jerry Jeremiah, a heavyweight wrestler, of the University, TODAY'S MABBIAOE LICENSES Edward It Malar, COS H. Tth it, and Mary U Uurnhy. DOl N. FTnklln it v-ranum bi. 10 imago t . and UilMi uiussntr, uiu lil Crtlf. loos Torrexlsl Hujb J. Monro JS1H l'trUa t, and Ana. ., ft Rauhon. SOI N SSth It. Francx liucctlls, lOOi Bllw$rth st, a4 Ida. Ola-nnirarU. 311 FVriu.n mr BUwud moma, 1UT B SCth St., and CUudi rurrlnitoa. lsis 6. 10th t. UiWn. tilt w Yerk St., saa Kane Rbrt FlnUy.Sio N Uut f , sn4 Loulta , FlnUy.Sio N Uut at , 4rt!3 1C. KARlATIAt Bt. O.orsa K Whlta, Slt3 Hope at., Jid NW 0 lluaairora, Hlfl N. Frot at iUtth. 11 Ryan, 1JM N l$ti at. aod Siml rotat. Baraa A. MltMwlI, ISO! Alder st John H. Taylcr Ltxxu Isluui, 4 SlUbth II Wilas. Ills & rtlaw , bath W Niels aiw fIv st J.SU Lvjt.lf1 N. 7th it . sad yruw " ?r-kJP'M? rc..,, . H8vWVb ."f.m . -ma -. i, 4W H .., ' " . TL- VIA M9 n a.. aa4 ka la N & at. and Vlar- Vv Ur J gk- n M4 jpst IrwlH O f Bwr sn Mj?5 ifeii isafitr LOCAL FIBE RECOUP - u atnuMsm . i . Mm uu tmtwm pf Me nam. -S!. LA.'SiaWKT Vmamm& u;o ui -' II Kl Si Mlprft. wa eSSH.-3Ha MTtS til a. . -v ' " mm 4r iib"w" EVENIKG LEDGEB-PHIL'ABErPHTA', FRIDAY, DECEMBER A "NIGHT IN BOHEJHAM WITH THE PEN AND PENCIL J& wu " HaihtY ET5lE FOS.TBE 8EL6IMI! "COCAINE RUINED ME," SOBS MAN WHO ROBBED MOTHER F. G. Justlco Snys He Did Not Know What He Was Dolnp;. "Cocalno caused my downfall. It got me nnd I can't help mjself," sobbed Franklin C. Justice, 23 years old, of 1031 Amsterdam avenue, New York, when ho faced Mnglstrato Morris In the 19th anl Oxford streets station this morning charged with attempting to rob his own mother. "I have been eating pills for hours be fore I tried to rob mother and I didn't know what I wns doing until the detec tives camo In and nrrceted me." Justice was arrested yesterday In the apartment of his mother, Mrs. S. J. Jus tice, 1911 Columbia nvonuo. Ho had taken valuablo clothing nnd Jewolry from various trunks in tho apartment and placed them In a suit case preparatory to leaving with them whon his Bister walkod In. Justlco enmo to Philadelphia from Newv York several days ago, after ho had been onco paroled from tho Hunt ingdon Reformatory. Two years ago tho young man backed a. furniture wagon up to his mother's home and carted awny all her furniture, which ho sold t6 second-hand dealers.',t!;.at Mrls held the man under 1500 ball for court. Hairy Devlin, 21 years old, and Clar- .r.c,.,IInb-Jrkcrn' 21 yenrs M. both of HI West Cumberland street, faced Magis trate Glenn, In tho th and York streets station, this morning on the charge of robbing their landlord, August Long, of the Cumberland fctreet addresi They stole articles of Jewelry and clothing. It was testified, valued at J60. Each was hold under WOO ball. COCAINE SELLER SENTENCED John C. Henderson, who is considered thoj most persistent of traffickers In cocaine and other drugs, was convicted In Quarter Sessions Court today and sentenced to six months In the county prison by Judge Reed Henderson has been in Treated nine times on cocalno charges, but always managed to oacnpe conviction Until him trial nn.. ' MARTINE AND THE PRESIDENT AT PARTING OF THE WAYS Friction Over Collectorshlp Cause Political Break, May WASHINGTON, Dec ll.-Senator Mar tine, of New Jersey, Is at the parting of the ways with President Wilson over the appointment of George Hampton, of Bridgeport, N. J as Collector of In ternal Revenue for the 1st New Jersey district Significance Is attached to the bieak because Senator Martlne owes his election to the Senate through Mr. Wil son's personal support and Is one of the President's closest advisers. Senator Martlne has protested in vain against the regular appointment of Mr. Hampton, whose nomination was sent to the Senate Wednesday and la prepared to fight It to the tast ditch. "I cannot believe that the President has nominated Mr. Hampton as a piece of spite work because 1 voted against the Panama canal tolls bill," said Sen ator marine today. , "Mr Hampton was first temporarily ap pointed Collector during tho recess of Congress. THINGS A WrfffWV 1 V X i 1 V aL,l r E 1 I mJ v VS ' ' yi. JT i w. y? it, i "" " "in the shadh of -n 1 ITHe PIT) APPLE TBECJ Jf f o MMUUtK TANNEfl VJVSX EMPHATIC Hrr )) & IK Vm VJt 'aft'vf-' tf?W flttfSiCBOrU. HAD ITS NMINC3S (ABOUT.,. WANT TO EXCHANGE AN OLD CAMERA FOR AUTO? CAN BE DONE Harry C. Turner Tells of Remarkable Series of "Swaps" Which Finally Brought Him a Motorboat. Havo jou an old second-hand box camera that ou would llko to swap for a soven-passengor touring car In good working order, or eight building lots or a chugging motorboat on tho Schuylkill? Impossible, you say? Not a bit of It It's been done right here In Philadelphia. Harry C. Turner, 6032 Knox street, Ger mantow'n, camo home one night and looked with onnut at his box camera. Not that It wasn't a good machlno, becauso )t was. It had originally cost )2S, nnd was worth at, least half that much. But he was tired of It. The many pictures tho thing had taken satiated him and he determined to get lid of It He Inserted a small ad In the exchange-ond-sale column of a newspaper and sat donn and wnlted. He didn't have long to -wait A few days later a man with a white elephant came to talk business with him. The white elephant was nn organ, the tones of which had begun to weary the man. Turner and the organ-owner swapped ele phants. GOT RICYCLE FOR THE ORGAN. When tho organ's music began to pall, Turner exchanged It for a bloycle. Then he longed for music again, and bartered nlth a man who possessed a phonograph. The outcomo was that Turner swapped his bicycle for the talking machine. Its outfit and 123 to boot That was not the end.. Like Alexander the Great, Turner longed for mora worlds to conquer. He continued putting ads In the exchange-and-sale column. "I really became Interested when I got that phonograph," said Turner, "and I determined to work out the trading pos sibilities to tho end, although at first I had only entered Into It for amusement, "I traded the phonograph to an Eng lishman for three oil paintings. That was the best deal I had made so far. When a man offered me eight building lots at Anglesea for the masterpieces, I nearly fell over." The real estate, however, was not aa promising aa It sounded, for the prospec tive buyer and the owner had to Hire a rowboat to make a (our of inspection. Nevertheless. Turner assumed ownership of the island lots and cheerfully paid 3 for tho transference. AUTO HIS NEXT ACQUISITION. It was a stroke of genius; not long afterward, whan he advertised the lots for sale or exchange, a man and his wife ottered a seven-passenger Ranter auto mobile for the property. He hired a row boat and took the couple to see the lots, SWAPPING EXPERT CAN il iM -M V MR gEORGE BREWAH LEAP$ II JOKO- CLUB I . i i i I . i i I ' I ') !' 1 m MR. CXTTELLvyj V THERE OF COURit. expecting them to decline to trade. Rut they didn't. They wnnted the real es tate ns an Investment for their daughter and wero witling to hold the untaxed land for SO or more years. "They took the lots," said Turner, "and the property Is Increasing In value every day." Tho automobile, which cost $1000 when new, served Turner nnd his family for six months, aftrr which he irnded It for a 30-foot motorboat, which also went through a term of service. When nn offer of $373 for the boat camo Tumor snnpped It up mid bought it smaller boat -with part of tho proceeds. Hero ho rested on his laurels nnd re fused to t ratio further, nlthough he had accumulated enough money to buy dozens and dozens of cameras. "Uesldei proving very profitable, ray trading was n sourco of pleasure to me," said Turner, "nnd I had the use of ovcry one of tho articles In tho chnln which I" traded. The beauty of tho trading was that every one was satisfied, in his ex change, nnd there were no disturbed con sciences nftcr tho swaps. I was partic ularly fortunate, in that the value of my goods Increased with oach trade. "Here's the secret of the popularity and .advantage of trading getting rid of Junk." FAKE CLAIM CHARGED Man Accused of Defrauding Kapld Transit Company. Charges of perjury were preferred ngalnst Morris Lelsbs, 231 GasktU street, by Special Agent Frank Gasklll, of tho Rapid Transit Company, in the 32d street and Woodland avenue police station to day, Lclses settled with the P. R. T. Co, for 130 for Injuiles alleged to have been re ceived on August 17, when a car in which ho waq riding took flro at 7th and South streets. An Investigation by agents of the company convinced them that Lclses' claim was false. A further Investigation showed that his wife had given testimony in another enso also considered false by Special Agent Gasklll. After Lelses had been questioned at the company's office. Magistrate Harris held him under (1030 ball for court. INQUEST INTO TWO DEATHS Coroner Probes Downtown Murder and Suicide. The Coronor held nn Inquest today Into the death of Hannah R. Conway, 2254 South Hemberger street, and Jesae P. Adams, a petty officer in the United States navy, who shot and killed the young woman last Tuesday and commit ted suicide. Miss Conway had refused the attentions of Adams. LOCKED TIP AS P.EQUESTED Frank MoGlnnls, 23 years old, after seeking employment for a month and failing, walked into a drugstore at 20th and Oxford streets last night and tele phoned to the 23th and Oxford streets station for the police. When a patrol manned by policemen arrived, expecting to find a fight, McGlnnls told them he had sent In the call for them to arrest him. This morning ho told Magistrate Mor ris that he wanted to bo sent to the House of Correction, so he could not walk the streets, He said he spent bis laat cent and now has no home. He was sentenced to ope month. COLLECT ; II. 191fr LOADED DIE AT U. OF P.J ANCIENT ROME TO BLAME Hello Shows Egypt Wasn't the Only Home of Guile. Where ! the vaunted honor 'of old n; . The Iron cod thut mde the stetn JnMe eena HU tullty son. to death. a Jirtuo homo. And luetic etrnth to msVe th tyrsm WheiSt there honor in a land "Jf -bt To Ewpt, scorned for thievery and vice, Thst which her sons had never known, nor . ,.. JnA alnA nt iifi loeded dice? . .. Thounh Bsrnum, lmou ehowmen, sot tns For '-on. torn .rr minute," nome Hr.t e.ld It. Home's Blory Is fading at the University of Pennsylvania, but her reputation for wisdom, of a sort. Is ffolng up. Inci dentally some of the great Achievements of modernity are turning oui ."?."' frlngements and copies of original Ideas by the ancients. Mtllo by little the evidence is tumma up that Barnum, as he was known by the present generation, waa a plagiarist and gave no credit when he niched a phrase, or that the Barnum of tho twen tieth century waa a reincarnation of a previous circus man. ' Tho higher-ups of today's underworld well may blush for shame when they learn that a loaded die Ima been discov ered among Kgyptlan relics at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, n die loaded o cleverly thai not even an expert could detect It unless something made him suspicious. Tho bone cube Is so prepared with concealed cement that tho "six" always turns up Search la now being made for a mato to this die, one that will always turn up the "one" or the "five," so ns to make, In the parlance of tho rolling rnttlers, n natural. The londrd dlo was made In Rome. Hut loaded dice do not tell the wholo story of what the Kgyptlans knew. There nlso has been found In the collection, donated to the university by Mrs. Dllttjn Parish, of lxindon, formerly of this city, a complete counterfeiting set. Those finds made the authorities of the musoum suspicious. Hardening their hearts, they resolved to delve deeper nnd exposo to the world the full story of 'Kome's Iniquity. SAYS P. R. R. HAS RATE DELUSION Continued from Face One o'clock, when Acting Chairman Penny packer announced that ho would bo un able to be present this afternoon. Com missioner Emory It. Johnson took his place when the hearing wns reopened nt 2.30 o'clock. Following the discussion upon tho chargo of collusion Edwin Jf. Abbott, representing the Commuters' Associa tions, began general argument ngalnst the Incrcnses, When asked after the adjournment whether granting of tho 5 per cent, freight Increase by the Interstate Com merce Commission would havo any In fluenco upon their decision In the pas senger case several of the commlulnn. ers replied that, while the cases were no doubt related, the' freight question was not under their jurisdiction, nnd they would have to decide the passenger case upon its own merits nETURNS EXPECTED BY P. n. H. In responso to Interrogation by Mr. Pennypacker nt the morning session, Mr. Fell said thnt tho Pennsylvania hoped to realize a return of $8,000,000 If the 5 per cent, freight Increase were granted by the Interstate Commerco Commission and a return of $2,000,000 should It be permitted to make the pas senger Increase effective December IB. Efforts on the part of the commuters' attorneys to delve Into the Investments and subsidiary holdings of the Pennsyl vania wero thwarted by Mr. Pennypacker, who said, In ruling these questions out of order; "I think the" real question Is commuta tion Increases and the general affairs of the railroad, nnd the question whore Its money may be invested Is Irrelevant. The remarks of Mr. Pennypacker made it evident that the commission Intended to confine whatever ruling It may mako strictly to the matter of commutation In creases and changes, and not to touch the general passenger Increase. Prior to the hearing nttornpys for the com muters had Indicated that they would light every Inch of the railroads plea, not only opposing the commutation changes, but tho general Increases as well. In addition to Acting Chairman Penny packer, commissioners sitting were Emory n. Johnson, S. La Rue Tone. Jill ton J. Brecht and Charles F. Wright Frank A. Wallace, of Erie, waa absent. More than a score of prominent railroad officials representing all the companies in tno East were present. RAIOIOADS' "LEAN TEARS," When Jlr, Pennypacker called the hear ing to order at 0:30 o'clock. Ward W, Plerson was asked o conduct the cross examination of Jlr. Felt. Mr. Plerson de voted all his efforts to shew that the in crease planned waa unwarranted and un reasonable In View of the returns and profits of the Pennsylvania Railroad dur ing the past few years. He contended that one or two bad years, during a period of general finan cial deprefcslon, would not justify any rate Increase. There are fat and lean years, he said, with the railroads, as with ovary other corporation, and thej. stockholders should be mado bear the burdens of the lean years Instead of the public, Harpld q, Bhertx and Edwin M. Abbott conducted the cross-examination pf R. J. Pe Lpwr, assistant general passenger agent for the Pennsylvania. Mr, De Long, in his replies, was frequently ad vised by George W. Boyd, general pas' senger traffic manager, who sat by his side. The cross-examination brought out tho fact that Philadelphia hod been the vie tlm of unusual discrimination In the mat ter of commutation Increases, in tha opinion 6f tho commuters' lawyer. Books of the company presented showed that New York was enjoying better commuta tion service at a cheaper rate than Phila delphia and that no Increase, had been sufgexted for New York. - CAPITAL STOCK INCRBASBD. Mr. Plerson in questioning Mr. Fell asked It it wore not true that, tha Fona sylvanU from uu until January, WH, had tnorad its capital stock from $,eoo to $i),W0. and that during thU tjra. tha eowpany had been abU ta Improve its traew and stations and at tho same W?i IS5r..t?ul?r e plr etflt 4WJends. Mr. Fell admitted that this was tru. tlaued," that you have a, surplus fund of wmm into wblch you. Mid jIjoo.Sh during this timer" w-a to, FU al answered in. tea - ABKBD "HW A Luaf In trtagiag up the ooeaparailvo Inooma from the frlb.t and tho passoagor m- . Mr. 7aayaokr V4n.d ta U. w. u. mwusi gMi ootiaut the Vwanaytvtja. at geij. in aiOng a a per Lent. triht i,. .t.. yu rttmHi that ouoa aaamouai wll WW MMtasTl" "fe," Mr Mi.. MtU "tk.t - ... wiit . vttiM rLfirl t2r. ,? , BMM- MAYOR RECEIVES BILL TO PROVIDE . RELIEF FOR POOR Expected to Sign $50,000 Appropriation, Though Opposed to Principle of! City Almsgiving. Mayor Blankenburg received this mbfhf Ing for his signature or veto the ir-.n.." fer bill passed by Councils yesterday tKat 'A carries an appropriation of 150,000 for re lief of tho city's unemployed. If the Mayor approves the bill, tho money be comes Immediately available. By the proviilons of the relief meas ure, the $30,009 Is to be expended by the Department of Health and Charities through the Emergency Aid Committee. Although It Is expected that tho Jlayor' III ,.. ,U. lilt .... .-.I - rviu mttu Mia uiu, ouuu ucuon IS not COn-' sldered as certain. The attitude of the Mayor from the start of the agitation to relieve tho tin employed by municipal funds has been regarded as more in favor of relief through existing charitable organizations'1 supported by private contributions, which could bo Increased to meet the prejent- emergency. Indication of that sentiment on the part of tho Administration forces wns evi denced In Common Council yesterday when Robert D. Drlpps, of the 22d Ward, floor leader of the minority Independents, spoko ngalnst tire appropriation as a ' measure creating n bad precedent, one that would attraot dependents to the city, increase tho burdens of charity and cripple existing charitable organizations by leading their supporters tp believe that tho city would meet tho emergency and that private support was not essential. URGES EMPLOYMENT, NOT ALMS. Mayor Blankenburg sent a mesasW'to Councils voicing his opposition to 'th appropriation and urging Councils 'to'cre ate employment for tho Idle men of the city rather than render them tho recipi ents of municipal alms. He advised that Councils should leave the matter of alms giving to tho charitable organizations thnt are supported by prtvato contribu tions. The Mayor cited In his message action taken along relief lines by 13 cities. He snld- "It Is evident that conditions In other cities nro about the samo as in Philadelphia. Somo cities aro proposing to meet the problems of unemployment by making special appropriations and bond Issues for Immcdlato public work, and by establishing municipal lodging houses. "So far aa I have been able to learn, no American city has as yet made n direct money appropriation for outdoor relief. Tho consensus of opinion seems to be that work, nnd not relief. Is what the unem ployed want and need." Mrs. A. J. Cassatt. chairman of tho Emergency Aid Committee, and Mrs. John C. Groomo, chairman of the homo relief division of tha committee. Issued a state ment yesterday Indicating full confidence that tho committee would receive tho ap propriation. W. ,REDW,00D WRIGHT'S WILL His yrtdow Inherits Estate Valued at ?125,O00. The J125.000 estate of William Redwood Wright, former City Treasurer, who died In the Germantown Hospital December 3, Is bequeathed to the widow, Letltla E. Wright. Tho will was admitted to pro bate today. Personal property comprises 100,000 of tho estate. Mrs Wright and Sydney L. Wright, a brother of the tes tator, are named executors In the will. Other testaments probated, today are; Matthew K. Gale, late of 6412 Mascher street, whose estate 1b estimated at 519, S00; Hannah A. Shoemaker, 2038 Arch street, (10,000; Charles J. Jones, who did In Camden, N, J., $10,000; Llzzlo F. Fuba, 3T0 Ljceum avenue, J9380; Lydl B. Woodward, 602 North 22d street, $3920; Samuel Candy, 2243 Bridge street, $3700; Alvls Elsele, 2102 North 2d street, S28Q0. Personal property of Lewis Wllley has been appraised at $1807.73 and Fannie Bloch, $3731.83. OPPOSES CITY'S SOBRIQTJET Ex-Cougresaman Challenges night ta Use Quaker Appellation. WASHINGTON, Dee. lL-The right or Phtladelphlans to call their home the "Quaker City" -was challenged before a Senate subcommittee this afternoon by ex-Congresaman Linden Kvans. of Chi cago. Mr, Evans was attacking a bill intro duced by Senator Kern, providing the name of any religion or religious or ganisation cannot' be used as a trad mark. This, Evans said, would compel ' manufacturers of oatmeal, whisky, atoveo and other articles with "Quaker" names to change their labels. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WABHIKGTON, Dee. IL Eastern Pennsylvania: Partlr tonight and Saturday: slightly For cloudy colder tonight; light ta moderate north west winds. For New Jersey; Cloudy tonight and Saturday, freezing temperature tonight. Tha coast disturbance has moved north eastward and ia passing out of the field of observation this morning. The western area of high barometer has drifted south ward and is central oer Arkansas. It caused a general decrease in temperature In 1 the Southern States, with frost or freezing almost to the GWf coast Tem peratures below sero are reported from all of the Nqrlhern Plains States. light rain has occurred at a few places along the North Atlantic coast and snow flurries were general In the Oblo basin and the southern portion of the Lake region dur. Ing the last 24 hours. The skies are clear ing over eastern Canada and New Pog land. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin . ObMftaUena made at 8 m s. Wutra Urn. Ial naln. v1a- Btatioa. S a.m. n't. un.wimi iT7wiiu Auitot, tx so m '. a a aaa K&flMI k fjen. Vt6 MS ,r.ti..,o ata,itjr, p !(? a i ctquit hw 4 a-iusuiy WW, 8HJ. X W S OUHMy KHffM V. 2? ffi 1 nw 4 $W fiff on g ee nw j.o fegr li&IS fim- nattwsa, N C. M Bw II P clou,. ffolona, Mont., a 4 SW 10 Clr &skvttl.PU, m Wtt S Cteodr UuUvlUfc foe. f t M g SjSj fcwr; uu J& ffe-'JL A 3 i hi as. a zs M, u J ii-Jtcs in; it Rki 149 h ii P ft ' - 1- - - . 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