VMrTrviiiasSSBKOISXiJSfi NIGHT" EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA (9pF txsttan t e Ttillfcl i fl li PRICE OltfE CEUT ra tLYfmrr 4tir ' a- r i ! t & "I I' i-aro. ?t niHADEiiPmA, Friday, December 11, 1014. Copt.tanr.10H.Bi tnn Pctio Iwa Commst. -. t - ieezV; women and events that: figure in the news of the day here and abroad HOW A GREAT DREADNOUGHT LOOKS WHEN BLOWN INTO THE AIR FROM A GIANT EXPLOSION BENEATH The London Mirtor printed these photographs as having been taken at the instant the battleship Bulwark was blown up smoke, completely concealing the ship; the second shows the explosion at its climax with the air full of debris and, flying ell recently off Sheerness, at the mouth of the Thames, when the vessel .burst into fragments. The British said an exploding timber, and the third shows the cloud of smoke and gas as it began to settle. It is said that' a photographer was preparing Ml magazine was, responsible, the Germans said a submarine did it. The first picture shows the first burst of water and to take the ship at the time,- nbt dreaming she would explode as he pressed his bulb. Only 20 members of thft crew survived- 1J JH'i-.waiLMUuuwi " imiiii ' mil ...n mn JiMmxmzm - - - t - .- il I, ,1 jl 1 1 BBWMBwBBBBKiBBBBlBMMiwBBBf jwjjiXiiiJ-"" "''ijJi frnwi irrrnf irinni t T'n i i-- " t r' "i r i " f ''i 111 iTiiiiiiiiini i i m 1 1 ii . j u --Til j "11.1 i vi i lm.illi.i Lmj-nu 1 1 1 u. it i ,. .... ..v u,..vta ifiiitM).ij.ii ij'i i hi. ii nil . ...' . "m 1 1 BbVbebbbbbbbbbbbbYbK JHHHflM.BsHBIHHB8Ki.HBBHHBBKHHiiHHm' vrisiSsTw h PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION IN SESSION TO CONSIDER PASSENGER RATE CASE From left to right, lower row, the members are Milton J. Brecht, A. Larue Tone, former Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker, Emory R. Johnson and ine nnotoprann was taicen in tne councils finance room in i:itv jMnii Hint hftfnr thr honrinn hoamn vntrHu h. anmi. rn u. ;i-,j. rr....A . t- t... a. .- crease tn rates was made necessary lijmrauters were offered a chance to give their testimony today. They contend Philadelphia travelers are unjustly discriminated against Charles F. Wright GIRL ARTIST WHO WON $1000 "PRIZE Miss Alice I. Riddle at her easel. Her plan for decorating the library of the West Philadelphia High School was prqnounced the best and most original submitted. She is 22 years old. -3L 1 - BmStF . '.- ''A ' -V . '- '...-;-; . . mm ' ' 'fife. ' ' .. , , ' i , ' i . i ii i ,i JB9BhBJBBJHwjvBBBJBPt 3 sBSB9B aBSf?. S? hvk IBjVSR&KBlBf vHbibHHB I III xBHjvBIBBSSBVaR tt BJB BBBBjBB&iBJBnBBBBMr' &BBBjbKPBBJsBBB Jl&s?i BBB9 JPBBBr hT Bj BJBBBflBBBflE 7 hVBBBBvXBBBBBBBPjBBBBVIVVJBjpJI I I BBBBaswtfRiwfr jyfttwgHgB SBfirlw IBBBBBIf 44hBk. bHjjB Pw- yBJsBJ f w ' JflBBxfiW bKBi BBBBBBBB. & p '" iBABBBBBBBBBBBBBBIfliflBBBBBBBB BJBaBfe iftfifiBJBMEijjP'u ---wBfJ Ibi ' KHAtffeMliA Hbmw. miBBEs PmBISEBBBm . . I I 1 HI 11 GSBHAN SOLDIERS BUILD ENKMY OK SHOW TO SHOOT AT Trpf or ti Kii-'a rtn? ve aatosiai; tbemMiv JuiUig kiue hour by fitting paow ti6y witba 8igtan (f dfi WttfcfB i owter v little fcugk p4 4trice. Tlie ntan e i-ssjWJ 1A ti the tio&t. TW fteNo- Ht fKuMINENT IN P1PINU HUFg Of PEAl f Sui.e c rfre t,Utj.-4 c-tUt.., h4j it.j.ed Lrtw isii , et f, f., r -, , 5- j Ua i;iJA4y iIj I. c ...- k !j-,--uA-K,eiisiafeSSaeBassaaafiei r-.-:su -r -.- - ? r - f-: " "r -- : i.-sas. j---j-s's':bimb;bss