Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 10, 1914, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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JLowicz in Flames From
Kaiser's Shells, But Furi
ous Fight Near Mlawa
Subsides Lodz Victory
petrograd, dc. 10.
The Kaiser's Poland army advancing on
a EO'tnllo lino from How, near Lowlcs,
to Qlovno was repulsed with enormous
losses, according to today' statement
from the War Omce.
The fury dt conflict on the Mlawa
SoIdaU line, whence the Germans are
aiming a how drive on Warsaw, has sub
sided. X.
Persistent attacks) within 40 miles of
Warsaw afa' admitted by the War Of-
Night attacks by the' Germans In the
battle now going on In' the region about
Lowlcs, 'Poland, have- .been repulsed by
the Russians. The German attacking
columns were revealed by searchlights
Used by tits Russians, " and the. assailing
forces suffered serious Idsses,, according
to an atrtclal Statement made today at
thn AVar Office.
Lowlcs Is being bombarded by the Ger
mans and part of tlid town Is In flames.
The Kaiser's troops are fighting to gain
possession of the railroad between 'Qlovno
and Lowlcz, but their attempts have re
sulted In failure thus far.
The Russian military expert's assert
that the evacuation of Lodz .by the Rus
sian troops, which wa announced last
night, will be of no benefit to the Ger
mans, because they will bs unable to
break the Russian lines, east of Lodz.
The campaign against' Cracow has not
yet reached a successful termination.
Fighting la going on In aallcla south of
Cracow, with the opposing forces alter
nately taking tha offensive.
Continued from I'nicr One
cessation of Russian advance in these
' Turkish forces, under Subhi Bey,
'ex-Governor of Basra, surrendered to.
the British after three days' fighting
In the Tigris Valley. The British
nov hold the entire region along the.
Persian border. Kurna has been oc
cupied by the British.
The German cruisers Nurnberg and
Dresden, which escaped when the
three warships were sunk by the Brit
ish off Falkland Islands, are reported,
to have been caught and sunk. Ad
miral von Spce, German Commander,
is believed to have gbtte down' with
his ship.
Admiral von Spec's flagship, the
Scharnhorst, with the Gneisenau and.
the light. cruiser Leipzig were sunk,
with the estimated loss of 2000 men
and officers. The British squadron is
commanded by Admiral Sir Frede
rick Sturdee.
ffllie Kaiser suffered a severe cough
mgfattack. His condition is believed
aJakinrj of Przasnysr Marks Advance
in New Movo oa Warsaw.
RERUN,. Dec. 10.
A, German victory at Przasynsz, a town
of Poland north of the Vistula River,
resulting in? the capture of that place and
prisoners, was announced here today.
The town was taken only after hot
lighting to stop tho German admance.
This victory Is highly significant, as
It marks a decided German advance In
the new drive, on Warsaw from the north,
reposed earner this week.
The capture of Lodz la regarded here
as the turning point In the Polish cam.
palgn. While the General Staff's brief
announcement of the retreat of the Rus
tans probably only refers to tho region
adjacent to Lodz, It Is regarded as highly
probable that the capture of the city will
compel the Russians to withdraw to more
easterly and southerly parts of Poland,
because their connections with Warsaw
are endangered.
Even Seforo tho fall of Lods, German
military men noted that Russian efforts
to break the German lines had been
abandoned. Highly pessimistic feelings In
retrograd, reported here by way of Scan
dinavian countries, have given encourage
ment to the view that the Russian power
Of offensive has already passed its zenith
, and that further operations will virtually
.deajde the war In the Bast In favor of
Germany and Austria and that this will
determine the general result,
Austrtans continue to advance south
yard from Belgrade, but. tha Servians
have, been reinforced and " are making
strong attaeks on the Austrian army
xspttkOne from the West.
tr Joha yrenob. Also Congratulates
Sturdee, LONDON. Dee. 1.-Klng Oerge today
sent a meae of eoagratulaMaa to
Vie Adsairai Sir Frederick Standee and
tM Jpil Of his flt for theJr Victory
ever t Qtrmsiiia and the sinkfe of
Llps; ft Falkland Islands,
. 0nwi Wr Jr K4oh, eeramawiw.
fci-Cfckf of to British Uad forces, aUa
.jm W g to Amupu. BlBfgee oa
fcatatf of tfc army. Id tba mtasage he
"I asagnUuiata yo ad tits Ad
tattaity oa having pfaeUesJiy awtpt tsa
Mt clr of tt euMHjk'a Mas."
X wtmw of oouaratjuUUo was also
MeefwA U4y fa if. Aagasnatir.
Mtaistar af iUtitut of Fraaot, by Wteu-
to OwisahJW. Sir L4 a tkt Btfttek
UOtJWOS. duo- --Th Jrtoo Of
('Diversion of Troops From Belgian to Ppland Front. T.ndi
i . , edtes to Expert That Even Kaiser's Pre- ' ;
By J. r. T. MASON
NEW TORK, Dec. ".-Official confir
mation Is now forthcoming of the Inti
mation' that the Germans have withdrawn
troops from the western front for opera
tions against Russia. Petrograd esti
mates six army corps and five cavalry
divisions, about 300,000 men, have been
added to the German strength In Poland
within the last fortnight. Part of this
force Is declared to have come from
France and Belgium, hut Petrograd docs
not state the proportion,
The gains the Allies are now making
In Flanders and northern France, fol
lowing tho long weeks of slow requite
ments subsequently, mean a very con
siderable change In German strength. Of
S0O.O0O reinforcements sent to Von Illn
denburg, probably one-half, and possibly
more, have been withdrawn from tho
west. Whether the seasoned veterans
can be returned to Ilelglum and France
Is a crucial matter for Germany. That
Oermany has had to divert troops from
one frontier for work on thn other means
beyond any doubt tho limit of supply of
munitions has been reached,
The official French estimates of Ger
many's present battle line strength, cou
pled with German census figures, show
there are probably a million men In Ger
many with military training apart from
the untrained civilian population who
havo not been sent to tho front. When,
Continued from l'nso One
thn South Atlantic are pursuing the
Nurnberg and the Dresden, which es
caped, although damaged, after tho battle.
It Is ofllclally stated that tho Scharn
horst, the Gneisenau and the Leipzig were
sent to the bottom and the loss If llfo
Is estimated at 000 men and ofllcers.
Thus does Britain avenge the loss In
tho South Pacific on November 1 of the
Good Hope and the Monmouth, with Rear
Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock nnd tho
men of the two cruisers.
Tho announcement of the victory was
accompanied by an Injunction to news
papers to forego discussion of the possi
ble formation' of the British squadron,
slnco "other combinations may bo effect
Thero nro believed to have been nine
warships In the British fleet under Vlco
Admiral Sir -Frederick Sturdee, which de
feated the German fleet under Admiral
Graf von' Spee In the South Atlantic off
Falkland Islands on Tuesday, with the
loss of nearly 2000 lives.
The battleship Canopus, which arrived
too lata to take part In the engagement
off Chill on November 1, when two Eng
lish cruisers were sunk. Is believed to
have played a part In the sinking of the
German armored cruuers Scharnhorst,
Gneisenau, and- Leipzig.
The Canopus, however, Is a relatively
- alow ship, her best recent speed being
but 18.5 knots, while of the German
squadron tho Gneisenau had a speed of
21.8 knots; the Scharnhorst, 21 knots; the
Leipzig, 23.7 knots, and the Dresden and
Nurnberg, which escaped, about 2J knots
Although the Admiralty has remained
silent on the composition of Vice Admlrul
Sir Frederick Sturdee's fleet, It Is under
stood that among the other ships en
gaged against the Germans were tho
cruisers Shannon, Minotaur and Defence.
These three are sister ships of 11.600 tons
displacement, but they are rated at from
21.5 to 2X1 knots. Unless the German
ships are so foul, as a result of long
service In tropical waters,, that their speed
has been greatly reduced, these Britishers
will have some difficulty In overhauling
the Dresden and Nurnberg.
The British, however, probably have
still faster cruisers In the South Atlantic.
It Is not unlikely that one of these Is the
Invincible, rated at 23.6 knots, and with
a displacement of 17,250 tons, which was
reported to have left her home base some
time ago.
The Buenos Aires dispatch adds:
"A wireless message to the Ministry of
Marine from the commander of the Argen
tine war transport Ptedra Buena says
that three German merchantmen were
sunk by either British or Japanese men-of-war
off the coast of Terra Del Fuego,
at the southern extremity of South Amer
ica, on Sunday, There were Ave armored
ships and a transport in the fleet. One
of the German ships was sunk In the
roadstead of Plcton Sunday morning and
the other two were sent to the bottom
Sunday evening outside the harbor of
Pantalon. One of the steamships be
longed to the Cosmos Line."
Rejoicing over the victory swept
through tho British Isles like wildfire,
and today Vice Admiral Sir Frederick
Sturdee, wa acclaimed as the national
hero of the hour, Warm tributes to tha
British navy were paid by the press
and many buildings were decorated
with, flags In honor of the signal vic
tory. According to the Admiralty none of
the British ships suffered severe dam
age from German shells and the cas
ualties In the English fleet were light
Naval experts say that the victory is
another tribute to the roaster seaman
ship of the British navigators, the
pluck of the officers and Bailors and
the accuracy of the gunners.
In addition to the Dresden and tha
Nurnberg only two German warships are
now unaccounted for In those waters--the
Karlsruhe and tha Stressburg-raN
though strong rumors hays reached Lon
don that the Von der Tann also is in the
South Atlantic. Also there may be one
or two armed merchantmen which the.
Allies have not rounded up.
Nlali Exports Panic Among Invaders,
"Who Xeaa Hsavlly.
NIBH. Dee, fc.
The AuairUB. 9r tft invaded Servt
Is tratBg Ih disorder-Wdrlj ofl
paste. asaofdlNr ta an offleMl stftffit
from Sarvlaa headquarters. It adds; '
"On Saturday aloaa. when iW Aur
trians retreated precipitately Iran ifee
wbol front, tbay tost MM pmotfersJ
may taouatala cum and vast U4tt
uaa o swnaOHS. Tsa Auttrtaa
uwa Is aUaoct oomaistoly bfeksa.
P1iu-mj !; all
. 9mt atasiBd tmt:
I ! atajaona' rtm .
a3rfut tukt
Has Limits.
Instead of drawing on this force, the
wostern trenches are weakened Jo give J
von Illndenburg tho reinforcements lie
needs, there can be but one Interpreta
tion. Four months of devastating war
faro hove terminated even the unprece
dented preparedness of tha Germans.
Undoubtedly this limit would have
been reached before If tlege had not
fallon Into German possession, Liege Is
one of the world's greatest manufactur
ing centres of war supplies. Not only Is
It the Belgian Essen, but It Is also the
munitions factory for many of Europe's
smaller countries The Germans un
doubtedly have set oil tho furnaces and
forges of Liege going at full speed. The
supplies thuj turned out are forming a
splendid supplement to the Krupp out
put, and yet the wastage of war Is pre
venting the continuous arming of Ger
many's reserves.
It appears now as If Germany were
fast approaching the critical time of Its
double campaign. Hitherto the tactics
of Frederick the Groat, who held Kuropo
at bay by quick concentrations against
Isolated divisions of tho enemy, have
been followed by tho German Ocncrnl
Staff. It Is bebomlng, however, moro
nnd more dangerous to contlnuo these
tactics, becauso tho enemy's strength Is
growing. For the flrst tlmo elnco tho
war started tho German raco back nnU
forth between frontiers Is beginning to
make tho men pant,
Gains South of Arras and in
the Argonne Claimed by
French Crown Prince's
Army Menaced.
PARIS. Dec. 10..
Slight gains by iho Allies In tho region
of Le Quesnoy and Sandechy, south of
Arras, and an Increase in 'th:o violence of
tho artillery flro along the Alsno were
reported In tho official statement Issued
by the French' War Office this afternoon.
The French declare that In tho Argonne
their guns nre showing superiority over
tho German artillery, while tho Infantry
havo taken several trenches and havo
repulsed counter attacks.
The capture of more German trenches
between tho Aire and Meuse Rivera by
the French and tho occupation of an Im
portant plcco of strategic railway line,
upon which the army of tho Crown Prince
has been relying for a consldoranle por
tion of Its supplies, nro announced In un
official dispatches from the eastern end
of the battle, front. .
Heavy exchunges df artillery are ?"
ported from tho remainder df tho front,
especially In -west Flanders, where the
French and British have advantages In'
position which offset the heqvler calibre
oi mo ucrman orananco.
The French have made a number of
prisoners In tho Argonne, where tho
fighting has Deen at close quarters for
the possession of trenches commanding
strategic highways. These prisoners ro-.
late that their generals havo Informed
tho soldiers that the Allies aro losing-
sieaany in me nortnern sphere and that
the Germans would be In a position to
undertake another drive against Paris
before Christmas.
In tho Woevre district, between the
Meuse nnd Moselle Valleys, the French
have been trying to operate the roa,d to
Conflans and to secure positions In the
rear of tho Germans, -who lie along tho
cast bank of the Meuse.
Members of the staff- of General Gal
llenl. the Military Governor of Pars,
predict that the pressure of the Allies
at both ends of the line will soon cause
a withdrawal of the German troops lying
between the Olao and Alsne Rivera. The
French Government feels secure. Presi
dent Polncare and Premier Vlvlanl, who
returned yesterday, assumed their ordi
nary routine of Government duties today.
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Germans Have Lost Twenty-Eight
Battleships Since the War Began
The'declsl'vo defeat of tho German naval forces under Admiral von Speo
leaves tho Attantla and Pacific Oceans practically free to the commerce of tho
Allies. The 'Dresden and tho Nurnberg, which "madd oft, but are being pur
sued," cannot long escape capture or destruction, with the powerful fleets of
tho British nnd the Japanese in pursuit
This will leave tho Karlsruhe and the auxiliary cruiser Kronprlns Wllholm
still operating against merchantmen of British and French register In tho Atlan
tic. Naval experts assume that tho British fleet which disposed of Admiral von
Spce will speedily overtake nnd vanquish those two vessels.
Tlion tho Germans will be left without a wnr vessel In nny water excepting
the Baltic nnd their two Turkish cruisers In the Black Sea. The Atlantic, Pa
clfla and Indian Oceans will be open to, tho .commerce of nil tho Allies and tho
neutrals without a chance or Interference by German cruisers, and all German
commerce will bo effectually swept from tho seas.
With the sinking of tho cruisers, the Scharnhorst, the Gneisenau and tha
Leipzig,. Germany has lost 23 warships of various classes slnco the war began.
Of these 13 aro cruisers, 10 destroyers, two auxiliary cruisers, ono Is a submarine,
ono a rnlno layer nnd ono Is a gunboat. Of tho 28, two are Interned the Gcier
In Honolulu and tho Berlin In Sweden and the Koenlgsberg Is- bottled up In
East Africa. Tho following Is tho list, with tho approximate dato of their loss:
. Name Cmss.
Panther ,.. Gunboat
Unnamed Destroyer
Koenlgln Lulso Minelayer
Augsburg Cruiser
Kaiser Wllhclm dcr Crosse.. Auxiliary
Magdeburg Cruiser
V-187 Destroyer
Arladno Cruiser
Koeln .' Cruiser
Mainz Cruiser
N-87 Destroyer
Hela Cruiser
H-12G '.,.. Destroyer
Four unnamed, ..' ., . ,Destrpyers
ri-DU .."....., ,,. . uosiroyer
Koenlgsberg I'.'A.. ............ Cruiser
Yorclt .;..'...;.. , Cruiser
Gcler Cruiser
Emdcn ' Cruiser
U-15 Submarine
Berlin Auxiliary
S-1M , Destroyer
Scharnhorst Cruiser
Gneisenau .' Cruiser
Leipzig Cruiser
Check Russian Reinforcements in Ac
tion Near CzenBtockolvn.
BERLIN, Dec. 10.
Whllo tho German forces northward to
ward the Vistula are continuing their nd
vane'e along the Ilow-Lowlcz-Lodz line,
great interest is manifested here today
In the development of the lighting In the
Plotrkow region. Owing to the numerlcal.1
strength of tho Russians, It may be sev
eral days before further appreciable
progress is reported by Field Marshal
von Hlndenburg In his main advance.
In tho Plotrkow region, the fighting Is
for possession of the railroad line between
Warsaw and Cienstochowa. Troops from
. -. . i
From London Punch,
Displacement Built. Lost.
S3 . 1901 August 3
.... .... August 5
10.56C .... August 6
4,350 1910 August 7
14,310 1008 August 27
4,478 1009 August 27
C46 1007 Augyst 28
2,618 1907 . August 20 ,
4,280 1008 August 20
4.280 1907 August 20
August 29
2,003, 1893 ScptomberlS
. ,390.-' ' 1900 October 0
s , '.'.'.:' . :..;..'-October 17
,. -' 338 'T21899 . October 21
3348, lOOl October 30
9,350 - '1903 ' -November
1.604 ' " -1804' 'November!)
" -3,592 ' 1908 November 10
e 200 ',-.1011 -November 14
:..', . ' ,... ' November 1G
' .... j ' .... No'vember23
t 11,600 1907 Decembers
11,600 . 1907 December 8
3,250 1908 - Decembers
the south have been checked In an at
tempt to reinforce the Russians In this
section, and the possession of this line
by the Germans can only be followed
by a, retreat of the Russians.
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Prestige of English Naval
Power Restored by Result
of Battle in South Atlantic,
Says Expert.
NEW YORK, Dec 10. With the de
struction of the armored cruisers Scharn
horst nnd Gneisenau ahd of the light
cruiser Leipzig off the Falkland Islands
ends the career of tho main botfy of
rovers that have given a now meaning to
commerce destroying nnd compelled the
admiralties of the world to readjust their
theories In regard to this Important
though secondnry operation of war. The
performances of the Emden have revealed
the Influence large In the financial side,
but greatest of all In Its moral aspect
that such efforts havo on an enemy. It
shows besides this tho errors Into which
most admiralties have drifted ns to tho
possible functions of cruisers, moderate
In displacement, high In speed nnd ample
In coal capacity and endurance.
Much sympathy has been wasted on the
capturing of prlvato property at sea, not
only as first In descent from the forays
of pirates, hut as in direct antagonism to
tho laws of wnr on land. Even Voteran
seamen havo been misled by this altruism
of peace, forgetting that a blow to the
finances of a country and to Its lines of
communication Is nn offensive weapon or
high value. As nn American author has
wisely said, property belonging to prlvato
Indlvlduols but embarked on tho process
of transportation and exchange Is Ilka
money In circulation. It Is tho life blood
of national prosperity on which war de
pends and as such Is national In Its em
ployment To stop such circulation la to
sap national prosperity, on which war de
ponds for Its energy, and Is a measure as
truly military as Is killing of men whose
arms maintain war In tha field.
Grea Britain has como to recognlzo
this1, and now tho destruction and disin
tegration of tho largest force of com
merce destroyers Germany has put afloat
w(ll bo welcomed with unbounded satis
faction ciulto' apart from the satisfaction
of tho amour propre engendered by a
stand-up fight on the surface and In the
open, where, as of old, ho gallant gun
has been the main weapon.
Bound In tho end to be picked up, al
ways facing dctpcrato conditions that de
manded, desperate remedies, seamen the
world over must unite In praising the In
trepidity and Skill with which tho Ger
man ravers carried out tho duties In
trusted to them. On tho other hand, when
the wldo expanses of sea that had to bo
covered and tha' will o' wisp conditions
that had to be resolved, no less praise Is
tho meed of th squadron whloh, under
command of Vice Admiral Sir Frederick
Sturdee, has added, In a good, old-fashioned
gun way, new lustre to British
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Qopy From YmitQcakr
Tieris and Euphrates Valle)
Captured and Occupied byl
Invaders Kurna Taken.
British Losses Slight.
LONDON, Dec 10.
It Is officially announced that Subhl
Bey, late Governor of Basra, Aslatlo Tur
key, commander of the Turkish forces
at Kurna, yesterday surrendered uncondi
tionally with his troops to tho Indian ex
peditionary force, which Is operating at
the head of tho Persian Gulf.
Kurna subsequently was occupied by
tho British, who aro now In complete con
trol of the country from the Junction of
tha T grls and isupnraies m" " ;
sea, and of tha richest part of tho fertile
m.. T,iin nfflp.. In a. dispatch describ
ing the operations of tho British forces on .
the Persian GUir, saysi
.,. ..u.ndnnra nf tha enemy s posi
tion at Kurna was made DC0r"r,,8rJ?jr
Colonel G. S. Fraxer wun mo uui .....
..it,, t !. tnfnnirv. The enemy was en
countered on tho left bank of the Tlgr s
opposite Kurna, He was promptly at
tacked and driven across tho river, losing
heavily. Two guns nnd 70 prisoners, In
cluding three Turkish officers, wore cap-
"Kurna was found to be strongly held
by guns and Infantry, and tho British,
finding no means of crossing the -Tigris,
withdrew to their original bivouac.
"The following day reinforcements were
sent from Bazla under Brigadier General
Charles Irwin Fry and -captured Masera,
cleared tho left bank of the Tigris and
took three guns and 100 prisoners, includ
ing threo ofllcers.
"On Decembor 8 the British crossed the
river and the next day Subhl Bey sur
rendered. "Tho British casualties during the whole
of these operations amounted to one Brit
ish ofTlcor killed and three wounded, with
40 Indians of tho rank and file killed and
120 wounded."
PAniS. Dec 10. "Crown Prince Fred
erick Wllhelm has taken command of tha
German troops along the Xser," says a
dispatch from Furnes.
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