Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 09, 1914, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Market Developed Strength
'During Afternoon New
York Central Defers Dividend.
HEW YORK, Deo. . During the after
noon the bona market aevciopea
i atrength, ftithouglf trading vtaS not aot-
1t, and prices were generally up from
J last night's closing. In some cases over a
f point The two principal topics of in-
t tercet today were the notion of tho New
Torlt Central directors In deferring tho
regular quarterly dividend of 1V4, per cent.
' Md another rlso In relehsmark exchange
1 to a new high level for the present move
Colorado and Southern .refunding Us
were a feature, advancing 2 points to 76
from yesterday's close. The sharp rise
ni nM in be the result of tho action
i of the Miners' Union Jn calling off tho
J strike In the Colorado coal fields. Mls
fsourl Pacific 4s were active, being up
',i points.
6 The most active Issue was the 6 per
am cent, debenture bonds, when Issued, of
SfT ine Viunsotiuateu xau t-uuiftfci.jr vi .ion
Tork, which was aamjtted to the list
shortly after noon. The opening trans
action was mado nt 110H. a block of
JHOO changing hands. Tho price later
dropped to 110. Tho total 'sales wore
1110,000. Tho bonds aro due In 1920.
. Inspiration Copper receipts, 3d paid 6s.
which 'were strong In the trading yes
terday, were up H. Texas Company
convertible 6s woro up 1, while Lorlllard
7s woro up 2 points at 41.
- The vigorous buying which made
IWck Island Issues prominent features
In the lost two weeks was no longer In
evidence, and those Issues sustained,
moderate losses under small selling.
There was diminished trading-In stocks,
through the Clearing Houeo and on tho
eurb. United States Steel common was
ment ofshrd shrdl c shrd cshreshrdcmfwy
heavy, with offerings at 48H The state
ment of unfilled orders to bo published
tomorrow Is expected to Bhow a decrease
of over 00,000 tons, as new business has
been slow and under the output of the
Stock Exchange authorities are prepar
ing a now ruling In regard to trading In
International Issues. The purpose Is to
prevent trading in stocks in which foreign
holdings are large, but Important foreign
bankers state that all American Issues,
from COrn Products to Sears-Roebuck, nro
held in large amounts on the other side
of the Atlantic, and that an embargo
against so-called international Issues
would prevent trading In all but a few
stocks. Brooklyn Rapid Transit- Is tho
most Important exception, foreign hold
ings of that stock being comparatively
Exchange on Berlin continues so strong
as to cause general comment. There
was a further advance to 02&, for
Relchsmark cables, with the supply
so small and demand so urgent that
sellers could practically fix their Own
prices. Tho demand Is still attributed
to sales of Gorman-held bonds, but bank
ers with Berlin connections Insist that
heavy Imports of German goods through
Scandinavia and Holland have been so
large In the last week as to give a good
reason for the sudden demand for remit
tances to Berlin. Nine ships from this
-ittAttffiv ef rtrmnn rnmmArA Yinva. nr
1 rived at this. port. In Ulio-last.. week, all
neaviiv ifinAn with irman pnna
,.. W.A n.HBllnt. ..f.4 r. . i Gtl t . Jt ,
at i.r,Y
Announcement that the New York Cen
tral had decided to defer action on the
Quarterly dividend of 1U. Der dent, caused
much comment In tho street Tho an
nouncement came as a surprise, although
there had been considerable comment re
cently as to whether the dividend would
be declared. Inasmuch as the company's
earnings! havo not been showing up well
In comparison with last year. Simitar
action was also taken by the Lake hore,
an underlying company.
-0011 money loaned at 3?4 per cent., and
"there Beemed to be an, oversupply.
Quarterly Payment of Xi Ver Cent.
Postponed lake Shore Follows Suit.
NEW YORK, Dec, 9,-The dlreotors of
tho New york Central and Hudson River
Railroad Company at a meeting this
morning decided to defer payment of the
quarterly dividend of 1U per cent on the
stock due In January,
The last payment was made on Octo
ber IK Tha Y.nlrit Rhnm and ..ffVtln.a.
h Southern directors also decided to defer
tna mviaenu op the stock. The last pay
ment was per cent, on July 29.
President Smith, of the New York Cen
tral, issued a statement saying that this
action was taken because of the ap
proaching consolidation of the two roads.
Commutes Will I"urntsh French, and
English Banks With Credit.
NEW YORK, Dec. 9. According to
latest advices, the Gold Fund Commit
tee has completed arrangements with the
Bank of England and Bank of France to
furnish them with Immediate credit at
ny time, should it be deemed necessary,
pending a cal) on subscribing banks for
any outstanding contribution of gold to
tha 1107,000,000 fund.
This is with the Idea of putting the
committer In the way or an Immediate
supply of foreign exchange In case, of
any urgent necessity, such as excessive
liquidation n the stock market, etc. The
gold committee has so far called upon
subscribing banks for per cent of their
subscriptions and only W,W0,C00 of this
gold has up to the present been shipped
out of the country,
Bales at Auction Show losses In Sev
eral Issues,
There were general decline established
in the auction sales of local bank and
trust company shares today. Tha widest
fall was M points In CJIrard National
Corn Exqhango National Bank lost J9,
maH Darby JJank B. There was also a 5
jxjiot decline Jn Mutual Trust, and J In
?ootlnental-Eiuitabl Treat ehareji. qi
xaM Trust Steele fluetuated Irregularly
tttwwn k&l and STB, Tha last previous
eaU was at ITS. American Dredging g&area
were down UVi.
j ' I w-
Bid. Atki
Butler ... .W . Tea
su&a .. ,vo -ue, too. bbc.
,Ti:: KS fig":;
t .ft ww .. .
goufiblx stotscs-
..- - m ', W im
e ftw
tt art
' 1
4tW., H .
WVK . ,Oi
1000 Amer Zflde Ii . . . .100 , 100 100
2000 Amer Ic. deb Os 83'i 83H .
85CO0 Am Tel cvt 4H . Mt OJK JH
1000O Atchison gen U l HJH
jotw Atchlwn ct -it tew. . . til ooH 1
BO0O At!p Co Line lit 4s. . PDll 8!i gH
POM Hullo A Ohio 3H-..- WS MM !
COW) Malt A Ohio 4. S 8? 83
8J00 Halt A Oh ev 4tt. . . 84V4 84 8454
8000 tth Bteel rM 84S sH
4000 flroekn nap 118 Tr Bs 09, W 0
400O Uroolt tin Klv lst.ls. t?8J4 0SJ4 08'i
1000 Cal Oas A Else Ss..,l ojji ,Jlj
1000 Cnnsda South B.....l02(i 1WH lw
000-) cnt leather 1st f. 0J WJf. 80
5000 ont Pso 1st 4 80i gdU Ui
1000 Cent Vermont 4 T04 70ji Tots
1000 ChM Oh.er 4 0U W 60,
EOOO Ches A Ohio m W M k64
2)0 Ohl A Nwn Con 5s....l00 lUO'4 lpOU
80U0 Ch A q Joint ... 03' 04 MH
1000 Chi 11 A ret ?4H ?fH
sooo chi n a y iiraMj..,..8i,. si M
1000 Ch Mil A St P cpM.ioli 101i lOIJi
WOO Chi Mil A Bt P cv 44s. t4 5i t3
7000 Chi Mil A BtP pen 4s. uni D7 4 07H
1000 CM Mil A P ff 4o..... ml 88( SSI
SCOW Chi II I A P col 4s... 27 SO 2J
65O00 Chi IllAPcol 4s tr etfs. 20l SW 20
SWO Col A 80Uth ret 43H., Jj 75 70
lowo con o co 6t tt i..i,u6i ioo; loo?;
2W Vl A Itud ref ,4s..,. 01 Jl 01
WOO Pl A Huil M 4s 1918 08K 08 9H
wm .FiAiMll ttnl 1.... Ill A4 01
1000 Dls Bcur Corp 5s.... M'i 874 87
100DOT)uPont Powd 4V4s....,gW ,W
8000 Kmt Tn VAO eon Bs.lOK lostf 103
irs- f.n .I ....... fVAl tVliA III
J VW .szt UVi -sn.e - i' i'
Wit L-l- f.M Pnn Rat.....1(Yi 10O 1 CO
2W0 OeorU-AU Bs. ...... lWMJ 10OJ1 100H
ISOOO Jntp cv ret 8d pd 6s.. 07 , MX
14000 littorb 4lt 4V4 . !H Ji li
Iran rfrt mv 4Ua T4 74 ,4
2000 1nterb II T ref Bs.... Wi OOH W
1'JOO mternl rpr evt B.. 82i BJH wi
0000 XCFt S A Ht 4 B74 OTli 07
0000 Kentuoky Cent 4 84 84 84
nwo Aitif as i bs. ..ioo p; loo
1000 UK. Bh deb 4s IKS.... 00 WU 00 1
100) Leh Vl of N r 414... 8H Mh 80S
TO Lie A M T Bs 100,, 100 100
18000 do 7 W1M HI,. 121J4
"35000 Lorlllrd 8s ".S2 .OS" .SJ
40U) do 71 122 122 122
6000 Minn A St it 4 44 44 44
WHO Mo Ken A T 2d 4s-... B3 63 M
1000 Mo Kan A T rtd 4... 40 4 40
71000 Mo P0 4 41 30J1 41
7000 Mo rC CV 81 i HOti 5H 3BS
1000 Mo PRO 4s, 101T...... 00,, 00,, 00
1000 Mont rower Bs BOH l)4 J0J4
2000 N T C Ij S 8V4.. 80 804 JM4
11000 NT C t. 8 col a 0J4.. 70 70 70
1000 N T City 4s. 1050 05 0.1 PS
POOO N Y City U. 106.1,. 10.T1 ira4 10-IH
1000 N Y Oss 11 & P Bs..iomj tOH4 100V
ifmn m v n it a it rt nniC ofliC so''
BOOO N Y Ilwy trt 4 , 70j4 704 70'
Kvnt jn i jiwy nuj Ds...... .1.17 ihf ..
!UVin TSnrt Jt, Vem11rvl iU. OHU OOU f)0'
"OiW Nor I'ae prior 4s .... 80J 80J 8W
2000 do n 3s t! rau u
ntnn cin, Mim-t i. rr Am K&U ArAL A51
r ir ;i-". j- ,-- - .-...- --.o --..!. a,.
1BO0O Penna cvt 314s 1D1B... mi OUH 00W
1)000 do cv 3Ur Wi no (W44
G( do 4s 1IM8 ........ 09(4 Otl 00
Btioo nny Con Copper 6s....lO!4 104 1 IOI
10OO Ittndlnc ten 4s D2U 1)24 02
IVKiOO Itnrk Inland Kn ...... W) BS 58
lootui do rid 4s ivjh wi
200O St I. I M A So Rtn Bs. 98 OS OR ,
1000 St V I M A QIC 4s.... 0.V4 lH 5K
irivo stL, A s P rf 4j ret ata B8 bh B9
5(100 Seaboard A b sdj Bs.. 04 04 04 ,
2(") South Iloll 6 OrtH IHHi lU
1C000 South Pac col 4s M54 83U 83i
1000 South Pac cvt J S0S 8074
110000 do cv rct'f p 8 1W34. 054 '".I
20000 South Pne rfd 4s 84)4 844 84J4
1000 South Rwy gen 4s.... (155 055 054
22IXK) South Itwy con S.... 00i OSti, OlU
OOOTOTnit Co'cvt (Ii I7U 07 nv.i
7000 Third Ave ref 4s 7SIJ4 7011 7Hi
tOWl Third Ave odj Bs 751 75 754
5000 IT 8 Oovcrn 3s 100 100 100
200O II S TUIbbor 6s 101 101 101
700CO V S Steel 5 100 0!!l 10U
2000 IJnlon Pso 1st 4 OS 05,, 05 ,
7000 Va I C A C 1st 8.... OB15 05'4 0B4
2000 Vs. nvy Bs ...00 DBt, 1)55
3nno Wabish 1st pret 4s... aa .17 37
r.000 Wabash 2d Bs.... S7 87 87
1000 Wnb Equ ct ta 4s. ..3 34 34
BOOO Wab-P Ter 1st ct 4j.. 8 8 s
4floo west n a m cvt a.. sot; sou R4
10O0 Wfrt Union 4H SrtJ4 884 80'4
2000 Wlscon Cent gen 4s... S3i 834 8;iU
Open. High. Low. P.M.
3K5 Cam Steel . . 40
100 Con Tr N J.. 72',4
151 Elo Co Am.. 484
lB'n Qen Asp pf. . eo
77 Ins Co N 'A. 21
200 Koy Telo ... 1114.
iu ao prer .... ow
id i,en
23 )o
125 I.eh
1012 Pcnna
:il I'nua biec. . ..
IB Plilla Tr 7Dt
14R ncadlnir SOU
25 Union Traa . r.W,
I Un a Imp.. 82(4
28 W J A Sea.. 60
Loss. aam.
$.10 Cam Steel cp
000) Eleo A Peo Tr 4s t o
1000 Inter St Itys 4s,
7000 I. Nov cons 4is,,...
1000 do reir
4000 I, Vnl gen con 4H..
1D0O Market St CI 4s
(471 Phlla Co scp
1000 Phlla Eleo 4s, t c. ....
1000 Peo Pass rty-ls......
300O Snanlsh-Amer Ir 6s.,
1000 U S Steel Bs....,..i
,. 70
,. BO
, .' OR
,. n8
.. 01
,. 78
. 82
,. loots
10 to 10.30 A. Id.
1 TAto storasre.
10 Penna
nna : 52U
do, , 524i
!ht Phlla Eluctrlo
zi ina co N Am. 1 .
3 Penna 52'i
. 45 Penna B2H
1105 a en Asp prf. 00
6 Cam Steel... 40
100 dan. Asp pfd. Ad
100 Penna nSTi
10 do ., B'J'i
11 Read
24 Penna
28 Readme
200 Oen Asp pfd." 0
ft I.ehlgh
rti va
40 neadln
5 IV J A
S... 50
2 Penna -.
.... 52T4
B LemgB vai, tn
tlG Cam. Steel scp.
10O0 Lsh Nav Cons 4V4s , US
1000 :
1 in nav cons iy' r. ua
1() u
Steel 5s,
10.30 to 11 A.
50 Lehigh Val.. 85U
B Union Trac, 8o;4
a Penna. ...... Glhi
40 Qen Asp pfd. HO
BO Ins Co N Am. 21
100 Penna ....... B2i;
loo do,., B2J
200 do... B2V
20 do B2J
lOO Keystona Tel. 11W
20 Reading .... Otifi
Tenna . .,.. n.:i
250 do.,..
tea Phlla qo sep1
WW l..h Nav cons 44s
IOOO dec A Peoples, Trac 4s tr ctfs..
Phlla Co sop.,,, ,.,..,
11 to 11.30 A. M.
20 Reading" .... OOTi 1 Penna ....
1000 Elec A Peoples Tr 4s tr ctfs....
1000 Leh, Valley gen cons IH
11.30 A. K. to 13 M.
S5 Phlla Eleo... fei'i B Lehigh Yl
, OS
, or
10 Penna
1 u a 1
0 Phlla Trac. 7014
200 Cam Steel... 40
4000 Elee t People's Trac 4a tr ctt.
1000 Market St Kiev 4s.,....,.,.,..
13 to 13,30 P. MT.
Kl Gen Aid dM. 60 1 Vf J "A 8.
. 70 20 Penna , B3K
, t'i 1M CT of N J. T2H
100 do...,
1060 Eleo Peoples Tr 4s t c,
SOOO Leh Val gen cons 4Hs..
13.30 to 1 P, M,
10 'Phlla Traa.
10Ih Nav 73V4
10 Keystona Tel. 69
10 Unlet) Trac.
Penna Kilt 75 dm K1 .
xvj Neq elorage, 10 iw go.
IB Lett Nav t e, 75(4 8 do.
1000 People Pas Rwy 4. t o. .
100 (Poll. Sec .....,.,.
I to 1,30 P, H.
10 Ublrb Val.
5 ...
SOOO Snanlsh Am 6s
1000 BlK A People tr4s t 0.. ...... j... 70
1000 mec A i'eoplen tr 4s t c, .....;.. 70
100O Spanish Am 6.
1,30 to a P, M.
10 Penna B2U
3 Lehigh Val.. 55
100 Keyelen Tl. 11H
8 la Co N Am. 21
4S)Uhigh Vl..6H
,VS &SrSSi :;;.v::;;;;:::::;
Z to 3.80 P, JOT.
icsai say
JORM4U18 ..SJ1M'
as .,SBlB-ia lBWEiS. itr " IV
1 ja m
Jav t 9, 7R 1 a, - eat.
1000 UB. ar taii.,i,M,.)ll., sa
I' jl II I III.
Barvo BaukV DiMuit aUJs
JI1 Sll .141
72J4 72J 72 ..
481 88 48-4
68 6(1 (18 t
21 21 2t 1
11 "i 11U lt4 4
50 BO BO
sav ... I0i ia '7 "MS T 11
t c 73 7MJ 75 75i . .
Vftl .... B4K CO OIK 655
52tC 5214 B2i B2?j
k --'.1 . t n
7ntl 70 70U
70 (SOU 60),,
.10)4 soU SOW ..
824 2!i 25 ',i
PhUldjJlsbU. ....,.,,.,.., S f3 41He'
rK s Ifij iB
h t
&GtMC ttfufmjemn mm m0U
Stock Makes New Top Price
on Local Exchange.
Heavy Transactions in As
phalt Preferred and Penn
sylvania. Tho local market developed distinct
strength In spots today. Interest at first
centred on an unusually lirgo tran
saction in General Asphalt preferred,
A single block of 1195 shares changed
hands At (t. This pride was specially
arranged by Uio Stock Committee, tho
previous minimum having beeri 87. It Is
understood that It represented the taking
ov,er of a long outstanding account by n
welt-known Chestnut street brokerage
houso. Later more stock camo out, all
at iS.
The goneral Philadelphia list showed
distinct strength led by Lehigh Valley.
New York houses wero asking their Phil
adelphia correspOndentSytoday what was
tho caOso of tho activity In Valley, anil
the reply was Improving earnings. Tho
stock Is ncfar up $ points from tho low
point established July 30. Keystona
Telephone and Electria Storage Battery
also Improved, whllo Pennsylvania was
active, nearly 1000 shares changing hands
before noon. Thero was a rise of a full
point In Electric and People's U. -
A. feature or tho Iato trading was tho
increasing activity In Philadelphia Elec
tric which advanced to 23, all offerings
nt that figure finding 'ready purchasers.
Lehigh Navigation moved up to 754.
BankerB wero reported to bo discussing
a reduction In tho rate on outstanding
call loans today. New loans aro being
made quite frequently nt 5H. and even as
low as B per cent, whereas tho old rato
of 6 per cent. Is still maintained on old
commitments. The banks were offering
four, five and sis months money frcoly at
ii per cent. One uptown broker stated
today that he had old call loans standing
at 6 per cent, and new ones at S per
cent, both with the same bank.
1014. Decrease.
October revenue
From July 1
2 in, cat
October revenue $334,201
Net 103, THAI
From January 1
Operating menue f2,0S:,5AS
Net 865,503
Nov grots . .
Five months'
.. 14,048.771
,. 27,240.018
Nov gross 11,003,103
Five months' gross.... 4,856.702
November gross 8,104. 760
From July 1, gross 35,B83,2tH
The folonlng securities were sold at auction
by Messrs. llarnes A Loflland today;
25 ahs Mutual Trust 3.1
10 she. People's Nat Fire Ins lt'i
B alia People's Trust ,...,... 43
S2000 notes of F. A. & A, B. Davis, 0 per
cent col.; 11500 notes tho Pinellas Ks
tate, Inc., 0 per cent.; 11 shs Pinellas
Estate. Inc.: 6 shares tha Pinellas Es
tate. Inc.: lot I1C00
15 ahs Corn Exchang Nat. nnW.,, . ,..;'-
10 shs Darby Bank 55
,20 shs Darby Bank 65
.5 shs Olrard National Bank......... 313
10 aha Contlnental'Equltable Trust 1)2
15 shs Olrard Trust , 8.11
10 do 87
o oa oia
4 shs Penna Co for Ins on Lives and
Onuitlnc Annuities
12 sl.s Penna Ware & Safe Deposit..
15 shs Phlla Life Ins
4 shs Pennsylvania n R
. 4 shs American Dredging
70 shs Balem Brass & Iron Mtg
112.50 Cambria Steel scrip
.ou t'njenixviiie, vauor runs w irai-
ford Electrta Railway So c 10.1
100 Phoenix Construction, a p c col... 35
Bank clearings today compared with corre
sponding day last two years:
1014. 1013. 1012
Philadelphia. $23,702,272 120,087.110 JHl.sna.tKA
New York....213,OU7.302 285,847,340 401.000,700
NEW YORK, Dec. 0. The foreign exchange
market was eaeler this morning with demand
sterling on ' at ,! ; cauies, 4,STj :
trance cables. J.lJ'i i marks, 024.
In tha afternoon, marks, cables, reacted to
02V&. Demand sterllnr was quoted 4.87 and
cables i,.87JV wUn francs B.UHi.
Bill to Prote Cotton Exchange
WASHINGTON, Dec. 0. Alleging that tht.
method of the New York Cotton Exchange
since It reopened. In hammering down prices,
has reeulted In the loss to the cotton planters
of the South of many million of dollars. Con
gressman Trlbble, of Georgia, has Introduced a
resolution to Investigate the exchange. It Is
now before the House Rules Committee,
NEW YORK, Dec, O.-The coffee market
opened strong, price up S to 7 point. Decem
ber, 0.2760.20.; January, B.31tt0.40o.; Feb
ruary, 6.4038.50c.; March. U0O.BOc.; April.
a.o0ea60c.; May. U85(f1.66c,i June, 6.45
6.61a.; July TJW7.3ao.: August, 7.40c.: Sep
tember, T.4S7.35c Sale. 70CO bags. ' r
11 a. m. Prices December, 0.20c,; May,
pref.. 7.350,; September, 7.60c.
Reserve Rediscount Rates Reduced
WASHINGTON. Pec. 9.-A reduction of 1
the rediscount rate of from t to fii per
cent, on paper of 30-day maturity In the
Federal reserve districts of Bt. Louis,
Atlanta, Dallas and Minneapolis was au
thorized by the Federal Reserve Board
today. This puts these banks on equal
ity with New York.
Commercial bar silver waa quoted at 4944
tents in New York, olt H. cent.
1 11 . , 1 1 1
Park Transportation Co.'s Year
The Falrmount Park Transportation
Company reports tor the year ended. Oc.
tober 31 gross earnings of fl.6S!. Net
earnings were 132.167, leading ft deUel; of
Standard Gas Dividend Passed
BW YORK. Daa. D. Tha
standard da
ght Company failed to dea
eoUre a dividend
h the oammon Steele today. Six woatlw io a
dividend ol lii per. cent, was decland oa
Iu aaoimnn stock
and at least (our r9dins;
MBl-anntul dlvldenda w 1 the rate at 1
rate ot ih
regular pre-
oent. sMnl-aanoslly,
ni rat was dt
Man Implores Christmas Shoppers to
Give Bftm a jfearing.
Somewhere In 'the city today there U a
man wandering; around Imploring abp
Pr and other st bear to 10s vlan
deailos; with a, firelssa $ lights. He
rode on tba Marks atreM e4ewUad-u-way
train this morning-, tie was artntd
wtb. plctprlal dtennBg wmI s-aHtd
Chri4ms sfcoypetn m Um Uaia
Utd U bis tat. Otif4 ru4 to
give hin aay cMir8at Wkn tba
Urate smhVmI BeHb s4aet atatleit h
ilghi4. Wt mauU atare sVrpt ibu (wane of
Us J.tUWU ware, tnis-tatvg.
Ai'aA lat sn tna wystMioua tasvenior
M maJUna; h. dw Uuiu trt.
(lvli.i bU ulvhuiuh vull bjs ktsa
mot lue :k BjUaiin latyssM.
HB 'if!
Thoto by Mathllde Weil,
Mr. Rlionds. who ts governor of
the Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia, will go to Wash
ington this afternoon, where he
will attend the first conference of
the governors of the 12 Federal
Reserve Banks, which will be held
tomorrow, Friday and Saturday.
The conference was called for the
purpose of exchanging views and
discussing other matters of in
terest to the new banks, the first
month's operation of which will
close on next Monday.
Opening1 Steady, Ono to Two Points
Under Closing Prices.
NEW YOltIC, Dec. !. There was very
little feature to tho cotton market this
morning, and. with the exception of tho
buying of nearly nil months by Hontz,
trading was exceptionally quiet. Tho
opening was steady, one to two points
under last night's finals.
The market showed little change dur
ing thq afternoon, prices ruling about
net unchanged for December and some
3 to 4 points net lower on later mouths.
It Is reported that another steamer with
cotton' for Germany Is lying at Charles
ton with about 8000 bales and may be
cleared at any time.
Prices were as folowj:
Yea. close. Open High. Low, P.M.
December .... 7.03 7.04 7.03 7.01 7.0
January ..... 7.21 ,. ..
MFirrh 7.40 7.SI) 7.31) 7.S5 7.115
May 7.BI) 7.5(1 7.BS 7.B3 7.B4
July 7.77 7.73 7.74 7.70 7.70
October 8.00 S.OO 8.00 7.01 7.04
Tho antjiracito collieries, which have
been generally Idle this week, resumed
Prairie Oil nnd Qns rose ES points at
the opening on the New York curb.
A membership on the Chicago Stock
Kxcluingo sold for $93), up 100 from the
Inst previous sale. A Board of Trade
membership sold for $2250, up 0.
The Bank of North America retired
$100,000 cmorgency currency and the
Kensington National Bank JU.00O at tho
local Subtreasury.
A minimum prlccof 031i was fixed on
United Stntes Steel 5 per cent, bonds
In Philadelphia.
Albert H. Wlggln, ' president of the
Chase National Bank of New York, has
been elected n director of tho American
Sugar Refining Company, to succeed
Henry E. Nlese, who resigned.
The American Gas and Electric Com
pany has declared an extra dividend of
2 per cent, on the common stock, payable
In common stock.
New York banks gained $241,000 from
tho Subtreasury yesterday and since Fri
day havo lost 911,140.000.
Official announcement was made that
tho recapitalization plan of the United
Profit Sharing Corporation calls for the
distribution of four shares of new stock
to each holder of one share of the original
Issue. This stock will be sold to the
holders of record at $1 a share. New
stock will be Issued February 1.
.The Consolidated Gas trustees have
voted to permit stockholders to subscribe
on January 8 to the extent of 23 per cent,
of their holdings to the new debentures.
Stockholders of record December 19 at
12 o'clock will be permitted to subscribe.
It Is estimated that since December 1
the United States Steel Corporation has
taken h greater volumo of new orders"
than for the samo period in any of the last
several months. Shipments thus far in
December have not averaged as heavy
as November. The November unfilled
tonnage, which will be made public to
morrow. Is expected to show about 226,000
tons decrease.
Only routine business was reported
after the Pennsylvania Railroad direc
tors" meeting today.
The Clearing House Committee of the
New Yprk Stock Exchange ruled today
that no more orders In odd lots will be
received at the Clearing House after to
day. Exchange members were advised
to send their orders In odd lots to deal
ers who have registered at the Clearing
The Pennsylvania Railroad has placed
an order with Its Altoona shops for 1030
all-steel box cars.
Railroads of the Southwestern territory
have filed tariffs with the Interstate
Commerce Commission, effective January
. advancing freight rates from S to 15
per oent It Is expeated that tha Com
mission will suspend the Increases.
A number of roads aro arranging speci
fications for rails for delivery next year.
but In nearly every case orders will fall
iar snort or as year ago.
The Great Northern has bought 31 steel
passenger cars from, the Baney & Smith
Company. Westmoreland Coal Company
is IB tho market for lOO steel cars, half
gotyiolas a&4 balf hoppers.
Tbr ts an Inqulr fer m.m steel ties
for $ to io)faf
1 11 ii aim r, 1 1
sfffiwiW".;::::": la fc
;:!.-:: Hi ii
M : ii" -
::::::. : S A
tt i
:iun 74 S
V"i- . . 4 4 U
reauei du . . S4
iar Blot aa 41
is irr -...:::::: ..iif im
lullea Frufli ............. iit II
k. BJU
Steadiness Abroad and Re
ports That Farmers Are
Selling Less Freely Inspire
CHICAGO, Dee. 3. Wheat was stronger
this morning on moderate commission
houso buying, Inspired by steadiness
abroad and reports that farmers In Kan
sns, Oklahoma and Nebraska were sell
ing less freely, and asking higher prices.
Longs sold on tho bulge, however, and tha
market reacted.
Wire service to the East was poor and
trade was again hampered. Statistics
wero Incomplete, At Liverpool business
was dull, but winter offers thero were
firmer, nnd an advance of 3d. was paid
for Pinto In some cases. News regarding;
tho weather In Argentina was conflicting.
Some ndvlces said that conditions wero
fine there, while others stated that the
weather wns unsettled, with some 'rain.
Semiofficial reports havo been received
that the area of winter and spring wheat
In Itussla shows a decrease of 2,111,000
Rumania reports a. material increase
In the nrca of wheat, with tho weather
favorable. Reserves there, however, are
small, owing to large purchases by Ger
many and Austria before the war. Tho
now crop In Bulgaria Is doing well. Crop
developments In France are satisfactory.
Rain has fallen over a large area in
The receipts of wheat hero todav wero
174 cars. In the United States, rain or
snow throughout the winter wheat belt
has been of great assistance.
Corn opened a little firmer on unsettled
weather, but reacted. Recolpts continue
large. The cash demand Is poor. Tho
arrivals here today were 819 cars.
Oats wero quiet; after opening steady,
prices reacted. The recelDts here tndnv
wero 210 cars.
Leading- futures ranged as follows:
Wh-.. .,.-u ,... "''rday'a
Ix)w. Close, close.
December .. 1.16', 1.1(1',
1.21 H 1.21i
torn tnaw aeii-cry)
llayl ....
May . ..
4i'4 47J4
.. 0.S2
... 0.77
...IS 22
tO.77 o.'ir
'0.07 tlO.03
0.77 0.77
10.07 10.07
18.12 tl8.12 18.1B
18.02 18.B2 118.53
CHICAGO, Dec. 0. HOGS. Receipts, 27,
000. Market 10 15c. higher. Allied and
butchers, 0.7O7.7O; good heavy, 17.3387.03;
rough heavy, 13.7007.20; light, 10.0387.75;
pigs. 3.eO00.S0l bulk. 17.1O7.80. CATTLE
Receipts, COOO. Market 1 Oil 13c. higher. Beeves,
S0.IOttll.73; cows and heifers. $3.0038.00;
stacker and feeders. 14.50410 73: Texans, 17.23
08.10; calves, 8O.W. SHEEP Receipts, 10.
000. Market strong. Native and Western, 1011
25c. higher. Natlvo and Western, $3.5030.30:
lambs. 13.0038.40.
Philadelphia Markets
WHEAT. Receipts, 107.220, bush. The
market ruled steady with a fair foreign In
quiry, quotations: Car lots. In export ele
vator. No. 2 red, spot and December, 11.18W
1.1UW: No. 3 red Weatern1;S1.2201.24; No. 1
Northern Duluth. 1 1.27 H3 1.20 VJ.
CORN. Receipts, 0000 bush. Trade was
quiet, but there was no change In price. Quo.
tatlons: Car lots for local trade, 'as to loca
tion. No. 2 yellowy old, 81HlHo.: steamer
yellow, old. 80i81c: new jellow, a to
quality, 00700.: new cob, per 70 lbs., 07 tt
OATS. Receipts. 31,227 bush. Demand
was light and prices were yc. lower. Quo
tations: No. 2 white, 54 SI 51 Vic. ; standard
white, 6353Hc: No. 3 white, RiueS3e.
I'l.OUIl. Receipts. 1315 bbls. and 1.418,
004 lbs. In sacks. Mill limits firmly main
tained, but trade quiet. Quotations per
108 lbs, In wood! winter, clear, 11.7S48
4.00: do., straight. Ba.23; do., patent. 3.50
n3.70i Kansas, straight, lute sacks, ,15 20Cj
S.40: do., potent. Jute sacks, S3.40O3 03:
Hiring, first, clear, J3.iuitta.au: ao. atraignti
tS2?.Ss.0: do., patent, SS.6S6S.90: do..
favorite oranu., tJiSaVn
and fancy patent, (I8p.50,
0.30; city mills, choice
:itr Mills.
ular grades winter, clear,
grades winter, clear, f'.tjllivi
m fe a . Art
straight, sortn.ia; ao., patent, u.um,io.
I1VE FI.OUK. Steadily held under email
supplies, but trade quiet. Quotations: near
by and Western, in wood, at tS.COSd.
The market quiet and without Important
change. We quote; City beef. In sets, smoked
and air dried. 2030c.: Western, beef. In sets,
smoked. 2S00e.i city beef, knuckles and
tenders, smoked and air dried. 30331c.: West
ern beaf. knuckles and tenders, smoked. 30
31 c; beef hams, 130333: pork, family. $24Jj
25: hams, S. P. cured, loose. 1414VSc: dp,
skinned, loose, 131414c.: do., do., smokel lt',1
rrlBc: other hams, smoked, city cured, as to
brand and average. lSOlSUe.: hams .moked,
Western cured, ISfllS'ic: do., boiled, bone
less. 20a21c; plcnlo shoulder. 8. P. cured,
loose, 11U012CJ do., smoked. 12iei3c: bel
lied, in pickle, according to average, loose.
13V, lo.: breakfast bacon, as to brand and
average, city cured. VKFSQc.; breakfast bacon,
Western cured. lOaao&i lard. Western, re
nned. tierces. llUttllrici do., do., do., tuba.
U'iKUHc.; lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In
tlerees. uUeitUci lard, par city, kettle ren.
dered. in tubs, UUSUHC
Trade quiet and market weak. Refiner' list
? rices: Standard granulated. 3.13c. ; con tec
loners' A. Be; powdered, S.20c.i fine granu
lated, 5.10c.; soft grades, 4.2384.85c.
DUTTEIt. Receipts were light and the
market ruled firm with trade fairly active.
Quotations: Western, fresh, solid-packed
creamery, fancy special. SJc.jextra, 34o.i
extra first, 33JS3c. 1 Orals. 804131c. i seconds,
20028c. : ladle-packed, 2 lei 23c., as to quality;
nearby prints, fancy, 37c: do., average, extra,
8539o. 1 do., firsts, S2jt33c do., second 3,
28eS80c Bpeclsl fanoy brands ct prints Job
bing at 4244c
ECOS. There waa a good outlet for the
limited receipt of fin new-laid eggs, values
of which ruled arm. Quotations : In free
cases, nearby extras. 40(j42c. per dos.j near
by nrsl. 110.80 per standard ca; nearbv
current receipt. 19.80Q 10.20 per standard
case: Western, extra tlrets. I10-8O per cask
do., flratt. JO. 00 310.20 per case: do., second.
IT 207.60; Southern, 9.0ai00 per case.
Refrigerator egge. a to quality. 81f27c pet
do. Faasy selected candled fresh eggs were
jobbtd oK at 43i47e. per do.
(JIIEESE. Trade quiet and price without
Important change. Offering moderate but
Final Notice for 1914 Taxes
City and School Taxes for 19U, yet unpaid, now boar a
penalty of four per cent, After December 31 all Taxes for
19Ji will be Delinquent and the names of assessed owners ivill
be advertised. Payments for 1914 Delinquent Taxes can be
Viade after January H, 1915, with the following additions
Five per oent. penalty, the cost of advertising, interest at the
rate of six per cent, per annum, until paid, a mmulativt pen
alty f one V61" cmi' a W0M continuing for sweji months,
and later the cost of filing a lien.
Taxpayers, who intend making payment this mQHth for this
year's taxes, should praewe bUk at owe md. if pwmfy.
make the payments prior to the tSd, t sq thjmaelvm i
tonvmienee during the rush of the lest days of the w&
and to amd a mw$y in tfelinqveney with its greaikf mmm
mi ekarget, BiiJLe eg be hed fnmptiv on appUiim either
m pemen, by 'memmger, er by mail: if by mail a stm&ed slf
addreeeed envelope mmt be enclosed with rvttmto, for btlls.
JUoeivW at Taeo
ample Quotations; New Tork, fttll-crfi.
earlier receipts, eholfA lflc. 1 do,, do., current
rnak-e, cboice, IslftUe : do., do., fair to good,
MHCtHftc., do. part skims, 8 a 13c.
LIVE, Demand fslr for deSIfabls sleek
and values generally higher Under light offer
ers, 10011c. ! spring chickens, according to
duality, HfjlSc; turkeys, lSQieo,-, ducks,
13lfe. 1 .geese, 1314c.i guineas, , young,
weighing 2 lbs. and over apiece, per pair, COo 1
vveiimna ftvi7i los. apiece, per pair ouu
65c. 1 guineas.
, om, per pair, 400. ; pigeons, per
pair, ir.ifylgo.
I)IlKHSi:il. rVrlnr nt flna rft.lraM.
sited stock only moderate and values steadily
maintained on thla description. Trade quiet.
Quotations: Turkeys. dry-packed-Fsncy large,
quotations: Turkeys. dry-packed-Fsm
nearby. 213220. 1 do., Western, Joc.j
receipt. 17JTlie.t Inferior, 12?lSc. N(
18c. Fowls, 12 to dot, dry-packed,
heavy, 18c , weighing 4HW its. aple
do., 4 lbs. apiece, 16c; do.. SU lbs. apli
do.. 3 the. mnA inAm Ionia. . t.i
o. 1. old,
nt filratrf . itvttAil
heavy. 18c 1 welshlnr 4UfN its. anl'eee. lln-i
j ' . i"c, ioc. ; 00., nj ids. apiece, xic:
do., 3 lbs. and under, 12lSo,l fowls, bbls.,
rin . A t... ..--- .... .: ...... -:.. -' - . '
SSf:SfcV.dwJ,,WB. dry-picked. 4H5I5 lbs.
apiece, 16c.i do., 4 lbs., IBc.l do., Stt lbs.
laHci do., S lbs. and under. 12ial2Mc.! old
trtASfaai ..l.l . . V ..IT '".! - -
Inr rhlrlrna i1pv.n.fll.kl
In boxes Milk-fed,
18 to 34 lbs. to dor, 22i23c.t mllk.fed, 211 to
20 Iba. to doth Hi f) 2 la rnrn.f1. 1B to 24 lbs.
1 dot., 2p(ij2Ic. corn-fed, S.I to 00 lbs, to
Jos;. lSaiOc.i mllk.fed. 81 to HO lbs to dot.,
JnLlK7id.v 43 ,0 i7 "" to doi., lSUc.t mftk
l"1, '3,b, lo a"'-i 1Tc-i mllk.fed, Oo lbs. nnd
over, ISc: corn-fed. 31 to 30 lbs, to dot.. lSH
Jtl4c.: corn.fed, 37 to 42 lbs. to dot., 13M
14c: corn-fed. 43 to 47 lbs. to doz 14J
loci corn-fed, 48 lbs. and over to do., 16e.j
corn-fed, 00 lbs. and over, 17c. I roasting
chickens, dry-hscked. In bbls. Western, milk-
"!i "ry.plcked, 0 lbs, and over, l.o.j Western,
-.,, , ids., inc.: western, miiK-xen,
14Uf! lV.lam Mtllr.. rfrv.nlplH.
Mit -iirrLi ':i--:v. .....-.c-, -. .,
KnSrWn,s. '""ei western, miiK-reu,
3H3 lbs., 14c.: Western, corn-fed, 8 lbs. and
jver, 16c. t Western, corn-fed, 4 lbs., 15c:
Western, corn-fed, dry-picked, mixed weights,
14c; Western, corn-fed, nu lbs., 14c: west
ern, corn-fed. 2Jiej3 lbs., 13 He. Spring
ducks, 1401Cc. Hprlng Oeese, 1313c.
bquabs, per doipn White, weighing 11 to 12
!, Per dozen. i3.7SQ4.aB! white, weighing U
to 10 lbs. per dozen, I35.60: white, weigh
ing 8 lbs, per doien, I2.30tl2.d0: do., 1 lbs.
S?rdS?!n2(3l2.18: do., Ofjoi, lbs. per doi..
s)1.2SQ1.30i dark and No. 2, 56c.l.
Demand only moderate and market showed no
Important change. Quotations: 'Apple, per bbl.
Jonathan. t:i$3.50; King, 2.0083.23: Bald
r.'?V.yv752Wi. Greening. Il.732.W; Spy,
Ji.7502.50; Pippin. Il.761f2.75: York Imperial!
St. 504j 2.50; other. good eating varieties. I1.750
J.50: medlilm. Ilai.60: apple, western, per
ibox, Jlnt.W; apples, Delaware and Pennayl
ranla, per hamper, BOOOOo.: lemons, per box,
S3JN: .orange. Florida, per rxix, ll.oOSS.ISu;
tangerines, Florida, per strap, l2.30S3.60;
grapefruit. Florida, per box, $1.5002.60: pine
apples, per crate, Porto Rico, S1.233U.23I
Florida, 102.50; cranberries, fancy late varie
ties, per bbl.. 1404.30; cranberries. Cape Cod,
early black, per bbl., 304; cranberries. Capo
Cod. early blick. per crate, 75c.Qll.5U; cran
licrrles, Jersey, per crato, TSc.0fl.23: Pears,
N- Y Per bbl . Seckel, $3.303: Ueurro llosc.
liJiS' Bhelifon, flSS: Ueurro Clalrgeau.
2.303.V); IJeurre dnjou, 2.23U3.23: Duch
J, 203; Howell, 2tt2.50; other varieties,
Demand fair for choice took of 'most descrip
tions and values generally well sustained.
Quotations: White potatoes, per bush. Pcnn
y'vanla, B8ai'2c; New York, 43e52c: white
potatoes, Jersey, per basket. 35U40o.:. Sweet
potatoes. Eastern Shore, per bbl. No. 1. 12Jf
2.75; No. 2, 1.6031.76. Sweets, Jersey, per
"ye iiu, t. inu.aJui o. -i. suz.zo: iiwari.
..'.w P-r ivii, Aooii.; ao.. UB
12T11 I. I'AtlMftnw N.w Ta.1. n.. m. TXk
m.23. Mplnach. Norfolk-, per bbl.. nti.2Z.
Ilia hSP hna.tr A 1 '. J M..SL rt-
I fJ-a8.S0. Kggplant. Florida, per box, 212.50.
i Cucumbers. Florida, per basket. Sl.73ll2.CO.
Squash. Florida. Der basket.
S1.50S2. Celerv.
New York, per bunch. 2BS45C.
Vms -lo. OBKOt 8UCU31...U.
American Gas and Klectrlo Company, regular
quarterly 2 per cent, on common, payable Jan
uary 2 to stock of record December 0; also of
2 per cent, extra on the common, payable In
common stock on January 2 to stock of record
December 11); also the regular quarterly m
?er cent, on preferred stock, payable February
to stock of record January 20. In June the
company declared an extra dividend of 2 per
cent. In common.
American Woolen Company, regular quarterly
l'i per cent, on preferred, payable January IS.
Goneral Chemical Company of California, reg
ular quarterly 11 per cent., payable January 2
to stock of record December 22.
Canadian Weatlnghouse Company, regular
quarterly IK per cent., payable January 11 to
stock of record December 31.
Gillette Safety Pazor Company, regular quar
terly 1 1-3 per cent, on preferred and l'i per
cent, on common, payable January IS to stock
of record December 31.
General Flreprootlng Company, regular quar
terly 1;; per cent, on preferred and common,
Eayable January 1 to stock of record Decem
er 20.
Standard Gas Light Company, semi-annual
dividend of 3 per cent, on preferred.
Western Union, regular quarterly 1 per cent.,
Bayable January IS to stock of record Decern
er ID.
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, reg
ular semiannual 2 per cent., payable December
31 to stock of record December 0.
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, regular
quarterly IU per cent., payable January 1,
1UI5. to stock of record December 10.
American Express Company regular quarterly
1 per cent., payable January 2 to atock of
record December 13.
American Express Company, regular quar
terly of 1 per cent., payable January 1 to
stock of record December 13.
Western Union Telegraph Company, regular
quarterly 1 per cent., payable January 13 to
stock of rocord December 10.
Rlordan iPuly and Paper Company, regular
quarterly Hi per cent, on Preferred stock,
payable December 31.
Vessels Arriving Today
Str. Pawnee. New York, merchandise, Clyde
Steamship Company.
Str. Ericsson, Baltimore, passengers and
merchandise, Ericsson Line,
Str. Potomac, Fowey, china clay, Charles M.
Taylor's 80ns.
Str, Beta (Swed.). Slethel. ore.
Str. Thyra Menter (llr.), Baltimore, ballast.
W. J, Grandfleld & Co.
Str. Westonby (Br.), Newport, ballast, Earn
Vessels Saillnfj Today
Str. St. Andrews (Nor.), Mauen, Antllls,
Munson Steamship Line.
Str. Port Antonio (Nor.), ltasmuscen, Fort
Antonio. Unite.! Fruit Company.
Str. Currier, Van Glider, Guayanllla, P. R.,
Earn Line Steamship Company.
Str. Toledo, Nelson. Sabine, Sun Company.
Str. City of Memphis. Dowes. New York,
Ocean Steamship Company (cleared Decem
ber 7)
Str. Mohican. O'Neill, Norfolk, etc Clyde
Steamship Company. ,
Str Anthony Groves, Jr., Brlstow, Baltimore.
Ericsson Line. ...
Schr, Edith S. Cummins. Hooper, Quanlca,
P. R A. D. Cummins & Co,
Schr, Delaware Sun. Janssen. Sabine (In tow
steamer Toledo), Sun Company.
Movements of Vessels
i?nt.rf Rtatea collier Jason from New York.
arrived at Genoa December 7,
from Havre December 7.
M.e AmMtnirivk (Dutctil. from Phlladelohta.
arrived at Maasluls December 7.
Str. Evelyn, for Philadelphia, passed out
Capo Henry December 8.
CJtr. J. It. Vf'.l.-. ,IVHI . MUKUCiy.U, .
rived at Boston December 0.
Str. Quanttco, Jacksonville for Philadelphia
was 30 miles northeast ot Cape Lookout at T
p. m.. December 8.
Str. Grecian, Philadelphia for Boston, passed
Brlgsntln Shoal at neon Deaamber 8.
Str. Indian. Philadelphia for Jacksonville,
?assed Cape Lookout at 7.30 a. in., Decern,
er &. '
str J. M. Gutter. PhlladelDhla for Port
Arthur, was 100 miles northwest of Tortas I
at noon December 8. ... r.. 1
Schr. A. and M cams:, tor rnnapnia.
Jcrsey, per basket. OOlfTBc. Onions, choice, per
bush., 70it76c,: do., ordinary, per buh C0
Ojcj do., choice, per 100-lb. bag, Il.25tfl.50;
do., medium, per 10O-lb. bag. 83o.ffll; dc. sec
onds, per 100-lb. bag. 007Bc. Cabbage. Oo-
sailed frem rharlMtert fombjr V 4 , .
Schts, Henry J. Smith. Fhtlttc'flpntt. tit
llostdni Wawerloelt, Philadelphia for Boston t
Governor Powers, Philadelphia for snro,r,
arrived at Vlnersra Haven December 8.
Freights offer freely In the steam mslket,
with the supply of available vessels light.
Rates are well supported. Inquiries for lrn.
Atlantic voyages are circulating In the. aii
Josey (Dan.), Now York to fienmsrk, grain,
17,000 quarters, private terms, prompt.
Itarald (Nor.). Raltlmore to Hcendlnarlan
ports, grain, 10,000 quarters, 7s., December.
lAay Nlnlan (Dr.), Quit to west coast of
Italy, grain, 30,000 quarters, 8s, December.
Mar Cor (Ital.), 2059 tons. Norfolk to wist
coast of Italy, coal, private terms, prompt.
Albergen (Dutch), 1118 tons, Baltimore to
Tamplco, coal, private terms, prompt.
Dfixon jiionarcn (Xir.i, uut ion, transat
lantic trade, 2 or 8 round trips, C ed, or Gs.
Pd., deliveries United Kingdom, prompt.
Manchester Corporation (Ur ), 3400 tens,
same, six months, private terms.
Wakefield (llr), 2.130 ton, same trip screes,
private terms, delivery Virginia, redeliver
west coast Italy, prompt.
Kanawha (Am.), lOOrt tons. Gulf to Bremen,
cotten, private terms, December.
Denver (Am.), 2S1P tone. same.
Trym (Nor.), 1138 tons, Baltimore to Puerto
Harriot, coal and structural steel, prlrMe
terms, prompt.
Two Killed in Auto Wreck
M ACON. On,, Deo. 3.-Waiter D, Imar.
Jr., mombcr Of a prominent and wealthy
Macon family, nnd his negro chauffeur
were .found dead under Lamar's wrecked
automobllp on the Thomas(on road today.
Tho car was smashed.
struct nnd maintain a pipe under and acrots
East Penn street, southwest of Chew street.
Section 1. The select and Common Councils
of the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That
permission oe Kranteo to me'Mermantown uis-
Knsary and Hospital to construct and msln
In an Iron er ierra cotta steam pip under
and across East Penn street, at a polrt about
nice hundred reet southwest of Chew street, to
connect their buildings on either side or said
stieet. Said pipe to have-an inside, diameter
of not ovr eight Inches and shall be used ex
clusively In the work of said hospital. Said
pipe to bo laid under the supervision and to
the satisfaction 'of the Department of Pnblla
Wnrke, and so as not to Interfere with any
municipal or, other structure In said street.
Before exercising- any privilege undar this
ordinance, the . said Gerrnantown Dispensary
and Hospital shall first enter Into an agree
ment sailsfsctory to the city Solicitor, pro
tecting the City from any damages by reason
of the laying and maintenance of said pips,
and agreeing to remove the same and restore
the street to its present condition upon the
passage of an ordlnanco to that effect, and
hall pay Into the City Treasury tho sum of
ntty (60) dollars for the publication of tMs
Approved tho 37th day of November. A. D.
RUDOLPH nuL-NK-nvmrnri.
No. TBI.
llavor of PhlladelDhla.
nance approved July 2, ion, authorising th
construction of main sewers.
Section 1. The Select and Common Councils
of the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That
mo orainance approved July z, 1U14, autnorts-
In? the construction of main newer.
the same. Is Jiereby amended by substituting
In Section 1, line 13, the word "Cedar ave
nue" tor unrutian street, so that aald portion
of ordinance shall readt "Cobb's Creek In
tercepting sewer in Cobb's Creek Parkway
from the present terminus near Ransom street
5?,th5 Precm sewer atjout three hundred
(300) feet north of Market street, and the un
finished portion between Catharine stmt and
Cedar avenuo." Also by inserting after the
words Gray's avenue. In Section llne 10, the
following words: ''And in Gray's avenue, from
Fifty-second street to present sewer southwest
of. Fiftr-flrst street' so that ald portion of
ofllnance shall read! "Fifty-second atreet,
from the present sewer about thirty (30) feet
northwest of Paschall avenue to Gray' ave
nue" and In Gray's svenue, from Fifty-second
street to present sewer southwest of FHty
nrt Jtreet.1'
Approved th 27th day of November. A. D.
Wo. 782. Mayor of Fhlladelphf.
city Plan McClellan and Slgel streets, from
Twenty-fourth to Twenty-ntth street, and to
plsce on the City Plan In lieu thereof Taylor
and Ringgold streets, from Moore to Mifflin
Section 1. The Select and Common Councils
of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That th
Depnrtment of Publlo Works (Board of Sur-
Vrrri-Ml 1o milhortiMl nnd (tlrt in !l,it
fn r v Plan McClellan and Slgel streets
'ourth to Twenty-fifth street, and
plan In lieu thereat Taylor and
nt each ot the width of forty
re to Mifflin street) Provided,
nent or bond, satisfactory to the
be nied within on year from
th of this ordinance, protecting; ths
Cin : it nil damage by reason of striking
saU Mcfltllan and Slgel streets from the plan,
and urreelnff to dedicate the beds ot Tayjor
and Ringgold 'streets to the lines and grades as
confirmed by the Board of Surveyors,
Approved the 28th, day ot November, A. JD,
No. 781. Mayor ot Philadelphia.
and grades on the portion of City Plan No.
100, between Wmneflejd avenue. Over brook
avenue. Fifty-fourth street and Fifty
seventh street, and to change the name of
Fifty-fifth street, from Overbrook avenue to
City avenue, to Fifty-sixth street, and to
change th .name of Fifty-sixth street, from
Overbrook avenue to City avenue, to Ithan
Section 1. The Select and Common Councils
ot the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That
the Department of Public Works (Board of
flnrvevors) be authorised (to revise the line
and grades on the portion of City Plan No. 103
between Wynnefleld avenue and Overltrook sve
nue. Fifty-fourth street and Fifty. sixth street.
uy striKins xroin tnv pmn ruiT-iuis street,
from Wynnefleld ivenue to Overbrook avenue,
and relocating the same to connect from
Wynnefleld. avenue to what Is now Called
Fifty-fifth street north of Overbrook avenue,
and to place on tha City Plan Ithan street,
(mm Wvnnefleld avenue to Overbrook avenue.
and to change the name of Flfty-nfth atreet.
from uvernroou avenue to t,ity avenue, o
Fifly-stxth street, and to change the name of
Fltty-slxlh street, from Overbrook avenue, to
Clty avenue, to Ithan street 4 Provided, That
before the said plan Is confirmed, the owners
ot property first dedicate to ths City th;
beds of the proposed Flfty.slxtb. street ana
Ithan street, from Wynnefleld avenue to Over
brook avenue.
Approved the -sin aay ot overooer. a. v.
No, 7S8. Mayor of Philadelphia
laying of waterplpe.ln Ashdtle, Blakernore.
Commissioner, Falrhlll. Fourth, Fifty-sixth.
Haddington. Hawthorne, Hemberger, Lycom
ing, Marshall. Orlann. Rockland, tlubleam.
Rusoomh. Saul. Sheldon. Bull, Second, alxty
Ixth. Third and Tenth streets; CtafUten.
nsher", Olrard, Uudley and OverbrooJuaanc
nues; Drexel road, and Kitchens lane.
Section 1 The Select snd Common Council
of the City of Phlladelnhla. do ordain That the
Department or Public Work ,bo authurlaed and
directed to Uy water pip In Aahdale street,
from Second to Third street; RUkemore street
from Stenton avenue to WoodUwn street. Cuia
rolsaloner street, from Thirty-fourth o Thirty
mth street; Falrhlll street from Undley ave
nue to Fisher avenue. Fourth street, from
Runcorn'., to Ashdale street
from Wynut-neld avenue to Overbrook ayesiu
llsddlngtun street, front Fifty-sixth to FUtjr
seventh street. Hawthorn atreet. from Dyer
to Pratt street. Hemberser street, frost Claar-
fleld to Ltpplncott str set, Dooming street, from
Ninth to Tmn street. rnti ftreet, tram
Hunting rrk avenue to Cayuga trt: Ort
snna street, from Wlngohocktng to Cayusa.
street. Rockland street, from the Boulevard to
EltvHitb street. Rublcam street, from Seoutd
to Third street i Ruscomb street, from Second
to Fifth tret. Saul street, frofn Oxford. nlk
to Waverly street and from tVakeung to TWer
street: igheldon street, from Second to TWrd
street, Bull street, from Secant w Third
etreet: Beeoad sllt, rarr the Uouleriri $7'
Suncsnson avenue, 6txty-lxth etreet, from.
Irard avenue to Havertord aviso. Third
street. from Rockland to Delptaln trt, Taoth
Street, from Luxerne to L) combat street.
CUrkMn avenue, from Second to Third f4rt
Fisher's aveniw.froui Second to Uaschar streMt
Guard avenue, from SUty-OItb to Stxty-trtxtfe
atrset; Uudley avenue, from gecoa to ThM
atieet and from Fifth i to Ntatk strut: Okb-
- .. -.... rAK.
sres. -. "f -" -vtH.u .h ,
m, iron ruty-ii
fourth to riHr-tl.
street; Drexel row, Iran Flf!-sso4 to FIT-
Iran i
ty-thltd tr. Kgcaeos '- 'rn wis-
rlcknn imkh to Falretount rrk.
d this 10th day of Naveokbet, A. U.
Uyr ot PhttadelphLt.
Ne. ITS.
AM ORDIN.Nt."5 tseU-ElTISIo ASi) A.M'Jia
psMtlDK a certain pte af gruun4. with taw
wag a4 ttatSKSU uwesn. sttuate ta th
TbMM VAm. as a park and mu uublie Bias
for toe neartn tmsut euj;iu or ia vaw.
tecUus 1 Tt Select sjad Cutauuni Coniums
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