Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1914, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9
t 9 S3E1AL L-WEDD diiu EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1914. ffft .wwwwww mn i ii a.wi ',.w'w--'g1 "Ty!ST!j '" " TlJ I'M wSMT BON TUB gueats at the luncheon to be given at the nilz-Cnrtton, followed by- a theatre trarty on Saturday, by Mr. Seymour Dnvls, for Mlsn Elinor udd Bean, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles It. Bean, will be Mrs, Joseph B. McCttll, Mlsa Kntherlno Seeler, Miss Itnrjorle Tnyldr, Mlas Eleanor B. Watt, Mlsa Bthet Hastings, Miss Frances Tyson, Mlas Kltz abeth Tardier, Miss Helena B. noblnson, Miss Bleitnore Blspham, Miss Bllrabeth 13. Winter and Mlaa Edith Gltllngham. Henry Heed Hatllold wilt entertain this eve ning In his box at tho opera and at supper In tile lUU-Cnrlton, In honor of Miss Mary EVclyn Chew. Tho party will, be chaperoned by Mrs. Itobert H. Largo. Miss Lilian M. Adler, daughtor of Pr. and Mrs. Iiwlrf II. Adler, Jr., of the Belgravla, whose marrlago to Louis Le Boy Hepburn will take place at noon Thursday, will be attended by Miss Qladyn Trlnklo as maid of honor, and her bridesmaids will be Miss Margucrlto Starr, Miss Elsie Hepburn,, Miss Mario Supplco and k Mlds Helen Adler. I V. Horaco Hepburn, Jr., wilt act as best man, and the ushers wilt be Earle Hepburn, Cyril Hepburn, Barry Hepburn and Frank Adler. The. eeromony will be performed by the Hev. Dr. David M. Steele, rector of the Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany. Owing to a recent death In the bridegroom's family only the Im mediate families will be present and thero Will be no reception. Mr. and Mrs. Hepburn will live In Kutztown, I'a. Miss Adler entertained her bridal partyv at dinner last night at tho Belgravla. The marrlago' of Miss Ellzaboth Dlgby Leeds mid Henry Hope Itced will take place In New York tomorrow at tho Church of St. Mark. Miss Leeds Is the daUghty of Mrs. Albert B. iliecds, of Iloadslde. dormantown, and a niece of Bishop Webb, of Milwaukee,, Wis. Mr. Heed is tlie son of tho late Judge Henry Heed. His mother, who married, en second noces, tho late Dr. Thomas C. Potter, was Miss Ellmbelh Bond, a sister of Francis E. Bond and Mrs. Warran Ingersoll, of this city. Doctor and Mrs. Charles Bingham Penrose will give a dlnnor at tho Bellovue-Stratford lnl honor of Miss Cordelia Blddle and Miss Ruth Coxe on Monday ov.cnlng, December 28. ALONG THE? MAIN LINE CYJXWYD Mrs. George W. Ward, of Bryn Mawr and Ponarth road, will ontortaln tho members of her Card club thtB afternoon. Those present will be Mrs. William A. Hentt, Mrs. J. Baltz, Mrs. Webster Bell, Miss Mary Bowes, Miss Helen Bradley, Mrs. Warren Plummer and ' Mra, W. Charles Brown. The Association members of the Cynwyd Club held their usual bowling match this morning a the clubhouse. JMLA-rThe members of the Bala Dancing Class met last night In the garage of Mr. and Mrs. John a. Fleck, on Bala avenue. Those, present were Mr. and Mrs. William L. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeburger, Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Parry, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Q. Child, Mr. and Mra, Joseph V. Little, Mr. and Mra. William B. Bewalt. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kraft, Mr. and Mra. Frederick W. Fleck and Mr. and Mrs. CUorge Bassett. MEIUON Miss Eliza Davids, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard . Davids, will leave De cember 6 for Lltchburg, Va., where she' will spend two weeks as the guest of her cousins, Mr, and Mrs.r. Clinton Klnnler. Tho Red Cross Club will meet o Mrs. Arthur " Montague Lewis' home, on Bolrd road, tomor row afternoon. AnDMORE-Ur. and Mrs. William T. Elliott, of Otenn road, returned from a short trip out of town. Mrs. Utile L. Jarrett, of School lane, Reginald Jarrett Richard Brooke Jarrett and Loulo Clay ton Jarrett bavo returned home from Pottatown, where they' were Malting Mrs. JarretVa mother, Mr. George B. Lesslg. Mra. Jarrett and her sons will also spend the Christmas holidays In rcttatown. "' VATTOt Mr. and Mra. B. F. Van Bchalck, of Wt Laurel avenue, have as their guest Mr. Van SchalckM slater, Mrs. W, Simon. The ladles of the Saturday Club will give a card party tomorrow afternoon for the benefit of the Red Cross work. Mra. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Jr., will be in charge of the Recent pints at "Tho Wesley" Include Mra. Dunlevy, of dermantqwn; Mrs. Douglas, of Philadelphia, and Mra. C. W. Ruschenberger, f Strafford, ALONG THE READING aeorga W. Bikini, of Chelten Ilouie, Elktns Park, will entertain the Board at Governors ef the Huntingdon iValley Country Club at den ser at the clubhouse on Friday evening, De cember IS, v The Philadelphia Players' Club j(U, present a comedy, entitled "The Amateur Cracksman,'' Friday evening, December 11, at Mercantile Hall, Broad and Jefferson streets, for the aeneral David B. Blrney School, p Logan, The play will be followed by dancing. Those who wll) take part In the play are Mlts Mln famore Wllspn, MU Marie McAlf, M,M Mabel Kehr Donnelly, Mlsa Helen .'Anders. Miss Morea M. Drumm. Harry J. Kpehler, C. Frank Ay er, Clarence M. Hutton, Norman L Force,' William J. Gerhart, Jr., William. J. Lonjr and "William F. Koehler. Miss Marlon Tyre, of 6718 North 8th street, pent tho week-end with Mlsa Grace Turner, of Qermantawn. f Mls Turner's engagement to I. Ha'frts Tyre, si Oak Lane, baa recency been announced. WEST PHILADELPHIA A reception was, held Monday evening at the h fcoma of Mrs. J. Meade, WW PJne' street, m honor of tho Abe, Daba Soelal, Among those jrent were Mlsa Qertowje MoOimu, Mlsa ri Sutter, MUe AudKtf Chapeaan, MUa f Ma?4e Beakta. Mia BUa Ofes, MiM Ruin )&". MUM Katell Wood, Ma Hhm Otowr. MUHd Jonas. WlHtijB iatw.nr,, Henry Laaaaar. i-thu Mtt4. Jr., PMUo Sliar. JaatM ftorbcumf. JW1 Kqetetn. jiten r, mM, aor Wlur, Pal Smiley. m. WUUm R Web, of Ml South . mum. wiU bettajis lb mHobi ot fer rt4 cfejb t&votmn lAtmamm, at I s-'ff," Mbwied fey a iM ttbaft. U vilj s jit. o-'jee Teaa Mr- flemwm KrtJpiUft, Ut i.vttsti liiittM. Mn. H tj eabiul gst r ... , L Wl lffJa tlUhaatf Jatt4 HByMffiMaft Jm aMF F m lr Mal JfaV fc Taff Laafc JaMaT "aBlBaBBaWfflaaKaaHaaaaBlaBaBBaBalaaaaWBaaaBlaaaaBHaBaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaHalaa -- f fl Thomna Simmons, Mrs. John Maxwell, Mr. Josepli-McMorrls, Jlrs. James Gould, Mrs. E. J.' Hasso, Mrs. William Haines and Mra. Frank B. Stockloy. , The members of the Sherwood Field Club wilt entertain at a large dinner this evening In honor of their wives. The club rooms', at 60th street and Thomas, avenuo, will be 'artistically decorated 'with Vifllms and pink roses. Among' the guetts expected aro Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frlnff,- Mr. and Mra. George Frlnff, Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd Murphy, Mr. and Mra. William Cleaver, Mr. and Airs. Jules Frlng, Doctor and Mrs. W. Thompson, Mr. and Jlrs. Dull, ,Mr. and Mrs. RufUB Klngnbury, Mr. and Mrs. John Barba, Mr. and Mrs. 'llano, Mr. and Mrs. Chpney, Mr. und Mfa. Wllaon, Mr. and Mrs. WllJIam! Stew art, Mr. hnd Mrs. Edw. E. Cullen, Mr. nHd Mrs. Owen Goraghty, Cnptaln nnd Mrs. Lane, L. A. Paine and John Barber, Sr. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. George Flagg and Miss Ade laide O. Flagg, who spent the autumn at Bryn Mawr, havo reopened their town home, 3919 Walnut street. - GERMANTOWN , Mr. and Mrs. William Worrell Wogner, who havo been spending- several days .In North Car olina, returned Inst week to "Ellerslclgh," their homo In Gcrmantown. Mrs. E. N. Haag-and Miss Haag aro Bpond Ing a week In Washington nnd Baltimore, whero a number of entertalnmonts will bo given In their honor. Miss Anita Mcgnrgee, of 6S07 julncy street, has gone to Chicago to visit friends for a fortnight. Dr. and MrB. Albert W. Strecker, of 6357 Wln gohocklng terrace, are receiving congratulations on tho birth or a daughter. Mrs. Strecker wilt bo remembered as Miss Agnes Harton. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Maxwell,' Jr., of 19 West Tulpchocken street, will leave shortly for a motor trip to Gettysburg. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simmons, .of 1518 South Broad street, wilt hold the last meeting of their dancing class tomorrow evening, at 1133 Cheat nut street. The dance will be followed by supper at the Bellevue-Stratford. The mem bers of the class are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Stockley, Mr. and Mrs, George Shlelor, Sir, and Mra. George Young, Doctor and Mrs. Parks, Mr." and Mra. David McCoach, Jr., Mr. and Mra. Henry Dolflnger, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Foster, Mlsa Ella Moo Young and Charlea Wield. Lieutenant Commander G. B. Londenberger, U. S. N., and Mrs. Londenberger entertained the Monday Evening Bridge Club In tho Olrard Estate, at their home, 2601 South Garnet street, last evening. Their guest were Lieutenant Commander R. S. Keyes, U. S. N and Mra. Keyes, Lieutenant Commander G, A. BIssett, U. S. N and Mrs. BIssett, Lieutenant C. A. Lutz, U. S. 1. C., and Mrs. Lutz, Lieutenant T. H. Winters, U. S. N and Mra. Winters, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius 'Beebe, Mr. and Mra. Charles Davis and Lieutenant Taylor, U. S. N. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robinson, of 221 Mifflin street, announce tho engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Laura S. Robinson, to , Bernard D, Maltman, of Fort Mifflin, Pa. Thetweddlng will take place early In the aprlng. I Mlas Agnes B. Carlln, of 1417 South 10th street, a popular South Phlladelphlan, played the lead ing role of Mary Turner, In the "Avenger," produced laat evening In Mercantile Hall, by the members of St. Malachy's Dramatto Club. Others In the cast were Miss Alice Murray, Miss Catherine Cavanaugh, Mlsa Anna Kenny, Miss Margaret Sweeney, and Messrs. Leo Mur ray, Walter poraey, James Martin, James Conners, James Webster, George MoKeown, John Cavanaugh, Thomas O'Rourke, Edward Walsh. The play was under the direction of William II. Byrne. LANSDOWNE Dr. Carl ICelsey, of the sociological depart ment of the University of Pennsylvania, ad dressed the meeting of the Associated Charities of Delaware County, held at the Twentieth Century Club laat nlghL Mrs. A. L. Pennbck, of Violet lane, Is en tertaining Mr, and Mra. J, Frank Laird, of Short Beach, Conn. The Treble Quartet of Philadelphia will sing at the muslcale this afternoon at the Twentieth Century Club, The members of the quartet are Mlaa Edna HatWood Baugher, Mlas Maul Pet tit, Miss. Mary Newklrk and Mlas May Walters. Alton K. Dougherty will be at tba piano. flw k Hiau Mlaa tiisif m the dugti-, t Ut. tai Mia, Q. s A, flMitr. .fce wM i.tu.- ui lo 4usM lo- ;. BiJti Hi ikn. f-mik-rnn-, . i "The "It40tsa ft ! JLaaaaaHp !RHHiaaHaH(MB aaaBaBaBac-' .aaaaeHaa'Bv baffTgTgTgTgTgTgTgTgTgjJHat hB jbaLaLalHF akakaHakmw-' JlgaLawtt fcaLmaMP aTjaTaTaTaBarawr sararaS'aTBaTBaawKj iaaaEr kaaVHv ' iHBH. - wik -aaLaLaH ISIH alLaaHaHtW-''' -' 'laJBS jsaaaaaaBaBa ' ' saRBaa MBaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTH SfsaTal KafBaBaBaBr w 'dal-JLa8 k BBalBa3BaP.jKa9i4slBaBHaBaBi MISS IIAHKIET ADLER W '" Mis Adler was married today at noon, at tho home of licr sletcr, Mrs. Frederick Dutlcr Embick, in Devon. NORTH PHILADELPHIA A number of young married persons promi nent In the northern section of the city have organized .a dancing class, to meet monthly. Those who will attend tho December dance, which will bo given tomorrow night at tho Automobile Club, Carpenter's Station, German town, are Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Hancock, Mr. and Jlrs. Henry De Groat, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Field Peet, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Lo Ma"ltre, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benezet, Mr. nnd Mrs. Owen' Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Pflngst, Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles Bready, Mr. and Mrs. William Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Statzell, Mr. and Mrs. Mercor Bnlloy, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gelger, Mr. and Mrs. Waltor Haohnlen, Dr. nnd Jlrs. Wil liam Brn'dy, Mr. and Jlrs. James Kunkcl, JIi. and Mrs. William Steen and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Freeman. Jlrs. John Hetherlngton, of 2SZ7 Oxford street, has Issued Invitations to tho wedding of her daughter, JIlss' Rebecca Hetherlngton, and Al well S. Cooper, on Wednesday night, Decem ber 1S; at her home. Jtlss Martha Hetherlngton, sister or the bride, will be mold of honor. Jlr. Cooper will have John Jlurphy as his best man. The bridegroom and bride will be at home after February 1, at 1817 Newklrk street. The fourth annual dance of the Lyceum Insti tute will be held tomorrow night at Asher's Drawing Room. Miss Bernadetts Gorman, of 1720 North 18th street, entertained the bridge club of which she U a member, at her home last. woek. Thoso present Included Miss Hilda Gallagher, Jlias Helen Shields, Miss Mary Dohan, JIlss Mary Jennings, Miss Mary Devlne, JIlss Ella Connor, Mlsa Marie McJIanus, Miss Ella Ryan, Jtlss Agnes Ryan, Mlaa Florence Loughlln, JIlss Mary Loughlln, Miss I'd a Pequlgnot, Miss Lu cille Bowe, Jtlss Ilosa Bowe, Miss Martina Kelly, Jlrs. Joseph Corrlgan and Mrs. Charles E. Waters. The Young Peqplo's Society, of St. Matthew's Reformed Church, will give an attractive dra matic entertainment tonight In Apollo Hall, North Broad, street, The play to be presented Is "The Private Tutor," FRANKFORD Mr. and Mrs. Henry Borneman -will enter tain at an Informal talk on "Indian Imple ments" tonight at the Frankford Historical So ciety, Invitations have been extended to all the members of the society and their friends to hear Jlr, Borneman and visit the rooms of the society, 4610 Frankford avenue. They are also Invited to enjoy the hospitality extended by the woman's auxiliary. The society la "at home" every Tuesday eve nior, A publla peace meeting, under the auspices of the Society of Friends, was called last night at the lecture room of the Free Library. The meet ing was addressed by Thomas Raeburn White and Stanley R. Yamall upon "The Lesson of War In Europe-Peace and Good Will." Tha Men's Club, of 8t. Stephen's Church. Brldesburg, wtll meet In the, Pariah House on Monday evenings. Mlas Lillian E. Rogers, principal of tha Frienda" Weat Philadelphia School, will lecture Friday evening, December 11, on the "Educa tional Valua of Toys and Games," In the Sun day acbool room of the Church of the New Jerusalem. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Dr. and Mrs. John 8. Owen4 of 109 North 6th street, are receiving congratulations upon tha birth. of a daughter. Mr. Frank S. Wells, of Sd and Penn streets, baa returned from a visit to (few York. Mlsa Mary Brown, who conducted a European party laat summer, has gone to Florida for ev jeral weeks. Among the Camden patroneMea of "The Qoutesa ef THbs," to be glvea Tuesday and Wednesday ttlghts at tha BaHayue-Strattetd, are jt and Mr. A. K. Blekler. Mr- and Mra, Ji. VTRbatefceftalu, Mr. ad Mr. David Jester 4 Mr. GhaHee W'atso. feraely qt thl Jton Mr. and Mm. WMilam Owban. of MS Ceoftar atraat. have mmdi frosa a vtait U Mra. Oa. harts atatar. Mr. Harold Pa ueax Hj ttiMvn Mr aac Mm. Ob""" Cl f Him (tfetd. art) emmWUm entatr tM CIIAW'TY BALL Active PrcparattoiiB viii otill GoinR On for the 35th Annual Charity Ball. The group of dancers arranged by Jlrs. B. Dobson Altemus, representing tho Jefferson Hospital, one of the four beneficiaries of the 35th annual Charity Ball, which will be held in tho Academy Thursday evening, will exhibit the mazurka, hesitation waltz and tho polka. The girls In Jlrs. Altcmua' group will wear black gowns with blue trimmings, the Jefferson col ors, nnd the men will wear a blue cordon. Fol lowing the Jefferson group, an exhibition dance will bo given by Jlr. and Jlrs. Qulnn, considered one of the best couple of professional dancers In New York. In the group arranged by Jlrs. Altemus axe Included Jlrs. Howard Pancoast, Mrs. James Potter, Jlrs. Alfred Hansell, Mrs. Samuel Reeves, Jlrs. William C. Freeman, Mrs. Thomas Jlegear, Mrs. Kemble Yarrow, Mrs. S. Grlawold Flagg, 3d. .Mrs, Charles Boone, Mrs. Percy Wil son, Jlrs. Arthur B. Cook, Mrs. Howard Hill, Jlrs. J. Walter Steele, Jlrs. Bears, Mrs. William R. Howell, Jlrs. B. Dobson Altemus, Mrs. Chris tian Hagen, Jlrs. Edwin Fitter, Mrs. Charles Belknap, Mrs. Edward Atherton. JIlss Gladys Snellenburg, JIlss Kitty Smith, Miss Frances Clark, JIlss Bertha Clark, Miss Angela Forney, Miss JIarguerlte Patterson, JIlss Katherlne Hare, Mlsa Famy Wain, JIlss Louise Mitchell, JIlss JIarguerlte Magee, Mlaa Emily McKeon, Jllsa Ida Greeley Smith, Miss Marie Dallett, JIlss Florence Smith, Miss Elizabeth Oberteuf fer, Mlas Jlary Victoria Green, Mlts Vlolette F: Haines, JIlss Pauline Hart, Miss Genevieve Glbbs, Mlsa Catharine French, Miss Violet Gratz, Miss Beatrice Fox, Jtlss Adeline Pepper, Mlas Pauline Dlsston, Mlas Jfary Brown War burton, Mrs. C. Rosa Smith, Miss Margaret Burton, Jilts Cordelia Blddle, JIlss Inez Dray ton, JIIsb Marie Louise Wonamaker, J, II. Q. Smith, Carrol Robertson, Oeorge Harrington, James Gamble, Richard Hanson, Dorr Newton, DeB. Kelm, William Bradford, Harold Wilcox, Harold Llgget, William Pepper, William JIo Mlohael, John Conger, Kemble Yarrow. S. Grls wold Flagg. Sd, Alastalr McCloud, Charles Boone, Henry D. Riley, John Brock, William H. Rodgers, Charlea (Joryell, Dr. Howard Hill, Al fred Gilpin. James Bull, Francis Kemble, William JIcAleer, Armltt Brown, O. R. Pennington, Dr. Robert Torrey, Christian Hagen, Peroy Taylor, Stanley Hurlburt, Marshall Wlnpenny, Henry Richards, Thomas D. Oratz, Franklin Stafford, Edward Nash, Emlen Hare, JI. F. Maury, Rich ard Crozler, Montague Lycett, Mr. Elsworthy, Mr. Kelleher. The "Countess of Tubs," a musical extrava ganza, will have Its first performance this even ing In the ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford. The words and muslo were written for the occasion by Charles Loon Downlnr, and many attractive eolo dances and specialties have been arranged. Tha proceeds will be given to tha Northern Homo for Friendless Children. Mlaa Marie Louis Starr and Miss Miriam Blaster will do solo dancea. Twenty-four children from the home will dance In "pajama" dance, clad In their "nighties." and tha Count! will go through humorous situation with her "express man" husband. Among the boxhotder are Doctor and Mrs. 3. Oram Ring, Dr. Jlllo Miller, Robert A. Bal four, Emmanuel McCowen, Ralph Murray Thomas Kay, William Smith, Charlea Jp Mat thews, Frank B. Stockley, Walter Q. Eels, Frederick Gelger, H. K, Mulford, Edward M. Holl, William G. Henry, W. S. Doughty, Ken ton Worne, Mr. Charles Watson, Howard B. Rqbert, Edward Wilkinson, Jr., Gaorg W. Gormley, Bdward S. Stackhouse, Mr, Charlea Baedtr, Mrs. Bdward. V. MoCaulley, Mr. John Uraun, Mr. Charles J. Miller, Charles J. Miller, Mrs. Ralph C. Stewart, Mr. A. P, MoCaully and George W. Bromley. Dootor and Mr. Vrquhart will entertain Mr. and Mis. Junes A. Glass, Mr. and Mrs. Fred erlek Gelger, Mr. and Jlrs. William Bautar, Mr. and Mrs. David Jeter, Mr, and Mra. Aufustu Sleklea, Mr. and Mr. John S. Morris, Mlsa Ger trude Urquhart and Mrs. Fayette R. Plumb, Mr. and Mr. James H. Mcrl wtll have their guest Mr. d Mr. H, K. Mulford, Doc tar and Mr. Metbesy and Mr. aad Mra. Robert MsCnrdy. Following tba Star eaafa nljbt aa lalotwal daaue wlU be htd. W1XMINSTQN Tbe Orst at tk WltwtBott AjmbtMUs W be givau en Friday otjttt o $ wj; ha th How Ouitury ciut). wttfe ll &mm QrefcuAra. H WaaMMSjtojawM C , Kii-olaWnir Bjtuafe, V 4 aiwyi lh V tha tkiu MR. AND JtRS, BENJAMIN RUSH, of 2106 Plna street,, will Introduce their daughter, Mies Charlotte Rush, at a tea this afternoon. Jlrs. Rush will be assisted In receiving by Mr. John Frederick Lewis, Mrs. Edward Dale To land, Jtrs. Ell Kirk Price, Jtrs. Robert K. Wurts and a number of tho season's debutantes, Including Jlles Ruth Coxe, Mlsa Jtargaret Ber wlnd, Jllas Katherlne Ashurtt Bowie. JIlss Susan Brimmer Ingersoll, Jllns Jlary Stewart Wurts anil Mlsa Jtargaret Handy Burton. Jlr. and Jlrs. Randal Morgan, of Wyndmoor, 'East Willow Grove avenue, Chestnut Hill, will entertnln at a theatre party, followed by supper, In honor of JIlss Jean Newbold Thompson, deb utante daughter of Jlr. nnd Jtrs. Paul Thomp son, of 1816 De Lattcey Btrcct JIany of the deb utantes will be present. Jlr. and Jtrs. Charlea B. Wright, of Chestnut Itlll, will give an opera box party, followed by supper and dancing, at tho Rltz-Carllon for Jtlss Eugenia Kelso Cossatt, debutante daughter of Jtr. and Jlrs. J. Gardener Cassatt. The guests will number 40 and will bo selected from tho season's debutantes and the younger men. Jtr. and Jlrs. Gcorgo H. Earle, Jr., of Bryn JIawr, wilt give a box party nt the opera, fol lowed by supper and dancing at the Rltz-Carl-ton, in honor of JIlss Katharine Z. Ogden, daughtor of Jlr. and Jlrs. George Dlcklo Ogden, or Bryn JIawr. Jlr. and Jlrs. Calvin Pardee gave a most at tractive dinner danco' In thet Rose Gardens or tho Bellevue-Stratford last night In honor of their two grandchildren, who nro debutantes this year, JIlss Lucia Warden, of this city, and JIlss Jlay Erdmnn, of Princeton. Some .223 Rucsts attended and were seated nt small tables tastefully decorated with a profusion of cut Mowers of tho season. JIany beautiful gowns woro worn. JIlss AVnrden chose a ,b'luljh-greon satin gown, covered with tullo of tho same tint, and carried a bouquet of yellow gardenias and roses. JIlss Erdman chose a dress of white satin nnd a covering of tullo to match. Sho carried pink roses and gardenias. Tho guests were exclusively from the debutante and young er dancing set. Among those present wero Jtlss Knthrlno Bowie, JIlss Jnne Harding, JIlss Jcnn Bullitt, JIlss Hope JlcJIIchael, JIlss Hope T. Ilcale, JIlss Virginia Roberts, JIlss Knthrlno Ogden, JIlss Mary Brown Wnrburton, JIlss Jliry Denckla, JIlss Charlotte Rush, JIlss Jlnrle Louise Wonamaker, JIlss Jean Llllic, JIlss Lilly Crisfleld, Jllas. Elizabeth Thompson. JIlss Emma Ashton Dorr, Jtlss Pauline Dlsston, Jtlss Cordelia Blddle, JIlss Inez Drayton, JIlss Elizabeth Ynrdsley, JIlss Cordelia Drexcl Bld dle, Jllsa Jtargaret Handy Burton, JIlss Char lotte Harding Brown, JIlss Elinor Judd Bean, Jllsa Elennoro Blspham, JIlss Sarah A. Baker, Jtlss Edith H. Bally, JIlss JIargaret Borwlnd. Miss Ollvo Benson, JIlss Euxenla It, Cassatt, Jtlss Jlary E. Clayton, JIlss Ruth Coxe, JIlss Hansell French Earlo, Jtlss Helen Struthers EM, Jtlss Charlotte Fnhnestock, Miss Eleanor S. Gamble, Jllsa Jlary Hall Laird, JIIbs Jllldrcd Lnngstreth, Jtlss Cornelia Leldy, JIlss Jlary Arrean Jllller, Jtlss Jane Harding, JIlss Ruth Jtann, JIlss Hubcrtn Potter, Jtlss Gertrude Pnncoast, JIlss Dorothea Obertouffcr, JIlss Helena S. Robinson. JIlss Frances Stoughton, Miss Alice Chapman Thompson, JIlss Jlary Stewart Wurts, JIlss Anna Jfary , Wnlthour, JIIbs Elizabeth Wlster, JIlss Sibyl Wright, JIlss Florlne Pearson, De Bennevlllo Bell, Harry Bower, Richard S. Bullitt, Jervls W. Burdlck, Gcorgo Barker, Samuel Blspham, Jr., William L. Bally, Jr., Walton Clarke, Tristram Coffin Colket, 2d. William Davis, William II. DuBarry. Joseph N. DuBarry, Norman Dunning, Lelghton Dunning, Brooko Edwards, Thomas McKnlgllt Flnletter, Powell Fcnfpn, William Foster Fot terall, Walter Fotteral. Charles Y. Fox, Hol steln Fox, Jtalcolm Huey, Thomas Hart, Daniel L. Hutchinson, 3d, Woodson Hancock, William Gill Hopkins, Alden Johnson, Albert Edwnrd Kennedy, Jr., Edward Hance, Alden Lee, Lud wlg Clifford Lewis, Albert Hawley Lucas. Philip Leldy, John Blye, John W. Jlears, Lawrence Murdoch. Joseph Jloulton, Roland F. Jlellor, Joseph B. McCall, Jr.', Elllston Jtorrls, Edward H. Jlorrls, Augusts Frederic JIuller, Vaughn Jlerrlck. Alfred Norrls, Caverly Newlan, Francis B, Patterson. William O. Rowland, Howard Rowland, Francis B. Reed, Thomas Robinson, Hilary Rex, Alfred Reeves, Ashton Souder, Charles Alexander Service, Jr.. and Andrew Van Pelt. , ROXBOHOUGII The December entertainment of the Levering ton Presbyterian R. B. H. class was given at the home of Jllsa Marlon List, on Falrthorn avenue, and was In the nature of a surprise celebration In honor of Miss List's birthday an niversary. Yellow and white chrysanthemums mingled with ferns In the decorations. Those present were Miss Rena B. Horrocks, Miss Mar garet Neely, Miss Orace Heller, Jllsa Mildred Beaver, Miss Florence Barrta, Jllsa Anna Roshon, Miss Jlarlan List, Miss Minerva Web ster, Mlsa Esther Joly, Mlsa Bay Llat, Mlsa Dorothy Llat, Jtr. and Mrs, Howard Cantrell, James Pickets, Roy Mllllgan, James Oliver, Raymond Manley and Lloyd Sharp. Mlsa Gertrude Rudhart, of Lyceum avenue, wtll entertain at luncheon and 600 tomorrow. Her guests, who are members of her card olub, will be Mrs. Robert A. L forte, Jr., Mrs. Thomas Shoesmlth, Mlas Counselman, Mrs. Joseph p. Davenport. Mrs. Clarence A. Keever, Mr. Harry Flanagan, Jlrs. Clifford Durell, Mr. Charles A. Maek, Mrs, J. Walter Flanagan and Mlsa Lillian Ritchie. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Mlsa Nan Snow, of t Bast Wensley street, wtU entertain tonight at her home. Thosa present wtU ba Ms Bertha Blelden, Mis Flo Sohoppe, Mlsa Frances Haskell, Mis Rebeeiea Korman, Mlsa Cella Stein, Mis Gertrude WlUs, Mlsa Clara Relde. JIls Martha Simon, Frank Volgt, James JlePeak. Otto 'Betaer. Wmtr Creamer, Cbarle Albright, Lewis Treft, Clif ford Leach aad Gerg White. The tywse will b beautifully decorated with aulunu faiUg, chrysanthemum and feres. The gtpets will be entertained by lelanctoni an the pin no by Ml Frances ifaakajL and Miss FtartAeo Sahopp wtM give a number of weal irtaetiaaw, Htas CUra You, af JK WmeitUi atmt, wHi ealaftajR Um Ktecotera of fear sewtsf; etrtH M Wednesday af lanuw. Mas, WtlUajB WaaJM. i Cap Ma. U u ggtjBt M Mra, J) aaMMBM, t teed aveau. Mr. LwK, jg HW 01tffei rt. la aptai'talruog as 1)mnm0 M. (lilM Hu- IS.U, ma o.uts, W (M Her. n i ROADSIDE. COTTAGE, Devon, the attractive home of Jtr. and Mrs. Frederic Butler Eifi': blck, was the scene of n pretty weddinir when JIlss Harriet Gilbert Adler became! the bride of Thomas Francis Watson. The Right Reverend Jtonslgnor Nevln F. Fisher, of St John's Catholic Church, conducted the ceremony. The drawing room, where tho wed ding took place, was arranged with azaleas, whl to and yellow chrysanthemums Srtd ferns Mrs, Embick, sister of the bride, wna maid of honor, and Jtr. Watson had his brother, Wll' llam Watson, aa beat man. JIlss Adler's gpwn was of White satin, beautifully trjmmed with old family lacs, and her tulle veil was held In place with orange blossoms. Tho court train was carried by two pages, Jtaster J. E. Cope Jtorton, Jr and JIaster S. Hutchinson Gatloney, who .wore black velvet suits, and white linen blouses with black tics. Jlrs. Embick wore -a gown of mahogany-colored velvet en train. Her ho' was of white satin, trimmed with white grape and velvet to match the gown. After tho ceremony n breakfast was served for the guests, who wero the Immediate- mem borp of both families. Jtrs. Andrew Potts', of Washington, an aunt of the bride; Jtrs. Potts' son, Gilbert Potts, of Jlorrtstown, N. .T., and hla wife, nnd Jtrs.. Andrew Potts'- daughter, Jlrs. John N. Stearns, Jr., or fcfW'Y'ork, and her husband, Jtrs. Richard Watson, mother Of tho bridegroom, woro also present After their return from the wedding trip Jlr. and Mrs. Watson will occupy a new houso which ha been built for them nt Devon, and they will also spend a portion of their time erf th furm In the country back of Wayne, which U owned by the bridegroom. AMUSE5IENTS BROAD-Last 5 Evgs. ?$&& FRANCES STARR ln The Secret Popular Price Wed. Mat. Beat Seats tl.50 NEXT WEEK nJr ENQAOCMBNT EXTRAORDINARY CHARLEfJ FROHSIAN Pretents THU SEASON'S SUPREME EVENT , THE TRIUMVIRATE OF STARS WILLIAM BLANCHE AlllB Gillette Bates Ddo IN SARDOU'S MASTERPIECE DIPLOMACY B. F. Keith's Theatre IT CAN'T BE DONE But Houdini Does It! TEATS IMPOSSIBLE TOR OTHERS ARE CHILD'S rLAY'FOn "THE ELUSIVE AMERICAN" 'TOPPING A IVO.VDBfiPUX, SHOW BESSIE WYNN: EMMET DEVOY CO. ( PRIMROSE FOUR; PEDERSON BROS,; FRED J. ARDftTH A CO., Other Star Acts. T7,rT'D'n'OrP This A Next Week. Ev., 8tl8. P UXVIVlljOl Mat.. Wed. i. 8at.. 2:15. N, Y. HIPPODROME COLOSSAL PRODUCTION OF PINAFORE A REAL SHIP ON REAL WATER 200 SPLENDID SINGERS MAT. TOMORROW S ?1 SATURDAY MATINEES BeSC SefltS j1.5Q ACADEMY OP MUSIC BURTON HOLMES TTTTCI FRIDAY EVENING, 8-.15 J.X11.Q SATURDAY MAT., 2:80 GERMANY Austria BOc, 75c. It at Iteppe's. 2&c Actdtmy; CheSinUt bt HOUSE I OrtatMt Photoplay ACto. 1 to 5. 10 md, 15c. Ergs. 7o,U. 10, .10., Sic THE, SPOILERS Twice Dally. Afternoons 2st0. Evcnlnri 8:50. Precedod by Dalljr Chanso Flrt-Run Pcti4M. Coming cSgg. THE CHRISTIAN VICTORIA THEATRE "fl&g0 'QUALITY" VAUDEVILLE 11 A. M. TO 11 P. U ADGIESS10 LIONS AND 2d WEEK OF PHOTOPLAY TRIUMPH UTj'DrV'rnG'PrP TTQ" Btartlln Expdu of l'(r JTlVUlillUl UO Crim and Template Alumni Bulldlnr. Ktneaoth lured. Tonlsht S-10- FREE LECTURE . lS, TWILIGHT SLEEP IB IT BAFET 18 IT PRACTICAL? 18 IT AVAILABLE Br ANNA 8TEKSE RICHARDSON Freiented by MoClurt'i Milno lVatch lor Futurt Ledum Throughout City, ACADEMY OF MU SIC ' WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. DEC. 18. AT S.S KRBISLEB DIRECTION C. A. KLUB TICKETS. 75 CENTS TO U x. On SttU at Iltgpo'l. 1118 Chtnout Btrt. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE MBTUOPOLJTAN OPERA CO-. NEW YORK AtTMW LOHENGRIN Mmoa. Qadakl, Matunautr; MU. Urlai, Will. Kuy--U1. llldduioa. Conductor, llr lUrti. Bcatt. 119 CliMlaut trt- Walnut 705i Parte 659. WANING OP "SSwkfiSf BARBARA WORTH Ntt Wwlt THE TRAFFIO Neu Wk MARKER BTKE8T n t C T P. "?ats:. i WAWAUAKHR'8 tllo 11:U.11:M vjuviJAJn -A5?AHn Afyrs Bvais(BataJRMfva On. Wti In A4a n Munnisu vj LlAlvlVl.lji4iUu. Wad. o4 81 at J.u POTASH & PERLMUTTER Ftwlir Prica Wad. Mata Bt Suit It M T TrprpT fii i wiMi- f u Jw.i mfcS& fiWSJftnUV- ThpSilvArRnv TUHATBK 17thDaLawr - '9 1 -f na nam ii gaau Baaanrad, FUjhm Luu ffT THE oSlii S8 Wfk. -8! SffiffiF NIJK-8 GRAND &&'"' 'nK Xaaajr i.U. T MATlNUli lOMiMUt0 XjIUJ. tmum? At .! MXUM &$&$ high mm ADEIPHI VAfiuljL JI ""..- ibm gohf lHM4a TATi V" K Omky 1HM HU is Mm tit in fiwt sax 4. , . ,:iSm4 aE ipsrar tno.sfiiaj5aiF .3tef EMPIRE I MAT1NKK ToliAY S4T '..t i -'... v i CASINO ssuafmw U M1UU I Ajfiak. StHADuihi sr Mm