Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1914, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6
. :j-'- " --- VBNiyG MPlSIi-PHILABtgLPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1914., a.l..1..ai.ti. ,,,, ....j..:-, ,, .-AC,,.?,! ,1 -,,i ......i:..... . t., -...i,. .. , 1fff1 J,,J..,1t., ..... ,..,;. riilnimitiii-nnihi iitUmtml n r -"--r------- - i i i " ' i 1 w '' '' 'V' '.' .'lM. '.!. !!! rfi'Tnrtix('v fflMtlT Uf t THIS WEEK , SECOND ANNUAL THIS WEEK 914 FOOD EXPOSITION 1914 READING TERMINAL MARKET - - DECEMBER 212 TO Tell the Children to ask for FRANKLIN CARTON SUGAR .Ar' fis. IJiiwfcBii Mi mi nil iiim i i f i fc- i- '..-. i... , ,, . . . n mwwiw'ww"'"',w,m i &3 SB Oh' fflllwwil f ii 3ZTt wiii)ijiw.iwiww)inwiiifiiriii iwwwiwtaHiiifci , imiu TTTni.. .. SK-vJsWe iiirirmi Hamsun m i .j ....... .. j.m.w. , . g, Mgffl j " ' " -- i- t i. ' -.ii - . i . muf II IP -t-tow i "'KM.it; ;ywtiii.iiiiilipilitiU,.i . w iMfcmiiiinwiuMi ,'.' i.mu'i ininwi . j i jSyH IS'K&S5 ' ii-rff HjCr- Y s on:. . . . mi It' riS V K? Hn& fit II ffi flk aifsl Ml I IhK- I'-LUyl (fllHilP) wwritovo I fr Via wr a . I i i!fH ill WE'STfclVE CONSTANTLY X. TTrtR RETTP.PMKMT A HIQriER STANDARD OF QUALITY A '.GREATER EFFICIENCY OF SERVICE A MORE.ATTRAOTIVE APPEARANCE WILLIAM B. MARGERUM ; General Vidualer "-V .IpeaJer- in Finest Quality " . Beef, Muttpn'Larrib, Veal, -Hams, Bacon,: Larti, Tongues afid Provisions in General . ' ., Special ExposItioifcSale 0f Kinfcan's English-cured Bacon-and-': fc. Reliable Hams , W tiNM VMvM N3 I Exposition: day? , ( Sliced Bacon 24c only Reliable Hams.... 19c bacon by piece.... 23c The Standard IJptlie for tho Choicest the Market Produces Stands 1000 to 1020 Tenth Ave, 913 to 921 Ninth Ave. OFFICE, 28 to 35 Avenue A Bell. 2T02-2703 Filbert Teltshone Connection Keystone, 258 naca Children easily remember the name FRANKLIN and your Groier ka)i supply you with a Franklin Carton. Sugar for every purpose Granulated, Pulverized and -Lump packed in conven ient 1-lb,, 2'lb. and S-lb. cartons. M,f They will easily recognize tho Berlcd dust-proof Carton with tho head pf. Franklin on it and you'll lie sure to (jet Clean, Pure Sugar hinde from u'gar Cane. See our exhibit at tho Pura Food Exposition, in tho Reading Terminal ilnrket, December Cth to 12th. You will bo interested in Raw. Sugars, . Sugar Liquors, Syrup and Refined Sugars. The Franklin Sugar Refining Go., Philadelphia. l tllllwsn V J iJot House S ' Selected, domestic jihd ;. imported fruits and vege- 4 . tables. You'll find us well stocked with; every obtain able product in and out of ; season. Olive oil a spe . cialty. Prompt attention to ' phone and mail orders, and quick delivery anywhere: . Rare fruits for banquets , and dinner parties. A. M. Repetto Reading Terminal Market STANDS 801 TO 511, 12TH. ST. ; (8econil't6or Above Filbert St.) 'Phone Dell, Filbert Siis-urs "sI&ir We Thank You for your presence at this greatest of jrooa .Expositions, anu nope we may all be benefited by it, pf Pure Sea Kood Is here every day. ana you to always welcome Wo guarantee quality, service and price, and we are aiming to this -end: To hold a customer by quality and service, making' you an asset to pur business, not by the slender thread of low price. Our prices are con sistent with our quality. When looking for quality and service, - f -i - -' - TryBlifton's Arch Street Wall STALLS ' 1213 to 12S3 Phdnt Connection! Heading Terminal Market Tr, Hi!flY!i Is Your Country Skusage and S,craDDle Government Inspected e Why Take a Chance? Every .popnd of STRODE'S country sausage and scrapple is inspected by representatives of the United Spates Govern ment. A. Darlington Strode Stalls, 423431 4th Ave. Reading Terminal Market PHILADELPHIA, PA. Residence, West Chester, Pa. W The Officers, Directors and Members of the Reading Terminal Market Business Men's Association ; take this occaaipn to thank those men of business and affairs outside of the srnarket who have given their time, influence and efforts to make this, the Second Annual Food Exposition, a success. Also, the public that have filled pur aisjes, purchased our goods and been generous in praise of our efforts to insfruct and please them, which after all is oiir final aim. We shall hope to' merit your patronage for many days, months and .years to com,e, and to that; end are striving to make the Reading Terminal 'Market, already fthe largest and 'most sanitary in the world, better, more :-.attra'cfivend,' more .convenient forall. ' TIJ,e n,Pw white, sanitary tile stands and our free Delivery Service are the most recent developments inHhis diredtitin. We shall continue to im-prove--we shall never rest and you .-will find that our future development will be far greater than bur past. Domestic and Imported FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Philadelphia's largest, most up-to-date and best equipt market. All kinds of rare fruits in and out of season. We supply the Ritz-Carlton, Bcllevue-Stratford, Adclphia, St. James, Walton, Racquet Club, P. R. R. Restaurant, Union League and other well-known institutions. Our prices are reasonable, deliveries prompt, quality unsur passed. Immediate attention to 'phone and mail orders. DAVID H. SIMON READING TERMINAL MARKET Bell Filbert 4690-4891 Keystone Race 2178-2363 ....v, 38ntf.i. i ro,. ? fe-x k FOW S f -for-, yj The quality of Steaks and Uoaet Beef 'depends on tho selection of corn-fed heavyweight cattle. a dozen from 100. Fow -picks onerou. The shortest cut to peace in the home is to get the Foir habit. KUbllhd Otfr 100 Yean. OscarA. Fow & Son. "" CLAR&NGEB. FOW StalM 1234 to 41. Arch Street Side Reading Terminal Market 3ftr Philadelphia, Pa. "A? Whetf It's i Lunch Time Think of Springer's ,-. . .-QnQ.trial, and you'll- be.' a. Springer regular you'll .join the rioon-Houj;vluriche good cooking. We-cook according to home methods, do all out own baking and buy only Government-inspected meats. For over sixty years we -have, been making dinners and lunches taste good. If youffiajii tasty;dishes at reasonable, prices, the place to go is . ,. .. ' f'. '.'. H ' v 4 Springer's 'yv'yv- Terminal Market Restaurant 12tH and Filbert Streets Fish and Oysters Every kind in season. Other sea foods in all varieties. We are un surpassed as one of Philadelphia's great re tail suppliers of strictly fresh stock. Special Attention to . Hotels Clubs Restaurants Institutions Steamships Our deliveries go to all points of the city and vi cinity. Moderate prices. Seven Fridays in a Week AT John E. Fitzgerald's Reading Terminal Market rhontFUttrt 3H. FRESH LAMB necelred dally. Our meats art always fresh. We cater to the retail trade an well a to hotels, reitaurants and Inatltutlone, epeclallilnK In lamb and mutton. Orders by phone or postcard promptly delivered to any section of the city.' ' William R. Morris Stalls 819-821 Reading Terminal Market Uoli I'hone, Walnut 4097 IT WILL PAY YOU to COMfe TO US FOR EGGS- Fresh Pennsylvania cbks received dally. That's tho reason wo are soil ing to. tho lending hotels, restau rants and institutions. Family, trade a specialty. H. C. Gcrhart & Sons StaU 800.813 READING TERMINALMARKET Butter Eogs Poultry both pnoifua .ALLTHATYOUGETHEREIS BENDER SERVICE 1 We supply you with Just what you want In the best poultry, butter and egfs, when jou want It. I Careful selection from our large stock. courtesy and personal attention to every purchase, and promptness In Btllnrj and de .llverlnr your order make up our untqualed service. Our patrons 'include many of the better clubs, restaurants, hotel and cafes, yet we always give the ssjne quality and painstak ing consideration to the retail trade. Let us fill your order. We'll please you with high-grade products, prompt delivery .and reasonable prices.' W.A.Bender ONLT THE DEST 11DTTEK, EGOS AHV 1'OUtTllY READING TERMINAL MARKET Stalls soe-eoa.alo filbert, tiH-iin Boot, ,s)s Buckwheat Wc are scllintr what we think, and what all our .customers who4 have used it say, is the finest buckwheat that can be produced. It is from upper New York State, thoroughly kiln dried and then ground in the .old fashioned way". With the combina tion of this buckwheat and a good cook, the result will be delicious buck wheat cakes, and what could be more appropriate these cold mornings? 6 cts. per lbV; 1.0 lbs. 55 cU.. ' Pure Maple Syrup qt. tins, 8001 pt, bottles, 30c. Blended Maple and Cane Syrup qt, 33oi bd.1, I.1B. . . Virginia Hand-mado Flint Hominy 12c lb. , This Is the- finest dinner hom iny In. the world. . Hominy Grits, so lb. Hooker's Farina, 7c lb. Scotch Style Cut Oats, Go lb. Rolled Oats, Bo lb.; 10 lbs, 45c. Virginia White Corn Meal, old-fashioned water mill ground. Black-eyed Peas, Deans, etc. ' Merrill & Hopper . 1217-23 TERMINAL MARKET Arch St. Aisle. , . .; j. ro tag mum J'VJSW I FREE You Do the Buying Patrons of the Reading Terminal Market who li.ve4in West Philadelphia, on th&Main Line pf the P,.R;J as far out as Villanpva, or on the Media Branch as. far as Media, and the P., B. and W. Branch as far as Rid ley Park, can now have their purchases delivered direct to their homes via the Terminal Market De livery Company, FREE. -. . This Company has a fleet of new "White"' Automo bile Delivery Cars with uniformed men, making two deliVeries;ailyin. the above territories. DELIVERY SERVICE : We Do the Delivering Hampers will be returned artel stored free, Order purchases sent to the receiving station of the "T. M. D," in the northeast section of the market. The Com party will padk and deliver-prpnptly,,; ? i'j, When shopping elsewhere, bring'ypIiVa'crcages'to the "T. M. D.," and they will he qarrjed toyour home. f ERMiiAL Market delivery READiNO TERMINAL MARKET. PHILADELPHIA A ?? M ZXPQSmON OPEN UNTIL S P. AU SATUi r CJM I MV J pb msmmimimmm "t! i.l3j r. j . Jl'ii SfiPjti. -BBt" I,.! j" Jn nnrriiijuimmj. rf n m j r tjfr H ami I J iT Vtmf'TrW i ft .'1 ft -t ; N m M . nt ill : t ,it Jt ft -'1, nit' vr . '.i i -tit 1.3' ' lo :'t -a ox iK .01 .14 i ' n. :1 A til A MsjpAtssessM j' mimmmuMmiXHMiimm mmmmtom wttmmmm mmtimmmM0mmmmmmmmmimmmiiHtimmmm HWMVsa y. ;i.4,iSJ 4jfesSc9SR.lP 'OH C-S,; 'ysfetf' i a3$ ,4Pf" - - "r3?' --r ifmximtfiiti MMmm: . -ji, '' -.-jVjW. --, -g- & J if.jaJB