Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1914, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14
prrwjjp; "W" vw!flw rfjc I It Irfe: m- 1 a; OHMFMONEY HAS CAUSED INVESTORS . TO 1PICK UP BONDS Mfgh-class Railroad Sc urit.cs Being Taken. rveiscnsmarK rxcnangc Continues Upward Swing. Jttfifr TOtlK, Dec. ..'-Willie tliet bond 1 ' trirkct ahowed a drugging tendency to My, prices' were generally upward nnd Uisre us a. Rood Inquiry for railroad bonSs, which apparently came from In Vtstors who are picking up high-class atgurUles, primarily because of the oheapncsj of money. Call money opened At 4 per cent: and Utfer fell to 354 per cent, which was U)i general rutins price In the trading fr4terday. There was an oversupply and any ono who had good collateral to of fer had no dtfllculty negotiating a loan. HeUchmark exchange, which advanced yesterday, continued the Upward swing today, (joins to 91 for cables, compared irltti the tow ebb of &H at the close of last week and 91 yesterday. Today's prjco Is thus an advance of S cents within ' week. In foreign banking circles It Is In sisted that the rise In the result of havy bond sales for German account, tt IT Intimated that the Stock Exchange U (not employed Ih this liquidation, but thit'tlio 'bonds have been sold direct to Important banks and trust companies. It lilmrd to see How proceeds of such sales Can l3q remitted. Only' three large bankers nre now In position to draw On Berlin, and they are not In tho market as sellers of ex change, There Is no way In which gold can- be exported and the sole Influence of the liquidation, which Is said to have occurred, can Consist only In the tech nical alinnge of this country, Instead of having credits In Berlin. A- strong featuro In the trading woro We w Ilqven convertible 6s, which showed npvnnce of i on the sale of a "block qfWOCO, which changed hands at 99, com pared WItli last night's closing bf 9T',i. J'cnnsyivanla convertible lia sold at 93, unchanged. Inspiration Coppc third paid Cs were strong, being up ,4 from the otfontntr nt AT and 1 point higher than - the last previous sale at 96. J.ust beforo noon 117,000 Wabash-PUtsburgh Terminal ftrsrcceipt is changed hands,, in small blbjaTsrat S, up a point troni the opening, , inj n last sale of 7. ribek Island us sold at WW, up ,, i:aCC0 being traded 'IrVhcfore' noon, while tlics collateral Is of the Chicago, Hock Itlancl and Pacific; i tho old company, changed hands' at J?1., unchanged from yesterday's close, and the -I per cent, trust certificates of tho company sold for S"l. off ?. Missouri Pacific convertible Cs were 37 bid without ofTers and offer. Prior 'to the closing of the market last July therjs bonds spld at "41$. ; Atvptlier suspension was announced on the, S'tbcly Exchange this morning, A. II,. Combs c Co. giving notice that they were unable to meet their obligations. This firm, has held a prominent position for mariy years In Wall street, A. If, Combi being formerly Identified with Addison Carjlmacfc and the old-time bear contin gent, but In recent years the. firm has been most acthe In tho loan crowd, arid ha'tl rrtore to do with the tending and bor rowing of stocks than any other house. Its Importance has diminished, especially since the Flower element passed out of the market) that being the last Important market connection of the firm. FINANCIAL BRIEFS '.Clarence M. Clark, o B. TV. C(ark & Co., today resigned as a director of the Ulrard National Jtank. The" Louisville Stock Cxcliange will re open for unrestricted trading1 on Thurs day nex.t The Coffee Exchange voted to amend its br-laws .'so as to eliminate foreum beet ousa'r. contracts, which paves the Way for the Quotation of sugar futures. Slorria -TV. Stroud, 'Jr., Philadelphia mana(rr of ' William P. Bonbrlght, Jr & Co., has -purchased the local Stock VX ChangfeTsiAt of Ilownrd E. Mitchell, which changed batids. Inst weekvfor $000. A bid of JloaJJstinowmade for a seat." ThtfTtostph Stock Exchange will resume next Thursday morning under restrictions. The' liabilities of X. F. Plerson, Jr., & Co- the Xew York Arm which yester day made an assignment for the benefit of'Its creditors, amount to a,000. The firm's. Attorney said the liabilities will be "cohered by the assets when custom merepay" the balance due on margin ac count's ! " Since B'rlday the New York banks have lost 11,8,000 on Subtreasury operations. Th iJe,w .Tork banks transferred JM, tp'.N'ejv brleans today. KO Tilt Boa ton call money rate was marked tanfafjtnm J'ti to 6 per cent. Time for payment ofS per cent notes of ticrd ts. Taylor has been extended to July J. 1315. . The Merchants' National Bank of Xew- rk,' N. J,, retired 150,000 emergency cur- vmnnv nt (hit Irtflt ftttVi(rail.v ' The Diamond Ice and Coal Company. oC Wilmington, the securities of which are largely held in this city, declared an Initial dividend or Vi of 1 per cent, on -the common stock payable January l, 1315, to stock of record December 15. George rope, former president, but nejw receiver of the Pope Manufacturing Company, has 1150,000 on .hand with wbla t make a second distribution of Vi per cent, to creditors of the company. Application will be made this week for authority to pay such a- dividend. The 1rit etvMcad W 17 per cent was msde several months ugo. Excepting two transactions In PhlU MOfihla city 4s of 1W and 1941, both of WSTth oJianced hands-at tTi- no sales 6 sCl tap 4PrKle were reeorded at today's t9& Ikifal Auctions. A" number of bids , were tJfcffSfil"61- . . MW at. enrasa leuay secftTca 1 ir ?&&. ' AwMeilin of th KaeJuetsr Ratlwa n4 UfM Cwppay"aw jwrnHssIon to Mti mv lr HK,)sTr al' 4ifl trijat mrtange 9&Wi M appravfcl tur 9 Htm Yo afi oocjf W"1 .05 ai Sst lt a 'Baa IImucaw. .w u r S utaMitimMTOCft M S ?tt H 531( Mars W Sua i i t m i ar u 1. '. NEW YORK BOND SALES High. Cow. CTdCt) A,ner Tet ". 4l aJ. 4mer tm ew 4a. . irt JJW -Jn.r tlt rap is .. M WJ.tf At-hiour to 4(- vjft law Ateniaoti (ten 49 tub et" Atchison ivt 4s lww vi H Jtehlson cvt os luW. Iwu lust Allan i o 1.1ns clt 4s. . SJ& ROW wilt A uhlo 4a ss euuo HMt oh cvt 's ih 4 11 A U 1 1. BV V 4 W isjwi ialt ft 0 Swn BSii ' l8oy Hth Hteel nil ms sah 1W) llrooki)n It T 1UIS 5n. B Tow iireokiyn t n.fci lit vs 1WU O (J C A Bt li If) 11WM LVht leather In as. . . HI'l v; v.n ! eo-i ! loi S't vJ ml . viU uiuou lent, t'ae 111 4.1... . 1(AI nea ulil'j- o 4l 3(jti i)n 8 lSUM Phl( Nwn .iu ilSt eu . I.f lWn suorw yr.i tJ u Joint 4 liuii-'ii. gn 4' u-4 saw lmi llii imi IIUI CM AIM ,ni r cp os. ii ltnpt nn ev M. Hi 7 BOH oo cv 4W. . Duw da tn it 450UO cm h i ft I'.eoi 4s . H'W do 4s lr ctfil. 1W city tin Line 4'i. . . liX.0 Col HoutH ref 49. UA) Utl Hud rfd 4s... lotjf lms Hecur Cora uu U7'i Utl. zi- is- jiii. !nu 74 4, l 10 wv tiji (ftu 71it 04 (l iA).f rvriq Ken i. Krli vi ARM HilA Hfnn AAt Ins. fit 2d 20 JSii 01- snt osu l 1)04 to 80 0.V, 711 03U 07i KB',4 70'i m oi'.i Wlfi oo 10 wm maasinsi aico tu.... puu Dii'JU lnfip'cv ret Hd pd 0i.. UT 4'.VI lnterb Mat 4li 7 Mi lnooo lnicrti II T if in.-.. litl;t iWI Intmil faptr e Co . XI 1XW Japtneso ct 4s.. i .... S 4OO0 Kan City Tr 1st 4.. 0.1 loiKi Krston Tti n kjU soou Lacl,a Steel 5j, 1I. . 1'SJi lOMXaeka Slrel S". W.H.. S;ii 3000 Laclfdo nai 1st r.n...loi) KlflO !.! HK doll 41. lUlH.... Ill) 0Hr4 8.1 S2 H.I 80H HS4 BOU iw oo SM oi 'i 7Pt 1.K Sh tlcb 4, 10.11.... M. ;0OU louli ft Naili 4s. 01 ti 41 7(1 1WJ1 m Il9 7Ti Slit 0-' Wl'i MUU Minn A Kt Lt 43 n llM.i iMi'S 110 iT1 0U4 wi to on 104 IKHi. Uu Mr linn & T 1st 44 ICOO N T city 4s IMI... ;ikm do A'in luco .... U"ptiO do luill ..,, . ... 10i N Y N H H Us .. nooi X Y Itwy ref Is . . . 10MJO do sdj .It raoo Norf o Weit con 4s. , 2200 Nnr roc prior 4.. 000 On lly O N eon 4s I'ICOO 1'cnna cv :'i,;.. .... Illl no IiiOO Hny Con Copper Us. .uu MOO IlMdlnr Ren 44 2U 10i0 ltock lslsncl 4....... S e,0M Hock Itlnnrt rfd 4s... V 171.00" llock Island Ss r.'.ni 7000 Seabolnl A t. RdJ .". n.1 I.OO11 foJth 1'ac col 4s K! 104 02Ji HI. (10 01 04 S11. 61) no; 115 K.I t? ltOHO'Houtll I'no CV 4s NW1 XWi MM MWOU B 1-uc ret f J Bs 10.14. Ii"i6 13U IIJVi rant Sn rur rM 4s m'5 m, Mh K4(, mini J4Ji tiolllli iiy Rfll 4S.... t-T. 1O0KI South Hwy can C Oil 14C00 Trim Co cv lis Ht. 1000 Third Ave rcf 4 711', 1KKX) Thlnl Ate mil ."is 7." UOW Tol Bt It A W 4s 1070. 4ii . m.T B sf, lllli. 7o; tTt 47 !i(l4 JOij 45 uuu ij a Jimicy . t P'Ji 4 2000 tr H Hubbcr s W00O tl (1 Kleel r, moo I'nlon rite 1st 4s rwio ITnlon ftio cv 4r. ... .MXK1 Wnbaali 1st rcf 4. . . . Miio Wab Ttou ct ta 4s. , . 2W00 Wab-l Ttt 1st ct 4. --.- .. Jim. niiii NU ioo n4i ntti lOOj, H4tj; :i7 S?1i :t.i j 100V4 nt.J5 "ii (t-'l llKl SD'J 24000 Wnb-I' T Col t Cfs.... 7 IWO West nictrlc fin lfx.ti 4nno West Md 1st 4 B014 r.ooo west i: &i cv ..... soij LOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALES 2:no Open. High. Iw. I'jM. .1$ Cam Iron . . ..41 41 41 41 BO Cam Steel .. .40 Sl" rto scp IX'.V, 17 Electilc 'Stor .. 4W 10 Hen Anlult pr. 07 2.1 Ins Co X Am.... 21 nsil Keystono Tele., ll'i r. l.elilRh Knv 7.1 211 do t c 731. 17 t-elilsh Valley.. OIK in l.cli Val Tr pref 2H 17(1 Northern Cent.. 2Vi 3.18 Pcnrn fl21. 41 renna Kalt Mfe. 03 zm I'hlU Cn scp. .. 01 1.17 Phlla Electric... 32 no ! n Ttr ctfs... n 27 neadlni: ) ir.-fl Tonopnli nl.... 4Vi .".70 Tononah Mil.... 7'i M Union Traction. ".Oi ( V O 1 82 20 U 3 Steel t.ref.lO!i BONDS 40 nr.i', mi J (17 21 IV i5 T.ltl l'4 2G 40 l7 2t II 7.1 751, myl 211 40 not; (17 21 11 7.1 7.Vi HI' J 2(1 h?M S21 RJl, 52 11-10 T,l m 01 05 05 01 22.; 60T. 7 (, IW". ni 1?' CO'. no!? 82 101. inri .10, H2tJ 1014 Sale. High. l.ow. 3 SO xiioo m a t.- i: .is s.1 n C! 700 lilec & Peo Tr 4s t c. 70 70 noon ij Nav cons H,n OS lis . 2400 nulla Klec 4s t c 70 7. 70 n 7S 1001. t)2'l 1000 do Hold .1 t c 100!, 100V looo Reading EcnMs. n2; zu M!. HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. M. - 10 Ren Asp rfd. 67 in Phlla Elec. M Penna o.... 30 Union lYae. ISO Tonopah Bel. 7U .12 ami n Ieblrh Nav. 10 Phlla n T tc sn ti a i Ji Iteadtns; .... r.o Cam Iron ... . 10 I'enna 11 (12 Cam Stl sen. OH JC 2S do Hflfi ooi 10 t.eh v tr rfd. saw 41 tn Penna .....Wll-ln do.. M COND3. KHOOO rhlla Elec Cpld Cs .100 niec A. Peoples Trae 4s tr ctf. . 200 Klec & Peeples Trac 4s tr elf.. .WOli . 70 . 7'J 10,30 to 11 A. M. .1 U O I S2 3 U O 1 82'1 20 l'enna ....3211-10 20 I'onna ....1311-lti 2 tlo A.. 2i s do .12; 12 Thlla Blec... 22 12 Phlla Klec... 22i HO Tonopah B1.4 0-10 100 Tono Uel.. . .4 IMtl SO'U a 1 82 SO UOl S2 4 J'enna 62; 4 Penna 82H 0 do 62 11-10 300 Tonopah nel. 4H R ram Iron. . . 41 ion Tonopah Mln. 7t n Penna Bait.. OS 121 North Cen... SMti .1 do OS 40 do Kit j 100 Tonopah Uel. 4'4 0 do 82 b 11 to 11.30 A. M. 10 Phlla niec... 22V. IS Penna .. .1211-10 U An. 22U .1 Cam RteM... An 200 Tonopah IleL 4t S Elec Storaie. t.su I 1 Reading ot UONDS. 1000 Reading Gen 4e,,., ? 11.30 A. M. to 12 M. S Klec Storage. 4Si; 2.1 Union "Tjuo,. 0W n Cam Steel.. .-40 2 Elec Storare. 4hi 1 Elec Storage. 1 do 0 Cam Steel... 4KU 1U 3 Elec atorace. m'.i &.U Mill tlAt fcV, ttf.S BONDS. 200 PhlU Eleo 4i 12 to 12,30 P. M, T9 10 J.ehav tc. 75't JCO Tono Itcl...t U-lil 7R Phlla Co icp. 01 ft lh V lr nfH "rt Vi Kelttone Tel ll'.l ?0O Tono Bel',. 4 0.18 '. ' 12.30 to 1 P. M. SO Kelntone Tel. ll'.s S I.eh Valley SO doi.,...,. 11 46 Cam btl ai KH. m btl acp. Udta UUH vaney.,, ! 20 Tono Mln 1 to 1.30 P. M. '.1 North Cent.. SJt, -t renna. Salt,. 10( Keyatonei, Tel. It ko Keystone Tel 23 Penna Salt.t 05 20 Heading ;,... BONDS. 200 Thlla Blec 4s ,,.., 1.30 to 2 P. M. 0.1 11 BO'l 10. 1 neadlnf 10O J- It T tc JO'. 200 Penna BONDS. M 2ADO Phils Eleo 4s 78 V... S3 ICO Am Gas Jk Bles 3s. SOOO Am 0s II EVec 3s. . 2 to 2.30 P. M. 10 Penru. Salt... OS 25 Ins Co JJ Am. 21 20 II 8 Slee pfd.10441 ST Phlla Co'sS: 5l BONOS. SOOO i-h Nav Cons 4t4 OS NEW YOEK CTJItB QTJOTATIONS Asked. glades ,.-.,,,., (1ldnW Consolldatsd . urtuo Ctunu Iji Rasa M;i-wn do pref NlpUalng Otis ISlsmtor do prcr nrksr - Hegonan .... Sttrltag 0u ...... Tttbaaw PrDduala wef United Olgar Stares . TjafteIroii-diiiMii' ' ntU 0(ian4 doforcf ,. Tukeo Ould . 6ti . 10-18 .. 21 ::: ... 4 ... Mi ... 60 ... 88 ... JU :t- ...107 ... 14i ... t ... 86 ijs lll-li 27 ' !!- 7iu s & 110 9k DIVIDEND DECriATtBD . Heat pd Flower Ota ltl ' f fl- OB f da eeagaasa, parable J, ? fojOfMBir . ot MtefaUaa. IS SFSkt. en uiiiM. t to Mk ajf iteoi Dsisail. ,simw mjATfcm& : aMfjrnfd, jau- jrwam 8QSS r oto- i 9 sssars o num. CfeSBXtaJUF. --- SMtastArlv fcsaXtil afcOitsnt Ctaawsy, Mrennaiial otu. paMt ttlsnba U 1 SPP!jHf sjsW--VW M .W sWUjjamlsaaasjB ana 1H pr cs4 3 to a took at J OunuMrr n nnbr aiurtart Mw Jtsnianr Usaiietjucir. Ward I'm wm "-. Jwbi' rifaM IMeanatw - JUtsaaaaaa wooUB sAa bt a a4 jTaiMldry Cals- J.VV I rWt ptjr spsaf, s ppt-'-. e MiMC, yjw pcitm. saajiasav jseevi rasard PfffflBlKtr ft. I EVENING LKIKJ-K-IMIILADELPHIA. TTIEHDAt, DECEMBER 8, -1014. LOCAL SECURITIES SHOWED FIRMNESS IN NARROW MARKET 2-.u0 I'M Vji "ill. WA UJ1. w, Ko s IJI'l nun 5 a1 United Gas Improvement Shares Reached New High Level Time Money Rate Down to 45 Per Cent. , iSl! OO! in!- ." lu i Mn lie vl'.i afl. rrTi - -7Si "On Prices of local seiurltles showed rela tively nnrroV fluctuations today, but tho fi-encrat undertone wns distinctly firm with but one or two cxcentlon?. Llquldn tlon was In evidence In Tonopah-Uel-lnoi.t. Uvor since tlie dividend was cut tills stock lissj been (or salo In moderate quantities whenever' the market would take It. On the other hand, Tonopah Mining It j.i displayed strength. For a time It ivbi popular among tho brokerage houses to advise customers to sell Tono Imli niul buy Uelmont. The result was i the practical elimination of all specula tive Interest In tile former. Meantime, the new properties wete being developed and the hope Is now expressed that they will soon be pioductng substantial divi dends. Northern Central advanced to SiU on tho news that the board had authorized the necessary sum to pay the 8 per cont. dividend due under the terms of tho lease to tho Pennsylvania. The payments will be made semiannually, Januaiy 13 and July 15. Lehigh Valley Transit preferred moved tip hair a point this morning, and United Gas Improvement established a new high level since July, when It crc'sscd H2. Philadelphia Klcctrlc wna also n shade Ilrmers but Pennsylvania reflected a cer tain amount of foreign selling, nnd Cam bria Steel was also In supply at 40. Time money was offered In this city to d.ij at 4V. per cent. This Is a new low- level since the war. The prevailing rate, howeven remained, at 4i to B',1 per cent. Call loans were quite freely made nt 5 per cent., but outstanding call funds were allowed to remain at S',6 per cent., with few exceptions. x LIST OF N. Y. STOCKS WHICH MAY BE DEALT IN Ban Still Maintained on IT. S. Steel, Union Pacific nnd N. Y. Central. Xo Iiltch Is expected when the Xew Tori: Stock Gxchango resumes business next Saturday. The minimum prices will be announced on Friday and all stocks quoted on July 30 at or below JIB per sharp may Uo dealt In without restriction. The loan market will also reopen on Saturday for such stocks only as nre ad mitted to dealings on the exchange. The list in which open trading will be per mitted follows: Alaska (laid Mines Co.: AllU-Uhatmem il g. Co., U. lr. ctf. and pfd. stock; Aasois Kealltatlon Co.; Amalgamated Copper Co.; American Beet Sujxr Co., com. and pfd. ; American Can Co., com and pfd.; American Car and .Foundry Co., com. and pfd.; Amer ican Hide and Leather Co., torn, and pfd.: American Ico Securities Co.; American Llnset-J Co., com. and pfd.; American Malt Corpora lion, com. and pfd.; American Smelting and fleflnlng Co., rom, and pfd.; American Urn-It era Securities Co., pfd.. series "B"; American .Sugar Rellnlns Co., com. and pfd.; American Tel. and Tel. Co.; the, American Tobacco Co., torn and pfd,; American Woolen Co, com. ami fifd.; American Wrltln Paper Co., pfd.; Alc'i ton. 'lopeka and "Wnta Ke Jtall a y Co., com. ana pro. Bethlehem Steel Corporation, com. and pfd. i tlroolln Bapld Transit Co., .Brookljn Union Uas Co. California Tetroleum Corporation, l. tr. ctfs.. nd i per vent. cum. pfd. stock; Central Leather Co., com. and pfd. ; Chlcaco and Alton B. ft. Co., com. and pfd.; Chicago. Ureat Western 11. 11. Co., com. stock, stk. tr. ctfs., pfd. stock, and pfd. st. tr. ctfs, ; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul lly. Co., com. and Tfd. , Colorado and Southern Ity. Co., com., at pfd. ojid 2d Pfd.; Consolidated Uas Co, ; Continental Can Co.. Inc., com. and pfd. Denier and Klo Grande It. t. Co., com. and pfd.: Distillers Securities Corporation: Duluth Smith Shoro and Atlantic lly, Co., com. and pfd. Erie P.. It. Co.. com., 1st pfd., 2d pfd. Federal Mining; and Smelting Co., com. and pfd. General Electric Co.; General Motors Co., t. tr. ctfs. and pfd. vt. tr. Mfo. ; Goodrich Co.. (. I'., cam. and pfd. Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co.; Inter national Arrlrultural Corporation, com. stock", vt. tr. ctfs. pfd. stock, pfd., vt. tr. ctfs.; In ternational lfareater Comnanv of New Jersey. com. and pfd.; International Mercantile Marine Co., stock tr, ctfs. and pfd. stock tr, ctfs, ; International Paper Co., com. and pfd.; Inter Kteam Pump Co., com. and pfd, ; Interboroush Metropoltan Co., coin, and "pfd. ; lona Central By. Co., com. and pfd. Kanaka City Ho, Ity. Co,, rom. and pfd. I-ako Krli and western It. R. Co., com, and prd.; Lohlgli Valley It. R. Co.; Louisville and Xushvllte Tl. It Co. MUml Copper Co.: Minn, and St I.oul It. It. Co., com. and prd; M.. K. and T. ity. Co., com. and oru. Missouri Pacific Rv. Co. Kaflonal Illsult ll.. com. and prd.: rsa- ttomil Lead Co . com. and an.l Stamnlnir Co.. com. a: ofd.: Nat. Knam. all pfd.: Nat. Ills. of Mexico. 1st pfd. and 2d pfd.; Neada Con. olldated former Co.: N. Y.. N. II. and II. II It. Co ! N. Y.. O. and W. tr. Co.t Norfolk and Western Ry. Co.. com. and pfd.; No. .imerl'sr Co.; Northern Faelfle Ity. Co: Pacific Mall Steamship Cot; Pacific Tel and Tol. Co., loni. and pfd.; Pennsyhanla It. It. Co.; Pcoole's (laa, Light and Coke Co. of Chi. cago- Pittaburah Coal Co. of New Jerae. com. and pfd : Peoria and Eastern Ity, Co. Qulckslher Mining Co., rom. and pfd. lull way fiteel Sprints Co, com and pfd.: Ray Consolidated Copper Co i Republic Iron and Steel Co.. ccm. and pfd.; Reading Co., coin., 1st pfd, and 2d pfd., Rock Island Co.. torn, and pfd.i Rumely Co., M command rfd, fit Loula and San Fran. R. R Co.. com.. 1st pfd, and 2d pfd., St. Louis Southwestern ny. Co.. com and pfd.; Seaboard Air Xrnit l.y. com. and pfd.! Slojs."httleld Steel and Iron Co., com. and pfd.: Southern Ry Co., com , vt ctfs. and del. stk.. pfd. (. ctfs. Tennessee Copper Ca.. the Texas Co.; Texas and Paclfle Ky Co. Tol . St Louis and West, r n. Co . com. and pfd,; Third Ave. Ity. Co, Union Dae and Paper Co.. rom. and pfd.; United States Cast I. P, and Fdy. Cq . com and pfd.; V B. Rubber Co .com.. 1st pfd. and 2d ofd . U. H. R4 and Iter. Co., com. and rfd.: U, S Iiid. Alcohol Co.. com. and pfd., ifnlttd Ris Invest Co., com, and pfd., Utah Conpir Co . com. and pfd. Vulcan patlnnln Co.. com. and pfd Wabash n. R. Co.. com. and pfd.; Western Marylant Co., com. and pfd.: Western Union TleTph Co.. Weatlnshouss tl.c. and Mfg. Co.. com. and pfd.i Wrhssllng and Lake SrTe R. It Co.. com.. 1st pfd, and 2d pfd. Among tha prominent stocks In which no trading Is to bis permitted as yet are, Can adian pacinc. I'nion rwnflc, is oi -iwi". New Tork Central. Southern J'arine, tiaiu lUltimore and Ohio. Great Northerri. intanls Cht4pek sn4 0b! and W oowrth. GOVERNMENT BONDS Bbl. Asked. . M 87 u s 2s of isao. g , ,va of lu304ou,.. Patu It, rsc..V,V...M.--Panji 2a. eou..... . 80 Pam new iff tea nna nav as 1181 oi 1US 8 low, as, or. H li'd 1 6 W Qt H KONEY RATK3 Call ::;::::. .:.:.::: f HaMa f-, . -TEHta&tt ttx rvuMJtas in a 'it jputanjj v teerve Banks DiswusJ Rates CO D. D. .-. 9 tl f' U B L rea. MM, ma. Call. -nut. m i$ 5 K s $ &wmkGr"M to psa-i m Has""'"" i JflJMeV . - rS: Iz wSfc' r tJSggWMS.SJIWUJUHM'1'1 ' .g-li IJ 1 1 SJ ll.nu.1 if t "rji? JBBBKiiSSJSjaBBBBBBBBBBBBH iiiiiiiiiH i mmmmmmsmmammmmmmmmmm Pholo by Sills Sltudlo. JOHN H. MASON Vice President of the Commercial Trust Company, who is in Wash ington today as n member of a special committee representing the American Bankers' Association, which is conferring with the, Fed eral Reserve Board in connection with making the new Federal re serve system attractive to State ' banks and trust companies. CONFERRING ON ENTRANCE OF BANKS TO NEW SYSTEM Bankers and Reserve Board Members Discuss Project. WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-A dozen om cers of rltnte banks, trust companies, savings and national banks fiom all parts of the country today conferred with W. V G. Harding, Taul at, Wat burg nnd Comptroller of tho Curroncy Williams and tho Federal llescive Hoard on regula tions under which State banks and 'trust companies may enter the Federal reserve system. A statement will be issued late today on tho results of tho conference. . ' Among tho vlsltlnc bankers Wcrn LTzal Ml McCarter, president of the Fidelity Trust Company, of Newark, N J.; John W. Flatten, picsldent of the United States Mortgage and Trust Conipany, of New York, and John II. Mason, vice president of the Commercial Trust Com pany, of Philadelphia, representing trust companies, William E, Knox, comptroller at tho Bowery Savings Bank, New York, nntj B, P. Stevenson, vlco president of the St. Joseph County Savings Bank, 'of South Bend, Ind.; B. F. Saul, president of tho Home Savings Bank, Washington, D. C, represented savings banks; E. C. McDougal, president of the Bank of BufTnlo, Buffalo, N. Y., G. K. T.awson, vlco president of tho P.eoplcs' Slnte Bank, of Detroit, Mich., and Mills' B. Lane, president of the Citizens' and Southern Bank of Atlanta, Ga., rcpYesented com mercial State banks. Daniel G. Wing, picsldent of the First National Bank, of Boston; P, W. Goebel, president of the Commercial National Bank, of Kansas City, nnd L. G. Kauf man, president of tho Chathain and PhoejiU National Bank, of New York city, represented national 'banks, MORECOT-TON GlNfJED, Census Bureau Report Shows Hcary Increase Over East' Year. WASHINGTON. Uec. S.-Tho Census Bureau today gave Its monthly cotton glnnlns report Counting round as half bales I3,w(,10j bales were ginned from the l'Jll crop to December 1, compared with i:,OSS,4t2 last j ear. Itound bales Included this year were 38,195 ngaln.st $6,873 last year. Cotton ginning returns, minus (Inters, by States to December 1 arc are follows: Dec. l, '14. l,43S,38l) MO.SlK Dec. 1, MS i.::o.i.2io 7KH.UJ7 2,0(!u.l0l) 42,atct 11.15, MIS 022,300 7BI,21I1 l,l(W,72.1 3,572,10.1 HO4.407 12,088,412 Alabama , Arkansas (Jeorgla Loulslauu Mississippi .... iNorth Carolina Oklahoma Kouth Carolina Texaa Tennejse . . . . . United Statca . 2,283,007 oSl.Ulll 1IM.008 U74.1.13 1.0IH.287 1.27.MU7 3,7411.001 201, SOU 13.0UU.1U3 COTTON TRADING LISTLESS Government Dinning Beport Had Elttle Effect on Sentiment. NEW YORK, Dec. 8,-The Government ginning report had practically no effect uu the sentiment of the cotton market this morning, as while It showed a rec ord amount; ginned to the eild of last month, the ginning for the 17 das since the report was the smallest of several years. Traders felt that the large crop Indicated had already been discounted. Trading' was listless and prices reacted slightly aftor the opening, which was un changed to four points higher. Trading was quiet on the Liverpool exchange. 1'rlces In New York weie as follows; Prices u-re auoted as follows 7 0S. ciose. upen, man. Low, 7.07 7.21 741 7.RS 7 74 7.0S r-so. 7 07 7 2TI 7.41 7.(k) 7.7S K.U2 December January . March May .. . July . . . October .. T.M T.21 T.OS 7.(M T."l ,T.42 T..10 .T.T1 T.OS -T.rt 7.42 7.1 7.78 S.0T T..10 . . . 7.70 . . . o.1 0.1 PORT OF,PJU-,ADELPniA Sun and Tides Sua rites 7.00 a.m. I Sun acts . 31 p.m PIUf-ADEI-PlHA. Illlh water. 5:2T a.m Hlfh water. 5.34 p.m. Low water.. 12:S8a.m I Low water .12.85 p.m. ItEEDY ISUtND. HlxU water. 2:18 a m. High water. 2 11p.m. Law water.. 8:M a m Low water.. 0 W p.m. UnHAKWATBH. High water. H. 48 a.m. I High water. . p.m. Low waler.. S:ll a.m. I Ifliv water, . 0 03 p m. Vessels Arriving- Today Str. rersUo, JAcitvutUT etc., p-ssangarj and mere! ndlae, MeranaOl.aBd illnefa" Trans portalnt Company ' , Sir. Anthony QrovH, Balllmore, pwutniars and mercbanduM, BrtatfcHt Uo. Vessels Sailing Today ' 81r. Bvauger (Nor I. FVoislariji, Husaaada da Ijuanaamuv. eiuw, jserv-uu i-ybiis i:eai tiy. i. Page, fiart 8sffBU lfWLta,aeli'. . and fitUnstaJ, St. D. OBsacilas Steamships to Arrive 1MES achaer ronrey Sbj N(a . 90ttHUtteKSS Sort itntojilo. II?W ' atvwwp to Xmvs Mora NWIBX UVMH Ttlfc VlBlar w5iV.hito "Ift CTOi a iwi Urivt Po s daiibagtsUu t. Cttajurwr t)c - FRBlim Htrna Piou Data. WHpB JMi4iiy .. gov. 8 at&garA Mi ........ .xv. 10 BF,V.. STrfbll Nov. ii Vn3sa Sot-tiay ..Nov. 10 AM 2-? AiBv -. eaea -. l, . . - 9fe. it BMaSTi:': .....jtottwdan).,. star. 19 SSSsji' - -. ftepenSisaa ! ' Nv S UMOfaW, SiauBcsler Nov. 34 Nan Tomty Nov lm jjaTffli:, Ktisut N'la . No. m. WmiVB. Bnttenfan . Kv L Bstht .... Kv. SB ISsVi Pliiladdpliia Markets GltAIN AiND FLOUR WJiriAT. There was a fair export dmnd snd the market ruled (lrm under moderate of ferings, quotations Car lots. In sxport ele-Tltef-"0 3 'at spot and Dcmbr. $1,180 1.1014, No. a red Western, l. 2291.24; No. 1 Noftnem Duluth, 1.27J4O1.20t4. t.'OHN. Itecipt, niii bush. Trads was qmu, phi prices ruled steady, quotation! car lots for local trad, rs to location. No , 2 yjllew. old. SHJHIHf ; slMtner yellow, inid, ;OV40l81c. ne yellon. ns to quality, 69 71c.i..n."v ro1i Per 70 b. 07t08c. OATS. receipts, 11,091 bush. Prices wre jell malntalnetl with n tnodernte business. Quotations: No. 2 whit, StHeOSc.i standard whit. MHOMc i No. H whit. 6.1lS3He. I'l.OUri llecelpt. 80.1 bbla. and 1,833,650 lbs In sacks. Three was little trading, but milt limits nere flrmly maintained Quotations per inn b. in wowli Winter, clear, I4.7.1 4 no do stralht. lijS.2.l do., patent. 5.Su f5.7tl2 KatttitIM atrallit IiiIa rhpV.. 1ft Sllftfl 54(li do., pntcni. lute rntfs, IS.inti.titlt sitrlnc, tint, clear, ffl.loQS.noi do, slrnlsbt. fBU.1iB.IUi, do., patent, .1.05JB.0O( do, faorlt brands. JOMO.OOi city mills, cholca ntiil fti v iuiu.1 iicn r.A rlt. ttlllv v- V tlftl res. ular Brades Winter, clear, $4 tflB)4.no ...... not: ,,,11, CI, IICUI, ?", ni,,l'l.j stra Silt. $,1ltrri.2.l! rlrv. nnlent. S.1.ni)iB.7S tio.. k ItVK 'I.oUII. qulSt, but values firm! held under llrht nrfrlnr Oitntatlona ; Near ly and Western, In nood at $5.BO0O, PltOVISIONS Thn marl,ff mllikt nJ ttrltlmiit Important chanse Wo quote: City beef, In tetismolicd and nlr dried. 208Oe.; Western beef, In els. smoked, mnnoo.i city beef, . knuckles and renders, mnnlf.1 nnj ! aa .1nnt , wt i;rn beef, knuckles, and tenders, smoked, 30W .lie. , beef hams, ln3S: pork, family, 2I 2.1. liatn. 8. P. cured, loose. lltfMlic.t do. skinned, loose. 1.1!Jfll4c: do., do., emol. 14'J nine ; other hams,, smoked, city cured, ns to rami nna aveinue, lorai.ivjc.i iinma. smoked, Western cured. MfMaUc.i do., boiled, bonc les, 2a21c.i plcnio shoulders, s. V. cured, poe, llNRBici rto., smoked, 12M111C.: bel !.,'",.. Plekle, ccordlng to avereae, loose, ll'.jHtKc.i breakfast bncon, ns to brand and average, city curort. 1ni;20ci breakfast bacon, Western cured, injiaic.; lard, Western, ro PWJ'.l ?'"". ll'iUll'ic: do., do., do., tubs. I'ift'I'iGii lard, puis city, kettle rendered. In tierces, llUnttUe., laid, puts city, ktttle ren dered, in tubs, lt'JfriUSc REFINED SUGARS Tho market dull and weak. Refiners' list of prices: standard granulated. B.lBc; confec !I?n!ir, -A!. Sc: Powdered, 0.20c.: fine gtanu Uted, 8.10c.; soft grades, 4.23S4.83C. DAIRY PRODUCTS uI?.lrrl5',tr0ffer'n,t; f 'ncy slock were llRht and the market ruled nrm under a f a I r tlerrtanu. guotntlons: Western, fresh, aollil-mirkeu creamerv. 1nt.v .nat.ia 'tn,. . eitru. die; extra nrsts, 32i&33c.; firsts, .lotii aic; seconds, 2(lf28c.; ladle-packed, 2H2.1cT. ns to quality; rieartiy prlnta, fancy. 37c. : do.. a vmrm s svtro nnur in .t isa.n : do., seconds. 28RBc. Bpeelal fancy brands ot prints Jobbing- at 425i'41c. KtUIH. Kin j fresh ergs were kept -well cleaned up'nt full ngurcs. Quotations: In free onsen, nearhy e-ctras, 4U42c. per doi.: near bj nrata, 10.S0 per atnndard caao; nearbv rurrent receipts, 89,000 lu.20 per standard tase: Western, extrA nrsts, 10.80 per case, 2...&T,'un'o.7'0w,o20 Pr case; do.; seconds St .21 HI 7.80; Southern, $0,00610.20 per case, nefrlfrerator cbes. as to quality, 21(a27c. per d03. rancy selected candled fresh egs nero Jobbed out at 4,1ift47c. per do. CIIKE8E. OfTerlnga moderate but ample and the market quiet and barely steady. Ouo latlons: New York, full-cream, earlier reccTuts, ,,?? ,0cV a-J d0-. current make, choice, do'i;a1,kdl0m.,,1803l.,r t0 i00(1' """ POULTRY - .l'?X.E' p'rable-sfsed stock In moderate MS1. 7Vldi",eadA,.w,,h lraue 'alr- Quota tlona: rowls, ItfilSc: old rooster.. in UU! iiprlng chickens, according to ouallty. 1 Iff 12c. turkeys, i.iftntb. ,it. i,.tt.. . ...... ... iJ,T;J..Bul.n!'"' t0un,r' welshing 2 lbs ani oCer Ee'-'"'r paT ,w" weighing HSBl'l lbs. apece. per pair. GOOSSc: guineas old! per DltlCSSEIl. The market steady on fine deslrable-slie atock, offerings of which onl." moderate. Quotations: Turkevs. drv.nacketl Kancy large, nearby, 2122c; do.. Western. -Oc.; aeras;g receipts, 17fc!10c; Inferloi, 12( lOC. : .ID. 1. Olll. 1Rf TTn.vta in ,a t.Av ,1.-..- packed IVelghlng 4;4(S lbs. apiece. 17c; do., 4 lbs. nplvcc, I0c.;v1o .114 lbs. apiece, I tc, ; Un., .1 iba and under, 12411 lXc; fonls. bbls., dry.packcd-Western, dry-nlcked. lij3 Ihs. r.r;. iuv,ux.' " ("C.i ".. i"s. ... .1-. uu.. . ids. anu unucr, roqstera, dry-picked. 12!4c : 2fif 12I.C.: old broiling chickens -nearby, laft2 Ibi. apiece. 20M22e.; do., i '"..food, 10H8c: Western.Iia(8: lbs.'J "i-.r. -ii; , mi iair to gonti, j4Mloc.; roaai IV. Kh 'Skein, dry.pdcked. In boxes Milk-fed, ..S .', "' "" lo loz- 2223c: milk-red, 211 to -I) lbs. to los.. tnft2lc: corn-fed. 18 lo 24 lbs. to dot.. apctSlr.: corn-fed, 25 to 30 lbs. to tlnr.. ISStHic: milk-fed. 81 to 3d lbs to dos 14 ic.; mllk.fed, 37 to 42 lbs, to doj UUc.i m'!k'jfd- ,a ,0 IT lbs. to doi.. isite.; mflk fejl, J8 lb to doz.. 17c. ; mllk-rcd, 00 lbs. and oer. 18c; corn-fed, 31 tn 30 lbs. to doz.. 1314 frllc, lorn-fed, 3. to 42 lbs. to dox., 13V4t 14c,; corn-fed. 43 to 47 lbs. to doz., lt'iffl l.c: corn-fed, 48 Ilia, and oer lo tfox., 18c.: enrn-fed, 00 lbs. and oer, 17c. ;, roasting Hilckens, tlry-parkrd. In bbls. Western, milk fed, dry.plcked, 0 lbs. and oer, 17r.; Western, milk-fed, -l lbs.. 10c: Western, mllk.fed. IP) Ins., II lie. ; Western, mllk.fed, dry-picked, !T.,.'t,d.we'B'", 14ai4tJc; Western, milk-fed. 2HQ3 lbs.. 14r.; Western, corn-fed, (1 lbs. ahd over, 10c. ; Western, corn-fed, 4 lbs., U.c, ; Western, Lorn-fed, dry-picked, mixed wctshts, 14c; Western, corn-fed, 3iA lbs., lie; West ern, corn-fed.- "Uisb:: lh... t.Tltr. Nnr1mr dpeks. IKtl.V. Hprlng Geese. 12(iil3c. .Squabs, p-r doxen White, nelghlnr 11 to 12 Iba. Der dozen. S.1.7.1frp 1.35: uhltei nelahina 11 to 10 lbs. per dozen. $3(13.00: white, uelsh Ing It Ihs, per dozen, '.'.Mn2.'iO; per dozen, S2HT2.I0; do., oqflU lbs. per doz. 91.2ug21.50; dark and No. 2, OOc.tfSl. FRESH FRUITS The general mnrket quiet and lthout lm portant change. Quotations. Apples, per bbl Jonathan. SJ4J3.60; King, ?2.,1o.l.25; ilai si.TSQ2.S0t, Greenlwr. ll.T502.S0; 20h J2.n0iri.1i tFppln. tl.fte&TS; York Imi 1 laid win, .-u-ounce, K.MHMi.1; pippin, 11.7162.75: York Imperial, & tl.S0O3;..olhcr good eating varlctlea. 1.7ob 2..10; medium, it.uu: appiea, western, per jLox, Slfrl.U); apples, Delanare and I'cnnsl- vamn, per naraiier, uoiiovc.: lemons, per box, S,'l4; oranges. Florida, per box, si.SO02.su; tangerines, Florida, per strap, S2.S09u.S0; grapefruit, FlorlUa. per box, ll.SOfl2.SO! pine apples, per crate, Porto Itlco. $; Florida, lUtS.SO: cranberries, lancy lata varie ties, per bbl.. S 10 1. SO; cranberries. Cane Cod. early black, per bbl., SUM; cranberries. Capo t.uitt imiy ui tvn, i uniu, M-.1ll..i.; cran- lll.vi. ierries. j e N. Y.. acr Jnmev. tier crate. T.Vv S(l.-jr.. pears. Y.. per bbl . Seckel. n.sotrs; Ueurre llosc. Itns.SO; Bheldon, StefS; lleurra Clalrgeau, 9.uudi.i. iu; iieurre ii-Jtnjou. sur.l.2u; uuch ua. e-uu; iiowcu, ersj.ou 23, other larletlea. VEGETABLES Choice atock In fair request and values generally well sustained. Quotations; White potjito3. per bush. Pennsylvania, E8I962C.; New York, 4Stt82o,; white potatoes, Jersey. per baaket, SSfjHOc.; aneet potatoes. Eastern Hhore, per bbl. No, 1, J2H2.7S: No. 2. S1.B0 61.73- aweets, Jersey, per bbl. No. 1. UfJ 3.30; NO. 2. 2(2.2S; aweets, Jersey, per basket, (h)7Sc; onions, choice, per hush.. 10 trl.lc. j do., ordinary, per bush.. UOejeSc.; do., iholcc, per 100. b. bag, S1.230I.SO; do., me dium, p- 100.1b. ba;, '-.. I; do see ouds, per lW)-lb bat! 07Sc.; cabbsjc, domestli.tner ton, fstiU; da, Danish per ton, Il'-'iCU; laulldonrr. New York, perorate, 75c. 91.23; spinach, Norfolk, per bbl, ilttl.23; kale. Norfolk, per bbl.. TSOUOc.; Lettuce, Florida, per basket, JI2.1Q2; do. North Carolina, per basket. B0T3c. ; beans, Florida per basket. s:3.60; eggplant. Florida, per bor, fl.'fr-'-SOi cucumbers. Florida, per basket. tl.7Sa2.S0; squash. Florida, per basket, Sl.uO 2: celery, New York, per bunch. 23CM&C. ; mushrooma,' per 4-)b. basketSOc.Cll.lO. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Dec. 8. HOGS Receipts, 24, 000; market, 10c. higher, mixed and butchers, ia.AT.I3; ccod heavy, ia.si)37 3.1: mush heairjj Td,6Sr6 SO: llaht. J8.H9T.60; pigs, r77.aBj hulk. 8,TSft7.43. ' Istver; bfve, IJ.7OfJ10.76 wa and heifers. M.SSq8jill.sUokera and feedars, 3.10a8. Tenant. a.S00.6Ov BltkBP 'lleeelP'. .000; markets 10(il3c. higher: native and Western, IS6&.UI, lambs, 46.15(1 f.23. 1 'iii NEW YOBK B0TTEB AIi JIQaS NEW YORK. D. --BUTTn.-Mrket ead to flriRI, nSf)pt"' . jt'.vio rvcaases; huts t.cr mvuftuf. utt; : atlon creamer) 21 JBTiS Irnwuler, recelpta (not Includlp BrsIsT SO "; frenli. Prsis.. S7S8e.; Minl80W : nearby mlied. TisJti. (not Including S008 , eutira nearby clal BMtrfcl- SlHCM. . j THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY lor Insurances on Lives and Qfanting Annuities 517 Chestnut Street Anoounges the rerrioval of its 3roa4 SJtreet Office to the Southeast Corner Qf Chestnut and Jumper Streets, wjitHi H k wfsc4 u lUeaiv Aeecumujf Ini iDiiW ai gemstaUga SpMtfaic BtsptAmt Hiwut Swa-JaiTpaJMM' VaU CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET OPENS FIRM AFTER RAINS General Weather Conditions Have Good Effect on Prices. CHICAGO, Dec. 8,-Wheat opened un changed to ',ic. lower, because of ah caster feeling abroad and qulta general rains and snows over the winter wheat belt. The receipts hero it ere 358 cars. Cables were received confirming the exportable surplus of wheat 111 Argentina nt 120,000,000 bushels. Spot at Liverpool was easier, with wlntern 3d. lower, nnd Plate down lUd. Tho visible supply In Europe Is 77,890,000 bushels, against 73,036,000 bushels last week, nnd 78,200,000 bushels lost year. corn was slightly higher. Influenced by less favorable weather for this cereal. The receipts wcro heavy nt H17 cam. The market nt Liverpool was steady but there was tVatgcnerally smaller Inquiry for for ward delivery, Onta were a little lower. Tho receipts hero today wcro 4St cars. leading futures ranged as follows; Wheat Open. l!lh. Low. ClAse. llecember ., Lint l.nu i.ibm 1.J011 'y . 1.211. 1.214 -J.2ltf 1.21i Te. noun. 1.1 M 1.21' r...i.Vi -"i."," Cl m 09 02i 47i 61', 62!, osU 17V4 'Sift 02S tost, 17!, 52 May .... Onia December May .... . Lard ""?: . nibs Jenuary -May . . , uSi i. 471 C1U 47i S3 .. fl.SO ..10.02 ,. 0.72 .10.07 o.so 10.05 0.77 0.77 10.02 tl0.02 0.70 ODD 0.7R 10.10 P.72 !.7S-. 0.67 10.03 tlO.Oi 10.02 IMS 11807 19.00 18. DO 118.03 18.42 fill IA.C0 tAaked. NOVEMBER ANTHIIACITE TBADE Shipments of Coal Showed Increase of 141,365 Tons. According to the Bureau of Anthracite Statistics the shipments of coal In No vember amounted to E,92S,288 tons com pared with C.786,531 tons In the same month of 1913, nn Increase of 141,533 tons. The shipments for eleven months to November SO this year havfc been 63,640,313 tons as against 62,407,010 tons In tho Bame period of 1913, a decrease of 766,667 tons. The Lehigh Valley, the Central Itnllroad of New Jersey; the Lackawanna, the Delaware and Hudson and the Ontario and Western Increased their tonnage over Inst year, while the Reading, the Pennsylvania nnd the Erie were below tho 1913 figures. The Lehigh Valley mado tho largest shipments of any company. The shipments of tho different com panies In November, with tho Increase as compared with 1913, were as follows; 1011 Inc. tons tona No embar. Phlla. & Heading. . . . Lehigh Valley Central. Railroad of N. J. . Delaware, Lack. & West... Delaware & Hudson Pennsylvania Erie '. Ontario & Western Total 1,082,314 .111,003 1,130,407 23.45.1 tU!,KJT SHt.dl.l (t!.S92 NI.1.MU 022.151 2OO.0GS .14,700 .0,721 02,01 4,82'! 32,0(15 21.2(E) 3,028,280 141,313 The ahlomenta for the year to dale, to No- ember 30. wero 7(18.087 tons less than In tho aamo period of 1013. N. Y. BROKERS EMBIRASSED A. H. Combs & Co. Unable to Meet Obligations. NEW TOItK. Dec. S. It was announced today that the New York Stock Ex change had received Information that A. H. Combs & Co. are unablo to meet their obligations. The Ilrm has been In existence 31 years. This Is the second failure In two days. A. H. Combs was the board mem ber, he having been admitted to mem bership In the Stock Exchange in 1S65. The failure was due largely to the clos ing of the exchnnge, which stopped all U business, as this was a great part ol the Arm's revenue. NOTES OF THE RAIL The cancelation of tariff schedules of rcconsignment chaiges at Kansas City over the St. Louis nnd San Francisco rtallroail. which piovlded for absorption on shipments of grnin orlginatlnir nt Omaha tnd Council Bluffs, resulting In material increases in rates, was held to do unreasonable by the Interstate Com merce Commission today. Hates on wool noils and waste from Lawrence and Carre Plains, Mass., and Manchester, N, H to Providence, R. L, over the Now yqrk. New Uaven and Hartford Rallrond were declared reason able by the Interstate Commerce Com mission today. . The Interstate Commerce Commission today suspended until June 0 the can celation ot" Joint freight rates by trunk lino carriers In official classification terri tory, with a number of email Hue car riers serving Rations on tho line ot the osnassuc valley Ilallroad. , Keystone Telephone Earnings, The Keystone Telephone Company re port for November shows encouraging gains In both gross and net earnings. The gross Increase was JSttS, Expenses Increased J2097. leaving a net gain of $349. The surplus was $20,536. an Increase Of t. For U month, the gross sain was JS3, C30 over last year, with a net Increase of JC.6S6 and a surplus of J328.672 being 8. ijalu of fJ7,281 over the same period In 1911. . PRINCIPAL and JNTEREST Absolutely Insured -- 9 INTEREST Paid Day Due The Guaranteed MORTGAGE Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgages 224 Land Title Building PHILADELPHIA. CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE TO RESUME SATURDAY Will .Co-operato With New Tork Stock Exchange Committee. NEW Tonic, Dec .-Co-operatln with the New York Stock Exchange Committee the Committee of the Consolidated B change Iwb arranged to open for business on Saturday, December 12. for trading Ire n, upecMed list of stocks at or abovo mini mum prices, said prices lo bo given out by the committee of three. Following I tho plan In detail. "Alt stocks quoted on .luly SO at or bflow 11 - .-. ft i ilfs tniitf ties 4a1t Irt ppr cent. or o"y .. -" - without restriction as to rlc;. hut are Includes. In list for your guidance- and will be marked free In the price column. Loans on stocks not on the revised list will continue to stand until fufther notice unless otherwise agreed to By both parties to the contract. "For trading upon the noor lit any .;JmV o the revised list, or for, trading at a price below the minimum price established by the commit tee, the penalty shall be. for the first ofTense, suspension from privileges of "J 'or art days, and for tho second offense suspenslia for ore year." 21 MASSACHUSETTS CITIES HOLDING ELECTIONS TODAY llevere and Aitleborr) Cast First VoU of Municipal Status. BOSTON, Dec. S.-Twenty-one cities in Massachusetts are holding elections to day, llevere nnd Atlleboro are h.avltiff their first city elections. Each assumed tho municipal status by referendum nt tha recent State election. Revere mayoralty candidates nre Arthur U. Curtis. Repub lican, and James P. Dolan, Democrat. In Attleboro two candidates are running for the mayoralty James A. Leedham, Jr., and Harold L. Sweet. In Salem's election Is Included a pre liminary step In the recall election de mnJided by the voters on December 2. Inthis preliminary election either former Mayor Arthur Howard, M. J. O'lveefei or William J. Ityan wilt bo chosen as. the cnndldate to oppose Mayor Hurley 1ft the final election. Of the cities holding their elections to day nine Inst year voted for liquor license and 11 for no llconso. Of the "wot" cities Lynn last ear voted fd license by a majority of only 53. No license forces In Gloucester and Haverhill have hopes of victory. Other Massachusetts cities holding election are) Medford, Melrose, Lawrence, Newton, Chlcopee, Everett, Fait River, Brockton, Somervlllc, AVcburti, Wprcester, Spring Held, Taunton, Lowell and Maiden. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND BUNDAY THIS STYLE TYPE (or like this) One Insertion 15c par Una Three Insertions in a week.... Seon consecutive lnsertlonj... 10CO lino contract (dally ad vertising) . Gltuatlcna wanted, three inser tions In a week J-ticperiina lOo per lino Se per Una, 10c per Una THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In nil classifications ecept Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, 1'er- eouaie. u--aruinB ana nooma. One Inuc.tlor. 20c per line Three Insertions In a week.'... I'vio per line Heren coneecuthe Insertions... ISO per line ICOO lino contract (dally ad- rertl'lng) lsjje per line All raten aro based on agate, measurement, M nnlr lines to the Inch. DEATH NOTICKS-clther paper 10 llnej one time ,.. .wc Three Insertions .Jl.W I1AU.Y ONLY - . In Cjffect December J. IfU COMBINATION RATE for Inscition In both tlio montina: and renins paper, of sama day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MOnNlNO.) EVENING LEDGER (-VJENIKG.) Add four cents per line net to rates glial aLoie 11EU' AND SITUATIONS WANTEO ADVEUTISINQ .IN TII PUBLIC L'EpaiJft" MAY DC INSfiRTCU IN THE UVEN1NO L1SDO J'.n .WITHOUT ABDITlOKitt CHARGE. 7ntISj!StaXu near :our home tint villi accept Ledger want ails at office ratei. HELP WANTEDFEMALE CIJfth'5nKAID ". Protestant; asstt ullh Raahlng; aagea. fu 1S0U Allegh v t!J?,JfciiN.y".s,s-Yn,.,t experienced " 'rft ....-u ,..t ,-.. un Hucrnowpii. jua jeirerson I'iUlV .,.. . nu.nuimri WOI family; reterem, worit or housework. Toe eiueTT Hell phono Wjoin- X. I """i ".. ior ramiiy or 3; ex- -.--. WM,.w aK-t. wmccn ii ano xz a m CUOKl.Nll and downstairs work, ehamiiermiix ui.d al timet I'rotesisnt. AJtl.1. Ledier Off u"KaijMAKKn wants thoroughly eipcrlenved tockkoepcr: only one who has vnirked la dressinaklnff establishment need apply. M. Adlsr, mil Walnut, , HUUHHWUUK White girl wanted lr anartJ menu tleep home. I, 7-'. I.edaer Office, "Sm""'-?6'!. tf "MU in ! IiAUY. colored, who is competent T and carubl of manuxlnp an employmeht axency. can re cell u hat Interest in established business. Must bt abla to Invest tl.1; viod thanre for rlsht party; reference riut:ed, 31 711, i.ruKer .rilirai, tVOllUINU HOUSUKKEt'Klt, ii In auburn, mtiht be sood cook: soul wanes. Meet lads Hoom Sao. I'ublli Ledger, Wednesday o clock. (Jriirral WOHC.V-IIECOME GOVKnNMKNT t I.UK. k7u month; Philadelphia examinations booji; sample questions free Dept "13 Itw.H eter. N. V. , OT1LP WANTED MALE A"MANi;tt.CT-RlNU Mirporatlon wants dls tilct rt,anaers who u 111 be shert tvcusi.. territory In rhtladelphla, Oeutril and Lain crn I'nnsnlanla .New Jersey, Uclawsie, Now York, and utbei Important territory for the best and moat salable product ever placed on the market. It will sell to everv autu owner, every home, erv place o' business; general manaser to act as Jobber .and aell to Mtoraa: SILO to S.VKl panda) rnuld fnvct. sate this at once, as It Is s a hlih-srade I rl(ht In uer neaa proposition that U r par- tteular and ou ara hull 41101 business for yourself. Telephone Waiuul 1078, or write U. A. V Co., 1215 illbeit at,, Ttoom m.rhnadelphU CANVAS9IlB7if riaataonear.lncfl. on a anln. did free offer; hustlers can make 323 to i'M weekly ApplySto10tu . m., lq Aivb VAiiu blAJll-t.ll wanted on upholstery wor. steady ihork. Robert 1 van Is r.o.. iin.ll ithmond and Urlll sts . Bridcsbura-, Phlla ClIAUFFBUfl wanted, private famlb , slncls while man. bavins ciperlenca and gooi uji Mite reference. Address A ai; Ledcer ufnee CuPPBitBMITIl-Expert ot bninna;. A W ntld JLCo., Olth at. and Jjjaverford e. ENORAYBh-flrft-clasa. rtterpUl aaravt one who umjaratanda vlmelts and ruled rl oreo'tllce!U opportu""y- Address It Vt. ihANDUiy-to""as.lst loorte.. apply la wjlttni .V Wl. Ledger Office. EVERY own trtntT a oew or batter position abould soturo at once free copy of I itter booklet OPPORTUNITY 01' ..! or "re 11im Central Broad and fheatnut Jt.. ami a.k for Jour opy gst. cq.MaJqtk! With Mr, Walter, who uy hive, who ofhe (elMul hinta that airty Mrtlcularly to your . "it ft f9!y..StS?. -aarety-flrat" uwvameBt waatiMw: larxs retum,. . a fa 7 I K Bt. LOtlU. M ' PMUdalpbu ftr ha. 3rstclaaa uImhimi riniv PYBi ia -- JB wbo-fi ooatrel trade. teco.sisrtr!.iic feALBeiiA.v Sjieraetiii rt h, tiiJ...... Wh CWOI tteo. Aooly fldA lo ! ? It. .' -' Ksal WON WRJTfciis - Wanted. -i.r-i w1tr. om who u uurt uMliut m Ua j??0omSJe?1y ivl tE r ": WAN1AU-q tauj'iUi ..u the white tev. V. k NJfr.u i itti. . hi-fi;- ri-. 'x-i. -. ,"- -u bat En imm H i.ilrM l-o tr, t BROM1MHHT " lMt 4Mga u CllUOtl,;lUi - 'ii4il I! ; i latTiHf t m iu ' 10" t 3dl- f -v- urfL e l V 1 Ii ! .4 5. BIT , it -mt De .- I fisrclaui txrliinaa rantK(t. .XsMosTnalbi m MK. S Aa. ff -II " " 'WPeTPW,t' TiwBJiW'" J i ma . Jfci' W 4m IH la. VttKKti iJi jtns swap: JSr trD( UB-ir" quots-j WV ana .acks a MS auugm ,JE. mmMmmm --i 119m