Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1914, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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t.JRifth Local Contest in In
, state Three-cushion League
'' Promises Good Game; De-
trbit Man Playing Strong.
Local billUrd devotees will again be nf-loiA-d
the- treat of witnessing Pierre Maupome,
the local representative In tho Irhefstato Three
Cushion Jllllliml League, In Action tonight
wfeir he mutches hie. (kill with that of Martin
Jraley. of Detroit This -will be the fifth game
t the league to be held In this cltr.
i i;.in atart f the eenson MaMpome did not
display his uiual good form, but In the last
leegue game held in this cltr the local expert
evi datsTln? exhibition of three-cushion
pt7. to h 18th inning of the match Mau
peme broke the league's high run record br
lipping off at run of S, and won the match
from JMward Helm, of Cleveland, br the score
xt W to 48 in M innings.
Great enthusiasm has been aroused In bill
lard circles by the olesely contested matohes
held. In the leairua alnce the. start of the sea
son. Judging; from the reports received from
(he rarlous towns and cities throughout the
outrtrr In whloh the players appear.
Immediately after Tuesday's night's game
Sfaupcme will start on a Western tour ex
trading efer several weeks. While awar the
local representative will meet several of the
leading player in the league.
Won. IOsU P C.
Jiorln. Chicago .,......... 0 2 .730
Kllng, Kansas CfT., ......... O 2 .700
JUlis, Cleveland ...-. 0 3 .007
Cnilen, Buffalo (1 3 .007
Klechefer, Milwaukee ....... s X .(US
Leon. Chicago 8 2 .000
Vain?.. Detroit ..... II 3 .000
McCourt, Pittsburgh B 4 .1553
Keough. Rochester .. S 4 .550
Mnnpoms, Philadelphia 3 2 .BOO
ileal. Toledo 8 .400
iteneon. St. Ixnils., 3 4 An
helm. Cleveland 3 0 .260
La Orotr, Cincinnati .. 3 6 .230
Onasr, Indianapolis w. 1 0 .100
Klechefer. Milwaukee, PI Innings,
ilorln, Chicago, 01 Innings.
man hun average. ,
Katrpome, Philadelphia, 9. (
prrrSTJUnOH. Dee. 8. Charles MoCourt. of
thljclty, defeated Martin Maley, of Detroit,
BO 1o 81.. In an Interstate Three-cushion Bll
llanT League- match here last night In 67 in
njpjs. n rCHICAGO, Dec, 8 Charles Mortn, of this
ally, last night defeated. Jesse Lean, SO to 4a
in 60 Innings, In an Interstate Three-cushion
Billiard League match. Each bad a high run
of Jour.
llOPKINSVILLE. Ky Dec. 8. Harry Cllne
defeated Welkor Cochran, 300 to 109, In a
Champion Billiard Playera' Leaguo match Inst
night Averages and high runs: Cllne, 13 1-23,
ta i Cochran, 7 &-!, 35.
NEW TORK. Deo 8. EJgar T. Appleby, the
Columbia University student, won the opening
name of the national class O 16.2 balkllne
junateur billiard championship tournament yes
terday afternoon In John Doyle s Academy,
West d street,
a i
.Big Contest Will Probably
Go to Detroit Country
Club or Oakmont Club, of
. Pittsburgh, Says Report.
Ir direct contrast to othe;r years? the
United Stales Golf Association has re
ceived hut few applications for the next
amateur championship. As a rule bait
a doten or more chibs apply for the
traeetlnEy and the committee in charge of
diSUend of the business has little trouble
irVdeddinc between them. The champlon
ahip next year -will be held In the middle
(West, and the clubs meat favored are
tue Oakmont Country Club, Pittsburgh,
and the Detroit Country Club, It is hlghlr
probable that the next time the erent la
befd in the Bast. Philadelphia. Trill be the
.gcene, and as no have several courses of
championship class, there should be no
reason why the, application of one of
them should not bs accepted.
The open championship Is due to be held
tn the East next year, and in all likelihood
-irsiof the clubs in the metropolitan dis
trict will be the scene of this important
uvent The -women's national champion
ship 'will be held in the West, and Phila
delphia wilt be the scene of the women's
Eastern championship and the Grlscom
Cup matches. It Is quite likely that the
Lesley Cup matches will be played in
Philadelphia, as well.
Alooc this line it would ba & good idea
(or the United States Golf Association to
2a!ow tho plan of our British cousins.
The scene of a British championship Is
known several years In advance of the
meeting, so there is no hurry and hustle
at the last minute to set the courses In
shape. Of course, on the other side the
championship could be held in the south
of England one year anoV In the north of
Scotland the next year, and to us, used
-to magnificent distances, they would not
be very r apart First-hand Informa
tion about the courses in different parts
Of this country is hard for the Nominat
ing Committee to set, but a start could
be made along that line, and In a few
years we could have a ohamplonshlp roV
and courses could be plaed on it only
-sftar careful x3rainaUon, not only in re
gard to the clasa oi tne course, but its
accessibility- and ability to accommodate
the bout or golfers who eater national
championships must also be considered,
h .to aasMiatWB football seaaaa of
)sjsrH(tot tmsua ym act aiM uattl
,. nssnw as .eWM u
&3& SWV - W
SBSBr"?..::"... 5 v
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nam jwjus. o. t-ia
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Blaam al
m13! miaf faft- k VAtum n..... t. i .h.
bueucbt st ifest Khroatfwav sum..
i Urooaljn. mbt' Oruos BT
tool, aba Bll't" JM1. FUisaWpM.
lies' hii sss ii. ajuxoer
21 V JFihta JohaMoa Touight
. nits l. ? snu M.Vi. uj tug
v s3, ul"! kJutet it j , t
- H O I .
kktm&H, (-;
"4 k i '"vi'TiBrsT ''" l nTiF ill 1 uTrftsiiii In ''j -f-'pi rflfrflf 11 lt"t,"i lirSTJi 'TiTriii I
tAis. f-iyT'jbif jT'i , (.i i 1 y 0 1 1 i 1 jf 1 iJIp-ytf ffti'1 ITTf ii) " CTWw9t m 1 1 1 1 1 'i 'ii 1 iw 1 11 jjut
tfoSiFoUfviD ir BILL- J rn ftEAR OLD WAUTSR ', )
'AT This TImE.FOR ULoW To 5EE Hv -. rtfM, J
thcs vaiorub,, Jl000 v LEAVE I THE r aESv WL- U -
- , in nashim6Tow HMPniHrl, fir BKwHk (i"y' d&mWmfit
f Call for. misto K' la ''BHIdlM i'1 tSZs? mflrr f&
RUDOLPH - MR. CTWESJ jf WH0 pAYs THESE , ?Hisiiiii $&g0'' X
Ml k salaries?- you . mPmBSF ,ABk,. ,,-
jm '?. WE POOR 50O83 Ms o iXHi -yir5i
mWMms l pay outi little, rn KVuA "" fT7w.'-Csv
r KMamT? m, dollar, foi Wf' MMHk 2rji Jrav
Pennsylvania Coach to Address
Alumni In New York Tonight.
Georjro Brooke, coich of the UnUerslty of
rennsIvanta football team, will adrircs the
Pennsylvania nlumnt nt a smoker In the Hotel
Martinique In New T ork city tonight It s
belleed that Coich Ilrook may put a new
light on the football situation nt the Univer
sity, and a large turnout I expected
Captain "Al ' Journeay and Vivian NIckalK
coach of the nrslt crew will also address
the alumni at the meeting
Elliott, a Lumberjack,
Great right Qualities.
HJT5V lOnK. Dec 8. Jim Elliott, fighting
his ftrst professional battlo nnd striving to
vlncliotite Mike Gibbon's Judgment of him as a
"white hope," knocked out Joe Woods in the
first ronnd of what was to have been a ten
roi.nd bout at the Olympic A C last night
Elliott floored Woods four times during the
abbreviated melee, the fourth knock down
keeping Woods down for the doleful "ten "
Elliott, by his performance. Is looked upon
as a promising white hope no is only -i
years old and weighs 20O pounds and towers 0
feet 2 inches VtoodB scnled In at 185 pounds
Klllott comes from St Paul. Ho Is a lumber
jack by occupation, but decided to enter the
ring game alter Michael tllbbons had pro
nounced him as rosseslnp championship capa
bilities Mike wns quick to dlscoer latent
possibilities In the joung slant, and It was
on the wizard's recommendation that he was
signed up by Manager Donnelly for last nlghLs
Continues to Show Great Form in
Open Scratch Affair.
JTEW YOIIK, Dec 8 El du Pont Irtlng.
Who upset the Bquash rating recently by un
expectedly winning the jipen scratch tourna
ment of the Siuaah Tennis Association, con
tinued to play In convincing form esterday
In the national handicap competition on the
Columbia Club courts Despite a liberal al
lowance A. ai'BW. of Columbia, failed to ex
tend him, and Mr. Jnlng scored In straight
games. 18-15, 15-7 The strongest factor In
Mr. Irving' victory were nn ability to alter
his pace contlrtually, coupled with accuracy in
placing his returns in the midst of tie fastest
of rallies.
National Squash Handicap Second roujd. K. '
C. Stern. Princeton Club (5 aces 2 handiV de
feated A. Dana, Harvard Club (one hnd),
1S.1T. 18-13: J. Taylor. Princeton Club Yone
hand), defeated P. 8 rage. Heights casino ts
aces?. 1 hand), M-ia. 1T-18. js-15
Third roynaf-E du Pont Irving, Harvard
Club (scratch), defeated A. Scott. Columbia
Club C5 aces, one hand), 18-15, 15-7
The Avalon Taoht and Motor Club will holil
a card narty ond dance tonight at Ui Lu
r.Tniile. Uroad and Spring uaraen streets.
n-hl nffnir. which has fceen planned w.iH
members of the Ladles' Auxiliary of the clulb,
promises to bo a big success.
AgnOK. O. Dec. 8 "Joe" Mandot, of New
Orleans, a lightweight, and -Johnny' Kllbane.
of Cleveland: champion featherweight, fought
a. 12-round match here last ntght The bout
was aVcIeW one. and while no decision was
given the newspaper writers said It was een
Collie Club Elects Officers
The annual election of the Interstate Collie
Club wa held last evening In the Heal Estate
rrnut ltullding. when the 'following officers
wero choser for the ensuing sear. President,
J. B. Cooper. Fort Washington. Pa , first lce
Drealdeit. Joseph, W Burrell,Jlroomoll. Pa.;
Second Vice president. John II. Blackwood.
Trenton. N . third ke president, Marvin
liuke. Norfolk. Va . fourth vice president,
lStrlik Tully, i(e York city, fifth vice presl
dent W. A. Thompson Cynwjd Pa., Ueas
irer Jnhn S. SllUrs. of., this tlty. secretary.
Drew 3. Tlnsman, of this city ...
James Mortimer, of Hempstead, If. J. was
selected as Judge for tlta coming specialty show
of the club, which will be held on Saturday,
May 1.
Klviat Starts Again Saturday
Brooklyn athletic followers will see, some
tip Uip competition next Saturday evening at
the fall games of the Twenty-third Iteglment.
which will be held In the armory at Bedford
and Atlantic avenues The latest special to
ba added to the card of the Brooklyn infantry,
mm la a half-mile scratch race In which A,
R. Klvlat. tha one-mile national chimpWn.
will attempt to creata a new swnory record
for the 8" OIHe de Orueby, of the N. Y.
AC.. andBd jW. of the J 'A A. C . w(li
start agalast Ktvtat.
Klvers-Djundee Plglit Tonight
LOS AAGBLKS, Cal , Dec 8 "Joe"
Itlvers and Johnny" Dundee, lightweights,
will he the principals
probably will forever
professional boxer in
fvalntn MArk finish
I forever mark the passing of the
Brafessfonal boxer In California. WHS their
ualatog wknuaw. msfanaw.nio;
day passed thsr physical examination. Both
boys war found to be ta perfest condition
Dundee is a 10 to T favorite.
Quintex Springs Surprise
BftU nuSSsfoatMjf, I nr"A. loadtra bj
Sum was aw of ha rit fpught and most
MnaiMonal ta 'the City Iagua this siaaoR.
-. ''KvwntfrLytr bsmw 'zc?x?
hi i jyfjrpJ ' '" '"" 'H5gV"'J "" " "y- K" I SlTnr - I" I V fVi' ' sssTW,yrFjS gsJ' yi?! ."''' "ffijTftS? " ' ' 'Sf
V. fcX I, g-CTf i"Mini ii iMp lfr-)JMr I ' ' i iftn ' ' I -. i , , ,, swg,,
I f iMi hi i'ii li. i. I 1 I I ii iSHllillll i I'm. Mill 11 i ii ii n i j i i t ilin. i i ... i.i i.i ., .. ,,.. ,.
.mmyvm WMm iiXJ al -
old BUC
Connie Mack announced at noon today
that "Eddie" Collins, .considered the
brainiest man In baseball today, and who
has been a member of the Ath'letics since
1D06, had been sold to Charles Comlskey's
Chjcago club, 'When Connie talked over
the telephone this mornlnc; he stated the
consideration would not be made public
at this time. The sale of Collins fol
lowed the secret conference held at the
Bellevue-Stratford InBt Sunday account
of which was published exclusively in the
Eenino liKvasn yesterday wherl Mack.
Comlsltey ond others attended The fans
linve become more or- less accustomed to
unusual 'announcements by Connie lately,
but this' latest' bit 6t news la unquestlon
ably the trtost important yet made.
The fact that the University of Pennsylvania
football team of 1014 voted that Oeorgo
Brooke waa Incompetent as a coach waa in
Itself bad enough. The action showed a
ktartllng lack of tact, an overpowering lgao
rance of the ethics of sportsmanship and a
iirutal desire to humiliate a fellow creature
But worse than that was the true motive a
the bottom of tho attack on Brooke, ."hen
the real design behind this Insidious ballot Is
analyied. It is not difncult to see that th;
team simply wished to shift the burden of
responsibility from Its own shoulders, 'o
those of the head coach. No one will deny
that the Penn eleven as Individuals were en
tirely responsible for the ghastly showing
made on the gridiron in 1014, at the same time
they certainly cannot lustly gather together
all of their many defects and cast them on
another The Penn team did collectively what
not one ot them would have had the nerve to
do Individually There Isn't a man on the lied
and Blue squad. It Is to be hoped, who would
so lower himself after a game had been played
as to go to a reporter wliom he knew and who
would print what he said, and tell that same
reporter that the nun next to htm In the line
had been responsible and not he for the gains
made through a psrtlcular, point, yet what
each one would declare In the individual as a
despicable act, they did In concert They at
tempted to flee from publlo opinion of their
ability by gathering together In secret, and
quietly otlng themselves a clean slate at the
expense of thtlr coach.
The Fennsylvanlan'a attitude editorially Is
One of the fastest and most attractive
yachts planned to ply the- waters of
Penobscot nay, Maine, this summer will
jbe the express cruiser which will be built
this winter for uommoaore i. . -.
Drexel, of the Corinthian Yacht Club of
Philadelphia, Bids for the construction
work of the new craft are now being"
asked by Bowes & Mower, the designers,
and under whose supervision it will be
built. .Plans and specifications have been
sent out tq motorboat builders In this
vicinity as well as to other Eastern yards
and within, a week the bids will be opened
and work started on the craft, which Is
the last word In yacht building-.
It lias been calculated- by the owner
and the deslg-nera that7 the type ot craft
Is to be a boat that will make the fastest
speed of a runabout or displacement
racer and Include the comforts of the
owner and hla guests of the best ap
pointed oxulser. It has been estimated
that the new boat will have an average
speed of 38 nautical miles an hour, and,
while It will be used for short-run pur.
pqsea, she will be thoroughly equipped
and capable of an ocean voyage with
complete comfprt and safety.
A number of new features have been
embodied In the plans which go to show
the latest improvements In the advanced
ideas of yacht mnstruetion.
The new cruiser In appearance will re
JH sssV ... 'iss
WIT Mil I I TWl K.sssyUT. Hfi METT Trffl
4M SjPir Hy "" .- t w ' m . 4
I,4 '
most amualmr One of these classic ctms be-
ban by stating that the article was "In no A
fense a discussion of the merits of Mr Brooke
football coach." etc Yet
t in tno noxt
paragraph, by Innuendo, they drag Brooke to
their court of alleged Justice, try nnd sentence
him when thev sav. "It was not onlv the rlcht.
but the duty for the varsity men to Indicated
to ine Ainieuc Associauun nruua wio cuiibciioub
of opinion as to Mr Brooke's alue as a
coach." if that is not Judging Brooke there
is no such thing ns Judgment, The players
lost nnd they were morally afraid to bear the
blame Again the Pennsyltanlan having le
clared that It would not be a. Judge of BrooKe's
ability, took the stand that It was the right
and duty of the varsity to Inform the Athletlo
Association heads" ot hla Alleged Incom
petency, jet the freshmen, they assert "dis
played the most wretched tas.te and at the
same time laid themselves open to the suspicion
of having courted easy berth on the 1015
team " In other words, as usual. It all de
pends on "whose ox Is gored " The arslty
had the right to assemble and cast a vote of
denunciation, but the freshmen, who also as
sembled, but oted,in faor of Brooke and his
system, are criticised to the point ot Insult
bocause they dlfter -with the Tcnnsylvanlan
on Brooke's merit as a coach nnd for no other
If we. printed all the nice things 'Ben" Illch.
field asked us to do about "Kid" Goodman,
who fights at the Fall-mount Athletic Club to
night, other fighters would be very Jealous, we
are sure. Suffice It to say that the length of
the Itlchfleld oration presents all thought of
turning It into print. A talk with Richfield
will convince any one that Goodman Is a
mighty good bos'. We know he has fought
many battles something llko 160 and has yet
to tasta the bitterness of a knockout, ntch
neld really believes Goodman has the making
of a champion bantam.
The city of Syracuse Is after the next
Olympic games, according to an article
printed In a New York paper this morning.
Hyracuse boasts ot one, of the finest stadiums
In America. A person desiring to enter the
enclosure can do so either at the Interior
ground level or at the entrances at the ton.
The stadium Is butlt on College IIIII. It will
not hold as great a crowd as ome others, hut
it Is believed to be amply large to take care
of an Olympic gathering.
Philadelphia, It is hoped, will also be a se
rious bidder for the honors In 1916. If this
city decides to erect a stadium by virtue of
Its location it would be an Ideal placa for
staging the classic,
DJrar Appleby, a student of Columbia Uni
versity, has displayed such keen knowledge and
semble the type of torpedoboat destrojer
used by the United States Government.
She will carry two funnels, glvins her a
real sealike appearance, and will rival
any one of the present and future craft
that glide or chug over the waters of
Maine. It makes the fleet of Commodore
Drezel complete In eyery detail. Besides
the funnels the addition ot two cockpits
adds to tho general appearance. The
cockpits are situated fore and aft and are
fitted up with glass windows on all sides,
which can be put In place at a moment's
notice, making the deck lounging place
of guests weather proof and permit of ob
servation. The new craft Is to have a length of
73 feet, an U-foot 6-Inch beam, and a draft
ot 3 feet 6 Inches. She will have a
raised deck forward over her bow quar
ters. Then follows a forward cockpit,
the floor of which Is about four feet below
the raised deck This cockpit is 10 feet
In length and extends across the craft.
The forward cockpit Is likewise a new
feature of yacht construction. In the
express cruisers which have been seen
plying the waters la this vicinity and
New York the main fcockplt was located
The glass windows are set In the comb,
ings about the cockpits in such a man
ner that when down they are completely
out of sight and do not mar the appear
ance of the craft. The two, funnels are
situated amidships and are over the en
m sjnmj
jqbt mm
wf am
- pM!sft:aps3"tei - !'
I skill at the billiard game that ho Is being
praised to the skies by experts who have
lencd his play In the Class C championship
I tournament now Deing nein in iNew lorjt. ns
victory over Bice last night indicates that he
is not n poor snot oy any means.
Here's a new thought. Billiard plajers are
to help pay the war taxi The sum of 5 cents
per hour or fraction thereof Is to be added to
checks for all forms of billiard entertainment
In' the future The movement lias taken a
hold In New York, and the leading roomkeep
era have found this a means of meeting the
war lax Tho 5-cent tariff certainly solves the
Now that Plank and Bender have laid their
own rourses-nnutlrally speaking and Iwe
sailed Federal Lcagueward, we, tno fans, are
probably now wondering what will become of
"Jack" Coombs. If wo could answer that
question we would ba millionaires in a short
Generally when one thing goes wrong other
troubles develop to help us along In our roll
er)' Such was the case at the Olympla Ath
letic Association last night when a, series
of difficulties arose -which spoiled the tempers
ot the officials of the club and the specta
tors, too. In tho first place, Manager Ilarry
Kdwards was forced to be away because of
Illness Then the gas-water heating arrange
ment blew up. and Anally "Yl-Yl" Erne was
forbidden by tho club phjslcian to step through
tho ropes to fight "Joe" Borrall In tho main
bout because ot a ifeverlsh condition. To make
matters worse the fans did not Justly sympa
ihtzo with the officials ot the club. When It
was announced that Erne would be forbidden
to fight, a mighty howl went up. It didn't
mcttcr to the crowd whether ISme would
Jeopardize his health or not. It didn't make
any dlffcmce to them If the club was trying
to do the pest It could under the circum
stances, all the crowd sought was blood. It
Is with regret. Indeed, that we are forced to
note this very unsportsmanlike condition. The
spectators. If they had confidence In the Olym
pla management, and they have every reason
to have, should have accepted the word nf the
announcer with good grace. Even the beat.lald
plans go wrong. It wasn't Erne's fault that
he waa barred, nor waa it the wish of the of
ficers ot the club. Next time let's be more
reasonable, c
,'8lp How many sames did Walter Johnson,
of' the Washington Americans, pitch against
the Athletics In 1013? Haw many games did
he win? How many did he lose?
In the yer of 1013 Walter Johnson pitched
soveu games against the Athletics, winning
four and losing three.
gine room decks, being used for venti
lating and exhaust purposes. Tha after
cockpit Is nine feet In length and from.'
which the companlonway leads to the
main saloon.
Below decks there are situated five
water-tight compartments. In the for
ward one-Is the owner's stateroom and
baths. Next comes the tankage and
storage compartment, In which are three
of the five fuel tanks. This Is well Ven
tilated In order that there would be no
accumulation of gas or dangerous fumes.
The tanks are set In a panlike structure
elevated so that If there l a leak the
gas la carried through scuppers to the
side and overboard. Next comes the
engine room, where the two monstrous
power plants are located. They are 150
horeepqwer, each, with SOO revolutions
per minute! "
Aft of the engine room Is located the
galley, and baths and toilets adjoining
the main aoon The galley Is of the
best order, and it placed In a high-class
apartment house would be known as a
Horse Show on In New York
NEW YC-BK. Dec 8 The first real un.
alloyed out-asi-out horse show held in New
York in the memory of the oldest inhabitant
Is on at Madison Square Garden today. King,
Horse reigned supreme. Us divided no atten.
tloo wltbslyllihly-gowned and Jewel-bdeckad
women Tha storm and rata was, responsible,
Tha horse show is the first of a. aeries that
will be nld her to raise funds for charity.
GoiMS .THR006M
A 5fAVE. Vhrb
Make-ups Send lloonnen to "Dream
land. In Bowling Match.
The Make-ups made the Floor Men look
like "picas" In the bowling contest held
by the Evbniso Ledger League on the
Terminal runs Inst night, the former
sizing up their opponents three straight
games. Tho Floor Men had flung off
their coats and sworn vengcanco on the
Make-ups, but hopes never materialized,
In tho flrst game, Just to Bhow how
well they could not bowl, tho Floor Men
lost out by 30 pins. In tho second gome.
In order to really demonstrate their su
perior skill, the Make-ups got busy, ond
when tho rattle of the pins subsided,
their poor misguided opponents were, ex
actly 190 pins In nrrears.
Tho final game completing the white
wash was a runaway, ns the Make-ups
had a lead of 157 pins on the game
"Agate" Baker was the high man of the
night for the Make-ups, with 186 pins to
his credit, "Nonpatcll" Simpson, "Two
cm" Pollltt, "Bodonl" Beatty and
"Twelve-point" Ebbert, his teammates,
nlso rolled well. Beatty Is so big It, re
quired a full game to warm him up
Then It was all over but the shouting.
The Floor Men performed so (Ig)nobly
that the Sporting Department flvo has
plucked up nerve enough to challenge.
It wasn't the Intention to mention any
of the names of the Floor Men, but Man
ager McCaullcy was distressed at the
oversight, so we draw particular atten
tion to his own. Notice he bowled 103
In the first game, dropped to S3 nnd then
to M. Perish the, thought If ho had
bowled long enough he might have owed
himself pins.
Lart night's scores speak for them
selves: ,
Pollltt .
Beatty . .
Ebbert .
Baker ..
. , 142
,i.. .... 10O
, .. ii
, ion
, 06
12JJ 121
141 132
110 14.1
ITS 1.111
isn ioo
Mccauley .,
Dllllch ...
Jones i
Totals .
Or. P. Brown, of Philadelphia, One of
Three Experts at Plnehurst to.
Share Glory.
FINEHimST. N. C Dec 8 C. B. Hudson,
of Inorth Fork Club, New York; a. T. Brown,
of .Huntingdon Vallev Club, Philadelphia, and
Bobert Hunter, of Weeburn Club, Stamford,
Conn , tied for nrat place '
for first place with cards of 47
each in yesieroay-a seiectsa score in tne tin
whistle golf handicaps here. The best six holes
in each of two rounds of ntna were counted
In compiling the result. The scores:
O. Franklin Brown. Huntington Valley, 23
34 47; C. n. Hudson, North Fork. 2324
47: Robert Hunter. Wea Burn, 25 22 7; R.
C. Shannon, 2d, Oak Hill, 23 28 48; r. H.
Chllds, Nassau, 2529 18; R. II. Hunt, Wor
cester, 25 24 (u; J. R. Qoodall. Utile Blver,
25 .'4 IB; J, D, C. Rumsey Brooklyn, 27
23w50r J. L. Toppln, Canoe Brook, 26 24
30; W. L. Hurd, Oakmont. 2623 51: P. B.
O'Brien, Detroit aolf, 272451: H. 1.
Orasbee. South Shore. 211 28 31: Stuyvesant
Leroy, Newport, 23 28 51; J. B. Bowen. At
lantla City, J5 27 52; Itev. T. A. Cheatham,
Salisbury, 2T 35 52, Chlsholm Beach. Fov
Hills, 282652: Donald Parson, Youngs
town. 2528 63; M. B Johnson, Cleveland,
27 JS 53, James Barber, Englewood 28
25 83: P, L. Ltghtburn, St. OtorsVe, 20 2S
04; Edwin Henderson, Detroit, 27 3764;
C. I decker. Woodland 26 29 65, O. T.
Dunlap, Canoe Brook, 272058, and David
drearr, Jr. Brooklyn. 20 31 0.
College Swimmers Meet Friday
NEW TORK. Dec 8 Tha opening of the
championship tournament of the Intercollegiate
Swimming Association, which will take place
on Friday with a dual meet between Tale ana
the City College ot New Tork, Is awaited with
keen anticipation by followers of water sports,
for it will afford tha rlrst opportunity toslza
up in the competition the strength of the New
llaven swimming and -water polo teams, favor
ites 'at the present for the league titles.
Penn Holds Combine Meet
The Penn swimming team held Its flrst combination-
novice and .veteran meet last night
Handicaps were la order add several very lo
feTeatlnc races were swum Several f the
varsity men won their events despite large
handicaps Csptaln James Shryock captured
tha 200-foot event In. the fast time of 39 2-5
Ids Named Captain
.Abrt-J4I fullback of this year's eleven,
haa been electedi captain of the 1816 football
team of th N0rrstown High School,
sm WMT
"Jack" Fink and" "Blac?
Dixie" Will Clash in the
Semiwind-up Others
Good Bouts Are Planned. J
"Lew" Bailey has signed up one of thai
best bouts of the season tonight at the
Palace Athletlo Club, Kofrlstown Th'sJ
main bout Is between "Tommy" uolemtm,!
tho boy who gave "Jack" Blackburn such?
n terrific fight, nnd "Peck" Miller, ofl
fjermantown. They are scheduled for lol
rounds, and It should be one ot the moitl
Interesting bouts seen In this section for
a long time. Ml
Tha full rjroitram Is tii follows; ri
Main bout 10 rounds, "Tommy" Colt-!
mnn vs. "Peck" Miller, Qermnntown. 3
Seminnal-"Jack" Fink, Camdeny vs,k
"Block uixie, aavannan. j
Second boUt-"Mlke" IiowtSH, Phllautl.
phia, vs. "Klkl Kid," Bridgeport. . Sj
First bout "Jack" "White. Bryn Mawr.&l
vs. George Pfelffer, Manayunk. ,i
Eddie Doyle, a popular local favorite.)
and "Kid" qoodman. of New York, -will 3J
furnish tho fireworks In the main bout,!
nt tho Fairmount Atniotio uiuu tonight. 5
Goodman is ono of Gotham's best b0)s
and has victories over "Jimmy" Murray.l
"Low" Tcndlcr, "K. -," uagans, "Kia"
Herman nnd others. Doyle has pet-
formed creditably with such classy artists!
as "Louisiana," "Fighting" bob, "Plnky"3
Burns and "Johnny" Coulon. Tho full!
program Is as follows:
Main bout-"Eddle" Doyle, Plilladel-I
Dhla. vs. "Kid" Goodman. New York,
Scmlflnal-"K!d" Finney, Wilmington,!
vs. "Kddle" Dorsey, west Philadelphia, i
Third bout "Young" Wcrncrt, Kensltig..
ton. vs. "Jimmy" Nnulty. Southwark. 4
Second bout "Young Jack" Hartldn,
llosehlll Club, vfe. "Kddlo" Fox, Kenslng
First bout "IC O." Barry, Manayunk,!
vs. "Young McFarland, Manayunk.
Kensington Team Nosed Out
by Trenton in Hot Fight
Last Night, Hough
Leads in Points Scored.
TRENTON, Dec. 8. Developing a won
derful rally1 during tho last four minutes I
of tho contest, Trenton nosed out Jasper!
In nn Eastern League match by a score j
of 23 to 20.'
1lAlrf tv.i! ... n. . I
Hough, forward 1 ' 11 l lp
Kane, forward. ..,, .2.0 n .t'l
i.etzinger, ceniro ...... o o "o,""M(
1 raiutci. guara ...,.. u u 4
Qelg. Euard 1 0 1,
Totals 0 n 2 5
l'lold. Four. Aast. PtJ.
ritsgerald, forward .... 2 0 u 4
Kummer, forward 1, 10 1 J3
Caanauzh. centre 1 0 0 Z
Erkhardt, guard 0 0 0 K
Klrkpatrlck, guard I 0 0 H.
Totals 5 10 T 5
Fouls committed Trenton, 10; Jasper, 10s
Referee Drennan,
No games are scheduled In the Easter;)
League for tonight.
-W. L. P C. W, I.. P.C.
De Nerl .... 7 3 .700 Jasper ..,,5 6 ,VA
Reading- .... a .1 .6A7 Trenton .... 4 T -"01
Camden ,.. 5 B .500 Grestock ., 3 0v .333
De Nerl at Camden,
Most Everything Went Wrong eA
Fistic Entertainment
. Almost eerythlng went wrong1 at the tegu
lar weekly show of the Olytapla. A A, last
night. In the nrat place, a gas heater used
lor the warming of water for the tlglrters'
baths, exploded Juit before the doors war
opened and Injured Stoe" Mrroney, wl has
the refreshment privileges at tha club Then
Manager Harry Edwards sent word that ba
was too ill from a bad attack at rheumatism
to take his accustomed place at the head of
the club and to cap the climax Doctor Reeves,
the club physician, refurcd to pass favorably
on Young" Erne's physical condition and
would not allow him to box Ir. the scheduled,
six-round tout with "Joe" Uorrell, or Ken
sington, and Matchmaker ''Kddle" Holland.
1-ld to do some tall skirmishing, to flnd a. suit
able opponent for Oorrell Peck" Miller of
Uermsmonn. was snnounced as Borrcll's op.
ponenC but the crowd did not like the match,
had no hesitation In saying so and Holland
did soma more skirmishing and Anally landed
Harry Orebb, ot Pittsburgh, to meet tha Itsl-lan-Kuropean
champion. Orebb weighed 173U
pounds to Borrell's 1S7U pounds, but Orebfi
was hog, tat and Uorrell took advantage of
that ftct from ths start He went after
Ortbb's body aa soon as the rlrst bell bounded
and kept plugging away at the stomach until
in the fifth round ha had the Pittsburgh boy
so weakened that he was hardly able to defna
himself In this round a bard left swing full
n Orebb'a note sent the Utter to the floor for
the count of nine Qrebh arose, but he was
weak and It was only by illnchlng and "stal
ling" that he waa able to last out the round
Clrsbb made a plucky fight, but his lack of
condition was too much of a handicap and
lnrrvil w an cay wmni
Th anml-wlniiun was tha bast flsht nf tha
night Two New York hoys furnished the fun.
"Young" Fulton and "Packey" Hommey Tha
boya fought from the tap ot the first bell tq
the tap nf the last and had the crowd exutea
all the time. Hommey was the Harder hitter
and tho .-leversr ot the two snd earned the
xrdlct. Fulton weighed t3V pounds to Horn.
mays 101 pounus.
"Johnny" aiayo. of Utile Italy won 1
'Johnny' Vyo. of Utile
taly won easily
from Harry Diamond The bell sat ed Diamond
from a knockout and Maya had things all I
nn tvav after that
Mayo weighed ISAM
pqunds and Diamond. 129 pounds
UUnls. Ol fori iticumona,
iKj.ndi. wan from ' Jack"
welahlna Hi
won from ' Jack kartell I49!f
if ths 17lh Ward In a rtaar hatlt?
pounds, of ths 17th Ward In
wlitcu went the limit. In the 'opening seasiof
'fiusala" Lewis atooced "Hushy"
OBritn If
leur round.
Metropolitan Association C5uve
Tonight t Sherry's. J
NBW YORK, Dec 8. Prom the quiet thrl
prevails in looal golftar eirelss it begins if
task aa though ths annuel msMUuf of let
tUtreMlitan Golf Association to ba held ty
tight at Sherry's wtu b one of the ma f
harrowilous oa record It may ot casts, m
only the lull before the storm, allhaagf these,
is nothing whatever lo tha nature at a, bow.
log qoetttoa In surht.
Jackson Knocked Out
NBW YORK. Dea 8 Darky" Oriataa
1 . nflrad US Mojr TnnVsnn bi Ik ucond M.
ef tbiir sah4uld le-rouad bout at the
dMUH A, Q.. la Hrlya. last nlihi ad
wsttB4 w im jcb iHH DOunts
ai ifsftes.
, - ,,,
Howard-Ma(Lin Fight Tonight
aw' Maw lark twsiaM
I and Bartlay Uld.., VV ,.
saUdiewiAhr Inuoti In thl
State ef
n - Ui it fw Muttmtaf-
amStSBr- 1 ni jj
IdMbBt rnimtr
T t 1 UKMOLliT A. &
UNI ,f Fifg WiM UPH
-9inMVHtMMi, Ps
. ,4atl?ar.i.
5' 3 JJ!i' r J- 3n Wr f , j--"
i-j Jrf Tt i4"
"fe'SSi( J -'-Jiv-'Vsft-s '-ana ??:,:
.mBmzr&&m J3ZZM&rt j; . IswrSttFvit?tt imrmsir ix mtmzr?m;imi?7 ; viw.-..33vtrsfv'is,,ijr.-7-rr - :-,
j -&-w r5Sif Ji,'is: rf-.x "Err".si.vpiiKfe?s--s6"--v' -
-J I-v- i-i i&-' -&" - rr "- a. - . t