Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1914, Night Extra, Image 1

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VOL.I-NO. 74
Coprmanr, 1011, bt the rcttto LiMn Com f Isf.
Passchendaele Reported
Captured by British
Troops New Move
Threatens German
Flank I
Invaders' Qrive Along Coast
, Aided by Furious Storm at
; Sea Artillery Battle
Rages on Aisne.
Capture of the town of Passchen
daele, between Routers and Yprcs, by
British troops is reported from Am
sterdam. Tlic pushjnfr of a wedge
Into the German lines at this point
would probably compel the abandon
ment of .a new German .drive that
has been developing along -the coast,
but thus far the Amsterdam report
lacks official confirmation.
The afternoon communique of the
French War Office merely, reports re
,r newed German activity at Ypres and
"- on the Yscr, . artillery duels on the
Aland, and French gains in the Ar
gonne, , . - ; j
The ' Austro'Gcnuan , forces in
Poland1 have repulsed' tlic Russian at
tacks in the vicinity of Pictrkow. An
attempt of the Russian army in south
ern Poland td'eome to the aid of,the
forces defeated at Lodz also was. re
pulsed. Pctrbgrard has admitted capture of
Lodz by flic Kaiser's forces in an of-1
Jicial statement declaring that tlic Kus
vsian array withdrew far. "s.tratc'gic
reasons," as defense woulT have re-
Mjt&eaarhnotmal, liattlcf ront;-North-,
of vtlie Vistula the Czar'B forces that
ciptitred Flock are attempting a
flanking movement on- the German
right wing.
Turkish successes on Lake. Van,
near the Persian border, are claimed
at Constantinople. Ottoman forces
occupied .Soujbulak: Near Adjara
.also advances arc' reported,
Details of Lodz Victory Withheld by
War Office.
BBItLlN. Doc, 8. ,
Though Lodz la In the hands of the
Germans, according, to official announce
ment, no details can be published owing
to the extended length of the battle front.
Concluded on face Tour
I'lear allies and tparkllnc winter daya
.re iuat ahead, according to the weather
mana prediction, coincident with the enJ
Inr of the high wind and rainstorm jf the J
lst three dys. The rain I sllll patter
Ins: down and when It w.llj1 stop the.' fore
caster dpe not tY deflnlfely, so the
' umbrells. may not be left at home for a
;whlle. Now that the storm Ik vttua)ly
ended the optlmlt finds that It )iaa bin'
lshed drought up State and the mlllown
;era an.d farmers are happy. Tti'e smalt
boy also Is Blad,: for today b8.-gotiJjs'
' first glimpse ot know, even though, , u
-didn't prove suttclently heavy f Or, coast-
. FgnppAST
' For Philafeljjiita aiuf , tfoinw
piouiv fl?wrayi tfq chajtgs in iepi
feratur. 'H'Wrff Itlay fair.
Observation A.t PhUadelphla,
a.A if, '"'
iM danSl
TPH --'"
Wind ...,
Wind north: IK MUia
fty ........ ,;; ;y x:lll ...es5y'
For details, see mS9
Alraauac of. the Say
the 33d
fHTwr . . li43. m.
UCB lt ft -H b a
I itci . vt.&s p. m,
Ka.EL'1 lal ami j
tr wMf .... . t a s.
Throughout the day of yesterday the
enemy showct himself more ncllvd than
oh tlic preoedtnp day along the Yser anil
in the vicinity of Ypres, Our artillery tens
Micccstul repulsing all Jil$ attacks,
' iVrnr Arras a brilliant attack has placed
our forces in possession of the village of.
Yermellcs, as jircufotisii citmoiiiiccrf.
On the Alsne and In the Champagne
district artillery duels have taken place,
in Aohtch our heavy puns gained pre-'emt-nprice
over those of the enemy,
We have gained ground in the Argonne,
in the forest of 1m Grarfe and to the
northwest of Pont-a-MoUssen in the for
est of I.c Prctre,
The French statelhent claiming an ad
vance by them (u Hie Argonne forest is
not correct. There hava been no French
attacks in ttat region for. a long time
jicisf. "IVc are continuously gaining
grotind. Oh Sunday wc cap(urcd the
French position at Malancourt.
TTnatlnunrtem. rennrttt Hint thti mnds Aft
the coast, of Flanders are' In bad condl-'
uon. They have been mane worse by lio
rains. This is causing great difficulty In.
the movement of troops. ,Xorth of Arras
tee have made some slight progress.
In Northern Poland German troops are
closely pursuing the retreating enemy.
East and southeast of Lode the Russians'
lost tSOO prisoners, te cannons and many
ammunition carts. In Southern Poland
nothing of special importance has hap
pened. ' '
Lode is in our possession. Details of
the battle giving hods cannot vet be
majle public because Of the extended field"
overrzonxen tne engagement was jougnt;
The Russian losses' were very large.
An attempt by the Russians to come
to 'the assistance of Ih'ctr threatened
armies tif (he north from 'Soniftehi Po
land was foiled by the activity of the
Austro-Ituiigarian and German troops in
the district southwest of Piotrkow'.
. The Germans brought up to their .cast
cm' forces six army corps and five cavalry
divisions, parts of which were from the
.western front and the remainder new
formations, enabling them to attack for
eight days ar JJecenibcr 3. But owing to
the lack of cohesion and as a result of
their lesson on the Sth,- after suffering
great losses, the Germans abandoned tle
attack. .
.Fighting on the 0th around 'bods "quo"
Lowicx was characterised by- an absence
of German activity.
Among other auestions. the defense of
Irtds remains' to be revised, as the desire
to retain that point absolutely would.prove
inconvenient in many important respects.
The Austro-Gcrman troops have re
pulsed attacks of the enemy southteest
of Piotrkow, and the Russian .advance
along the isowa Raaom line has been
brought to a standstill.
Capture : of jFclc and Ad
vance on Wloclawek De-
, signed to Break Kaiser's
Communication With Base
at Thom.
PEThOGRAD, Dec. 8. .
The recapture ,of rioclc. the 'Vistula
river town between "Wnrsawiand Woe
lawek, by the Jrtusslans Is announced In
a dispatch received here from Warsaw
today. This Indicates that the rleht
wing ot the Jluaalan forces which ten
days ago renched Gombjn Is engaged In a
JlanUInK movement aimed to cut on the
Germans' railroad communications with
Thorn, their base In Kast Prussia.
The capture of Wloclawek, occupied by
the Germans a. fortnight ago, would ac
complish this aim. Plock Is only ZJ miles
southeast of 'Wloclawek, but the Germans
are undoubtedly preparing to fight oft
this flanklwr movement,, and the clash
on the front here may be even fiercer
than that which has marked the struggle
on the I-ods-LoyvJcz front.
1 4
Only Two Men. Itescued; Others Burn
and Drown.
JONDON'. Dee. 8. A dispatch from Bar
row states that the oil steamship Vedra.
bound from Mexico to Barro, caught fire
today oft Waliiey Island and burned to
the water's edge.
Thirty-four of the crew were burned to
death or drowned. Only two men were
5000 SEEKING, 300 JOBS
Shipyard Stormed by Mechanics
' APjrious to.Qetjrnplovment.
., Five tbouand mn (vjio hurried to an
swer, art advertisement for 300 by tbe
I PiJU4elphla Ship Jlepalr Company, at
tne toot or aiinrun eireet. today, crowdtd
over the wharf ani dno the company
bpllcr sheds so closely that several fight
started and the p61tc were called to re
t tare orIr. . : .
The 100 rnn wanted In the advertisement
wv4 im4aA Jt rfpalr tbe steamships San
Ifarcos and wiver. used as ttansporUi
to arry roartRM back from Vera Crus,
and thj worKlus to b hurried.
None of those who crowded the wharf
e0wd ta uiuwl bacau th Jbs will last
Ojjly ftv day and wVo 9. i, JfcDonald.
praldept of tU tomAny, opentd Ida of
Ufa tftMlvi awtteanU the line of ma
twtTj,ot tot sfeel-al hundred yajrds
on WTybtU vfwj., tolie4 C a olag
dUUnce down IllJn street..
A fuu4! vXvutmmlf in- uewspapers
dr.w the iwwt U oiBiji r .Qualified
W' W9 a gat etviq Wit on ttue
wtiart wbe th easineeia ttA4raus
arrtvd t I o'clock iu gel up aieam and
oU the inaeiiiuery. MoJt of tlw aaiUc.nt
irid to follow the ftrvswa tuto tbe omu
saeds. T&ey Utrfrd o much i,fa
one ilrjn that be lifted s. shuvel and
'uu "" uu " "" " l nKh
me ncao
f.t'liiii Mti i3.! ml mail SL hni.ili . , t
"- . " - , ., ". " """ i. uar- ;
papier vt iub -mm bt.iiit 4iia flaaer aie
uu iiulut etgtew, eMl
04 t for amisnace
IfsHrmrj mwMfktmml
ili ChwtMl mM&ri
: '
urn mmm aw i i . mi i n i i hiibi i ii immmmm mm
I i emeu m 1 1 I --sosc- tjasaMwa!Mis sr 'BiriC, v.aoasaa: ssmx&iv,; s.tssi";?! arzrw -srsw .naasHSsiBais&si -smar . ,...,.
' -m ' 49MwaHiHHBPHHKJisHHE3NlflHI - mHsawMmmmwtftaWsmWsmWsmk v '. "'"r
VW - 'MraHIHH wm-:MttsssWassWB IskVBb ' ,.. .?&iia
!,.. ;. kWsmL"issm&i:yt 'WksWrZWJM&M '."?k9r ,Ja 1
t--. .; -. 't- JBPWMtefe m mk r$ '
-v.. 'S -'-.:' -8J.. . r - . W vHm: - ....SiSliiS
' -;... '.& ms. :' . 'v.v xzz&amMv&&
! ., ' S&rL "'""-wr-rf "-t . . i auMCWfH '.ililllWiM I W'i"ii I i I i "i1 I ii ii i n
The snow that Hew in lively fashion for a few hours today did not' linger' long on account of the wet pavements, but enough of it gathered
in corners arid byways, to afford youngsters material for exciting moments here and there. The photograph depicts some young hopefuls
of Kensington staging a mimic battle between the Germans and the Allies.
Rncpmnn "VXlll Plav for
Dd5emdU Will 1 lay tui
vl 1
C- i
Who Takes
clad Contract.
Over Iron-
Edward Trowbridge Collins will play
second, base, for the Chicago American
.League club next.season. ,i .
This startling 'event u the batobnll
SJiiuk. manager of tne Atnietics, wno
stated thnt he had completed the deal
with Charles Cotnlsbey. "liresldcnt or, the
White Sox, ' for .the sale. Jtaclc did not
s'la.to what price he' put upon the; nlost
wonderful baseball player of modern
times, but It Is known that the. sum was
considerably In oxcesa of any purchaso
made in some years In tho ' Ahierlcan
League. '. ,
Comlskcy not only paid a hugoprlce for
Collins' services, but he agreed to take
over the contract whlclj . Iddle. .'sinned
with Mack toward tho .close or the last
season. That Collins will be appreciated
as much, in Chicago, as ho was here' Is nn
assured fact, lie was always popular In
the Windy City, even when he was on
gaged In the pastime of trouncing the
White 86s. Ills future, therefore, aa a
player of national popularity will not
wane one. whip because he has beon cut
loose from Mack's wonderful machine.
The first questions which local fans
wish to know In connectlonwlth this all
Impoitant baseball deal Is why did Con
nit? let Eddie go? There were a num
ber of wasons which combined to cause
Collins sale. In the first place. Mack, as
predicted Just after the. world's series,
,i.i4,ii imon n. retrenchment policy. He
came to this conclusion because, the. peo
ple dt Philadelphia dd. not support his
teamXthe greatest and most effective
...itAti nmhlnuiinn ever gotten to
gether. Hd began by asking waivers on
Bender, Plank and Coombs, declaring nt
the same-time thijt he was through with
his veteran pitchers. Now ho has sold
Collins; and thero Is every reason to
believe that unless Rube Qldring Jumps
to the Federal League, he. too.wlll bq
sold or traded.
Tlie reason why Maok chose, Collins In,
Concluded on r.are Three
v 1 ,
Vagabond Had Little-Blase to Wlarm
His Hands. "
. it was. a dark aad stormy night, The
wind howled as David Sutwa, '33 years
old, pulled 'Ms wprn out coat about hlni
and rolled fUlhself under a doorway to
beep warm. U waited a few rolrtul
and then something struck mm. it was
' 1,r..' , itb -went Into the yard bask'of
!vn.i Commerce street, about 4 o'closk-
thls mqrnlng. and taking a few paper
made a tittle Are to warm his hands, He
was comfortably but not for long. A
passerby saw the flame, but not the man,
and turned Jn a fire alarm. .
Three engine companies . and several
policemen" responded. Sutwa was looked
up. Magistrate Tracy, tn tbe Kths&nq
Vine streets atatlon, sentenced Wm to
three months In th Hppse of CorreotJj
this roorsJps. orv the ajiarge of being a
Thrllllug- Eeaape When
Tliiie.l Prnra filtimlAr
an euane over the roofs to. a JiWsn,
bur's home was one of the tbrijli pro
rvide4 during a Are early t4y is a
grooary stw owoeo; y anim hmul
uilLski. kit' West BaunMn Mreet. luUa
juuwlii, bJ wife and tkre chtldrsn wM
astee above ta. store wl tb flw
started. A Uavy irtursa at rain aud
sleet betgiiieMd tbe dauber qt t kUgl
aver tiie rooie.
Hatch foAMtd. by uuce are believed
to bate caused the are. The grevr
noie. ibiougb wiulh i iii uni. exil
rr II.. i.ijim. ahov. , bki.. .h.n
, triigei anKuereJ the
atrtfiigei UiiKuverut the umu end
iMMd tb temiiy by ehawUtj; from tne
bck yard. They tried to run? tbroiuh
rhc luAiU AtAtu AlHl lUb Fi rja.AA .,
the roo. These they were rescued b
- -w .1, , 1 v 1. ,1 . 1 1 . - IU -wwrw fcW .
luuwe Is ttuM.ted tfsm
aR" ? . . , x T'js.mmsr,r . .azx&Qir rsujsewiw2ffJSs&s8BM " '"vsasw .
Police Believe They Have Two Mem
bers of Thieving Band.
Two men, bcllcvd to bo members bf,
a Bniig of' thieves who hnvo .committed 11.
robberies In Kensington since September,-!,
were hold without ball tuday for further
hearing by MnKlxtnitc Gtnnn In the Bel
grade and Clearfield streets pollco sta
tion. They nrc Charles Berwick, pCKll
North 2d street, and Harry Ilttterson, of
2121 William street.
The suspects were nrrcstcd at tile -2d
street addrcss'by Policemen Cave, Weiss
nud BerWck iBBt nght after a struggle.
In which two other men," also alleged
members of tho gang, escaped. Tho pollco
removcu It wuh-uiiiguu ui vuiuuuics, aaiu
to be north JJOO; from the house, and
say this represents a part of S1S00 worth
of goods stolen by the men since Sep
tember. It Is believed that other plunder
has been disposed of by tho men In the
pawnshops of Now, York, city.
death an damage
; as gale subsides
Two More Lives Taken
Yesterday by. Storm on
; Goast -- .Main . Line Seer
tions in Darkness.
Snow that 'swept Into Philadelphia ca'rly
this morning on the tall end ofhe three
day storm which' has been lashing the
whole Atlantic coast gave way to rain at
dawn after falling several .hours." The
gale, responsible for destruction that will
cost more than a million dollars to repair.
Is abating today and by nlsht It is, ex
pected the toll of death and property
damage will have ended,
Two. more lives were taken yesterday by
the storm. One victim was, a woman
trapped tn the wreckage of her boathouso
ot Atlantic City and drowned by the' rls-j
lim lUD. J.1IU UIIICI, n. tiailFliiiaii, wap
drowned In a wind-swept Inlet when his
boat was capslxed.
Farmers through the eastern part of' the
country and Pennsylvania mills and col
lieries report today that their gain will
be greater than the loss along the sea
coast Nearly three Inches of rain fell In
this city In the 21 hours ending last night.
Concluded on Pace Two
Hit's. Clara Mayo, 10, Attempts Sul
. cide In Her Mother's Some,
A few minutes after returning from a
moving picture show, Mrs. Clara Mayo,
J3 years old, stood in the vestibule of
,hr mother's home, 1U5 Snyder avenue,
and - swallowed a- quantity of polsqn.
Just inside qt the , door " her husband,
Nicholas Mayo, slctod with their little
daughter Jiadle. The 'woman' Is now
In St. Agnes' , Hospital in a crltWl con
dition. ."--
Mrsl'Mao, hen hubnd and. two .slst
teres went to tha,-th'eatro-la3t nlgllt. After
the' show they wet to the home of the
mother of the. gkl fer something tp eat.
Mre. Mayo was dancing and frolleklhg
with her sisters and made the remark;
"If could only die now I would b
happy." '.".. f ,
Five minutes, later- h wnt' upetalrf.
Obtained, ooJsoh, a b$ttl. of- earboji? acid,
and, walking to, the yetnrtll, swayoweJ
the eootMta. As she feH her' mother ran
Mr. Wnyo -jfftstdsd at U South caiv
lisle street. She bs been In poor
health for alut a year a.rul underwent
three ofterattoM te the last' thtaa moaths
fer a tuberoulai wwtb. ReeeaUy, hj
ever, be had -bt to mmA - eirtts DAd
her health' war' rapktty ImproyhW, A
direct ee.ue fs Mm. Msyo to attejavt
her Ufa couW t he asi(Dd by tha
McAdw Awarda Medal of Hoaor
w shinuton, Dee I -acretr) M
aeoo aweffeet toey th silver medsj of
ooimw to SUigeeat Clud K Veudervert.
CutRpcnv K, Hth Infaou-y, U 4. A . tor
luvini Butkuer N. He,ii4. r-'-fiihl
1. .... V.P.. , . .
lBrhet m e(Mbr ,
Like Cruiser Karlsruhe, She Has
Been Reported In Mnny Places.
Uncle Sam's giant sea fighter, tho. bat
tleship 1n'ijsas,-. jin'a' earned tlie".aobr.lnuot
of "Flying Dutchman 'of the NaviV Ycs '
terdoy morning sho wns reported ashore
off Ocean. City, Md. Later she was re
ported passing In the Delaware Capes,
and this, morning sho cannot lie located.
She Is supposed to bo at anchor In a
fog somewhere between the Delaware,
Breakwater-and' Reedy Island. It Is be
lieved with' tho disappearance of the nilat
the warship will get' under. Way and dock
at the Philadelphia Xavy Yard lato this
afternoon. '
Watchers" at the Breakwater station re
ported' this morning that a vessel sup
posed to be a United States transport had
liasse.d tho capes.
Director of Health to Go Be
fore Councils' Subcommit
tee on 'Finance Seeking
Appropriation. .
Explaining why he failed to make any
mention . ot appropriations for the new
Division of Housing and Sanitation, while
presenting! his budget before Councils'
Finance Committee, Director Harte, ot
the Bureau of Health and Charities, to
day, said;
"I mado no mention of the new Division
ot Housing because I don't believe It was
the ''proper place. I will discuss the
features of tho. new department when the
Subbommlttee of Finance meets this
month, I will appeal to the members of
that committee that appropriations should
bo granted."
"Are you In favor of the new Division
of Housing and Sanitation?"
"I am."
Director Harte said there was some
opposition; to the-act 'which created the
new department; ' Ha said the objec
tions came principally from trust com
panies and reul estate Interests.
Asked what-the attitude of membeia
of the Finance Committee was towards
the new department. Director Harte said;
"Of course, there, ate. some members
who are opposed to the measure, I hive
Interviewed personally some of the mem
bers and they expressed themselves as
kindly towards trie act, I. feel that the
appropriations- will lie granted. Coun
cils' I'lnante Committee has always been
kind towards our department when It
came to granting appropriations."
After the budget for 1915 was presented
yestercjay the finance,' committee1 marked
on the margin of the housing appropria
tions asked "po recommendation" be
caui) the committee o.n.liealth and cMr
ityh.ad failed to make any report on it.
late Ambassador to-Prance Will Be
Welcomed by Cleveland Friends,
. FBW TQnjC De 8,-Myrou T. Her
rlck, retiring United States Ampqssador
to Prance, "and prominently mentioned
a Hepublleari presidential candidate In
KM, will resell hero tomorrow warning
oa the FreoclL-.tttwr Jtobamfcfiiy, wbjcb
la expeftted a? Quarantine at S o'clock
-tJsJght. ' jt
jfUty-qne' prBMRent l(tCM Pf Cleve
iaad arrival tt today to weeofiie their
fetlow-toweman. r
-1 1 ' - ' ' ' ,
CjBjuni?tlqn by Telegraph -MjP4
Opened PWJ4Jtfiia, f
v-tMP-r 1,'naeisn. --. umu. .
troUey ar frwn Phlldtbi eiace 8u-f
day ajleruoon
noun rpicuai wf pwitf -
fare noon totimy The WcaMr T'uion
TeteM-rapta Co-usax;,, nhii.li has more than
tM linemeu at wuik r..uain:a Jduiagc tu
i'n ikirce. ha4 4Ut-.e,ied m oijntn ihe
Wlte t9 VluiUlvtr,j
HMlidreeta of trees aod potee Ult durmt
the Hwn, end in km ptaea i.o;
fteietl a4 country ru4 re bLu.Lt
ut to I J lug wire fcWi UW
ii emtn.
BlKMMMAr, -. W
Postoffice Robber, Facing
Terms , Aggregating 95
,Vears, Will Not Divulge
Whereabouts or.Temple.
A weird exp'lahatl'on of ro&Berjes for
which he has already peen Sentenced to
4S years' In Jali 6hd 'others .that 'may
result in sentencis,Qf o years more was
given.- today, at fhe-3)'edraff piillijig, to
It Freyer'"4r years. old". . t
The man' declares' he 'Is the only whtti
man who knows the "secret code" which
iviii lenu, u a lempie inn or goiu 'and
Jewels In the Sahara desert, and nothing
will ever force him to reveal It. He ad
mitted being a deserter; from the United
Htates army and 'says' three men who
learned he had the code threatened tn
have him arrested as a-deserter unless' ha
shared his secret with. them, v. 'When he
refuse'd, Freyer says, they forced hlm"to
commit robbery. -
Freyer was sentenced by Jddge Qro
man in. Allentown yesterday to 45 years'
in Jail on 35. Indictments for robber, to
which ho pleaded guilty. He also was
lined $301)0. Today, he was taken .to, Eas
tpn, on the prior claim of . the .United
States. Government and held under pM)
ball for the FedeVal Grand' Jury on
charges of robbing postofnees. From
that city' ho was brought - to Philadel
phia. Bight' charges of postofllce robberies
are held against the .yeggman here, ac
cording to Chief Postal Jnspector Cor
telyou. Tho maximum punishment for
each is five years. If he gets the maxi
mum It will mean sentences aggregat
ing W years In Jail, exclusive of the re
(,uf( of his trial at Eastoq. , Judge' Qro
man, In sentencing him. said he thought
Freyer was a bad man to be at large.
The prisoner, who Is short and weighs
about IN pounds, gaVo a graphic recital
of his history since he was IS years, old,
He said he rah nway from his home in
Allentown at that age, went back' a year
lator, ran awuy again and went West
and there Joined the army. 'While he was
stationed at Vancouver an old man fell
Into the water and Freyer says he res
cued lilna. . . .
SECriKT FHOM Oi,D lt..
The old man realized, however, that ha
had not long to live, according to Frey
er's tale, ajia he gave Freyer, the. secret
code. Three other men learned that lie
bad It Freyer's description of what they
did to him was vlvd In the extreme. Ho
gave dates in each Instance and all de
tails. It took the prisoner nearly two hours
to finish the utory. The -gist of it was
that tbe three men had ehased him all
over, this country and ' to other lands.
About twice a year they caught, him,
blindfolded him and carried lilm off in art
auto. Then, Jte says, .they tried .to make
Mm give, up the oode.
Finally. In the Bahama Islands, Freyer
says he shot 6ne of the three. He escaped
In a fishing boat and parae back. to tbe
Unjtad States, where they found hirq
again apd. he had to undergo tbe fame
blindfolding, automobile-riding tieairofnt,
with the saw reault. When he refused,
the tmh drove him to. robberies, Jfreyer
says. . '
The Man was arraigned before United
Btjttee CBwuntseloner Edmup4s.fM . bear
ing, His Scat trial In aU-ajtM State
Couit will be lu Uastuik At thecen-
aiuslMt of Ms sentence, should ,ie he eon
vitted there, tie wjw pa, OKwght to
cur una. trtea. fl he.J W alive
n iMve.uai city ne wn,i jat y,
more la' iau at .untow
;' "
- ?1 - Wi .StaJ t ?Bfri-
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sw TOBX, e, t--felnr Oaah
i wwiacm wanece wsji
iifWermiyiiJi. ho atr
tied aa i but of ataM of thu I'uM
Sii't iiiii.i w oneaiber 14. eie aeieutcd
i. U4. s. (iveinur-evtxi Wlutiva lit in
Sile nerMitoij.i u Purtit Wurks
it e JoiW iita'4l WuiaiiHua
U year oW.
Juui)apaMtst ejr 6eeraJ '!,
; &&' fetae waa oiit. liviil
ftr a4n wy b 4estAir He4,
i wtw 4 HKlthBau clfc
Departs J7jrom Text of
Prepared Address to
Congress, t.o Declare
Restrictive' Law:Mak-
. r . ' 1
ing is Virtually at an.
Eni : '-i'
Mercharit;Marihe ' 'Stuntcdr '
He Says, Urging Shipping
Legislation Denounces
Criticism of National De
fense. , i
WASHINGTON, Dec,, S.-rresIdtnt
Wilson delivered his-.messaKo in person
to Cjongrcss today, addreuslnc the Senate
and House ' of Representatives assem
bled Inijolnt session, in the chamber ot
the House.'. '
Tho President departed from tlis "Care
fullif -prepared cxi lot; -Tils adoTrea to
reassuro- the business rnen of the: country
that the program of reatrlctlve- leglfla-
tlon was virtually completed.
' . Outside of reiterating jhls demand that
on American merchant marine -be pro
vlded to' care for American commerce,
paralyzed by the war, the Chief Executive
made no suggestions and said that rural
credits legislation could be deferred. The
.merchant marine and economical op-p'roprlatione-
bills win do for the1 present
session. In the' opinion of the President
as leader of his party
He did, however, urge the completion
of unfinished business such as tbe Philip
pint Independence, bill, .the "pafety at
sea." pnu and authority for proper cliarlt
Ing ot tho Alaskan jcpast. For 1foti first
time tn many months there was 116 men
tion of the Mexican situation in the Presi
dent's address.
To, liis. TtpartUrc from W prepared
.tliat. the Administration liad. .completed .
It$" VIUslhe,s3 program .and that hereafter v
bttslpess wl's Aq' liave a rest from re
strictive mid corrective legislation..
Tflo statement w.aa.'unepected, Jor a
'momi)tJt.jseppiod, that tlje plntihad been
lo.lt oi hls.ftudlerice,. Hut man)!' af the
Senators and It'cpresentntlves who had
been sitting slumped down (n their
chairs, suddenly sat up and BhoWed plain
ly by their attitude that they realised
the great Importance of tne utterances of
the ' President, speaking as he did aa
leader of his party.
It was plain that the Congress reaMied"
that tho President had written: "finis" on
his so-called "regulative"' pftjjrrainv, that
hereafter business cotjld proceed' secure
In the knowledge that, if it shaped Its
afTalrx to tho existing-laws, it Would not
find Itself confronted with sudden
changes resulting from new laws.
Almost at the "start the' President di
gressed from his set addresd u furnished
ta the presd. The Interpolated passage
was tho second paragraph of Tils address
and was ai'fiillows:
"Our program tit legislation with re
gard to the regulation of business is now
virtually complete It has been put forth
hs We Intended as a whole and leaves
no conjecture as to what Is. to' follow.
The road at last lies clear and firm be
fore business. It Is a road which it can,
travel without fear or embarrassment
It Is the road to ungrudged. unclouded
success. In It every honest man, every
man who believes that the public Inter
est is part -of his own interest, may. walk
with perfect confidence."
A chorus of cheers announced the ap
pearance of the President In the chain
ber of the House at Vt'.iS o'clock. Some
of the Republlcana and Progressives
joined In the applause, but many stood
with folded arms as the' President
bowed' his acknowledgment.
Secretaries Garrison. Houston. fane
Wilson end Postmaster General fSuriexon
arrived in advaace ot the President. In
the executive g'fllery sat Mrs. McAooe.
Miss. Wlkioii' and Mrs. Daniel, wife or
the Secretary of the Navy, Womtn pre
dominated in all of the galleries, on
the front row of one of the galterles
three women spectators wero busily en
gaged in knitting aa they walled, tor
the reading .or the President's message.
The President read bis- message t m
clear, firm voice, which wrled to evetj
comer of the House ehamberairf 5-"
leries. Silence prevailed during the read
ing; of the opening paragraph, and th
first ripple jot applause came frro th
assembled ItglsJjtWs wben Mr. WU
rf erred to the- neglected tuarihajii JB
line and the necessity for buWfcMt u
In order that! United States oy m
lt.s share ot trade opportunity.
The most enthusiastic appau. p,s
during the readhig of tne mef n
that which broke out when the Piesiqei
declared that iMe country a ot ra.
t a jnoroeat' nAtMe to put a ni-wi ft
trained mea to ains tn the Ueid. an
never ehajl lie to 1te f peace w Uog i
we retain am preaent pattucaf prhtrtl
ami intltMs.u In appJot fu.
iw,l tbe ceaellMittB Of this im&T&ul)
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