Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1914, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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( p!f,"p'r w
ifc-i.a...y flf-
ctnvs tr u cutms. r-atsioasT.
Otn W. Ochs 8sretary, John C. Martin, Trtaaurerf
Charles It. Ludlneton, fhlllp S Celllna, Jfthn n. TV1I
tim. Director.. ,
Ctses H It. Ccails, Chilrmftn.
jg. It -WHALBY Executive Bdltor
" r9?" c- ' AHTIK General Dullness Manarsr
futltshed dally at Proud tatxna Hulldlnr.
Independence Square, Philadelphia.
Ltwsa CgsTitlr Broad and Chestnut Simla
AtUKtic Titr . ...rrfjs-ttnlon Building-
5" T" ....1T0-A, .Metropolitan Tower
Omexoo SIT Home Insurance nuntn
Lo.NboM 8 Waterloo Dace, Tall Mall, S. W.
gaitiMCjn nhiuuc. ,. Thn r-alrfef TtulMIn
ffBW YotiK ntawo . ... Th roniellulldlmr
tatis ntiaajn no Frlertrifhttraoa
&J.TO "HasAlJ ....... . 2 Tall Mall East, S. W.
Fists Scant) . . 32 Itue Loula la arand
By earrljr, pttTpsur. lx cent, tlj- mall, pn.lpald
titalda of Philadelphia aicept where foreljtn noslara
I required. Daiii Omt. me month. tventy.fle cental
rk at v nur . ik... .i.n f.a i . r
DttT Qlt, one year, threa dollars.
Ausmall tub'
vcripuona pajaoia in navance
S J W 4-timt all communications to Xnnlntr
1 . ierfflff, litrffjirndcitcs Square. FMIadtlnMa.
i isicbcd At tns rmr ADaLrmt rosTorrtca ia accovo-
v i ' ' -' . .
Municipal Ownership and Party Politics
G BANTED that Frederick C. Howe, Com
missioner of Immigration nt Ellis Island,
fci correct In his statement that municipal
ownership of public utilities In a success In
many European cities, It does not follow that
the same policy will be successful In Amer
ican cities. Monarchy Is satisfactory to
England, but It would be Intolerable here.
Traditions, temperament and well-established
habits reinforce certain features of
government In Europe, but are firmly set
against the establishment of similar fea
tures In this country.
All municipal ownership In Great Britain
Is conditioned by specific nets of Parlia
ment, and both in the purchase and opera
tion of tho utilities tho public Is protected
m against the very dangers that beset any sim
ilar experiment In America. Olllolals nnd
emplojcs of municipal corporations are not
subject to change with ovcry veering of the
political wind. Appolntmento are not made
on tho basis of rownrd for potty party serv
ices. Training and efficiency are tho In
violable standards of service. The City
Councils, being composed of successful busi
ness men rather than ward politicians, ato
able to guarantee a continuous business ad
ministration of the publicly owned utilities.
It America can ultimately free its cities
from tho archaic bicameral and ward rep
resentation system and elect the meat com
petent men nvallablo as a municipal board
of management, tho era may nrrlve when we
can consider municipal ownership and oper
ation as a feasible and practical plan. For
tho tlmo being, It must remain an academic
theory. Our first duty Is to Insist upon a
higher standard of chnractor and efficiency
in municipal representatives. Men of the
highest typo nre willing: to serve their cities
I? the hampering and paralyzing restrictions
of party politics nro taken awny.
Changing City Hall Plaza
WHAT with tho rapid construction of tho
Finance Building, the Widener Building
and tho Commercial Trust Building on South
and "West Penn Square, an entirely now
aspect is given the surroundings and setting
of the City Hall. It is a matter for publlo
congratulation that thq architectural designs
of the now skyscrapers! are Ruch as to blend
harmoniously with tho Wanamnhor Building
and others Cjt a similar naturo lining the
Regrettable as It undoubtedly is that a park
of Eoodly proportions was not established
during the long years of the City Hall's con
struction and at a time when tho land could
have been had for a tithe of present values,
nevertheless Phlladelphlans have reason to
pride themselves on the growing metropolitan
and businesslike appearance of tho Plaza
viewed ns a whole. And old "Billy" Ponn still
tops and dominates his new neighbors as he
has done all previous ones fiom his 500-foot
perch on the City Kail Tower.
Better Than Cheaper Lights
THE greatest gain that could possibly
come to Philadelphia from the hearing at
Harrlsburg on the public and private light
lnsr rates In this city would be a willing co
operation between the parties concerned. If
the controversy should cease to be a con
troversy and became a real get-together,
that result Itself would be a hundred times
more Important than the reduction of elec
tric light bills. The company, says Its chief
counsel, -will gladly meet tho city half way.
It will furnish the facts on which it bases
Its schedule of rates and talk things over
in a. co-operative Spirit. Such ait attitude
cannot make trouble. It can only put an
end to the hostile feeling that sometimes,
unfortunately, exists where there need be no
hostility of Interest. Nothing bftter could
"Safety First" ior Politics
,rQAFJSTi' FIRST" is a good idea, but why
T5 raatrict it to street crossings? Teach-
,K tiw Camden children how to avoid thw
tfl,yW 9mt ear Is an twcellent thing; but why
not ta.fc in polltlsq,? Try a few sample
4Mttsh fur a polSlSeaJ "safety first" pro.
non't, expect a Councilman to work for
. JUltljjBS.
Don't expect a Councilman to hold two Jobs
bfjMr than one.
Ptm't- expect a Councilman who owrjs tene
?Mjjts Ip vote fur & housing bill.
D't tWnk you'v done ail your wjrk when
gjjji,n both eJaseeJ.
fgrsc an mwut pernies till the next
f 4
rmiii aerate the urau tna.y tn all right
ir tcMLy, but tomorrow tfee eidW will b
Stronger Than Wars
WAA strike Us Uwa jp unlooked-for
uuarlwe; tfar fait pm sjran&aly un
avtlitxHuif ite0. WbiUs Araeelsa strains t"
jfce UeviiiuMM Mpn $trlcksu BeJ
ttt $ Utm wsjh J la ordiiwrily oon-
ftfe -fcwMMuif tt jwt beitag" for
M $oc t i. hrlutmas, tf iaaroa that ttie
Mfn)- p( rnui-saatiad worksra to ta4 lhv
yM Qw mm&luam aitnojii iike M,tatMtwi
mm WWU 8WHW. Tne Silwtlun Ar
ttt i vmnm to Bifima ad Fimm,
mm tu.Wbr bv bMt diitftea .mo lmntal f
i;wiry. AMI il WlMle ff ri beri nl ius-
n.nit. mam turnas 10 in !mviiiuo r
kraf b tummtwat m r J
.ju.r bm atrfe. iar sryg .Bit- f f4Hl HhIU, bS4in fee$lo h w
to. t, .M 'a toittuam. XUmimn j brtctta, wants to kiisw tmtt Portland. lfc.
.. t A Mmmmt fut tfc- I & Smt, .4 w.tbtr ., li 4grtfJ
fined, Israel Kanwlll ': "It ems to me,
when the mighty conflict la over, that It will
lr hardly bo Possible for Some year ahead to
have German and English, or Russian and
Austrian Jews' meeting; on a common basla."
But Zangwlll should remember that Jews
have held their countryless nationality
through 13 centuries of wars, and they are
not likely ever to lose It
America Tomorrow
THB face of the world Is being changed,
Twenty years ago tho politics of Europe
was of Incidental Interest to the United
States; today the course of world events
can ho gauged by the volume of smoke from
American factories. Tomorrow tho quota
tions from Argentina will be as Important
to the business man as the San Francisco
markets were yesterday.
The Important thing Is not so much that
we aie acquiring the International viewpoint
ns, thai our business Interests are about to
be universalized. We are approaching tho
(pra of concessions, when tho statesmanship
of our Government must concern Itself with
tho extension, encouragement and protection
of our Investments In every land under the
sun. We shall be concerned bb much with
the tariff Imposed by Chill as we have been
with the Imposts at our own customs houses.
Wo shall be vitally Interested In the Uia-
s-.ll Ian elections, and a storm will not blow
over Sumatra that tho report of It will not
carry nlsp a statement of the offect on
American business there.
Our politics, therefore, whether wo wish
It or not. Is In a transition period. Xow
questions are already bursting Into promi
nence, ureat Issues, before unknown here,
will compel gradual national unanimity in
respect to protection ns a basic formula for
our work ovorseas, and this will become aa
certain and fixed an American principle as
the Monroe Doctrine. A great navy to pro
tect our vast outlying Interests will become
an absolute necessity nnd the sustenance
of it will become a matter of course. Our
diplomatic corps will develop Into a trained
body of experts nnd national elTlelcncy will
become the koynote of our entire represen
tation abroad.
The office will demand world figures as
Secretaries of State. Our Presidents will be
tested by new standards. There will bo a
sweep to our legislation, a momentum be
hind our policies, that will make many of
our former paramount Issues seem insig
nificant. Open questions will become set
tled questions, no longer open to debate,
since tho new perspective of tho nation will
glimpse far vaster horizons. Our great na
tional advertisers will becomo great Inter
national advertisers. Destruction In Europe
Is making America tho overpo'werlng con
structive force of tho world.
It is a good thing, perhaps, that the na
tion has undergone Its recurrent expeilment
In government by sentlmcntalism nnd hys
teria. There will be need for hard common
sense at Washington hereafter, for big men
with broad visions, who have been tested
in tho crucible of experience. There will
be need for men capable of appreciating tho
destiny of tho country and its pkico In the
world. And It will be decades before tho
nation again is sidetracked by tho exagger
ation of minor Issues. Tho people under
stand now bettor than ever before what
they are after nnd they are going to fight
for it In a sober, deliberate way, under In
telligent guidance. The country is jouug; It
Is only beginning to put on the toga and
take Its proper placo In tho world. Enor
mous as our progress and prosperity hno
been, tho nation, after all, has been In a
preparatory period only.
Who Knows?
IX THE ordinary news of the day la found
tho following.
Tho schooner Gaviota reported that 120
mllos south of Valpaiaiso sho found a por
tion of the body of "a, British sailor floating
on a lifebuoy from an English warship.
The battle, a sinking ship, a plungo into
the stormy depths, and then, by the mercy
of God, a lifebuoy! Long hour.i, days and
nights, waiting for a sail, exhaustion and a
shark! Who knows?
Humor is a Civic Asset
THE Increase af from J5000 to 36000 in prizes
for the "mummers' parade" on New Year's
Day made by Councils Is in reality a tilbttte
to the growing public appreciation of the
civic side of the pageant. That the "mum
mers" have been to Philadelphia what tho
Mardl Gras has been to New Orleans in ad
vertising value has long been patent. But
more than this there has come lo be an an
nual expectation that the follies and foibles
of the city will be depleted in a keen yet
enjoyable sense, entirely without malice, et
not without a certain sting
Thus things political have been shown up
literally by means of floats or organized
bodies of marching men. During the fight
for a better water supply the "mummers"
clubs made a pronounced hit with tholr de
risive and pointed moving caricatures of filter
plants that were not and muddy water that
it is a healthy condition when a municipal
ity of the size of Philadelphia can see its
faults In a humorous light.
Economic Anarchy
WHEN JO people eat and sleep In two
rooms every law of nature Is broken,
every sanction of society Is outraged and
every Instinct of decency Is violated. Humans
cannot herd like cattle and remain human.
A sano and healthy civilization cannot bear
flowers or fruit with Its roots bedded in filth.
Wherever goW'-fs set above men there must
gome, sooner or later, a day of reckoning
in whch the bill of costs against society s
staggering. Outside of the health of Its citi
zens a nation has 110 realizable assets; har
vests must remain ungathered. minerals left
in the ground, raw material be unutilized,
unless ttje health of the workers if main
tained. T.te worst economy is to waste
human energy; the worst anarchy. Is to deny
the elemental rights to men, women and
children. ,
What dtfferenoe dpw It nuke who does not
want rapid transit in PhlladsJphla if the
Pttaple themselves are on ths athsr side?
IJavW Starr Jqrdan caha ftrshardl a mill,
tarr lunatic. But that's Bathing, to what tfaa
Qg$ai aU Doctor Jordan.
OWeaso m& Uat ii nolle? hava tw
gKlftteu fj jhe fwu tHra Bom Jdi
CMmm W th real tWwjc mw Tb Art
CommlVt is soias i prevent the nud
fntAMd of th tdeeeiy jrt
These u i wnvo the wnhraLia &Ud
hut rit3 are almost na dtshwtntiUBg ut
t wtatr- Wka.t PhtUdtrfphtmi, vgnMiig
mm l"MiF - toWpt-
Shedding Themselves of Selfishness.
Brag and Anathema Giving Way to
Splendid Ideals Twentieth Century
Miracle in France.
It is not what happens to ou In life thnt
matters It's tho way In which you face It.
SOMETHING like this Llojd-GeorB said
In one of his gient speeches In the early
part of the wnr. What Is happening In Ger
many and Attatrla and Turkey few of us know,
but as men do not differ much the world over
(that Is tho chief thing one learns from travel).
one may take It for granted they are facing
the wnr with high courage and exultation, It
is rii amazing thing but It Is true that there
are few cowards In the world. There are men
who don't want to enllat; who dodge conacrlp
tlon; who hate tho thought of going to the
front; but It Is not becnuso they are cowards
It Is because they at a selfish or lazy or In lov,
or any ronton ou please, except that they are
cowards .
If you really think cowardice Is the trouble
with them. Just slap one off them In tile face!
Tho unfortunate Austrlnns nre ns brave as
the man with tht fez or the other man tinder
the "plckelhnube " And all of them. I dnro
say, are facing the wnr In the right way. I do
not know. What I saw of tho German tioops
was In the first few weeks of the war up In
Alsnce, where In the first shock and strnln of
war a kind of hysteria reigned. Officers nnd
men were new to war nnd had not got a grip
on themselves But I hnvo no doubt momen
tous things aie happening In Geimany and
Austria, that the people, notnbl), are learning
lessons that will change tho enlli'e national
structuie when the flffhtlng Is done and the
day of reckoning comes for the rulers.
A New France Born
What is happening In Trance nnd England
I do not know. Extraordinary things things
that had seemed Impossible to the wildest
prophet or dream-reader last Jul. Thore Is no
cxnggeiatiun (for I have no need of it) In Bty
Ing that a new France lin3 been born as In
war-pains unspeakable. For 13 yeais Franco
has been In the hands of the politicians, where
of you know.
When you looked out our window what you
saw was moral, political, social anarchy.
Came tho war.
Franco had done binve tilings hi every sphere
of human activity. Her musicians wore In the
fiont of all nations, sho was at the head of
science and scholarship; from painting lo fly
ing she led; but It seemed that her high spirit
ual destiny was to end In tho guttei and the
mud, and that her political destiny uh to die
In the appetites and greeds of tho politicians.
In a day In an hour war knit together the
old energies of the race And It was a ttrnnga
thing to see 'laughter die In France. After
the first horror of unexpectedness was con
quered, thn faces of men and women wore
wiped clean of fear and, also, of laughter
na Bonpruds.is wiped from a plate. It was
strange to see tho new faces gravo and steady,
awed but courageous, races of Gaulish men
and women.
The old enetgy came back; and the old unity.
Trlpst and Socialist,, clerical and revolution
aire were merely Frenchmen And the old high
idealism camo back. It was a strange thing
unfamiliar nnd uncdmfortnble to the middle
aged generation.
A Twentieth Century Miracle
Some day the history of the war will give a
page to that strange scone whan Paris the
hrlll, derisive Paris, you Know swarmed and
jammed Its way Into Notre Dame. And they
filled tho vast cathedral from wall to wall.
They hung like bunches of grapes on tho an
cient pillars. And outside the parvls and the
square were black with humanity kneeling.
Streets to right and left were filled, and the
bridge and the quays; and all who could kneel
knelt; and they sang the ancient canticles and
the old Archbishop camo out and blessed them.
That was as miraculous a thing aa has hap
pened In the twentieth century Paris on Its
knees, praying.
Up In a little town In ricatdy I saw the sams
miracle. And nt times It seems as though I
had never really known France for this was
a new France.
It was at Albert. That little town Is a heap
of ashes and broken stone and rotting bodies
now for the Germans passed that way. But
I was there before the Prussians shelled It.
It's an unfortified little village It was on the
pretty river Ancre, a little place of no im
portance to any one save the C00O or 7000 quiet
folk who lived there. One day I mention the
date becausa it la significant August SI, thou
sands of troops, French and British, were being
sent through Albert on their way to the front.
Thousands upon thousands of French soldiers
were massed in the station and along the
tracks I was standing on a bridge high over
the railway, with a friend from Paris He
was a man of title a count known pretty well
everywhere. His mother lo a famous American.
And In all Paris ho was the gayest, most cyn
ical, horseraclngest and wildest devil of a fel
low. Then he had on a dirty cap, red trousers,
a dingy blue army coat with the worsted
stripes to show his proud rank of corporal.
We were leaning over the p4rapet, watching
the troops enttaln. It was a blazing day; at
U 3S p in Suddenly the air seemed to darken
dojvn belqw us nnd around us. And the sun.
that had been a blazing ball, turned Into a red
and dirty disk with rass of crepe hanging
from It.
And d'Hauterlve said; "Hon Bleu! It's golns
Then w remembered about the ccllps
though we weren't studying almanacs In those
days; and I safd: "it's over all of Europe. but
It's darkest over Franca,"
And the Parisian leaned over the, bridge and
shouted down into the darkness. What he
hnutd was; "God save Franeej
Apd iit 0' "" darkness below thousands upon
thousands of voices shoutad back, "pod save
The Old Spirit Come Batk
It was on extraordinary thing. Jn July you
would haye said It was an Impossible thing. It
waj as thougji there hag $oi$a bak tfl Fraiwe
th old. fierce PWt f faith that sejjt th Cru
sad 9yF sea aur 4seri, crying ihelr U
la V?vU
No matte'r wliat huppem to Frasee, she 1
faal thins in a ntw way to u the Welsh
mSH's thought Pijee, mwrs.
If this war were raersly a dirty aquabbja of
fc-rMMU-trade-arubbr jMttwj tor place in the
aua thara wouW h vmU hope fsr civilization.
But lu ina who hava wwci'ed n J have
coinln kwly to o iu. aluce 1SOT. know it is
th UW tabic stnuKle btHTfu tae old forvM
of democracy and armed arULQcraey 4uii u is
JM4? eaartay fftp oi IJ ! mugo. I know
mow thai i enaJajMl an4 rraiw. but I
xu us ' ra of tfc ethara. Mtmm&y ia
fcmt tu eia la tfcs Ua
Uofl Btnawd w, Uj hi trtrM Brit
ish, has a German sister, and her husband and,
I think, her son Shaw's nephsw ata fighting
bravely In the German trenches.
The nations are Interpenetrated. Nothing can
affect one nation (or one, man) without affecting
every 6thcr nation (or man).
Thinking Humble '
In the first anger and surprise of War lots of
foolish, bad things were said fend written In
England, as elsewhere. What you hear how Is
different and what you read. 1 think t.loyd
George voiced it first) nnd his words are worth
knowing. He said the nations were "shedding
themselves of selfishness," and making a new
Europe a now world. That view Is worth white.
And the newspapers ore dropping the tone of
brag and annthemn. The London Times In a
fine way denounces those who exult over tho
ncmy-or envy them This article In the Times
and If j 011 know that essentially English
newspaper you will agree with me shows defi
nitely how new and splendid an ideal has risen
up In the public mind of England. A now ideal
hns risen where there were sloth, obscurity and
fatted Insolence Tou can see It in this: "Tho
comparison wo have to make Is with our own
Ideal, not with other existing men or nations.
It do not matter whether we are Inferior or
superior to'them in any respect; It matters only
whether we arc doing our best to reach our
own Ideal. In that effort men and nations alike
would neither hate themselves nor others, but
only forget themselves nnd alt comparisons with
othars; nnd when comparisons were forced upon
them by the strugglo for life they would not
sufTnr them to trouble the peace of their souls
with pride or hate or envy. So a nation would
bo able to make even war without hate. We
hope and believe we are making war so; but
we must be on our guard lest wi think of vic
tory aa n heaven beyond which we need not
naplrc. Victory Is glorious In proportion to the
value of the cause that triumphs (in II And
ours will bo dust and aslios if It means to us
only that we have shown ourselvea'bctter man
thnn the Germans."
That Is high thinking and humble thinking.
If England has learned that lesson, something
Is already pained In that red horror of war.
The way she Is facing It mnttcrs more than
what happens to her.
And France, you remember, has found unity;
and hns learned in the darkness-to call upon
Two new things; and In them thete Is n hint
of what the new Europe may be.
To fie EdKor of the Uvcniiia Lcdoert
Sir Some tlmo sfneo a Councilman hir Mia
name of Connelly nronosed that thn rltv nur.
chase the tract of ground bounded by Juniper,
Broad, South Ponn square and Chestnut street,
the Idea being to demolish tho buildings worth
millions and transform the site Into a publlo
park. In yesterday's Eveni.vo Lbdoeii I
noticed that a Councllmah bearing the same
name announced that funds could not be found
ior mu riousing commission Kindly Inform
me which wards these Connellys represent, nnd
whether or not they are any relation to ench
other. 11 a, B.
Philadelphia, December
tThc two Conuellv. are one and the same
man. namely, John P. Connelly, chnlrman of
tne Finance Committee of Councils. Editor of
the Evu.MNa LUDucn
To the Editor of the Hvenlnp Ledger:
Sir A good many people thought that Dar
win and his followers had killed oft the human
soul And they did annihilate for many
of us the belief In a spirit that rested on nq
foundation of scientific knowledge Now, how
ever, wo sea the scientists Sir Oliver Lodge,
ns the latest revlvifvlng the soul with the
facts and deductions of the psjeliologlc. as
well as tho pel chic, laboratory. The newest
contribution tho revival or life In n Califor
nia woman who ceased to breathe and pulsate,
as the roMill of a major operation may seem
to befog tho Issue by suggesting such awk
ward questions ns: "Where was her soul dut
Ing the 10 minutes of death?" "How was It
drawn baok Into the body by the merely phy-
sicm uperuuDu or tne doctors squeezing the
heart?" "Or was hci vital spark a mere prod
uct of phjsical action?" Such questions, how
ever, do not befog the Issue. They nre merely
new facts which may take great effort to read
aright, but in which there is mora chance of a
solution than In the vacuity of Ignorance
S Ar. L.
Philadelphia, December C.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger-
Sir Notnlng as jet has tested out the real
force, of Turkey's entrance Into the war. But
whether or not her forces are menacing ths
Suez Canal, this Is an excellent occasion for
the Allies to leallze that the entrance of Tur
key into the war U far from an unmixed boon.
Ttussla may welcome the opportunity of seiz
ing Constantinople, but Frnnce and England
must know that Turkish participation means
Just that much more work for the already over
loaded Allies.
Tutkey surprised the world by proving an In
significant opponent to the Balkan League. Her
fanied fighting power waa only a thing of mem
ory Even German training ha,d not prevented
Its evaporation In the years since Turkey whip
ped Greece
Now. however. It may be another story.
Britain learned much from the Boer War; Itus
sla from her experiences with Japan. It Is
not unlikely that Turkey has done the same.
And Turkey now has German olllcerw and all
the4 tactical resources of the German General
Staff at its command.
The ray of hope for the Allies outside the
possibility that tho Turks "learn nqthlne" as
well MS "forget nothing" Is that any consider
able success for Ottoman arms will throw the
Balkans Into the conflict, The threat of Turk
ish ascendency can never again ba tolerated.
h. G. C.
Philadelphia. December t
The erulser Is a predatory craft with a thin
skin and a huge set of engines. It Is built
for the purpose of getting to places In a tremen
dous hurry and of removing from aald places
with even greater speed.
The cruiser is built pf steel and carries ptenty
of suns. However, they are not large guns,
They tue only large enough to tear an ocean
liner In two at one shot-not large enough 1"
be of any use In a real war, A battleship
would bark once at a cruiser and then spend
three davs hunting for the remains. If it could
gel within reach. . But the business of the
cruUer is o remain exceedingly aloof from the
hostile battleship.
Far this purpow the modern cruiser Is com
posed largely of engines. It can travel faster
than a train on a railroad operated on a "safe
ty first, speed nowhere" schedule. Thirty
miles an hour Is not fast for an 'agile cruise'
when it If headed for safety under full steam.
Germany, nnd England have cruisers which are
as large as battleships, and which travel
miles an hour. The Qoeben la one of them
The entire English and French fleets hunted
her up and dpwn the Mediterranean, but ah
dod3d the whole collection and is now placidly
blowing up Jtutalan funboats under a Turkish
The United States also has many cruisers,
but they do not travel SO miles an hour. 411
AnurU-an cruiser la built for comfort, not fqr
speed. It h alwav been tl policy of the
eminent fossil in charge of tho American navy
to build war veasela about Hie knots blower
than the prevaUJns style abroad. This adds to
tbhr safety In making it impoMibte for ttitm
to catch up with a hostile tease) and provoke
a flsht.
Tha erwlsejfp bwUiiess L to destroy the n-lay-
merbnt marine and to do the general
sjl-ftiounl ecroprtOK watte U battleships re
mat teiiderly guarded at Uawe. Over tW cruis
ers of W ltt v uk fjuea tba
urastilJ, war bs-n. whJU the battle styji era
sill aJatf Ogty a health ri0u-Gfpreo
i?r$jty$ Far Wlsair
Srvui tkt N'w Tcrl; Evmlus Vent
Theif u SMtefc tow talk ahaut h oaad !
Siearda." b whan nyouil aju wht
in la gffre for, datiU ar am ferthxeo
Ui !nHr, W oaM wo 4Mrt.!jf get int ewr
tM4f, m Vm &at ta t prw, pdta?
Accepting Office Under Unusual Difficulties, He Has Brought Order Out
of Disorder His Diplomacy Most Evident in the Conduct of
Internal Affairs An Able Cabinet.
By A. A.
THE man who steers Italy's course through
tho existing Infelicity of general events
well deserves a word of pialse. Premier
Salandra comes from that good southern
region of Puglla, where classic tradition,
coupled, not antagonistic, with modern ac
tivity and with records of -medieval gran
deur, brings forth a valuable leaven to the
uprising of Italian life of today. He Is a
man still In tho prime of life, calm, vvcll
balnnced, anno in mind and body, with the
characteristics of tho Latin raco well ap
parent In his mental mnko-up; keen insight,
and a serene outlook an things. His life
long legal training and 30t ears' parlia
mentary experience enable him to value at
their Just measure the fine points of sit
uations, while u quick sense of humor and
a quiet aristocratic contempt, for mental
vulgarity nnd demagogic politics of every
kind give him the happy mastery which
revealed, itself alnco tho first dnva of his
dllllc u It leadership nt the Chamber of Dep
uties. It must be remembered that Premier
Salandra. rose to his office whon, after the
Libyan colonial war, tho Glollttl Cabinet
crurqbled down under tho piossure of the
Internal difficulties, unscrupulously evaded
up to when they demanded Imperative so
lutions, which the Cabinet was unable to
face. The foreign altuatlon seemed quiet
ac-nlie tlmo. The Socialists howled with
unholy joy, as thoy thought thoy wqro going
to have the Bpree of their life Over the new
quiet, conservative Premier. Meanwhile,
Glollttl was congratulating himself over his
slick If unscrupulous way of sliding out of
dlfncultlex and letting ono of his most ter
rible rivals bo crushed by the rolling
avalanche of popular dlscontont and the
Socialistic revolt finally unchained. Salandra
faced quietly first the parliamentary Indis
cipline and the severe trial of handling a
Chambor of Deputies elected by universal
suffiage, for the first time In Italy, and,
worse, under the auspices of his piedecessor
and adversary ; then the railroad strike;
then the riots of Ttomagna and the Marche,
and then, fortunately, summer came, Par
liament closed for the season, and the Cab
inet was golnj; to work peacefully at sev
eral urgent necessities of national life, when
tho European war brqko, out suddenly, as
the world knows.
The formula of "watchful neutrality" that
the Salandra Cabinet gave out then ns the
emblem of Italian attitude was tho result of
more careful thought and undoubtedly of
bolder determination than could appear open
ly at the time. Every day and ovent that
has since passed has shown Its solid value as
well as its foresight.
Evidences ol Statesmanship
After that of Pope Pus tho Tenth, another
death of conspicuous importance happened In
Rome; that of the Marquis dl San Glullano,
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, -who
long had been connected with the Interests of
the Triple Alliance, In fact was understood
to no one of Its strongest supporters n
Itnllair-poHMcal circles. To obviate the imme
diate Impression, which would have been
Inevitable, of a break In the continuity of "the
Italian attitude by the prompt appointment of
another may, possibly of different personal
views, proniler Salandra took temporarily in.
nis own iianqs tue uirecuon, oi tne rorcign
Office, thus, concentrating, instead of dispers
ing', the sppremo authority of the national
lire, closely connected in such a moment as
this with the trdjd of international event?,
The few days of his "regime" aj tho For
eign Office have been characterized by an 1
Important event. The Albanian situation had
bra yrowlngr worsa and worse, anarchy uc '
epidemic vying with each other as to whtah
could make lite sadder to the few Europeans
as well a" to the few natives! and the oiajlV
refugees around the Bay of Valqna, lhat
curious little harbor upon which eo rnuah, g
the Adriatic situation depends. Surely, at
Jeast to that unfortunate eqHegtivity, it miiat
have aeeroed as" if the "trouble from the Bai
kans," so consojentlousjy- prophesied by that
delightful ehaj-aoter ot Kipling's "LJsht That,
Fallad." Tqrpenhow, had Anally descended
upon the eastern Adriatic coast to stay,
aurosa vaj bujy way Mp rtb with her
flsht Tho Csyiferanaa of Iudou warned
barjly a. dj-tat af awpty word when
Loudon wait Intent oh other things Of the
galsr Pewv'ftra ia the WMifwwjea, Ual u
mat4 ataae cowpjiraUvaiy U of mlud
s.nd action An$ Itnly h quiatly goM ta
Valeria, with a, fw ship m a suitary -jp4ithsi
to relieve ths jitwsmri, f nckaaaf
.; huf tMd tfct tw mi mmuxiiy
rebellion from the threshold of the Adriatic.
The word of the Conference of London must
bo respected on tho eastern shora whilo some
ono Is capabla of enforcing It with the demon
ntratlon of quiet power against disorderly
elements, nnd the ministration. of human
mercy to the Buffering crowd whoso distress
ing Ill-health might prove a serious menace
to tho military conditions of tho vvholo Adri
atic coast. The military occupation of the
little strategic island of Saseno guarantees
the situation from nnothor standpoint.
Salandra's Able Advisers
One piece of good foiluno has befallen
Premier Salandra In the accomplishment of
his arduous duties: the ncccptnnco by Baron
Sonnlno of the Ministry of Koielgn Affairs,
nnd that came as the conscqlionco of a knot
of difficult "Inside" conditions happl) re
solved. Shoitly after the opening of tho European
war, tho Secretary of State for the Navy,
Admiral, Millo, who had-prev.lQUBly.lql;on an
active part in tho Italian colonial war, had to
resign on account of prolonged Ill-health,
Later, tho Secretary of War, and, after him.
tho Minister of Finance, found It expedient
to resign In favor of stronger or bolder suc
cessors. Meanwhile Majrquls dl San aiullnno
succumbed to an attack of the gout that had
been troubling him for years, ao that It
seemed Impossible to proceed to the necessary
reorganization of tho Cnbipet without a trans
formation, bo It ever so slight, of its political
chnracter; and Premier Salandra resigned hla
office and that of his colleagues, remaining In
power, "In the hands of the Crown." Of
course, since this resignation was, not the
consequece of parliamentary vote or of obvi
ous national disfavor (In fact, quite the con- '
tiary), the Crown very wisely as well as con
stitutionally relntrusted to Salandra tho com
position of a now Cabinet, which was effected
successfully nnd with exceptional promptness;
the most notable accession to it being that of
Baroq Sonnlno, former Piemler, a, man of
Irreproachable character and undisputed rep
utatlon, as hlB Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Apropos of this accession, the wags have not
failed to remark that Salandra'a situation re
sembled that of Pope Benedict XV, In that
the Pope had for his Secretary of State a man
preconlied Pope himself; and the Premier
who began his career as a satellite of gonnlno
has Sonnlno nows his right-hand man, But
both Premier and Minister aro far too auperl-or-mlndcd
to attach any importance to a dif
ference of outward position when the nation
needs their services in a moment which may
decide history to come; and Italy as a whole
understands tho arrangement in the right
spirit nnd appreciates the services of her big
men as they richly deserve to be appreciated.
Home, November 25, 1914.
They were foes as they fell n that frontier
vme friends as they lay with their
wounds unbound.
Waiting the dawn of their lat morning light
It was silence all, save a shuddering sound
From the souls of the dying that rose around;
And the heart of the one to the other cried.
As closer they drew, and their arms en
wound, "There will be no war on the Qther SId."
As the souls of the dying mounted high
It seemed they could hear the lopg farewell'
Then together they spake, and they questioned
Since they hated not why this evil befell?
And neither the Frank nor the German could
Wherefore themselves and their countryman
But they fid that Herwfter In peace tbey
should, dwell
"There will be no war on the Other Side."
As they langutshad there on that field accurst.
"With their wounds unbound, in their mortal
gtotke one to th other. "I faint fawn thirst'"
And the other made answer, "What drops re
main. 1I,.w,.J,f!tflwk tUou halt 8lfly drain!"
As he JhUed the flask the thr replied,
"Tfaera wili be na war on tae qther side'"
And it aama to pass as the night WOr"e. deep
That yer through all their vJBs waa fanned.
So that visions were thalra (yet net from sjeep).
Ad each was flown to hU own loved land.
BrtulM aeh. one ntiwmuied, "Thy
1 hou art my b-tfca--Raugbt ehall oUvU,
Sometbio wa.t Wg "but ..aJTmUoJ.
Theie will b o war on the utnar SiJSr7
, 8NVOI.
Comrade ef vce. w ,, e bt tr,
As w. uk. oa tea ws tha huna ttda.
" U b o nr ea m uthcr a
?- ?.
, rAOBflPHBilllB .a3
-z- r Jamfimiigm.