9 jjlaw J I bHB ill IIgI sHK Hr Lt m f staHHIHilBE: WfV m? & . Hi I r It 99D V l Z BsiBaH St MM mi-..l EBBm SK iMTjr Bn tiHCsSfif we itni iHBflaK vaw'a SarimaMc mnnm m WF'M't tiff Bill ' mi ml lg m i m,3- aiaBEJiaisP: i &- f erauni JEBUlilW If tgm stV "TMFffTif sSHK. t: m.lm'iw'WELHt1' aaaHsSslaKK B9S..datfR ... WWSk .JblMSESF BBBBBBBBSBNb-HssSBslsnK SbKIbIMt wmmuLmmmAwam HclaslsslaHHF t BrUA' W WmmBgW" mm If ;: r f nm r ! t I - H.-tf)ifl4 r OSTELLO'S PLOT TO HOLD UP HIGH-SPEED TRANSIT AROUSES MILITANT PROTEST ft-V,,..,,..!,,..,, I , 1, , .,..,...,, ,, , ,M .J.. ..,! . .. - - . - I , , , .--.. - .. . " ' .... fTRICKSTmr CITY CRIBS OP COSTBLLO tmllnntA from Turn On ilfAtA teliLr tha Cnstnlln nlun hiM. IfgffntwJ ask why ho w-nlUwl until Director jjgSjIdr slArted the movement before com Hair In At tho last mlnntn with hi "nni. imntti" railway. ryrjfer assert tha Costello plan, which ovild eonnot only Frnnkford and Front nd Market streets, would Prevent fur I! ther development for jeurs, whllo the ayloj1 plan, which1 connect every oul- pTink section of tho ettj with (he bust jiess district and binds Fhlladilphla to gether, would bring comfort, convenience gnM'prbflt to the people of every locality, It In, rery bvldeirt from the attitude of !the eillxens of Frnnkford that they will Jnot bo misled by tho hackneyed political srubteffugre of Costello that he Introduced the bill "for the benefit of tho good pec ans oi xrnnKiora i'feJ!' was pointed out by several residents jof Frankfort! that should tho Costello Man so Lliroldrli. the nnanln of h Nrflth. Sftt would be enabled in ridn ta TTrnnt Wni Market t-trcets only by the elevated, Jthen pay an extra fare to Broad street, Rind, If they worked at the licnguo Island l INavy Yard, buy an exchange to reach jthere. In other -worda, pay 26 cento tare for the round trip. f' Nothing Indicates the wave of Indigna tion against the Costello bill more than fhft follnwlnf? IaHai frflm h tTnl.n, Tlt.at. jness Men's" Association to tho organiza tions In tho Northeast: Jf("The United Business Men's Assocta- tlon has placed Itiolf oh record In favor Of Director Taylot'A plana for rapid transit development In thai city of Phil tkdclphla, and will oppose the pnssnge of Ftho ordinance recently Introduced In Councils by Mr. Costclto which scemd to provide for the erection of a single ele evated lino In your district, without re nard or provision for free transfers or for any other essential of a compre rhenslvo betterment of transit facilities an the city. 5 "lou ae requested, therofore, to p)aco tyotir association also on record asralnst the ordinance In question, and to co operate In the public meetings that are So be held shortly In Frankford nnd Censtngton to protest ntroJnst the tas- sage of tho ordinance. The United Busi ness Mens Association will Indorse jour wsmon in tnis matter to me uttermost.' Tm fiffrtttfnr. Irt tlin nrni.at vm.h.1,,.. Biiheduled for tonight. Director Taylor ihvlll address a transit meeting of the 14th ward Civic Association at the Central North Broad Street Fresbjterlan Church, Broad and Green streets. . BUSINESS MfiN'S VIEWS. . Following ar6 the views of some of the gclty's business organizations' on the Cos ttello and Taylor plans. , NORTH FRANKFORD AVENUE! BU8I- gi X-.ESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, reprc- II tenting a membership of 200 business ii men of Reprcscntatlve-elect Costcllo's J'llstrlet, Samuel T. Woods, president: r I strongly protest against Costello's s ordinance. I do not favor benefiting any one section ot Philadelphia and reelecting tho other sections. I am (very strongly In favor of Director ' Taylor's plan, because It Is compre ' honslve and would benefit the entire Ji city, while Costello's ordinance would Mrtoclc rapid transit for Philadelphia, "ascept In Kensington and Frankford. t Under Director Taylor's plan, as I (Understand It, tho elevated to Frank' If ford Would bo built first, so that this I'seotlon will got iapld transit under his plan as quickly as under Cos-3-tello's plan. It Is probable that the . association as a body will protest g against tho Costello ordinance. jWALNUT STREET BUSINESS ASSO I CtATION. representing a membership if otJlW, E. J. Bcrlet, president: M I am In complete and entire har ftmony with tho plans ot Director Tay Ij lor. I have been over the plans and i believe they are thoroughly prac 5 flcable I believe there should be a 3' union of effort for tla best resulta. KC. 'William Snleas. secretary: h I am for the TaIor plan In every way, and, judging from the attitude f; of our members, I believe tho organl- fzatlon will stand as a unit lor ui 4 rector Taylor'p plan. It Is very prob i able that the association will take ? some definite action to show its sontl I mertl on the subject. My personal opinion Is that the Cos , tello plan Is an obstacle for the pur--8 pose of delaying progress of the Dl- 5 rfrrrm m1it CHESTNUT STREET BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, representing a mem- ' berahlp of 600r Ernktne Bains, president: As president t)f the Chestnut Street 2 business men'a organization I have S already Indorsed Director Tayfor's i f plan. The association took tho matter up at a meeting some 'time ago and r wrote to Director Tuylor, Indorsing his plans, I heartily favor Director Taylor's plan and think that It Is the rirht one " iRKKT STREET BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, Frank I. Reiszner, preuldent Wo are nil against anything that tits up Director Taylor's cpmprehen elvo plans for rapid transit and bene fits oWy ona section of the city. I hu'artllv approve of tho Taylor plan and can see noth.ng against It. while Ih ordinance Introduied by Councll jfiail Cpetellol apparently Is a draw Tajk; to the whole UanMt development K UNITHP BUSINESS MHN'B AS- IfJiOCUATION, composed of W asjocla p'lten in every section jf Mie olty and renftwnting a memoeirsnip of uo.um huelpeusg men, William Hanoock, presi- atntx If the Costetla plan Is accepted It will mean the undoing of Director Taylor's plan and the bringing to a standstill of the good work already accomplished Th United Buslnees -Sj,ffPi! Jtssoclatluu Iui Indorsed the ';ilimr (.Ian anu, mersiurv, yiu pro- ItAKlBOatlcauv against nay iaH.o- tiDetttUtv sucn as ims ueiieno prevldesi. - Pv Martin, c-r airman of Trans- Committee iltarl ILiffinoa tuM JLiMAssllLm -isdarsed Director Tim tor's atan fetf SfMrfns We opdom tae Costjtfte i,iM ha.-atia It im DlMma&L It CMqjuX. benertt ir'raalcford or any otttar Mrt f M c,ty fr on f""1 K ttosMM't txvvtda fr transfers. wfWMS -1.& 4ouIa nljn ?,u.a U fed ft. -"-- M-V .w.. ,.. . w.... jMNttye. uevrs the etHtre city and an mem "nw- cn Mr. rotnp. who no shim K try " jarovuu tor nun iMBInfii ot tka eMv ue in mat IMBttMt iwprwvwnent' Wlus Ml .fp SfW www- -..- -. vifgj HOUta Be unoenaiwr! ui a lomiiieiwo jBjite m4Wir, a provtdeu (or by Di-tt.-tvt Fa tor t iilfcj) Mrtcto Tavlor i ' m is tbj out Mtujf rf ftse Utmur, i , mie igeiin f&ii (i avklMttMuc sin evi i aided S4 ftrf:UU4 ti , , ppiaprl. 0 th ctljr a Utarliuapt of t'lj iitafit W n ed ejjrl! r : ...!$. vf u-rlsia ItHOMli. net th result of any special preparat ion Or expert -work, but It comet so suddenly and to Unexplained that its appearance must be regarded a sinister I am net speaking .entirely for, myself, butv6tce,lhe sentiments of people In every corner of the clU. TUB NORTH PlUtiAjriRt-PHlA, BUSI NtJSd MfcN'S AB80CUTION, repre senttng a Membership of SCO, &.,& ZleT ler, president! J The GoAtello plan la clearly a sub-1 terfuge thrown out by the politicians to hoodwink the cltltehs of Philadel phia, I am absolutely oouotoed to it and our organisation Is on record as ft Rain U anv lldltwav! mi-Anuum nr nv changes h Director Taylor' plan. To nnd just where Philadelphia aUAds In regard to rapid transit, f wduld, sug gest that every buslnees organisation In the City call meetings, Invite the Couhcllmen of tho ward In.wliloh the ' organisation Is located, and nnd out how eacH and every one of them stands mi the plan of Director Taylor. It Is absolutely csientlnl that wo get our toooncllmen on record on this question. Our organization will hold a meeting tonight and I shall suggest , that wo take these step. NOHTriWEBT BUSINESS1 ltfeNS ASSO CIATION, representing a' membership of fl0, Walter A. Bertoiet, presldont. We wlllnot stand for any acheme other (linn the Taylor plan. We are for It from start to finish. In conjunc tion with the United Business Men's Aftioclatlon wo wilt hold pretest meet- Ings It the plan Is not promptly car ried throUtth. We'havo not yet asked our Councilman what stand they are taking dn the transit matter, but we ate planning to have tvom commit themselves cm tho matter. They are for the Taylor ldoa, I'am 'assured. Edward B. Martin, recording secretary: No Frnnkford sohemo for us. The Taylor plan Is regarded by our organi zation as the best that could be evolved, nnd wa are propa'red to con tinue tho support we are giving it to the ond. WOODLAND AVENUE BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, representing a membership of ICO, John J, Pedlow, president: Director Taylor nddrcssed members of our association only a' short time ago. He outlined tho proposed plan, nnd I assure you he was, given a rous ing reception. I think our members will back him to a man. Tou can say for me wo will not .accept any substi tute for Director Taylor's plan, that Is, If there Is any .nay we can prevent the substitution.' Mr. Costello's plan? I think, Is very partial. Wo have-not-held mass meet ings as yet, but you can rest assured we Shall. The proposed plan. If car ried 6ut, will bo a great, thing. As for the councilman In this section assert ing themselves In' regard to Director Tajlor'n plan, they have already gone on record as supporting It. SOUTHWESTERN BUSINESS MEN'S IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, rep resenting a membership of 100, John A Moore, ..secretary: If you ask me candidly, I think we are gottlng a lot of "hot air" In re gard to .proposed raojd transit service. The members ot our association are naturally interested, but I think after all It is a question of politics. Then, again. In speaking of councilman, how many councllmcn own themselves? It Is true, ih Philadelphia wc aro not getting the right kind of transit serv ice. I was talking with a man from St. Louis the other day, and he said this waB the poorest laid out laTge city he had over been In. Ot ooUrse, he was referring to the transit svstem. He said he was surprised at the poor -service, the endless strap hanging, and for It nil, hd said, he had to pay S cents. He also said there was surely enough travel In h. city like this to do away with the'8-cent fare. There is no doubt ot It, we are not getting tho service. TIOQA BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIA TION, representing n. membership of 100, Wilbur H, ZlrWmerman, president: Our organisation Is In favor of the comprehensive plans of Director Tay lor with the single exception that we believe the Broad street subway should bo extended to Olnoy avenue rather than to Plkn street, At a meeting on Thursday night we placed ourselves on record to that effect. We cannot approve the ordinance Introduced In Councils by Mr. .Cos tello providing for th Construction" of tho Frankford elevated line before other sections of the city arc cared for. Until adequate transit facilities have been provided to all of Phila delphia H Is not fair that any par ticular locality should be favored. It only seems logical that the expenditure of such large sums of money should be for the benefit, of the entire mu nicipality. FRANKFORD BUSINESS MEN'S AS SOCIATION, representing a member ship of 400. pllver Stout; I strongly fayor Director Taylor's plan. It la the only plan which should be considered. I think, however, that Director Taylor should extend the Tranktord eevuted In his plans to Rhawn street. The Costello ordinance was Introduced to throw down Director Taylor's plan, and for that reason will not have the support of the Frankford business men." Charles H. Button' , I have no faith In Costeltp and would not favor anything he Introduced in m mmmw Hi iaviKiKsi i8BWIPP77M'-4i 1,312,850 TONS , OP Newton Coal Were consumed dutingr the year ending Oqt. 31st, 1914 Facts Speak Louder Than Words No otfrer coal company has moregpod ' reasons ty have your confidence Send4n raur order today , Chutfe jPricas: $'gx'$m0t Store $7.25 Nut $7,50 Pa $5,50 " 25c extrs H carried . GEO. B. NEWTON COAL CO. 1527 CHESTNUT STBBBT i B( - - lit iii tiBiiiiiiinMaiii tlffl 1 I j i ' I l ss1b r !i W saBH i .9 EVENING LEDGER-PHTLAlDELPjftIA, MUX DAY, DEOEMBEB T, TDT& "-ftMi;' '""' '.-'-t'.'r""l"-.i' ,.' ',"""";' .'"' '",-',"" "t'!.,"i ' ;"-';','-""" "'.L!-L 'J !.i-l.t.'I. i'ip..hm. annin i"j'j2L! '" .'J'.''";1 !!i!i;' ' . :.. ,:,.T Councils. Director Taylor' plan as it stands now Is the tight plan. BUSINESS MEN'S AND TAXPATERB' . ASSOCIATION, o.f Frankford. Wil liam R. lrornct-ettdent1 'It tan lnfavor of the JTfylor plan. npeaKing lor tne amociauon oi wnicn, I am president, I cah safely 'say the ( jinsuiucrv nn; nvroiiKiy ill luvur ui ttio " Taylor prAgram for, although there naa been no meeting caned since sir. . Costellb proposed' the Frankford ele vated Una. our association had previously expressed Itself so forcibly In favor ot the Tajior program that I nm sure'thero Is not the ellghtest question as to whohi'they will back. THE FOX CHASE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, repreiinUrtg a mem bership of 150, Fred It. Ktantz, presi dent! I can see nothing 'in this Cos'tello plan except a disrupting. If It Is uc cessful, of the plan its outlined by DWfcfor Tailor. It ' Is a einsh scheme We have adopted resolu tions Indorsing tho Taylor plan, and and' Joined In 'the resolution It Is to. Ur preeumeil they 'will oppose' the Costello measure. , 4 "The. Fox Cllaae Improvement As sociation Is not selfish In Its leslreV for rapid transit. We want rapid transit to all points of the city and do not like the favoring of any par ticular section. Citizens as n whole demand rapid transit oVer nil Phil adelphia. The city ttn jpent so much money on the Tayldr plan It would bo foolish to change. Our associa tion 'will meet Trlday night and con sider ,tho JbesJ action to bo taken, PASSVUNK AVENUE BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, representing a membertlrtp of,97,"Cspar Werner, presi dent: Our organization has Indorsed the transit system as suggested by Di rector Taylor. , Wn ttjok. this action several months ago, nnd nil I can say Is that wo arc doing our utmost to support the Taylor plan aa oppor.ed to the Costello scheme The matter will be brought up at our meeting tonight nnd resolutions will probably be passed on the matter. Throdrfre Cook, secretary: This org&nltatlon Is not as vitally interested In transit an are some others, but we are favorably disposed "to tho plan of new facilities As. Out lined by Director Taylor, Wo have in dorsed the plan suggested by him and are working for Its adoption. THIRTYrSIXTH, WARD IMPROVE MENT ASSOCIATION, representing n Membership ' of 70, the Rev. J. Cray Boltqn, president: I think that after all whv should the 'public attempt,to solvo a problem vVhlch can only be solved to the best advantage ot all concerned except on scleritlftodria business principles. I belleye thdse. who have all the facts in hand should be allowed to settle the a utis tlon. I might say. It a 'man came to my churoh nnd told me wherq I ought to. make extensions, I would simply tell him that I know mote about my own fchurch than any man In Philadelphia THE 0TH AND MARKET STREETS BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, represent ing a, membership of HO, William Gib bons, president . Personally, I am In favor of Director Taylor's plan, absolutely and without change. The iOlh and Market Streets Business- Association will take up tha matter of this Costello plan at Its meeting Wednesday night. U L. McCaffrey, secretary: ' Our association' has emphatically In dorsed Director Taylor's -plan.fqBiapld transit nnd has so notified him. We shall thereforo regard this other plan an obstructive to the best interests of the city. At our monthly meeting we shalltnke. action to And what our pbuncllmjn think of it ' ' THE LANCASTER AVENUE BUSI NESS ASSOCIATION, representing a membership 'of 200, A. M Hewett. president: ' t You can say for me and the as sociation we are heart and soul with Director Tayiori-and his plan fpr rapid transit. At the time Director Taylor outlined his plan I agreed in every particular. The association realizes that It. Is for tho benefit of the city1 of Philadelphia to oppose the Costello ordinance H a s -Boyn e, se ere tary : The Coqtello ordinance Is a, "butt In " It was Introduced for 'a pei soual political purpose. There Is no doubt that Mr. Cpstollo has been op posing Director Taj lor cpntlnually and that the object of this ordinance Is to break up the Taylor p)an com pletely. Director Taj lor has dono the best he could with the situation, Our association will not hold a meet ing until January, but I mink that will be- In time fpr us to take action to oppose the passage of the ordi nance. BREWERYTOWN BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, -representing a mem bership of 100, William J. Wahf. presi dent: Our association Is decidedly In favor of 'Director Tailor's transit plan, and with several other organizations- at .1 meeting last Monday, went on record to stand by Mr. Taylor In his efforts for 'an up-to-date transit system. At least 1500 business men vvere represented at the mettthg, and It was Unanimously decided to demon strate. If necessary, that the people of the northwest wanted the high-speed ftysttm as outlined by Mr. Taylor, From the sentiment of the people In this community I nm Aura they will not stand for any transit ordinance designed to delay matters, nnd It I the general opinion here that the Taylor plan should go through Just as it In without any change, EAST OERMANTOWN IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, representing a member ship or ire, Thomo o. PArrls, ex-prtsl Identi When Philadelphia gets rapid tran sit tha whole program should be put through at one time, as provided by Director Taylor's plan. We should not endeavor to serve one particular sec tion and neglect the rest of the olty. I nm heartily In favor ot Dlreotor Taylor's plan. THE COHOCKBINK BUSINESS MEN'S AND TAXPAYERS' ASSOCIATION, representing a membership of 220, Wil liam Hancock, president! The Cohookdnk Association realizes the Imcotrtahce of success to Director Taylor's plan for rapid -transit, and therefore to help the other sections of the city we shell 1 old a meeting to morrow night to protest against the Costello ordinance. GROCERS' BUILDING AND LOAN AS SOCIAf ION. OF FRANKFORD, repre sentlng a membership ot 1000,. Ollvor Stout, Jr., treasurer: Director Taylor's proposal has al ways looked good to me. As for the plan ot Mr. Costello, I know but little of what It embodies. While I am only speaking for ml self, I feet ne should udhere to something wo know Is good rather than Jump about everywhere. Unlets we flgnt hard for one thing It may1 1e that ne will get nothing. CENTRAL OERMANTOWN AVENUE BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, Louis J. Sucss, president! With tho Hunting Park Avenue As sociation and the Logan Association, our organization has been militant for tho Taylor plan of trahslt for several months. Wo have Indorsed the Idea pml our Councilman have also declared themselves for It. We aro working hard for Us adoption. 8ANSOM STREET BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, representing a member ship of DO, D. V. Brown, president: t The transit plan proposed by Coun cilman Costello looki to me like a po litical trick to confuse and delay tho transit plans already before tho people. I would like to see rapid transit here and want to see It during the present generation For that reason I am In favor of plans that purpose to give us tho high-speed sjstem as soon as pos sible. There aro many features ot the Taj--lor pfi-n that I consider good, but If a responsible privnto corporation vveco to guarantee n high-speed transit sooner than tho Taylor plan, with the Bams"1 advnntngeS, I should probably favor the private corporation. We need high speed transit and the Sansom ptreet Business Men's Association will do all In Its power to get It. J. r Neltl, secretarj-; It Is evident to the members of the Sansom Street Business Men's Asso ciation that we are In need Of some method to get people to and from tho centre ot the city quickly. Since the Tailor plan purposes to get the high speed service nnd to Improve transit conditions generalli sooner thai) any other plan and ta do this under condi tions that are apparentlj advantageous Come to 'f- f i if L -'' Santa Clans . L- Ss5 Sj'r!l-i2r . . .-VtJ7.iiiivvvvv - n . 1 , V' , Ta merchants and men-at-large; to mothers and fathers: Do you leniw what the little boya and girls of the iLedger'2 ganta Claus Club 'are ' doing? Do you know how they're Working and saving and sacrificing giving up their vei;y own toys and their very soym spending money to make a Merry Xmas for some of their poor little, sad little friends? What Are You Going to Do to Help These Youngsters ? The Santa Claus Station is a big one? it will hold a lot of fine things to make a lot of Philadelphia's Tiny Tims happy. And we'Jl be able to use anything you can and will giyeois a. doll or a dollar. ,a parrel of apples, a suit of clothes, a check, ANYTHING but we Wely niusifbave SOMETHING! 9 w " v . Npfe tousand boys andgirls are enrolled in this Santa Claus Club. Won't YOU join? Today tellms whereto get the food, clothes, toys or other things YOU haW to give us (a Public Ledger autq will call for your gifts wherever you wash itjor send a cheek to the Public Ledger Santa Claus Fund, 608 Cheslnit Street, to the city, I am in favor of the Taylor plan. WKflT END BUSINESS MEN'S ASSO CIATION, Philip Cdnway, president: You can say I am emphatically for the Taylor plans forhlih-speea transit and against Costello's fsohehie to dis rupt uie transit situation. OLNBY IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIA WON, 3, Fred Burkart, presld-Jnl: Our Association Is, and always has been, for Director Taylor's plan for logical rapid trahslt, and I may safefy say we are one and all Against any. nun mm Denents on section oniy and hinders, the development of the transit to every section of the city, as the ordinance Introduced by Council man Costello certainly does. The only thing that can and ought to be done Is the construction of lines to nil parts of tho city practically simul taneously, (is provided for In the plan ot Director Taylor Costello's plan would neglect, our section, nnd I f set sure that Cotinollmen from this dis trict will not support suoh a measure. CEDAlt AVENUE IMPROVEMENT AS SOCIATION, representing a member ship qf 2J0, Thomas M. Beott, secretary: Of course, we are all Interested In My Improvement of our city. I think also tlia,t no doubt many men feel that If n man of .Director Taylor's caltbro is nack or a movement there must be something In It. ' belmont Improvb'mbNt associa tion, representing a membership ot 100, T. H. McCaffrey, president! A comprehensive plan that Would provide rapid transit for the entire city nnd not one section, should bo oarrled out. The BelmOnt Improve ment Association favors Dlreotor Tay Idi's plan, because It provides for free transfers. NORTH fiTHAND BTH STREETS BUSt- NE8S MtfN'S ASSOCIATION,, represent ing a mfcmbcrshlp of 110, Morris Finer, president I and tho members of our associa tion are In favor of Director Tnjlor's plan for high-speed transit, which will give Us1 high-speed transit Tight away instead of tho Costello plan purppslng to give the service wnicn we need so badly not until the Rapid Transit Com pany gets rendy. Everybody should favor the Taylor plan. Our organization will not stand for any substitute for this plan. We shall held a meeting pext woek for tho pur poso of having our C6uncllmon de clare themselves for the Taylor plan. GEORGE'S HILL IMPROVEMENT AS SOCIATION, representing n membership of 110, Charlton V. Howo, president: 1 nm In favor of the Taylor plan for high-speed transit becaUae under this pan the city Is to build the lines. It docs not seem fair to jmo that the peoplo In one section of. the city .should have the advantage's of rapid ttanslt while tho other 'sections 'con tinue to bear tho Inadequacies Of the nresent system After comparing tho Taylor plan 'with tthat offered by Mr. Costello I do not favor tho Cos tello plan. Wo should certainly ac cept no plan that will not be as bene flclal to tho city as the plan that Mr. Taylor has 'proposed. THE LOGAN IMPROVEMENT LEAGUE, representing a membership of more than SOO, Edwin J. Lafferty, president: I am opposed to any plan whloh In terferes with the general transit de velopment of the city as advocated by Director Taylor. The Lbgan Improve ment League Is not In fdvor of the tne i Mr. I Frankford elevated proposod by Mr. Costello, I have not hod enounh In formation on the subject to venture .,' ... .J V 'rv '' 608 Chestnut Street .oign a unecK, puya Mfum, lpysj uotnmg,, Food, Anything!- Everybody Help an opinion M to the motives behind the ordinance The next meeting ot our organization win be held Thursday hlght, wtteri the matter will be brought up for discussion At a mass-meeting on December IT the Costello ordinance will undoubted ly be aetea urion by the league. I clearly tee thnt Director Taylor's general plan for transit development Is the mtst eortiprehenslve e lidve. A. C, OehHe, secretary: The ordinance of Councilman Cos tello Is a political movement actuated by a purely selfish mbtlve. Either lr. Costello Is playing for th6 favor . of the trrnnttfi-h taalrfAntfi or the PMlAdetphla Rapid Transit ConlpAhy Is behind tho brdlnance, with profit Ih view. Te tratislty oompAny Is not laboring to accommodate tho public. The Frankford elevated line would prove very prontable In Itself Mid at tha same, time obstruct tho compre hensive plan of Dlraelbr TAylor, I hAVe not the aulhbrllj to express theso opinions as representing those of th Logan Improvement League, but I db know that wo aro opposed to anything that Interferes with Di rector Taylor's work as this Costello Ordinance does, FALLS 6F SCHUYLKILIj BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, J, W. Flanagan, president! ' AVo are for Director Taylor's plan ' nnd have Instructed our representa tives In Councils to favor It. William J, Banham and Jqhn E. Smithies, Common Councllmcn, nnd Albert M. Do iPrefontaln, Select Councilman, have told me they favor Director Tayldr's plan. Wo are opposed to Mr. Costcllo's plan or any other that purposes to give one section ot Uho city transit facilities nnd neglects the needs of tha other sections. Wo believe thnt tho plane proposed by Director Taj lor to glvo the whole city high-speed transit aro the best for all, nnd our desire Is to go on record as Indorsing them. DEMAND FREE TRANSFERS EAST FROM FORTIETH STREET Business Hen Prepare to Petition Publlo Service Commission for Order. The Publlo Service Commission will be appealed to by residents ot West Phila Diamonds and unusual ;Rings x La Vallieres Bar Pins Van Dusen & Stokes Co. - 1123 Chestnut Street sots tation t - '. t vt?w?.-. rw-y&m 'Melpto Fill This Big.oo&t f delphia to order the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Compnny to give free transfers to eaatbbHmd passengers at 40th and Mar ket streets, If the P. R T Company re fusts to grant A demand mudo upon It I present free transfers are given at 40th add Market streets only to west bound passengers on the Market Street Elevated The Belmont Improvement Association has made a formal demand upon the company to grant freo transfers to easiuounn passengers niso.l and In preparing, In conjunction With othef West Philadelphia orgftnlzatldn. td petition tho Public Servleo Commission unless the company grants the demand by January 1. Discrimination will bo chhtgod In the petition. A request for freo transfers to easU bound pnssengcrs at 40th nnd Market uticet-! was nrst made upon the company a j ear and n hAtt ngo At that time a committee representing the Belmont Im provement Association waited upon otTI clabj of tho P R. T. And presented a formal request for the abolition of ex change tlokots nt that transfer point "A Mr. Hamilton, In the. ofllco cf the P. R T , met us," sold T. H. McCaffrey, president of the Belmont Improvement Association, todaj-, ."Wo did nolfget Irt Jo see Mr. Mitten, so wo presented our re quest to Mr. Hamilton. He could give us ho sufficient reason why free transfers should not be grahted. That wns the only nnsvver wo got." The Belmont Improvement Association . recently sent a Utter; to Thomas E. Mtt- leh. chairman of the Executlvq Commit tee of the Rapid Transit Compartj-, for mally demanding that tho freo transfers be grunted. "If tho P. R, T. Company docs not graht thu demand by January I," said Mr. McCaffrey todaj', "tho Public Service Commission will be' asked to order the abolition of exchange tickets at 40th and Market streets, tho ueimont improve ment Association will claim discrimina tion, as free transfers are now granted to both cast nnd westbound passengers at GOtli nnd Market streets and at 62d nnd Market streets, while the transit com pnny at present grants free transfers at 40th nnd Market sttcets only tc west bound passengers." Tho compnnj', he said, contends that tho 40th street line Is not a crosstown line. The Lombard and South streets jlne runs on 40th street, and tho company bases lis claim, ho said, on the fact that tho line runs over east nnd west tracks for a greater dhtfnnco than it runs on 40th street. J Black Onyx designs 3 Br.ooches Scarf Pins Bracelets ?. v A 5 1 "' 3 a. Jf -f