Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1914, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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nwjiimn i..'i,i"H' i i.i i.-i.iymiiipL'p ijuiwiii ' 'wjimw
Fatal Auto and Trolley Ac
cidents Result From Slip
pery Streets and Rails and
Blinding "Rain.
Accidents duo to tho storm exacted a
toll in this city since yesterday of live
de&d and eight Injured, three of whom
may die. Slippery streets caused two
nutomobllo accidents. A man was run
down by a trolley cor when he slipped
upon the tracks, and two persons died
from exposure before help could rench
them. Another man walked on a live
nlto that had been blown down by tho
Tho dead were:
JOSEPH tANCABTEIt. a salesman for Clem
ent E. Allen, killed In nutomobllo accident.
IIIjCIIAETj TXIUNOILD, 23 sears old, 4013
Wayne, avenue-, electrocuted by fallen wire.
l'ltESTON I1A1CER, 82 jeara old, 3121 North
, Bambrey atrcot, crushed between two freight
JOHN TOWNSEND, 5 years old, of Narberth,
burned to death.
JAMEB OALI.AallEn, of Cobb's Creek, over
coma from expoauro.
Th Injured are:
WILLIAM OQL.E, 41 years old, of Oladwyne.
To,, struck on railroad.
IIRNnr MILLEH, 00 sears old, 40.W North
Kalrhlll slroct, struck by trolley. Condition
JOHN TRACKY, slightly Injured In automo
bile accident.
CHAnL.ES WILSON. 2T sears old, 2400 North
Mole, street. In automohllo accident.
M1S3 IHENE McLOUOHLlN, 2331 Morris
street, fell on oldewalk.
X.UKE, nEICHMANN, 33S Christian street,
struck by sklddlnjr cab.
ANTHONY KEICHilANN, T years old, fame
addrens, struck by skidding cab.
CHAUFKElin., whoso namo could not bo
learned, In auto collision.
Lancaster was killed this morning
when a truck of Clement E. Allen, Inc.,
a Media pork butcher. In which ho was
riding and another machlno crashed
head-on on Baltimore plko near Swarth
moro. Tho accident occurred before day
light and tho drivers of the machines wero
so blinded by tho driving rain they could
not see their, danger until too lato to
avoid tho colllfllon.
The Allen truck was driven by John
Tracey, and when tho two cars camo to
gether his machlno turned turtle, pin
ning Lancaster beneath It. Tracey was
liurled from his seat, but escaped serious
Injury by landing In a mud bank. The
other machine Is owned by II. D. Reese,
of Philadelphia.
Residents noniby, hearing tho crash,
hastily dressed and helped extricate Lan
caster's body from beneath tho wreck
age. Slippery streets caused a truck driven
by Charles Wilson, 27 years old, 2)00 North
Hole street, to skid into a telegraph polo
at York road and Olnoy avenue, hurling
"Wilson from his seat He was nerlously
Injured nnd is now at the Jewish Hospital
Wilson, who Is a chauffeur for tho
Cudahy Packing Company, was attempt
ing to turn from York road Into Olney
avenue. When tho machlno crashed Into
tho pole it turned turtle. Wllaon struck
Ills head against tho curbing. Ho was
cared for by residents until tho police
took him to the hospital. There, It Is
aald, ho suffered from a fractured skull
and Internal Injuries.
A Bellevuc-Stratford taxlcab skidded
over tho pavement at 13th and Filbert
streets, striking Luke Itelchmann and
his little aoiii-ftnthorry, -Ttiey were walk
ing near the curb. Both were taken tn
tho Hahnemann Hospital, where it was
said Itelchmann was In a serious condi
tion. Ho suffered Internal Injuries and
severe lacerations. His son, while less
Injured, Is also said to bo In a.serlous
With his head lowered to escape tho
rain and wind, Henry Miller, CO years old,
4030 North Falrhlll street, walked in front
of a trolley car at 6th street and Lycom
ing avenue and was run over. He was
-taken to St. Luke's Hospital suffering
from concussion of tho brain and Internal
The car was southbound and the rain
had so obscured the windows that tho
motorman failed to seo tho aged man
until It was too late to stop. When the
car struck. Miller he waa hurled 10 feet
and was picked up by Passengers on the
car. v
Miss McLoughlln Buffered"" a fractured
ankle when she fell on a slippery pave
ment near the Jewish Hospital, She was
assisted to the hospital by pedestrians
and, after receiving treatment, was sent
to her home in a cab.
Trungllo was killed by coming In con
tact with a fallen live wlro. His body
was found lying in the mlddlo of the
street at Mldvale avenue and York road.
Tho man wub employed by the Welsbach
Street Lighting Company to extinguish
the street lights. He left his home yes
terday morning to attend to his duties.
Hhe live wire was dangling over his body,
and It Is believed the man walked Into It
in the dark.
Gallagher, who was 73 years old, was
overcome, by the fury of yesterday's storm
while making his way home through Fen
field. In Haverford township. Ha fell
exhausted and "Hied on the lonely road
before any one passed, The body was
found early yesterday morning and lay
in the road all day before it was finally
Burns suffered by hot coals falling
from a stovecaused the death of little
John Townsend. His mother had left
him alone In the kitchen while she went
tp make some purchases. The only other
person in the house was his aged grand
mother, who Is deaf, and did not hear
the lad's cries. Frantic with pain as his
clothes Ignited, John ran into the street,
where the wind fanned the flames. He
was taken to the Bryn Mawr Hospital,
where ho died.
Becker was crushed to death between
two freight oars of the Philadelphia and
Beading Railway at the "cut-off" at
American and Willow streets. He was
coupling the. cars when he slipped upon
an Ice-covered rail and was caught be
tween the bumpers of the two cars.
Becker was hurried to the Hahnemann
Hospital In the patrol wagon of the 3d
iilrJfi3H'vf'F5ifejOfc VfT4
Titt&yir k Xwmiwiiif i jnrt-v'L..J
I A Joka 04 King feter
WfeL ' .-..... , e I 1518 theestnUt Street I NwYorkClty BirHvtgrMi
BBpjBSBf v .!, t U PS IjSJ " i a
street and Falrrr.ount avenue ' station,
where ho was pronounced dead.
In nn nttetnpf to board & train after
It had started from tho Jtanayunk sta
tion of tho Reading Railway William
Oglo was thrown beneath tho Wheels of
one of tho rear cars and his left foot
was so badly mangled that It had to bo
amputated at the ankle He was treated
at St. Timothy's Hospital.
Mrs. Bernardino Gambonl, -.01,7(5 South
6lh street, dropped her fourftionlhs
old child from n socond story window of
her homo Into tho arms of her husband
when fire swept the house. A few minutes
after slio saw' her baby safe, she was
rescued by two pedestrians who dashed
through tho smoke-filled house and led
her to safety. Tho flro was confined to
tho kitchen of the homo and did llttlo
Republican Leaders Con
sider Project to Authorize
Commissioners to Revise
Ward Division Lines.
A plan to mako the City Commissioners
tho most powerful political machlno in
municipal affairs Is being discussed by
Republican leaders, who are considering
making it a part of tho Philadelphia
lcglElatlvo program In tho next Legis
lature, Tho leaders want to Increase tho
salaries of tho three Commissioners from
IG00O to ?8000 a year, nnd to give them tho
power of revising tho ward division lines
throughout tho city.
The Boad of Revision of Taxes at
present has the power to shltt tho ward
lines, subject to many regulations. Tho
control of tho changes of tho ward lines
would bo brought closer to tho clrclo of
political activity, politicians pointed out
today, If plnced In the hands of tho City
Commissioners, y
Tho Pcnroso-McNIchol lieutenants aro
favoring tho scheme. If It Is carried out.
It will give to the City Commissioners
a club to hold over the heads of every
ward leader In the city. Under tho plan
as discussed, the City Commissioners
could change division boundaries at will,
and could embarrass any ward leader
by shifting the precincts of his ward
overnight. It would nlso enable leaders
In tho largo wards to strengthen their
leadership by combining divisions In
many Instances, thus cutting down tho
number of committeemen from tho In
dependent sections of the ward. The
fact that the City Commissioners havo
charge of elections gencrnlly Is made tho
basis of the Republican Organization
lieutenants' argument for the change.
Tho argument for tho Increase In the
salaries of tho City Commissioners Is be
ing based on tho additional work that
has been Imposed on them by the new
Department of Scalers of Weights and
Measures, established by the last Legis
lature. Republican leaders have aWo
pointed out that tho City Commissioners
aro now paid less than the Coronor or the
Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions,
which positions have been considered of
less political Importance than the City
The division assessors todav bn tliMr
December assessment or voters. They
aro making nn effort to get ns many
names ns posslblo on the lists, as this
assessment will be the basis of any
tiiuuKea in mo nuniDer or Councllmen
from tho various wards. Under tho Sep
tember assessment several of tho larger
wards appear to bo entitled to more
Common Councllmen, while two or three
of tho smaller wards will have their
representation cut down. The 1st, 20th
and 26th Wards, unless the September
assessment Is Increased, will each Ioso
one Common Councilman. Tho September
assessment also showed that the number
of Councllmen would piobably be In
creased In the 20th, 40th nnd Mth Wards.
Republican State Chairman Crow will
confer with, Philadelphia leaders this week
regarding the debts incurred by tho Re
publican City Committee nnd h n.r.K-
llcan State Committee during the last cam
paign, uno atate committee owes about
!?H!X' wh" th0 cliy committee owes
3 J 0,000.
Bequests to Sarauol Briggs and John
F. Beardon Are Attacked.
The hearing of the contest over be
quests made, by tho late Francis 'ay
Smith to Samuel M. W. Briggs and John
P. Reardon will begin In the Orphans'
Court fin December 28. Tho date for
hearing was fixed by President Judge
Dallett today.
The contest Is made by Ross Reynolds
Smith, of Northtast, Sid., a relative of
the testator, who avers that the be
quests to Mr. Drlggs and Reardon wero
procured by undue Influence, coercion
and fraud. Mr, Erlggs Is the manager
2f ,.'.ha.. Colonnade Hotel, where Air.
Smith lived when In this city, and Mr.
Reardon, the petitioner, says, called
himself the decedent's adviser.
It Is charged that Mr. Briggs and Mr.
Reardon exerted undue Influence over
Mr. Smith In the making of his will.
Bequests to relatives and charities are
not contested.
A large array of lawyers will be pres
ent at the hearing to represent the
various Interests in the estate, and It
was Indicated that at least a week would
bo consumed In the hearing of testimony
and arguments.
.1 i i
The petition of Theodore a. Bdward, of
Jenklntown, for appointment as Town
ship Commissioner, to succeed the lata
Charles O Kruger, of Arblngton, has
been forwarded to the Montgomery
County Judges. It is expected the an.
polntment will be mad early this weok
Mr Edward's petition has been signed
by many citizen gf the township, irre
spective of party afnllations. and no op.
posing petition has ben filed.
Winter Skin Troubles
mar b kfpt at bay by dr uw
t uui Skin, food which souriahs.
eftMu aaul iluu without
barmln. Sum wvwwunlo (he
ffl f c)f uui wl0. A bsaHh
qitiIU aaal iHi dUut. la
Mxateat tube. Nc. ArtWUe
Jus ft
rtUadteftt sUaiulanl JDruc Star
1518 Chestnut Street
t)gL rr & gut u&tu trUf
fliHlHHBP'iik Hw1mBP HHBBsinHHr lB
IBEButJBBlHKt' "i' 4VItfSSujJJhjg&fj .irf iniTjji vtsssssGsssEBXi. ""-' ""r -.llliLjijlihi f-titjlff J,Llft'Tttl5
The city's entire population reached its places of business today only after struggles with the high
winds and driving ram, in which umbrellas turned .wrong side outward and wet feet were common fea
tures. .The storm continued with uninterrupted violence all the morning hours.
Ex-Foreman of Powder Works Had
Pockets Rifled of Monpy.
Detectives aro investigating the death
of Deputy Shorirt JamcB Wllmott, former
ly of Philadelphia, whoso mutilated body
was found on tho tracks of tho Green
wood Lake Branch of tho Urio Ralhoud,
ono mllo cast of Haskell, N. J., ycstci
day. Wllmott's head was crushed and the
legB almost severed below tho knees,
making it appear that ho had been struck
by n train. County Physician Robert R.
Armstrong nnd Prosecutor Michael Dunn,
of Passula County, Instituted tho Inquiry,
as thn body wuh found on a switch not
used for more than a year nnd "Wllmott's
pockets were rilled of a largo sum of
Lending color to tho theory that Wll
mott was murdered and his body placed!
on tho tracks. It Is known ho had ene
mies among strikers formcily employed
by tho Du Pont 'Powder Company. Ho
was foreman of a night shift and re
cently discharged n number of men.
Wllmott, who was 6 feet 5 inches tall,
was known s "Big Jim" Wllmott. He
was C2 yparo old.
Well-known Newspaper Reporter
Will Seek Nomination
Alexander Hamilton Biooke. for more
than 32 years a newspoper reporter In
this city. Is being urged by many clvlo.
organizations to become a candidate for
Police Magistrate on the Republican ticket
next fall.
Mr. Brooke, whose newspaper career
has been spent mostly In the police courts
of Philadelphia, today stnted he would
make a. light for the nomination. Ho In
tonds to deliver u series of speeches this
winter nt dinners and other functions on
"Tho Duties of p. Magistrate."
For more than 18 years Mr. Brooko has
ma Jo his home In the 9th Division of the
32d Ward. He Is a Republican and one
of the best-known men In Philadelphia.
Joy nt Eddystone Plant When 2000
Men Start on New Hours.
Two thousand men Joyously punched
the time clocks nt the Kddystone plant
of the Baldwin Locomotive Works this
morning, happy in the knowledge that
tht.y would havo full-time employment
for a month and that It was not going
to be such a hard winter after all.
After a long perlcU of part-tlma work,
the men have been employed for their
regular hours on an order for 80 locomo
tives for the Russian Government. It
was rumored the plant would work day
and night until the order aa completed,
but the management decided to put all
hands to work full time, Instead of double
time. In this way the order will be com
pleted in a month.
The Grand Jury for tho December term
of Quarter Sessions Court waa sworn In
today before Judge Davis, ami Charles
F. Bartlett, of 2018 Spring Garden street,
was appointed foreman.
English Sheffield Empire
Qld and 'Modern ShetV
EelfJ Plate English,
Quteh and French Silver
Pine China.
Wedding and Holiday Gifts
I6th and Vlnut St Phila.
Confessions Include Revela
tions That Involve 30 De
tectives 'in Conspiracies
Covering Crime of Ever
CHICAGO, Dec. 7.-Thlrty police detec
tives, with Captain John J. Halpln, who
was formcily Chief of tho Detective Bu
reau, wero named today In a new con
fession to Stato's Attorney Hoyne ns
tho beneficiaries In a newly discovered
"pay-off Joint" for pickpockets, wlro tap
pers and confidence men In n. downtown
ofllco building. It was said that the
shooting of Barney Bcrtsch, In Ran
dolph street recently, which led to
Bcrlsch's confcsFlon and the indictment
of Halpln and two aids, was due directly
to Bertsch's attempting to open a rival
clearing house for confidence men.
A half dozen death threats wero mailed
to members of the December Grand Jury
wiTicli convenes today and will get the
new confessions.
Members of tho police force were said
to bo falling over each other In their
eagernera to mako a clean breast of the
graft Bystem to the prosecutor. In tlio
hope of immunity. Tho State s Attorney
snld ho had time to hear onljv.a limited
number of confessions and would not
grant immunity to high officials,
Clarence Class, u confidence man, made
tho confession naming the 30 additional
detectives. He said that all regularly
protected wlie tappers, bookmakers and
confidence men who worked out of the
headquarters downtown carried special
Identification cards and were never
booked when any place was raided. The
carda, he said, gave the holders right to
obtain money from citizens In any man
ner except by murder. Class named Ed
like and Tom Kefmln, a saloonkeeper
at 21 North Dearborn street, as the chief
"ilxers." About 60 swindlers, he said,
had identification cards.
Class is keeping in hiding, he said, to
prevent being "llosenthaled."
For Christmas Gifts
A diamond is always an acceptable gift, never goes out of
fashion, and is of permanent and ever-increasing value. The
purchase of a good diamond need not involve, as many persons
suppose, a large investment. Our stock offers probably the
widest assortment for selection in this city; yet every diamond
is of a uniform, fine quality, regardless of its price. We are
direct importers, make our own mountings, and our prices are as
low as is consistent with high standards. For example
D amend Rings from $9.00 to
uiamoiiu ua vameres jmai q
Diamond Brooches .. 25.00 to
You may sec many of these
,000 photogranhk illustrations
awl Sikspvpre, U accurately described and priced. A copy yours,
the, afkfnjfc It wfll be rnailed to you, if you wish.
Cloning Nur: Si o'l'hrk, 1'n.til Ckrutmoa
Manufacturers Also Havo Exhibits in
Terminal Market Expositions.
The "outside exhibitors" who are being
featured In tho Terminal Market Food
Exposition today offer attractive displays.
There aro 27 of these guests of tho Ter
minal Market and they havo rented over
100 stalls during tho exposition.
Ono display which attracted much at
tention was that of tho Franklin Sugar,
Iteilnlng Company, which Is showing a'
case of sugar distinctive because It is
from tho first cargo to come through the
Panama Canal to this port.
The company also has an exhibition
of bottles which show tho different
stages in sugar manufacture from tho
raw sugar as It cornea from Cuba and
tho Philippines, through the refining
process to tho finished product of gran-
uiaica, pulverized, lump and brown
The scope of tho business being done
at tho exposition Is well Illustrated by
orders taken by tho Campbell Soup
Company. On Saturday, orders for 18
cans of tomato soup for delivery in
Pasadena, Cal.; a dozen cans to Los
Angeles, Cal,; and a dozen each to
Harrlsburg and Pittsburgh, wero placed.
Other Interesting exhibits displayed by
the "outsiders" aro thoso of tho U. S.
Slicing Company, the Oakdule Baking
Company, Abbott's Dairies, J. S. Ivlns'
Son. Moneywelght Scale Company, the II.
C. Wilbur Company, the Flnley Acker
Company, tho II. II, Ottens Manufactur
ing Company, Swift & Co., tho National
Cash lleglster Company, S. R. Kennedy
Company, the Purity Food Company, the
Hllvcr Suds Company, the Toledo Scale
Company and that of tho Frclhofer Bak
ing Company.
One feature of the market exposition
today Is the sale of venison at 70 cents
a pound by H. A. Wetnert, who displays
everything from onions, tomatoes and
other vegetables to fruits and meats.
Milk Wagon Demolished, But Driver
Escapes Death
Harry Kugler. 20 years old, of Sewell,
N. J., was hurled high Into the air by
an inbound West Jersey and Seashore
electric train at Woodbury Heights, N.
J today and escaped death. The milk
wagon he was driving was demolished.
The rain and mist prevented him from
seeing the approaching train.
Kugler was taken on the train to Cooper
Hospital, Camden, and his dislocated
shoulder and many contusions were
$23Qa00 Diamond Bar Pjns... $81
titVMJ Ulamonu uracctets .
2100.00 Diamond Scarf Pins
I2LDQ to
21D0 to
articles in our new catalogue, which
of the bast in Diamonds. Watehts,
Fifteen more shopping
days remain before Christ
mas, exclusive of today.
Already the shops have put their
best holiday goods on display.
Christmas greens from Maine and
Vermont, and holly and mistletoe
from Virginia are filling the market
The pungent aroma of fruit and
spice cakes is freighting the atmos
phere with its tempting odor, an
appetizing reminder of the nearness
of the holiday.
All the Christmas supplies are
at hand.
Do your Christmas shopping
WOW and thereby make yourself
and everybody else happy.
Ask Representatives From
Four States to Petition In
terstate Commerce Com
mission to Order Probe.
Steps to enlist tho co-oporatlon of Con
gressmen from Pennsylvania, New Jer
sey, Dclawnro and Maryland in tho fight
against tho proposed increase In railroad
passenger fares hnve been taken by the
officers of tho South Jersey Commuters'
Congressmen from these four States
wilt bo urged to ask the Interstate Com
merco Commission to hold special sittings
to probe tho alleged illegal agreemont
between the Pennsylvania, the Philadel
phia and Reading and tho Baltlmoro and
Ohio Railroad Companies.
Congressman William J. Browning, of
the 1st District of New Jersey, has al
ready drafted such n petition to the
commission. It will not be filed, how
ever, until the Congressmen from other
States have been asked to co-operate.
William Carey Marshall, counsel for tho
South Jersey Commuters' Association,
will tako the matter up today with Ed
ward B. Martin, chairman of tho Joint
Transportation and Suburban Commltteo
of the United Business Men's Associa
Should the effort to havo the Congress
men Join In tho protest rail, lawyars for
the Commuters' Association, as a last
resort, will apply to the United Statcs
District Court and possibly to the New
Jersey Chancery Court for a restraining
order on tho ground that the railroads
havo entered Into an Illegal conspiracy
which will Injure property values. The
Now Jersey Chancery Court has great
powers 'and 19 years ago, by a similar
order. It dissolved the coal lease of the
Reading-Jersey Centrnl-Lohlgh Valley
Railroad on the ground that It wao
against public policy.
Edwin M.Abbott, one of the attorneys
for the United Business Men! who will
appear before the Pennsylvania Public
Service Commission nere on xnursaay,
Is gathering data to elaborate on the
three principle arguments against tho
Increase discrimination against Philadel
phia, the failure of the railroad to com
ply with the law in posting schedules of
the proposed changes nnd the alleged
Illegal agreement between the railroads.
Evidence has been obtained from New
York, St Louis, Chicago, Boston and
other cities to show that Philadelphia
has been a victim of discrimination in
the commutatlcn Increaso planned by the
The Mayors of practically every town
In New Jersey south of Trenton and
representatives from the various Boards
of Trade and similar bodies will meet In
the Camden City Hall tomorrow afternoon
to complete plans for their campaign
against the Increase. Congressman Brown
ing will submit at that time the reso
lution which he Intends filing with the
Interstate Commerce Commission asking
an Investigation of the supposed agree
ment between the railroad companies.
Traveling Bags,
Limousine Cases,
Umbrellas, Etc.
Repair Dcpt.
o Ifi "unit
The Old Trunk SUnd, F.ttablUhcd 1B3Z.
118 S. 13th St.
free far
Crowd of Admiring Young
sters at 608 Chestnut Street
Will Direct You Where to
Leave Toys.
The SanUi Claus store house is open
and ready for business, wlthj&nta's own
private secretary In charge,! to meet per
sonauy little boys nnd girls who wilt
bring generous offerings to help make this
e universal children's Christmas, so that
no kiddle, no matter how poor or how
forlorn, will bo without nt least ono gift-
If you don't happen to know where old
Krlss' earthly storehouse 13, Just waltt
down the COO block on Chestnut street un
til you como to a little group of young
sters standing outsldo of a beautiful
Chrlstlmosy window, decorated with
blocks and dolls and rocking horses and
bicycles and all tho toys that make a
child's eyes grow as big as saucers and
his llttlo throat lumpy through ecstacy
and desire.
It Isn't necessary to know tho stors
house Is In tho front room of the Wash
ington Building, 608 Chestnut street; tho
llttlo kids gazing In wonderment before
tho window are a surer indication.
Rain and sleet beat against the window
pano this morning as the Santa Claus lady
opemd the door xf tho storo house and
made ready for the day's business.
Prosaic gronn-up folks hurried past the
window, eager to reach tho protecting
warmth of their business offices, but threo
little children stood oblivious to the rain
and gazed and gazed nnd gazed.
A diminutive messenger boy literally
tore himself away, but the other two
watchers, a boy with his little snub nose
pressed flat against tho glass, and a tlnyt
tot of a girl, with her umbrella trailing
forgotten on tho pavement, stayed on and
no amount of moisture could serve to
dampen their enthusiasm.
The Store House wilt be tho receiving
station for gifts which every child in.
Philadelphia who Is ceitaln of a merry
Christmas Is asked to bring, so that un
fortunate kiddles to whom Christmas Xs
just plain 25th of December and Santa
Clause a mysterious person known only
by heresay will tasto some of tho holi
day Joys.
URES. Twelve hundred children, tho Juvenllft
members of tho Pudlic Ledobr Santa
Claus Club, have been hoarding together
the lost month or more little gifts to
bring the Store House, and this morning
such a heterogeneous collection descended
updn the place that tho Santa Claus Lady
was tetnpted to laugh out loud at tho
funnlness of them, If It hadn't been she
was all choky from thinking of the sacri
fices made by some of tho youngsters In
sending their offerings.
Ragged doll babies, bearing all the ear
marks of affectionate wear and tear; toy
pistols, dolly dishes, doggies and sheep,
things which wrench tho heart of a child
to part with, are among the first treas
ures which will pour Into Santa's Store
House until Christmas morning, when th
Ptinuc and Evenino Ledger, automobiles
will whisk them away to the homes of
poor little boys and girl.
All the way from Bethlehem, Fa came
a huga box from Dorothy Sayre Dodson,
containing a collection of toys and dol
lies that Is going to make pome little
girls and boys so happy on Christmas
morning that there Is no measuring It ia
mere words. Llttlo Elsie MacEwan, of
Merlon, Pa., sent five surprise boxes,
which will bo a surprise indeed to tho
unsuspecting kiddles who receive them.
A "poor little rich girl" drove up to the.
Store House in a great shiny automobile
this morning and had the chauffeur leave
a huge donation of dominoes, dishes,
boxes of gorgeously colored beads, a play
Ironing board, a horse and cart and a
"For some poor little child s Christmas.
was all sho said, and tho motor whirled
her away.
Suits and
The Same
As Good
for Less!
There's the policy thai'
has been our guiding star
these flfty-one years 1
The best fabrics at the
lowest prices that our cash
buying In large quantities
can secure.
The most painstakfag
workmanship, close supr
vision, and inspection of
every separate garment!
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