2 EVENING LEDaEB-PHILABELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1914. T i ii iti I i iii, ii in iii iii 1 1 r , i I i j hi in, it i I ii i i r ii in ti i I .in ii.iifn ii i r r i I i 1 1 r n i .ir i I ., ,.im, ,i n , l. i. j i i 1 1 .1 m wi,b 111 in.n 11 r ri ft I fc - w IW I MI HI I -. If r 4.i KK, iK immm mmtwt&T m. fc .& J;i:5,'..: - H 8:' y S.;'' Aipiif, MK- - M fe litli ffilifi-Tj BILLION IS ASKED FOR GOVERNMENT'S UPKEEP NEXT YEAR ( Secretary McAdoo's Esti- fr1ates Show Economy in VAU Branches of Service. $1,500,000 for Delaware. WASHINGTON. Dee. 7. Ifa another -'ii'i'TjIlllbn dollar Contrui.'1 This U ahntvn l-lby Che annual estimates of appropria tes aent to the house today by Secre tary of the Treasury McAdoo. However, the Administration hu determined upon policy of economy following the record breaking appropriation of- the 1ft t ses sion. "This la evidenced fay the faot few sal- KjSJW'; increases are recommended, and the W. 'tilmktta are approximately 125,000,000 less than the estimates aubmltted a year ago. The Treasury Department estl mates for the operations of the entire Government for next fiscal year call for appropriations of tt.090,775,131.23, which Is Inclusive of the $397,000,000 for the postal service. Postal service appropriations are approximately ro-pald from the postal revenue. The total estimates last year, Including supplemental requests, which followed the original communication Of the Secre tary of the Treasury, amounted to 11,119, S2t.723.62, The appropriation made last session reached the enormous total of Jl.116,000.000. Although the Treasury Department ap pears to have sliced the tequests of the various branches of the Government serv ice. Congress Is expected fo make still further reductions, and an effort will be made to hold the current appropriations within 11.060,000,000. ; NAVY'S BUILDING PROGRAM. Because of tho agitation regarding the alleged unpreparedness of the nation for war, chief Interest In tho estimates' at taches to the program for the naval and '..military establishment. 'vJEhe building program of tho navy follow: '. ,Twa battleships, six torpedoboat de stroyers, one; oiler, one gunboat and eight or more submarines, one of the latter to be of a sea-going type, tho others to be o'f coast-defense type. To begin cdil str.uctlon on these vessels the sum of flo,t:i,0O3 Is asked, nnd an nddl tlona.1 $3,600,000 Is recommended for armor and armament for vessels hereto fore authorised, and approximately $!?, 000,000 an account of the hulls and outfits of vessels heretofore authorized. The total naval estimate is 1H3,0M,819.SV which Is only slightly in excess of the amount carried In the lost naval appro priation bill. "Tho estimates for the army call' for Ian appropriation of $101,121. 511.93. approxi mately $3,000,000 more than the Inst army bill. A river and harbor bill of $53,000,000 In cludes $1,600,000 for the Delaware River and' $130,000 for the development of an inland waterway from. Reh'oboth. Del., to the bay. 'Aiuni efte Important new projects of general Interest aubmltted for the various W departments, are the following: Federal trade commission $530,000; Board ' of Mediation and Conciliation, $50,000; Commission on- Industrial Relations, S10". 000; for experimenting' In delivery of mails by aeroplane, $50,000. An Increase' of $15,000, melting a total of $100,000, for pro motion of the commerce of the United State's-hnd a $25,000 increase' In the ap propriation for Investigating cost of production under the Department of Com-' Si merce; for purchase of submarine mines Ik for closing channel about insular pos- J-sesstoo, $50,000; for regulating Immigra tion. J2.02S.000. an Increase of $278,500; Im provements to Ellis Island Immigrant Station, $316,000; constructing light 'ves sels for general service on Atlantic coast'' and Great Lakes in light houae service, J2$0,000.' ESTIMATES FOR TEAR. The detailed estimates by departments for expenses of the next fiscal year follow: ' Legislative, tU6S0,562.52; executive; SG68. t50: State Department, $5,171,762; Treasury Department, $139,833,740; territorial govern ment. $1S0,600; Independent offices, 13,866, 03); District of Columbia, $13,608,734.23; War Department, $186,675,37181; Panama Canal, $13:931,863.58; Navy Department, $117,764, 0S6.88; Insurance Department. $206,SI2,343.2U; Po8tofflce Department proper, $1,820,695; Poatal Service, payable from postal reve nues, $237,355,164; Department of Agricul ture, $25,800,413; Department of Commerce, $1,T74.0M; Department of Labor. $4,413,210; Department of Justice. $10,867,918.-50. " WILSON ON WAR INQUIRY ' Against Gardner's Plan, But Not .Op posed to Congressional Frobe. WASHINGTON. Dec. 7.-"-Presldent Wil son today told Representative Gardner, of Massachusetts, that he was opposed tlla preparraness or tlie united i.utaa trr ar, !'i ." .ft n- oh,.(1 iroper Inquiry by Congressional committees. THE WEA1HEK Official Forecast WASHINGTON. Deo. T. For Eastern Pennsylvania: Snow or ram tonight; Tunday cloudy; northeast gales shitting to wonhwem and dlmlnUh li)i. for New Jersey: itain tonight; Tues day cloudy; north rales. The Atlantic coast Btorm Is central oft y. .' i 1, u 1 i -'i. murnlng and Is moving slowly northeastward. It has Ut4 high northtaaterly winds from llatttiras iu Boston aurliu- the laat 31 Jioursi. Btomi-wuinlnifii. which have been displayed alouif the north Atlantic coast sinii Saturday morning, are continued, with the Information that the winds will shift to northwest and decrease tonight Preolpltatlpn haa covered mest of the 116. I rum ilia itocby Mountains east ward, the exceptions being portions of the -tittlf States and the northern parts of Wevy York and Nw England. The ttm- rijfafyJiiiirw are mostly seasonable. J, 5. Weather Oureau DuJIettn yttistn uutue ut 8 a. m. tantro time. tl.t JUlR- ViKW. JtLflL u k. iitlL Wind. LCV.WeJLlhdr ffvl34fc!fB 3CI CTIAUdV w SGSt 4 ltw t 5jH4 mr I i Sfl;.:::lllil iH - f e . "" ts ii NB f SK t' A H. . 6- H ifi S, I" i1 .7.i WbL WL- .StiVifc '' . .. S W .. W ltt Suuw SH&?, -m 9FK JWm.' bit ft . fije 4 SV Hft-r if sffil " i-ii. M 4 Jfi fi ' J jtMi Rf : - fl:!; h- l'ui- ft 2 '" ai x l't,r H3 . riy g m 4f jjm i fig' BATTERS COAST CenlMned frem TsiriOOne the faces of pedestrUhs at virtually every city along tho coast, made the streets almost Impassable this morning;. GnEAtf WAVES LEAP SSA WALL. A despatch from Beabrlght, N. J., says the Bale thero Is blowing M miles an hour, and Is hurling great waves over the sea wall. The neck of land between the ocean front and tho Shrewsbury Illver Is under two feet of water. Cel lars are flooded And many houses are being undermined. Train service Is paralysed, the railroads tracks being. Under, water. I A two-masted schooner was torn from ' her anchor chains In the Point JUdlth Harbor of refuge by the gale today and tossed on the breakwater, on top of which five members of her crew sought refuge, according to a dispatch from Point Judith, It. I. Llfesavers Imme diately started for th breakwater. INUNDATION ISOLATES 8BA ISLE. Sea lete, N, J is Isolated as the result of Inundation of the seotlon surrounding the railroad station. Few trains are leav ing the city. Tassengers arriving this morning are marooned In' the station and rowboAts are belnar used to trannnnrt them to the hotel. Approaches to the Clvlo Ctub, the Surf House nnd tho Stevens Hotel were swept away this morning by the water. Bath houses are being battered Into kindling wood. Nearly every cellar In the main part of the resort Is flooded. The rail road tracks between here and Ocean City are under two feet of water and trafTlo Is at a standstill. The Pennsylvania Railroad today stopped selling tickets over the Beach Haven branch, owing to inundation of the tracks. Officials of the Weather Bureau nt AVashlngton say that the rnln will nnt . abate Its fury along the middle portion ! of the coast until tomorrow as tho storm ! passes northward. SIX LIVES LOST IN STORM. Damage that will cost many thousands of dollars to repair was done by the storm In this city nnd vicinity. Wires Are down In many sections of Philadelphia, Atlantic City suffered most of the coast resorts, but all report destruction. Wires are down all along the Atlantlo Coast Six persons hfivn lost their lives as a result of the storms. At least four men ore missing and scores are endangered on stranded ships Threo of the dead were killed In or near this city, two went down with the bay schooner William .Donnelly Saturday near Thimble shoals lightship, and the other was blinded by tho storm at Atlantlo City nnd walked directly In the path of a switch engine, under whloh he was ground to death. ' Three men from the schooner Henrietta C, who pulled away from the ship when she caught fire and burned to the water's edge ft New Castle, Del., have not yet been reported and are believed either to be adrift In their small boat or drowned, The other missing man Is a PlensAnt vllle. N. J business man. He left Atlan tis City Saturday In an open motorboat, Revenue, cutters sent out to aid the ves sels In distress are racing with tho storm today. A ship believed to be the Cads Charles lltthtshlp Is adrift and In danger of 'Stranding off Virginia Beach, accord ing to dispatches from Norfolk. Life savers first sighted her about 800 yards off shore, but could not go to her assist ance. The radio station at Newport reported that the Nantucket Shoals Lightship No. 83 was located nt 0.30 o'clock this morn ing 36 miles west-northwest of Nantucket Shoals station. The vessel had been torn from Its anchorage. SCHOONER GOES ASHORE. A alvmaafod schooner, the Alice M, Lawrence, bound light from Portland for Norfolk, 'went ashore on Tuckernuck Shoal, In Nantucket Sound. A wrecking tug Is risking destruction by remaining alongside the schooner. ; Fears are being expressed In maritime circles for many coastwise vessels and tramps; Many ships are known to be lighting their way to port Whnt remains of the Henrietta C. Is still at anchor, upside down, off New Castle. Tlin schooner turned turtle after burning to the waterllne and the anchor chains did not break. The vessel was bound to this city from Smyrna with a cargo of salt hay, and owing to weath er conditions anchored' off New Castle. While the gale was blowing 60 miles an hour a lamp In the cabin was over turned and the Interior filled with burn ing oil, Before the men could do any thing the names shot up Into the deck load dnd In a few minutes the ship was an Inferno. The crew got off In small boats, two of them, Bert Klser and John Hawkins, reaching New Castle. WIRES DOWN IN MANY SECTIONS The greater part of the damage In this city Was confined to the outlying sections, although the storm left Its mark In the more crowded sections. Trolley, electric light and telegraph wires are down, branches have been torn from trees In many places, signs have been blown away and numerous accidents were caused by the slippery condition of the streets and the high wind, Property damage and Injury to cltlxens are reporUd from Frankford, Tacdn), Richmond Kensington arid Germantown. In Germantown' the police telephone sys tem was tied .Up, wires giving way under the load of sleet. Scaffolding, branches and building signs were torn down and littered the streets. Pedestrians were constantly endangered by live wires. The now storm Is expected to complete the work of destruction at the music hall at the end of the Steel Pier,' Atlantic City. BTEEL PIER HALL DOOMED. All hope of savins the wrecked muslo hall at the extreme end of the Steel Pier ha been abandoned. Rolling like a ship in the grip of the turbulent ocean, the greater part of the dance floor cone and the steel frame twisted out of shape, the big structure may drop Into the breakers at any moment. Fear prevails along the whole lower beaoh front that wreckage will play havoc with the Boardwalk and the big Million Dollar Pier If th music hall goes overboard. Already many approaahes to the Boardwalk have been carried away, together with the foundations of the beach hospital tents at South Carolina and- Keqtueky avenues. Indiana, Ohio and other hotel avenues are similarly flooded, and great waves are breaking over the bulkheads In front of the city park. Sjgns have been swept from the Ocean IHar ad eity firemen and other employe were snt to the beach front to p4)$ up wreckage, GO SHOPPVKa'',IN BOWBOAT. The nlwliW wU is flooded, and ear serviaa fcW&aiMi fmf ended at Mad( o rHHH '4Usirse. avenue, a block ftjrtfc IaiUv tw&f are two feet under w4 4 ' of fcueieu jiyt Ipspiwt, tM4t saevtwg ta upper 44rs. BltU ot th flooded e4Uo wtjuf ? 4fte nearest gteowriM atofg MedMsiv Maeaa aa pwaato, Th Atlanta od Sobtttban tfMka qrsMlog te adw ar bvrieel T iMAtfc a oiMsuure , flood tor t&e nwnh aod aloWr the bach from Vt aor to Margate wv are ferakis tk Atlantic aveoud Usui to LoagpaM. SMLS broke tbrouafc Ut otg iMtUtftaM &s Dsite Place Vuumi, hwnts at Ml4ews. Tt Him re) w IV titer pri t 3tem Um SAFE CRACKED IN UIKEIUIEGEMAN DRUG STORE ON MARKET STREET SCHOOLGIRLS SEWING , , 1 . nm, L , , ,i,, FOR WAR SUFFERERS I ' tHih'jiiiitMt itmmi&&m&ms2iaa&ii!4:j, -. , &'.a, :.K' iv .j&4 '.., ,- is;j Burglars entered the store at 1210 Market street early today by cutting a hole through the second floor. The safe door was broken open with a crowbar, no explosives apparently being used, About $1600 in cash was taken and the contents of the safe ransacked. The police say it was an expert job, as no clues were discoverable. suffered severely, the structure being badly twisted and divested of planking In many places. Imperiled houses on the sea front at Longpbrt aro still standing, and scores1 of men are fighting to save them. Cottages and boathouses at Atlantic City and the smaller resorts adjoining It were swept away bodily or smashed like houses of cards. Heavy bulkheads at Longport and Ventnor, constructed after the storm that Inundated the sections and washed away cottages laBt January, thought sufficiently "strong to withstand any disturbance of wind and waves, caved In under the smash of the gale-driven breakers. The destruction was hastened by the planks of the boatdwalk torn loose by tho sea. These were thrown llko nattering rams against tho bulkheads. TRYIt'G TO SAVE COTTAGE. Oak and stono retaining walls protect ing Longport, which run otjt from Mar gate City, gave way while tho storm was at Its worst. Workmen nre fighting to day to save tho handsome cottage of Pro-, fessor J. P. Remington,, of the Philadel phia College of Pharmacy at Brlgantlne, and those of William Dlsston and Arvine II. Phillips. The $10,000 cottage belonging to the estate -ql Mary K. Asb.ury is,a total loss At the same point. E. S. DIck- Irison, of this city, personally directed the work of saving his summer home, "Log Cabin," by log buttresses. DAMAGE AT CAPE MAY. At Cape May tho waves washed out 2300 feet along the tracks of the Cape May, Delaware Bay and Sewcll's Point Rail road, and halted all trolley service to Cape May Point. The city lighting serv ice was Interrupted nnd numerous boat houses and other small buildings were blown down and. In some Instances, wash ed away. The meadows of Five Mile Beach at Wlldwood were Inundated to a depth of several feet for the first time In many years, and a section of the ocean pier was carried away. Fire destroyod the Casino, dance hall, bowling alleys and smalt outhouses of the Hotel Normandle, at Seabrlght. The flames were fanned by the high wind that made the work of firemen futile. It Is believed the 'Octagon pier, which la IS years old, will give way before the new storm. The pilings were swaying with every rush of the surf, according- to reports. A bulkhead built to protect Surf avenue, at Rehoboth Beach, near Wilmington, was not strong enough am) the avenue was Virtually destroyed. Part of Horn's pa vilion, Including a store room, was car ried away by gale and waves. Damago estimated at 3100.000 was done to Highlands and Normandle, according to reports from Red Bank, N. J. The water crept close to the summer home of Secretary of War Garrison and this, with other cottages nearby, is still threat ened. The boardwalk at Highlands was carried out to sea while the storm was at Its height. Electric lights are out of serv ice as the result of the wires being torn down by the wind and sleet. SPARKS FROM PIPE SET FIRE TO OLD MAN'S ROBE Retired lawyer In Serious Condition Following Accident, Sparks from a pipe he was smoking when he fell asleep in a ' chair In his apartment, 1638 Arch street) set Are to the bathrobe of TS-year-oId J. Morgan Jennlson. a retired lawyer. He Is now In Hahnemann Hospital In a critical con dition. The police are searching for his -relatives, whose address ts not known, Mr. Jennlson was a familiar figure In the local coutta until a. few years ago, when he ratlred. Other occupants of the house heard his cries fpr help and found him ablaze from head to foot, lie may not recover. HERB ABB OHBISTHAS DON'TS-J.N NDIBflBjH Fifteen more shopping days before Christmas! Do your Chrutmas shopping early, but da it wisely as well, Don't buy a Cigarette ease or a t baeoo pouch for tho ma fcfbo doess't smoke. Don't buy pfrilowphy of poyebologx for the woaian who can't lake In any thing heavier thin iKmuer ftetkw .Dop'l buy a ioirgsMte fo Um woioas who la s4Uv about her bdltaa; f tjght, r a fcuU cap for Us mas woo would rather not hv bis aid h4 4dto. H wt. rBnfcr uii an tota- gtn UMUiriUJy MAM 3 4kit a msftg CRACKSMEN OBTAIN $1900 FROM STORE ON MARKET STREET Burglars Jimmy Through Entrance Into Riker Hageman Establishment and Get Away With Rich Booty. Cracksmen who followed floor plans, obtained earlier by an accomplice, cut through tho colling of the Rlker & Hege man Company drugstore, 1T10 Market street, early today and escaped with 1M0 In cash after they had pried tho door from a safe In tho front of tho store. The men entered the store through a side stairway with a master kely and directed their operations from tha wnrerooms above, the police believe. The robbery was carefully planned nnd was tho work of professionals, detectives say. John S. Dettcry, an assistant manager, discovered tho robbery when ho opened the store this morning, The safe, which stood near tho cashier's desk, had been knocked off Its base and tho door hung open Books and papers were scattered around It. At the rear of the store and nbovo the prescription balcony was a hole In tho corrugated tin celling. The hole led into tho storeroom of the second floor. A stairway beside the store gives entrance to tho second floor, occupied nt the tront by a dentist s offices andware- .inn... n ,k .!. .'. I .- .. ' iuwiih w, it,,? ums aiuio in mo rvur. BORED WAY THROUGH. The men climbed the atalrs, accord ing to the police, and then forced open a door on the second floor hall leading Into the Btoreroom. Inside there was evidence that they had tried two borings before they located the position above the balcony. The final cutting was about two feet square. After boring tho holes and knocking out the flooring the men let themselves down to the balcony and walked to the front of the store, where they pulled down shades' to shield them selves from outside, the police believe. The safe, a light one, had been pried open with a heavy crowbar-Jimmy. Then the men climbed back Into the storeroom, opened the tin cash box and threw away a number of checks Inside of It. They left a Jimmy, a bag, a partly burned candle and two cigar ends and went out by the stairway, SU8PECT VISITOR. During tho afternoon R H. Brown, the store manager, had seen a middle-aged man loafing 'about near the cashier's cage and. the prescription balcony. He seemed Intoxicated, and as It was storm ing outside Brown permitted him to re main. This was the, man, the police be lieve, who learned the location of the balcony and gave his companions a diagram where to cut through the floor. There Is no watchman in the build ing, detectives learned, but a, man tries doors on the store block every two hours during the night. Detectives have finger print clues which they say may be valu able In apprehending the burglars. II I " ' mm BABY HUNGRY, MOTHER SICK, FATHER HELD AS ROBBER r Kandel, Arrested at Wife's Bedside, Telia of Miseries, "My wife Is sick, my s-montbs-old baby I hungry and I have no money for either god or taedloine. as I have beep, unable to gt work for three months, ".- With these words George Kandel, or Ms Walton avaoua. sobbed pitifully as be was arrested last night at bis wife's bedside aaoiised of having stolen 1150 wortb of etathlpg and- Jewelry from the uoute of bis former employer, Jesepfe Crawford, on Pin oad above Fox Phase, early yesterday morning. AoeerdlPS to the police. Kapdel ooa td after bU arrest, but saLl that he bad sever been dishonest before, but was made dwt by the tneugbt that hta family was, in want. Hi strut was due to the fact that he was rsoec&ized by Policeman Benser, of the Tnjoay sta tion, as he was walking down 4 street pike with a bvadlc under hte 4MB. VbB M. Crawford reported. ih roto Mry Ssiwsr was called and aJjd If bo bd aa aoy oo MUax; stsiekMUly diuiaz th tutr hown of to MoraUur oo mi a. It. rwtJ fcevfec VuriNk i SmMMt d Mr. Crawford' was ftirajpia today DARING DEPUTY DEFIES DYNAMITE DANGER "Warnlner Fails to Dissuade Coroner Sellers From Opening Suicide's Trunk. A battered steamer trunk, formerly the property of a man who blew out his brains because ho waB tired of life, fur nished more excitement nt tho Coroner's ofllce today than City Hall has seen for a long time. Tho trunk, until yesterday, belonged to Ira Freeze, 21S7 North 6th street. Tho man committed suicide because ho could no longer stand the pain of an Incur nble ailment from which ho suffered. His trunk was taken to the Coroner's office. A policeman who brought the chest to City Hall said the sulcido had left a message saying the person who opened his trunk would never open another. Until the arrival of Deputy Coroner Sel lers persons In the ofllce gavo the trunk a wide berth. Several men said they heard something- ticking. Later this proved to be n clock on tho wnll. "This business Is nil nonsense," said Mr. Sellers. "I am going to open the trunk." Four clerks Immediately left the room. Joseph Mnhnn, chief clerk In the Coroner's office, re'malned with thq deputy. They approached tho effects of tho lato Mr. Freeze. While persons neered cautiously In nt the open door, Mr. Sellers and Mnhan carefully unlocked tha trunk lock and lifted the lid. A pair of soiled overalls on tho first tray was the only thing to be seen. The tray wns taken out, nnd In tho middle compartment, resting on a piece of soft material, was a curiously shaped black tin box. It was not round, It wns not nquare. "It's an odd-looking thing," said Mnhan, "Yes, It Is." agreed Deputy Sellers, hacking off Into a cor ner. Several persons at the door walked Into the rodm, took a look at the box nnd walked out ngaln. Finally Mr. Sellers said he did not In tend to "waste any more time." He ap proached the trunk, lifted out the curi ously! shaped box and while those about him held their breath, removed the lid. Tho Deputy Coroner laughed ns he drew forth n collapsible marine gluts. "Here Is your dynamite bomb," he said. Then the Coroner's office settled into Its customary calm. Later a man re moved the trunk. STEAMSHIP REACHES PORT Mohican, From Norfolk, Lashed 08 Hours by Storm, The weather-beaten Clyde steamship Mohican, 43. hours late, docked at the foot of Market street at noon today. She had been lashed by the fury of the etory for M hours after leaving Norfolk Friday afternoon. Cantaln James O'Neill, who said the weather was the worst he had encoun tered In his W years as a seafarer, re ported that he sighted an Old Dpmlnlon Line steamer off. Cape Charles during the height of the storm.' She was headed In a southerly direction when first ob. served, but soon changed her course and proceeded northward. The Mohican waited for distress stg rials, but the ship sent none. Captain O'Neill said he thought It was the Jef ferson, bound from Norfolk to New York. PHILA. ELOPEHS MARRY Young People United at Elkton, Md., Courthouse. ELKTON. Md, Dec. 7. Juan A. Root and Miss Marian Zellers, of Phlladelnhla, and Arnold M- Bauer and Miss Emma S. Fletcher, of Brldgeton, N. J., rlnoad to Elkton and were united In marriage hero shortly after midnight this morn ing. Thoy came here In the evening and when the hour qf mldnliht arrived Major William 0. Purnell, douty clerk of the county court, was hurried to the clerk's Office In an automobile provided hv the contracting parties, and Issued the neces sary 'licenses. Other licenses issued this morning were to Raymond 3. Fltivrerald and Frances ' M. Ferry, both (of Phila delphia. A Strap or a Seat? This the question which is agl tatleg Philadelphia. Sane, authori tative statement el the whijle. tran sit situation Is contained in an at tractive booklet, reprinted from the cebtBins of THEEVENINGUSDGJ3R and now being- distributed, free of charge, to the citizen of. Phila delphia. It iwav be obtained at the mam publication office of the Evening Ledger, 6th aud Chest nut streets, at Ledger Central, or at any of the Ledger branch offcees. This rtmarlcaSle pamphlet Is also being; diitributed tree of charge at alt of the transit meet ing how beiajjf M4 various 8trt ef ilye city. Garments to Be Made) by Clftssas "Alter Hours." Several thousand schoolgirls In the publla sohoot sewing classes throughout tho city today begAn work on garments for soldiers anot war sufferers A minimum of 1100 garments has been set by tho girts as tho goal of their work nnd as1 soon as theso are completed they will be turned over to the Red Cross Division of tho Emergency Aid Committee for dis tribution. The ctoth for the garments Is being supplied by Individuals, And the school girls have offered to do the work out" side of clasa hours. Most of the gar ments will be used In the hospitals on the battlefields. Tho work Is being done under the) direction of Miss Alice L. Keech, supervisor of sewing in the public schools. The schools In which .the girls have vol unteered their services are General Philip Kearney, Falrmc'iint and 6th; James Martin, Richmond and Ontario; Powers, Frankford and Somerset! Pistorlus, Woodhiwn nnd Sprsgue, BrldesbtirgJ Gil bert, Chestnut JiJtl: Alexander Henry, Frankford; BrowniChrlsten, Holmesburg; Dlsston, Tocony; JamcB Wilson, 13th and Wharton; Tllghman, 13th nnd Susque hanna; Harmer, 18th and' East Haines; E. Spencer Miller, 43d nnd Ogden! Mo Mlchacl, 35th and Falrmount. BUDGETS OF CITY DIVISIONS TAKEN UP FOR PRUNING $23,111074.20 Asked for 1 9 1 5 Organization Fi nance Committee Down Iron-clad Against New Items. Lays Rule Dissection of tho budgets of the esti mated expenses of the city departments for 1315 was begun today by the Finance Committee of Councils In' open session at City Hall. Mayor Blankenburg and tho Directors of the dopnrtmenls with tho bureau chiefs were Invited to attend the ses sion to explain the various Items In cluded In tho estimated cost sheetB. Tho Organization Councllmen, compos ing the Finance Committee, usually re gard tho sessions at which the budgets of the administration departments are considered as an annual heckling frolic. Tha Directors who have opposed Coun cils and the bureau chiefs who have come Into disfavor with tho Organiza tion's representatives aro customarily subjected to a system of questioning that usually Is protracted and of doubtful value from a standpoint of eliciting real information on the financial needs of the city branches. The total amount asked by the city department heads for 1915 is 23,lll,m.20. Tho amount appropriated this year for the departments was, Il9,92O,0M.lS. '. -" PAY FOR MANY NEW EMPLOYES. ' The Increase for next year Includes pay for many now employees deemed needed as additional police, firemen and employes In departments .which .are expanding to meet Increased demands of the growing city. Snlary Increases are Included with other new expenses. The Division of Housing and Sanitation, made mandatory by an act of Legisla ture that Councils have dtsreeardet). is Included In tho budget estimate of Di rector Harte, of tho Department of Health and Charities. Chairman Connelly, of the Finance Com mittee, delivered his annual address on economy, by way of opening tho delibera tions of the committee, when the coiinty oliices' budgets were taken up last week. He then said that no salary Increases would bo allowed In 1916, that no new Places would be created and that no ad justment of existing places would be allowed excepting where absolutely deemed Imperative. BLOW AT BETTER HOUSING. Those statements are regarded aa Iron clad so far as the city departments are concerned. The epitaph of the Housing and Sanitation Division that wouia bet ter the living conditions In crowded tonement sections- la also included In the declaration of Connelly, In tho face of Connelly's economic as sertions, however, the Municipal Court has created new places at unusually high salaries. The word further has been passed among county offices that the budgets are to be kept down for ap pearance purposes and requests for ad ditional expenditures are to be submitted to Councils after the first of the year Jn a less ostentatious manner. Fourteen of tlr county offices' budgets have been reported to Councils for pas sage by the Finance Committee. The three budgets still before the Subcom mittee on Appropriations, a subdivision of the Finance Committee and the real body on making the financial allowances, are the estimates of tha City Commis sioners, City Treasurer and Park Com mission. The other tl bills aro on Coun cils', calendar for passage at the next session. One or perhaps two all-day ses sions of both branches of Councils prob ably will be necessary, to consider all appropriation bills and submit them to the Mayor, AMOUNTS ASKEp FOR. The amount asked by 'each city depart ment for 1915 and- the sum appropriated this year are as follows! - , Amount Amount DDrlment. for lam .i.MiS, i Jf ...... .j.tf.... ,. 4iu;o4u rrjuiio cuicty , o.uoifuj fauie Works UH uio ivorw T.STi, Health ana CharuiM.. IS. ... . 1.7W, whM,' DeelM ft Ferris aS9,, W1U 3.i;M TBEB EASES, VVVILS II? EERH. High Winda Euts Hundreds of Qer jaantown Phone Out of Order. Scores of boys and girls, ppU or the Pastsrtui Public School. WcjOdtawn and Sprsgue streets, Germajifown, sarrowly escaped Injury this morning as they were fltarlng the bulMlHs when a tree at the edge ef tlie sidewalk was blown down. Tha trie struek and broke a auav var ef telegraph wtcea, Buadreds of telapkeaet wj Qrmu tows are still out, at order today as the rute of tha wire being broken by tha weight ef siett and tho tore of the wlitd. 4 aujabw of old it to Chluoi udi and Qemajitewti that had b laiiU markja for year war deMroKgaTW 'tha aih wtad. wai)a dawn u4to ttift III. IIU 7.TU.1I3 BS 0,SlT,j7S WO SS'Jij r.oiTSR 7 r THOUSANDS AWAIT COUNCILS' ACTION ON RELIEF BILL Emergency Committee Mem ber Calls Attention to Con- ditions, While Destitute Stand in Rain Seeking Charity. "While Councils nre delaying the 150,000 appropriation to relievo the unemployed situation, hundreds and thousands of needy workmen and their families are left In straits." This was tho statement made today by a member of the Emergency Aid Commit tee. "I would llko to know." continued this, member, "whether Councils are trying to serve tho peoplo or something smaller than the people." With about 60 destitute women and men, waiting In tho rain on tho .front pavemont from the early morning hours, tho Home 'Relief Division of the. Emer gency Aid Committee opened lta now headquarters In the basement of tho Lin coln Building today. Many more applicants sought work of any sort In the basement room during tho day, keeping a ialf-dosen clerks tak ing down names And addresses. It wns explained to eaoli applicant that tha matter of giving them relief depended upon the contributions tq tho Homo Re lief Fund. As fast as contributions are recelvod the money la apportioned toward helping destitute wanton. Tho applications of men, who nre "down n the world" nre not being considered at prosant, and will hot be until some thing larger than th6 flow of mere con. trlbutlons Is recelvod by ,thd division. CONTRIBUTIONS FOR BELGIANS. A largo packing caae, filled with a mis cellaneous assortment of clothing for 'the "Belgian sufferers," was received at tits Belgian Relief Committee headquarters In the basement of the Lincoln Building today us the forerunner of a week at an ticipated hard work In tho shipping of vast consignments of needful cloth and materials abroad. Other committees of tho Immediate AI'd Division woro also busy with the receipt of six packages of clothing for the French Relief Committee and four packages for tho German Relief Committee. Until Councils rcloase the proposed $50,000 appropriation, conditions cannot be remedied, according to Mrs. John' C. QroOme, chairman of tha Home Relief Commltteo. The ordinance for tho ap propriation will be Introduced Thursday.. The cold weather caused great suffering In the tenement districts yesterday. So cial service workers who visited these places told of misery, disease and hunger. In many homos there was no lira and tle wind whistled through broken window panes with relentless' fury. Several, fami lies kindled fires with broken furniture. PLANNING FOR FETE. Plans for the Made In America Fete, which will be held In Horticultural Hall, December 11, 15 and 16, are nearing.com-: pletlon. The doctor's booth will have, three distinct means of raising money. One of these will be an old-fashioned well filled with clothing for the poor. These nrttcles will bo sent to any address the purchaser may name. Tho proceeds of the American Ambu lance Ball, one of the distinctive features of tlie fete, which will be held on Tues day evening, December 15. will be used to establish beds In th recently planned' FMiadeiphla -vnmr or tmr-Atiwioan Am bulance In Paris. CLARK AND MANN RECEIVE OVATIONS IN THE HOUSE Three Members Sworn In Bills for Postoffices and for Delaware River. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. Speaker Champ Clark received a great ovation before: the business of the House was begun and Minority Leader Mann when ho first arose In his place was applauded from both4 sides of the chamber. Three new members of the House were sworn In as the first oinclal act in thatt. body. Following the prayer and B proval of the Journal, Richard Way'nJJ Parker, of New Jersey, a Republicans J. D. Price, of Maryland, and Carl Y'5q son, of Georgia, Democrats, took tSj oath of ofllce. 'r2flja Parker succeeds Representative M3& Coy, recently appointed to the Dlitrjup of Columbia bench; Price. iucceeds;Kj-J resentatrve uovingion, aiso appoinicuvM the Dlstrlot Court, and Vinson auceteuj Herjresentatlva Hardwlck. who went to! the Senate. Thn chs.n1a.ln mail rf.rnca In hU prayer to the death of Representation Morritt. of New York, and adjournment! will be taken later In honor of Mr. Hujl rltt'a mimorv. Bills for new postofrVoo buildings fttl 'Boston. Mass.. and Kansas City, M., were among the first Introduced, iteprj resentatlve. Galllvan. of Massachusetts. asked (3 000.000 for the wosion posioros -and Representative. ,Borland, of Missouri. "?y proposed an AppruvriMu ui f,wvw for a postofTlca at Kansas City. Representative Drowning, of New Jerry sy. Introduced a. bill for 171,000 to Im prove the Delaware. River at Camden, . Ilobert Qoelet Has Doctor Arrested; MEW YORK, Dec. IT. A man who said he is Dr. nobert E, Moore, M years otd, a masseur, was arrested yesterday on a charge of grand larceny. Dr. Moore has been giving treatment to Robert Walton Qoelet 'for several months In that time, Mr. Qoelet charges, he has missed a con. eldesrable sum of money, each time Jn comparatively small sums. Last week (600 was missing and on Saturday fSO dis appeared. ' . . 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