Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1914, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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.Members of Many Organi
zations Will Express Their
Views at Interesting Meet
ings This Week.
"Woman nml Economics," "Woman
nntl the Homo" and "Woman and tho
Cfvlo Body" these three fields of activ
ity and association will be Included In
this week's progrnm of the women's
clubs and organizations of the city. Tho
program Includes n variety of subjects
for discussion, as well as many matters
of Importance to be acted upon, from
helping tho wnr sufferers In Europe to
dietetics for school children. In fact tho
large and varied program on tho rosters
arid calendars of the vnrlous women's
organizations makes one feet of the
"woman's sphere" as "unlimited, un
bounded." MONDAY.
Great Interest centres upon tho debate
tonight on woman suffrage, to be held
In Wltherspoon Hall, under tho auspices
of tho University Extension Society. Tho
subject as announced will be "Woman
Suffrage and tho Larger Feminism." On
tho nfllrmatlvo sldo will bo Mrs. Charlotte
Perkins Oilman and Mrs. O. E. O'Dcll.
Mrs. A. J. George and John A. Mat
thews will tako tho negative. The de
bate promises to be of unusual Interest,
particularly because of tho presence of
Mrs. Gllmnn, editor of the Forerunner,
and considered by many to bo one of
tho foremost exponents of feminism In
America. Mrs. Gllmnn is tho author of
many standard books on women nnd so
cial topics and Is a poet of no mean re
pute. The Sloonday Afternoon Club of Mal
vern will hold a business mcottng today.
State federation reports will bo rend by
Mrs. F. F. Turner and Mrs. U B. DIs
torow nt a meeting of tho Woman's Club
of Ridley Park, this afternoon, at 3
o'clock. Interesting talcs of Pennsyl
vania folk lore will bo given nt a meet
ing of tho Century Club of Norwood,
"Wednesday at 3 o'clock.
The Saturday Club of Wayne will give
a card party for tho benefit of tho Ited
Cross this nfternoon. Tho homo economics
section announces a demonstration meet
ing tomorrow at 3 o'clock.
Tho Sisterhood of Keneseth Israel will
hold Its monthly meeting today ut 2:13
p. in.. In the auditorium of tht Alumni
Building, Broad street above Columbia
avenue. Mrs. Jennie Mcdler Johnson will
sing a colo from "Mlnnon," and there will
be a trio by Leonard Kpsteln,. violinist;
Andrew Cocenza, 'cellist, and Herman
Boone, pianist. The more serious part of
tho program will bo nn address by Mrs.
Wendell nicber on "What Philadelphia
Is Doing for Her People," and Informal
talks will be given by Mrs. Frank Pfael
zcr and Miss Helen Fleischer. A German
declamation will be rendered by Mrs.
There will be a meeting of the execu
tive board of the Woman's Club of Ard
moic today, which will bo followed by a
luncheon to tho club In celebration of the
iOth anniversary of tho club.
Plans for increasing tho charity fund
nnd tho annual bamiuet will to discussed
by the Quaker City Ladles' Motor Club
this afternoon.
Tho first in a series of weekly meetings
for the study of the history of music was
held this mornlnsr at tho Phllomuslan
Club, when Mrs. Henry S. Mustin out
lined "The Eaily History of Music."
The concluding lecture of a series on
tho wnr In Europe, given at the New
Century Club, will bo presented today
by Warwick James Price, who will dis
cuss "The Possible Results of the War
nnd Its Effects on Militarism."
The Now Century Club of Chester will
hold a meotlng at 3 o'clock. Tho exeeutlvo
board of tho Womans Club of Ardmoro
will ni"et Friday afternoon.
Dr. Maria L. Sanford. of the university
of Minnesota, will tall: on "Our Duty to
tlio Pctor" at a meeting of the Woman's
Club of Swarthmorc, at 3 p. m. At 2:3)
o'clock a reciprocity meeting of tho New
Century Club of West Chester will be
Members of the Twentieth Century Club
Of Lansdowno will enjoy a muslcale to
morrow afternoon. The program will be
furnished by the Treble Quartet of Phtla.
delphlu, Edna Hnrwood Bougher, Maudo
Hanson retlt. Mary Newklrk and May
Walter. The accompanist will be Alton
K. Dougherty.
Tho Philadelphia Mothers' Club, which
meets nt 1307 LocuBt street, will have n
, round table discussion by club members
on "Conereto ProblemH of Youth" nt Its
legular monthly meetlns tomorrow, Mrs.
Charles Mercer Is In charge of tho pro
gram for the day, and will act as chair
man. A regular meeting of Philadelphia Sec
tion, Council of Jewish Womon, will be
held tomorrow evening At Dropsla ColUse,
Broad and York streets. The Rev. Ell
Mayer will render vocal sooa from Han
del and Allltsn, with Mrs. Mayer as ac
companist John D- Mahonoy, of West
Philadelphia High Schoql for Boys, w
deliver an address on "Kipling." Dr.
Henry D. Jump, through tho Pennsylva
nia Federation of Women's Clubs, will
make a brief address on "Health Con
scrvJ.lt' n."
Under the uuaptees of the Literature
and Art Committee of the Phlloniuulau
Club. 3S41 Walnut street, a meeting will
be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock,
at which Mis Marjorie Kenton Cooke will
give some original monologues. Mrs.
( v zm j . tveft
S - 1 terx J
William Potter Davis Is chairman of the
Besides the regular events for study
and sociability scheduled by the chair
men of committees, the Phllomuslan Club
Is preparing for the affairs which will
mark the holiday season, lh annual chil
dren's party, tho mld-wlnter dance and
the New Year's reception. For the Christ
mas party, children of members are re
hearsing a little play, "Tho Toy Shop,"
nnd the affair also will take tho form of
n costume party, besides the "surprise"
feature. It will be held on Tuesday. De
cember 15, at 2 o'clock. The mld-wntcr
dance Is scheduled for Thursday evening,
Decomber 31, and the tickets Include sup
per. Tho president, Mrs. Benjamin F.
Richardson, nnd tho executive board will
receive at the clubhouse on New Year's
Day, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
At the regular monthly meeting of the
15th Legislative District of the Woman
Guffrngo party, at tho homo of Miss L. L.
Howell, 250 "West Rlttcnhouse street, Ger
mnntown, on Wednesday afternoon, at 3
o'clock, Mrs. Georgo A. Plersol will give
n talk on "Stories From the Two Conven
tions." Mrs. Plersol Is chairman of the
Woman Suffrago party of the County of
Miss M. Estcllo Russell, who had charge
of all tho summer street meetings of the
pnrty, has been engaged by the City
Committee of tho Wbman Suffrage party
to orgnntzo' nil the unorganized districts
of Philadelphia. She will give her entire
time to tho work, holding meetings, ap
pointing workers, superintending the
house-to-houso canvass, nnd othcrwlso
getting tho districts In line for the vigor
ous campaign to be carried on In 1915.
An Informal tea for club members will
be given nt the rlastlc Club, 217 South
Cnmac street, nt i p. m. Wednesday.
Tho Mothers' Club of Frankfortl will
meet nt Friends' Schoohousc, Ponn nnd
Orthodox streets, at 3 p. m. Wednesday
to discuss "Diet for School Children,"
after a lecture by Miss Emma Smedtey.
Miss Ltda Stokes Adams will make an
nddrcs3 on woman suffrage before the
Chntham Literary Society. Her address
will mark tho first of a series of educa
tional talks on suffrage to be held by
the society.
The Charlotto Cushmnn Club an
nounces a tea to Miss Frances Starr,
Friday nfternoon. Mrs. Mortimer Brown,
Mrs. Samuel Chew, Mrs. James Large,
Mrs. Clinton Rogers Woodruff, Mrs. E.
T. Stotesbury, Mrs. Edward Beecher
Flnck are among tho officers who will
In the assembly room of tho New
Century Guild on Saturday evening there
will be a meeting of the Civic Committee
and tho Committee on Co-operation and
Women's Work, nt which Dr. Florence
II. Richards, physical instructor at the
William Penn High School for Girls,
nml member of tho guild, will speak on
the subject, "Exercises for the Business
Four members of tho Chatham Lit
erary Society will glvo a debate on Sat
urday evening In the auditorium of the
guild. The subject for debate, "Re
solved, That a Cranky Man Is a More
Lcvablo Creature Than a Nagging Worn
nn," Is one that gives many oppor
tunities to the humorist. Tho guild will
be closed on Christmas Day and on New
Year's. The now members recently
elected Include Miss Jane Blackstone,
Miss Adelaide Lawrence, Miss Elizabeth
M. King, Miss Mary Monroe Loarch,
Miss Sophia G. Henderson, MIsb Helen
G. Benle, Miss Laura Blackburn. Miss
Elizabeth Bratton. Miss Mary Welsh.
Miss Lydla M. Hannum, Miss Ida S.
Klrlln. Miss Edna Young. Mrs. C. H.
Welsgcrbe.r...Ml6s A. AL Wclsgerbor and
Miss Annie L. Perot.
D, B. Dearborn & Co. Will Carry Coal
to Pacific Coast.
Maritime circles were greatly surprised
when the Bureau of Supplies of the Navy
Department announced today that It had
accepted tho bid of D. B. Dearborn & Co.,
of this city, for the transportation of coal
from tho Atlantic range to the Pacific
coast. The bid was fl.95 per ton. Other
bidders had asked from $7 to J3.
Ono cargo will be carried on the steam
ship John A. Hooper, 3200 tons, loading
January 19, and nnother cargo on tho
Peter H. Crowell, 1300 tons, loading Feb
ruary. A feature of the bidding was the num
ber of American vessels offered. This li
said to be due to the opening of the
Panama Canal, which lessens the dis
tance between Atlantic and Pacific ports.
In the past it was extremely difficult,
nnd sometimes Impossible, to get Ameri
can ships to carry coal via the Magellan
Strait, and It was transported In for
eign bottoms.
The Dearborn & Co bid, It Is said, was
made low by the fact that the company's
vessels are now engaged In the Atlantlc
Pacltlo trade and could easily secure
eastward bound cargoes. The coal con
tract will give them, two fulj cargoes for
the westward voyages, 1
Arrival of Kansas Will Mark Big
Assemblage of Naval Vessels.
Fourteen battleships, many of them
undergoing repairs, will be stationed at
League Island Navy Yard with the ar
rival of the battleship Kansas, expected
today from Mexico. The Kansas has
been In Mexican waters since June. Not
since the occupation of Vera Cruz have
there been so many battleships at the
League Island yard. The Michigan,
which has been lying off the yard In
midstream slneo her arrival Friday, Is
expected to eq Into drydocK, today. A
thorough lnsDentlnn will h ,nn,i A ,t.A
Michigan's hull and after the overhaul
ing ne win lie sent again to Mexico,
according to roRorts at League Island.
The big mmored orulser -Washington
Will sail durlne thn woalr fn TYn...........,.
where she will undergo repairs prepara
tory to the winter maneuvres In the
Caribbean. Squads of marines left tho
navy yard today to begin belated fur-
loUshB. Thev lanrUrf PrHau .... 1'
Cru - '"' '"
Tl fvrka "7 I (TgEE"7 ""-"N t A V tcfTJxr 1 f I I LOOKOUT if Iff
WlI&tep, this is , C wpi )SXrHFbV(XrS lCQMN4i (
hb DOTH' f... .--i WOBBLY .k Gfj UP, KID, LjEVJ- L W,y , '
STRONG ACH Wew JSLcSv VOE'REON pg- ' ' 'yTD IonmA , CT YHl
th" movies, pon't'chaJ
Therms onw five
v a nnai Am1 iinr
I. V --" , f-JLV I - "- I "lMUU II at i r u---m.-,- --- II r Iftl .SJ II
rsvix -n ui ,
J r -irsfcA Ss(f-r2 oainty dxgss N QQ&zFrwW rJimf.
r -. i - f Via yt rr.rr'iVrv;i tvv MAfxa ii rJUTiiisi c-rfe-SJ w .anj
w"''ri I' ' w isjioi n mi i i - i n ' hi i i. tin. Illi i i i ii hj ill Uii.li .im.J.Ji'y'11'' iijjWafcii ft J l"'"1' ' "
HbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIT HUbbbbbbbbbbbbIH
sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbR&VbbIMMrL MMissssssssssssssBsssss?
vft jmlfmk, aPST
WWHbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbb1.. 2HP
Prominent churchman in London and candidate for Parliament from
the West Somerset Division. Recently arrived in the United States
to visit Government authorities relative to bringing Belgian destitute
both in Belgium and those now in England to this country. He
passed through Philadelphia on his way to Washington. He says,
''Bring the destitute Belgians to the United States."
Dr. D. Macfadyen, Promi
nent English Churchman,
In This Country to Urge
Wholesale Transfer of
"Bring the destitute Belgian to the
United States," Is the plea of the Rev.
Dr. D. Macfadyen, prominent churchman
in London nnd candidate for Parliament.
Doctor Macfadyen passe ft through Phil
adelphia late yesterday afternoon on
his way to Washington.- where he will
consult with Secretary of State Bryan
.and tho Belgian Minister. E. Havenlth,
relative to bringing the destitute Bel
gians to this country.
Doctor Macfadyen seeks to bring tho
Belgians from the Continent and thoso
In Englund as well. Tho United ttatcs
Is the one great land of hopo and future
prospects for tho Belgians, he said. He
has letters from Iscount Bryce, former
British Ambassador to this country, to
many prominent Government officials, and
hopes to gain their support In me project.
Tho conditions prevailing among the
Belgians aro terrible, according to Doc
tor MacFadyen. "The people." he said,
"have had everything they possess nnd
own taken from them, and rro left des
titute and In want. Something must be
done for them, and It is In the power
of this country to rellove -" in of their
suffering nnd provide futures for thou
sands," he continued.
Conditions prevailing In Belgium and
the fact that England only can supply
temporary relief, Doctor Macfadyen said,
started the movement to bring the Bel
gians here. It is not the plan to bring
laborers alotio, but professional and busl
Iness men as well. "In effect we will
move a, town of Belgium to the United
States," Doctor Macfadyen said, "Tho
people are thrifty and of excellent met
tle. Their presence In any community
would be advantageous,'
"Thousands of the Belgians now In Eng
land look to the United States as their
one place of hope and future prospects,"
Doctor Macfadyen continued. "They ask,
and In many cases clamor, to bo brought
to the United States, They do not want
to return to Belgium, fearing a repetition
of the awful catastrophe that has befallen
them. Belgium will be the path for In
vading armies In the future, they believe.
They say the devastation of their coun
try will set them back many years, nnd
tho indemnities imposed by the Kaiser
will be a tremendous yoke about their
"England's doing all It can for them,
but there Is no wort; of a permanent
character for the Belgians there," Doctor
Macfadyen declared. "There are S,500,CXM
Belgian refugees now In England, and
this number Increases weekly at the rate
ot Uuu. The problem Is serious. Theeo
people must be provided for. and that
provision must be of a lasting nature.
"What we can do- for them l merely tem
porary. England is settled and thickly
populated; the roam is taken up. The
Belgians look to the vast unsettled parts
- ff$i-i 0OLLY rhB m ffj$g&j. jyu n. 1
of tho United States, where thoy would
be able to build up a settlement and
start life nncw."
"It is our hope," Doctor Macfadyen con
tinued, "to urrungc for the establishment
of colonies of Belgians In tho southern
and western parts of tho United States;
colonies similar to tho Indian reserva
tions, nlicie the Belgians could livo In
communities of their own as n unit and
not b scattered In small numbers
throughout the larger cities nnd towns,
where their Individuality, personal ties,
customs and habits ivould be lost or as
similated. Thoy necessniily would not
have to competo with homo labor, but
exist on their own lesources, trading and
working unions themselves, Intercourse
coming with tho outside States by degrees
until, stop by step, they would becomo In
terwoven in the life about them."
Offers of lands nnd money have been
made by many persons in this country
for the use of the Belglnns should they be
brought here. Plans are said to be on
foot In some of the Western States to put
section:, aside for tho use of those that
might be brought over.
Dostor Mncafdycn will visit government
olllclnln m Washington and urgo that no.
obstacles be placed In the way of private
capital or charity in bilnglng the Bclgl&ns
to the United States. He declared that
our Immigration lans would have to be
made less stringent to admit these desti
tute men, women and children.
Irving H rrnarran. New York, and Paulino
Waxraan, ."Ml Spruce at.
RurMll M. Bruce. Ml Lannjowne ae.. and
Helen 11. Winch, lino N rKM it.
John Kurt, SIMft Kater t , and Margaret Grant,
lCll Vlctmla t.
Lawrence M. Harper. 10.11 3. Wurwlck St., and
Kntlieilne M Ultchle. 4.17 Catharine si.
Lnul J Helm. :c.7. Ptcuchton at., and Caroline
Kain. 21:17 i:. William at.
rietro Arlnone. 181 Ktnnton at., and Maria
Morelll, in." Btanton at.
John Kaufman. 171' 4 1 toll mood it , and Teresa
X.lillon, 1711 Newklrk at.
i:he r. nnrirrp). Helbyllle, Del., and llarlo
Dufiy. -'5.H Sleredlth at.
Harry i:iwell, 21tti! Doer at., and Loulaa A,
llarlle. 2211) N. 27th at.
U.ula Karp. 2itfl K. Memphis at., and Jennie
Knwltz. K12 S. nth t
Ceiars lllanchl. 1218 8. 1.1th St.. and Maddalena
I.nmbeitl. IUH2 Yokum at.
N'lcr.la Aucrllo. 1M S. 13th at., and Mary
Ha bo, "00 Federal at.
Cllrtoril llobh. Atlantic City, and Marie K.
Cameron. 2127 Titan at
Dontcnk Maurer, Reading. Ta., and Mary J.
Wagenblait, rtiartlnir, fn.
Leo f. Clnrman 1720 N. lSth at., and Mary A.
Ulrich. 12tl Tioga t
I.ouli Malta. 77.1 H Front at., and Katherlno
Palmer. 77 8. Trnnt at.
IMnaril Reck, l.T.'n Race St., and Anna M,
Pearson, Va N. Mllllck at.
Mmirlco Heller, 2101 Talker at., and Ethel
Scheln, U'.'U S. 13th at.
The funeral services of Dr. Albert C
Pealo, a widely known geologist and
member of the United States Geological
Survey, who died In this city Saturday,
will bo held at the home of his brother-in-law,
Dr. Charles K. Mills. 1309 Chest
nut street, tomorrow morning, at 10
Cemetery. Doctor Penle was gradu
ated from tho medical school of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania In 1871. He was
mineralogist and geologist of the United
States aeologlcal and Geographical Sur
vey, and since 189!) was connected with
the United States National Museum, His
home was In Washington, D. C. Doctor
Peule was born nt Heckscherville, Pa
April 1, 1849. He was secretary and
register of the Society of Colonial Wars
ami a member ot tho National Geograph
ical Society, the Acadomy of Natural
Sciences, the Phlloiophlcal and Geolog
ical Societies of Washington.
Col. William J. Wnllace. SI years old,
who led. the first troop of soldiers from
this olty when President Lincoln called
for olunteers at the outbreak of the
Cvt War, died Saturday night nt his
home, U3J South 49th street, of paralysis.
Colonel Wallace commanded the 23d Reg-
Iment of Pennsylvania. Volunteers. He
was a member of th Colonel John W.
Moore Post, No. Bfi, G. A. R.; the Gen
eral U. 8. Grant Post. No. 8, G. A. R.:
the Major M. A Gerst Camp, No El, S.
of V.i and the Brotherhood of Andrew
nnd Philip of Bethany Presbyterian
Church. The funeral, to take place from
his late residence Tuesday afternoon, wilt
be attended by several mllltnry posts.
Jesse Harner, 80 years old, n well
known resident of Lancaster County,
died yesterday at the home of tils dnugh
tor, Mrs. Harry Ambler, of OS! Id street,
Lawndnle. Mr. Hnmer was schotl dl
lector of Mnrtlc townshln nnd n trustee
of the Rawllnsvlllo Camp Meeting Asso
ciation. He took an active Interest In
the political and church nffnlrs of the
county. He Is survived by two other chil
dren, Mrs. Hnrry Hutter, of Cynwyd, and
Joseph Harner, of Oklahomn. The fu
neral, the date of which has not been
set, wilt be held from the Lawndnle
home. Burial Will be In Hotheads. I'n.
Mrs. Elizabeth Batzley, widow of John
Balzley, who founded the John Balzloy
Iron Works, died at her home, 1636 South
UrcMd street, Saturday night, after a pro
tracted illness. She Is survived by her
two sons. Councilman John it. Balzley
nnd Rudolph R. Balzley, president of the
John Balzley Iron Works. The funeral
will be held Tuesday nfternoon, at 2
o'clock, from-jicr lato home.
NEW YORK". Dec. 7.-Captaln James
Hitlhouse Perry, V. S. N., rethed, was
tnken suddenly 111 while riding in a sub
way trnln Snturdny night and died short
ly afterward. Captain Perry, who was
72 years old. served In the navy during
tho Civil Wnr.
Dm kl Campbell, nt ono time proprietor
of n chain of hotels, died suddenly yes
terda) from heart disease at his home,
47S3 Gllscom street. Ho wns 72 years old.
He conducted the Strnwberry Mansion
Inn until his retirement several years
ago. Mr. Campbell ran the old fled Lion
Inn nt Torresdale, the Cape May Point
Hotel nnd Seven Stnr.i Inn nt Frank
ford, and the Fort Side Inn nt Fort
Washington. He is survived by a widow
and a daughter, Mrs. Erne Colegrove,
who conducts the Strawberry Manilon
Intl. The funeral will be held from his
lnte resldcnco on Thursday.
Joseph SHverwood, who for S years
conducted a wool and rng business, died
Saturday nt his home, 0 Green lane,
Roxborough. He was S3 years old Mr.
SHverwood was born In Sllkston, York
shire, England, and came to Philadelphia
when a young man. He is survived by
three sons and two daughters. The funeral
will be held tomorrow afternoon from his
NEW ORLEANS. La., Dec. 7 Surviv
Second Episode of the Great
No other writer of detective fiction has put deeper situations, harder prob
lems or more exciting incidents into a mystery story than Harold MacGrath
combines in ZUQORA. Already famous as the author of "Kathlyn," "The
Man on the Box," "The Million Dollar Mystery" and other tales of adven
ture, MacGrath eclipses his previous efforts in this most wonderful of all
baffling mysteries. ZUDORA comes to you as MacGrath's latest achieve
ment and crowning success.
From start to finish you are held spellbound by the escapes, the accusations
and the infallible deductions of this beautiful girl detective. ZUDORA
thinks and acts on the moment, ferrets out crime and arrives at correct con
clusions through her supernatural powers and hypnotic influence. See the
ZUDORA photoplays, too. Marguerite Snow, James Cruze and Harry
Benham, with a company of 1000 people in 3000 scenes, make this the most
elaborate film feature ever produced. The Evening Ledger's photoplay
columns give you the theatres now showing ZUDORA.
Read today's instalment of "The Mystery of the Sleeping House" and fol
low the episode daily throughout the week. You'll find ZUDORA only
in the
ing: officers of the Confederate cruiser
Alabama Trere reduced to one yesterday
by the death here of Breedlove Smith,
prominent In business and social circles
here and In Bt, Louts. Ue was 71 years
old. An an aid to Captain Raphael Sem
mes, Mr. Smith served first on the Sump
ter and later on the Alabnnin. He escaped
capture with n few others when the Ala
bama wns silnk by tli? United States
cnilser Jfesrsarge off Cherbourg, France.
Ho was picked up by the British yacht
Dcerhound after being It hourB In the
water. For several years following the
wnr he resided In Tendon.
BRIDGETON. N. J.. Dec. 7.-Former
Asrcmblymaii Wllllnm.7. Moore wns found
dead of heart disease In the cellar of his
home here yesterday, by his daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Edward B. Moore. He had
seemed In his usual good health, but had
been unable to sleep for several nights
pnst. He served In tho Legislature In
1000, 1M1 nnd 1P02, nnd was also n former
member of Brldgcton's City Council nnd
tho Cumberland County Board of Free
holders. Ho wns nearly all of his life en
gaged In the theatrical business here nntl
bullt-the Criterion, a handsome playhouse.
His son Is sole survivor of Ills Immediate
Mrs. Clara Belle Chevalier, well known
in the social circles of Ihls city and
wire of Charles G. Chevalier, died jes
tcrday nt her home in Baltimore, nfter
n brief Illness of pneumonia. She nns ft
daughter ot the late General Peter J.
Sullivan, and was born In Cincinnati, O.
Besides her lrusbnnd. she Is survived by
a son, .lohn E. Addlcks, of Atlanta. Ga..
n daughter. Miss Florence Allen Cham
bers, of this rltv, nnd a sister, Mrs. il.
S. Conovcr, of Loi Angeles, Cnl. Tho
funeral services will he held tomorrow
at her late (residence.
ALTOONA. Dec. 7. Samuel A. Daley,
water superintendent, died yesterday,
ngerf 53. Six months ago he was Rtrlcken
with apoplexy nnd had been In the hos
pital ever since. He had been the bend
of the municipal water department for
2S years, nnd It was lnrgcly due to his
offorts that a water system valued nt
more than 2,B00,00O wbb evolved out of
nothing. A -wife and son survive.
HAGERSTOWN, Md., Doc. 7.-Stntc
Senator Samuel Emmert, proprietor of
a largo hardware business, died nt his
homo here yestordny, following Illness
ot three months' duration. He wns pi em
inent In Republican politics and repre
sented Washington County In tho Leg
islature. He served ns director of many
Industrial and financial corporations.
AMlItr.US. On December 4, 1014. AONES
Li.. iluURhtcr of the late John and husan An
ilrons. Relative nnd friends are Invited
to nttend tho funeral, on Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, front net lato residence, 1127
The Mystery of the Sleeping House
-8-uth Wilton st.fjST nt fhnttf iire), li-termi-nt
nt itt. Jtotlnh Cfcmeierr.
K.UIAN. On December 8, 1B14, CHRIS
TIANA. Wire Bf th late 3trm Erufl and
dsuKhter of the lata Tbomaa and 8.rn ttnt,
mred fit year. Relating ana frtitida. ln
members ot Urnca council. Kt. Hi, Xmusfl
tera of Liberty, utt inttted to attend toe
funeral, en Tuesday aftefnoci. at 1 o'clock,
from her late residence. 1524 Winter tt Serv
ices at Epiphany Chapel, I7th and Bummer
at., nt 2 o'clock. Interment Ftmwood
MeCANN". -On December 11. TBI4. EDWARD
A, htitband of Mary Jane McCann and -won
n the late Richard and Catharine I,. Mc
Cann, arM (IS years, ftelatlvea and trtends,
Mto Vtashlnxton camp. No .107. r, o. B,
or A , nre Jnvlted to attend the funeral
aeivlcea on Thursday afternoon. St 2 e'elotk,
at hl late realdenre. 124 North Lirrnr it.,
Oermantonri Interment prltatr, at Ivy Hill
Otnctery. Remains may be viewed Wednes
day evening.
MAYER On December . 1914, CHARLES
MA1ER. hUKhatiil of the late Julia Mayer.
nee Sojip Funeral norvlcea on Wediteaday,
at 2 p, m., at his late residence, 22A0 North
nrats et. Interment at Herman Lutheran
MKTZIKH.At Itla residence, 820 XinusUn
b.- vi. Lc,;i,i!vr v, tvili ,v, l.
.Vi.TXCIKII, aged 82 years. Due notice of
rnncral will be (Iven,
MUX. On Dei ember i. 10l4. WAI.TKn
MILL. ItUahand of Annla Stringer 'Mill and
pnn of l.ucr ami tho lata John Mill, nied
23 j ears. Relatives and rrlenda ttt the rant
My, alio I'.imn l0. P. O. X, of A., and Court
N'o. ST.'t, r, of A . are Invited to attend th
funeral, on Tuenday, at 2 p. in., from Itt
late residence. I'll I.cvcrlnst et . JKanayunk
Interment at Wtmmtr Cemetery. KrlMuta
tuny call Monday evening. rolUvlilt papers
Pleare copv
I'KAI.K On Dreinl,er a, IBM, Dr. AL
HHRT C. hunbanil nf the late Kmlh- IV
Pule, Funeral rerflres nt tftoo Chpitmit ai .
Tuesday. December 8. nt 10 a. m. Inter
ment private.
1'KAI.E The Society of Colonial Wars In
tho. District or Columbia, The death tit
AMinilT dlARI.FK PRALK. memher erne
rltua and for mnny cars registrar of lliu
aocletv, ti nnnnunced. Funeral wervteea ttlU
W helil nt Itiffll Chestnut at , Philadelphia,
on Tueeday, December 8. at 10 a. m, Tha
memhera of litis roclcty ara requested t
attend and to tvenr the InehrnU of tha
eoclety. The fotlnnlns committee has bean
unpointed to tepieaent the society: Dr.
Cliarlea Ford Ijinsworthy, chalrmani Colonel
i:erett tVorthlnalon Foster, Cyrus Root,
Henry On Ills Hall and Robert Root Ben
nett. Ily order nf the aovemor.
Secretary .
MI.VEIJWOOD. On December B. 191,
JOflEI'lt BII.VERWOOD, In his B.M year
Funeral acrvlcra ktrlclly private, at Mi lata
residence. 420 (Ireon lane, Roxboroturh. at iH
. comentenco of tho family.
SMITH, On December . 1014. ntlllaaCA
llHOOIfE, dntiBlitor of tti late William It.
and Annie Htcuart Fmltli. Relatives and
flirndp ore Invited to Attend the funeral
eervlres, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at St.
Luke's Church, Gcrmantown, Interment pri
vate. HTAflflT-At Buffalo. N. T., nn December 4,
1914. JAY E. BTAna. Interment at Fern
wood Cemetery on Tuetday nwntnr.
SUTTON.w-On December fr. 1B14. HATtRT
A. Hl'TTO-N, axed 72 yearn. Relatlvea an.l
friends are Imlted to attend the funeral
Bi.rvlcce, on "Wedneaday afternoon. At 2
o'clock, at his lata residence. 1407 Urendy
wine Kt. Interment Private.
SWEKTINO. On December It. 1014. T.
HENRY, husband of nimlrn "M. Kwcetlni.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral serWcta, on Tuesday afternoon,
at I sin o'clock, at his late residence. 2213
North Ilrood et. Interment prliate, nt Mount
MnrlAli Omctery.-
WAMSr.EY. On December 4. 10H. .1AME3
A. WAMHI.EY. M. D., aired ffl yesra. Rela
Uvea rihI rrlenda, also University l.o4r, n.
mil. f. and A. M.: 6lloam Chapter. No, 19.
Ttnynl Arch 31arona: cyreno Commandory,
No. 7, K. T.: Prouremlve ABscmblr. No. 4,
A. O. XI. T: Damascus I.ode. I. O. h K..
nnd nil other organizations to nhlch ha Wva
attached, arc Intlted to Attend the fuhrrM
service, en Tuesday morntns, at n o'clock,
at hie late residence, IK2H Diamond at. Hotly
may he vlotted on Mondav evenlnir. after
7!.To o'clock. Interment private, nt Dare
tonn. N. J, fAutnmnbtle service,)
trllKlHAN. On December 4. 1M4. at Bel
ton, Mm, F.t.nANort. daughter nf the
late Charles II, and Mary C. Wlrcman.
I !