ft M ! ! r! - 12 f iJHT PENNS YLVANIAN SAYS COACH BROOKE MUST (SOACH GEORGE BROOKE MUST ., GO, SAYS UNIVERSITY PAPER tfditorial in Pennsylvania!!, the U. of P.'s Daily Organ, r ,. .Insists Instructor Must Not Train 1915 Eleven as It- : no Middle Ground Course Is Open. Coach George Brooke must go. There Is rid taldJlo cotfrm dpen. Such Is the hint of an editorial printed In the l'enn eyivanlnn, 'lie dally publication of the University of Pennsylvania. The editorial contradicts the editorial published on Saturday criticising those vtyib gave publicity to the voto tnkort by members of the varsity football team, in wnit tney declared themselves op posed, to Coach Brooke, and says It Is n good thing for football nt Penmyl va'pla that v the sreat barrier protecting vtbe head coach from criticism has been removed. " ' "The vote of the Varsity plajers tcp resents tho opinion of the score of men wile are absolutely the best Informed to Jtr. Brooke's coachtngr ability. Their opinion, offered to the A. A. Uoaid of Directors as a sort of experts' report, should be strongly considered by that body. It seems humanly Impossible for MJ-; Brooke to bo, next fall, tho head coach of a (cam of veterans of which therefore the nucleus of which), have ald they dm not trust his ability, "Mr. Brotkc, despite tho sentiment Attributed to him, that lie will not 'quit a loser,' can scarcely bo expected to carry 'sameness' to the point of trying ti coach a team which does not believe 'In him. He could not puvheart In his at tempts td guide such .a team, even though he were omniscient as a gridiron tutor. His men could not work with even an approach of enthusiasm under Instruc tion which It did not think sound or adeiiuae As for 1818 additions 0 his squad, their statement of principles of last Thursday was less a vindication? of Mr llrooke fwhnm tllpv An not lrnnur nn the varsity docs) than It was a defense of tho Pennsylvania system (tthlch was ndt In question). "Th Football Committee cannot Ignore the varsity's advice, which came straight from the shoulder, prompted by a sin cere wish to serve Pennsylvania, spar ing no one. It will be compelled to pre vent Mr Brooke being head coach In more than name. "The University, down to men who have distrusted Mr. Brooke for more than a year, supported the team valiant ly this season. It stood by a losing eleven because It was a game eleven. .JOSEPH KALBFUS TELLS SPORTSMEN NOT TO BE SPORTS Secretary of State Game Commission Pleads for Protection o Birds by ' Farmers and Huntefs'Here By JOSEPH XAMEUS Secretary Kalbfus has written a series of Interesting articles on State game questions which will appear In the KvB.viNa Ledcjeh from time to time-. Tho first Instalment, addressed to the Sports Editor, Is as follows: "Some time In October I wrote you relative to game protection and the pos sibility of game Increase In Pennsylva nia and attempted to express the Idea that, to my mind, the sportsman only was the man who had up to this time given protection to our game and wild birds, I have never known a churcn iii.in. unless he was also a sportsman, to spend a minute of his time or a cent of his money to help place laws upon our books relative to these subjects or to help enforce thcBo laws after they were enacted. "I have known but few farmers who, unless they were also sportsmen, ever did one thing for the birds, the llfework of which makes success possible on the farm. Sportsmen, the men who In the minds of many are mostly loafers and alt destroyers, are the only ones who acted when necessity required and have stood between our game, especially our birds and sure destruction. A bushel of grain placed where Bob White can se cure It means more to him and his fam ily than all the suggestions that can be offered by all the people In the county where they are about to die of (Starva tion. " desire, also, to have It distinctly un derstood that there Is a vast difference between a 'sportsman' and a 'sport,' the tlret respecting the rights of his fellow men In all things, loWng nature, taking reasonably of the things nature provides and doing his utmost to continue to com ing generations the things that have made this world pleasant to him. and to that end is willing to give as well as take. "The 'sport,' utterly regardless of eon sequences, lives for himself alone, and gives no thought to the possible result of bis actions, he eares for nothing, so Ions as be has his desires gratified to day and it seems to me that all the ueople of the world might be divided Into these two eiasses All 'sports' do not wear red necktie. "I some years ago attended a meeting; f sportsmen at Columbus, O. Qovvrnor: Jlyron T. HerrlcK spoke at the banquet. d among other things sqtd 'You have iuu In suasion here, for three days. Your delegates are gathered from almost every State m this Union, evejj far-sway Alas Jj s represented I have been present at several sessions I have had . ropre IsBjatetiYe here present at all the sessions, mMf understand that not once by any of Ik -many here assembled has the queg- Ol 0IllliertHlsiM uvcu tuviiiiuuvu. It to you as Individuals has bean , no eoRstdaraUoB. Your entire effort tq have been directed: toward the ration i national resource), to presarvlojs ajd" etxttlBuIng to those who may follow you U tW world the thluga tht hate helped to make this life to j you worth living tM InresU. toe Bowers, W birds, same, t)b. a mre water sun Hl I vw kw what &fxmnsMp: want before tW tine, and swore yott t oral to A WHMa iHMHtfcjtf day,' The Mil work of MJ&K ieHow mm car-, tt4 i by this a, a tbe renreseuta- jeseuAi I u tt of Atmrifi t Vmmt during the if Ant war deuMtnsinoes h is sttU keep- -fctS hts yterolae at is dtiu; ail in Ms to Mell4 mtH'fns aruuu nun 1W$ wid Xottm Sl4 4otiiH'f Uia)aV ;'" '.'OJlo Naitoaaj 4A!taTO. are tieo tVr Itw laJ.il 0 zb. ,li. 1" ilili Bt'ieaii uaagu at .bftoe sjia $ ffeJM AAat..j rf et rti.aeeesfr i iw eiaeo is ,u , ii dxa mM l n s. rti Maeca aa- a t-s jj-ijvu i smatt Ifgiftai. Ceetftt a tuy ! trM i fct ! W y-asr4j jw ,aj -no. weak Jn technique, but unconquerable (n spirit. Once the season ended, under graduate sentiment began to eryslallao It opposed: Mr. Brooke. But changing coaches Is like swapping horses, and had It not been for the varsity's action last week the Issue Would not have come to head for veeks or even months. "There are two vital questions to be, considered In selecting a. hew coach. One Is this! Does Pcnnslvanla'a foot ball hlntorv of the last eight years In dicate that the Pennsylvania system Is at fault that nbt only a new chauffeur but also a new machine la needed? In other words, should wo do what Cornell did; take as coach a graduate of an other university and entrust to him the task of building Up a new 'system?' This does not seem to be necessarily true, but It should be thought of. "On the other hand, we must have sensible criteria for selecting a coach. For Instance, It Is no more reasonable to say, now, that Mr. Brooke Is an In competent coach, because he has ted n poor team at Pennsylvania, than It was to believe he was n good coach, because he led succeisful teams nt Swarthmore. Itlnckey, Hnugliton, Slinrpc. Yost every I coach must be Judged by something more fundamentally significant than 'the re sults of Saturdays' games.' "There will be no sportsmanship In Pennsylvania football next 'season If Mr. Brooke, a repudiated coach, Is In chargo of a team which Is now on record as believing him a failure. The University Is not behind Mr. Brooke. "Mr. Brooke la a truly loyal Pennsylva nia man. He has performed great services to his University, both In his playing days and In his official connection with Bed and Blue athletics. But the Uni versity Is not behind him, because It holds him responsible for two football seasons that hae mado Pennsylvania seem ridicu lous In comparison with half a dozen small colleges The second season was worse than the first, and the Pennsylvania undergraduate Is not content to sit back nnd calmly await another series of 31 to 3 and 41 to 0 scores "The last barrier against criticism of the head coach was torn down wlen the team cast Its vote. In a way It Is not so unfortunate that the matter leaked out. we all Know now just where wo stand, and we may expect that the Foot ball Commlttco will select as next sea son's tactical leader a man who will at least lay the foundation stones for a year of champion Pennsylvania teams." ACADEMY TEAMS L0$E BY HEAVY GRADUATION Host of Local Schools Will Have to Build New Elevens. With the close of the present football season tho various local academies are looking forward to tlio prospects for next ear. Several elevens will be entirely disrupted through losses by graduation The Pcnn Charter champions of the In teracademlc. League, and one of the best teams In the history of the Institution, wlllliurfer most severely and wilt be but a shadow of Its former self when Coach Mcrrtt-calls out his 1315 candidates. Epis copal has the brightest outlook, since only five men all told will be missing from the Churhmen's line-up. Penn Charter will lose heavily on the line. J. Moore nnd Kindle. nlt-Academlc ends, will go, as well as Pennock, Led jard, Vnndu&en and Hoover. Sangry, Pennock's capable mate at tackle, will be the only regular linesman back at rchool. The backfield loses most heavily In the graduation of Cuyer and Hallo v ell. In Guyer, Penn Charter had the best of the InterAcademlc punters and a c&pahle man at heaving the forward pass. Episcopal Academy should be the lead ing figure In the Interacademlc race In :915. Thp backfield will remain Intact, except for the loss of Diddle, who goes to Princeton. The line loses two valu able ends In Earl and Bonsack. Cupid looks promising to fill In one of tne wh'gs. Tackles will be well taken care of by Earp and Hunt, who each have three moro years at Episcopal. Qermantown will be deprhed of hor two sterling ends. Coffin and Cahall. -It. Cllffe, tackle, and .Moorhead, guard, will be graduated, as will Crawford, who Is an all-around linesman. Lamb, captain of next year's team, and F. Cllffe will rtlurn to play tackles, and Martling will be back at guard. Race, who was In eligible for the big games this season, rill also be used on the line. The great est loss suffered by the backfield Is In Ilnmsdell. the quarterback, whose able generalship and end running featured all of Qermuntown's contests. Umstead will also be missing. Holmes and Ieenberg, the latter Ineligible during the past sea son, will be the strongest of the candi dates for backfield berths. PENN FIVE TRAINING First Game Is "With Muhlenherc Saturday, Pnnilvsnta. has good ehances Jn buketbtll Ibis jrjar Th tram ihould be itronser than anv that Pennsylvania baa had for levaral At tbe tarn time thti deas not suaranln a vlatery Id h Intvcolltzlate league beraiua all of th teams with the iicepilon of Dartmouth are expected to be roaaUered stronger this aeaton than thiy were teat Of laat year's squad PenniylvanU baa lot Bloom Freed, Crana and Carter. The rciulara of laat year who ere aim available are Captain Seelbach, Wallace, Hard wick and Bullitt Tbtaa four men fprm a aucleua for a vtrt alroiit team The freehmen are of laat year brlnsa In aome tery good material la Alt man. Gal lien. E J McNlchol. Evana and S??1" McNlchol la tbe son of Jamea McNlchol who la ao pot erf u In FennarlraDia polltlea Thla la (be third ton o Ihe Mc Nlchol family who- promlwa to make good In Perm's baakttuiU team. Ite will trobably utay at forward Jn the- opening game next Bmurday and ihould make a poaltloa on th team. Adman has beta showing ur v,tl B guard to practice wLII Bvans baa been clay ing a star game at forward. A large namber of ether men are aleo out fw (be tram, ao that It wilt not tie from la tck of material: it I'eonirivaiua tnouu nave poor bi niuk- alar, WHllauwn and Stoktui aeem th beet of tkr olher men on tbe aauad Tbe tret game la with MuhieDburg on Sat urday alsht the Uolventlty of Pensairirasa gauiaUm The AUenteoa CoUeg aaa ay lay eepeejaay stress la saaKeaWIt Ttiineytvaala xrfl keAe to put up a very seag M ,M 1M? !,', VW WIH W W I mt uili uttKu TWi I wJLfl, JWLdafa Iab Jonul U inalailnv nn S- llerr geuklMt ft f m oaaae. Be whh fscmatj its of leass pjay at th tiw nwatM vat tie vary ooartras hoe eailaxawtaty XARBBRTH 0BIBRA7B MAMmWmt. V Oee. I,- i iimm m aa Has ufi u rajJSwv I, ib fttuiUy uM u rMin Kibtl -.J, vii.-., Pearim - r- -T- --? a i'L.ti a A jL lmw Hfi a Uttth tio A.ii.g tb HUa XkOKQUUI TAL JO( e" twajt aw ia Miaa. p aa ewf a tekia a lliMualas H Ion Ma baa Hut Stww m IMMUHTIll wet Jaas pBr TffiiisiaarR BUii. Iteramfl aialtstttt of 111 was OeMld toe tti speakers. feviiING MDGEB PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, PBQEMBBB COACH BROOKE, OF s Aamsmsmsk ; r: , . , . . Mm&msffiMsmmms&mm&iK v i - s iwki, iu .n b ' n r vssvjvt. iit-t-wrvr.'--Lsi, s. sit ui . jc- .-r-.-. j ima ' -t irtj --..- i. t - . v i J Vi ':Ml('. n:a V'"- & - .. mftve-rtmjtrxi. Since laBt Thursday's meeting of the varsity football players of the University of Pennsylvania, Coach Brooke's name has become a cue for athletic gossip. The students voted unanimously that he be ousted and this precedent has created talk all over the country. Arguments pro and con have been ad vanced to solve the question. JOHNSON AGAIN NORTHEAST COACH IN 1016 SEASON Red and Black Tutor Will Not Resign, as Reported. Central May Get New Coach for Next Year. Coach George Johnson will again act in the capacity of gridiron tactician at Northeast High School In 1013. Despite the many unauthentic reports to the ef fect that the star Red and Black coach will sign a college contract next year, Johnson Insinuates that he will not cur tall his duties at the 8th street and Le high aenue school. Following the stellar showing of the Northeast eleven this season, a number of "wiseacres" In scholastic and collegiate ranks started rumors that Johnson will be seen with a university team next year. However, he put the kibosh on the cir culation of these reports when he an nounced his Intentions of remaining at the school. It is more than probable, though, that a new football coach will be on hand at ,f!ouston Field next season when the Cen tral High school xootDall candidates are called out Dr. Alexander A. Howell, who has coached the Crimson and Gold since 1WM, may resign, Coach Howell Is quoted as saying that his duties at Central High have greatly Interfered with his profession For the good of his practice It Is likely that Howell will be conspicuous by his ab sence at 29th and Somerset streets next season. BHEAN XED BATSMEN NiTW TORK, Dec T-The official batting averages of the International l-eajue have been announced, In the Hat are 2lplayers with aver ages above TOO per cent. The real leader of tho league waa 8 bean, of Providence, who bat ted .&1i In It U games The average of Cre. of Baltimore, who was recalled to tbe New York Americana after participating In 11 games waa .11 Krltchcll. of uulfala and To ronto. In SO xamea had an averaae of sin n4 uaanifin. ok mi j . r - , . . . . : r -- " ontreai. in it games an average crisis. -v. Evers Jn Amateur Bole CHICAGO, Pee. T Organlxed' baaeball and Federal League playera united In a game jta terday for the aid of tbe family of Arnold Hauaer An all-star nine, compoeed of Chica go Federal, Nationals, Americas and S4a Kranelacq player, defcaled an ainaeur team. 3 Ii I In a aeteu-lnhlog Indoor game and ralacd IzOOM. John Extra, who una Wet for the game. placd aeoond baaa In bla old Chi cago unUofB) for tb amateur team Herrmann in New York NEW VCWK, Vi chairman of the rvi t Qarrv Herrmann atkosa) Commlaateo and orefMstu or IB (.-laeinsau itaeu, arrived yea, twoay (rem Olacloaati toattend the baaeball weettag tut will b held'W tsU week Vlox, Loyal to BJrate dawa n tfltt tpm Ik iveoitiada eaetiwtu telWB) to fbe Pirate ' iiwta; Haley to S1f Maupome Here OU agate o tMarded the wcai tHae Defeats Ctootiraii Taaa 1H I Urr. I Uue Jtf tuthrai, H41 tu 7' lu a Still i J ua at h I t i i ul t Ave taBaaVWUki raajrecr Maaui 1 . II I 3S, i 1 u I- Piy Vto Byto Wktlew BtjHgaid a (eawt aenwrni rsrer jeasajaiie, taa wvvwm'v w 'ww e"fs-9p-v Miee vafcejeewpi Mjfj hP?-JS. itrTg-1 ifiirri ft h eaaSl 4arB tetr df . Ui a PENNSYLVANIA, A "FIGURE MUCH IN LIMELIGHT 74 rSB8S33fl PERSONAL TOUCHES IN SPORTS When the players' call to arms against George Biooke, head coach of tho University of Ifcnns)lanla football team, was .ratified by tho official college paper editorially this morn ing, the lundamcntal fault of American Inter collegiate football it as revealed In its glaring nudity Waa It becaueo Lirooke was thought to bo n poor coach that ho has been made tho scapegoat of the Ited and lilue football sea son? No, It was became the tram LOST. U uuie had been championship material on tho Penn aralty during tho lull campaign and thu eleven had won titular honor, nu una would hae thuught of 'ousting" llrooke, even though he would have bien no better coach uuuer those conditions than lis I today. Th.) Jln. Is not that llrooke I. or la thought to le, an Incompetent lootball teacher, but the im.ii mut win Its games, no mutter what price la to bo paid. Tnat is the domln.it ii Hiiji ui fooiuul) touay The Ucalre to be .tuitou In athletics is a lauaable ono until It la tarried to the extremes which tw Uni versity of I'enneylvanla, through Its luTI team olid Its official organ, hate taken It. J hen thu uelru to rue to iiiumplanahlp rtlghts becomes odloua and Indicates a upiru in ut, nllis tlut must itcutuaily niiell Its ruin In the tjea of the public, Every I com lamiuc win the loer .nay do creditable work and still lose. Hut that I not the way athletic u,e luuKnii upon toca It the team cots not win Home one Is blamed, some ono Is made to feel the sting of unjust sentiment and some one must puv iur tho taliuru ot tho team to win, Utorge llrooke has been treated with gross In juatlcu because the Pcnn p.ayera and some of the students aro not sufficiently tood snorts Men to bear defeat when It la merited. There Is no thought here of either defending of (.ritlUslrig; llrooko's methods and his ability as a football coach, but the unwarranted attacks on him by those who have no authority for so doing justifies tho severo denunciation ut tbe member of the football team Und upon the person or persons who authorized the Pennsyl vunlan'a Icadinx editorial tooay Neither the football team nor the Pennsyl. vanlan has a right to step In and assume the prerogatives of the Football Committee of the Athletic 'Association, tlut they hase attempted to do this anyway, Tho committee at pres. ent (.annul act because It Is theoretically not lr existence A new committee must" ba elected at the Annual meeting of the director lu t held on'xtcember IV before action ran be officially taken on- tho .Urooke matter. loubtless It was the Intention of the members of this committee, whote names were up for election, to do sometblnx about Ihe footbail altuatlon But they have been unofficially (receded They roust, perforce, new see to It that llrooke docs not return a coach for the lulS eleven because the sentiment has been turned sgalnst the tutor of the last two tears to aucb an alarming extent that his presents on tbe field would be humiliating for him In the extreme and his work would be corre spondingly robbed of its effectiveness Profeselonallsm among the athletes of schools of Philadelphia is rare, nevertheless It la not unknown entirely At preeent there. Is a pro fessional engaging In alhletlea at Temple Col lege This roan. ' Jack" Smith, was formerly well known In docal fight circle He ha based at all of the right clubs of this city and while he has not been engaged In th's calling for about two yean, he certainly has not be come an amateur because be ha been out ot lhs game a while Smith was at one tune In i1".. fl?,LI..ur Herman Hlndln. a p eminent Itlladehihla boxing manager On of the laat flxhta whlatr Smith bad was with 'Kld" Wag ner, of JVllkes-Barre who has rapidly come to the front recently On the occasion reterrid to Vaguer knocked out Smith In three rounds at tbe OyrmoU. A A Not only baa Stall I h bean a professional fighter but he ha been an Instructor at on of the Phlladilphla play ground. Smith wha played on the Tempi teatbJt team this past season, waslh man who thratstted to "beat ip ' the referw h the Temnls-St. Joseph game wbaB the official refused io allow Tempi a UweboVMrH which was ojada altar ao of the players recovered an iBOoaipletea forward pass TWltd than are other urofuslenal now engaged In athletics In PUWrfelrhla retools, but this la the moat open vlolstloa bf the aeuteur rule at th present time anl Kcetth should be baited from par tielsaUatal la saw with amateurs. While ao as claim that seceer la aearly a werwatyi luoteeu thfiva I aa dauh, ting a hold oo the tsuie ot thts wmiai uwish nearly Same od Cllfa Ii tkejra wra sMir IVI1 tl.iu4a wblU a, ih. rwoaj Bsylv&L&B. Italtroail cnaeuolaauaVo foa tall gajne uUlott so tbe Madwb Ftiid at ZU iod Mittit sseat there wen ffi men sod OM 0VW Wtcliuig tb aasosv wUJUb tb en Two fesjeti "artl m2LvEt artuu su "lumned" oo aet AtbietK to tt a ?bpn with ItiiwJwm) and Oiun a. Wuui lb laasasua xwww. vwebn oi im aruesr tnojest who signed to cuath the PHtsburak Valtenttr (detlwll bisa Boh the. 1M wltt fc (rtsily aUseJ t tbelr rK. ilie u tlotr. Thu Aibletk. will have a ioufe to wW at without tb ale M lea4vr joI t ,n,k lu ay Botfeteg of tlut etber '"" eer ,f id i .it vi .. ao are safd to ba OB tbe wf q( lJaas tat lis HHreT MtifcUofl ih ...ir toat ih Fsjasal Lsue eAi "Fttr Hrku foobl eeaeaV i.I ... ,. It . L T. .C .m .. T-W .. T T 0&jefXTrKrG&anii' iwk wiu GO-BASEBALL MOGULS IN SUNDAY SESSION jjV?,VVf. - '.t 1 I iA YI YI' ERNE FIGHTS JOE BORRELL AT OLYMPIA TONIGHT Local Boys Promise to Pro vide Interesting Battle. New York L'ads Clash, in Semiwind-up Contest. A battle between two boys who have been rivals for some jcars Is on the cards for decision tonight at the Olympla Club The principals will be "Yl YI Erne, of Gray's Ferry, and "Johnny" Burns' Kensington chKmplon, "Joe" Dorrell. The bout Is particularly Interesting to local fans, as the boya have been after n match with each olher for some time. The full program Is aa follows: Alain bout "Young" Erne, Gray's Fer ry, vs. "Joks" Borrell. Kensington. Semi-final "Young" Fulton, New York, vs. "Packey Hommey, New York. Third bout "Johnny" Mayo.LIttle Italy, vs. Harry Diamond. Philadelphia. Second bout' Jack" Farrell, 17th Ward, vs. "Johnny" Burns, Richmond. First bout Harry Lewis, Southwark, va. "Hughy" O'Brien, West Philadelphia. .. -1f W'..DUK has a corking good show on tap for his Palace A. C . at Norrtatown. for .led.n..eday'.''veP,n, Th" main feature will be the 10-round wlmj-up between "Tommy" Cole, man, the colored puglllat, and "Peck"' Miller, on of the fastest middleweight In th Bta.1. KILBANE;TO BOX .MANDOT Star Fighters Heady for Their Battle at Akron Tonight. crEVHI-AND, O. Dec, T --Joe" Mandot weighed only 031 pounds after his work-out yesterday afternoon, and there Is no fear that h will have any difficulty doing the necessary 13 pounds ringside for his 12-round contest at Akron tonight against "Johnny" Klbane holder of the world's featherweight thampon shlp The smentat call for Ktlban to come m DUNDEE FAVORITE V NevrvYork Fighter Picked to Defeu.t v Biyertj Tonight, x LO AN0B3 . D 7.-Tbe "JohiiB" Dundee-Joe -ttlvers an.rmiru4 iV; . iV""l .?". will b tbe te1 main iv?ht staged at tbe Venust arena, at the Paclfle Ath. lplti fybt m& aud snes Into effect. Hivara 'rm uamislatad ib.i isnin.n s.sssata.rJdii ant uiitl ut.tu. ik. jd" . "M,,!W TTlT,rr !ZrA""n7r?' ?f"S Buadee, ba baaa sbtwlsg us niceTy .i; during bis work and u a aiujbt favorite over tb ijeiwa Bfl bOMT BOBIDEf TJ WINNSB n.TT"T av "l wo lrM JAJ3V. ol SBW Osteaiu. in Ih. wlul. Si at tt Nattooal Atbletlo bxS, RturoaV gM bysupertur cieserbeM Robldasu hit Gene, wbeoeter isTvaeate; BlwaW U uatll tbe Bfth round, wbea Bemiy -nSat a rawr aao om to best work of tbe flgbt If lvAgtl staggered the local man -vuwvuw, m nwv riMl HS ICW Xkwt la tb seni WIBU'UP 9 rar sues aaa Duck (.141, of St Paid. In le oeuer eg m k va mm mJ&m round bout Steora bad CMei oietHUsa at the saoatb el la Western lad cup uim sliwaa ear rrca Htug. of V, like Uarr WoJ no aub jvr Ta4Mr of U city wbo waa taBer sad b.vur aad o tar -ii-lisri tbe vwltar teat Itsfeie iltOuUsn atocsad th bout tu tb fourth rauad r.djte WaTuaa SaMtV-i tanK Mlnt.kle to the vesy Aral reug4 by ii J -. a bard right tu the Jaw "tiuej H,r ! TTtoiuo defeated lak Bensotu if i .-itw Ki i 1? Ls tbwd ruuos la ibe Spi-ecJtels liv Iat4 && Hn .lteU4-lMJ $Vi JgJM Stftulug 7, 1914 MAGNATES HOLD SECRET SUNDAY SESSION HERE Ban B. Johnson, Charles Comiskcy and Connie Mrfck Con fer at Bellcvue-Stratford, But Whatever Matters of Baseball are Discussed Result Is Not Made Public. WhHe a blustering wind was driving the flt'ful rain through Broad street yester day afternoon, a Utile band of baseball moguls held a snug nnd secret session at tho Bellovue-Stratford Hotel. It waa a great day for n clandestine gathering. Hence tho members of this famous tri umvirate. Ban B. Johnson, president of the American League; Charles Comlskey, president of the Chicago White Sox, and our own Mr. Cornelius McQIIttcuddy nlmost escaped, one from the othor, with out any ono being the wiser. Obviously It was the intention of these wlelders of baseball power to confer In comploto secrecy. No one would hnve known that the visitors were In Phila delphia had not tho news reached here from Chicago that they wero on their way nast, and wero apt to stop over In tho Quaker City. Now that tho moguls have met, tho question "arises. Why did these particular tlirco men meet and why the Becrecy? Tho secret part o the performance may hOjto been Inspired by fear of tho Fed eral League, which has recently torn such Jagged ga.ps In the ranks of organ ized .baseball, lit fact, that has more than onco caused Ban Johnson to hold secret conferences within the last few months, when, otherwise, he would have Invited his newspaper friends around nnd would have told them all the "dope," with some local color thrown In. But the good old dnys havo passed. Ban now gum-shoes Into the city and gum-ehoes out again. If he Is caught In the act of being hero ho refuses to talk. He doesn't even want It known that ho has been here. This was apparent, because- tho Bellevue Stratford officials denied that either Johnson or Comloltey had been there Bun day. However, ts Eugene Sue would havo put It, tho fact of their presence at tho hotel was or'lnally established by tho following Incident: Tho clerk was asked If either Mr. John son or'Comlskpy were registered. Ho nb-sent-mlndedly opened the big book on which tho names of the guests are In scribed 5n Btnall strips of cdfdboard. He turned to tho "B" page. There was the typewritten name of B. B, Johnson on ono of the cards. Suddenly tho clerk mtfst havo remembered something, for he snatched tho cardboard up and announced that Johnson nas not there, and had not been there Sunday. He -concealed the cardboard, but his efforts to do this were so crude that he himself could not re frain from smiling when he repented that Mr, Johnson had not been a' the hotel LAST YEAR TENNIS PLAYERS TO BE RANKED R. D. Little Disgusted at Lack of Interest Shown. NEW TORK, Dec. (J.-Maurlce E. Mclaugh lin will head what will probably be th laat lawn tennis ranking list ever to be Issued In thts country. Tho reason for the abandon ment ot the rahklng of the players Is the fact that after three months of iaoor and the mail ing of COCO letter by the commltteav-ecordt hao been received from leas than 100 plsvers. Itaymond V. Little, of the National Exec utive Committee, and Walter t, Pate, secre tary of the Hanking Committee, held a meeting nt which the doing away with the ratings was dlscusaed. "The failure of tho plater to sup port properly the list by sending In tholr rec ords would seem sufficient evidence that it falls to servo a, popular demand." declared Little. NO OLYMPIC GAMES FOR BERLIN IN 1916 Americans Returning From War Theatre Have No Hope. American athletes and trainers returning from Europe are almost unanimous In express ing the opinion that the Olympic games, sched uled for Berlin In 1011). will In all probability have to be abandoned as a result of the war. A period or IS months stretches between the preaent and the day set for the opening of the International meet, end much may yet be ac compllahed by the Olympic Committee In J. year and a half. There Is already evidence of sentiment In favor of transferring the gamee tu this country or aome European nation not Involved In the war. It Is not the site of the contests so much as the condition and number of contestants that causes those best Informel on the situation to doubt the possibility of a successful meet In 1010, TO BATTLE TO FINISH That fa Spirit That Prevailed In Jfew York Today When Moguls Met. NEW YOnlC. Dee, T. That the war between nd the Federal League will organized baseball an be continued to a bitter finish waa the spirit that prevailed today when the National League moguls assembled for tbelr annual meet ing tomorrow. Carry Herrmann, of Cincin nati, chairman of th National Commission, said that there was nothing official about th recent "peaoe talk" which he had with Charles Weeghmarrrot the Chicago Federal League Club. N "It was only a man to man conversation." said Mr. Herrmann. "The course th Federal League la pursuing is foolish and It owners are merely wasting money" 'The International League officials meet here today and It I rumored there wilt be changes In the circuit Baltimore and Jersey City be ing the retiring members, but nothing definite Is known, "Syracuse, N. Y., and lllchraond, Va., want to replace Baltimore. SOCCER SNAPSHOTS Th drawn game between Dtsston and Victor A. C on Bsturday allowed the Hibernians, who defeated the Victor Talking 'Machine Ompan) at Camden, to liP Into flrat pise In 'n American League, bethtehem gained on the leader by defeating the Hangers, and. th race 1 resolving Itself Into a mora in teresting boropetitloq than was at Drat ex iiectad, It is good to leara that tb University ot Pennsylvania has the best team In aome com petition It remained for the eoccer tram to partially make up for the .poor showing ot lu led and lilue football learn, ihe learn, tin by C. 1J. Webster. Vr., aurd ilselToi the championship la th Intercollegiate Soccer thguv by defeating Prtncetoq on Saturday, iwblle Yale took th measure ot Columbia. This is tb first time that Pennlnas won th soccer ebamplonhli, although ill has come nilga'y gloss to it on several occasions SHOTS POB THE BASKET Pelaware Hoys' Club basketball train. Inde pendent ehamplpna of Plillsdeltihla, still have a few open date for strictly first-etas heme teams The quintet has not bean deflated IbJ season Coauaonlcailoaa may oe ad dressed to I P ShuwalL HI South 34 itreet TheVhlladelphla lion? rlub tu a few ooen date at how foi their second, tbltd. fourth 1 It. lid jfiH i-Me Team -Aoar fjuiauei- Beys' Clue, MO North 38d street. Lu'lerment nasaelball team wouLl ilk I ieei srrasno gasne with any sixth, or aevjoth class Mesne Aeism nsger .rosea-a OfelUUUI, Raleigh Cliff, the football atar of German- s&fcra,! iWuy rieaaao. 04 s. the llttla forward at Houihufi'. - end. a. U dlsplavlog (Ism teaa V tbe ease He was all over tbe See- o tS. .( with :.T?.3rM .TJg. r?- ? rtj1 a w to. Priehard Team Won Tb T Prtctard , C . Aagyattaa ......... -rrnrL ..? .. Mjaili'srny 1 tewMwr '' cfcaft 1 Ti rn.i t ruwetato I 3iu- at all Sunday. B,an should have better teamwork by the members of his "secret service" Johnson and Comlskey left here last night, It Is understood. They wore bound for New York, where the National Com mission will meet on Tuesday. The con ference held here yesterday wns a pre- llmtnary to some event of Importance which will become known nfter Tuesday's meeting. That Comlskey should attend the gathering Indicates that ho Is after ono of Connie Mack's players, or possibly more than one. It has been known m Ma nt tlirht-mouthed baseball circles for some ttmo tlint Comlskey wanted a cer tain member of the Mackmen very much and that he also wanted a manager, al though the two were not thought to be the same person. ' Last season Jimmy .Cailnhnn became unpopular on tho "GoiithBlde" In Chicago because of the Indifferent work of tho White Sox. By mldseasOn the fans who had hitherto been loyal hooted the man ager on tho side lines time nnd again. Hence, Comlskey wants a new leader Alio will get better results. He nlso needs players. Tho logical thing for him to have dono theroforo was to confer with Connto Mack nnd Bnn Mohnson re garding a trade or purchase to strength en some of tho positions of his club, Thnt Connie Mack would bo willing to let Comiskcy havo a mnn or bo seems moro reasonable. Connie's attitude to ward his 1911 machine has been one of considerable Indifference, as far as any desire to retain their services Is con cerned. JIo nsked waivers on Bender. Plank nnd Coombs. It is believed that he would not object to getting rid otjsomo of his other high-priced mcrv It Is true that Bender might havo been retained another year nt least with the Athletics had he not followed in Kddl Plank's footsteps and Jumped to tho Fed eral League, Olrfrlng, who Is scheduled to trail Bender Federnlward, Is qnother ono of tho Athletics whom Mack would probably not have kept on his team, re gardless of tho "outlaw" organization. The latest member of the Macklan tribe who has been named In connection with the Federals Is Frank Baker. Mack was satisfied with Baker's work. It Is believed, but Baker was not satisfied with his position. Why that should have been true Is a difficult question to answer, be cause no man ever had a freer rein to do ns ho choose throughout the playing season than J. Franklin Baker, of Trappo, Md. FOGARTY LEADS 7 EASTERN LEAGUE - IN TOTAL POINTS De Neri's Star Forward Has Got Quintet Info Team work Habit Jasper at Trenton Tonight Is Treat. Joe Fogarty, of the De Nerl team, Is now leading the Eastern Basketball League for high-point honors by a com fortable margin. He has now brought his total-up to the 1C6 mark, t8 of which rep-, resent goals from the Held. Jt has been due largely to the consistently brilliant work of Fogarty that the De Nerl team has been ablo to rise to the top, where they are now situated, Just one-half a game ahead of Reading, Fogarty's work this year has not only consisted In playing a splendid gnme him self, but It has been throush him that the quintet, which began Pfforly, waa brought together and began to exhibit a wonderful brand of teamwork. This vet eran forward has the faculty of getting the men to play for the team, nild not for the Individual, and the I followers of tha Mualca) Fund Hall boys can credit Fo garty with getting the team Into wlmflng form. Getting back to the Individuation ot the men In the eastern League, ,Urdwn. the star guard of the Camden, team, la leading In field goals, with 30 to hla credit. In every game played this season Brown has been the sensation of the contest. Ills wonderfully accurate goal throwing has advanced him from a guard pf ordinary ability to one of the most valu able men that ever played In the or crnnliatlon. Next to Brown I hla man teammate, Doiln, who has shot the ball 4 Into the basket S3 times from scrim-- mage. i Ten daya ago the Jasper team was In the Jead, but today they are In fourth place. De Nerl. Reading and Camden have advanced above the Kensington IE noys oy improving their all-round piny. -u,,.D..i i.nic mu ub out one game, a usual, In the Eastern League. This con- , test wU be staged In Trenton, where the Potters meet Jasper. Trenton la now holding down last place In the race and has shown so much tendency toward, teani-dislntregatlon that the visitors arst looked upon 'aa favorites, though playingV on a foreign floor. STANDING OP TUB CLUBS D. N.rl -..?V P& jE.n W. U Pji J""""" .joi ureyatwk S JW Camden, ., S fi .SOU Trentois,.. . 3 7 0 'INDIVIDUAL 6CQIHNP RBCOItDS. Fbgartr, D Nerl Bear, heading . , . Kummtr. Jasper . Adam. Camden .. Wilson, Oreystock. Hough. Trenton Drown, Camden , Dolao, Camden Steele, Camden . Newman, De Nerl Kane. Trenton FUigerald. jasper Cash man. Oreyatock. . . , . 8 wrus. ureystpev.. . Oetulnger, Trentoo Dark, De Nrl . . Haggerty. Reading . Caranaugh, Jaaoer . Bugarmaa, Grnnkoe Keenaa. pa Nl Kink aide Da Nerl Mortis Bead tag Frouckia. TTsatoa Ilrady,, jasp ODounall. Heading Begs. H aiding ueis, Aseutvfi Bskhardt, Hanod. C WeWuTUm Jaaeer Camden wast, nauasur TaompeoB, Ouaeo , Cooper, Ttesjee) . s Ttwi. TteaMa . . CLU8 SOOJU.sa RBCOKI'sV Ganjdaa 15 4.M IS Nert '. ! .U A ?- 7 m e jn s Ma n Wi tt U Es . : t? 3 s .. . 9 W . ,. 3 M9 MS ' '"ft Ton! M 0. P.O. Fl O. A. P"' a , io si us re iftyi . 0 13 119 3 iWM 10 33 Bl 7 MM U Q IIS IS ITl.M a ii toj e wM ia 17 i 12 mM io iu 9 a mm to is o w 10 33 i U'M 10 21 o 14 &M io a o 2 wm o is o a Mif a 17 o ' Vis "i i 11 10 13 0T X TtM . 8 in o i J . ;s i III ftll 111 f S f il j' U !illaYruft- 1 frtt nl t&d.i feet,.Ei Of lH qA i mt -it tiut ilK- 1VUL.U fa IV , J In Ll,i r ,.- ium wmf t ciiiy.sum i i,tT srv1 tt ' ri i tu i arl " T II I Be TliMhlll' stasia e MaansBSfc I 1 1 wmmmv-r- -ajiEfe1"i':AA- w s- p J - , ji f i f n rifes -r?" &?z-3fi?j& --SSffimtrFt einffT" uljllilylilVT rTjTIiittiffi lifi' I iiil1 ll 'll'm " V&8&& 421 ie -. L AnS. " ....sas,,,! iiiniiiihiii i niii'lliiMlllilffiy1!!?!!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers