' - .....- U i ..- U-. -! ! "" f"- '--''-' -' --'' -" - J'----. .'in itnuiiTr il f" ii r-TT-ri i i 'in in lm jf-n rflr I - " Jl IZUDOPA A GREAT MYSTIC STORY m Harold macIgmth s&MmL . svNorgis. fcHoVeJ ta ll on orphan at an early o, , Her father i kitted In a gold mln n aas cieebetnt rl art hour after Irarnlnp of the death of her huehand Zudota't tnithtr a tloM rone teolfcer trifh o tr-en-"-! ttUttl ietlh a virtlpo, alls and tt MUtd. Kiiddra and (At fortune from th Mine, wnUh proics 'to hi worth ttofitb.oit, art left In the ffuantlansMp of Frank Keen, , n elrcus man, Zudora'a mother orelier. lt Zudora, oivint roml of ortat btauty, ' ' readies the afe 0 it. The uncle, teho net set films 1 npiut fflndit mttflo and ( I tnwrn ns ttaitam All, dteide li Me" breed that Zudora must dig Itore the eon 'havi a Chanel Id come Into possession Aer money, so thai it may he left to htm, the tiest ef kin, and he prevail upon the ' tfrt to leave her money In Mi hand thrtt atari Urnotr and tav nolMnff to any one neonf the fortune, llotiam Ail ties an ohttaeit la Ms echtme In the verten of John Storm, a oung lawyer, for tcAom Zudora has taken a fanti, and he com tnatirf the oirl to put the man cut of her mind, Sform coml to atU Hattam ill for the hand of hi nlect. At Artt the erjtetal cater will hoI listen to III pro f total,' but Zudora Itulsh thai If the can not marry Storm shs will marry one, "Well, teeM," soys If assent All, "if you take tueh a aland, 'Il compromise. Soke mv next twenty tose and yon van marry Mm; all In a slnofe cote and you mini remetntes Win.1' Zudora, ntlno the. knouilcdoe pained from year 0 association tvith htr uncle, unravels o haffltng myiltry onrf iHn her flrtt rate a oac In tohJl Join Siorm l tnt'eii rom otlnij coiti-tcted of n. inMrder Inttlgated hi) Haitdm A,U hlmitlf, CHAPTER tl The Sleeping House Mystery. THE clearing of John'Storm was a nfiir. ilais' wonder. In court Has- sam Ali testified that Burns had been ?cekiiiR some facts regarding the past, and that he, Hassain Ali, had suc ceeded in aiding him to a certain extent. But the name of Bicnreith had never been mentioned during those seances. He could not imagine why Burns had committed the crime. Thfire was no evidence to be found that the two men had ever exchanged a word. He was rather confounded at the lurn of events. The broken phrase, "But author " was as much a mystery to him as to the court. It was inexplicable. Hassani Ali received a good deal of con temptuous grilling from the District Attorney, but the witness answered every question calmly and in detail, .Ic admitted that he was a disciple "of the Hindu cult; admitted that he had the gift of second sight at times. There were many who could testify to this. Hasfsam Ali finally left the witness chair with honors in his -'favor. "A subsequent mve'stiKaHo'Tr"by"tlie police revealed nothing to his dis credit so far-a's the law was concerned. 1 His past, from the circus days to the present day, was an open book. In deed, Hassam Ali was himself the in stigator of this research. He wanted It definitely understood that while his cult was not looked upon favorably by the police, he was not the object of any Justifiable suspicion. His grave air, his unfailing patience under the , gibes of the interrogator, his frank fnesst all won him at least the respect fcl his detractors. f me man Jiiirns was uuncu ni 111c t expense ot mc city, aim wuat was Lkuowh as the Bienreith case went into I.the public archives as one more uu- 'solvable mystery. It was remarked, however, among - his associates that John Storm lost a , detl of his impetuosity and that in 'his subsequent cases he was no longer brilliant and erratic, but calm and Mfady, always extremely well fortified with Ills facts. New Vork city has without doubt the moat conglomerate population of h any city in the world. The only alien race which does not find habitat in 'New York Is the Aztec, and that is erely because the Aztec is extinct. Tpid each race has quietly formed a ei.of Its own within the greater j'eitjb' There- are IJttle Italy, the Gfcetto, Chinatown, and heaven knows how many othyj, 111 familiar to , , sightseers But there is 1 lot going on ft XTmii, Vt.b 'iMtnnr Iij.a .Had ,( even the pc-lice rtever heflr about es , cpt by purt .accident. Who can ? lay he knows the heart of Chinatown 2, unles"s he actively belong to it? On a certain night, two weeks after the Bienreith case, recorded1 in the I rurecedwg chapter, Zijdora heard the cjaek chime ;the hour'Ofv. bhe went upstairs to her room "a.d threw up the shade foV a final glance at the heavensand paused in amazement. Coming toward the house was the strangest procession she had ever seen. Turbans, flowing robes and white pantalettes, here in this worka-, day city of New York! She rubbed her eyes as if striving to awake. She looked again. They were trooping sitentlv un the stens. She next hoard y Ui thunder of the knock.tr, which, no lHly used in thue days of electric buttons. She then became alive to t thai, fact tlut this was reality. She reached the head of the stairs Jim as her uncle's Hindu servant Aie4 opened the door tie bowed deeply JMMt ceremoniously He was dresUl i ., , food deal like hh strange mi i tors. Sudora came dovn the stairs uudc- ' tided M to whether she vas frlght- cd or merely upbtr 1 lie unn who ws evidently the loader of this triia;f' carAn advaiuea toward 4orat I wish," be said fet broken EugUafe. J "to tee lutu w,ho ia called Hawam Alt, lbs gHsr yi Ugfau" "Oh, you wish to see tuy uncle?" said Zudora, greatly relieved. "And thou irt his daughter?" "Ills niece. I will call hinr." She left the haltway and sought the mystic room, where she found Has sam Alr crouched over his globe. H6 looked up impatiently. "Well?" "Some Hindus to see jou, uncle." "Hindus, at this time of night? Why didn't you send Ahmed to me? It lowers you in hi opinion to take upon yourself to do his Work. Hindus; what can they want, I wonder?" "I'm sure I don't know, nor care," a bit angry at being rebuffed by her uncle. , , When Hassain AH stood before his guests there was some time wasted in genuflections. "You arc Hassam Ali, the nun who sees?" "I am." ' "Your servant here recommended you to us. Sahib, we arc in the midst of a, strange mystery. In our abode the god of sleep comes suddenly and unawares. Our own god seems to have forgotten us. This dread thing comes almost instantly, nnd we are taken in sleep no matter what pose we are in. That we are here tonight and not under the evil god's influence is due to the fact that we waited out side the octagonal room." "The octagonal room," repeated Hassam Ali thoughtfully. "You are known to us as a great yogi, a seer into the future. Will you aid us to find out what causei tills dreaded sleep? Our religious cere monies are being interfered with." All this Was in an English that was only fairly understandable. Here and there Hassam Ali's man interpolated the right word. "You will, accompany us, Huzoor?" Hassam Ali smiled and nodded. Here was an advch.tUrc that rather appealed to him. More than that, it would banish from his Wind, at least temporarily, certain psychological agencies which were making their power felt more and more strongly as the days went by. I must go, too, uncle," said Zudora. "Hurry, then. I should like to see these people before they come out of their trance." - (Continued Tomorrow.) RUSSELL SAYS CITY WILL BE IN ANY OFEtiA COMBJ.NE Boston Director Denies .Philadelphia Would Be Left Out. That an fopora. compln between the Philadelphia, Chlcafeo -and Boston com panies will be nrraneed for the season of 1913-191(1 Ih the expeetatloh oj the op'eratlo world. Dispatches from JJew York Intl muta that Henry ItUssell. dlreotor of, tho Boston Opera. Cortipany, Is arranclne an amalgamation of the Boston and Chlcag-o companies with Philadelphia eliminated. A telearnm was sent to Mr. Itussell, ask ing him it the report was correct, and ho replied: No definite arrangement have besn concluded between Boston and Chlcairo in tho operatic Issue. I undorataha that Philadelphia would be. included In any opeptla ichemo," It has been an open ncret In the opoiatle world for the last year that powerful Influences In opera circles be lieve Jlr. Itussell Is tho man td soHo the operatic iltuation In the East by means of an Interlocking scheme with New York: Boston and Philadelphia to have, general opera teasdna with Chicago, dividing- . genieral seAson, with Mr. nusBoll as director and, In turn, with Mr. Hussell ploying a certain role in connection with the opera in New York. NIGHT SCHQOL ATTENDANCE, 38,000, BREAKS RECORDS Result of Supplementing Academic With Vocational Study. Thlrtytelght thousand atudents are crowding the city nlgllt aclioola, which Will coqetudt their flrat tertn'a work this year on December It, The record-breaking enrolment la the result of supplementing purely academlo study with trade and vocational atudles. according; to Dr Oliver P. Corntnan. As ociata superintendent of the night school. He said that hundreds of work Ins" men and women had' attended classes this year to learn trades, atterwarda tak ing up other work in the achoola. Bo great was the demand for Instruc tion that some of the schools wtre com piled to open five nights ' week Instead ot threo and to establish two Sets of classes. Trade f?chpo Na 1, 12th and Loouet streetswlth. an annex at JTth and Pine streets, and Trade School 0. i, How ard, street and Qjrard avenue, have isoo stuiltftts. au Increase, of 10 per cent, over last yetrri The total Increase: In alt the Ohoola la (Q per cent. ' - .. MISSING WOMAN FOUND DEAD IN SWAMP BY BOY V ' I Body pf VJctt roBuhmerged tn. Pool Taken to Hospital Mrs. B14tfleth Deal, W years old. of Uucktus and Frankford avenuis. who ds- annMred from her home last Frldav ii f found dea lo a swsmti In the rW of mi nwnnnsia avenpe tjjje mornlnr The hady w found by s-year-flld Albert pueklus, of ai5.Kenilnstanavsiue, as he was ollwwiis ovfr a tenco ntar th swamp en his way to SelipeJ. Fite)ltee4 at the sjgKt of the bed, whielKwaa partially submergea ip a pool, the btay ra and notified the police of the Belgrade And Clearfield streets station. Why. tftSk te body to tha FranHford lua. Bltal poeter Fischer made an tyemiAa tlon a ad sold that Mr Deal Upd evideiittt' died (rem exhaustion tih bd been dead about H hours, he said "BIO BSOTHBB." SCOVSMXMT , Steps re Ukeo for the slabUssinMat of tke "IMsJ Broifeur' ittevement bi tbu lty at f, warning l iU fceadauarte of Aft Xemm Kare,w Aaaociatlaa, pi XMter street last night. Charlea . fVjit. JMiatMt DUtrlejt Attoroe pre. MtA and AlezainhH KanBtrwVy. of Kw V it, made tvs la41ssa $4rma. ffyBNINQ EBPaBBPHlLADELPHIA'. MONDAY, DECEMBER "VWiat'sDotogTbiilght?" J imfLl. Transit campaign .tnMtlnr, Central Rreao Street Presbyterian Church) Wi OCIOCK. ITT Costtllo tmnilt nrrtttif mllnr tnimviinlt Avfnue jiusinens oien Asiociniicm, 1 -7 .. .";. --."-"'- w r. z .: r.- :: " i. .-";: ocintlon. Patsyunk nvenue una Moore Mrret a ree CMtetlo tranett protest meetlnr. North rlill udelphU nuslness Men's Aesoclatlbn, 4180 Ofrmsnloiin nvennt. l-'ree Northweet Uualneis Men's Association, 233a Columbia aienue, 8 o'cloek Frte, Womsn surtrsge dfbAl, university Exten sion Seclely, Wlthmpoon Hall, 8 o'clock. . Fellowship, Academy of tre Fine Arts, mm htrs, 8 o'clock. Card party and dance, Avalon Tacht and Motor Club, Lu I.11 Temple, 8 o'clock .Address, "Scientific Management," Miss Ida Tarbell, Central V. M C. A : 8 o'clock. . ,, lecture, "Clvlllintlon, and, Soclallm(" .the Ilev. Dr. Charles llruehi, Olfta' Cnthollo tllsn School! 8 o'clock Fre. .iimier Avonue improrfmem a"";i"u. inrsessinc nscrention centre: ft ociock. Adalh Jeehurun Assembly, nroad am I'ence mietinir, Boclsty ot Frunaa, Free Library, 8 o'cloc OCIOCK Free. t nmeritency Aid Commlllso salt of .pletv fnf na1lAta f.lle At fl.iVi' ft nVlnk. l ;y A 1 rell inla Aires res, Pennayltanla Historical Society ISOU Locust Flifty.seventh Btreet' Improvement Aisoot. Hon. fllrnrrf vnl.a Jthll nnth ftlrvst. Ftp. rf. MirthAr Inslltutei of Archlttcts, 1204 Chancellor tre4t. Members. , , OnR Lane lmpretmnt Alioclatlon, Chtlttn and Park ftvinuei, Free, Photoplay Guide for Thid Week Subloct to Change CHF.OTNUT IITnEET OPERA HOUSE, The foltoKlne rfotram will b AhAtwn this ttlc tn masterpiece, "The 8Dollers. oilers. ' by nsx conjunciion wkh inv Rax Beachi Rdllnts ot .Father. Time." leplomanlact: ."Cauthl puftf. Keystone Comedy. MONDAY "The two oarta: 'l r "The roun The In a Cabaret." two nnfts. Keys T lrIIUV.nm. r.lnn (ha t.alr.1. the Man,'' r'i Caucht Itt-o hartR. 'VMn1. llrAfnstln rnroer' In a Cnhnref." tun.imft icsvstnna Coined V. tVKDNKHUAY ''The Master Key.'' NO. , ) Vtvlan rAAl.lB'. iaK.ht In . rShsr-r.'' iivo.pnri ivcysiono i;omeay, . THUndtJAY ;'Tho District Attorn; irnay's tlroih I ths Vase"! er, mo reels: ine uenn Lausni in a cabaret," t wo-part Keystons ijomeay. FItlDAV "Ills K.v 3 Animated Wskly. No. lit! "Tho Wldntf'a l.asi"! "Caui tni in a cabaret," tno-part ICcstono Comedy. BATUIIDAY "TI10 Little Gray Itomfr5 lit two reels; "their Upa and Downs": "tiausht In a Cabaret," tno-pnrt Keystone Comedy. STANLEY. MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, Itaturn engagement ot Marxuetlte Clark 111 Mary aermaln a noel made Into a plloto plav, "Wlldllowcr." .. THUIISDAT, FHIDAT AND SATVIlOAY 'The Conspiracy," with John Emerson In the loadlnr nnrt. Many other excellent photopliy In conneo- mis MONDAY "The Qloster Key," drat Instal ment. two parts: Vivian Martin In "The Wlihlns; Illns;," tivo parts TUESDVY Daniel Frohman's- "Tho After math," Hvo part: "Broncho Hilly a Soheme"' "The uroom'a Doom;':, others. WKIIJ(CTDAT-"Perils of Pauline;- No. 14; Kins Ilagsot In "Human lleirte." three parts: Tlie Propeity Man," eKeyatone. TllUnaDAY "The Theft of the Crown Jew els." tno parts; "Moro Than Queen," four parts, hand colored, others. FRIDAY Mary I'lckforil In "Hearts Adrift." nvo parts: "Heiress and the Cook," to parts. SATUnDAY-"The Ohost.ot the Mine": "The Loss of tho Tiurkenhead," three parlH Mary Miller In "Lonely Balvfllon." KNICKBIlUOCKEn, The third rplaode of "Zudora" will ha shown ero the first three riavs or Ihla wesk. This week it Is about "The Mystery of .the Dutch Chreee Maker." Other excellent pictures ate shown the rest or the ncek In connection with hlgh-clojs vaudeville, vicToniA. Mondav and tho remainder of the eek, "Pro tect Us," tho photoplay that exhosu the cause nt many xlriv downfall, will be the attraction It lella a powerful moral lesson. There are several audevllle acta alto on the program. SOMERSET. MONDAY "Zudora," eplsodo number tfto; "After Many Years." threo parts, "Tho VIrII." two reels, Keystone, others TUESDAY "Mother of the Shadows," two pnrtsi "Trey O'llcarts." "The Uandlt of Port Axon," In four parts. WEDNESDAY "Mother." featuring Emma Dunn, In four actai "Who Shot Hud Wal- tAnt" Keistone comdj'i others. ailunSDAY "Keystoha Special," In two parts; "Ilia Prehlstorlo Past." fsaturlnpt Charles chapln; "Out of the Darkness." two parts: "Our Mutual Oirl," others. FWDAY "Lena Rhers," a nva-nhrt pholo- Play, "Th Reader of .vitnas, iveysione MMirivl (ithnrb SATURDAY "Mystery ot Edwin Drood." In flvo, parts; "City Darkness,' .. iMrun4 ." i two parts The Qltl in question." LArAYETE. THllftsriAY-Ths third . episode o,f d.111 .m hotvn hltr. "Ttls nhout '" Zudora" The Mrs- ttry qf the Dutcn cneese siaKer. features will be shown this week. LINCOLN. MONDAY "Winning Ills First Cass ' rUEBDAY-V'MUIIon Dollar Mi stery." Wi:iiNi:SDY "Potd In Full' TW'nsDAY "Oelovod Advanture "1 FRIDAY "Dduah and Dynamltei ' SATURDAY "One of Our Olrls." -WE8T ALLEGHENY. Other MONDAY "Out of the Air," two reels, rat- "Our a as n Itaaced thara. THURSDAY' The Lone- Way." Edison sdo- clal release, In three ports; "Bllly'a Illial"; ntiiers, FRIDAY Mary rickford In "Caprice": "Itet. SATURDAY "Ilcfoved Adventure." No. . 0 fLOrd Cecil plays a part): "Hroncho Wily and the arease': nthfra. GAnDEN. , MONDAY Charles Klein presents, 'The Lion and the Mouse,!' In sli acta. Many other , eoort picture. . . , Program for rpt n week announced la,Ur AVEST LEHiail. MONDAY Reslnnlnr tonltfht. and eNery Man, lay thereafter. "ZUDORA" will be shown here. "The Mystery ot III Spotted Collar" I tonight's subject. 1 JEFFERSON. MONDAY "Passions of the Renalisance," trt &h lu Tr..vtAns rortieov: ntners UJVni'AX- ins Leiinr nt uram. , WElNE8DAY "Llfo'a Bhop Window." TfllFRBUAY "The Dancer and the King." FRIDAY "Tha . Nymphs." SATURDAY ''Million-Dollar Mystery.' Usl Instalment. "BILLY" SUNDAY'S AIDE INVOKES CO-OPERATION Plan of Campaign Looks to Active Aaslstance Pfom Church Workers. That the campaign of "Hilly" Sunday lh the Tabernacle, facing Logan Square, Will depend Ufgely upon the efforts of the good people of Philadelphia to co operate with the management, was In dicated by addresses made yesterday by the Uev. Edward H. Etnett, Mr. Bun day'a assistant, Mr. Eniatt spoke In Bethan) Presby terian Church In the nlornlng; in the Mount Vernon Baptist Church nnd the) fourth Reformed church in the utter noon, and In the Roiborough Baptist Church In the evening. "Tho plan." he said. "Is to collect a large number of men from the different cjhurches of the city and organise then Into one band. The duties of this body of men will be to bring to the Sunday meetings as many dther persons s pos sible who are not nrofeased Christiana. 'The success of the campaign will. In a large measure, oe sssureo o) the work Of the band." Without the Dlvte power. Mr. Emett declared, the worker could not hope for success. wilST HOMJ OKVHOP J.UBJLEB qphgregation. Begins Week's Celebra tion o Anniversary. West Hope Presbyterian Church. West Philadelphia, tgap a, week's celebration of Its sold im anniversary yesterday. tu Rev. Pit. W. H MeCJaughey, veteran clergyman aad former paste of West Hopf, areaehed at the openlsg servtces, whlon wn In charge of the paifor, tha Rev. Pr. Charles Br flroson. Women of ta t-ougregatlon will be alven a re- ceptlon this altMnooB by the woman' 'il.l RiVlv. Vxt 9iul,. b. tl... t. r. il Boferts. statfe elerk a tbe is- rwnau t oenerai tuiy. &m predcbl bwwutknii trriHva. oKaAirzexs meet TONieHi The aosjual service of tb Ajatteii OuiW of OrKalw wiu be kaW in tk Qfcuich f Ht. Adveata, UUt au4 UU. ItiiHtd sUajets. teoleht Utider tkus di rection of aerj Aleisar West and 8 Wesley 8r. a obotua of 164 voltes Uioaen (com One Icadluc aao' tbvir uf the city, wtti sing th intia. ffaare iiu u p midrea on v-Uuwfc saewee tj TttnaDAY First episode of "Zudora"; Sr,ti,i ,11.1 ' w aA others. ivt'nvii'HTlAV Anriraw Mnck In "The tJ-f ih.l. IThb nti1 nrltvrlK" n 1, PHOTOPLAYS 1 ' i . 1 1 "HHiiHsaBnnSslsBBSSSSSSSSSsHnfB 'SeSBSSsHSBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsH WaaaBBKVEpdrsVaBBBBBBBBBBBaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBsH SissKiMV:BSsssssslsissssssssP' ssssBPk' V"tt ssMsslsk'nffW lfmt, L Wsil BESSIE LEARN Leading woman of the Edison Company. Jit Ih a remarkable coincidence that al most simultaneously with the release of "Moro Than Queen," the Pathe picture In which ttene Alexandre starred, conies the news from Krnnce that the talented actor has been killed In n battle In Bel glumi Alojotidro was to tho Tatiia French drama what Max tinder (who wna re cently wounded) Is to the Pathe French comedy, tio man of mediocre talent cputd be tne leading man nt the Comedle Francnlse or tho winner of the first prise for tragedy nt tho Conservatoire of PaHs, and theso are two of tho honors gained by Alexandre during his wonderfully suc cessful artistic career. Tall, broad shouldered nnd notably dignified In bear ing, ho lnvarahly played opposite his beautiful wife, better known to the American publlo as Uahrtello noblnne. Their partnership did not end with pic tures, but extended to tho Comedle Prnncalae also, whero Mine. Alexandre Is lending woman. " The French Pathe actors and employes are acquitting themselves with credit In the war. So far the honor list Is as fol lows: Tlene Alexandre killed, Max Under wounded nnd M. Escoffler decorated. In addition to these men, two employed of the Jersey City studio who went back to fight liavo (Written to friends In this country that they are suffering from wounds, Itcne Mpnca nnd M. Tricot. PHONE CHIIL TRIUMPHS, liene Hough, a 19-ycar-old girl of Omaha, la tho winner In the nation-wide search for the most beautiful telephone girl In America. She will take the part of Dorothy In "The Way of a Woman," a play to be produced by Kanay. She was awarded the $100 prize by Essanay. besides having her dxpenses nnd those of her father pn(d to Chicago nnd back. Every telephone girl in the United States lind a chance to Snter the contest. Thou sands of photographs we're sent In to the various papers. The appointed judges picked Miss Hough ftom all the vaBt number ns the most beautiful girl. Miss Hough reached Chicago a few days ngo nnd is busy studying her pnrt for the photoplay. "THE- CHRISTIAN" COMING. Although there Is no definite announce-" ment as to the ending of the run of the photoplay, 'JThe Spoilers," nt'. the' Chest nut Street Opera House, the Vltngraph Ltebler Featule Films Company Is pre paring to sena to tnis city, ror exhibi tion nt that theatre, the eight-reel pro duction or "The Christian," made under tho direction of the author, Hall Calne, nt the actual scenes described In the novel. It Is expected that this produc tion will be Installed here during the holiday season. Thn production was shown last spring in the Manhattan Opera House, New York, but has never been presented hero, principally becauso the rental of the Alms was thought to be too high. The Chest nut Street Opera House management, encouraged by the success of the motion picture policy at thnt theatre, did not hesitate to make arrangements for dis play of the picture there. , It 4 Interesting to know that Edith Storey Is the Glory Qunyle, the part originated by Viola Allen, and that Enrle Williams Is the interpreter of the role of John Storm, cieated by tlie late Edwnrd Morgan, Tho Llobler Company was esjie daily careful In selection of the 'cast, and the same type of plajerq engaged In I.tcbler productions on the mimic stage, aro lu this photoplay. "Tho Christian"' pictures were made on the Isle of Man. FILM SMUaOUNO. Collectors of customs have been warned against allowing free entry to moving pic ture dim copied abroad fromorlglnal nega tives made In this country following an linfeB titration conducted here and abroad by special agents of the Treasury Depart ment. The Investigation has disclosed that large quantities of these films have been entered duty free as American goody returned, Moving picture films are taxed under the present tariff law one cent per linear foot, and as the goods have been coming Into this country In vast quanti ties the Government's loss In revenue Is betleved to have reached a large sum. None of those, however, concerned In the inquiry was willing to give an estimate. From statements made by leading film manufacturers of the United States to tha Treasury agents It was learned that In most cases ho posltlvo prints are shipped abroad, the negatives only being shipped and the positives made In Hurope. In cases where positive prints are shipped to Europe they are leased or xold with the understanding that Jhe Hints nre not tq be resold ob reshlpped fo the United States. N In the period from October 3, 1013, to June 30 last, sensitized hut not exposed moving picture films imported 'into this opuniry amounted to 44,717,323 linear feet, valued at JS80.50Q. while positive films reached 20,057 linear feet, appraised at J1,909,4M. TO FLM TYRONE POWER. The Sellg Company Is preparing to mo vie "The Servant in the house," with Tyrone Power In the principal role. "This Is one or the few times I have aver bad an oppeAuklty to appear in mo tion pictures under conditions which are wholly satisfactory to me." said Mr Poner recently "I have Iseen under con tract witb Mr. SelUf for some time to play the part of Robert Smith, the Dralnman. In 'The Servant Ik the House.' I was asked to look over Uie part of Brandon ih the Iioyt comedy, 'A Texas Steer.' aitd X liked the part so well, and It appealed to ma so. that Mr. Setut arranged to have me appear te 'A Texas Stew- before working; In "Tlie Servant In the flouts. W "Viewed as a prtrajra.l of actual ute. Tbe Servant In tha House' U Incredible, but, viewed a a aUegory. 01edlng in cidents ot doniesAe Drams, with reUtous precept and admowUta, It u bahereit asvd comprasisaaible. ana likevisji la morally atanalstea at " "Nff. The Servant la U House fcas laesivM more favorsjLjjU urlticiaea Htm itse iiMaa Hum uaar stay ot lu Una Xlttnw Mtfu.anil aa MMnlBlKA .ja.S. . tkaa HyattrtcaJ fvrk flit ItlMi Bart, 1 oi triaco4eat vsiue. h iej a play wLlcfc oiiteai ouuie a "urai leawoo wlta ireiam- deua effect, and tne rejigloue Mctioo of every cuauutukit) In filch th play his ajveatad aw rcOtfaa to it wttk grt aide and loufr j CAUSES OF UNREST DEFINED IN REPORT BEFORE CONGRESS Commission on Industrial Re lations Makes Preliminary Statement of the Result of Its Investigation. WASHINGTON. Dec. T.-Tho causes ot Industrial nnd social unrest In the United States, nnd the remedies, as outlined by the hundreds of witnesses from various walks of life who appeared before It,' ttere embodied In the preliminary re port by the Commission on Industrial flelntlona submitted to Congress today for the year begltinlng October 22, 1813. An Important feature of the repoit Is ine announcement of the commission that, In the cOhipleto report, which It will present next August, It will' recom mend a constructive program of social legislation, which, the commission sns, It considers necrasarv and vllnl tn tint Interests of the people of the United States. The report will cover labor exchanges, Industrial education, vocational guidance and apprenticeship, safety, sanitation, health of employes and administration of laws relating thereto, smuggling of Asiatics, mediation, conciliation and arbitration, women nnd child labor, minimum wncrp. hotlra nf Inlinr nH culture and farm labor, social Insurance, workmen's sickness ,nnd Invalidity In surance and labor nnd the lnw. The report presents an outline of tlie research and lnvnfttlrmtlnn wnrle iiu under way nnd a summary of the testi mony ot more than COO witnesses, includ ing cmplojers, workmen, trade unionists, economists, public olllclnls and others, who havo appenrcd before the commls mission nt public hearings In various cities. SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY. Tlie most Interesting part of the re port is the summary of the testimony at public hearings These have been held In Washington, New Vork. Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Lend City, S. D.; Pet erson, N, J.; Butte, Mont.; Seattle. Port- lana, ure.; snn Francisco and Los An geles. Analyzing the testimony of witnesses at the hearings, the commission llnds Bub. stantlal agreement by all witnesses ns to some Of thb causes of Industrial unrest. "These causes," the report says, "gen erally agreed upon nre found to be as follows 1 "Largely n, wolld-vWdc movement aris ing from a laudable dcslic for better liv ing conditions. 'Advanced bv renrcsentn. tlVos of labor, Socialists and employers, nnd generally indorsed. "A protest ngnlnat low wages, long hours and Improper working conditions in many Industries. Advnnccd by practically all labor representatives ftnd assented to by many employers. "A deslie on the part or the woikera for a volco In the determination of conditions under which they labor, nnd n revolt against arbitrary treatment of individual workers nnd a suppression of organiza tion This was almost uniformly ap proved by labor witnesses. ' "Unemployment and tho Insecurity of employment. Generally advnpced by wit nesses from every standpoint. "Unjust distribution of the products or Industry. Advanced by-most labor rep resentatives and agreed to by most em ployers "Misunderstanding ind piejudlcf. Agreed to liy employer!) rtnd employes. "Agitation and agitators. Generally ad vanced by employers, but defended by muur rcpreseuiauvei ana others as a necessary means of education. "The rnpld rise In prices as compared with wages. "The rapidly growing feeling thnt re dress for injuries and oppression cannot be secured through existing Institutions. "Ih addition," anya the report, "It has been stated by many witnesses that tho tremendous Immigration of the last quar ter century, while not Itself a direct cadso of unrest, hns served to accentuate the conditions arising from other causes, by creating an overeupply of labor unfa miliar with American customs, language and conditions." CAUSES OF UNREST. Causes of unrest advanced by employ ers, at the hearings nre stated as follows: Normal and healthy desire for better living conditions. Misunderstanding and prejudice. Laok of conception that Interests of both labor and capital are Identical. Agitation by politicians and Irresponsi ble agitators. Unemployment. Unreasonable demands arising from strength of organization. Labor leaders who stir up trouble to keep themselves In office and to graft on employers. Inefficiency of workers, resulting In ever-Increasing cost tff living. napioiy increasing complexity of In dustry. Sudden transition of a large number of foreigners from repression to freedom, which makes them an eisy prey to labor agitators. , Universal craze to get rich quick. Docay of old Ideas of honesty and thrift. Misinformation In newspapers. , Too much organization for combative purposes Instead of for co-operation. Violence in labor troubles. Sympathetic strikes and Jurisdictional dispute's, Boycotting and picketing; Meddlesome and burdensome legislation. The closed shop, which makes for labor monopoly. Financial Irresponsibility of labor unions. "Practically every witness." says the report, "has expressed the attongest dls, approval of any form ot compulsory ar bitration. Arbitration was suggested only as a last resort and then to be purely voluntary "There was practically unanimous agreement among the witnesses that the formation ot a Federal Commission of Mediation and Conciliation, composed of representative employers and employes, wnuld be a desirable step toward tne es tablishment of Industrial peace and the protection ot the nation from the dam age resulting from protracted strikes and lockouts, with whieh the Individual States seem Incapable ot dealing. "It was Impressed upon the commis sion, however, that the very gteatest consideration and oare should b" given to tho organization of suh"a commis sion and that, before ail, MM method of selecting Us mewbara should be suoh as to secure the representation of the in terests involved 'and the exclusion of polities" Tha preliminary report was aubmJUed by Frank P Vfalsh, of Kansas CKy. chairman of the commission. SXDBKTS PLIGHT TKOTH Jilss Onnrod, pf faa Maraiall' Sohool, Bride of Muhleafcere Junior. Uta Bulb at. Onauud, a atutteaH at Utaa UajrebsH's Sek)el for Olrta. 0b fM. IHtW4pla, aal Qujey r. At AerkwuBll, zaemhar of Mm Mttfclts ollege footbiH hsU aal a Jusdpr Uk th J - wUege. were marrted In into ei.. 'D n annouuetunent isvad y yetaajr '" .' Ti bride is tfe Uuauti ot Julia U ". uoroO, ueiintendeiit of tif IsanaJbton lr"n OonepHi Konwa. Stxh a asist the t,i idatajnwm ixmM at Abaavtows 5 7, lQlsf, .. .a... ,..,t , --. , . ... mi - nL ---..,! , I, 1 US k VMl! twft. At loJfvv 5JSjr5(sssU 1 iff till '"rassWJfZSRSMR VJ II lit K wC JSokriS&SlittJ'nmtir (4 III A I v vZifW HK9HOHBHPF,r . QaCWadttUUMattMaaUBBSBKsasaatjBa Br - MasHsHsssssHHsWrsBBSsflssssssBar'iaa tSbbbBbiBBISHsh! LssssisssssssBiMssssslsssBOas9iBB9ns vvESSbbbH WissssssssasaassWassssssHWBIsaraBlsaWmfWy ? A!A tSSsBssfl HBBBBBBBBMnOaBBBs1MaBBBBSBBBBBBsTlllWrMWnlarairnffiTi) TflTlfirnBnlTflilWi RV iSamBss5sSi sssssssssssssBsssssssssassssssssssssUasssBna s9saM'' j-' JassHsHsflsssssI BBBBBBBBBBBB iiSS&l'ftM sSsBEbBBBBSBBbV WrBBBBHBBBBjgLJisWK.gj sbbbbbesshbbbBsbbI assHsssssssssssssssnsasnKiimsssssK " F W ' HBsbssbsIsssbi isssssHasW09eassssHsssaW fe 'SjJ j. .! "SssssIBb&ssWessB EL i ' -v-' Mi JULIA BRUNS "Potitah and Pcrlmutter" Garrick. THEATBICAI, BAEDEKER 01NINp. I'OIlftlOSl'-Nfw York Hippodrome production of "t'lnafore " Rnmi'lHoudlnl and -varied bill. Ln-TliU TIlK.vrilU "rue Siher llox," by John (laianerthy , WALNUT "The Winning; of Tlnrbara Worth,' dramatization ot Harold Hell WrlSlil'a ponular n-nel CONTINUING ADULPHI "Tod.-iy," by GeorKe nroadhurst und Auraham Hchomcr A wife, eicrllently plAjcd hi i;thel Valentino, ccks luxury by "Ihe easiest way" and Is killed by Her hus band nnOAD -V'Tlie Secret," by Henri llerntleln, adapted by Dai Id llelasco A study of fem inine jealousy, in which Oabrlellp Jnnnrlot. tho heroine, seeks to destroy people's lite pi ness Frances fitarr proves herself uu Hctres of exceptional talents In an unplcos unt roll,. GAlUtlCIC "I'otasli and rHnrtltter." drama tisation of the famous stories of Montacue Ulafce, Oilo of the most capitally iimusing PitVH of vears. human. tiDncnllnr to all. i UYHjC "High Jinks," musical comcdjV with book K bv otto llaurrbach and music hy Itu- dolph Krlml, starrinir Htella Mayhnw. A ralilcKlna ecr)lng'a entertn.nmeiu. full or fun and s-ng. Flashes From "Stars" Geoige M. Cohan Is to return to the stage. He Ih writing a musical revue, book, lyrics und music, In which he wilt appear ns n co-star with his bosom friehd. William Collier. Evidently the farce which he was writ ing for Mr. Collier has been abandoned for tho time being. Us production was originally scheduled for Thanksgiving, and Louise Dresser nnd Jamca Bradbury were among those engaged for prominent parts, It la said that Mlsa Dresser will have an Important role in the coming levue. Among the forthcoming musical produc tions of the Shuberts is "Tonight's the Night," In which George arpsamlth, Emmy Wehlcn. and Mnurlco Fatkon Will take the leading pnrtS. "The Traffic," coming to the Walnut for" two weeks commencing December II, has been Indorsed by such well-knbwn people ns Lieutenant Governor Barrett O'llara, of Illinois; Mrs. Gertrude Howe Britten, at Hull House; Major Funk- houser. of the Police Department of Chicago, and a number of earnest re formers, The play1 Is a white-slave ex posure. Chauncey Olcott will have a new play this season by Rachel Crothers, Who wrote "A Man's World" and "Young Wis Com." Its quaint title Is "The Heart ot Paddy Whack." and in it Mr. Olcott Is said to have the best role he has had In many years. Its scenes are laid In Ire land in 1820, and Its story Is one of senti ment strongly relieved by rollicking com edy nnd Irish wit. Mr. Olcott will have a number ot new songs and ballads also and will probably revive one or two old time Celtic songs as well. He will be seen at the Walnut for two weeks begin ning December 21. Surrounded by a lot of singing- and dancing girls Hap Ward and Lucy Daly will be seen at the Wnlnut week Of Janu ary 11 tn their musical comedy, "A Fool, His Money, and the Girl." The New York I'lay Actors. Inc.. has taken over the Adolf Philip Theatre in Kast 57th street and renamed It the Bandbox Theatre It will be opened on December 22 with Jerome K- Jerome's comedy. "Poor Little Thing," an adapta tion of Jules Lemaltre's story, which Gultry jmente4 In Paris for a run of several months laat winter. According to Douglas J Wood, the managing director ot tb,e theatre, a new play will be presented jeach month. Most of the scats will be sold by subscription. The. theatre will be co-operative to the extent that W per cent, of the revenue is to be devoted to a sinking fund to assure the permanency ot the organiza tion and to provide pensions for those of the company who mike It a permanent Institution. Ten per Cent, of the profits will be given monthly to the Actors' Fund. Bdward JSlaner has been engaged as stage director Associated with Mr. Wood tn the roaAsgement of the enter prise are Harry Doe! Parker, Marts Kelekhoefer and Tfceodore Mitchell. Encouraged by tha suooaaa of Ths Only Oirl." Joe Weber has engaged la a new vesUure, The Fatten Iaal.' de scribed as "a raal play with a reason." Guy Helton, who wrote "Th Rule of three," is Its author The cast inejude Bruce McRae. John MtlUrn now ot the cast of "l(utoct" MOUHKK QAffpiyo MISS MARGUERITE C WAU Studjo of Medtra Di "sassasjawsses schools aw etftcggm mmw - '1 . FKIMIUCI.rttI.1 Hat Sssea Private Ussoas 2U1St "ESjgt UU BTA1JIOT jnrKSSK WANT TO rOKJt TOW W',M sr tut a $ujv-Jmg bjSJ aJWBidl S-.BJS was taw ew ui' 11 . Drama Virginia 1'inisort, Allco LynUhal, C. B. Wells. Marie Chambers and Robert Schnblc. ' I Ben Greet announces that he will re main in England until the latter part ot February, when ho will return to this country and opeh a Lenten season with the revival of "Everyman," with an alt star CflBt. His annual open-air tour will begin In Jacksonville, Fin., in April, nnd will In clude tho universities and colleges of the East, South,. nnd Middle West- In nddl tlon to the company headed by Ben drect hlmeclf, there will be three other Ben Greet companies giving performandea'of Shakespeare during the summer. ' Granville Barker Is coining to New York tb consult with tho Stage Society about several productions which they contem plate making. Doris Keaue. who has been 111 In Lon don, has recently cabled thnt alio Is re covering! her health ,nnd Is looking for ward to appearing In a new play In New York tn the spring. Owing to his musical comedy activities. Charles Dillingham has transferred the managerial roln.i ot IllSa Keane's next season to Lou'b fJethersole Th6;'aetrcss will appear In future under the, direction or that manager Negotiations are under way to brlps leading plnyern ot the Comedle Krancafse. of Pntls, lo New York tills winter for a series ot performances, from Which fvuart or the proceeds wilt be given over to e. fund for families of destitute French actors. HE KISSED TRENTIWI Rudolf. Frlml, In tho full Hush ot his achievement In writing "The Firefly" and "High Jinks," oet to work to excel his own record In the operetta, "The Peas ant Girl," which he hns Just composed for Emma Trehtlnl. and which cornea to tho Adolphl Theatre shortly. After the ovation which greeted the first perform ance of "The Firefly" In New Tori,. Frlml Impulsively kissed Trentlnl and vowed that he would write for her so long as she continued to ulng. "Ahd VII write jou an operetta next time -which Will outshine 'The Firefly,' promised Frlml. After Trentlnl had heard the score of the new work for tho first time she cried: "Come here!" ftnd ktsslhg Frlml on both cheeks she slil: "You have made good. You have made ybur promise good. I pay you back that kiss you gave me two years ago' STOLEN AUTO RECOVERED WHEN LICENSE IS SOUGHT Samuel O, Friedman Itegnlna Car Taken in Eront of Art Club. A damaged license number led to the recovery yesterday of the automobile of Samuel Q. Friedman, ot 330, Walnut street, which waa Stolen In front of th Art Club on November 17 The automo bile was recovered when an Inspector was asked to license it in Newarkv It waa discovered that it had been sold some time ago and the new oantr wanted a new lieense number, as theofd one waa badly mutilated, and made the application which led to the recovery of the car. Inspectors of the State Motor Veluaje Department of New Jersey yesterday re covered a alx-cyllnder automobile of ex Sheriff J. Masan Ege, of Hopewell, wWli was stolen some time ago The machine was found In the woods near Laraliwood, and In the tonneau were cans of meats and groceries. The inspector are trail ing the thieves. I'HOTOFLAYe) Plijtarntir Sr Opera I Home of World's Atts , I to a, 10 ft lSc mtt.. 7 to 11, liis,e THE SPOILERS Twice Pally Aftnntto, iS0 Bv,. ttM. Preceded br dauy ships' Prit run i4tttr. CQM!NGc.V!K&,THE CHRISTIAN K I.OHU'K Y" SICKEBBOCKsK antii ana .nark! bb ' ' Tiintii un linn urieujJt, K Of ZUDORA MILL UK SHOWN JtRKE TODAY. Wad lllaohanv T.MKAI yattr or tub AJR'' t $as:vixx is ujissrmu lilfl Ll Vt.'ljn Uulla la '" 'flBB- tiu. abct riaawVJii SOMERSET J,lK2s2& aBBi'y-wi4b AKef W iis p tut, m.' The IM TtMiw U , I R sjul1' IU0A SfiilftJSS'te I aab.B s"F't"- 3r9e