Mn H ij n t; m v?i r fftS, 10 FASHIONS, JsSir The Girl Who Works ELLEN x x 7lXviw3s3vTfT TO SALESGIRLS This week the articles and letters under the department of "The Girl Who Works" are intended particularly for 'salesgirl?. It is hoped that the latter will find them of special value and assistance. The various problems that confront the salesgirl will be dealt with thoroughly, and correspond ence is invited. I shall be glad to print all letters received from salesgirls, and will carefully answer same in these columns. It is intended that the life of the salesgirl, in all its varying phases, be .dealt with as completely as possible and to this end all hints, questions and communications from salesgirls will be gladly received. ELLEN ADAIR. THE SALESGIRL That the present tlmo Is exceedingly trying to tho average salesgirl leaves no room for doubt. The near approach ot Christmas brings a perfect mob of shop, pers to tho scores, mid tho rush and bustlo are, at their height. Tho health and tho temper of tho sales girl are 'dreadfully tried, and, indeed, It Is no wonder that such Is tho case. I was In a largo department store only a couplo of days ago, when, at tho ribbon counter, a line of over a dozen women wero all trying to purchaso goods from on solitary and deeply harassed sales girl. True, It Was tha lunch hour, and (his probably accounted for tho fact of her solitary condition. But her lot was not an cnvla'blo one. The women were alt ir.oro or less Impatient, all talked at tfts same tlmo and perplexed the Unfortu nate girl to a degree that few 'women could stand. The Christmas season Is supposed to be a tlmo of peace and good cheer, but It la open to doubt If such Is tho case with the salesgirl. It Is a time of great men tal and physical fatigue with her, and customers are often ery Inconsldcrato In their attitude. "They treat mo as If I were somo mechanical machine, that could keep up tho highest speed all tho time!" cried one aggrieved young woman the other day. "I do think that some women can bo perfectly Inhuman!" "Do yo'u find that the woman shopper is more trying than the man?" "Oh, yes," was tho immediate response, "of course sho 1st Men can be nrctty hard to please, too, but then their man A Waist for the Salesgirl The little shirt waist illustrated hero hould prove very practical In design for the salesgirl. Its lines are excellent, and it possesses a very smart, well cut air . It can bo eas ily fashioned at homo and only re quires two yards of 40-lnch material. The sleeve Is set In in the newest way and two very pretty buttons are used as fastenings for the front of the waist. Large mother-of-pearl buttons look very well, and some of tho newer rr shades of enamel "n buttons will glvo a very smart air to the tout ensemble. Made In some soft black material, the salesgirl will find this llttlo waist emi nently suitable for work in tho store. Black cashmere or silk make up very prettily and a whlto collar may be worn with either. If a colored waist la desired, nothing Is better or more wearing than crepe do chine. Buy a good crepe at not less than JlV yard. This Bhould wash well and al ways looks smart for special occasions. Tho new pale orange and flesh-colored shades are very much In vogue at pres ent and aro becoming to the average girL The Successful Salesgirl Now that Christmas Is coming the trials ot the salesgirl's life are double. She baa twice as many fussy women to wait on, twice aa many packages to VSM2 II.I CHILDREN'S CORNER Fog Fairy Coats ONE morning the sun got up very lata. He, really had Intended to get up early In a. nice, proper sun fashion; and ho had gone to bed at night with a rosy splash of color and that perfectly good Intention In his mind. But In the. morning when tha time came for Mm to get up, ho peeked ono eye over the edge of the horizon, saw tnlst and fog lying thick on the earth and decided it would bo & good idea to' take another nap. "Whatever is tha use," he told hjra elf, "ot my setting up and trying ta Bhlno through all that fog! It would tk ra all morning to do it and it would ba hard work at that." Ha pulled some gray mist clouds ever bis face and dozed off into a comfortable, nap. Now, all, night the fog and mist had been spreading across tho earth, over Sjida and forests and towns and cities. And. the lUtia fog and rolst fairies aa the talked and played together talked of the day that was wraing. "I've always wanted to se the mrW declared one, "for up in tho eeu4e where I've lived I couldn't see iwt UtU" tha wori4 below." l want to see, ta, said another. "Of taw as w whirled by In the upper mr It looked and watched; but we always went so fast I couldn't see TWIftl " f jwa knew wfeai weW kaei ta k -m&m the tj sets ww" sja Wg .laytf-mr fr tl lay to begJii." ; t mi wo te Mftm; "wtet cuuld hpj ta net" "Itpen tft. u!" repeated the nW Mik diUAN , unly fettten. w$ wmgt Imb mxtett w Nr ttiim unpin, tfe? HfrttWHl: i fce CLUB NEWS By ADAIP AT TymmBx U. I THE PRESENT TIME ner Is so much nlcerl The man who shops at Christmas tlmo is really to be pitied, sd I try nover to feel cross with him. You see, shopping Is very Irritating tb tha average male, and ho almost al ways never knows what to buy for Christ mas gifts. I think that girls might And a new profession In acting as official ad visors to perplexed young men at Christ mas time and choose their presents for them!" This Idea Is n novel one, and girls might take It up with excellent results. The mere man. Is, Indeed, a pathetic sight at tho Christmas season as he trudges round tho stores, a forlorn, hunted look on his face. Surely these trips of sorrow might bo spared him, ami a woman could act as deputy Instead. For a woman al ways knows so much better than a man what a woman will like, and the ma jority of men's gifts at Christmas time aro purchased for women. , A tired salesgirl declared the other day: "If pcoplo would only definitely decide what they wish to purchase, and how much they wish to spend, their Christmas shopping would bo simplified both for themselves and for us salesgirls. But In DO cases out of 100 they don't. So wo girls have to act as advisors as well as saleswomen, and it makes our task doubly hard. A little thinking beforehand would avoid this" My sympathies are all with the har assed salessirl at this time of tho year. All her patience and fortitude are surely needed if she Is to make a success of her work and satisfy the demands of her thronging customers. chnse. and less tlmo to herself. Few department stores increase their staff at this trying time, but tho work Is twice as great. Tho sensible salesgirl will fortify her self mentally for the season's rush. She will remember that pcoplo aro all differ ent, nnd that fusy old ladles and Jerky matrons and sarcastic persons In gencul all go td mako up the world. The person who til Inks she should bo waited on Im mediately Is no more annoying In her way than tho woman who doesn't know what she wants. One must be moro or less of a philosopher to be a successful sales girl, and very much of n stoic. Appearance as an x Aid to Business Most of the stores require the sales girls to wear a uniform of black skirt and a white or black shirtwaist. This Is a very good Idea, as It saves a great deal of expense to the salesgirl and usually Insures a neat appearance. Usually is used in a guarded sense, because there are soma girls who manage to look un tidy In anything. If you are one of these girls, try to take Into consideration all that depends upon your looking well. A shopper who approaches a table of exquisite laces will not be inclined to buy them if they aro handled by a salesgirl with dirty, ill-kept fingers. It Is the same with every other kind of merchandise. The girl who sells toilet articles, such as powder, creamB, etc., should be es pecially careful of her appearance. No body will be interested In the superior advantages ot so-and-so's cure for black heads or a well-known hair tonic If the would-be advertiser is covered with blemishes. The skin should be immac ulately clean and well kept. Tho hair should be neat and the finger nails short and well shaped. Don't, don't develop "claws." every mlal fairy hung M coat frott on tame txalff 0 tht old ptna tree. 0 work: at once and draw yon up and up and up to the clouds!" "Ob, darl" grumbled the fairies, "we don't want to go back up there so Boon!" But they needn't have worried, for the sun was bo late waking up that the fairies got very tired poking around in the gray misty light. "I thinU after all thla Isn't as much fun as the clouds,'1 said one fairy. "Ob, would you leave me alrnej" asked the pine tree. "Yes, we'll bare to leave you," replied the fairies; "we want f get back to the sky. But weft leave y our frost eleaus to renuaib vg brJ So every Jlt tafer &ttlt Wf eat of f rt on mm twg a Ua oW fjie tree. and then vsbWmxI frew the earth. Whs. mwtlm the luy m de- drfed to wake up be WJlUd ttie cloud wM ft s Me J w saw- What do you swMiojmT The fM pise Um (MsA ail the otkr tr tMA-eovew with ttay f re-te mmt ftJrttr ' 1t'" -- I '" Bo evmfi- Jl Ckttm ! ,fc. jM EVENING LEDGER PHIL'ADEL'PHIA", MONDAY, DECEMBER AND PRACTICAL ARTICLES FOR MATRON AND WORKING GIRL Around the Clubs This week promises lo be a very busy one In tho women's club world. Every ono Is working for the Belgians, or somo charitable object, and many Christmas workers are on hand, too. Tuesday, at 3:30 o'clock, the Junior soclat section of tho New Century Club, of 124 South 12th street, wilt hold a Bed Cross tea. Every one Is expected to bring aomt work or to assist with the, work which has been cut out. Tho new knitting and crochet stitches will be demonstrated, and the wholo affair promises to bo most entertaining. The International Committee of the New Century Club, of which Miss Vlda Hunt Frnnels is chairman, reports that the response to their appeal for money, ma terials, etc., has been most gratifying. On Wednesday morning, from 10 until 1, tho usual meetings are held. Warwick Jnmcs Price gives his concluding lecturo on tho war In Europe, the subject of which wns "Possible Itcsults of the War and as Affecting Militarism," this after noon. Tomorrow, 3 p. m., the Literature and Art Commltteo of tho Phllomuslan Club wilt hold n most Interesting meeting. Mrs. William Potter Davis, Jr., Is chairman of this section, and Miss Marjorle Benton Cooke, author of "Bambl," will give orig inal monologues. Miss Cooko Is nn ac tress, author and Impersonator. She Is an artist of unique ability, being the author of three novels, two volumes of verso and several short plays. Her racy American humor, personal charm and brilliant technical facility mako her mon ologues a real pleasuro to any one who Is qualified to Judge. Tho regular monthly meeting of the 16th Legislative District will be held Wednes day afternoon at 3 p. m., at the homo of Miss h. h. Howell, 253 West Blttenhouse street, Qcrmantown. Mrs. a corse A. Plersol, chairman of the Woman Suffrage, party, will glvo "Stories From tho Two Conventions." Ice as a Wrinkle Eraser Did you ever use Ico as an aid to beauty? Specialists all over tho country aro advising Its use for sagging tissues. It not only makes them firm, but nets as a general beautlflcr. Try it somo day, after a. massage, and noto tho wonderful change In your ap pearanco nnd feelings. Do not lmnglne that one or two treat ments will dispel the deep-seated wrinkles as if by magic, but the conditions will be imprcved, and continued and sys tematic use will bring lasting good. Ice can be used at any time, but it Is most benoflclal nftcr a massage. Place a small piece of Ico In n soft cloth and pass ilowly but firmly over the face, using always the rotary motion, around, up and out, pressing harder when going up than coming down, in order to pull back the cheek muscles, nnd continue until the cheeks feel cool. Dry with a soft cloth, patting the skin very gently. A dash of good powder and you will be delighted wim tne result, What She Ate A wealthy woman with more money thnn good looks gavo $200 to a complexion specialist for advice, of which this Is tho gist: Eat plenty of carrots, drink chocolate In moderation and chew lots of green salads. Toko a gloss of cool water In the morn ing befora breakfast. Hot water is all right for a dyspeptic, but cool water Is tho thing for a woman who la full of life and health. In the morning cat a Southern break fast, which consUts always of hot breads and fruit. Take a cup of choco late, but only one. During the morning drink three pints of water. If possible. At noon eat a llttlo meat and all the greens you want; and, under tho head of greens, come tho salads, nil tho fruits and plenty of vegetables. At night cat no meat at all. Meat should bo eaten only once a day. The best vegetables for a good com plexion are carrots, turnips and beets. Asparagus without a sauce is good, and spinach is meat and drink, too. Vege tables should ba taken rather hot, and as many warm foods as possible should he eaten. HOW TO COOK GAME By a Clever Chef, In choosing game, it is best to buy it quite fresh, and, if preferred, it can then be hung to suit the taste of those who will eat it. Always serve It with well made gravy and nicely dressed vegetables-such as cauliflower, artichokes, brussels sprouts and mashed potatoes or potato chips. A little lemon or relish In the gravy improves the flavor, or the game may be served with baked toma toes. Many people have game aent home al ready plucked from the poultry store, but for those who live In the country and cannot avail themselves of this conve nience, I must rive directions for pluck ing and cleaning, When taking off the feathers, pull them in the opppslte direction from that in which they lie by nature. The bird must be made quite clean even the little stub ble must be removed, and the skin must be singed with a taper in order to get rid of the hairs. Cut away the neck and crop first. Then draw the bird from the tall end, doing this very gently In order not to break any of the parts, The fleshy pieces of the liver and giz zard can either be used for gravy or trussed In with the bird. If you are making gravy, add also the pinion ends ot the wings, and stew to gether for one and a half hours. Wash and dry the bird both inside and out. Truss it carefully, using two skew ers and string to make it a good shape. If the liver and gizzard flesh are being cooked with It, put it in by each wing. A small bird should have a good slice of fat bacon tied over its breast before It Is put In the oven, This keeps it from getting hard, and does away with the necessity for much basting. A larger bird can be larded, though if you have no larding needle you must baste it constantly during cooking. This needles cost about a cents, and are very useful in the kitchen. With one you can force the fat through the skin without spoiling tha general appearance. Cover tha bird with flour, and put Inside it a whole, onion, and a small piece of butter- Why? In order, to make It taste ot onion. The flavor will go all through its flesh in the course of cooking. Qame Fritters Make a batter with a quarter of a pound of flour, a tablespoonful of salad oil, and a gill of warm water. Sieve the flour with a little salt, put the oil into a wen in the centre of the flour, add the water, and Very gradually stir it all tostlhtr. beating it throughly and letting it stand one hour; Trim some pleees of meat ejt the hoses of aay kind of game, drop them into the batter, and fry la a pan of Ust fat, Serve $ TJ&J!? &&! was standing acid tblckmsd with a, Uttie ssjir, Put tit Wr4 in a tin ttb mi fat b4 Uak It ta fairly Mfc oye ft wW. ts three-quarts as m raUur ar, awrtt&c to atersts of u Safece mrktmt tfee Hri, A eut the : , f, aI- .. ,vf ggjft J trig 4 I , v if j&ZJxtVir I'Wfl.ltrr IWff&ffl x A DAINTY LITTLE FROCK FOR THE 10-YEAR-OLD . L FOR THE ENGAGED GIRL The engaged girl of today frequently has tho wrong Idea about her engage ment. Sho thinks it consists of teas and luncheons, and theatre parties, and sup pers in her honor, and all the attention sho requires from Jim or Bob. Sho dreams of lingerie, linens, nnd gowns galore, with hats and slippers to match for her trousseau. Sho revels In fashion books and spends hours In the stores choosing laces and chiffons. She comes In tired out from shopping, nnd just a hit cross, and drops down upon tho bed before supper, Just long enough to snatch sufficient sleep to keep her from looking ghastly. She never thinks of tho psychological side of an engagement. "Jim and I are as different aa day and night," says one little bride-to-be. "I love to go out and have a gooti time, and he's dreadfully stay-at-homlshl I'm crazy over dancing, and ho doesn't dance a step. I love cards, and ho fairly abominates them thinks them a refuge for the brainless nnd an entertainment for the weak-minded, etc. He likes to read and study, nnd all that sort of thing, and I can stand It for a little while, but not for long. And to cap the climax, he loves classical music and has fits every tlmo I begin my favorite rag. Now, isn't that queer? And yet we're simply P.rttT.V nVP,. f1fh n,h U.1. nn- .(nl. wavy hair, and, my dear, he's a real onion, and put it on the side of the dish. Serve slices of it to those who like the flavor. Steamed Pigeons If you have no steamer, you can cook your pigeon in a colander In a deep pan of boiling water. Clean, wash, flour and truss It aa directed above. It will take about three-quarters of an hour to cook, and should bo Berved with white sauce and sippets ot toast Qame With Orange Sauce This Is a very fashionable way of serv ing pheasant tfr any other bird of that kind. Boast it as directed above, and serve It in a sauce made in the following way; One ounce of butter, V,i gills of milk, ounce of flour, the grated rind of an orange. Make an ordinary white sauce In the usual way, and when cooked add the grated orange rind. Pour the sauce into the dish round the bird, and use little segments of orange to decorate the dish. Salmi This Is an excellent way of using up cold game. Put at the bottom of your casserole a layer of finely sliced celery, carrots and onions. Then Joint the bird, cover it with flour, pepper and salt, and put it on to the layer of vegetables. Pour In a little stock, and let the whole sim mer till the vegetables aro tender. Serve It In the casserole with some fried bread. Partridge or Pigeon With Cabbage Cut Into slices a large white-hearted cabbage, cook till done with salt In boil ing water, drain, squeeze well, cut into small pieces, and return to the sauce pan with a little butter to reheat. Cover a small bird with butter spread thinly over it and dusted with flour, steam It In a steamer or colander for about SO to 10 minutes. Put the cabbage on to a hot dish and lay the bird in the cen tre. Serve with a few fried sausages or minced meat balls. Concerning Women Ms Eleanor De G. Cuyler is third on the list of New York's personal property tax $st with 1.000,XX. Women are advised by John D. Rocke feller to take up golf to prevent their get ting old, Utp. Harriet 0. Adams, the Bftte4 ex plorer, has crossed, the Andes Meuntataa four times' in the saddle. Miss Boss Frit, the world's fastest typist, recently wrote J9(f. words In hoUji la open caspetMieu Oeveeiiraeat eenswi figures hw that there mm 4.sw,l aeiw &! and i,Him ftNBjtfjrtei in tli&i m?Motry- Jkftmsmm. Qeergi wi Yirjtiii. an tha ta preetie lvr six-footer. I thought ho was pretty keen on that high-brow Ella Castner for a while." Jim's chances for happiness are In deed small if married to a woman of this type, It is true, opposltes attract most powerfully, but at tho same time, while there aro opposing qualities In two natures, there are also certain similarities which may or may not bo evident. A man and his bride-to-be should have com mon ideals, and some common tastes, at least. You can't live with a man nil tho rest of your natural life without occasions coming up on which you disagree. These havo to be handled with tact and In telligence. Disagreements nnd unhappi ness are to be avoided. Disagreements are multiplied tenfold by temperaments which differ on every point. There must come a day when Jim's wavy hair ceases to reconcile his wife to his quiet ways or when her charming dimples nnd frivolous galoty, prove Intensely boring to a busy, thinking husband! Love and marriage are worthy of deeper cuiiaiueruuon man gins nowadays are inclined to give them. Let the Jokesmlths sneer, and the pessimists groan, they are not living your life, ibut their own, Every girl must think this out for her self. For after, all happiness la every girl's goal, and It Is surely worth trying for. A Novel Powder-bag Such a pretty receptacle can be made with soft silk, to hold one of the little "solid" powder boxes which are sojmuch used, especially when traveling. It Is also a useful accessory for a vanity bar. Take two squares ot Bilk, size 6 Inches, by o inches; pale mauve and a darker shade make a charming combination. Procure a tiny round mirror the size of the box. Sew a little gilt braid around this and fasten it in the centre of the darker shade of silk. Work a little spray of flowers at each corner of the paler shade of silk. Tako the powder box and gather a pretty little covering of Bilk around this, finishing It off at the top with elastic, which Is Inserted In a slot In the ma terial. The puff of the powder box Is exposed to view, but the powder box can easily be taken out of the silk holder and re plenished when necessary. Join the two squares of silk together, placing the embroidered mauve silk at the top, and the darker shade at the bottom, with its mirror. Make a circle running about U Inches In circumference In the centre of the two pieces of silk and insert a silk draw cord. Stitch tho powder box in the middle, and the square of silk may be drawn up. It Is a most bewitching aid to beauty, and most girls will appreciate Its dainti ness. A Pear Pin-cushion A fruit pin cushion Is now one ot the latest freaks of the moment. Pear pin cushions are so reallstlo that at first glance they make one Imagine that they are the genuine article. Cut two sections of satin, and tint with the coloring of a pear or apple. A little wire, carefully covered with brown velvet or ribbon, fashions the stalk; the centre of the pear Is made of cotton-wool, and the satin Is neatly sewed oyer it. Peaches and apricots are made of dull yellow velvet, tinted In a bewitching rosy shade where it has been kissed by the sun. The centre Is again filled with cotton-wool, and the velvet is stitched neatly over. Correspondence ef general InUreat ta women reader will bs printed en this page. Such corrsspondence should bs addressed to the Wemsn's EdlUr, Evening Uedger. ALLTHATVOUGETHEREIS JVJIHO SQUABS Large cud tntalif J tut tho tains' for indi vidual urvla No Batr tbl dtltcisy tot tb luLuqmt av.nlog illnmr gr bom spread. Squab sulecas tram ihi tansu Jry pettt- try bait KfciiwuiUl ptlcm ua4 ottaai l d. ilveriea sarwhua. Careful attiaUon 9 mmJI an! pbeBf 94. W,ABe.der ONLY THg 8S11V WWFHS, SMi AKD t'OUII'RY READING TERMINAL MARKET ... mum .-M wmwmm Ufrl. MM-JWl 7, 1914. MODES OF While the changes In fashions for chil dren are allied to tho changes in fashions for women, they are not so radical, nor Is there the same breathless sctamble to keep up with the procession. It Is a child's right lo be aa well dressed as her school-mates and play-fellows In so far as possible. This Is not snobbish ness or foolish rivalry, but merely a recognition of tho fact that womankind at any age can bo mado self-conscious and ovcr-sensltlvo by tho lack of proper ap pare!. A smart little school dress can be maae from a very small quantity of material. It la not easy to err on the side of too great simplicity where children are con cerned. One of the most exclusive shops patronized by women to whom tho cosi of a frock Is no object, has as many orders as it can possibly fill for little one-piece frocks of chnmbray and linen, that are smocked back and front nnd at tho wrists, and otherwise quite untrlmmed. Tho frock sketched today Is for a child a little beyond the age of tho Bmocked frock. It Is a practical llttlo school dress and It could bo copied effectively In serge or cheviot. Tho sailor collar and straight cuffs are made of Roman striped silk. For this, of course, a substltuto could be found. And If the frock should out wear the collar and cuffs, they could bo THE CHRISTMAS GIFT Now is tho lime when tho mere man Is at a woman's mercy. Ho wanders about with a forlorn look and follows his sis ters with an unusual and restless meek ness. Ho listens with a dreadful Inten sity whllo they discuss what they'll give Eleanor or Jane. This wily attitude de ceives no ono; It Is perfectly plain that he Is looking for a Christmas present for a girl. If ho should come up to you, as he did to Aunt Ucsslo the other day, you may bo Interested In her answer, so here It Is: "My dear boy," sho said, "It alt de pends on what you wnnt her to under stand by your gift. This naturally de pends upon what you think of herl If you aro In love nnd she doesn't know It, give her something In the Jewelry line. If you hnvovrcason to think she returns your feeling 'she won't resent It. A friendship circle Is a pretty gift, fashion able U3 well as Indicative. A bracelet Is nice, too, plain not Jeweled. Nothing should bo Jeweled unless you are actually engaged to her, my dear! In this case glvo her what sho wants. If she tells you. If not, glvo tho best you can afford. "Now comes tho girl for whom you feel admiration and no stronger feeling than that. Sho Is Just an acquaintance, and you would llko to send some slight re Snapshots in the Market The season for fruits and vegetables la very well advanced, although supplies are particularly plentiful. Kggplnnt sells from 15 cents to 25 cents apiece. Hubbard squash costs from IS cents to 40 cents apiece. Parsnips are CO cents a peck. String beans are 20 cents a quarter peck. Okra, a quart, Is 25 cents. Spinach is CO cents n peck. , Hothouse cucumbers are 15 cents apiece or two for 25 cents. Artichokes sell at 25 cents apiece. Tomatoes, Florida carrier, cost 75 cents. Lettuce sells three heads for 25 cents. Mushrooms sell from 40 cents to CO cents a pound. Celery costs 40 cents to 60 cents a bunch. ' Green peas sell at J1.50 a half peck. Potatoes sell from B0 cents to CO cents a basket. The Ways of Women Over 6000 women In New York are em ployed as talloresses. Canada has an active rifle association composed of wqmen. Only 5 per cent, of the women In In dia can read and write. French milliners are paid from three to seven cents nn hour. 'Miss Hattle Story has been appointed postmistress at Bokchlto, Okla. Fruit as a Trimming Milady no longer wears a flower in her corsage, or under her left ear, or perched on hor coat collar, or peeping through her furs or In any of the queer places Fashion demands. In short, she wears fruit! So says one of fashion's expo nents, "No, my dear," she insists, "don't wear flowers. They are absolutely out of things! A gardenia may be tried, but even that la quite passe. Milady wears raisins, grapes, peaches, aplea and straw berries with their natural foliage. They only cost from 40 cents to 75 cents, anyhow." WINTER RESORTS Ledger Central will supply you with full information about winter resorts in apy section of the country. Tell you exact locations, seasons, attractions, and facili , ties for recreation or rest Give you particulars regarding train schedules and connections, sailing dates of steamship lines for anj port, Pullman and boat accommodations, cost of travel, and hotel rates en route? and at resorts. This service is entirely charge. Simply cal at the BALCONY LEDGER Bread and Biu Itti t Jfc ilBUE THE HOUR renewed In a different color or In a plaiat The belt Is of the same material as the frock. Belts of self material seem to have tho running, this Benson, In coats nnd frocks for children nnd women. Belts of colored nnd patent leather aro In ex cellent Btyle, but they ore not so popular as thoso ot cloth. Sclf-coverca uuuons give n touch of CISlinCllon iu Miu jnuiueat. ui l.rocKS. Al most any of tho big department stores will cover a dozen- buttons for q fe pennies. It is not n bad plan to have twice as many made as aro needed in the first place. Sergo or cheviot buttons sometimes get frayed or shabby long be fore tho frock shows any appreciable sign of wear nnd tear. Tho llttto hat pictured Is very smart. One loop of rlbbbn overlapping another In formal succession makes a trimming that extends around tho crown. Two platted ends of the ribbon form a motif .. at tho back that alarts from under bne ' of tho overlapping loops on the crown. Plaited grosgrain ribbon is having a vogue this year as a trimming for walk ing hats for children nnd women. It is a stylo that lopka easy to copy and Is really exceedingly difficult. A formal trimming must be exact, but It must not bo wooden. Tying an nrtlstta bow Is child's play In comparison with making a cockado or something of a similar nature. It presents the samo dlfllcultles to the 1 amateur inui iiiu luuui-iuuuij sun pre- i sents. Tiicro is a certain precision, a deflnltencss of touch that apparently be longs only to those who have served a long apprenticeship. membrance. 'Books, flowers or candy, says tno etiquette uook. Titanic goodness. nobody's pollto any morel Well, books- can uo nau at an mo liDrancs, nna this. Is enough for tho average girl, if your lady wants rare volumes for herself-- : well, marry tho paragon I Candy is nice. but most families havo so much candy' aiound during holiday time that It seems a shnmo tovput so much money Into It, Flowers aro charming. "I nm a firm believer In giving her something sho can use, gloves; for In stance. There Is nothing about them she could consider sentimental, and she will be greatly pleased. Select pure white" kid, long or small, as your ftnnnces per mit. A protty manlcuro set is also nice. They aro beautifully gotten up now, and can bo had at alt prices. A handbag Is, another useful gift. A picture irnmo to , match her dresser set Is another excel-' lent Idea. You can easily find out what her dresser set consists ot by 'pumping her or her mother. "You sec, there are any number ot things that you can give. Stationery, aj nice engraving, a fancy card case, a silk ' opera bag (or slipper bag If sho Is a I dancer), a good bottle of extract are onlyj a few mora suggestions. In short, myf. deur boy, It all depends on what youi wnnt her to tako for granted when you! send the gift. " Across the Counter The holiday showing ot children's fursj Is a very attractive one, and the prac tical Christmas gift promises to bo ai favorite this year. Thero Is a tiny little set ot white angora for the 3 or 3-year-old that only costs $1.25. a sec of imitation ermine at 53 for, a : Vnrv w tnt 1rtt nn j nnfi, m1 mn.Vnt I at J4 50. ; lK A pretty little set of brown coney.a muff and scarf, is priced at $8, and onej of white coney at Ji.50. Tho fashionable melon-shaped muff Is 1 exploited In a set of sable squirrel that"! costs 112. This Is suitable for a child i of 7 to 8. For a child of either age a set ot ' whlto Iceland fox costs J7 and a gray Iceland fox costs ft. A muff of a very good quality of beaver costs $10. There are beaver sets at J13.50 and 13, nnd a set costing J23 that Is large enough for a girl 12 or IS years old. Flnu natural giay squirrel costs 12 for scarf and muff In n "-small bIzb and 20 for a set large enough for a girl of 13 or perhaps 15. Cray krlmmer for a child of 6 costs tS.W for muff and scarf. A Br.t of red fox for a girl of 18 costs $13 for muff and scarf. For the same age a scarf and muff of mole costs $16.60. A very attractive muff and scarf ot natural raccoon for the girl of fl costs 122.50. A set of blue opossum, largo enCugh for a girl of the same age, is priced at $13.60. Sets of gray civet cat in the larger sizes cost $20. A diminutive set of Russian fitch of beautiful quality costs $25. The scarf has a fluting of brown velvet. of t&eRetU jcu!g M2B Walnut St. without CENTRAL' Cktstnnt SiiJ JTWI '- " i nm ""IH & pmwsjhi tww 1 'ii - im ii i if - - mi . . . i insulin iw H ii im, .hi mi l ilipi u j r j- IHBi ". l" I fl-'gy'iiWffftTili8 J1 "" m ' i"? MKpvMH jf?j,"Aiimifwui .y'1 fr"'j''Tj;Ti'grAliii&3Bifaa im. saBaalliMWsliMBMWWlslllllMsllllllllllllMssllfcsllli 'iFfMfffmP81 BWjHHsHIJIHBMsMiillllcslsinsasllllHsllHislVsSslHsVIl