Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1914, Night Extra, Image 1

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    NIGHT .
VOL. I-ltfO. 73
CoptKioiiT. 1014, bt tub rustic Lcmfcn CoutiKt.
germans press
in Double drive
""""'"'''"""''" "' ' '' ' ' ' '" " ' -! I II !.! !!.. ! .!!! I lenWSeWSwaMHI ! I I 1 1. l III III 11 Ill -I """f.
Victory at Lodz Opens
Way for Advance by
Both Hinde.nburg's
Wings, and Vigorous
Assaults Are Made on
Railway Centres Lead
ing to Polish Capital.
Capture of Lodz and German suc
cesses at both ends of the main
Poland battle line have opened War
saw to a double drive. The Kaiser's
qrmy has taken several railway points
and is pressing" assaults on others
which command direct communica
tion with the Polish capital.
Reports from Petrograd admit
tliat Lodz is in flames, but do not
acknowledge the Germans have seized
the city. ,
Both Vienna and Nish claim im
portant (rains in the fighting south
of Belgrade. ,
In the .western theatre of war the
Allies' offensive is being pushed with
vigor from the coast to the Argonnc.
The French communique today de
clares that the Allies' attack has dem
onstrated its superiority and that the
big .French guns have gained a mark
ed advantage over the Kaiser's ar
tillery. At four points long the battle line
the Allies have gained ground in the
last 24 hours and have maintained all
their positions against counter at
tacks. Turkish 'troops routed a British
landing force at a point north of the
Persian Gulf. Capture . of Kcda,
east of Batuni, is also claimed by
Ottoman forces. Two Turkish cities
near the Persian frontier were cap
tured by the Russians. They are
Eara-Kei and Baschkal. '
VotfTHndenburg's Armylffakes 30
Mile Advance Toward Capital.
w BERLIN, Dec. 7.
A new drive on Warsaw, the objective
of the second German campalgnjn
Poland", will follow the advantage gained
by the capture of Lodz. Official reports
tat that this heavily fortified position
and important manufacturing town, for
tho oast two weeks the centre of the
battle In Poland, was captured on Sun
day nlghtr -This success has Been accom
panied by other successes along the line
nnd there aro strategic possibilities that
tho new movement on Warsaw may be
pressed from the right ond left wings of
the German army of Invasion, which has
apparently gained 30 miles on each Hank.
Turning of the battle In Polund to the
advantage of the Germans Is announced
in tho official statement Issued today,
Ths statement assorts:
"The Germans occupied Lodz yesterday.
The Russians retreated with heavy
With Lodz taken ond advances of 25
ttlles having been made on both flanks,
the Qermins n Poland aro gaining1 cort
trol of tha main railroads leading direct
to Warsaw.
They are also threatening- tha commun
ications of the Russians on the southern
front of Grand Duke Nicholas' army.
Should, they -continue to meet with sue?
eess, the Russian movement toward
Czenstochows. will have to bo abandoned
i.nd the forces about Cracow might be
xorcea to witnaraw
This Is the situation today on the east
am front, as Indicated by the aernla.il
announcement, and the mention of fight
ing on both the northern and southern
flanks as mentioned from Russian sources
The Germans have advanced along the
Vistula, and fighting; is reported at Vow
to the north of Lods and In the vicinity
of Plotrkow to tha south Boih of these
towns are on the Important railroad lines
leading to Warsaw
In addition to the capture of Lodz, uri
emclal advice) indicate that the Ger
mans, are making a notable, advanoe
along the entire line In Central Poland
Petrograd dispatches say that fighting
Has taken place near How and north of
Lodz and at Plotrkow to the south.
Ttiis would Indicate that the Germans
have gained almost SO miles on both
flanks between .the VJstula and the
Warthe Rivers The latest reports had
tha Russians occupying Ploek. on tha
Vistula njver. and sttemgtlng: to crow
It to turn the left flank of the invaders.
How a more ta,t SS mils southeast of
Tlock and only a little rme than 4
r .miles from Warsaw on the roafn road to
ii the south of the Vistula The Russians
.Jvsve been reported recently in heavy
force near Gambia, which la about 50
milts due west of Haw,
jThe last fighting Itr the dlreotlon f
PJotrkow was reported at Skmiww,
which is about 38 wile south of wet
f that point and about hajf way to.
- i ' i m' V i
fioneltujfd on lse Ifonr
fW tfhtiadtlfAta and viainty
mrtktHHt winds thtftmg t wmtk
VMt Umght ami immki.
Jn tho region Of the Year we con
tinue to nttnek some trenches which
the enemy has maintained upon the
loft bank of tho canal.
In the lesion of Afcmentleres nnd of
Arms, oh In that of tho OIso, tho
Alsne ami th,e Argonnc, thcro Is hoth
ItlK to ropoi except that In a gen
eral way the superiority of our of
fensive has been demonstrated.
In the Champagne district our heavy
artillery, In several engagements, liftn
gained a marked advantage over tho
artillery br the enemy.
Thero is nothing now on the eastern
front, where the positions of tho pre
vious day have been maintained.
Headquarters reports that the Ger
mans are In possession of Lodz. The
"G-armtuiti have gained Important suc
cesses In Northern Poland. They have
fought great battles with strong Hus
sion forces around T.odz, which town
la now In full possession of our forces.
We are unable to give the details
of the battle of Lodz, owing to ths
extent of tho battlefield, but tho Rus
sian losses wcro undoubtedly great.
Austro-Germah activities to the
southwest of Plotrokow prevented Jho
ItusslaiiB coming to tho assistance of
tho threatened Russian armies In
Northorn Poland.
Ucadquartora announces that no spe
cial reports have been received from-
the western theatre of war or from
the. region east of tho Mazurian Iakes
(Kast Prussia).
French Attack Showing Su
periority From Coast- to
Argonne Kaiser's Artil
lery fit Disadvantage.
PARIS, Dec. 7.
A determined offensive la now belhg
pressed by the Allies from the coast to
tho Argonne. The official communtnuo
thb French attack Is greatly superior to
the German, and the heavy French artil
lery ! gaining the advantage over that
of tho Germans This Is the first time
that France has made the claim that Its
guns are superior to those of the Ger
mans. Tho offensive taken along the Vser
River by tho Allies continues, but tho
communique claims no great progress.
The"Gormana are resisting: stubbornly in
this region.
Official Information from tho front says
mat me Allies have gained ground at
the following "points:
On the Yser Canal, south of Dlxmude,
where British and Trench, troops sup
ported by heavy artillery, rlrove the Ger
mans from their advanced positions.
.NQrth of Cambrln, between Bethune and
La Bassee, where the heavy artillery
of the French caused such havoo In the
invaders' trenches that the Germans
abandoned them, lealng many dead and
wounded behlndr ,
Northwest of Verdun? on tha Apremont
Clermont highway, wlrere the German
artillery which had been planted to com
mandcrt,he Varennes-Ste. Menehould road
wab silenced. ,
Near DammerklrcX In the southern
ranges of the Vosges, where the French
are moving forward largo bodies of re
inforcements. Hard lighting Is. In progress around
Asplch, where the French arn earrvrnir
on a vigorous bombardment with guns
passes of tho Vosges wtth enormous diffi
In west Flanders the British are striv
ing to push toward Sladem. which U
only eJKht miles qouthwest of Thou rout
and Ave miles northwest of Roulera. It
Is at this pplnt that the French aver
thoy have demoilsheda German field
It Is reported from Fumes that severe
fighting Is In program around Blver
dlnghe. which la on the railway line
connecting Ypres with Furnes The
Genuana are deiherl&g counter attacks
under srat difficulties there because the
flooding of the country by the Belgians
left only a few roads they could traverse
In a forward movement, and all of these
A.re Jn range of the Allies' artillery.
Ottend hag been damaged by Are, but
no confirmation l)4s h9ij received of
tast night's reports that tha entire city
)s balui; ittroyd
BvWmf of the growliw confidence In
Perl U found In tha fast that the
thttr ar ppuln tlanibers f the
Oovttrnuuut ar coming baajc to Paris
from IWdeau this wak.
Metshaats' ZJamt Pwtroyed. qtt
Coast of QJilH,
8AUTIAGO, CWH. D. t.T Qesman
transport Prlna HtI today sank tha lltr.
etuuiu Uusr Chares off the Cbtllau coast,
W ivUta north f VadmraUa. Ttj Pterosi
tii bound for Guyac. wkuw a etrg
ii ix was ta'bave baa Vakw bril
fur Naw Xork. Tha GrinaB took tha
nw ol ttM QMreas to Pa$uo Uy. H
tulles uonlit of Valparaiiw
Cwjatiii a ou tbe cuast of Chill and
K&rB & SSsBHsHsBBSsSBiSn irTttBEMKmKkx m tBmB? Mf ?W kid M$mMzmB9
'M1 F9sVsV9sVsVsBsW M 9S 9sVsVsVsVHHilRl ri SsBsTCaflasmflaBsV&v l JsVHaV. f ? ?t Ml k WiJfcwJmHK
IHHHHHHB S mm sBbbbbbBbbbBBkI Ml aSsVsSPBBSBsVlt 9k msBbBbk. ' 8 " - 1 i-jSy ,?islWtB
bSbSbSbSHBbK i'Vtf IB sVSBBbSbHKk 1 -l JB&LvhBsWsSbBBK!' K MbSBBBbL ' ,-4ilzlJkw M:''JwyK
sHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSbbbbVW $ MM 1sSbBsssssH A WW ssffisf&BaMsBt 4sBo Mm JsVbsssssbssBbBi VV 'nl tsf " fil?Pfflw
,aHBsssssssssssssSr ' Ja JmBMBBkIB'" s f JffinffiMBIsllBBiW nwWP S BMP W MMBBn&i'?'nnwBBg
-. .Iw" V ffwBBSEt allH VIkRP
bbbbbkP V bb? bbbb bbbhbbbbbbbII Ibbbbbb -wf. - ,. JMBBsIsBbI. 1
fHha ''S-'rcsBfl - iBYBBBBBBnPMW . .iaBBBBW W jmJWU5S5a
BBBBBJB mi .JMBBBBaBsS t"BBBBg ,,x '5BBBBT ,fir- "" - -'' 'SHIWhB
mWK&BmmMW$&ll&&$ 9KmmK 'MBBBT-r'' -tsSisfe . Zftf
PBnBBBflHffiBBBBBm 'WB? J C KV . ' J 'T1 ' ""T
S IHbHEbbPIbSSm -afc.. . ? ti53SR i2. TN HkSI
ife J&cKiBBBBBBaHML nig " - r
mbbbbB, ' 'J WEM MM Ifc r; JI. imfmim
; -. iBszazaiBBUwissBSBSsiianBBSBiiBSBBra. . oMssn t,.vsia.i.t, ".jL'-mi rBwjT ,-'?. . tss ss. - -s ss ssari' " vui&aa aiv
's, assssDss.BBSiaBgBBBabm'n ' shsji m&&igmtosgii, . ,.. ,,xrxii:;-iW'?f'iaxss ?t i.i;
JIbbbbBbbbbbbBm" -s 9b HbbeKPSOmIHb Fy
JHsBBBBBBfsBBMBff Si liiti JSfJsl sb18wI
JbBBBBBBBBmBKIw?wv "rtd iKiyyKffiln9 W13BHfPfPiMwW s$i
BBflBBBBBBli ' HHbmPBBSHSW wsHwlKrMfl -fe
BBBBBBBsBaBBnBPii ' t wWWmwfo mTJy nffi tlnffr' 'it TT WMF -BgakgaiwBiil
JBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBkBnMK.TBBBBBRnCV r 1 t T TBTBBBBTTi TTMsWil n T QilBufMMnaT' j" 'Tmmfllif' iffl t-r. ".-' jHBHKiwflBBaWWtM J'vk, sJU vJLa
: "BBBBBHBWisw. WmWMlmMzMMm. 1 wl .j &v H BBBBBBBt -!
kBBBBwBP'lfflRWtoiKb. BsHhsK'''9h i" ifei 3fcs' ?I tJP "'BBBsiB!H?BrirSSfe' T'T:
r. - , BlBBBBflNHBr sSSPBtB bB9bBW.P 'MmmWM - "..'IPBBPF IMr" '
' j isiSBw ri. 3BBK Aba "SH I StrSwsbvs v Wwti. P9bBbTOw" n- ,. flBBBBMTcXP mmW iw&S"
w.."rflBTBlBriBflH? . 3mftmusxfc. mm Wtmzsmm,. Jl."St ,mmt ,-E-1- I
Lik WiniPBHEsB.. ,. ,,Ajj, .. v2m WHP"'' r"1' ' t-" ' riiu 11 ifnfTrr?iifffWM ' ; iiTTyQi ffl
"' TSe Btorm SvlifcrTTiaa swepfrtHeA!fdntIc ooasTcontmuerl witfi unaVaTecTvlofence1 In he cfty andVKirutyModay.
in reaching their places of occupation because of the slow-movements
dangerous task, as the violent wind made umbrellas almost impossible
times Chestnut and Broad streets were almost deserted. Above are
Worst Storm in Years Rips
Awdy Houses and Piers.
Six Lives Lost Wires
Down in City-r-Ships in
Six lfva lost, three In or near Phila
delphia, one at Atlantic City. -Two
men went down with the bay schooner
William Donnelly off Thimble Hhoala
Property damage along tho coast
estlmatdat 1000,000.
Trolley, telephone, . telegraph and
electric light wires and trees down In
this city, signs smashed or ""blown
away, pedestrians endangered by
dangling live wires.
Atlantic City's loss more than 110,000.
Including damage to music hall of
Bteel Per and destruction of cottages,
some owned by Fhlladelphlans.
Many ships In distress along the
coast Revenue cutters are racing to
their assistance.
8ea walls of solid concrete under
mined and washed away or battered
down by boardwalk plants at nearly
every New Jersey resort.
New stom from off North Carolina
now raging. Gala not expeoted to
spend Itself for twoJ days. Numer
ous ships olIong the coast not reported
and believed to be In distress
Wind velocity yesterday 60 miles at
Delaware ' Breakwater and BJoak
Island. 18 miles at Nantucket, JS miles
at Atlantic, City, and SO miles In this
clti- The wind Since has Increased In
violence off, the Jersey coast and saa,
faring men say It has reashad a
velocity at some points of 90 mites an
Phe wost Storm In ysr Is ttattrtns
the Atlantte tceast (rom Maine to the
Carinas tdty w the erest f a gale
blowing at a'averago, rat) ef tt ml)a a
out. smashing through oak a.nd $Ofwrte
burkfctads, toai-lng away tbe foundatWa
of piers and osttages aaddrivlng seoM
of (ip baXara It Tim (ess suffered so
far Is baUavad w axeaaid fLikaXoeo.
LH&a mwm cutiers are rlkina da-1
smuuMt sus im cok U Bsbx thaJr
vav t vaJs In dlstrwa aod otlMra that
hav (aU4 to respond to IststotatU calls
ol M win. From Capo Uaitatas to
Nw stejB)ad(peiBi tfc Uwn Is as
plUy svre. Saasnasi te toll at
Mps and Uvae wtll ba tha tsurgwt la
many yearft-
bbow la fauins to ua usoar "1'ilsitiinl
1-a.ka aud PUin tMiM "TaTas ami "ii
IMm44 to New tSiyjlaud and Naw Tork.
Tsw tvn of U wind baiaod la not m
saa.t m at . bt the tUm. mat ttrto
r 'v m tkjnrnMijk ml MIT mrallfff fsMsMt "JffMsBasasaBKk- MmWtSBKi
ibWW"--' - T-iar-T-ff 'W&-rrrs? t Mrm "Si -J&ssm-zz?' &&?r&3&i
Vessel Believed for Time to Be the
Kansas Puts to Sea.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-A essel be
lle ed to be a foreign warship, aground
oft pecan City, Md , got off shortly be
fore noon today after sounding her siren
Incessantly for hours In n vain 'coll for
assistance. The sea was too rough for
llfesavcrs to put out. The vessel put
to sea, according to llfesaveis who re
turned from North Beach.
The ship, which had four funnels, had
her siren blowing Incessantly for assist
ance, according to a message to the Navy
Department from the keeper of the llfe
savlng station at Ocean City, The mes
sage received In response to an Inquiry
by Secretary of the Navy Daniels read:
"Am unable to ascertain nationality or
kind of ship. Has four funnels, two
masts, fighting top on each as far as pos
sible to see. Weather thick. Ship blow
ing for assistance."
Rumors were current about the de
partment that the stranded vessel was
the battleship Kansas, but this was
doubted by navy officials.
Admiral Fletcher, commander qf the
Atlantic fleet, pointed nut that the Kan
sas had only three funnels, while the
vessel off Ocean City had four,
Institutions Will "Be. Opened Only
After Fumigation. s '
Discovery of two scarlet fever tases lr
two oity schools today resulted In the
dismissal of c'asaes until the buildings are
fumigated Frank Bernstein, a pupil at
the Walton, School, Mth and Huntington
streets, who had been 111 for Beveral
days, was suffering rrom scarlet fever, ac
cording to a dlagnosl Saturday The
George W. Chllds Sehool, 17th and Tpsker
streets, was closed after It was (earned
that George McGulre. a sixth-grade pupil,
was ill from scarlet fever. Both sjhools
will be closed; until they aro thoroughly
Frank fStep Nearer Gallows
WASHINGTON, Dae T.-The United
Stataa Supreme Court today dnil, the
writ of error iwtiyad for t tlje at
torneys of La rV-ank, eenvlcte4 In tha
Georgia, eeuUa a tha murder of Mary
Phagan. Ttois aitUm leas tha. Gov
eroor's riwRey as the only aaqs
through whlefc tlw eondwunad watt oan
scRe the death nanalty. Govarnor
Siayton baa awaouocad hi purpose of
giving the Usltsjaopy1 in the eaaa a carr
flU asd ImpajHIaJ axaaaluaUos. and said
ha would t BitMed. by Uta ras4H of Utla
"Dr." Flower Sentencad to Two Years
NKW iOHK Dc 7 Two er In
StajC aUti m tbe puoUkUKiil wttni out
losay to n-yaairoist t Kichard c
Flowsr woo was Indicted lu mi tor
wlndUtm aftteress ibt aattad him
atmsm "Dr Fiowr had
nsuiy vletUna ii) yhUadBlpbia wr fee
ojawattd. lor mwat yawa.
of street cars and suburban trains.
to hold. Few persons ventured out of
typical scenes in the streets and parks.
JEVeserviBts Going Home on Ancona
Talk of Going to Front.
Fifteen hundred Italian Reservists, os
tensibly "going homo for Christmas," left
the Municipal pier, at Vine street, on the
Italia liner Ancona shortly after noon
today, after each man had been searched
on the deck of the liner for weapons. The
men are going home to Join their regi
ments In the Italian army, according to
their statements through Interpreters.
A detail of police from the 1th and
Race streeta station, under Lieutenant
McBrlde ond six detectives from City
Hall, was sent d keep order In the
crowd of MOO Italian men and women
who went to the pier, disregarding the
driving rain, to cheer their returning
fellow countrymen
Officials of the line explained the un
usually large number of stalwart men
between tho ages of IS nnd 3S years re
turning on tho Ancona by saying that
they probably were going home for
Christmas. Few of the passengers on the
liner bore out this statement. Most of
them proudly said they were on their
way to join the colors of their native
A good-sized arsenal of revolvers of all
makes and dates, stilettos arid ordinary
knives were collected In the search of tha
reservists, Police headquarters sent a
tip to the officials of the boat that many
of the men returning home probably
would be armed.
They advised that the passengers be
searched, This was done on the deck as
the reservists came aboard Men on the
ship who made the search said that
nearly every man had soma kind of a
Fears that the German cruisers- said
to be In the Atlantic might make an at
tempt to halt the Ancona and prevent
the return to Italy of the reservists were
expressed at the pier by some of the
minor officers It was said that in Ital
all the newspapers" were "playing- up" the
necessity of mobilizing the army to Its
greatest strength The war spirit is
everywhere Through the Italian papers
It ha.t apparently penetrated to the
Italians living In the United States.
Tbe Ancona will stop at New Voek and
then, win go to Naples, Genoa ana Pal
ermo. s i
The detectives detailed to the crowd
to keep order were Lynch. Farrell. Mul
holUnd, Garr apd Walsh They had no
trouble. WhJle the hawsers ware being
cast off the great throng stood barehead
ed and sang stirring songs In their native
Salesman for Allen Faeklng Company
Loses JJife in Head-on Collision,
One pvan was. Instantly kitted a,4 tferee
Where wore badly injured at, S-otol&ck
tfela moralBK when an automobile jfuek
of tbe AUsr Packing Coapar" at Media
aa.4 atvNfeae aMtoaaobU crafted baed-oo
at HvaW a4 BatHwtora. aveai&s.
Tbe dead sms waa a aalajnsan for ta
BAaklBg1 eOMjwwr and wa on tk fronc
seat ' He waa ewsnad to. death batwaas
th wreaVaae 'wo ma chinas.
9UjPry road that caused the toa
crdoaa to slid ware rpooibl for the
accident. Driver of both mausiaaa had
Uudr brakea u" t the umt but tha
aiilos aU4 lur.wu .1 iu ptri eptibie re
ductloe of spaed Tbe wreckage blocked
trasoe 00 tha Southern Paaa ivaola
TraetWa Company it ask tor inura toao
an aour b. lsiurd t war tAkan
In a nfiattalpl'
Thotlsands df'persoris vefe Wfe""
Crossing a street corner was a
doors who could avoid it and at
Final Sitting of Sixty-third
Session Begins President
to Read Message Tomor
WASHINGTON. Dec 7.-After voting
for a Joint session of Congress for to
morrow to hear the President read his
message, both the House and the Senate
adjourned this afternoon. The third and
final session of the 63d Congress con
vened at noon, and today's proceedings
wore of a routine character.
In both the House and the Senate there
were many absent seats, being vacated
chiefly by members of the "lame-duok"
The House got under way for Its last
lap with a wave of cheers. Speaker Clark
was swamped with applause. Democrats
yelled themselves hoarse. The galleries
were crowded with visitors In the Sen
ate more decorum was observed.
The 63d session expires by Constitutional
limitation on March t.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-When the Sen
ate assembled at noon today for the last
session of the B3d Congress. 79 Senators
answered to their names on the call for
a quorum. The Senators eame early and
tha hum of conversation soon resembled
an afternoon reception.
Senator Penrose, of Pennsylvania, had
warm welcome from his Republican and
Democratic colleagues, returning to tbe
Senate an overwhelming vlQtor after one
of the most sensational campaigns In re
cent years.
As. the hand of the big clock over the
entrance of the Senate Chamber marked
aoon Vtca President Marshall rapped for
order The Senate chaplain, tbe Rev
forest p. Prettyman, offered tha prayer,
asking that the. Senate now assembllag
be guMUd ajong tha right path In tha
delicate conditions existing today.
The Vlee President then declared the
sBa.ie in saaaum.
WiW.SS 8,enr nov!
bw Tw reawu- senator nananeaa.
ef Alabama presented the credentials of
Oeear W. Underwood, the present major
ity leader of the House, who coma to
tbe Senate at-jha close of the pressent
Congress; w
iSenAter OiUe James, of Kaatnekv. u-
seataA the eredantiaje of Senator Oua.
fen, who was rtrjAaaud for the ajsait
tae andiag March 4 and ssjiSljt
Camden took th. oatb of 0M0. .
aanaior Ifetn. of Iadtan, and gtrutaf
geiww ! oomjnitos IWsjf tt
nwiMIW BHti invssrw WWII SSW TBJI JTfJSl.
m a lanwn mo taaajy to rooaaias Kp
intaaaa oa daaurad to submit.
Tha rtrst manwrials sUad war the os-
t nun of a large auntear of uu staa '
ud woowo club to I uiawout ttao
urytu the adosUou of a uwatituutuial
a mndnMat tu-vbiUUna fcol)aai aa v-ie-poaed
In t4 Wweka-GUUu raawLutton.
Tna Sule ;uac4 uiots I di.k ttjta
Representatives of 10.00$
Businessmen Oppose
Costello's Scheme for
Higli Speed Line as
Subterfuge to Obstruct
Taylor Plan.
Meetings of Protest
Against Gostello'-s
Hold-Up Transit BiU
Paseunk Avenue Duslness. Men's
Association, routhnest corner Pass
yunk avenue and Mobre street.
North Philadelphia Business Men's
Association, 11S0 Germantown avenue.
Cohockslnk Business Men's and
Taxpayers' Association,
Fortieth and Market Streeta Busi
ness Men's Association.
East Germantown Improvement As
sociation. FRIDAY NIGHT.
Kox Chase Improvement Associa
South Oak Lane Improvement As
sociation. And (nets are only Ins advanca
Philadelphia will not accept Cortello J
A mighty protest against -the hold-up
ordinance. Introduced by the Congressman-elect
from Frankford on Thursday,
haa been registered In every section of
the city.
The United Business Men's Association,
representing a membership of 10.0)0 and
33 other affiliated and unaffiliated or
ganizations In every part of the city, have
gone on record as opposed to the Cos
telle plan. Officers of these organisa
tions, together with representatives of
numerous civic and Improvement bodlaa.
declare Philadelphia will not be held
up such by a short-sighted ordinance and
are planning a demonstration to show
their approval qf the Taylor plan.
It is the consensus of Opinion that s
more unpopular measure concerning the
welfare of the people has never been In
troduced In Councils., with the possible
exception of the IS0G ga lTi-
Not onlv those who live In Mtreme
parts of the city, but residents of Cos
tello's own district, declare bis Mil is
the result of "a sinister, unexplained,
pleeemeal, selfish scheme for per!
political purposes"
Bmphatle proof as to where the entire
city stands on tbe matter la anaws bv
the faet that protest meetings wttl
held In different leoatltls ry uishl
this week, and wasting will ee avi.
every Councilman tSt they 1M be ex
pected to hav the iBereats of tait cu
atltuents In rniad wnn ronstdaftpg tran
sit measure, U
Many Couaallman nave alrajy gene cm
record deelartng themselves mMMt th
CosteUe anU-anaed bill, and kf an 1
tacnot l made to force $ lltdtems
maasttfe through by gag mle tlia JBiiisjjw
will search to tbe Council enatnjMJejL a
they did In tae days of tha saa taaje
and expreaa their efwn opinions fetfSs
OlfctaU of bnalnasa aww's t nnelntltj
and ImBanvamant organltationa ti m
eanehidert est fis ate
zoyx AX8 kjtd
e Oataoi fa SO ut Ami
tan, at tn. u Qflytaa fe
M ti- T( . I IV!
ITT fat I ntltliM
C W f- L M. j i
iijl.l "it
UWf-Vrtej e j t aju a lejMaw .
I av " ' " i '
I Jt
Sal wSIb
an aifc) l-c
hCm PmwKak a 00 a4 M km
UMktjraai 9U. aiw1 at
" SMV Uw Jii( i. rtaiJr. . 41 . ,..,..:.
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