PPWPB wffHPW 0$ "WWPW'' tyAKW ll PfPfPW EVENING LEDGEBPHlADELPHIA SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, T9T3; -g IWnJlv DEFINITE PLEAS , OUTLINED FOR RATE HEARING Commuters' Case Will Be Based on Three Definite Charges R. R. Heads Silent on Discrimination. Threo clearly defined and distinct points tipou which tho passenger rate Increase, pronosed by the railroads wilt bo com baled before the Pennsylvania Public Service Commission here next Thursday wore agreed upon UiIb morning at a meet Ins of tho Joint transportation and subur ban corrfmltteo of tho United Business Men's Association In tho ofllco of Udward IS. Martin, chairman. First, It wilt bo shown that Philadelphia lias bcon tho victim of unusual discrimi nation on tho part of tho railroads In that, .wllllo n general rise In passenger tariffs MS beon pronosed throughout tho Bast, tho Increase In commutation service Is directed particularly against Philadelphia and not against. Now York and other cities, Second, attornoys for tho Joint commit tee will present proof to show that tho railroad companies havo not compiled with tho public service company law In that they failed to post and publish notices of tho proposed lncrcnsa In tho stations along their lines, whcro the change would bo effective. Third, tho Commuters will contend that tho Interstate Commerce Commission In suggesting that the railroads Increase tho passenger tariffs did so with reference to long hauls and not with nny thought that tho commutation servlco would bo affected. In view of tho general misunderstand ing regarding this last point, the com mittee, at the conclusion of Its meeting, gave out tho following statoment: "The general Impression which tho pub lic labors under that tho Interstato Com merce Commission directed tho railroads to ralso the passenger rato fares Is an erroneous one, when generally considered. "Tho Interstato Commorco Commission has officially declared that they havo no authority over Intrastate rates. Long hauls covering Interstate traffic has been the servlco which the railroads claim Is a losing venture. This Is tho passenger service under tho Jurisdiction of tho In terstate Commerce Commission. "Therefore, when they Intimated to the railroads that tho passenger rates be raised they only could havo referred to those long Interstato rates which como under their supervision, and not local commutation rates, with which they have nothing to do." Tho attorneys for tho committee will meet AVednesday morning, the day before tho formal hearing, to review tho final testimony to be presented the commission. RAILROAD HEADS SILENT. Officials of the Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com panies today refused to offer any de fen.Be against the chargo made by com- Service Commission that their companies jwere guilty of discrimination against Philadelphia. The protests filed -with tho commission y local complainants show that, while allroads running Into Philadelphia will fexuet a general lncreaso in fares to all olnts, they havo announced an addi tional sweeping Increase in commutation tariffs affecting this city particularly. At the same tlmo not one of the rail roads touching Now York city has ex pressed intention of advancing the com mutation rates, although each has an nounced a general increase in regular passenger rates. When asked to glvo some explanation of this alleged Injustice to Philadelphia, E. J, Weeks, general passenger agent for the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company, replied: "I have nothing to say," D. N. Bell, general passenger agent for the Pennsylvania itallroad, tl reply to a similar question, answered that tho Pennsylvania officials would havo otning to say for publication until tne orroal hearing before the commission. NOT ASKED TO REPLY. No charges of discrimination have een made to us," he added, "and It the ubllc Service Commission wished us to make any reply to the complaints filed ETvlth them they would let us know. This consideration will probably bo taken up at the hearing next Thursday, and we 'twill make all explanations there." The Germantown and Chestnut Hill Improvement Asoclatlon, which, through tlnrla a"orney' Ward W. Plerson, yester- aj iiiutw.ci, Mtjaiiiob wio iiikicoaa utuiig he line of the Philadelphia and Read- ng, today filed a formal complaint with lie public Service commission against e Increase along tho lines of the Penn lvanla. Railroad, The charge of discrimination against hlladelphln on the part of the rail- ads Is taken up In particular In the econd complaint. The withdrawal of ertaln forms of the commutation tickets nd the increase in price of others near hiladelphla by the Pennsylvania Rail- ad is declared to tie "unjust, unreason- ble and discriminatory," because the ame action has not been taken In the uburcan xone near New York city. The complaint further states If the pro- osea increase is allowed to become ef- ectlve it will so reduce the area from Inch skilled artisans can be drawn here hat ma,ny manufacturing Industries ocated in and near Philadelphia will be ompeueu to remove to New York or ther Industrial centres where "Indus- rial workers and laborers can find con venient and ready access at reasonable tea of fare to their respective plants." CALL INCREASE "A HOLD-UP." Commuters have united In denouncing e proposed cnanges In suburban tariffs a deliberate hold-up of Philadelphia, has been pointed out that the com- utatlon rates now in force In New ork city from points more than seven. lies outside of the city are lower than the present rates here for a corresponding distance. Within the seven-mile limit the New York rates are now slightly higher than the present Philadelphia rates. But should therproposed Increases become ef fective here, both within and without the seven-mile xone, the Philadelphia rates will be much higher than those In New York. Tns complaint of the Qormantown and Chestnut Hilt Improvement Association ets forth .the following: --una i tne aetenaant. for a ions- period of years, has Induced large number of residents to settle In different suburbs. Investing large, sums of money, with the suit inat Dusmsss nas peon established nd property valuss have bean Increased, Mreaing the passenger and freight serv es to those points. - rnai among tne lnauosmeBts held out by the railroad company was the Issuance u otrutn forms of commutation tickets. vhlco. they now wUh to withdraw. "That each Increase In fare, imposed IB the past has resulted In dscrs&sM la aporty values. That the resulting decrease la volume ps.HHtr.jrer truffle, la th event of the iMresuM becoming effective, will aoai. nauiuon iu tram and asms." Th ui.,ur Is vurrwBt la Ws-?hfegtot -j nose us, interstate rnmrnsrae Is about to ordar a suaoauiaLan to proposed lucrsas In so far as la- tie inane is confuted as a taault ft the protxuita tUsd with thtni. Tba nro- at i i.itBj jt t--, th. Buauamdliur SAUCE FOR THE KAISER; 'NOT GUILTY,' SAYS 'HOGG COURT' Young; Socialists Find Ho Hoally Didn't Instigate Great War. Kaiser Wllhelm was acquitted of con spiracy to Instigate the great European war before tho "Hogg Court," where ho was tried, under auspices of tho Young People's Socialist League, Apollo Hall, 1728 North Broad street, last night Both the prosecution, ably represented by Meyer Snyder, and tho defense, well conducted by Isaao Paul, tried their best, the first to hang tho Kaiser, and the other to havo htm acquitted on Uie alibi that ho was defending "culture and civili zation." For n while It looked bad for the Kaiser, as "Andrew Barnegle," tho Czar of Rus sia, and a Red Cross nurso gave some tcry damaging testimony against him. Ills stock rose considerably, however, when tho Sultan of Turkey and Mr. Wil liam Jennings Orapojulce testified In his behalf. But what seemed to Influence tho "court" most In tho Kaiser's favor was his own testimony. So bitter and emotional did tho trial appear at certain stages that at one point tho Czar of Russia and the Knlscr al most camo to a sword duel. At another Juncture, with tho appearance of tho Sultan, the love scene enacted between tho latter and tho Kaiser detained tho proceedings for a short Intervnl. There waB perfect sllcnco In the court room as tho court clerk called the court to order and announced, "The World vs. Tho Knlsor." The associate Judges were a cannibal. appointed to the position fcr tho reason that, being a savage, and, therefore un tainted by tho practices of civilization, ho was most competent to Judge tho Kaiser; a deaf, dumb and blind Judge, occupying the exalted position because "being blind ho typified Justice;" n China mnn, and wild Indian, recognized In every way as superior in their methods to those who employ civilized warfare. The can nibal's qualification also lay In tho fact that ho did not speak English. "I particularly am pleased with tho blind Judge," said the attorney for the prosecution, Meyer Snyder, "I hope that thoso Judges who are not blind will try to overcome tho difficulty by using their Intelligence." The Czar of Russia, Samuel Packman claimed, "was dragged Into the war against his will." He gave a detailed account of RusBlan culture with the evi dent Intention to prove that Slav culture was superior to tho German kultur. "As evidence, tho Czar pointed to what he has dono for the Jews In tho past and what ho has promised to do for thorn In the future. Ho denied that ho ordered any mobilization before the Kaiser declared war, saying that he called his soldiers for mere target practice. As another evi dence of Russian culture, he gave the fact that "there are no laws In Russia which makes cleanliness compulsory." The attorney for tho defense scored nn Important point when he proved that "the Kaiser was tho only man who was ablo to drive Russia, France and England into an alley." Tho Kaiser, on the witness stand, claimed that "tho alley bunch were try ing to block my almost successful work of civilizing the wholo world." Ho be came very defiant and exclaimed, "But I am going to do it If I havo to lick tho wholo gang." "German kultur," said the Kaiser, "was the best of all. It Is the mother of necessity and the father of all desires." The Sultan, Martin Hartogs, defended tho Kaiser ably, through an Interpreter, Professor Bubenkratzer. GIRL PLAYS DETECTIVE Orders Arrest of Two Women She Follows From Store. A girl clerk in a jewelry store acted ns detective and helped trait two women, who wero held today in 500 ball each by MagtStrata Morris, of the 19th and Oxford streets station, for further hear ing Tuesday. Miss .Elsie Stockier followed the two women' last night after they had left the jewelry store of Mrs, John Dotter, 1837 Columbia avenue, where she is em ployed, and ordered their arrest. The women are accused of "taking Jewelry and two caps from another store. They described themselves as Lilly Stratford, 25 years old, 1521 North 10th street, and Alice West, 27 years old, 721 Wallace street. POLICE INDICTED FOR GRAFT Sills Returned Against Members of Chicago Department. CHICAGO, Dec, 5. Police Captain John J. Halpln. until a few weeks ago head of the Chicago detective depart ment; Lieutenant John II. Tobln, former assistant chief of the detective depart ment, and Detective Sergeant Walter O'Brien were named In Indictments re turned today by a Grand Jury Investi gating charges of wholesale graft In the police department. Halpln was accused of bribery and operating a confidence game. Tobtn and O'Brien were indicted on charges qf op erating a confidence game. Other Indictments are expected next week. ACCUSED OF STEAMNO. METAIi Police Arrest Man "With Wagon Load of Missing Material. Many robberies of garages and boiler rooms at manufacturing plants recently reported to the Lower Merlon police to day resulted In the arrest of Frank CapUn, 09 Manton street. He was ar rested driving near Bryn Mawr with a wagonload of metal. According to the police, the metal was stolen from the boiler room of Bryn Mawr College, the garage ofLents 8. Clark, of Ardmore, and other places. Soma of It was Identified. PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL FUND Announcement was made last night that 31,000 of the 150,000 fund being raised for a new building for the Providence Gen eral Hospital, Lincoln drive and Wlssa hlvkon avenue. Is In hand. The Campaign Committee met at the Manhelm Cricket I Club and It was stated that the entire amount would be raised within a short ..time. Work on the babies' ward will be gin in five weeks. &C Auto Robes i Flush, or all-wool. Bsauuful eel ottt aod re-verslbU, Ford Radiator Covers BUusk Uitfiar tm, heavy wool ojd. Frfea RS0 Mb. Direct frn facUvy, save 190 per eat FotwanUd promfitty uw receipt of oris. EWcttt pre paid. an-iUfaodun yimrintstil or hmmji rfuadd. HOERNER MORGAK WHY COMMUTERS ON THE Thb Pennsylvania Railroad has provided n comprehensiV and adequate suburban train service at frequent hours during the day and night, with high-class modern train equipment to and from all stations in thb suburban field, bringing it at all times within close communication with tho.heart or. tho city. The low rates of fare maintained, the high-class service and tho various forms of commutation tickets provided, aro features which must prove attractive to the-suburban dweller, as well as materially aid in the further development of this entire region. As a special accommodating feature for suburbanites, tho Pennsylvania Railroad carries free 06 cost for holders of commutation tickets, from Philadelphia to tho stations called for on their tickets, sixty pounds or less of marketing and vegetables, also bread in bags or baskets, and.buttcr in kettles ana tubs, when intended strictly lor tamily use! Tins service is supplied to all stations within thirty milcs'of Philadelphia to which commutation tickets are sold, except on the Capo May Division of the West Jersey & Seashore Railroad, on which marketing will not be carried free to stations beyond Glassboro or Swcdesboro. For tho week-end pleasure seeker, or thoso in search of a Vacation place of sojourn during tho heated summer months, there will be found In the following pages much valuable infor mation carefully collated, as to the names of hotels and board ing houses, their capacity and rates. To the busy city man of affairs, or the toiler in the various municipal marts of trade, this book of carefully compiled information is submitted, that it may' reveal to him tho perhaps hitherto unknown joys of suburban life, or tho con venience "bTraralTcsIacncealonYtEoTIScTcTtE Railroad. v The map specially prepared and published as a part of this book will serve to indicato clearly the location of each station to which reference is made. For further information, if desired, address D. N. Bell, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street-Station, Philadelphia, This ia a reproduction of a page from a booklet issued by the Penn sylvania Railroad entitled, "Thirty Miles Around Philadelphia." The underscored portions are what strike the commuters as peculiarly worthy of note just now, in view of the sudden rise In passenger fares. They declare they were induced to move to the suburbs on the strength of such lures held out by the company. The market basket privilege has been cut off since this was issued, ONE-HALF AS MAM HOMICIDES HERE AS IN NEW YORK CITY Record of Three Months Shows That 15 Persons Came to Violent End in Philadelphia in That Time With IS homicides In the months of September, October and November, Phila delphia's record shows hardly mora than half as many crimes per thousand pop ulation as were committed In Now York city In tho same period. During the threo months in New York 73 perBOnB died from violence. During the present year New York's record shows mora homicides for the three months than have occurred In Philadel phia for the first 11 months of 1914. Since January, 1914, there have been 2 deaths by violence as shown by the record clos ing December L Soveral of the homicides within tho last three months excited great Interest. On November 18 the killing of 8-yoar-old Albert Kraft started a three-day hunt for his murderer. The last homicide in November was that in which Morris O. Condon was shot at the Hotel Adelphla by a New York gunman named Frits Coppello. Mr. Condon, who was presi dent of II. B. Underwood & Co., died Thursday night at the Jefferson Hos pital. Since the Condon shooting two men havo been added to the "murder" squad of Cltv Hall detectives. In New York, according to Detective Andrew Emanuel. head of the Philadelphia squad, 100 de tectives are employed on the homicide squad. Detectives Emanuel. William J. Belshaw and Jerry Oeonlttl have hunted Philadelphia slayers since January, A week ago Detectives William J. Callahan and William Mahoney were assigned to the homicide squad. For the 62 homi cides In Philadelphia since January 1, 1914, 59 men were arrested and accused of the crimes. Only three of -the crimes yet remain unsolved. MEN HELD FOR MURDER Italian Was Shot in Street on Night of December 2. Two men were held without ball today to await action of the Coroner In the murder of Vlncenso Carbl, 742 Balnbrldge street, who was shot and killed the night of December 2 In front of 719 Kater street. The prisoners are Gregorlo Lemano, 714 Balnbrldge street, and John Ilanlerl, 718 Balnbrldge street. Detectives' Scanlon and Glonnettl made tho arrest. They testified before Magis trate Renshaw at1 Central Station that the two prisoners and Carbl had played in a card game at a Kater street house. As they left, some person pushed Carbl, knocking him down. He rose and began to beat Itanlerl, a smaller man. Lemano Is then declared to have shot Carbl. The man was found unconscious a few minutes later and died at the Penn sylvania Hospital, Lemano and Itanlerl escaped, but were caught later by the detectives. 000,000 War Tax ptamps Arrive Six hundred thousand additional war tax stamps reached the Federal Build ing today. The stamps were sent front Washington after Internal Revenue Col lector Lederer bad sint a long distance telephone message for them. Mors stamps are expected next week. The Ledger's All-America Football Team Announced Tomorrow Selected by Robt, W. Maxwell, himself a widely known player, and a successful football author, coach and official. Mr. Maxwell selects a first and second eleven and gives specific reasons for each choice. Geo. E, McLimvalso picks 1 the Ledger's All-Pennsylvania team. These selections will be regarded as highly authentic because of their writers intimate knowledge of the game and ior the reason that both authorities have carefully compared the playing of candidates throughout the season. Watch for Maxwell's and McLiiui's choice Intomorrw's SUNDAY t S&v PUBLIC wnpmwm-i P. It. R. ARE DISGRUNTLED TOWERS OF FRUIT GREET THRONGS AT FOOD SHOW "Everybody's Day" Sees Terminal Market Packed to Its Doors. Tho usual great crowds that surge through the Beading Terminal Market Saturdays are augmented today by many hundred of persons who are helping deal ers celebrated "Everybody's Day" as tho fourth of the annual food exposition. They havo como to buy, but they havo also coma to admire and to learn some thing of tho market organization. Tho visitors nro not disappointed. Around every exhibit stand groups of men and women discussing with animation tho displays and the unusual features. Tho fruit exhibits perhaps nre attract ing most attention today. The great banks of apples, grapes and other fruits aro striking. 'les, we certainly are rushed," said I A. m. Bepetto, a fruit dealer. "Every one seems to want to get tho samo thing at the same time, but wo are clad of It. "This Just shows what an exposition of this kind can do for peoplo enterprising enough to organlzo one. Wo have al ways had quality In this market, but now wo have both quality and service, thanks to the new free delivery system. Bringing the people here. In this manner acquaints them with the possibilities ol the service we can give them under the new conditions." Speaking further on this point James V. Spatola, of Felix Spatola & Sons, who are staging a huge fruit display, said: "I think the greatest result! of this exposition .will not be felt at once. Of course, the' crowds come now to see the displays, but it Is the gradual growth of business which will And its way to this market that will really count. It la the greatest market of Its kind in this country not only the biggest, but the best-but It Is going to be still better." ONE 'ZUDORA' PUZZLE SOLVED "Mystery of Sleeping House" Starts Monday in Evening Ledger. "The Mystery of the Spotted Collar," In Harold MacGrath's famous detective story, "Zudora," Is wound up today In ins ,vENiNO Lkdoeju This exciting novel of mystery and adventure Is run ning exclusively In the Evening) LEDOEn. Beginning Monday, "The Mystery of the Bleeping House," replete with character puzzles, will run dally. Headers are finding the story twice as Interesting by seeing the film produc tions. A list of the motion picture thea tres featuring "Zudora" is to be found In the Evbnino Ledoeh's photoplay col umns. Everywhere "Zudora" la being hailed as the masterpiece of MacGrath. More exciting than his "Kathlyn," his "Million Dollar Mystery" or his "The Man on the Box," the story could not fall to attract widespread attention from lovers of good fiction, and especially those who like detective tales. DH.BEItKOWITZ'a ANNIVEBSABVx" The Rev, Dr. Henry Berkowltx spoke this rooming In the Rodeph Shalom Syn agogue, Broad and Mount Vernon streets, on the SM anniversary of the beginning of his service as rabbi of the congrega tion. His theme was "The Ideal Con gregation." Throughout the rooming Doctor Berko wltx was kept busy receiving congratu lations from friends, who called or sent messages by telephone or by mall. Dog Bites Burleson's Sister AUSTIN, Tex., Dec 5. Mies Emma Burleson, of Austin, sister of Postmaster General Burleson, was bitten severely by a dog yesterday. The dog Is under watch to determine whether or not It la rabid. j LEDGER GEORGE I. PERKINS FAVORS POLICY OF LIVE AND LET LIVE T ells Civic Federation Busi ness and Social Ills Cannot Be Eradicated by Legisla tion. NEWTORK, Dec. S.-In opening to day's session of the l.'lh annual meet ing of tho National Civic Federation, George W. Perkins, chairman of tho So cial Insuranco Department, said; "A specific question under considera tion by tho department Isi "Should there bo a eystemntto scheme of compulsory sickness Insurance advo cnted for State legislation In the United States? "With respect to this subject the com mttteo holds that we should resist any spirit of Impatience In America to copy these doubtful experiments, but should urge a policy of watchful waiting until their results pecome certain." Speaking on the subject of "The Work ers' Fair Share," Mr. Perkins said: "Ono would think from much of the discussion of tho day and many of tho magazine and newspaper articles that ara appearing that tho problem of capital and labor Is tho result of tho tariff, giant corporations, etc. In my Judgment, 'this Is not the case. These are In reality but minor causes. The main cause Is directly traceable to the enormous ex pansion that has taken place during the lost half century In our educational sys tem a system divided Into two branches; first, tho education that comes from tho public schools, the university, tho text book, tho lecture room; socond, the al most breeder education that has come to us In tho last half of tho century through tho extraordinary Improvements In meth ods of Intercommunication, especially methods of intercommunicating thoughts and ideas. "No matter how small tho amount of money that a man has In a business, so long as It Is a real Interest, a genuine Investment that has not been given to him as a gratuity, but has been earned by him actually, ho will feel tho re sponsibility of proprietorship; and the same lmpulso will govern his actions as would govern the lmpulso of others hav ing very much larger sums Invested. "I bellove they are likewise wrong when they tell us that the tariff Is respon sible for those corporations, for Improved Intercommunication nnd not the tariff la tho chief factor In the maintenance of the Bo-called trusts. "1 believe that no one of average In telligence really thinks that If tho pres ent Congress gave us free trade today a slnglo so-called trust would dissolve to morrow. "I believe that tho chief cause of cor porations is found in modern methods of Intercommunication, and that yau can only get rid of them by eradicating the cause, which, of course, we are not going to do. "The hope of the future, for tho work er's fair shara as well as for capital's fair protection. Is In a llvo and let live policy, where co-operation and emulation will give to each the protection to which It Is fairly entitled and bring about a more equal distribution of tho abundance of good things with which the Lord In His mercy has blessed our matchless country." From Manufacturer to User W fif There Is no real Christmas cheer without music. What better gift could you conceive for the owner of a player-piano than four of these high-gfade music rolls neatly wrapped in a corrugated carton? , Rose Valley Music Rolls are manufactured by our new economy process, which enables us to sell them direct to you at this low price. Unlike the old-fashioned rolls, they are wound on an all steel spool and cannot warp, bend or break, They play with greater precision and last twice as long as the ordinary roll Rose valley Music Rolls are Pomp and Pride Fiaciuy Confidence Under the Double Eafle Die Wacht am ltheln Silver Threads Amsaf the Gold Ittuary Narclieui Traumerel sad Romance CaYalltfla Kaatlcaoa Interraezso Heart and Slower HuiBoreaqu Kathleen Iavourneen Barcaroles-Tale of Hon'mana Little Gray Home la the Wul Spring Sons Joceijm Berceuse Idieia de Lammermoei Sextet Alecs Cam Jtulh My Hera My mile PerUu Roe My Roe of the Obetto My Rsee Vtam the Garden of Lore My Wild IrUh Ko P Q- MV Heart (Sympathy California and Tou Cberi (Qome to Me) Da (a fuflnr Fas Trt Way Deva On tfuape, Say Every Roll Is Guarantead Against Ijnperfecfciuu Chjsose any four of the above list, Inclose one dlfep .fead 8 csais letlgfe) nd we will mtf ibam to yau parte! part, , Rose Valley Music Roll tJottwatiy Madia, renniu SBBSSSSBK & c ET' "3g BslLsV iiiiSfiJn 1 SbBSv js3b1shhH1 T-rlWffisBNffll tS-lffifcjytf iF3KaretisiisiisiisilkLwP8l WILLIAM GRAVES SHARP Ohioan who has presented cre dentials to President Poincarc as Ambassador to France. BOYS' PROMISE TO JOIN SCOUTS WINS RELEASE Larceny of Chairs Forgiven When They Tell Court Their Intention. Four boys, nrralgned in Juvenile Court for larceny of furniture, which thoy used to equip a clubhouse, wero discharged when they expressed their willingness to Join a troop of Boy Scouts. The boys, WJllIntn Miller, 15 years old, 2103 South Sd street; William Kohlcn burgh, 13 years old, Front street and Orogon avenue; Edward Trlnkler, 13 years old, Stein's lano and Stonehouse lane, nnd William Booth, H years old, df 2iw aoum aa street, admitted taking threo chairs from the offices of tho Great South ern Smelting nnd llcflnlng Company, Swanson nnd Itltncr streets, to equip a clubhouse In a small building owned by tho father of Kohlenburgh. Miss Kelly, a probation officer, found the boys' story was true, and Interested tho Rev. David Leyshon, pastor of the Congregational Church at 3 street and Snyder avenue, a directing figure In a troop of Boy Scouts. Tho pastor ap peared In court and Interceded for tho boys. PATIENT'S RIB BROKEN Injury Found on Blockley Inmate, Who Died From Tuberculosis. An Inmato of tho Philadelphia Hospital died at that Institution early this, morn ing from tuberculosis nnd a fractured rib, and Investigation Is now being mado by Deputy Coroner Rowland to deter mine how the mnn camo by his Injury, Tho dead man was Max Henderson, CO years old. He had been confined at Blockley, in tho Insane ward, for tho last three years. Dr. J. A. Jackson, of tho hospital, noti fied the Coroner of tho death today. Ho said ho did not know how 'Henderson's rib was broken. Itowland Immediately began an Investigation. Attendants at tho institution will be questioned. Several patients have died nt Blockley within the last few years partly or whol ly as the result of rough Handling by keepers, according to testimony brought out In different Investigations. TRUSSES KI.ARTIG HTOntlNflS ABDOMINAL SUlTOIlTKltS. KTO. Lndy attendant, rurehase rt V1?T T CJ direct from thf furtory. A "" LiLiU O 1011 gritixa GARDEN ST. Musie Rolls $ o, used and endorsed by leading musicians everywhere. A Perfect Day It'e a Lonr. long Way to Tlpperary One.Step Densoza Maxtze Fuppchen One-Step Balling- Down the Chesapeake Bay Two-Step While They Wert Danelng Around Two.SUp Sit Down. You're Recking the Deal -Twft-Sp They Had ta 8wlm Back to the Bert Twe-pHep. They're ea Their Way to Jleiloo Two-Step Who paid the Real for Mr, nip Van WokUTWrwo- Btep Halt and Half Castle Creation He'd Have to Get Out sad Oat Under Two. (Hep . Ha' a Devil in His Own Hon Towa Oae-Stap You Planted Rsa la the Sar4a at Love Do You Take Thla Woman for Your Lawful Wife! If I Had SeneOs Like You at noma la tb CaaW Uxht Take. M Back to tb darden of Love . f There' a Olrl ta th Heart of Maryland N ' Till the Sanaa of tho Deaert a row Celil To Have, To Hold. To Love To the Land of iff Qwa Romance When If e Ancle Hwxa Ttele la Normn Where tb EMelwI.. I Moesnlns When t Dream of Old Srta. "When It' tfUht Time Daa la Burgundy l'w on My Way to Maadalay InUfsaUaSal Bar B4 of Maxtoo Oat-step. CITY'S DEATH RATE LEAPS ALMOST 2B ' PER CENT. IN WEEK General Diseases Principal Cause for High Mortality. Epidemics of Children' Diseases Increasing. The death rate In Philadelphia In creased almost 23 per cent, this week over tho record of last week and the corresponding week of last year, Ther wero CG5 deaths during tho last seven days. The 462 deaths last week were the same number reported In the week ending De cember 6, 1913. The high death rate this week was due principally to high mortality In heart disease, Brlght's disease and other gen eral diseases. Contagious diseases caused 130 deaths, slightly more than Uie normal number. Epidemics of children's diseases ara In creasing, Last week's new cases of con tagious diseases reported were chicken pox, 183: diphtheria, S3; measles, 74: mumps, 29; scarlet fever, 3. Thirty-nine new cases of pneumonia were reported, 108 of tuberculosis and 11 of typhoid fever. Tho health officials regard tho eptdemla of children's diseases as not an unusual condition at this season of the year. - Thirty-four of the new cases of measles and 29 of chlckcnpox aro In the 40th Ward. Ward.- MARItlED AT EIiKTOKT Ten Couples Arrive at Gretna Qreea on Honeymoon Express. ELKTON, Md., Dec. 5. Ten couples camo here on tho noon train today, ob tained marriago licenses and were wed. They wero: Wllllnm Cottell and Anna J. Miller, Joseph Beach and Mattlo R. Jones, Charles II. Ball and Emily C. Huhn, James W. Hooper and Mary Itennlnger, John F, Dougherty nnd Mary O. Mc Carthy, Howard Mullen and Frances B. McBryde, all of Philadelphia; Charles EL. Drcbea and Mabel MacMullen, Doyles town; John M. Meredith and Mary M. Flckes, Coatcsvllle; James h. Oelger and Emma B. Brady, Beading, nnd William W. Qrort and Katherlno Beneauo, Con shohocken. Pa. ISr&saHLJL EYEGLASSES for Monday Only And that'n exactly what we irUe you, regular 13 el (or i. How can we do UT Coma down and nee for yourself, W know if you do come you shall be absolutely convinced and when we have convinced you nn know you shall tell your frlendu, and that l our point: by gaining- your confidence we ecure your friends' and netffh twirs natronaro. Don't doubt: don't hesitate. Come have your eyes examined byexsert opt! cmnn ana secure Jkpair oj pold ahfjl rytolaitcor I.00, 0 ILEXUMEE&C J&OPTICI ANSj J Store Open Bat, Unttt 9 P. II. 3 South Eighth Street 2 Doom from Market Street. .Opu. Glmbel lira . For 88-Note Player-Pianos Hlfb, Jlnke One-Step Maurice Mattchlobe Braalllan Maxlx My Yellow Jacket Olrl Oaa-Step Rail On. Ml eaourt Two-Step WUdweed lPanclea Gavotte At tb Ball, That a All Os.Step Rallln' tb Ja F Trot Yott'n Her aad I'm litre Oo-fM" By tb Beautiful Be One-Sltp OamB-Meetlfi BanATwo-SU; Bl TrrwUtlUe-Tanjw Hlfh Coat of LoTtacOso-Step Ia tb Valley of lb-Mo-Two-t "Jamala TpH One-Step That Naticktr Mto4 Two-5Up Too Much Uaatard Oaa-Step TbU I iboU--'rw8tp BuwauM Rljwl Two-Step Habitation a th Wktallar ant Mr JUuoe-X-oni fL Land Tm Beat OIrt arr, rmraa . Wben tba Aep W PM-rlMOQfc8 IsWeSfa; - a i uJd at th Cnuuaamun yu!udi. mjiA Ul. u is tipped "ItftJu.. 4AX,b,. 4 1.-3 .V-."J.is4e l -. ti ui ,mj fei fatejfr - Mfl np mrntmmmmmmtm$m maMwmmm&msmiL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers