WTJnT?S$&B my l npp UBjsejsiJIIll HMH&iWUttitfkaMIBiHHBHHH If I I BROAD ST. REALTY VALUES INCREASE AFTER LONG LULL ' - - i ii I Sale of Six-Story Property Near Race Street Shows Stability of That Section. Market in The trahsfer of the stx-atory bulletin 142 41 North Broad street, lot 6t feet by ISO feet, by reror L-. Ncel to J. It. Mc Allister, president of tha Franklin Na tional Batik, calls attention to a local- t Ity which has been for the last few years Increasing; In value, after a long period of stagnation. .For years large holders of real citato I In this vicinity held baolt the advance In Yalue of the street by remains' to sell property or Improve It themselves. Tha property above mentioned was ac quired by Mr. Schoch on November IS, 1802, from the Real Estate Trust Corn- any with a frontage on Mroad street of 6i reel, with a Uepth of 180 feet, paying for the property $100,on0. Ho Improved the property by the substantial lmllillne-. It now has upon It a mortgage of $300,000 ana is assessed lor the current year at 3K,00. The seller, Percy L. Neel, Is president of tho Automobile Sales Cor poration now occupjlng tho building. Other Bales on Broad street In this section were: . 1810 February 19 SOfl North Broad stret. lot SBxVtl. Q. A. C. and E. A. Bcrgdoll to r. II auton. assessed M0.OOO, Bold lor 10, Ouo. Improved by two-story building. 1010. November 7 Houtheait corner Timed and Cherry streets. Odd Fellows' Temple, bought In by bondholders for 1725.000. As sessed 1000.000, coit originally 11,1)30.010 1010, December 20-202 and 201 North Ilroad street, 44.10x76 feet south lino. Oil feet north line, NorthBroad Streot Realty Company to Ellnbelh n. Hall, IT0.O00. Improved by a two-story building; and Ii aeaessed at 180,000 Broad street from Arch street north for several squares Is beginning to open Up to a set of values mora In proportion to Its central quality. AUTO BUILDING ATtlSING. On July 23 last a. syndicate of real state men obtained property at 03-5 North Broad street. .It Is now being Im proved by a. six-story concrete building to be occupied by the automobile trade. It Is assessed for J 100,000 for 1914. About $6000 a front foot was offered for tho Qodschalk property, 21S to 220 North Broad street, a year ago. It Is now assessed for $205,000, a rate of J3000 e. foot front. There Is not a property with a. sign "for sale" or "to rent" from tho City Hall to Vine street. Money has been coming out more free ly. In the week ending with last Thurs day recorded mortgages show: Trust companies loaned I(?,100 building Association 721,47.1 Individuals M7.3M) LAHGK LOANS RECORDED . Larjrej loans were made ns follows: 118.000 S. F. Nlrdllnger to Thlla. Butchers B. Soc.. n. s. Market, 103.0 ft. w. 62d at. SSO.OOO A. Itelnfleld to Penna. Trust Co., s. s. cor. 13th snd Cherry its. S2R.O0O It. Kennedy to Fidelity Trust Co., 2.1.12-M N. Broad at. JZ8,B00 Iteally Improvment Co. to Real cat. T. I. and T. Co.. n. e. a. Emlen, 352. SVi ft. u. r. Carpenter at. SI4.1D0 T. White to North Phlla. Trust Co , n. w. s. Chelten ave., 301.6H ft. n. e. Mag nolia. . 1117,500 T. White to Mission Bt. Vincent ii Paul. Bams. ""-flSy.OOO-O. C. TJoldt to Tenna. Trust Co., n. a. iocuai, iio.m iu w. uroao. XDO.WO C. Oomehl to J. II. McFadd den, n. s. juncuac. inu.j e. i.tn at., occ. IlSairw-II. C. Holllnger to Phils. Co., cor. 40th and Walnut sts. trO.OOO-J. Sllberman to F. K. Moss, Venango, SO ft. e. IBth at. 140.000-01. Treaev to E. K.'Priti n. Germantown ave. and n. e. a. Lehigh ave. 133.000 E. M. Han-la tn Gens LAWton R. and U Aaao., a. a. 2Sd at., 123.7 n. Ilace. The first meeting on the opening of ther Parkway from 18th street to 22d street was held by the Board of Viewers yesterday In Iloom 256, City Hall, for the presentation of claims. Properties on Winter, Vine, Pearl, "Wood and Carlton streets, from 19th tp ::d street, are being rapidly pulled down. Tho hearings will be held January 6, 12, 13 and 23, when testimony can be presented. More than 100 properties have been taken. The market Is getting more active. Interest rates are unchanged. LESSOIt. LETTER CARRIERS' CARNIVAL Inadequate Advertising: Believed to Be Responsible for rallure. Inadequate advertising la considered re sponsible for tho failure at the Letter Car riers Curnlval Jn tha Second Itegiment ' Armory. The doors of the armory were not open- ed on Thursday night because of the poor ..,.... n, ....( .. fwi. iiuwa uu Ula first three days of the carnival and It was decided to make all financial adjustments on a three-day, rather than on a six-day basis, as was originally Intended. There was some talk of the manage ment of Theodore S. Pratt, a. New "York er, who promoted the affair, being re sponsible for the failure, but Richard V. Quinn, president of the Letter Car riers' Association, denies this emphati cally. "Mr. Pratt did not disappear myster iously from this citr." he said. "He was here on Thursday evening and we had a conference with him before it was decided not to open the armory. He Is now In Baltimore, where he is promoting a similar 16 K carnival for the Letter Carriers' Associa tion ol that city." WATCH wst, yotra abbested T. 3. McOowan, a New Yprk electrician, 'met four men in a saloon and went for . a walk with them. Policeman Forney and Timbers saw the four mean leave McQawan prostrate at German town ave nue and Cayusa street at 3 o'clock this ranrntpr The J eft side of hU face was lacerated. tho police arrested Michael Kenny, 1ES8 Juniata, street; William Lees. 1706 Low .treat. Geork Harrison. Ul North Cleve land iivenueVVnd Leo Banks, -1517 North Jjth street- .wnicii ioai ujr hcuuwb.ii i-fykQ found in Js pocaei, mo ponce '"T Pa SMllVrn A f I :iM,DT iji, 1 VvJHV, VMHAYS WRONG T ( f ' TAT SHOEMAKER' I - ' AsMIDT r7 SHOEMAkTirf HITD I ! 71 C V i AnAukm rur3 J i ' SHOE MAKtsO SB u 1 Elsti r -rs-U JfTTNtc'v. I .'.SIS?" OTiTmT aiian IwlJ i is KFDr! - weO i if ZJC Ml"-' II r fTr,tfmrm,r,mmmmiimrM!n m ' iio........wi;.,ii i.n.tl. m , , , ljmaKn "J! j ' "I , f , f ,, T. ; Yv i mi liil m iitt hi MUTl T " "'' mjeT:T Pjflr. A MOTOR TRIP - r. AnillJlKirv " tUACWntmrr'V JP rivxJiiiKr 1LL.L nf f I.IVLVVAJL w X uUSTLlTQN V VgUlHRCH HILL, XV XSW 1 l C . I y TOnnFrWr x-- - - ...cA dale W'' NK V oi2 Spr n s y J) If v ii I ., vs. i zt i (f CITY COURSE OF FLETCHER CUP RUN FLETCHER CUP RUN A FINE SIXTY-MILE TRIP BY MOTOR The Route Leads Along Northeast Boulevard, Then Through Fcasterville, Neshaminy P. O., and Back by Way of Ambler By W. O. GRIFFITH Chairman Touring Committee Automobils Club of Philadelphia. Short motor trips are always popular In winter. Of course, somo of tho most delightful automobile trips from Phila delphia cannot be made comfortably In less than two or three days. But, aftor all, when the cold weather sets In, a few hours' run In the afternoon is often enough for the most enthusiastic! motorist Besides, motoring In winter has at least a few advantages. Tho dust does not Insist on keeping one company, the air Is 'more than Invigorating and the motor ist's opinion of dirt roads goes up as the temperature goes down. One of the most enjoyable short motor runs out of the city, I think. Is the course known as the Fletcher Cup Ilun. It cov ers a distance of about 60 miles and can be made easily In a few hours. It Is a delightful run for an afternoon. Of course, the quaint little Inns may be lacking nnd you may not meet with the most up-to-date hotels, but then it Is an easy matter to lunch In town and return to town with a fresh appetite for dinner after a GO-mlle spin through a most de lightful country. The Fletcher Cup Bun is enjoyable for many reasons. The roads are good and are easy to find even for the motorist who la not any too familiar with tho country. Then again, there are no fer ries to cross and there Is only one toll gate. I might add that the motorist will find the remains oft former toll gates at several places along the road, but these have been abolished, I am only too thankful to say. VIA NORTHEAST BOULEVABD. The route takes In the towns of Bus tle ton, Torresdale, Neshaminy Postofllce, Plymouth Meeting and Barren Hill and is perhaps approaches tho circular in form. The start is generally made from North Broad street and the Northeast Boulevard. The Boulevard, which Is really Ideal for smooth running, Is followed for sev eral miles to Bhawn street; a short turn on Bustleton avenue leads Into Bustle ton. Torresdale is reached by following Grant avenue. Torresdale Is an attractive stopping place on the Delaware River. In sum mer It Is naturally a favorite spot for motorists and the scenery Is delightful even in dead T-lnter. The Delaware River Clubhouse presents an Imposing appearance and the large expanse of water front la in'sed a delightful sight to behold. To continue the run, after leaving the clubhouse, follow the tame road as on arrival. Pass under the bridge at Tor resdale station to 'Bristol pike. A' few explicit Instructions as to the course might not be out of place. Follow the right turn on Bristol pike to the bridge at City Line. From the bridge a mac adam road to the left leads direct to the Byberry and Bensalem pike, which is the regular road to Trenton, Follow the pike to Southampton cross road, which leads direct through Tre ves e. Fcasterville and Neshaminy Post offlce. Not far from Fcasterville and about one and one-half miles from Hat boro Is the historic stone erected to com memorate the first steamboat, which, it Is said, was built there and tried out on a pond in the vicinity long before the days of Robert Fulton, ONLY TOLL OATH ON TRIP. At Neshaminy postofllce there Is a, toll gate, the only one on the trip. The aver age charge s B cents, and I suppose the motorist should not complain, A fine ma cadam road leads from Neshaminy post office by way of the Doyiestown pike. Then follow the Limekiln pike to the EVENING LEDQBB-PHIEADBEPHIA', SATTTBDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1913. WORTH A TRIAL Bcthlohom pike, which leads direct to Ambler. Plymouth Meeting Is only a short dls- tanco from Ambler. Plymouth Meeting Is especially Interesting. It la located In n quaint Qaker section and can bonst of a true Quaker meeting house. There nro many picturesque trees along tho road side which cannot fall to. bo admired. From Plymouth Meeting, Bnrren Hill Is reached by way of tho Germantown road. After leaving Barren Hill turn with the trolley lino which leads Into Ridge ave nue. The worst part of tho whole courses Is found on n stretch of Rtdga avenue. I am thankful to say that It In only n couple of miles In length the bad stretch, I mean. Farmount Park Is reached by following Ridge avenue. Thcro nro several good restaurants at Ambler. Ono point on the trip that Is especially Interesting to tho motorist Is tho model road near Bustleton. It Is only three miles In length, but la divided In stretches of 150 feet In length and each stretch Is built of different ma terial. It was laid down last year, nnd the Idea Is to seo which kind of road will stand best tho wear and tear of country life." LANDSCAPE IS PICTURESQUE, Among the many Interesting things to be bo seen on tho trip Is tho new Phila delphia poorhouse, which has recently been established at Byberry. As I have said, tho Fletcher Cup Run la enjoyable for many reasons, ho coun tryjs picturesque and each season of tho year seems to bring It special charm. In the late fall, when the leaves begin to turn that gorgeous red, It Is safo to say that few speed laws are broken on the way. Nature displays horself In all her gorgcousness In the rolling hills that greet the eyo after passing FeaBtcrvtlle. Last, but not least. It Is a pleasure In deed to gaze upon the well-kept farms that are to be scon on either side of the road after leaving Torresdale. Tho fields, the farmhouses, tho cattle In the fields, and especially the "up-to-dateness" of the farms these are things of which Pennsylvania may well feel proud. WANDERING SONS DRAWN TOGETHER BY SYMPATHY Bqys Sought Llvllhood on "Road" When Parents Lost Employment. Two romradea of tha wanderlust upon tha winding road, Two toys who (GUrht tha rainbow's end, apurred by adventure's goad, froraook tha trail to saio upon tha far flung town In awe. And found, where they had sought ro manct tha minion of tba law. Two sons of the wanderlust, one from the North and ono from the South, are pining In the 12th and Pine streets sta tion for word from their parents dp to what shall be done with them. The lads were arrested today by Policeman Miller at 10th and Rodman streets. They aro Harry Collins, 17 years old, of New Haven, Conn., and Ray White, 18 years oldof Walkersvllle, Md. The boys met somewhere along tha "road," they told the police. They could not re member where. For weeks they have been following fancy wherever It led, working here and there at odd Jobs and always seeking for the great adventure. Each carried a flashlight and a pearl-handled knife. They were arraigned before Magistrate Haggerty this morning and held under (500 ball each while the police communi cated with their parents. Bach lad said he had left home because his father was out of work. This was the bond of sym pathy that drew them together. Neither was able to find work In' his home town, so they set out to find employment and to see the world. .SNOODLES' DIARY : njffiSHAJnNYP.O. 3 w i ?;iiTrniAMDTnM II V I i.i" VS LOVE AND WIFE-BEAT.NQ Accused Husband Protests He Adores Ground Mrs. Magi Walks On. "I love tho ground my wife walk's on." said Anton Tllagl. 27 years old, 834 Mas ter street, today, when Magistrate Emety held him In $300 ball for court for beating Mrs. Tllagl. The wife testified that he beat and kicked her on Bundav because the baker hadn't delivered the bread. George Christman, of 123 Rlpka street, was held In (MM ball ftfr court by Magistrate Orells at the Manayunk sta tion on charges of assault and battery preferred by his wife. She testified he frequently beat her and once threatened to kill her. FOUR ESCAPE DE8TBTJCTI0N Auto Crashes Through Safety Dates and Train Whizzes By. Four persons narrowly escaped death when an automobile crashed through tho guard gates at Chelten nvenue and the Pennsylvania Itallroad last night. As the car reeled along the southbound track a northbound express train wHIzzad by, missing It by a few Inches. Dr. James C Illgglns, EStS Cedar avenue, who drove tho car, and Frank Hlley, a friend, were thrown out. Doctor Illgglns' face was badly lacerated. Ills two children, Walter, I years old, and Edgar, 2, were unhurt. OBITUARIES CARDINAIi ANOELO DI PIETBO Bean of tho Sacred College, In Which Ho Ranked Eighth. ROME, Dec. 5. Cardinal Angelo dl Pletro, dean of tho Sacred College, died at Rome today. Ho was tho oldest living Cardinal, and ranked eighth In the Col lege of Cardinals. Cardinal dl Pletro was born at Dlvaro, near Rome, May 20, 1823. He was made Titular Bishop of Mlssa In 1SG6, and In 1877 becamo Archbishop of Nlvlanvo. At that tlmo he was appointed Apostollo Del egato to tho Argentine Republic, whore he remained for some time. In 1893 he was ordained a Cardinal and Datary of the Catholic Church. He took part In the conclavo that elected Pope Bene dict XV. DR. JAMES A. "Vv-AMSraJY Dr. James A. Wamsley, a practicing Physician and president of the 82d Ward Democratlo Club, died yesterday at tho German Hospital, following an operation for appendicitis. Doctor Wamsley was born In Now Jersey. He was graduated from tho Jefferson Medical College with tho class of 1872, nnd soon after became city physician at Gloucester City, N. J., whero he lived for 12 years. He took an nctlvo Interest In Democratic politics, and on his return to this city founded the club of which he wns tho president. He was a member of tho Society of the War of 1812 and the Sons of the Revolution. He was also affiliated with tho Philadelphia County Medical Society, the American Medical Society, tho University Lodge, F. and A. M.; Stloam Chapter, R. A. M.; Cyreno Commandery No. 7, K. T.; Lu Lu Temple and the Odd Fellows, He Is sur vived by his widow nnd two sons. Dr. J. Winter Wamsley and Clair A. Wamsley, of Phoentxvllle. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning from his late resi dence, 1826 Diamond street Burial will be at Bnrctown, N. J. MRS. REBECCA MAGEE Mrs. Rebecca Magee, one of the oldest members of tho Dethlehem Presbyterian Church, Broad and Diamond Btreots, died yesterday at her homo, 2819 North Broad street, of pneumonia. For a number of years she lived In OH City, but returned to Philadelphia In 1S92, and made her homo with her sonx. Dr. George A. Magee, a dentist; W. Forrest and Joseph J. Magee. The funeral services will be held at her lato home, Monday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. ' Mrs. Joseph Hopklnson Mrs. Joseph Hopklnson, a member of a well-known Philadelphia family and wife of Joseph Hopklnson, of tho law firm of Balrd & Hopklnson, died yester day at the home of her son-in-law. Dr. John H. Musser, 121 South 20th street She collapsed while driving with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Willing. Mrs. Hopklnson, who was in her 65th year, had been HI for some time, She made her home at the Clinton Apartments, 10th and Clinton streets. R. Loper Balrd, a brother, who Is an attorney, and Mrs. George Fox, of Tor resdale, a sister, also survive her. Her funeral will be held on Monday, from the residence of Doctor Musser, ANDHEW8. On Dacember 4, 1014, AONE8 D., daughter of tha late John and Suaan Andrewa. Duo notice at funeral will ba given, from her lata realdence, 1127 Wilton atreet IlAUKlt. At Clayton N. J on December 4, 1014, JAMES DAKER. Funeral aervlcea at the Preabyterlsn Church, Wllllaraatown. N. J on Monday, at - p. m. Interment at Will lamatown, N. J. IIAUNKS. At Riverside, N. J., on Decem ber 4. 1014. LI DIB C. wlra of Ilodnay N. Darnes. Funeral aervlcea on Monday, at 2 P. m at 237 Progreaa at. Interment at lilv eralda t'eraetery. 11EI.U On December 8, 1814. JAMES HEW formerly of Omagh, County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 83 yeara. Jtalatlvaa and frtenda aro Invited to attend tha funiral aervlcea. on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the real, denca of Me eon, William It Bell. 1710 N. Wilton at. Interment private at weitmla aler Cemetery. BElXl On December 2, 1014, EVA, daugh ter ot John and Matilda Hell, aged 25 years. Itelattvca and friends are Invited to attend tha funeral aervlcea. on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock precisely, at bar parents' real dence. 1317 JeReraon at. Interment private. noarON. On December 8, 1014, of mem branoue croup. faTANSHUItV W. BOSTON, aon of Stanaburv and Mabat lloaton (nee Cole- man),at 8007 Witts ft. No funeral. nUltKK. On December t, 1014, MAR CIAIIET, widow of Patrick Uurke and daugh ter of the lata Hugh and Anna Curran. Fu neral on Monday, at 8 a. m., prectaely. from 8117 Itoanoks at. (Chestnut 11111). Solemn High Mate of Ilequlem at Church of Our Mother of Conaolatioo at 8 a. tn. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. IlVHNEv On December 8, 1814. HANNAH, widow of Peter IJyrne. Funeral on Monday, at 8:30 a. m., from 0034 Keyeer at., German, town. Bolcron Requiem Maaa at Bt. Srancla of Asalal's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. CAl'KHAHT. Suddenly, on December 1, 1014. EMMA, wtfa of Walter Cepehart, Fu neral aervlcea on Sunday, at J p. m-, pre ctaely, at 1813 East Iipplneott at. Interment private, at Cedar IIII1 Cemetery. CAKIIOLU On December 8. 1914, PAT RICK J. CAUHOLL. formerly ot 1120 Boutu 1Mb at. Funeral on Monday, at 8 a. m., from 1715 Bouth 17th at. Solemn Ilequlem Maaa at Bt. Thomas' Church at 10: JO a. ro. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. CABKV On. December 4, 1914, JOSEPHINE HE CALLS ON THE WRONG SHOEMAKER DEATHS M., daughter of Annls M and the late Chtlattvpher J. Carey. Funeral en Monday, at 8i8u a..m., from the residence ef her mother, 031 Vet Cumberland at Solemn Requiem Mass at Rt. Edward's Church, at 10 a m. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. CIIKSTElt At Mlllvllle. N. J., on December 8. IBM, Mrs. ANNA fl. CHESTER, widow of Joseph . Cheater. Funeral from ths reel. nce oi ner aon-in-iaw, William Bawarag, all ..East Main at., on Monday, December 7, at II a. m. Services at IhA hnnA. Interment Bt Mt rieaiant Cemetery. C0tI!MAK--8uddenly, on December 8, 1914, EUWAHD ft., husband of Virginia Coleman Funeral services on Sunday, at 0:30 p. m at 8S08 North Darlen at. Interment private. Monday, at convenience of the family. CONI)ONV-On December 8. 1014. MORR18 O. CONDON. Relative" and friends, alao Apollo todge. No. 880, F, and A. M.i Har mony Chapter, No. 62, R. A. C.i members of Manufacturers' Club and employes'of 11. 11. I'ndervrood A Co. are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at tha apartments of Oliver II, Balr, 1W0 Cheetnut at. Interment at West Laurel Hill. Cemetery. c9NJtI,'XT2n .December 4, 1914 JOHN J. CONNOLLY, husband of Mary Connolly. Funeral on Monday, at 8:30 a. m., from hiir late residence, 1220 Lancaster v Roae mont. Pa. Solemn Requiem Mbbs at St. Thomas' Church, Vlllanova, at 10 a. m, In terment at St. Denis' Cemetery. COiVUtLU ANNA D, widow of Albert Cowglll, of Wilmington, Dl on December 4, 1014, at the home of her brother. Dr. T. H Dunning. 1828 North lfith at. Servlcea Hun- day, at hie home at 0U5 p. m. Interment at Dover, Del., at 12:10 p. m., Monday, at the Preabyterlsn Churchyard, DALE On December 4, 1014. at hie late realdence, 2.'u North 17lh St.. ALDXANDER DALE. Due notice of funeral will be given, DOWNEY. On December 8. 1014, RRID- UET, widow of Patrick Downey and daughter of the late Patrick and Ann Ilehtll. Funeral on Monday, at 8:30 a. m from 2228 South gd at. Solemn Masa of Requiem at Bt. Clement's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. ENGLISH, On December 8, 1014. MELISSA V,, wife of J. Hobblns Engllah Rnd daughter of Silas and Julia Oooi. Funeral aervlcea on Sunday, at 2 p. m., nt 07.11 Dltmnn St., Ta mil y. interment at Magnolia Cemetery, GALLAGHER. On December 4, 1914. MARY UALLAOIIER. Funeral on Monday, at 8 a. m., from her lata realdence, 2443 Federal at. Solemn Requiem Maaa at St. Anthony's Church, at 0:30 a. m. Interment Cathedral Cemetery, OAYNOK. On December 2, 1014, Mrs. MARY OAYNOR, daughter of Matthew and Sarah I.arkln. Funeral on Monday, at 8:30 a. m from 008 East Indiana ave, Solemn Ilequlvm Masa nt Church of the Visitation at in a, m. Internum at Cathedral Ceme tery. GEnilAItnTSnAUKR. Suddenly, on De cember .1, 1U1J, WII.IIKLMINA C wife of John Oebhardtebaucr (nee Fried). Due no tice of funeral will be .given, from her late realdence. 1720 North 21at t. GREINEK. On December 4. 1014, JOIIANN O. U husband ot Amelia Orelner. Funeral on Monday, at 12:30 p. m., from tha reel dence of hfs aon, Henry Clrelner, 2811 West Oakdale at. Services at the Flrat German M, E. Church, Glrard ave., above 12th St., at 2 p. m. Interment Mount Peace Ceme tery. GUnA. On December 8, 1014, LI7.ZIB F., widow ot Joseph W, Cuba. Funeral ser Ices on Monday, at 2 p m. preclaely. at her jKia resiuenco, oju Lyceum ave., itoxborough. Interment at Leverlngton Cemetery. VTAnAM 1 ir.11-, A tM tm . v her 27. 1014. SAMUEL ' IIA(Jan. lata of Little Dallymena, County Antrim.: Ireland. Funeral from the apartments of Oliver II. Ilalr, 1S20 Cheetnut at. IIAGAN. On December 8, 1014, BRIDGET, widow of John Hagan. Due notice or fu neral will ba given, from her late residence. West Church road, near Rock lane, Ogontz, . Pa. lIANIi. On December 4, 1014, ELIZADETII f!., wife of Charles II. llane, In her 00th year. Tuneral services at Grace Lutheran Church, Wyndmoor, Montgomery County, Pa., on Monday, at 2 p. m. Interment private. HoriUNSON Suddenly, on December 4, 1014, FRANCES I1AIRD IIOPKINHON. Due notice of the funeral will bo given. JACKSON. At her residence. 113 South 4Jd at., on December 4. 1014. IlAItllAItA M widow if Samuel Jackson. In her 78th year. Due notice of the funeral will be given ITEENAN. On December 3. 1014. JOHN P.. hueLand of Mary A. Keennn. Funeral on Monday, at 8 30 a. m.. from 23.14 South Mllllck at (Olat at. and Elmwood ave.). High Mm of Requiem at Church of the Most lileaaed Sacrament, at 10 a. ra. Inter ment rt Holy Cross Cemetery. KISEAW. On December 3, 1014, BRID GET, widow of Michael Klneavy (nee 9ttlnX2x. Funeral on Monday, at 8:30 a. m.. from M24 Dexter at., Wlmahlckon. Requiem Maaa at St. John the Rapttat Church, at 10 ". m. Interment nt St John's Cemetery. KINO. On December 4. 1014. ARMANUS. nushand of the late Rebecca, King. Funeral On MOIinNV. lit 2 !3n n m frnm ih, -..t dence of his son-in-law. Edwin II. Read. 1823 Cast Wenaley at. Interment private, at Greenmnunt Cemetery. LAP-PAN. On December 4, 1014. LUCY, widow of Thomas Lap-Pan. Funeral on Monday, at 8.30 a. m., from 2700 Ann at. Solemn Requiem Maaa at tho Church of the Nativity, n. V. M., at 10 a. m. Interment nt St Ann's Cemetery. LA RUE. On December 4, 1014, MARY E, widow of Daniel La Rue. Funeral service on Monday, December 7. nt 12 o'clock noon, from the residence of Ellwond La Rue, Main at.. Tullytonn, Interment Deechnood Ceme tery. LKIX. On December 3, 1014, LOUIS, Sr. funeral services on Sunday, at 1 p. m at ma late residence, southraet corner New Market and Noble sts. Interment private, at Nnrthwoort Cemetery MARSHALL. On December 2. 1014. JOHN D, MARSHALL runeral on Saturday, at 2 P. m., from 1312 Ralnbrldgo at. Interment Mount Morlah Cemetery. MeLEAN. On December 4, 1014. MAR GARET McLean, ereii no v.,n nitiv- and frlenda aro Invited to attend the funeral "erweea. on Monday morning, at 11 o'clock, nt her late realdence, Creahetm road above Carpenter at,, Germantown. Interment prl- 'VrcjKPrcNIIALT,. On December 4, 1014. HORACE MENDENHALL aged 52 years! Funeral aervlcea on Monday, at 2 p. m.. at the residence of hla aon, Thomaa R. Menden- MOrthlS. On Twelfth Month 3d. 1014, ELL18T0N PErtOT MORRIS, In tho 81th year of hla age. Funeral at his late reel dence, 6442 Main at., Oermantown. Phtladel PJ?.1,' ?"!. Secord-day, Twelfth Month 7th. 1014, at 11 o'clock. Interment private. Please omit flowers, MORTON, On December S. 1014, SAMUEL n husband of Carrie II, Morton. Funeral aervlcea on Sunday, at 4 p. m., at his lata residence. 1723 Francla st. Interment East view Cemetery, Salem. N. J., on Monday, Leave on 12:12 train. Market at. ferries. MOULD. On December 8. 1914, CATII. ERINE R , daughter of Anna E. and tha lata Jonathan It. Mould. 403 Conarroe at.. Roxborough. Funeral aervlcea Monday, at APARTMENTS "THE TIOGA" 35 TO $33 A MONTH 18th and Tioga ats. : 6 and 7 room housekeep ing apartments; large porches; open every day, WORSTER & KRIDER SB1B Germantown ave., or on premlaea. THE PARKSIDE OIRARD AVE. AND 40TH BT. Suites, 1 to 8 rooms and bath. ItBAL ESTATE FOR SALE West Philadelphia In the Charming Over brook Section Semi -Suburban New tip-to-dat bouses, ss ft. Beautiful residences amidst CEiNnrlAm Nassau Road between PLANT SOUTH OF Within easy reach of centre of city by way of Elevated, passing north on BQth street: Over brook cars on Arch street or Penna. It, R. from Overbrook Station. W. PERCIVAL JOHNSON, Builder on Premises or HEAT 4039 LANCASTER AVE, DEATHS 3:30 p, 'm., st ths Itoxborough Daptlst church Chanel interment nt Ixverinaton cemetery. MYERS On December 8, 1914, MAR GARET, wife of John A. Myers ne fl.hneMrt. PnnaMl ervirea Monday. at 2 p. nt., e.t her lata realdence, XI N, Philip it. interment uerman i.utneran i;emeiery. NEWROlVEn. On December 8, 1914, SOPHIA, wife of Abraham Newhower. Fu neral on Sunday, at 2 p. m., from 1807 N. Randolph at. Interment Adath Jeshurun Cemetery. MACOC1T. At Vlneentnwn, N. J., on De cember JI, 1B14, REBECCA L, widow of Noah II Teacock, Br. Funeral, from tha residence of Mlas Emily Hudd, Main St., yineentown, N, J., on Monday, at 1 p. m. Interment Mount Holly Cemetery. PERUGINt On rw.mh.i- A. 1914. at tha K3w.'.n Forrest Home, Holmesburg, JACK . PFRUGINI. IIAITIL On December fl. 1014, THOMAS J. RAITII. Funeral Monday, at 7:30 a. m, fromfinio Walton ave. Mass at Church of the Transfiguration at 9 a. m. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. RI8TINE. At Olbbaboro, N. J on Decem ber 3, 1014, LOUI8, husband of Harriet Rla tins Funeral servlcea on Monday, at 2 p. m.. It Haddonfleld road, Olbbaboro. Inter nment IlrrJln Cemetery. RUDOLPH. On December 9. 1914. JUDITH A., widow of Alexander Rudolph. Funeral on Monday, Iecember 7, nt 1 p. m., from 411 Itaddon ave., Camden, N. J. Interment prl- "!" at coieatown Cemetery. v SAUEltM AN, Suddenly, on December 8 ivi. amma, wiaow or ndward sauerrnan. Funeral services on Sunday, at 2 p. m., at her lata residence. IDOl nnrmflntntvn ava. In. 'arrnent at Northwood Cemetery. SCIILATEIL On December 8, 1014, FRANK, eon of Caroline and tho late William Schlater, Funeral aervlcea on Sunday; at 2 p. m., at 8024 Helen at. Interment at East Cedar lllll cemetery, Bl?Sliz-0n December it 1914, CATII. AR1NE, wife of Charles Simon and daughter of the late Patrick and Urldget Heeman. Funeral on Tueaday, at 8:30 a, m , from her sister's residence, Mrs. Hugh Reed, 2707 Jasper at. High Mass at Church of ths Visitation, at 10 a. m. Interment private. BIMB. On December 4, 1014, JOHN SIMS, formerly of Philadelphia, Funeral servlcea On Monday. DeretnTter 7. nt 2 n. m.. nt hla late realdence. 0340 Dustleton ave , Rustle ton, Interment private, at William Penn remetery. STEIDLER, At Pittsburgh. To., on Decem ber ..', 1014, JOSEPH, husband of tha lata Itertha Steldler. Relatives and frlenda, also Joshua Lodge, No. 2.1, I. O. D. 11. and liar Slnal 'Lodge, are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Sunday, at 10 a. m,, from tho parlors of Dmanuel Aaher A Son, 1002 Diamond St. Interment at Adath Jeshurun Cemetery. STROnEL At Soldiers' Home, Hampton 8TROHEL. Funeral services on Monday, at it Hair. niy ii ine apartments or umer ji. 1820 Chestnut at. Interment at Mount peaeo cemetery, BTRUT1IER8 In Phllllpaburg, on Thura day. December 3, 1014, DAVID C. STRUTH- I'eaco Cemeter; life JjHS. Hated 40 vt(ir. Servlcea and Inter mnt Hen Iila City, N. J.. Sunday. Decern BWEENKY. On December 3, 1914, BRID GET, daughter of Jamea nnd Bridget Sweeney. Funeral on Monday, at 8:30 a, m., from 34 West Louden st., Germantown. High Maaa at St. Vincent do Paula' Church, at 10 m. interment at lioiy eepuicnro cm- SWEET. On December 2. 1014, RICHARD E. SWEET, husband of Martha Sweet (nee BtocXman). Funeral services on Sunday, at 1 p. m. preclaely, at his lato realdence, 231U South Woodstock at. Interment at Northwood Lemeiery, THOMAB. Suddenly, on Friday, December 4il14. at his lata realdence. WALTER C. THOMAS. Funeral services will be held at tho Church of the Holy Trinity on Monday morning, December 7, nt 11 ofclock. Inter ment private. Pleas omit flowers. VAUGHAN. On December 2. 1914. CHARLES P., son of the late James and An. hie Vaughan and hueband of Clara O. Vaughan Funeral on Monday, nt 7:30 a. m.. from tho parlors of William II. Ilatteraby. S748 Germantown ave. High Mass at St. Stephen's Church, at 0 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. WALSH. On December 3, 1014, ELIZA HETH WALSH (nco Hergan). widow ot John Walsh, formerly of Frackvllle. Pa Funeral on Monday, at 7 a. m , from 2033 East Som tract at. Solemn Requiem Maaa at St. Anne's Church nt 8.30 a. m Interment Holy Rosarv Cemetery. Frackvllle, Pa WAJISLEY. On December 4, 1014, JAMES A WAMSLEY, M. D aged 83 years. Rela tlvea and friends, ulsn University Lodge. No, 010. r. and A. M : fiiloam Chapter. No. 10, Royal Arch Masons: Cyreno Commandery, No. 7, K. T.; Progressive Assembly, No. 4, A. O. M. P.; Damascus Lodge, I. O. o. F.. and nil other organizations to whtch ho v,ns attached, ara Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tueaday morning, at 0 o'clock, at his late realdence, 1S2U Diamond st. Ilody may bo viewed on Monday oventng, after 7:30 o'clock. Interment private, at Dare town. N. J. (Automobile service.) WATSON. On December 2, 1014. W. ELD- REAL ESTATE TOR BALE Clty Half of Operation Sold STEP LIVELY! Loughran Homes WHERE THE QUALITY IS ALWAYS AnOVE THE PRICE Fifth St. & Eleanor St. 4800 RLOCK NORTH Price, $4000 Price, $3200 TERMS TO SUIT Theae have porch fronta, all modern 1m- frovementa basement laundry, electrla Ighta. Dullt with ths stability that haa made tha Loughran house a atandard of good construction, See JOHN LOUGHRAN'S SONS 6TH BT. DELOW ROCKLAND ST. 2-Story Twin Houses. 8 Rooms and Bath, . Side Yards, Hoty Water Heat, Basement Laundry, ' V $3800 Electric $? 2ts Torresdale and Princeton Avenues. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN Co car fare: take Krankford car, transfer to Margaret. West Philadelphia $6500 oiomvtnH COST I8SOO Small amount cash and $32 monthly will secure thla excellent 3-story residence. 40th at. near Warrington ave. 12 rooms, 3 Latha, electrlo light; semi-detached. Lot """POTTS & TOWNSEND 400S BALTIMORE AVE. Homes in the Cty Limit i 23 ft. front, with lots mM. delightful surroundings 61st and 63rd Sts. OXFORD 8T, f Suil xy cs . - DEATHS RIDGE WATBON. Funeral eerrlees on Bug dav. at 1:80 P. m, at Andalusia. Rueks County, rl; Interment at Beachwood Ceme- Ao6i)HEAD. On OtetmhtT AiinAHAM. . husband, of Mary 8, ISM. Woodhead. ! p m., at Funeral eervlees on Monday. ai - d m.. i incT Nrih Darlen at. Interment Jt. ot i. vn'mln-On December 8, 1014. ANNA, at. To proceed to Greenwood tv. oi i. Cemetery. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY -.... ci-vr f TVPC for Ilka this) Ono Insertion ...,,..,...... !5aBKjJJJ Three Insertions In week.,.. WW per 1 ns seven consecutive Insert one... 100 per 11ns lOOO Ins contrsct (dally ad- -,..,. verllelng) ,. ,.... so per una Slttiatlcna wanted, three Inser- lions In a wek.. .......... .. lOe rrlin THIS SIZEvTYPE (or like this) Permitted In all classifications ejtept Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found, Per- aonals., Hoarding and Rooms, one naertlon, .................. 20p per line Three Insertions In a week.... 17Vtoper n Seven consecutive Insertions... loo per line 1000 line contract (dally !,,.,... vertlstng) "He per line All rates are based on agate measurement, , 14 agate lines tn the Inch. DEATH NOTICES either paper 10 lines ono time .fSl Three Insertions SLUO DAILY ONLY tn ntJtct December , f COMBINATION RATE for Insertion In both tbe morning and evening pipers of same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING,) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING.) Add four cents per line net to rates gtvaa abo e. HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISING IN THE PUBLIC LEDOEIt MAY RE INSERTED IN THE EVENINO. LEDGER WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE. HELP WANTEDFEMALE COOK Well-recommendcd Protestant woman, about 33. as cook in private family In (lor. mantownf must bo capable and good-tern-pered. Address L 022, Ledger Office. Ki i RE8SMAKER wants thoroughly experienced atockkeener: only one who hna worked in dressmaking establishment need, apply. M. yvu.gr, .... malum. HOUSEKEEPER, working, in institution In country for 30 boys; firotestant Christian woman, willing to do mending; strong physi cally, and patient and tactful with boys: engagement by January 1. Address, with references, E 014, Ledger Central. NURSEJIAID Wanted. at once, highest type German nursemaid for 10-montha-old ba Dyi must have highest ret. E 740, Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER Largo corporation requires exp. lemnie aienograpner, wun at lease o or 10 years' exp., preferably In technical or exp. female stenographer. 10 venra' exn.. nreferabl metal lines; an excellent opportunity for re- nnrrf. educated woman, aulck at learning da- t ails and cap. nanaung neavy corres nonll- cations must give complete Infor. relative exp., rets, ana present employment, ana will b treated confidentially. A 108, Ledger Office. woman WANTED, reliable. for day's work; bring reference. 2112 Venango st, General GOVERNMENT positions open to women; J75 mo.: write immediately ror ireo list. Tanx. lln Institute. Dept 713 T. Rochester, N. Y, HELP WANTED MALE ACTIVE, pncrgctlo man can secure oppor tunity to aell securities; liberal commissions; cosy work, attractive to investors because of absolute safety. M 4r0. Ledger Central. CANVASSERS Ladles atia gentlemen; an article of merit recommended for its sanitary qualities; large profits. Sat., 4-8, Mon. avg., ,-10. Sanitary Sugar Howl Co., 210-212 Penn Square Rulldlng CANVASSERS of neat appearance on a splen dld free offer: hustlers can make 123 to ISO weekly. Apply 8 to 10 30 a. m.. 1332 Arch. DISTRIUUTERS-Roya and girls to distribute an article of necessity; largo profits; easy work. Sat. 4-8, Mon. ovg., 7-10. Sanitary Sugar Howl Co.. 210-212 1'enn Square llldg. DRESSER wanted; man accustomed to dressing lute yarns on slasher fit beam ing machine; wrlto stating oxpnrlence, etc., to Superintendent. 1153 Manhat tan ave., llrooklyn, N. Y. DRUGGIST Graduato and retlsterod; must" have good experience. Apply between lo and'. "and 2 to 4, Georgo B. Evana, 11UU Cheat- L'iRAY,I:R Flrst-cUas ateel plats engraver! jiLa -..- u u.mviviuiua vignette anu ruisa fiili. ?,."' opportunity. Address M Oil, - JANITOR FOR SCHOOL WANTED A small hoarding school, locsted In the coun trj, 4 miles from city of Lancaster, needs a noi'er, reliable man to net as jsnltori must have experlenco In handling boiler Hies and knov. something of care of machinery; n. handy man. willing to make himself use JL. not afraid of work, can secure per manent position. Must live at school: stats wages desired, whero good living la la eluded, leates School, Box 621, Lancas- BAJ'BSHAN, previous outside aellin ,nn.pSr,ence P.ot essenlisl, but will only consider applicants full of bard work J2.Vu.hu'"mv w" Pay silary and commlsalon, although our best men J. ? mo,t .moS.ey n straight commie-f-iJlL"na. 1. Grants Premier Electrla n;w!n.er' .1. b8 "ola throughout city; 0Wkh sold last year: $25 each. For Ini tervlew address M COO, Ledger Office. BAioHU.AN'.;pec,8ltJr. wanted for new article ...... F . offices, atores. eto,: commtaalon at --.., . c.cunc. required. J Pia. Ledger Cent. B,.t.IP.P1ri WANTED-Muat be flrat claas. t ir.f.i:ha.r,au')fr'ctlvln and shipping: one is SmI''"1 who hs had experience packing and nipping small articles. Apply S o'clock., Atwoter-Kent Manufacturing Vorka. Btentoa' ava. and Kaat Logan t.. r:.,.nt,m fr?i0rV.,Iul-.Ir corporation requires il. 1,ola?elp,h.' 0tfl!9 Pt male stenogra JSfS? o at yr o sg; metal products HSfi fn.ca d,''sbl but not absolutely es IX. !.? on flo.'ek at grasping details snd Sill!?' o smbltlous man or good character, health and appearance and capable of de velopment Into clever correspondent this Is fin,unu!UKI PPnunlty f0r permanent posi tion, with steady growth ( applications rwlll be treated with atrlcteat confluence, but can- S?.'. c?"',l'ii!ti unl" I"? lv complete history. Including age, personal chsracterls- ISSXIS'1 V. references and praaent era- .. ployment. A 106. Ledger Office. TENOR WANTED. Address L. B. D. P., 1519 Brown at. WANTED Help In cabinet department: all branches of woodworking in connection wltlj manufacturlntr of high-grade cabinets! apply '!"w.f",n' lvln age. refa. and nam otlaat employer! Investigation of ref. must prove satisfactory and applicant pass physical x- . amlnation. Address P. O. Box 8300. Station O. WANTED Bright asleaman, acquainted with users of fruit syrups In largo quantities 2 tnoae capable of closing sjood contracts on a commission basis only apply. Address U oji leaser uinca. General I MADE .INUW In ftyo years with a small mall order ljuelnesa; began with IS. Send t10,' i" bok't' Tell how. 'ffeacock, i Lock port, , V HE. SAVS He. Been a3?rmua A(' HE A4NT HEEL3 PER t i i e 5 it s S A Ol I I I l 18 J 10 1 Al n ' . . . if