Ifisf' WWeM1.' r ,WT"i ; '-ml' u"sgi J Afei jf f irtiMMifiimMi ii hi HMrmiinrmia. i trfifpBjiejuiil)nAU!l fiPiuW'fPwPwlwBW r 14 EYENIKG kEDflEK-PHILADELPHIA', SATURDAY, DECEMBER S, 1914. NATIONAL ATHLETIC CLUB HAS FINE FIGHT PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR TONIGHT ir ' 1 MO ADJUSTMENT HAS BEEN MADE COLLINS RUNS COBB CLOSE RACE FOR BATTING TITLE jJBMr jr. f' 1 It," nf I fm covm-rr n&vft nSne"1- ' r - -i '" ons op the cursed I cm Mu -n vuin '-Sli this, J I 0oT owcE Joe r ' Tiuri tub first timr ) -3ftONie. dp eeeessssseeiasse s" .eS-HeW VtasttaattaattaaHr C f "YfT 111 Flfl's jvaB. Pt MAiAlt I 1 I '.' ' ' ' t? ' " ' & m M w i. V F-- i i - 1E- IN BROOKE CASE Board of Directors Have Yet to Decide Whether Uni versity of Pennsylvania Will Retain Coach or Not. The University of Pennsylvania fotball team needs a mnn with a personality that can command the respect of the players and insill them with the spirit that wins Karrlea, according to prominent members of the alumni who say that there has been no such mnn connected with tho football team since ".Mike" Murphy. There Is a general opinion among tho alumni, ho student body and tho mem bers of tho team at tho University that something must be done to improve tho showing that has been mndo by tho football team. Although thcro Is con siderable talk About proposed changes, nothing definite has been done, nnd owing to tho delicacy of the situation nobobdy is willing to bo -quoted until after olllcial action has been taken. "Wo do really need n man with a per sonality llko 'Mlko' Murphy," said former football star. "Murphy could put more fight Into u team and get moro out of tho players than any other man I know of. I!o turned the tldo of moro foot ball games than anybody over realized. "I do not bolicvo thnt tho tenm had any such personality behind it this year. Tho vote of tho varsity players shows con clusively that something was radically wrong. 1 "Nobody, In my opinion, can say that Georgo Brcoko did not do all that was In his power to produco a winning team. Hut It Is evident that cither tho system was at fault or tho players wero not properly drilled. ''CJeorgn Iirooko would mako an excel lent advisory coach, but tho football men need somebody with a striking person ality and different teaching methods on the field. "The backfleld In particular needs coaching. The men on tho eleven did not acorn to know Just what was expected of him on each play. Tho system of de fensive backfleld play that Was developed by 'Andy' Smith and banded down through succeeding plnyors Is In my mind largely responsible for tho excellent de fensive work that was dono by Captain Journeay this year." Thero Is n division of opinion nmong the students over tho action taken by tho members of tho 5ootball,team in vot ing against Coach Brooke. So far no definite action has been taken by the Board of Directors. Tho opinion. 1h that tho vote was a moro expression of per sonal opinion tako In confidence. A rfffcKKSyPt Vl tLHPtai I ks& BMb- rrv ruwunw y j"1 ,, mmmrmMk mrmimmm mknUHmiK - - -- bik K'k;m?m3m& mmjsm wmk mzi a -ascsa--: nXJ SSBmSJSk fiiY WMF fffi "SBlilfc?. -52 vm ivm-h .wm& am tssssas. wU!Jli nNrruN'oM I SS JLi.. If Picture op a fsssfei club )m i - Has BEciDeo.Ta if .?MlS&& jia f -nrX !X-.JSS-x-l. Gims up The pimbhor&t S 5. " .JiMIeS ,j ut-ZT P Tkir This Ybacj; amo J v --der,. flffmrn ' " iZ JmT S t& 12W i now -struggling xBsr" JjfflfmssjMIKSL t 'm4$4-&XLj DBc.sioN. 'HL-' 'iwllHMi 'mmnth " W "-' - KoivvwfflPgi wwr'''"u'fDtrijftf'' ' ynmf&xM&r - wkTH vbu than oi p, nll!lMwHflKH& fffSrs ' s& w To fiMCHURi-r j7? VlSMIISillllHSB " qut it V40U1.D 6, y W jJHHwieHw YMW, N . 0O LWCKY CHA9S -Z7 ' """::l vv7Sg$g 'Wgsr DBAS.- PIMEHORST- THINK c - -ffl I OF "TOUR POOR NORTHERN &J fOfvk FIX.1NC IT WITH THE WIFC BROTrifeR. f -J2.TM PINEHURST AND WINTER GOLF Athletics' Second Sackcr Played in 152 Games, While Georgian Only Participated in 97 One Dozen Batsmen in American League Hit Above .300 Mark. Although "Ty" Cobb Is again tho leading batsman of tho American League for the season of 1914, "Eddie" Collins topped tho Georgian in every department of tho gams except the nverago column. The figures Bhow that Cobb only played In 87 games, whllo Connie Mack's leading player was In 152 games. Tho only games In which Collins did not participate wero three Just beforo tho world's series, when tho yanl gans were doing duty for tho Mackmen, whllo they rested for their unfortunate tilt with tho Braves, nnd 0110 game In Iloston when ho hnd his anklo Injured. Cobb's average for tho season was ,368, whllo Collins slugged at a .344 clip. In runs earned, two-base hits, three-base hits and totnl bases, Collins headed Cobb. "Eddie" was also the leading base stealer of tho league with 68 to his credit. Official Amcntan League Balling Averages 1914- CLUB UATTING rllllatlrlnt.ln Detroit ir.T Uoaton mo Games. An. ir8 am Cleveland hi. J.ouls , . Wanhlnglon Chicago . , , New York . JB7 lf,9 1S8 1BT 107 0100 CI 00 MM ftlOS cm no.10 Tt. 740 am r,88 M8 (12.1 r.72 487 Kit. fiSO 43 417 307 378 442 .1R2 381 It. 1302 1318 1270 1202 1242 1213 1205 1143 TB. 1801 1730' 1728 Kill 1027 1087 1303 1432 21). 10S 103 223 178 181 17(1 101 140 409L 638 INDIVIDUAL BATTING 3D. im. sir. 80 28 217 23 18 11 17 18 10 12 205 170 154 147 177 204 140 sn. 220 210 17(1 108 231 210 100 232 13 B. 545 550 400 451 42.1 471 408 077 so. rc-r. 510 .272 537 351 U8.1 80.1 042 nil 711 :ss .250 .245 .24.1" .24.1 .239 .229 'WOMEN GOLFERS USUALLY WEAR AT SHORT GAME a Few Experts, Mrs. Barlow and Other Local However, Combine Good Putting With Driving. ENGRAVERS BEAT GIANTS YOUNG SWIMMERS MEET West Philadelphia and Northeast High Contend Tonight. ,? winlnr teams of Wet Philadelphia Illsh and Northeast High Schools will meet In tho first scholastic dual meet or tho season to nleht In the West IJranch 1". SI. C. A. tank. Captain T. Smith, of tho lied and Jllack tnuatlc ngrresatlon. will undertake the hulk erv the work for his team. He is entered In four of tha Ave events scheduled, lnrludlne the relay race. 100-yard and 50-yard dashes and the fancy diving. As Klstler, who was elected captain of the west Pblllla snlmmers for this season, has not returned to school, the wnter boys from across the Schuylkill will be without the serv ices of a leader. No captain has been elected aa yet. Coach Anthony, of West Philadelphia, and Captain Smith, who acta in the capacity of coach for Northeast, have announced that the contestants for tonight's meet aro In srood shape to do themselves Justice. The evonta and contestants follow: Relay race Northeast, C. Smith. Schoope. T. Bmlth and Massey; West Philadelphia, Drasher, Green. Jonea and Allen. 100-yard dash Northeast. C. Smith and T. Smith! West Philadelphia, Drasher and Allen. 200-yard dash Northeast. Oppenhelmer and JIsey: West Philadelphia. Green and Jonea. BO-yard dash Northeast, Schoopa and T. Bmlth ; West Philadelphia, Drasher and Liv ingston. Fancy divine Northeast. Garrlsuea nnd T. Bmlth: West Philadelphia. Green and Williams. Plume Northeast. Doll and Massey; West aui&ucipma, AJfjruoauQ ana uilDcn. COLLEGE BOXING LEAGUE ?enn Enthuslasttca Attempting to Work TJp Jiloro Interest In Sport. University of Pennsylvania boxing: enthusl ata are trylnt to work up enough Interest In other concern to form an Intercollegiate liox. Inr League and tt hold a championship tourna ment m the various weights, Juit aa U now dona In wrestllnr. Several Institutions, notably Talo and C'olilm. bU, hava been approached on the subject, but ho far have declined to enter such a leaiuo. The objection made Is that while boxing- Is en thusiastically pursued at all the big univer sities of tha country It lias too many dancer, out tendencies for an Intercollegiate sport. As Doctor McKenzle explained, there Is the fear that In a content for championship honors the port might smack too much of the prize ring;, arouse hard feellnea and possibly lead to accl. dams. Pennsylvania, under tho Instruction of George, Decker, has a class of nearly (to young men working; regularly. A plan Is now under con Mention for having a triangular meeting with Princeton and Franklin and Marshall. Hunger Going West ford Hunger, left Philadelphia today for HaUuiauo, illch., where he is to battle "Hal" BlewsM. Immediately after his right Munger will return Bast and prepare for local affairs. "Del" Kyle, SB North lll-hth street. 1 rain uitng Mungsr. One would lmnirlnc, nnd naturally enough, that women golfers as a general rulo would bo Btrongest In their short game. As a matter of fact, tho reverse Is nearer to the truth. Tho fair golfer generally gets away from tho tee In very good shnpe, not a great length, but Invariably true. Through the green, too, their play Is con sistently good, hut as soon as tho green Is reached thero comes a tendency to lapse. Thero are, of course, some few excep tions to this. Mrs. Barlow usually crowns good work up to the green with fine putting, Beldom If ever using more than the regulation two putts to tho green. Then, too, there are a few local players who, whllo not any great shakes from tho tee and through the green, ap proach and putt with deadly accuracy. But with tho average golfer of the fair sex there Is inclined to be a most la mentable falling off on the putting greens. Apropos of this, a good story Is told of Miss Gladys Itavenscroft. tho English girl who won the national championship nt Wilmington last year. Miss Bavens croft was noticeably off her putting In an important event, and her caddie began to take the matter very much to heart. On tho way to tho clubhouse, after tha first round, ho unouruenea nis pent-up reel ings: "Miss," said tho caddie, "I do ope you'll do better this afternoon. You aven't been playing golf at all. You've played oekey!" Bowling Match In Evening ledger league Is Closo Affair. Manager Slavin's Engraving team de feated tho Giants In n scheduled Kvenino LEDQEn Lenguo bowling match last night on the Caolno alleys. Tho Engravers took tho first nnd third games, while their opponents landed tho second contest. Edward Jones was high man for tho eve ning, with ISO. Cunningham hnd tho best average fo'r tho three games, bowling H5. After tho games wero over the reception committee servd rfreshments after which tho players wero entertained by tho well known local trio, Dllllck, "Walsh nnd Price Their .best nejlootlon was tho British marching song, "It's a Long, Long Way to Tlpperary." Below are the Indi vidual scores: ROBIDEAU MEETS DENNY TONIGHT AT NATIONAL A. C. Cunningham Ilyrnc Webber Ferguson . . . Slavin Totals . . . . My.:: March ... Jones Palmer . . Totals . IWanAVHRS. GIANTS. 172 141 111 MS J 30 rill 122 320 12.-, H7 uri inn 1KI 14J 100 "29 018 "cm ISrt 132 111) J2 !I4 10.1 124 115 Iff! 110 ISO 110 133 141 110 051 004 017 BENDER GOING FEDERAL WARD P r.Ii?CAGa, , 5-CharIes Albert Bender, Ci?nni? ?Iac.k s..!n(!.,lm Pitcher, will sign with tho St. Louis ".Feds" within a fow days, ac cording to President James ailmore. of tho I ederal League, who received a telegram from Baltimore announcing the fact. Dender. the mesage said, waa eager to loin his teammate, Eddie Plank, on tho St. Louis teem. Meredith' to Race Halpiu Tonight "Ted" Meredith, the Olympic and Intercol legiate champion, left last eenlng for Bos ton, where he Is scheduled to run n special match race with Tom Ilalpln, his old rival, nt Mechanics' Hall, tonight. The dlstanca will be 000 yards, and, as both men are at their best at this distance, tha contest nlll he a fight to the finish. KILBANE TO FIGHT MANDOT TONIGHT IN CLEVELAND Champion Featherweight "Will In vade Lightweight Ranks, AKItON, O., Deo. 5 Chsmplon Johnny Kll bane, the Cleveland featherweight, will Invade the llghtv. eight ranks tonight, when he Is scheduled to fight Joe Mandot. of New Orleans. .Articles were signed last month In Cleveland (or a 12-round bout, and each man agreed to make 133 pounds ringside. This will be the first tlmo that Kllbane has stacked up against n top.notcher In the lightweight ranks. MORE WRESTLING AT PENN Several hundred students were liven a gen uine treat In the wrestling yesterday afternoon at the novice meet being held this veek In the gymnasium at the University of Pennsyl vanla. They wltnossed a 13-mlnute battle be tween Joy and Cowling. The usual seven, minute round waa not surtlclent for either man to show hla superiority, so the time was extended for two rounds of three minutes eaeh. At the end of the second extra period the decision was given to Joy on argresslvenes. PENN FOOTBALL SITUATION DISCUSSED , Tho Board of Directors of the University of Pennsylvania now find themselves In a very unenviable position, as it is up to this august body to determine whether or not George Brooke is to ba retained aa coach of the varsity football team. It has been strikingly demonstrated by tho Varsity players that Coach Brooke is no longer to be encouraged in his -work. At the Thursday session of the athletes the Instructor was ousted unanimously. Thus the football men at least made it apparent they do not want Brooke next year. It is now a matter for the Board of Directors to decide. If the di rectors support the students, Brooke will have to go. On the other hand, if the directors decide that Brooke has been unfairly dealt with, a con dition not to be desired wilt have developed. If the members of tha Board of Directors decide that Brooke should be retained, this will be a direct Up In the players' faces. It is readily to be deduced If the students are rebuked serious trouble may be expected when the men are sailed to the gridiron next fall With the directors and athletes at odds, athletics will uurely be killed unless very diplomatic adjustments are made. Coach. Brooke has a good case against tho University. He has a contract for three years. Two years of this he has served. It Is almost certain that Brooke will not remain against the wishes of the student body. If he did stay and fulfil hi contrast, bis road would indeed be a roeky one. The Pennsylvania freshmen nave ev(dUy been raked over the ooaU for supporting Brooke. Today a statement was made that the freshles were sorry they speka for Brooke, their exouss being that they -were not fastlDar with the real situation. To our way of thinking It would have been nwen wiser to nave waited before lumping Into the breash. ffl a wi-tourt een QapUin Journeay had the following; to say about tfeo whole mat tec: ! want to my right here. said Journeay yesterday In the eyauu. sfwa. "that Ooaisti Brooke shew m favoritism or the W. He was TjMjTUmi iivm th start Jtvery rm got bis ettanee. Aay nun who played Oft Hut Mm Uhu was there fcegsme h wwt the beet an ft Me uk "Mr Ueouke luu tae beet Inter of Pemietfa at )MMt. He did sjveryUtiajE in lite juwer tu place a winning Bad ajsl Blue teasa tike WM ew mtarsos v the squad Tti iu ...i,-... ..-.. Tiii.,s..Uv was io tended tm fee kept SMfeti mimImf i lease east, ass am newspaper st H. It was unfair Is tha mmt u wu.ut, fur It save a into uaprgf sjon " The ep-uaptate wtmM iwc uU--iu the matter further He dscHsWd tj ; j,i wua kHia if, ti ! rasing rouoi iws (he fdu vtm ".v:. -;--J ftaM i (skj- ki( fee a ut asie4 "Why the team fatted WILIi EXPEL MARQUARD NEW YORK. Dec. 8. President David rulti, of the llaaeball riacra Fraternity, stated last mint tnai me rerort ot siarquard a all In? with the Federals waa hard to believe, I tnat it it were true Msrquard would un- aouuieaiy ds cxpeuea irom tne fraternity. lien-but 'Pal" Moore Enters Ring With "Buff" Seidel, of Milwaukee, in Semiwind up Other: Good Affairs. "Jack" McGulean has arranged an other one of his nttractlvo shows tonight with two nrst flight lightweights, "Sam" Robldcau, of this city, and "Jnck" Denny, of New Orleans, In thrj wlndup. Denny 13 one of the best little men ovor devel oped In tho South, but will And in Robl dcau a hard proposition to handle. Tho complete program follows: Main bout "Sam" ITobldoau, Philadelphia, vs. "Jack" Denny, New Orleans. Semltlnnt bout 'Tal" Moore, Philadelphia, vs "Hurt" Seldcl, Milwaukee. . Third bout "Lew" Tendlcr, Philadelphia, vs. "Pred" llasltnnr. Wllkes-Barre. Second bout "Hddlo Wacom. Little Italy, vs. btanlcy Ulncklc. Gray's Ferry. First bout "Jack" Bennett. Trenton, vs. "VounE" Flynn, Trenton. Tho all-star show ax the Olympla A. A. next Monday night will Introduce In the feature event two of the test known boxers In tho city, --iwunfi- L.rnB, oi uraya erry, ana joe Borrell, of Kensington. The great rivalry ex. latins between thla pair adds to the Interest of their meeting. For taldne a beatlnn from "YounK" shug rua In New JTork on Tuesdny night. Champion "Freddy" Welsh received $41D7.1M for his end. Ho received S3 per cent, of tho gross re rolpta. while Shugrue had to be content with IS per cent., which amounted to $1703,10. "Gunboat" . Smith and "Jim" Coffey, the Ir.jh 11 lant. have been matched to meet In a lp-rour.d bout at Madison Square Garden on December 13. They are carrylnp the "buv your ticket be fore ou enter" In the New York boxing clubs to extremes "Billy" Roche, the orricral ref eree of tho club, was held up and had to pur chase a il Jlc.k't beforo he was allowed to "Johnny;' Loftus had two men In 20-round contests this week. He had "Frankle" Con way In Juares and "Frankle" Hart against "Micky" O-Br en in Jacksonville yesterdly. READING COMES TO CLASH WITH DE NERI TEAM Game Will Be Played This Evening at Musical Fund Hall Visitors Have Ex- llent Chance to Win. ce Do Norl will go Into the cago tonight at JIusfcal Fund Hall with tho Reading five for an opponent. Last night's game with Greystock should havo put Do Nori In good shnpo for this evening's affair, na It is a fact In basketball, as In most sports, that consecutive play Is better than Intervals of rest. Heading will be the hardest proposition Do Neri haa had on tho homo floor at 8th and Locust streets this season. The consistent work of tho entire up-State team has put them in a winning frame of mind, and lntlio Musical Funders are sure to get a battle beforo they have completed HO rnlnues of play. Thore will bo the usual musical pro gram and dancing following the game. Bv leadlnr Grevfrtaek In lng by the small margin of two, quintet was enabled to win fleld-roal shoot- tne u Nerl zrom tne down. town SDeed bova In Cooner Dattallnn (full lnf ,.. .-. - - - - m .s .. m T""- -vri. , us, lb uy u uvurn oi a u In an Ka.t.rn i,vKuv uBSKeioan game. The home five gave the visitors a hard bat tle In both periods, but could not quite catch them. The first half ended 1- to U In De Nerl's faor. and they managed to win by the same margin. Neuman, of Do Nerl. and Cashman, of Oreystock. each tallied four Held coals. Une-up: DB NERI. Goals Field. Foul. Asst. O ..... 1 ..... 1 4 Personal Touches in Sports Penn's Individual players were not altogether responsible for the poor showing made by tha lied and Blue thla season. They knew little football and a number of them were woefully lacking In ability. Hence their high-handed action In all but publicly censuring tieorno Brooke, who knows moro football than they and waa a better man In his day, was unjustl. tied. Many of those same playera who de nounced tbe "system" at Penn should have praised It, for it was by lrtus ot that same 'system" that more than one player was enabled to make the team rather than through Inherent football ability. Whether It Is up to the studenta to choose a coach or for the ath letlo authorities to do so. Is a matter which has been discussed many times without & definite conclusion being reached. Even If the best method ot selecting a coach were to allow the players to do It. which Is not the one in vogue at Penn, the Tied and Blue players this year will nnd that thsy were not the ones to perform tbe task. That may aeem contra dictory, but It Isn't. The .point la that tho majority of the men who played on tha team thla year will not be regulars next season if tbe team Is chosen by merit. The freshmen eloen, plus Howard Berry, who ta a member ot the scrub, exhibited twice aa much football knowledge and ability aa any man on the var sity, will represent more than tha nucleus of Penn's team on the gridiron In 1015. Ibere rn,. tha voun nun. with a fev exceDtlons.who took. It upon tcamulvsa to advise the Football CororaltUe how to run It's affaire will learn later that they not only overstepped the bounds of their collegiate prerogatives, but acted, on a mattor In which ihoy are apt to be far less Interested next season than they were this. What George Brooke haa done and what he lias not done as Penn's coach are subjects to be dUcuued elsewhere and by others who think they know. But no one can galiuay the fact that the football players In voting to have Brooke ousted committed sn unjustified act unjustified because It vtm not In their province. We hope that this will not be considered a orecedent by teams of the future; that the nu.rlls InslJfat will be forgotten, and that when the ourtiln fall on the season of 1913, rcgardriu of who U .coach an4 reeardUsa of tbspirwwiBoI of Ibe team, the Bed end Blue rWillTe waving- trtiUBDfcanlly over Franklin Vteld. Vr'htle Walter Johnson Is recognized ss one of tha world's greatest pitchers, he has sever bees noted for versatility until the prtseat Una. But if all the artlolss are true con cerning hl Federal league contract then he has Proven himself versatile. Indeed, He haa tunea i rasglaa' vtoatmty s.s J we were jn IKKOun Coach Maazo A. Stags', t ttA TTntversttv of CsJ the tit, of all-star football selections, ills BrguiBMt, srhteto. to abaohjuly sound, la. that It Is tinJy direeutt ler a ooacn to eneoae the right Ji tec es teaje, and that tbe dif ficulty arUIag from attenptwg to pick as all- V nn9 PIWiH li'lH BH,,1S h-.vi ?' ,heIr respective lots with the Fed. SiSi.?5.ue- anit wl11 trouble ftugliSy j" nlngs boja no more. The natural inclusion Is. therefore that tha Detroit Club, which did not make a bad race this year will 5.S better In 1015. which can only meai they wm be strong pennant contenders. r w ' J,M'M" to suppore otherwise, the new! to? iv'ft 1SSK J" S.JR!"i ".Wise, to tSe'Si; Jorlly of golfera, fest is wise one. M ni,..7fr "J, '."".' ma- wils'on1.'' liiTa; ?? s&SEWr. i hit ,7 ,i.tZ"laoul a aoubt wonderful, as nis paat has been as a goiter he had .SS may have now, even a greater tutu ?. n.m-m,?.ut ,or ona unforfSste IncWentMc Dermott's career as a golfer would hv RT all probability been on eieHea of trlumnh. toffiS&ft&S Vc0n?h.Wa:piec,hPOnma,a, ' McDermott on the oceaiin S 5.JS5?0.?? i visit to Bhawnee. fbli mirl wi, not present when the speech was mid" and W u,ri,l' aecond-hand. and It wii F. LF""4 fn1 ,0 tnalduoualy worded it .raised a storm throughout 7h. Zz neted for vereatinty, until But if all the artlolss ar ag hl Federal league contr uwm hisiself versatfle. tnde d for no less than six dlfCerest amounts. Sa- from je,)Otoma I that isn't tillty In Its (eeet iruleat form well,' t ucvwecw kuu H4e. director of athletics ago. Justly rldlouUs i 'setttag aa eaftuaa from aa ; Lnow mat taan isey. nai.asevae that sor en wen cbi is tut te n ana seueve la that tbe tana tser twa Svuv baaacall fn will wif tbst this leaaiMa. We iil rIiIii trunu that let words WHWtTBigf iHlroii a caiKae ar aMtalayJKawJ : E PUci tun '.;' besu she itij ub :km at &m Tlseis. tuidj cisa tc& ymta IlaVs vli to Bhii""lSS..i'I"on ni ... ...- -c- .rr "' "n he on o hi. 52' ".,rf,"e1 tor throughout the eoun w. jutuinuoii possesses a very necullar if.TffJ8?""' Iiut wno knivTblnfThot--ougbly have awy, been able to appreciate hla many good points, which completely over shadow little weaknesses. Tin man resnonsl ble for the dissemination of McDernwU'e speech" openly boasted of hla "scoop'' t ill y realising- the harm ha had done. We trust thai fce &2jP!i? "l2 WeVode'ratud IS; McDermott received an offer from oil Nlcholls to travel through the West this winter to nlay exhibition matches! If MeDeraitt WSFtinW &$ bTthlt J. J. M'DERMOTT RESIGNS Professional Golfer Withdraws From Game, at Iieast Temporarily. PUWrUNTVlLLlS. N. X, Dee. Baolflg citJi wilt be surprised to Uaro of the sue? :resIrBtton oTjohn J. MdStoou. -WW Ststes open goix clwunSonfor ee'vt'ai years, and for the last TOuplerf yWrY uK J$FSX&fi8g ,0eaf "f A&tge tlon of Ms lnteaSea to Qutt the AtUntio fflfi Country Quo waa we sent by SS. htm to his aastotaats hew. aSng tE McDonsott, while pUlag ta good form tk. last year, feu sot L7n reiP active at t5 local W. at of the clifeWteg' ! wecftweat Frltaj say KeBerSMtt wftloulc the g fe witte until i hsTtad uV tortunU ta rest and laurov lila ohyailat caadUlan 10 n o o o 10 Pis. 13 0 3 Fogarty. forwaroT.. Dark, forward Iveenan, centre...,, Klnkalde, guard.,.. Neuman, guard.... Totals s onErsTocK. wnson, forward 1 Sugarman, forward o iTashman, centre McWUllams, guard 0 Crois, guard 1 FOUla cnmmMtmtlUrim'ijlZi in. ?. .". ?2 It.free-B..ti: TTme-ofalv-e'Slnut..: Heading.. DeNerf.. Camden. . EASTEHN IHSAQUB. w. i rc. o .io Jaaper... a 2 i W, srwocit..v. S ....5 S .W0 Trenton 3 W. TPC. S ,600 .SKI T .auu INDIVIDUAL 8COIUNCJ RECCUIDS. Fogarty. De Nerl Bears, Heading Kummer, Jaaper Adams, Camden ..,.,,,, Wilson, Oreystock Hough, Trenton ,, Brown, Camden Dolan, Camden .,... Steele, Camden Neuman. De Nerl, Kane, Trenton Fitzgerald, Jasper .,,., Cashman, Oreystock,, ,i. Cross. Oreystock ,. OetLslnger, Trenton ,,,, Haggerty, Reading ,,, ' Dark, De Nerl "," Cavanaugh, Jasper .,,., Bugarman. Oreystock.,,. Keenan, DeVNeri.,, Frouckle, Trenton Brady, Jasper ..,,,,..,. Morris. Heading ,...,,, Klnkalde. De Nerl..,,.' O'Donntll. Heading ,,., Gelr. Trenton . Reading Bckhardt, Jasper .,.. llerron, Camden ,, MoWllllams, Oreystock. , Btgglo, Heading ...,,.,, Thompson. Camden , .... uooper, ITcnion .,,..,, 2 x O Frost, Trenton ,,,..,,., 3 1 0 CLUB SOOR1NON RECORDS. . O.F.Q. Fl.a, Camden ............. in ox 101 Ai-emwu ..,..,.ft.,,,,., u De Nerl ..,..,..,,..(( 0 Jasper ..,...,.,....,,,., 10 Oreystock .,,.,, 0 Heading ...,..,, , 8 o. f.o. I'l q, t at 10a" .8 IT ICO 10 S3 01 U O 115 .0 14 JOT 10 IT OS 10 .111 u 10 L'S 0 10 S3 O 0 SO O 10 SJ u 10 SO O U 18 o U IT 0 10 U n T 13 O 0 13 0 10 12 0 0 10 4 1 11 0 10 10 o T 8 8 10 0 U 10 0 S 8 O 0 6 0 0 5 0 10 B 0 10 3 O 0 3 0 4 3,0 Total A. Pis. 13 111 113 133 131 1 U.I 50 41 10 40 40 aa HI s.i sa S3 J It 10 4 T 8 tt O 8 a H 8 x o 0 T8 75 70 es 63 100 ICC! 100 ICO A. Pts. 57 SIS S3 -V, 48 292 SS3 21 219 SHOTS FOR THE BASKET f.;te,h&,yf..sb aV,rafi7 5 boektss them against the beet tbird and fourth etau taans la tET city. Any team dtsffhlS to play theni and pay a reaao-iabte guarantee address R. Coulton. 10U Shickanijxon street! TeKmersoM would Ilka to hear from all seoood al tWrd etasa teams saving lialis. AddnSa Srbert HuajphrJaa, 3106 Ilitton avenue; pboae Kctulngtoa 4S1T. ""' The Delaware Boya club, tsdependent ehaju sloas of Philadelphia- who have yet to t. SifeaUd, would lKeto arrange games with all arstlasa teams, Ametlcao iaatea loir or l D ahuall. Sll Boutb 3d street In the coming seasoa Trades will direct lta atUatCi ta the basketball and traeaeLa. nhU Hlgh.Sclwwl to. iu their gyouuuHuuuter prsvuae IB eaaeteau team has beaa hard CuUb Eata Bdn kt work ftftiujrlaz io mmf ihj b.iTZ,T- f2 y.ftaes .""ss.ctf WeSoraMe L. grt tUM teams wus a tea, of laat yFi lid otter resvlar au4 a ooaber of atax vageiuea fouoJ aoXHMI Itw candidate Trade aa avelta4 a teem . bun i!J oWuad c?iitarai!oJ Tha 1 trata tfeto. b aireaoy smuj its eSIMv br v , , . i tt" i-u ww GArnvm? u a eoa ? Cobb, Delroll n. Collins, Philadelphia. Speaker, Boiton..., Jackson, Cleveland Lvlivelt, Cleveland unKer, i-iiiiadelphla Iloblltzel, Bonton Crawford, Detroit Mclnnls, Philadelphia,... iournlcr, Chicago Crec, fov York Barbnro, Cleveland C. Walker, St. lAula.... K. 1 alker, t. Louis.... Milan, Washington Hoth. Chicago.. Burnn, Detroit Bchnntr. Philadelphia.... Mltcholl. Washington..., Cook, New York Pratt, St. Louis Foster, Washington Lowls, Boston A. Williams. Washington Oldrlng, Philadelphia.... linker, Chicago , Veach, Detroit Sirunb, Philadelphia.... Chapman, Cleveland Russell, Chicago Brntley, Washington.,.. Kuhn, Chicago J. Collins, Chicago Ivlrke, Cleveland E. Murphy, Philadelphia, Schaik. Chicago....;.... Shottcn, 8t. Louis Chaso, Chicago High, Detroit I-rfiary, St. Louis aranoy, Clovoland llbold, Cleveland Nunamakcr, Now York.. Ijivan, St. Louis Mullen. New York Gardner, Boston Camlll, Washington Demmltt, Chicago Hooper, Boston Lujole, Cleveland Cady, Boston Morgan. Wnshlm-ton Acosto, Washington...... Morlarty, Detroit a. Williams, St. Louis.. Daley, Phlla.-Now York. O'Neill, Cloveland Carrlgan, Boston llenrlksen. Boston Hush, Detroit Vltt, Detroit Moellcr, Washington.... Horpor, Washington Kavanagh. Detroit IVcaver, Chicago Turner, Cleveland Johnston, Cleveland llouard, St. Louis Barry, Philadelphia Olson, Cloveland Covoleskle, Detroit Schaefer. Washington... Malsel. Now York E. Scott, Boston Qalnor, Detroit-Boston.. Boehllng, Washington... Davles. Philadelphia Jnnvrln, Boston Austin, St. Louis II. Vood, Clovoland HarVell, Now York Daly. Chicago Lapp, Philadelphia Chanpelle, Chicago Bodle, Chicago Egan, Cleveland Dubuc, Detroit Pozold, Cloveland Ilellman, Detroit Alnsmlth, Washington. .'. Shanks, Washington Pecklnpaugh, Now York. Blackburno, Chicago Boone, Now York Johnson, Washington..., Walsh, Now York-Phlla. Wallace, St. Louis Yerkes, Boston Rehg. Boston Wambsganss, Cleveland, Dauas. Detroit Carlsch, Cleveland Dressier, Philadelphia... D. Baker, Detroit Pennock, Philadelphia,,. Sweeney, Now York Agnew, St. Louis Breton, Chicago. .r Trucsdale. New York. . . . Wares, St. Louis Shawkey, Philadelphia-... Mitchell, St. Louis,..,. . McBrlde, Washington. . . . McIIale, New York Bteen, Cleveland.. W. Bmlth. Washington.. Caldtvell, New York 63 Coumbe, Boston-Clove, ., SO Ifngel, Boston Stanage, Detroit Thomas. Boston S. Qregg, Cleve. -Boston. U Bush. Philadelphia... Kopf, Philadelphia Lord, Chicago McKee, Detroit ,, llolden. New York Basslor, Cleveland Leverens. St. Louis Hamilton, St. Louis Boehler, Detroit.......,, G. Foster, Boston, ... ,,, Wolfgang. Chicago Rumler, St. Louis Alcock, Chicago,,, Thompson, Philadelphia. Purtell, Detroit...., Henry, Washington,,.., . Ayres, Washington, Keating, New York Mayer, Chicago ,, Williams. New York,,,, Clcotte, Chicago Scott. Chicago .,, Berger, Chicago , ., WyckoS. Philadelphia,,, Plant. Philadelphia Wellman, St, Louis,,.,., Leonard. Boston.,..,.,,, Faber, Chicago Bender. Philadelphia- Warhop. New York.,., Games. Alt, P7 315 152 158 123 32 150 OS 107 11 0 109 77 13 Ml 71 115 34 1.17 107 M 131 15S inn no 81 11 1) 13 141) 122 100 .10 23 17 154 07 14S 133 151 68 80 141 130 114 ni 71 OT 153 145 140 141 121 01 147 38 130 143 05 .SI) HI 01 167 no 151 127 130 120 103 St 140 80 42 23 140 144 30 27 10 143 110 72 137 01 00 21 107 20 on 23 07 68 313 157 114 10(1 64 110 20 112 St 43 43 40 2H 43 2T 87 113 fit 77 81 34 27 150 30 SO 43 63 122 111 27 35 33 21 Wood. Boston R. Collins, Boston Miller, St. Louis,. , Fisher. New York. It. Johnson, Boston , 15 Baumgardner, St. Louis, SS Benx. Chicago 44 Birmingham. Cleveland,, 10 C. Brown. Phlla.-N. T, 31 Jenkins, St- Louis 10 Croesln, St. Louts....... 43 Ehaw, Washington 45 Pleh. New York ,,,, 13 W. James, St. Louis 38 Engel, Washington.. .... 30 Cavet, Detroit............ 20 Blsland. Cleveland 18 Blending, Cleveland..... 2T Bedlcnt. Boston .., 33 Main. Detroit 20 Shore, Beaton IS Collamore, Cleveland.,.. 21 W. Mitchell, Cleveland.. SS lloch, St Louis 13 Cole, New York 36 Reynold. Detroit. . . SO Bowman, Cleveland 3D Hall, Detroit...... . IS Morton, Cleveland 20 llagerman, ClevtUod .... 38 Lathrop, Chicago 16 James (Lefty) Cleveland. 11 DlUlnger, Cleveland.,... 19 520 571 453 IM 670 220 5R2 670 Mil 275 52 617 131 417 12(1 478 .'107 103 470 684 tun 610 IC!) 4811 47 6.11 401 375 02 40 40 508 242 67.1 .102 670 200 18-1 CJ3 450 402 262 211) 323 633 620 615 030 410 150 4111 71 4G3 400 277 201 178 05 oon 11)3 671 12 4.TJ 641 42S 340 201) 4117 310 03 SO 618 010 81 71 40 402 4IUI 220 481 133 100 39 327 fS 124 71 3S2 131 600 670 474 370 110 352 73' 201 151 143 07 102 51 70 511 25S 311 2J1 217 21.1 82 34 5H1 00 70 1)7 113 41 131 400 130 62 71 CO 09 r.l 163 TT 33 85 IT 03 40 40 ion 29 70 2(11 H3 71 83 178 86 88 148 73 60 101 0S 63 02 71 43 TO 68 03 30 63 03 47 61 83 00 81 17 f 2T 47 67 99 60 40 60 93 4Z n 21 22 35 01 13 13 10 R. r. 122 inn 01 u SI 3t 74 71 41 45 n (17 10 03 14 65 41 20 Oil 83 82 53 17 OS 4 60 RS 61) II 7 1 CI 18 101 30 S2 33 03 43 10 21 6(i 48 03 83 37 14 50 10 oa 61 6.1 IS IS 111 7 35 83 1 00 Gl 43 41 2t 57 "5 (! 7S m it 10 11 03 63 21 j.H 13 21 7 II 4 25 11 44 65 48 3 It 12 8 8 II 4 7 23 - 21 21 20 G 4 40 n 11 0 1 14 16 O 6 6 ft 8 T 12 fi nn, 47 in 74 4(1 5 07 20 51 53 .".I .11 O 63 1.1 Bt It 3!l 34 10 45 00 on 40 1.1 08 3 37 41 44 6 r, :t 45 12 SO 20 67 19 21 48 : 12 10 21 30 40 42 05 21 10 39 II 41 41 37 21 17 12 72 23 03 1 41 41 31 32 18 35 15 .1 4 53 47 10 K S 49 42 18 45 l) 14 1 15 I n 3 18 8V 30 43 42 23 IT 119 .'! IT 12 0 8 S 4, 3 n 19 18 1.1 If It 3 It. 127 1SI 101 153 21 182 73 183 181 118 81 II) 151 39 129 o 130 8S 65 131 1IB 174 142 47 12-1 13 140 lit 101 17 11 11 101 on .-. 30(1 150 53 411 111 122 inn en 03 81 141 nn 113 137 10S 41 12U 111 118 120 70 (A 41 21 150 41) 141 3 ion 113 103 83 51 113 7 131 120 Sll 17 11 117 111 2.1 112 31 41 I) 7.1 20 2S in 41 lit 112 127 10.1 f.2 .".0 77 10 flt S3 31 21 SI 3 .1 8 R 1 It O 1 n n 8 4 D 4 5 2 11 1.1 12 M 08 49 4(1 45 17 7 102 12 11 19 .,. :a 77 25 10 14 13 13 12 SO 14 (1 15 4 11 2 2.7 2 3 8 12 8 27 3 3 3 22 18 41 . 4 11 (l fi 13 '7 IS 14 0 D 20 5 It 3 3 11 11 10 23 7 2 11 0 4 0 6 S 15 H 3 10 3 3 8 4 4 8 10 7 10 2 2 0 2 S 11 4 7 12 a 8 4 11 10 10 J a e 4 TB. 177 S3S 2S7 210 2S 24!) 89 28 1 212 IBS 113 TO 228 63 173 00 ISO 121 ) 153 210 211) 201 01 173 10 100 138 145 20 13 ' 12 225 83 11)5 123 11 n 7.1 1.0 183 102 123 III 81 fU 213 180 170 193 1211 41) 107 25 100 10!) 01 84 0.1 32 17n. on 1S.1 3 154 177 110 100 ni 12.1 RS 27 R 178 J CO 39 21 10 150 13.1 l!7 14S 3.1 67 I) 103 2t 4t 18 67 41 100 102 128 - 01 45 110 20 SS 41 41 28 21) 14 II) 1(1 OS 70 CO 00 1 67 1!) 8 122 11 10 23 20 11 2S 03 20 12 21 10 10 15 3T IT a 13 r 12 7 u S.I 7 17 80 S 13 10 41 15 17 28 " . 11 15 11 0 13 15 7 12 10 10 4 7 15 a is 7 , 14 ' 14 3 0 7 a 6 4 f 3 1 1 1 1 sn. an.iin. sir. 22 21 40 22 0 SI 10 Ot, 32 14 18 24 5 10 4 o., 11 6 11 31 in 37 0, 21 1 111 15 in 1 31 II 18 13 1 10 3 2rt 8 I) j in 3 it n n 8 3 .1 13 10 I) 4 7 1 11 .1 ' 10 1 0 2S 13 13 1 8 7 22 29 14 I) 15 10 r. an. bb. 33 67 OS 42 23 19 12 25 25 10 4 1 29 n 33 3 22 1 "1 10 11 IS (I 21 4 13 nn 20 13 0 :n 37 31 1 .. 31 0 30 S 12 It 33 19 lO- 28 17 11 10 7 8 23 21 13 23 14 0 19 19 7 12 5 3 IS II 5 3 7 II) 3 :: 4 39 30 12 15 1 8 r 10 20 1 2t so II 15 II 12 n 13 II ii IS 10 1: 1.1 8 7 nn 14 10 8 4 12 IT 4 fl 4 .1 1 1 1 1 10 n r. 1 o 1 3 21 4 10 21 10 V, !) (I 0 (I .1 r. 21 11 38 in. 7 in -I 11 25 11 is 10 1 10 20 it 3' 6 30 38 11 H 31 7 S 1 1 20 3 it 20 in 1 10 si 1 4 so r no 21 40 0 7 n 20 12 11 n it 10 so 12 19 14 n 21 3 .11 35 12 1 1 5 35 10 28 1 in 14 17 14 14 12 1 SO 3? 10 r 21 t 12 1 4 G .'! 1 II II 12 4 31 4 1 8 18 33 07 77 41 63 10 G9 10 at 30 61 13 32 8 32 32 a 41 60 00 07 13 18 3 00 67 48 1 8 27 ' 7 87 38 01 2.1 2(1 10 117 64 23 17 33 33 68 32 12 02 11 39 3U 60 1.1 40 112 31 71 ii 20 41 28 2S 63 13 II 3 70 32 8 G G 38 40 13 08 7 31 4 21 3 7 0 10 10 0 11 10 1 'i vl :: i $ n 3 3 5 "3 15 2 3 4 5 4 fi J 3 S 1 s 10 3 3 8 fl J B 1 7 a 0 4 2 1 0 4 5 3 4 4 1 3 'a ! 4 1 13 1 0 29 Gl GO 31 10 69 6 14 IS 8 11 12 (1 n 85 24 21 SI) 2S 4 43 4 it T ii 21 18 4 3 8 8 14 18 15 1 13 1 4 8 7 7 3 BT 8 4 14 28 3 8 13 t t 4 10 4 1 3 8 4 1 'a i 3 4 1 10 1 4 8 a 0 so. 22 31 S5 81 10 37 21 31 27 44 21 n 72 20 2(1 25 611 33 19 00 45 47 41 19 05 .1 211 38 48 14 n 11 40 so 46 24 en in 21 71 4rt 66 81 30 03 39 41 4S 47 15 31 18 27 120 27 35 18 12 01 8 89 4 42 40 36 10 42 31 21 28 6 09 4.1 14 17 13 50 69 2H US 13 It 11 33 20 11 a 20 S3 61 7.1 68 41 27 48 33 23 11 24 24 18 7 0 11 30 03 42 3.1 S.I "7 70 15 26 12 24 12 11 63 17 IS 2S 14 3 la 26 8 11 4 14 7 13 14 8 7 4T 23 25 33 2d IS 'o9 15 14 27 11 18 13 IS 14 37 13 11 13 10 20 fi 57 11 10 31 per, .303 .341 .333 .3.13 .328 .310 .318 .314 .314 .311 ,301) .303 .2US .203 .203 .204 .201 .2ST .283 .283 .283 .282 .278 .278 .277 .277 .275 .27.1 .27.1 .273 .275 .275 .271 ,273 .272 .270 .21.0 .207 .208 .203 .203 .204 .203 .2(13 .200 .259 .250 .253 .258 .253 .2.18 .2.17 . .237 i .234 .253 .253 ,2M IS53 .252 .231 .250 .250 .248 .240 .213 .211 .214 .242 .212 .242 .241 .2.19 .239 .239 2J9 .230 .238 .23J BIB .233 .23.1 .231 .231 .220 .227 22a .22(1 223 Ml 223 222 .220 .210 .210 .218 .218 .217 .219 .21 a .sia .214 .214 ,213 213 213 .213 ,209 ,20T .203 .20J .200 .200 .106 405 .105 .104 ,183 iwi .102 .ISO .189 .ISO .387 .3S3 .183 .183 .178 .179 .175 .175 .174 ,173 .173 ,171 ,163 .169 .103 .1(3 .163 .181 .163 ,16.1 ,1B1 .150 ,14 .147 ,1 ,113 14J .no 'Ml mi ,1K .12 SS II 28 3 20 7 23 8 SO X 8 7 10 41 4 9 a XCagee Admits Signing CINCINNATI. Deo. B.-Lee Uage, the 84. SLouLs Cardinals' outfltWer. ul yeaterday: "I nUht as Ttsll cat out th,e eoavereaUou. I've stittfld wHh the 'Feda,' and. whether thsy ak nt a isatiagtr wivAta is tne ttwts, lta gnmg ta lLa? Tfces t 'j-awped.' no natter r or Uui a. to stick ta l 'yawped.' " OLYMFIA A. A. j MONOAr NifflrSei JOJ BOKSBLr. .. XOUHa BHMg A4gi.c.Bl Kj,,Qv , Aoa Rms., 7ec.fl J0. IMHUU, i-khj- WotiflBal A ' PARLOR BASEBALL GAME1 Which Made Big Players Chea 4 --,, jf Bvery Bijtbatl want the Obais skil) faaelMH OMM, &m t Players to be the ta to Oaaae Uara I get It for tfclr Abv misnhar Aa 3t wont friends to. faclota(t tbao sjiy oth noma alUja, ejid gitps the Uummt siiuim ot most aUiUj.siU) fata mi sVMJQ UMhO f 1 W wE WiLJ li.ft 1A' .rzrr" i" ?-.: sols tar u R t.s tf rt. .i::;ii i .w"" ""-'-'. . "t-.ttx-" ift&sii 1 UAMJE HTi FAKC1EL tHJl HtU-til' CAENBEiU NOVEL I tO M lt. letti Mrf .U.. M. a- ' ' 1, t.r.1 jtur.tA b, "::tvz, r'ir.4",,,":; s ,. ,.ii ta T4 tin. -aas t t-.e j-t v, a. j.. a,. t an wMbM?v"r i iii:w a.- . ie . , . SCHttb.'