EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1914. i 9 qp . ,- '- - ' - ' H I.I M lM..WAili.m)li MiWmm COMMANDER AND MRS. EDWARDS P. t.EIt'EIt wilt entertain at dinner In honor of Miss Jean Bullitt, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Logan M. Bullitt, on Thursday night December 31, before the. dance which will bo given by Mr, and Mrs. Henry Drlnlon Coxe for their daughter, Miss' Ruth Coxe, at tho Bellevue Stratford. The wedding of Miss Marls I... Walsh and Louis C. Madeira, 3d, will take placo very quiet ly on Friday afternoon, December , 11, at 4 o'clock, at the home of Miss Welsh's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry T. Dixon. Miss WcIbIi will bo attended by her sister. Miss Emily I. Welsh, and Percy C. Madeira, Jr., will be his brother's best man. Miss Welsh Is tho daughter of the late Samuel Welsh ntid a nleco of Mrs. Archibald Thomson nnd Mrs. William Twells Tiers. Mr. Madeira Is the son of 1'crcy C. Madeira. His mother, who died a number of years ago, was Miss Marie V. Marie, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winter Bally left today for New York with their daughter, Miss Molly Wood Bally, who will receive at tho tea which Mrs, Robert Sturglo will give to Introduce her daughter, Miss Henrietta Sturgls. ' The third day of tho fair which Is being held t 213 South Broad street for tho benefit of St. Vincent's Aid, opened this morning. Tho lunch eons have been very well attended each day, and Judging from the crowded rooms and many people in attendance tho babies at St. Vincent's will be well looked after for another year. This afternoon all tho articles that are left over will bo auctioned off at 4 o'clock. Tho marriage of Miss Harriet G. Adcr to Thpmas Watson will take place Tuesday, De cember S, at tho home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Froderlck B. Emblck, on Devon road, Devon. The ceremony will be porformed by Monslgnor Novln F. Fisher, of St. John the Evangelist's Church, 13th street, noar Chestnut street, at noon. The bride's only attendant will be her sister, Airs, Emblck, and Air. Watson will have his brother, William Watson, as best man. The Austro-Hungarlan Ambassador, Con stants Thcodor Dumba, will nrrlvo In this city today to attend tho concert which will bo given at tho Metropolitan Opera Houso for tho benefit of the destitute women and children of tho war zones. After the concert Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Thomson will entertain at aupper In honor of the Ambassador at tho Itltz-Carl-ton. Their guests will Include Mayor Rudolph Blankenburg and Sirs. Blankenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Yarnal), Mr. and Mrs. Arturo do Heeren, Mr. and Sirs. Andrew Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Warburton, Dr. and lira. Arthur Ger hard, tho Austrian Consul, Gcorg von Gravlclc, and Mrs. von Gravlclc, and tho German Con sul, Arthur Mudra, and Mrs. Mudra. Mrs. W. W. Walton, of 133 South ISth street, will entertain tomorrow afternoon at a bridge party nnd luncheonj Miss Barbara Allen Spencer, of Danville, Va., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Dlmmlck. Miss Elolse Orme, of Washington, D. C, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Milne and Miss Marguerite Milne at 2029 Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Seldcl, of tho Hotel Wal ton, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baltz, of 28H Glrard avenue, gave an Informal dinner Thurs day evening at Bookbinder's. Covers were laid for ISO. Among those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel W. Ulan, Mr. and Mrs. John U. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. George Holllhan, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin H. Vare, Sir. and Sirs. William S. Vare, Sir. and Sirs. Emll Mlchel bach. Sir. and Mrs, Rudolph Sosna, Sir. and Mrs. Charles Berger, Sir. and Sirs. Frank Cohans', Sir, and Sirs. Frederick Rollman, Mr. and JMrs. Franz Ehrllch, Sir. and Sirs. Frank Rothacker, Sir. and Sirs. William Torchlana, .Mr. and Mrs. Edward Katlre, Sir. and Mrs. G. II. Clamar, Mr. and Mrs. C. Grelsel, Ir. . and Sirs. Harry Poisons, Mr, and Sirs. Ferdi nand Frltsch, Sir. and Sirs. David Fltzslm mons. Doctor and Sirs. Waechter, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goll, Gustavus Welzel, Bernard Fischer, Mrs. Emma Ladner, Mrs. Alary A. McCareley. Each year those of us who are fortunate enough to own country estates remain In the country later and later to enjoy the outdoor life, putting oft opening the town house until winter la really upon us, when the hustle and bustle of the busy streets, the hum of many motors and the lights and life of the hotels become an irresistible magnet. Dr. and Sirs. Charles Bingham Penrose, who have been occupying thetc home at Devon, will not open their town house, 1720 Spruce street, until shortly before Christmas. Sir, and Mrs. George Mason Chichester nave decided to re main at St. Mary's Farm, their place at Ard rnor, all winter, while. Mr. and Mrs. James King Clarke, of Ardmore, will leave for Palm Beach shortly after the holidays, Mr, and Mrs. George D, Rosengarten, who spent the autumn at their farm near Malvern, have gone to Hlbernia, Fla., to spend a fortnight. They -will return, to their apartment at 135, South 18th street to spend Christmas. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Ashton will remain at their Wynnewood home until late In the month, while Mrs. Charles II. Howell and her family have only this week opened their town hous'e, 1523 Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stockton White, Jr.,' returned to their homelS01 De Lancey place, this week and Mr. and Sirs. George Wharton. Pepper and their family, who have been spend-; log the fall at Devon, opened their house, 1730; Pine street ALONG THE MAIN LINE ' MEBIO.N Tho Woman's Committee qf tbi Merlon Ctvlo A-Bsoolatloa, -which consists of the following prominent Merlon woman: Mrs. Nor man Ellison, chairman; Sirs, Edward W. Bok Mr. Gideon Boerleks, Mrs. William P. Oet, Mrs. George D. B. Darby ajwl Mrs. Predertelt W. Rockwell, have got tosithw, and with the hip of the other fit ww wwtw of the (9oclUot etabUUd a Wertoa Braaefl of tl: 8mergeey Aid, to mt avry tter Monday at ' tUe basw of . dlKrnt sjtttigbffc The ttrl UtB- & Monday morning at Ue bojoo of Mm. tMward W, Sok. was a. most Mtt&uatMtie one. Sewing iimmAUx -were Uuia mluj aJl neroiug u4 iUNtcUe busily plied aa th member la.lk.ed over thaw pUiia of suj ply.ut ImmkUsm aud otne lHCWwry iujptua arutss tor tfe wa4iMi it'.; u fy IMMWlaA M4 ttfc HMMtar . left the Bolt rcsldenco with a bundle of work to be finished and ready to turn In nt tho next meeting, to be held nt tho homo of Sirs. Will. Inm I'. Gest, Monday morning, December 14, Apart from tho work that each member hns pledged to make herself, It Is the intention of tho Merlon Branch that each one shall give out a certain portion of the sewing to some of the city's unemployed women, bo that while Buffer ing Is being alleviated abroad those In need hero may nlso profit. ALONG THE READING "Our Wild Anlmnl Neighbors," nn illustrated lecture by the well-known naturalist, Ernest Harold Baynos, will be presented by the Wyn coto llirit Club nnd Jenklntown Club nnd Bead ing Room nt tho Jenklntown Club Halt, York nnd Greenwood avenues, on Slonday evening, December 7, nt S o'clock. The proceeds will go to the Emergency Aid Committee for tho war sufferers. Tho lecture will bo Illustrated with 100 wonderful lantern slldCB of wild animals, which Sir. Baynos has studied and tamed, Including bear, fox, skunks, raccoons and others. Sir. Baynes Is recognized as ono of the lead ing authorities on animal life, his delightful lectures being known all over the country, and aro exceptionally entertaining nnd Instruc tive. In the summer of 1913 Mr, Baynes acted In the "Bird Alr.sk Sanctuary," given In Cornish, N, H In which two of President Wilson's daughters took part, and which was repeated last winter In Now York. Tho officers of tho Bird Club, which was organized last spring by Air. Baynes. are: Louis Whcelock, president; Sirs. W. B. Noble, vice presidont: Ernest Corts, treasurer: Airs. Allan Wnllle, corresponding secretary, and AIlss Esther Heacock, record ing secretary. Tho board of directors includes Dclos E. Culver, Academy of Natural Sciences; Airs. II. S. Eckles, Senator Joseph Heacock, AIlss Nellie Wyman nnd Airs. Kerr. GERMANTOWN AIlss Katharine Donoghue, of 2237 Thompson street, and tho Alisscs Amy nnd Helen Hen drlclc, of 120 West Logan street, nre spending tho week-end as tho guests of Sir. and Sirs. Thomas ' Hendrlck, of Lansdalc. Airs. John Dunn, Jr., of 5123 Wayne avenue, nnd AIlss Emlllo Fricke, of 131 West Upsal street, will discontinue their musical teas until after tho holidays. Tho next tea will be given at AIlss Frlcke's home early In January. Airs. Arthur Hood, of 243 West Rtttenhouso street, will entertain nt luncheon Tuesday, De cember S. A NUMBER of debutante affairs will be held .today. There will be two teas In the city and one in New York, which will interest per sons here. Sir. nnd Mrs. Edward F. Beale will intro duce their daughter, SIlss Hope Truxton Beale, at a tea, which they will give at their home, 120 South 22d street. Sirs. Bealo and her daughter will be assisted in receiving by various mem bers of their lmmcdlato families and a few of the season's debutantes. A second tea of interest will be that given by Dr. and Sirs. B. Walter Starr to intrbduco their daughter, AIlss Alaris Louise Starr, at their home, 117 South 17th street. Mrs. Starr and her daughter will be assisted In receiving by Silas Elizabeth Cummlngs, Miss Marguerite Burton, SIlss Virginia Wetherlll. Miss Eliza beth Yardley, Miss Lucille Llpplncott, SIlss Eleanor Wunder, Miss Elizabeth Buchanan, SIlss . Florence Rue, Miss Marguerite Hollo peter and -.SIlss Slarie James, of Doylestown. Sirs. G, H. Sleeker will preside at the tea table, and Mrs. Henry Marshall will receive with the hostess. Following the tea a dinner and theatre party will be given, at which the additional guests will e W. Atlee Burpee, Jr David Burpee, Robert Wetherlll, Joseph Royal, John Baus man, Morris Herkness, John Bell Huhn, Frances Rue, Frank Rogers, Thomas Cathcart and Dr. R. Walter Starr, Jr. Miss Henrietta Howard Sturgls, who has been spending the fall months with her grandmother, Mrs. H. II. G, Sharpies, at Laburnums, Chel ten Hills, will be introduced in New York today at the Colony Club at a tea which will be given by her mother, Mrs, Robert Sturgls. SIlss Susan B. Ingersoll, Miss Ruth Coxe, Miss Hilda Tunis and Miss Molly Wood Baily, four debutantes of this city, have gone, to New York to receive with MIjs Sturgls. In the evening William W, Atterbury will give a dinner-dance at tHe Merion Golf Club in honor of Miss Jean Morris Llllie and Miss Katharine Tenney. The rooms will be deco rated with palms and chrysanthemums, and the guests will be seated at small tables. A number of the debutantes will attend the dancing class Which is chaperoned by Mrs. Ed ward Troth at the Gerraantown Cricket Club, and which will hold Its first meeting tonight,' SIlss Elisabeth MacCuen Smith will entertain a( dinner before the meeting of the class in honor of Miss Christine Rehru The guests will be Miss Rebecca Duhrlng, Miss Mary V, Fox, Miss Mary a Boyd, Miss Mary Ballard, Miss Josephine Dodge, Miss Beatrice BngUsh, Miss Bjealne Bngtifh, Miss Gladys Dent. New Yorkj Frederic y Ballard, Theodora Freed, Edward O, Troth, Charles L Taylor, Joseph Shoemaker. James Monroe, Woodson Monroe, Charles "W. Wharton. Joseph 8. L. Whartos. Jr.. X Stanley Hutibut, Gustavus Fleteae, Richard P, pay. Alan Smith, Rowland Lo, Bdward Hatfman. Mr. awJ Mrs, Snuii Prie Wethertli will give a tfeeatn party ft bettor of Miss Ada, Lambert WtthtriM this wag aba. The cvut) will be from the debutante set. WEST PHILADELPHIA ! P. WUMass B, WW and Un. We, oj J Seutb a tri, entertained last svln at a brM party, followed by supir. Tfci jrueau wt Mr. m4 Hn. Gw$ M"iaMifi Mr, o4 ML, li CU, Mr. a.t Mwt. mgh f, ii wm sj MISS ELSA LOEB Miss Locb is a prominent pianist of this city. She played at the meeting of tho Philadelphia Music; Club this week. Morris, Sir. and Sirs. E. J. Roland and Mr. and Sirs. Frank B. Stockley. Sirs. Francis de Sales O'Reilly is visiting her mother, Airs. Frank Elliot, of 4337 Spruce street, for a month. Alany entertainments will be given In her honor. Cards have been received from Sirs. O'Bellly nnd SIlss Florence Elliot for bridge on Tuesday afternoon, December 22. srr. and Sirs. Joseph Donnelly, of 719 South 57th street, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son. Sirs. Donnelly will bo re membered as SIlss cJnncll, of South Philadel phia. Dr. and Airs. Michael A. Burns, of 900 North 48th street, gave a "COO" party at their homo last evening, for tho benefit of the new Mercy Hospital. ROXBOROUGH Sir. and Mrs. James Hlndie gave a dinner and card party last night at their home, 4153 Alan nyunk avenue. Pink roses and ferns formed very attractive decorations. Their guests wero Air. and Sirs. Thomas Henntnger, Air. and Airs. Arthur Malnwarlng, Miss Ray Sumner, Miss Anna DuGan, AIlss Iva DuGan, Mies Marian Stone, Dr. Frederick Myers, Alfred Henniger, Itaymond Henniger, Calvin Haln and S. A. Allen. Air. and Mrs. Charles Weln, of East VaInut lane, will entertain at cards tonight at their home. Their guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Struse, Mr. and Mrs, John O. Struse, Sir. and Airs. Frank Weger, Mr, and Airs. William Wilson, SIlss Emma Rehfuss and W. Martin. Five hundred will be played and will be fol lowed by a supper. Billy Ledger; Gossip COMPLETELY hypnotized by the symmetry of her sllkep-clad ankles as she boarded, with some difficulty, the Walnut street car, I did not at first recognize her; not, In fact, until we collided in reaching for the same strap. Her face was clouded and the usually quite maddening dimples had for the moment dis appeared. "Oh, it's you, is )tt" she frowned; "I supposed you were one of the customary crowd of males who hold back and wait to watch us poor women struggling with our narrow skirts and those awful car steps. There was a time when the men elbowed us out of the way during the afternoon strap-hangers' rush, but nowadays they all hold, oht so politely back, cloaking their crocodile thoughts beneath the convention of entirely assumed politeness." With the customary hyena-like Joy expressed wherj one hears of anybody being "stuck," they are telling the story among the clubs of a trip recently taken by a prominent middle-aged Philadelphia gentleman to New York. It seems that he is by no means of the sporty, bld )iaded row, bright light type, but, on the con trary, the sort we have been brought; up to regard as of. the "old school" and, therefore, scarcely up to date, Jlence. when he volun teered to take two young debutante nieces to the Big Burg on a sort of tour of inspection ho did not quite realize what he was In. for. Their first desire upon arriving was to tUU a famous dancing establishment, where one of the originators of the ultra-modern terpalchor an art had established himself on a rmet. lux urious sale. Having risen from a hotel bel-hop to his present exalted position, he is now owe of Kw York's Idols, or ideals, whichever ye please, and he is. therefore, very expensjfo, Otr iwtaophisttBated hero, havi&ff in mind the eld-IMblsned 4aneiAg teaabera of 39 years as, MMtd hi) two youthful proUgea to the geWen portal- Me was swwrated from six perfectly good doUars bfor be was permitted to paia through than- Tb little parly wwa ton ushered into an elaborately deaor&tad. taajgoja and taar rdr4 the usual tea. asd raafilnt Ite aa by a ftsxotli: Ngro. agearated ajt aem. tiiiti mnmwMI&c a was blwii a appoint 1 zJsmm&ti&h MISS MA1UE LOUISE STARR rholo by Engcn. O'Connor Miss Starr is the daughter ofDr. nnd Mrs. 13. Walter Starr, of 117 South 17th street. She will mako her dchut this afternoon at a tea. n'nd Louis Philippe, camo to their table nnd, bowing low. Inquired If any ono would caro to dnnco with the celebrated owner of the estab lishment. All three were surprised at such condescension, nnd as tho girbj wero wild to bo nblo to return to Philadelphia and boast of having actually danced with so famous a personage; they promptly accepted the Invitation. Tlmo passed. He danced divinely, first with ono nnd then with tho other. After each num ber he would politely Inquire whether they would caro for another and, overcome by tho kindness nnd good nature, they wero only too delighted. Finally tho shades of evening began to fall and uncle suggested moving on. Ho called for his check. It came It came, In fact, to exactly $65.50, Itemized as follows: 2VS ' hours with Sir. Squlrman Wrnssel & 25 $62.60 Tea , 3.00 Total J65.50 Uncle didn't have the money with him, but he humbly Inquired If they would accept a check nnd, 'after a little matter of Identification, the management graciously condescended. Needless to state, tho llttlo New York outing was cut a trifle shorter than had at first been Intended. BILLY LEDGER. FRANKFORD AIlss Salome Allen, of 4637 Frnnkford avenue, who is corresponding secretary of a chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, was among the guests at an oyster luncheon given at the home of Sirs. Slontgomery, in Gorman town, Thursday afternoon. Airs. Slontgomery Is regent of ttio chapter; SRss Katherine Rowen, treasurer; SIlss Emily Spear, recording secre tary; AIlss Florence White, registrar, and Airs. Slaura Slannlng, historian. Alembers and friends were Invited. The dining room was beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns. The Frnnkford Symphony Orchestra gave its concert Thursday evening in the chapel of the Central Methodist Episcopal Church. The "Rosamund" overture, tho "Ballet" from "Wil liam Tell," Beethoven's "Fifth Symphony" and Nevln's "Un Glorno in Venezla" were the selec tions by tho orchestra, which consists of 40 musicians. Miss Elsie Baker, of New York, as sisted, and Carl Clemens was the conductor. There was a large, appreciative audience, and the concert proved a great success. Dr. Wm. Jefferson Guernsey, of 4310 Frankford avenue, is the president. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Sirs. A, Brown, of 2100 South 10th street, will entertain at a theatre party this evening in honor of her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heller, of Kansas City, Mo, The guests will have sup per afterward. They will be Mrs. I. Splvac, AIIS3 Gertrude Brown, Miss Elizabeth Brown, P. Miner and Louis Brawn. Mrs. George W, Young will entertain the members of her card club at luncheon and bridge this afternoon at her home, 2316 South Broad street. Her guests will include Mrs. Frank B. Stockley, Mrs. Jullett Kames, Mrs. Storey, Mrs. James AtcCann, Mrs. G. T, Rich ards, Mrs. Arthur Guy, Mrs. George Datesman, Mrs. Samuel Alcorn and Sirs. James Alcorn. Sir. and Mrs. George Shlsler. of 2313 South Broad street, entertained last evening at their home at a "BOO" party, Supper was served after the game. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simons, Mr, and Mrs. George Knerr, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keefer, Mr, and Mrs. David McCoach, Jr., Sir. and Mrs. Frank Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Foster and Sir. and Sirs. Frank B, Stockley, Miss EUx Mae Young, whose engagement was announced last month, was the gueat of honor this afternoon at a dinner gtven by Miss Nellie Haemn, of Markham, Pa. Mrs. J. 8. Fillmore gave a delightful little tea yesterday at her home. Mil South Zjst street, in the Glrard Estate, to meet Miss Mar guerite Mallory. of Baston, Pa. Mrs. James J. Connell, of 3ttl South Uth street, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Shore, la Bfaeeandeah, Pa., has returned to her heme. MUs Btixhth Waueo and her father, Dr. WtttlasB. J. Watsw, have just rturoed, to tfeejr home, XU Swtfa oad strt, having s&At the last W days at Atlantic OJty- Mrs. J. T- Fiuuur, of taut South Met street, in the Girard Satat. gava a deligittciit tea this aftat-uoaa ia boner ( Mrs. Joaej?b Harrinan, of thj Qif&fi 8stata, About Si su wane CHARITY AFFAIRS Diocesan Fair at Horticultural Hall to Continue Today and Tomorrow. A veritable, midway, minus tho hawking usually a dominant and most annoying feature of tho typical midway, was visited, can be vls Mtcd and. It Is hoped, will bo visited right here in tho heart of town, where one can do Christ mas shopping or afternoon tealng, all In tho pleosantcst surroundings. This spot Is to be found In tho ballroom of Horticultural Hall from 2 o'clock this afternoon until 10 o'clock tonight, likewise tomorrow. The cause of It all Is the lack of funds of St. Alartha's Settle ment House, nt 8th street and Snyder avenue, and tho willing hand has been lent by the Epis copal Diocese of Pennsylvania, who. In splto of wars nnd rumors of wars, havo come to the aid of this charity most nobly. Alost of tho Episcopal churches in tho city nre represented In some way, and booths have been erected and decorated with most gratifying results. In one corner Is a delightful little nursery filled with dolls of alt ages and nationalities. After making a purchase one takes Dolly across to the Aillllnery Shop, where the very latost Alade-ln-Amerlca Idea Is exploited and where Dolly selects a fetching bonnet to perch n-top her elaborately colffed head. Another very clover idea is the Automat, where 10 cents secures the privilege of pressing the button to see what will happen next. From there one goes the rounds of cake and candy, chlnaware, fancy work booths and fortune telling, with the oblqultous "movie" as a wind-up. A bevy of attractlvo girls as aids, in costume, some attired in quaint creton frocks, with large picture hats framing their pretty faces, others garbed as nurses and still others as Fronch maids, these last acting as lemonade venders, add much to tho scene. Among thqse taking part are SIlss Cornelia Leldy, SIlss Cordelia Blddle, AIlss Katherine Herman Kremer, AIlss Edwina Elklns Bruner, AIlss Ruth Coxe, Miss Angela de C. Forney, AIlss Ceclle Howell, Miss . Frances Clark, Silas Susan Bruce, SIlss Joseph ine Cooke, AIlss Alargaret Dunlap, AIlss Gabrlela Tilghman, SIlss Edith Smith, Miss Marie Louisa Wanamaker, Miss Paulino Disston, SIlss Phoebe Adams, Miss Slary Brown Warburton, SIlss Alargaret Fox, SIlss Ella Brock, SIlss Alva Ser geant, AIlss Roberta Downing, Miss Corlnne Freeman, AIlss Huberta Potter, Miss Elizabeth Wlster, AIlss Alargaret Atlee, AIlss Isabel Stoughton, Miss Frances Stoughton, Miss Christine Rehn, SIlss Slarjorle Taylor and Miss tosephlne Dodgo. This afternoon a musical tea wilt be given under tho auspices of members of the Church of St, Luke and the Epiphany, who have charge of the tearoom. Mrs. Dorothy Johnstone Base ler will play, ably assisted by several well known musicians. Tomorrow afternoon, like yesterday, will be given over to children, and toys and balloons a-plenty will be on sale. Sad to relate, yesterday afternoon many of the lat ter shortly found their way to the celling, where they floated willy-willy, unheeding the wistful upward gaze of their late owners. X dance will be held In the foyer tomorrow night. The committee In charge Includes Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurts, Mrs. George Emlen Starr. Mrs. Baltzar E. L. de Mare, Mrs. Edward S. W. Fornum, Miss Gertrude Leldy and Miss Clarissa Townley Chase. WILMINGTON The principal social event of. this week was the fashion fete given last night at the New Century Club for the benefit of the West End Reading Room. Costumes of the present time, dresses both beautiful and artistic, as well as striking and odd, were exhibited on the stage of the New Century Club. A living review was given of dresses ranging from the Empire period to the creations of Faquin, Caliot and Fremet. The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. Cazenove G. Kee, Jr., Mrs. John Percy Nlelds, Mrs: George A. Blliott, Mrs. Frank 8. Qarrett, Alias Bmlly P. Btssell and Miss Ka(h trtna Dunham, Dancing followed the fashion review. Mrs. Job H. Jackseti and Miss Blliabeth Jaakson gave the first of their at homes yes- leraay iuicjkuuu, utu "in y"ftvinuQ meca on tbe flret Thursday Is January, FeDruagy and March.. They were assisted in reaelvUu; yes Urday by Misa Harriet Wtlv. oi Buffalo, N. Y. NORTHEAST PHILADBLPHIA Mft, Mary A Bfcwn. w of r. M. J. Bmws, tetiy daa. ax&tcta U dJx of bar $tasc of gfrsnaftoy, located at MM Kfcsls toa tvttu, aad xUr to private Ufa at M stew Lehigh avenua, the bona of th ite doctor. Jaca bfu, ef KeAatoftos. ha Just tiMa4 frtm ta .t WWimI , J. A WEDDING of interest tdofe place In Kel XX slngton Thursday evening, when Miss Mar-5 garet Cubbter was married io Richard Bache. A. descendant of Benjamin Franklin and a noted musical director, of Philadelphia. The couple were married nt 6:30 o'clock at the parsonage of St. John's Episcopal Church by the Rev. Waldo mar Jansen. After the ceremony e. large recep Hon was held at the homo of tho bride, 86? Ruth street. Tho bride, who was given In marriage by tier father, George Cubbler, wore a gown of white satin with a duchess lace tunic. Her veil was arranged with lilies of the valley ami she carried a shower bouquet of lilies of tho valley and orchids. AIlss Cubbler had as maid of honor AIlss Dorothy Swalby nnd Harry Ward acted as best man. There were l& guests present. After nn extended honeymoon M inp inrougn tne Northern States Mr. and Mrs. jjiu.! win iraiao at hm r, or in eza street, 4 Overbrook section, and wilt be at home tt4f their friends after January 1, 1315. TIOGA Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kreuger, of 1211 West Erie avenue, entertained tho members of their pinochle club last evening, when their giiesla were Mr. and Mrs. James Gladding, Sir. and Airs. George Geggcnholmer, Sir, and Mrs. W. R. Eastburn, Mr. nnd Sirs. Joseph Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Clark. Mrs. William J, Gcrhab, Jr., will entertain at "600," followed by a bufTot luncheon, tomorrow afternoon, at her home, 3406 North 19th street. Her guests will be Airs. Danlct Jaeger, Mrs. X Y, DIctz Fry, Sirs. John Spleltmrger, Mrs. John A. C. Stull, AIlss Clara Rlstlne, Miss Ethel Humphreys, Miss Flora Alader, AIlss Alabel K. Donnelly nnd AIlss Sara Kennedy. Airs. James AlcCambrldge, of 1711 Erie avenue, will entertain at "300" this afternoon. Mrs. Theodore Lodercr, of 1831 West Eria avenue, is entertaining AIlss Bessie Well, of Wllkcs-Barre. Mr. and Airs. William Stewart are occupying I l.At. .n. 1nm,, IW1 tXn-kU 10,1. . f I ,is. .. .iw.iiG, ,i, ..wb, .via. aiiwi. AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY OP MUSIC BURTON HOLMES Tonight Tomorrow $0 IRELAND . COc, 76c, 1 at Heppe's. 23a at Academy rlmo4-nii4- 3f OPERA I Homo of World's OflBSCIlUb OU HOUSE Greatest Photoplays Af t. 1 to 5. 10c & 15c. Kvcs., T to 11. 10c, 15. 2. 4TH CAPACITY WEEK THE SPOILERS Twice rially. Afternoons 2:30. Evenlnrt 8iS0, Preceded by Dally Change Flnt-Uun Pictures. FORREST Last2Evgs.TIo1?rUro J QUEEN T?fB MOVIES SKS3? NEXT WEEK; SEATS NOW SEU.1NO. A REAL SHIP ON A MIMIC LAKE OF REAL WATER IS ONE OF THE WONDERS OF THE N. Y. HIPPODROME BFECTACULAIt PRODUCTION OF PINAFORE gga 50c to ?1.50 2&$i PEN AND PENCIL CLUB'S NIGHT IN BOHEMIA AND DANSANT In Ball Room of Bellevue-Stratford Thursday Evening, December 10th Reserved Seats $2 Including Dancing ACADEMY OF MUSIC WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DEC. 1ft, AT 2;3 KREISLER DIRECTION C. A. ElAlS TICKETS, 75 CENTS TO ?2 BALE OPENS MONDAY. DECEMBER 7TH AT HEPPE'S. 1110 CHESTNUT STREET Orders by mall (with remittance) to Atlas If. Harrt will b nied prior to public al. "X'TiTPT TTJT REGULAR SIAT. TOMORROW iVLfilllJlrXll TONIGHT AT StlB THE TERRIFIC DRAMATIC HIT! "TODAY" With EDMUND BREESE T VTJTY"" HEOULAR MATINEE TOMORROW Li X SxL-l TONIGHT AT 8 :I5 BlflRP THE BEST MUSICAL SHOW IN TOWN "HIGH JINKS" "A SURE WINNER "Praia. "lrraiitttbla mualcal comedy." Telegraph. PROTECT US! "SSSgg!., a. aw POWEHFDX! Sllrriao Expo 0 VICB, CRIUB ami fBUPTATIQU VICTORIA THEATRE ?SS& EndoraeU by PRESS. CIEROY end P0B14Q AISO "QUALITY" VAUDBVIU THE STANLEY THEATRE MARKET ST. ADOVE 10T11 RETURN ENOAOEMET Br Special Requea' Daniel Frohman Pra. jbU JOHN BARRYMQRE In 'THE MAN FROM MEXICO" METROPOLITAN OPERA 1IOCSH METROPOLITAN OPERA CO., NEW YORK J SSfrSSR'- LO HEN GEM datl. Middleton. Conductor. Mr. Herts. SeafcaJ Cnesinus ninv v rtm. ww. WALNUT L I T T L Mat. Tomorrow T.Afjm O T C ' fit. SOc, ooc, loo I - v w , u a. u EVENINGS. , ...... ............ .380. BOc, r,axi vs t . .n imum vi jTarcara, B. F. KEITH'S THEi J. YUOLB SHOW OVUlTSt t&bel U Co.; uourcnty ejiuir, uurr na jtop. Ctftua ntnmo uioer, aaa vnavr umj SitXl WW JtWUJi.. I.ftO fi4Ul GLOBE R MAUKKX Si 11 ISA TV KATHL lint Eottt rxowa tAND 3il6. TftSIL luitnuflbB: ? UTtfg EnuiZ mh oawrraa ui w NIXON'S IBVA BAY GRAND HARRY BHOO 'ESK Bin Today iuuuifiu BROAD SM i; " fms, -W . FRANCES STARI ret ropuuur a-rw mwwiaii mu i a n a pmfTK" W Uiiivinuii Ma.itas PQTASH & PJ Popular Prica wjfcadiy i m m , - LITTLE ZSftj i,, . THEATKB HlBi litbADoLoaew x EMPIRE DUMOM L s' ' IIUtL Si i.. - .M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers