Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 04, 1914, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Mwiwwarpwi.'j-v'- sjfiap'JibBfiua -T!
- -Bc-i
Head of Large Saw Manu
facturing Concern Protests
in the Name of 3500 Em
ployes. i "William D. Dlsaton, vice president of
Kenry plsston & Bona, saw manufactur
ers, of Tacony, today Died a letter of pro
test against the proposed passenger rate
Increase by tho railroads with the Penn
sylvania Public Service Commission at
Hafflah,urg. Mr. Dlsston stnted that a
largo number of the 3S00 employes of the
plant have been Using the worklngmen'B
tickets, ' and under tho proposal of tho
railroads their expenses Will be greatly
V, A. Burchard, secretary-treasurer of
Meadvlllo Council, No. 301, United Com
mercial Travelers, writes In objecting to
the proposed Increase:
"The railroads of this country are mak
ing a strong; appeal to the Interstate Com
merce Commission to Incrcaso tho charges
which they make for tho services, nnd
we commercial travelers feel that this
Is a blow to Us, who use mileage books.
Indirectly, we have to pay this Increase
In mileage rates, as our salaries urc
based on what It costs to get business.
"This Increase would seem to bo a
discrimination ngalnst us. We. do not
believe that any Increase In passenger
rates should be permitted that does not
include all Interstate rates, and wo espe
cially object to any Increase In tho cost
of mileage books."
D. E, Dallam, of SI I Walnut street. In
formed the commission that he has been
Instructed by the Philadelphia Real Es
tate Board to enter a formal protest
against the proposed fare lncrcnsps and to
present. If necessary, a short verbal argu
ment against said arbitrary action on the
part Of tho railroads.
E. Vr Conwell. vice president of the
Henry S. Spackman Engineering Com
pany, 2024 Arch street, whose homo Is In
Chester, complained ns follows:
"Owing to absences due to business
necessities X do not averago mote than
13 to M round trips per month between
the two cities and have, therefore, found
the 100-trip ticket highly satisfactory.
"At no time during the last eight ears
could I have used 70 per cent, of the
rides on a monthly tlckot nnd I, there
fore, "hive considered this ticket out of
the question. The abolition of the 100-
trlp ticket Is, therefore, a considerable
lp upon me (as It Is upon other
commuters) as. If I continue to
In Chester, I -will bo forced to
Ither tho full slnglo trip rate or
.aso monthly tickets, n large num-
of the rides of which I ccAild not use."
Charges that the Pennsylvania, tho
Reading and the Baltimore and Ohio rail
roads have bren guilty of unjust dis
crimination against Philadelphia in pro
posing a sweeping increase In the commu
tation rates affecting this city, while the
commutation rates for New York city
will remain the same, will be takn up
by the Transportation and Suburban Com
mittee of the United Business Men's As
sociation at a meeting tomorrow morning
at 1429 Chestnut street.
The meeting has Teen called to outline
the argument which is to be presented nt
the formal hearing of tho Pennsylvania
Public Service Commission next Thurs
day, when this committee w)II represent
nearly 200 civic nnd Improvement asso
ciations in the city and! within commuting
distance of the city.
Edward "B. Martin, chairman of tho
Joint committee, said today that the ques
tion of discrimination would bo among the
most Important phasos of the protest, and
t'atn will be presented to show that tho
I rt.o railroads entering this city hava
worked particularly against Philadelphia
In tho proposed Increases.
"Apparently," Mr. Martin said, "the
railroads are about to use Philadelphia
for the starting point for an extraordinary
venture. We do not understand what
they are trying to do by raising the
rates Immediately to the maximum. They
say they need the money, but the present
attempt to raise money seems a blunder
ing attempt, far different from the usual
methods of the railroads.
"Our committee is prepared to fight the
increase to a finish, both before the Penn
sylvania Public Service Commission and
before the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion. If wo fall before both these bodies
wet will carry our case Into the courts."
William Carey Marshall, who, with Ed
ward West, filed arguments against the
proposed Increase before the Interstate
Commerce Commission at Washington
yesterday on behalf of the South Jersey
Commuters' Association, said today that
the commission would probably consider
their appeal on Monday.
"While we feel that we will have a
hearing," Mr. Marshall said, "we have no
irformatlon as to what action will be
taken. Today Mr. West and myself are
going) to prepare a brief to submit to the
Attorney Oeneral at Washington, asking
that the Department of Justice Investigate
the evidence of collusion and illegal con
spiracy 'on the part of railroads."
Official Forecast
Fop eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey: Rain tonight and Saturday; fresh
to strong east winds.
The area of high barometer that was
central over the upper Lake region yes
terday has developed increased energy
and overspreads all of the northeastern
portion of the country and all or eastern
Canada this morning. Lower temperatures
jrevall under Its Influence and the foggy
conditions nave generally dispersed, but
the skies have not eieared. The Gulf
jutui'iuuic has moved inland and is
central over the Tennessee Valley. It
has caused light to moderately heavy
rains that bad spread northward into the
)iio Valley and eastward to the south
Atlantic coast- Fair weather prevails in
the Piatsa States, while light rains have
teen general in the Paclflo States.
U. S. Weather Buret u Bulletin
Mtoa3 5n'r" s s.. u. Eastern tun,
hut Rain. Vetoe-
S K.S9 n't. fllLWUuI. Ib.Wu:
AMWU. XfJT, . . JB ? . . Jl
AHUM Cjr 9
MB a CTowhr
a 1? 3 PcwiHr
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tuHio, if. i. .. am i gosjsj?
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pr. MMW 9 ft g JS""!
Meatus, Ira. ft f . A JJ"
p'SSSJl?' urn m H ciS
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amwBma xmw ALtt.ttttttttttwk
Founder and president of the
Reading Terminal Business Men's
Association. It is through his
efforts that the annual food ex
positions have been made possible.
Man-eating Sharks, Lobsters,
Frogs, Mackerel and Other
Fish Attract Hundreds to
Market Show.
Geo whilllklns, but that's a whoppcrl
Ilow'd you llko to have him swallow
you 7"
"Yes, an' Just look at the teeth! I guess
he'd chow you all up at once, wouldn't
This conversation was ovcrhcaid today
1n tho Reading Terminal Market, whero
"Sea Food Day" la being featured in tho
annual Food Exposition, which opened on
Tuesday. Tho speakers wore two joung
stcrs, who stood in a crowd which had
gdthered around the llsh exhibit displayed
by John U. Fitzgerald.
The llsh attracting so much attention
was a monster shark, captured on Mon
day off the coust of Massachusetts. It Is
almost 10 feet long and weighs 450 pounds
It Is a "bliuro -nuf" shark, too. with two
great gleaming rows of white teeth under
Its blunt nose.
Other notable features of the "Fitz
gerald show," ob peoplo term It, are
great blocks of Ice with fish and lobsters
frozen In them, nnd rare products ns red
snappers, ciptured In the Culf Stream,
and blunt-nosed "pompies," from Florida,
which can bo had for 10 cents a pound.
There aro also interesting sea food ex
hibits, displayed by II. H. Clifton and
Merrill & Hopper. Tho unusual fcaturo
of tho llrst-named display Is a great num
Lcr ,qf "frogs a la cranberry," which oc
cupy tho front row of tho exhibit.
Though not strictly a sea product, the
relationship Is closo enough so that tho
featuio N not Incongruous. Each frog
i uicm wun a crnnDerry. Merrill &
Hopper nic featuring salt and smoked
flflh. chief among these being Norway
mackerel and codllsh, cut and packed In
now and novel ways.
Promoters of the exposition declare tho
affair a huge success. v. A n.,i.. -
poultry denier, who has been at the Read
Inr Terminal Market for many years
said today:
"The only thing I can't understand Is
why wo have been doing business all
these years without holding an exposition
before last year. It docs a tremendous
amount of good, not only to tho dealers,
but to our customers as well.
"Co-oporatlon and a thorough acquaint
ance with our customers aro what we
want and this Is the way to obtain It.
Tho rest Is up to each man, and If ho
treats his customers right he will suc
ceed For my part, I always consider
quality first and price second. I get the
best that can be had and sell it at a
reasonable profit, but I try to make that
the feature of my business Just quality."
This spirit Is reflected throughout the
market Each dealer seems to have real
ized the purpose of the exposition Is to
"give him a chance." and each seems
willing to do all In his poner to Justify
the confidence with which the visitors
approach him,
Much of the credit for the establishing
of the exposition Is attributed to Harry
C. Gerhart, the founder and president of
the Reading Terminal Market Business
Men's Association.
In speaking of the work accomplished by
Mr. Gerhart for the good of the market
as a whole, George K, Clark, the secre
tary or tne association, said:
"I don't believe there Is a man In this
market who has the Interests of every
one so at heart as has Mr. Gerhart. He
entered the butter and egg business 33
years ago In the old Twelfth Street Mar
ket, and has literally grown up with
the business, until his life is centred In
the market and its people.
"Two years ago he conceived the Idea
of uniting all dealers of the market in
the Business Men's Association. This was
accomplished, and things began to im
prove immediately and have continued
to Improve ever since. Then Mr- Ger
hart began promoting the food exposition,
and was so enthusiastic that It didn't
take long to get every man In this mar
ket behind him."
Oreen Btreet 'Woman Died From In
juries Becelved In Smash-up,
The body of a woman, who died Sun
day night in the Hahnemann Hospital
from injuries recejve4 In an automobile
accident and thought to bj Mrs. Bmroa,
dark. WW South Front strt, unttt Mia.
Clark rappard, was ideatifled today as
Mrs. Catherine Pollock, m Green street.
The ldantlnoattoA was utade bv James
pPeilpsk. a sou oX the dMMd, who Hvm
ia IllaaKweod. n J. AtWr raadtaK ae
aounts1 of tht mash-up, Fotteck llakad the, J
0in oi we wuBiMH wiiii uut awvppaaFt
omm tt Ms matter from ber Oreeo Uaet
htue sad oajoe tp this eity to bv4tigte.
Delicate Operation May Save Sight
of Ijijir4 Organ.
fiurgeBIM at friutktorii Hospital, by
s, 4ef4 ooataiion perforata ytr-4a-y,
two to sate tn sight of the lft
) ot 4-year oM K4ft Saufldor o
BrWw) W i Lunjcsttor street who
annMsnluf'r forced s aura kftii into
that annn The girl wit pUced ua the
I apfjstsa tabic aod xi purls of the
UHI Wf sewtsu wm&iva xns i' vau
i $xrytD tfc hnif m hr fcaw when ha
Delay in Probe Before State
Commission Will Not Put
City in Darkness After
January 1.
HARRIsnURO, Pa., Dec t -Philadelphia
will not be In darkness after Jan
uary 1, If tho PilUle Service Commission
has not rendoreh a decision U that time
In lis Investigation of the charges of
exorbitant rntcs and discrimination nnd a
by Dlicctor of Public Works Copko and'
testified to by experts from secral largo
Director Cooke, who Is attending the
hearing before the commission, today
made this announcement when it uocamo
exldcnt that the proceedings would not be
completed as soon As expected. Tho
Director snld arrangements would hp
made whcicbv the cdmnany would suppty
current to the city until the commission
renders Its decision.
The continued Introduction of now
schedules of ilgurcs of rates and the nu
merous lines of examination and cross
examination thus opened up Indicated tho
hearing coul;l not possibly bo concluded
uerore tne commission tins wcck.
During tbi examination today of Chief
t'lkc. of the Electrical Bureau, William
Draper Lewis, of counsel for Director
Cooke, b rot) eli t out a mass of figures
showing rates charged under various
schedules. Chief I'llcp testllled, the over
head cliargo for aro lainp In Philadel
phia was t92.G2 nnd the underground rate
JS1.11 a ear.
"Is not that J I (Terence In rates for the
two kinds of service too1 great?" asked
Dean Lewis.
"I have not made up my mind," roplled
the witness. "It Is true the difference
Is greater in Philadelphia, than In some
other cltlci, but I would want to ntudy
conditions In those cities further before
giving an opinion."
The attitude of the electric company
In refcrenco to tho exhibits, consisting
of typewritten list of rates charged by
various companies, was ninclo plain to.
day when rcpresentatles of the com
pany characterized the comparative fig
ures as exaggerated ami nbsurd.
It lins been their contention, when ex
amining experts of the complainant, that
tho figures, rates nnd charges, quoted
bj the ttltncsBCs have been arrived nt on
theory and not from tho practical work
ings of the company. Estimates Intro
duced Into tho case ns coming from
experts hao been ridiculed by tho at
torneys for tho company ns being "pa
per estimates "
The assertion of Chief DIckciman, of
the Bureau of Gas, that a charge of f 5
monthly was made by tho company for
lighting nn eight-room house with 20
light was denied today by company rep
resentatives, who said tho books show
that a Phlladelphlan occuplng a two
story, house with 20 lights would pay
on nn average only about J1.S0 a month.
Ofllccrs of tho company sny the amount
which Mr. Dlckormnn testified would bo
charged to light a small two-story house,
for a month would light a house contain
ing 60 lamps.
Rates and schedules and the technical
explanation of experts will be Introduced
before the respondent compnny Is given
a chanco to produce witnesses. F. W.
Ballard, head of tho Municipal Electrical
plant of Cleveland, and recognized as ono
of the foremost electrical experts In tho
country, is jet to bo heard Director
Cookn has subpoenaed Joseph B. McCall,
president of the Philadelphia company.
Slot Machine Men Must Pay, But Not
Boy Vendors.
Chewing gum In unbroken packages
worth $1 or more will be taxed four
cents under tho emergency war revenuo
law, according to announcement made to
day by Internal Revenue Collector Led
erer. Ho received a ruling on this sub
ject today from Commissioner Osborn
at Washington.
Slot machines for selling chewing gum
will be taxed, but boys who sell chewing
gum In the streets will not be required
to pay. The slot machines will be taxed
if, when the law became effective, they
contained Jl worth or mora of gum.
Civil Service Commission Announces
Names of Successful Applicants.
The names of 18 applicants eligible for
appointment as draftsman In the Bureau
of Surveys, at a Balary of $1200 to S1B0O
a year, were announced by the Civil Serv
ice Commission today. They are:
Bartram A. Owen. 41t Fine t ST,
Herbert fl. Steelmsn. 2ST K Gtrard av., B3.0.
Samuel I. Backs, M3 tambard t.. 6J.-1.
Herbert i Wagner, 1820 S 18th t.. 81.6.
Alexander Frank, ar.'T llerk at.. 81 8.
Charlea Eleock, 132S N. 13th at,, 81.13.
Frederick U Klein, 103 N KM it.. 17.2.
John D, Attctnion. MV) Walton are.. TT.2.
K. Ruiaell Johnaton. 2S07 ChrUtian at., 76.3.
Arthur B. Otlttr 2.130 Ridge ave., 76.
Philip R. Groasman, 2421 W, Cumberland at.,
75 33.
l-oula Zlalln. 1010 South at.. 71.8.
Harry P. neddliw. 1108 Lehigh ave.. 71.8.
Frank O. Kaller, 2S13 Ilrown at.. 71.23.
Hora.ee n. Moholeon, 2210 8. 18th at, 70.2
Charles V. Thacher, Jr . 1013 Diamond at , 70.
Many Episcopal Churches Participate
In Bazaar Dowiftown.
Large crowds are expected to attend
the second day of the diocesan fair to
day, which Is being held In Horticultural
Hall under the ausplc.es of the Protestant
Bplssopal Churches of Philadelphia, The
fair Is for the benefit of St. Martha's Set
tlement House, 8th street and Snyder
Nearly every Protestant Episcopal
church In the city has booths at the fair.
Like the hall itself, they are mostly
decorated with corn shocks and autumn
leaves. The articles for sale were do
nated by members of the various
churches, and Sunday sehools.
Has to Be Carried Prom Premises of
Nleetown Boys' Club.
KiU RtUt, S7 years old. who gave hr
address as lt North 94th street, wailwd
into the Nicetewn Boys' Club, Hunting
Park sod Germantwwn avenue, and. In
l4te of the iupsrlutwideut'-s objection.
BBfMroprtated a oot. She refused to budge
and b4 to be carried out by the crew
pf th RUga and llldvak avcus tUoa
That was yeMentay Today she aston
Lthcd MajtUtrirte Q'ttis by aajMArtpe; ec
fce him tot the fourth time la a weak
Ma made her I)kv the plUt.
Two Xttrtwwn Me iu Chair
VOt.1 U(' o pc. .-Tw fMrdr.r
MW tlM mm0 their ertBMa Is the
fijiectrtc chi t the Ohio Ffaitontlhry
Ltrty iay Harly Br4. St. txlW
uiirr, v iu am aw. wmttf
Jsiku1 a, Ns;f4, f Dtttua. O., who
Continued from rase One
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company that
the delay Is due to differences of 'opinion
between the management of the Phila
delphia Rapid Transit Company and the
Union Traction Cdmpany.
"The granting of a franchise to the
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company to
build the Frankford elevated line as an
undcrtnklntr separate nnd apart from
the general plan for transit development
would effectually defeat the plan of the
Department of City Transit to connect
Up every Importnnt section of the city
with every other Important section of
tho city by the high-speed lines for one
fixe. cent fare.
"The patiage of such an ordinance
would be an unthinkable betrayal of a
publlo trust.
"If the existing street railway system
falls to eo-opcrnto with the city in estab
lishing a complete high-speed system by
equipping and operating the same In con
junction with the existing system as ar
ranged, the city hna tho alternative of
building a Ciicstnut street subway which
will compete with the Market street sub
way and form n connecting link between
the Frnnkfoid clevnted line on the east
ern end and tho Woodland avenue line on
the western end, thus trains may be run
through from tho Frankfortl sc'ctloii to
tho Woodland avenuo section without
"Tho construction of a competitive
Chestnut street subway by the city to
accommodate tradlo from the Woodlnnd
nvenUo district only would be Impractic
able, for it would require tho traffic from
both the Frankford nnd Woodland ave
nue lines to support the Investment.
"Therefore the granting of a franchise
to the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Com
pany to construct the Trankford elevated
railway would destroy the possibility at
tho city building a competitive Chestnut
sticct subway to sorvo tho northeastern
and tho southwestern sections of tho
"The city's hands would thus be tied.
"Furtherinoio, the Frankford elevated
lino is tha ono which will produce tho
greatest ahd most Immediate profit by
Its operation "
"The city is now prepared financially,
legally and otherwise to build the recom
mended high-speed line connecting up
every Important section of Philadelphia
with every other Important section of
Philadelphia bv adenuato rapid transit
facilities for one B-ccnt fare," Mr. Taylor
"These high-speed lines should be built
at once. They should bo equipped and
operated preferably by the Philadelphia
Rapid Transit Company In conjunction
with tho existing system under the terms
of tho nrrniigert program which affords
adequate protection to tho Philadelphia
Rapid Transit Company and the existing
system ngalnst loss, by reason of their co
operation. "Otherwise, tho city will have to secure
an Independent company to equip and
operato tho clty-owned line on nn equita
ble basis In competition with tho existing
system. Such an Independent operator
can bo readily secured.
"Citizens of Philadelphia realize that
they are In a position to establish ade
quate rapid transit facilities. Nothing
short of adequate rapid transit facilities
will satisfy them. It is not a case of
half n loaf Is better than none.
"Tho people who will be served by tho
Frankford elevated line are not only In
terested In securing quick transportation
down to Market street for 6 cents, but
they arc Interested In securing quick
transportation to Market street and
thenoo out to any other section of the
city dlreetl or by free transfer for the
samo S-cent fare.
"They demand the elimination of tho
discriminatory exchange ticket. They
must realize that the building of tho
Frankford elevated line, separate nnd
apart from the plan of the Department
of City Transit, would be simply a make
shift which would deprive them of the
essential advantages which the plan of
tho Department of City Transit provides
for them and for every section of the city.
"For tho city to surrender to tho Phila
delphia Rapid Transit Company the fran
chise for the most valuable Frankford
elevated line, which would constitute an
essential part of a city-owned system
designed to serve' all sections of the city
regardless of the Philadelphia Rapid
Transit Company's co-operation, nnd
equipped and operated by an Independent
company In competition with the existing
system. If necessary, would be to give
away the most effective lever which the
people have to adequate rapid transit
for Philadelphia."
Has 40,103 Members of Church, With
Prospect of Many More,
Philadelphia leads all cities In the
United States In the number of members
In Methodist Episcopal churches, accord
ing to figures complied by Dr. Alpha O.
Kynett, for the Board of Home Missions
of the Methodist Church, and announced
In tho current issue of the Methodist
Times. The report shows there are -19,161
persons In the Methodist Episcopal
churches of this city: New Yor'k city Is
second with 30,118, and Chicago third with
2I.14S members.
The Times, the official organ of tha
Philadelphia Conference, says in referring
to the report:
"Before the close of the present
quadrennlum, the Methodist population In
Philadelphia, In view of the coming Bun
day campaign, ought to be well on to
ward W.000 Methodist ministers antici
pate an Increase of 30,000 new members
frpm the "Billy" Sunday converts.
Passes Teat for Court Interpreter
TRKNTONV t. J., Dec t.-The Civil
Bervlco Commission, today announoed that
Thomu O, Tuo, of Vineland. had
passed the examination held at Bridge
ton on November SO for the position of
Italian court Interpreter- for Cumberland
County. Ills, average was 1H.
Jacob Ubr,
432 Greenwich t..
and Leas
ThMue J. Brannhwa. 3310 qreeawieh at., and
llary fltftk.e. U Oreenwlch at.
Joha P. Cherry JUT N. ntB m., aad Agan
Teung- ate W Indiana ave
IHnS8Bbr. w I: .&V- " Seph"
ib u.vvowien ec
jmmph uh. fzi n& i , (lb4 Rny L. .Bred,
- . -- - "sa. - w n
ISM Brie v '
WUItoB B JUUy, SIM K ta M. and Leas
Keamea. 1TK Aicli at
Basaiul S.
Utile. Ji
3tt 8Ut ,, and
a-ry K imui
i .Mow et
lunu iwi
'oodlABd Ivft.. and
lU 4
fl W, WJ!,4a, ,
II i7arna&tui eJ" aBil
tM OarrMt ttr
B.Hrta3tt 5 Gee"
X. NttM
apeb, in... sad Mjfevrf S
Uuritt tub
m . , a Vun).
. lUt at ' "
Tork eity. scd MlUe
1IM .V IStk mi
MII B, Cemt 1H1T Si Kewaii. u
fUbMn.kA Reefeftrfcaxtdfe 2SJF (YmtaxA b
h.r,l...!pi Dkvis, i-2 ivA&ts n ul
wimkur i
Fred J 0;
H$rf IT- ft MT MU K.. Ut 14
TljMw ? Wataoo VKe, Pa,. ayai Hr
Uubert MwEtr WMiawel N J , uj Wr-
ni.e as- jhuob
WUJla Wt .M-.Ou. U
Football Men Declare
Brooke's System Was
Modified in Application to
First-year Eleven.
Members of the University of Penn
sylvania football team dented today the
statement Issued by the freshman team
that the flystem of coaching used for the
latter was the same as that for tho
varsity. They say tho Brooke system
was considerably modified In Its applica
tion to tho freshman eleven.
Intimation also was mada at the Uni
versity today by men, who Insisted on
remaining anonymous, that the freshman
statement In defense of Brooke did not
originate In tho freshman camp. They
declare It was started from some other
source that the varsity men have not
been nblo to trace.
The varsity players also say today that
their meeting, at which the voto ngalnst
Brooke was taken, was held yesterday
nnd tho result of tho balloting was not
Intended for publication. Tho news leaked
out. however, and nobody seems to know
who Is responsible. '
The meeting was called, tho Varsity
Players eay, In response to queries from
soveral alumni members who wanted to
know if Biooke is the best coach obtain
able for next year.
A vote on whether th coach should
bo retained is not a new thing at tho
University, the players say. It was
done, they declare. In the case of Andy
Smith, whom the players voted to re
tain, although he had had an unsuccess
ful season, because they considered this
to bo due to a lack of material.
Tho players deny today tho reports that
undue Influence was used nt the Univer
sity and that Brooke did not have a
freo hand. Captain Journeay said:
"It cannot be said that Coach Brooke
showed any favoritism or did anything
that he did not sincerely believe was for
the best Interest of the eleven."
Ono well-known nlumnus, a former
, member of tho board of directors of the
Athletic Association, expressed the fol
fowlng opinion on the trouble, but re
fused to allow his name to bo used:
"I don't want to get mixed up In this
squnbblo personally," he said, "but I
think I express the septlments of a good
many Pennsylvania men when I say that
this action was a disgrace to Pennsyl
vania. The players, of course, have a
right to express their opinions, and they
should be listened to with respect, but
there is n right and a wrong way to do
"I hope the board of directors will not
nllow tho action of the tenm to go un
rebuked. I think that u vote withdraw
ing lliclr right to wear the varsity 'P'
should be the punishment of cvory man
who voted for such a motion. If tho
plajcrs had taken this matter up with
tho new football committee Instead of
rushing pell mell Into trouble of this
kind, all this might havo been avoided "
As further explanation of the attitude
of the freshman football players. It is
stated they issued a challenge to the
vnrslty for a football gamo nfter yes
terday's election, but that It was de
Majority Answer Not Guilty nnd
Three Claim Immunity.
NEW YORK, Dec. 4. The cases of the
Indictments ngalnst a number of the
directors of tho Now York, Now Haven
and Hartford Railroad Company wero
called In tho United Statca District Court
before Judgo Rudkln today. None of the
principals was present. It was said, but
pleas were entered by various counsel.
Including Thomas Thacher and John W.
II. Crlm.
Pleas of not guilty wero entered for
William Rockefeller. Robort W. Taft.
Charles P. Brooker, Frederick F. Brews
ter. D. Newton Barney and Henry K.
Pleas In bar, that Is, claiming Immunity,
were entered for William Skinner, James
S. Elton and George F. Baker.
A Heaton Robertson nnd James S. Hem-
mingwny entered, pleas of not guilty.
In the case of the three who entered
pleas of Immunity, Judge Rudkln set
Monday next for argument. John L.
Blllard, Edward A, Robins and Thomas
DeWItt Ctiyler have entered pleas of Im
munity and the remainder of the 21 direc
tors Indicted for violation of the Sherman
law have already entered pleas of not
Operation at Women's Hospital Gives
Vision to "War Veteran,
A 90-year-old veteran of the Mexican
and Civil Wars, who was virtually blind
for id years, has had his sight restored
by an operation performed by Dr, Mary
Buchanan at the Women's Medical Hos
pital, and declares he can see better now
than he could 60 years ago. He is Cap
tain Isaac Williams, of B4S North 20th
The veteran Is a member of Wlnfleld
Heott Post 111, G, A. It., Department of
Pennsylvania. Twenty years ago cata
racts began to develop over both eyes
and within a short time ha found It im
possible to get about without help. Until
the early part of November he was
hardly able to distinguish light from
darkness. Then some one advised him
to go. to the Wpmen's Hospital.
Miss Buchanan performed the daring
operation, and for weeks the old soldier
lay in a, oot with his eyes heavily
bandaged. Little by little these were re
moved and the patient was able to dis
tinguish a faint glow of light through
the remaining bandages. When finally
they were taken off altogether, Captain
Buchanan picked out objects In a dimly
lighted room. He walks about new With
out asslstapoe.
Well-known Actor and Third Hus
band of Lillian Kussell.''
John flhatterton, known to theatre
goer as- Slgnor Jaok Proll. a wJJ
known aa$er and third huabaed of Ionian
RuMJI. died Mriy teday In th Forrest
Home, near Terresdale. He was SO years
SgfUt Psruglai's last aptia.ne in
pjiMJc was as a muubr of tbe east for
"fir Yellow Jasfcat," profepceV la tt
L4UI" Theatre UM fetsao. Soon after tbl
ajwearaiM JHfMtr PruUii was taken HI
lt was adnUl to tb Forrest Uoifw
aluwst a year tfft
H caviA to UU eeuatry from SBjiaa4,
M u rly ge, and iotaed th UcCaull
Opera. Couwftoy aaA to Bs4uy rears wu
Ifllffir msji with tttta iMgantoitlou
(u UN aor Iruru4 nutrrtcd Ulllu
HusmH. aw Mrs. AtJtajdi f Hoar.
warn b dtvorasd fwaa wseUeW liUr
their odutu.
BBeJBP ' if
eBp A !l
Tioga residents are said to re
gard his bill providing for a
change in the proposed high
speed route as a subterfuge de
signed to halt the rapid transit
Transit Director Assured of
Zealous Support in His
Campaign for High-speed
Determination to stand by Director
Taylor In his efforts to give this city
real rapid transit was expressed In em
phatic terms last night at a high speed
mass meeting under the auspices of the
Tioga Business Men's Association at Its
headquarters, 3SU Qermantown avenue.
Prolonged applause greeted the state
ment of the Director that the city would
go ahead with tho new transit system if
tho people said so, regardless of the
attitude of the present company. It was
evident, too, by tho spirit of the meeting
that tho peoplo of Tioga prefer the tran
sit plans as they are.
Director Taylor did not comment on
tho Costello bill before the meeting.
When pressed fot a statement concern
ing It, ha said that he had not been
consulted In tho drafting of tho ordi
nance, but that he was opposed to any
patchwork system of rapid transit.
"There should be," he said, "one great
machine with perfect and co-operating
units linking ovory section of Philadel
phia." i
Resolutions were unanimously adopted
at tho meeting pledging active support
and agreeing to attend tho big mass
meeting In the Academy of Music on
January 14.
With last night's reinforcements. Di
rector Taylor Is assured already .of the
support of at least 600,000 persons. He
has already received the support of many
thousands In other sections, and with the
meetings still to come It Is doubtful If
any obstructionists can stem tho tide
of public sentiment.
Director Taylor said:
"I shall speak to you particularly with
relation to the requirements of the peo
ple who reside In truffle sections Nos. 29,
30 and 31 tho three square miles bounded
bj Hunting Park avenue, Front street,
Allegheny avenue and 32d street.
"Broad street and Erie avenue Is the
centra of traffic soctlon No, 30.
"Sixty thousand and nine hundred peo
ple reside In your district, which is In
cluded In these three trafflo sections.
"The dally street passenger railway
travel between our district and various
sections of the city Is as follows:
Central buslneia district 17,400
Pouth PhlladelDhla 3,100
AVeet Philadelphia 1.B00
Kmthejat dlatrlct .JJ.two
Northern and north suburban districts.. li,&00
North 1'lilliulelphla dletrlct. between Al-
legneny avenue, uaiiownui aircci miu M
the two rivers 23.JO0
Locally, within jour diitrlct.y -'.200
"Thus on an average 65,400 passen
gers travel dally within, out of and Into
jour dlatrlct on the street cars.
"Tho program for rnpld transit devel
opment with free transfers, arranged be
tween the Department of City Transit
and the ofllclalb of the Philadelphia Rapid
Transit Company, provides for the hand
ling of these passengers In a way that
will greatly benefit each nnd every on,e
of them.
ON. i .
ling frdin
"The Broad street subway lead!
your district to League Island, with the
delivery loop under Arch, Sth and Locust
streets, and the northwest elevated line,
together with the other recommended
high-speed lines, will connect .you up
with every section of the city by the high
speed system, either directly or W trans
fer. "Under the terms of the program you
will be enabled to travel, if necessary, on
a surfacfc line leading to the station on
the high-speed line, there transfer, free,
to the high-speed system, travel on the
high-speed system In a, forward direc
tion, directly or by transfer, to any
other point on the high-speed system,
and, nn leaving tho high-speed system
at the end of the Mgh-speed journey, you
will be conveyed without extra charge
In a forward direction op. any surface
tine which Intersects tha high-speed sys
tem at the station to point of destination.
"The passengers who trwel Into and
out of your district will be saved 650,000
hours per year, which time saved, valued
at IS cents per hour will equal a money
saving of 1133,000 per year.
"The abolition of the discriminatory
exchange tickets will sava passengers
to and from your section I31.0O0 per year.
"The operation of the Broad street sub.
way and the northwest elevated will etCa.
tnste the existing congestion on the sur
face lines leading to your district and
make travel thereon for the shorUlhrtanee
riders oemfortable and satlsfaetory.
"Thw are the advantage wfaleh I am
ndaavong to secure for yoj. but to w,ln
put I must have your earnest op-opera.
Doator Booth Asked to
Charge-of Bfc Cuke's,
There l a probability that Uu Rev. jjr.
Samuel B, Booth. f Kampa, Idaho, may
be) etosea) recioc of St- Luke's FrotMUnt
MeUHnl Ceuirct), Xn4otoR. to All Uw
vacancy ca.ua bv tew seteottoa of tb
Hv Dr Joseb Manuel a soJaitr-iB-charge
of toe Caureb at sk Beroabeu,
th street and Ilaverf ord aveaae
Biahep Rhiuolander ha ajked Uoctsr
Booi a lo lake charge uf the rvic ha
At. LulMr s Cewirekt durtna; the oats inunth,
,xl u I bUevee (hat (be th jrch iiy jt
UU:.! bbu . c,U lit fcei Jul It rttctur
Body Sought to Review Ac
tion of Police Court of
Trial in Reinstating Policeman.
The Civil Service Commission was
shorn of considerable power in an opinion
delivered this afternoon by Judgo Dough
erty in Court of Common Pleas No. 2.
Ihe Jurist ruled tho commission had no
power to review the record of a case be
foro th6 Police Court of Trial nnd to
disregard a requisition from tho Director
of Public Safety, calling for tho rein
statement of a policeman onco charged
and found guilty of charges of miscon
duct nnd Vindicated upon n Bccond
Tfco ruling of the court was made In
tho mandamus proceedings brought by
Hugh Gallagher, a dismissed policeman,
ngalnst the Mayor, tho City and the Civil
Service Commissioners. Gallagher, nftor
dismissal, was granted a second licorlnr
before the Pollco Court of Trial by Di
rector Porter. He was cleared. When
tho requisition was sent to tho Civil Serv
ice Commission for Gallagher's reinstate
ment, the commissioners refused to rein
state the policeman on tho ground that
they had revlowcd tho caso and behoved
Gnllna-her eulltv dcsplto tho court's de-
'clslon. Gallagher took steps to forco tho
commission to grant his reinstatement oy
mandamus proceedings In tho Court of
Common Pleas.
Judge Dougherty, In delivering the opin
ion, said: "Whero the Director of Public
Safety, for reasons which we must as
sume aro proper, orders a new trial for
a onco convicted policeman or fireman,
and the defendant la vindicated nnd
recommended for reinstatement, tho com
mission has no authority to question
cither the motives or Judgment of the
Pollco Court of Trial in. finding tho ac
cused not guilty. If there Is any irre
gularity In the findings which vltlgated
tho proceedings of the court, or the
recommendations wero not approved by
tho Mayor, the commission might -well'
refuso Its certificate. But there Is noth-
lng In tho act of 1006, expressed or from
which It might be Implied, which gives
the commission tho power to rovlow the
findings and recommendations of a Police
Court of Trial."
Penn Professor Says Students Would '
Rush to Enlist.
"Control High School students would 1
rush to jdnllst under the Stars and Stripes
In lnrrror numhera than those of any other '
BChool In Philadelphia Iftho United States
engaged in war," said Dr. unarles K.
Mills. Drofcssor of medlclno nt tho Unl-
varsity of Pennsylvania, wno auarcsseu
students of tho High School today.
"They havo always shown their patriot- t
Ism when tho country needed them, and .
will not fall In tho futuro If the occasion
arises. In the Civil War and the Spanish
American War the school furnished many
soldiers "
Doctor Mills, who was graduated from
tho school In 1864. said that his class of
1U) contributed CO soldiers to the Union
army. Ho was among those who went to
the front, :l)
Two Homes Entered nnd Man Was, ,
Held "Up.
Three robberies were reported to the
police today. Tho house of Mrs. Julia
Trent. 203 North 23d street, was robbed f
of 1130 worth of Jewelry and silverware ,
yesterday afternoon. Shortly after mid; ,
night, yesterday, the pollco of tho Mann- ,
yunk station report, a diamond ring, ,
valued at $130. was taken from tho home
of Ward Smith, 4508 Sllverwood street, by ,
a sneak thief. '.
The police, of tho 20th nnd Buttonwood
streets station, report that William Rouse-..
2002 Fairmount avenue, was held up, as
saulted and robbed of (10 by two men, ut ,.
19th und Shamokln streets, last night. ,
Extension of Thoroughfare Pleases
Merchants and Residents.
Business men and householders along -
Marshall street, between Parrlsh and
Brown streets, today gave their approval
to the resolution adopted by Select Coun-
cll to authorize a curb market for the
sale of produce In the thoroughfare. For -some
time such a market has been oper- "
atlng In Marshall street, between Toplar
and Parrlsh streets, and the action of
Councils will enlarge the marketplace.
Among the merchants questioned about .
I the project were J. Lvvlncton, Jacob
neiBB, (fciumit nuau, .ura, farall oiiyner -
and Morris Cohen. All say they think the
market will be a good thing for the neigh,
borlfood and will tend to cut down the
high cost of living. .
A PhrfRtmaH bazaar tn rain ..; 4L
,. -,..,-. , , ...v .aueayici jut"
the dlstilbutlon of gifts among the
destitute women and children In this
city was opened today by the Women's
Auxiliary of the German Society In the
hall of the society, Marshall and Spring
Garden streets. T
Fancy and useful articles suitable for
Christmas gifts are on sale and various -.
kinds of refreshments served. The bazaar.,
will be open from 2 until 10 p. m,
A useful and acceptable
Christmas gift
Latest French and English papers
cannot be duplicated elsewhere - '
monograms : :
Original and Unique Designs
With Telephone Numher
A great convenience
for Juniors .Latest Styles ' '
Since 1864 the name DREgA ,
has stood for the BEST cm ,
and the reputation of 5Q
TAINED. U21 Chestnut Street
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