.- . - Y EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1914. vxwwnu?Ai," "jmhmi t(ir tn' TODAY SECOND ANNUAL 1914 FOOD EXPOSITION 1 READING TERMINAL MARKET - - DECEMBER 2 Make your home-made Candies with .9 1 ' iin.n i ..j ii .i nmiw TODAY S7 i 12 V :ftrVi S ak r .11 .'Ml M x r . (fill II ITTlijI 1 faMegB-J-.m-rftMWV1 WE STRIVE CONSTANTLY FOR BETTERMENT A HIGHER STANDARD OF QUALITY A GREATER EFFICIENCY OF SERVICE A MORE ATTRACTIVE APPEARANCE WILLIAM B. MARGERUM General Victualer Dealer in Finest Quality Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Hams, Bacon, Lard, Tongues and Provisions in General Special Exposition Sale of Kingan's English-cured Bacon and Reliable Hams (Sliced Bacon 24c Exposition days only Reliable Hams.... 19c (Bacon by piece.... 23c The Standard House for the Choicest the Market Produces Stands 1000 to 1020 Tenth Ave, 913 to 921 Ninth Ave. OFFICE, 28 to 35 Avenue A Hell, 2I03-2703 Filbert Telephone Connection Keystone. 158 nc MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM M Uk TS L V 1 ill i&Zr!Mamlav3 XT B 1 ' YjUPta V ft tTO v TTn'.'JVi s!iJ'.4 S V Jfl$iv&. Moist l&xSI FRANKLIN CARTON SUGAR Best Grades of Rare Fruits and Vegetables We hae the choicest prod ucts from the truck gardens of New Jersey and Florida, the orchards of Pennsylvania, New York and Delaware, the vine yards of California, and from growers in the tropics. Our specialties of olive oil, hot-house prod ucts and delicacies out of season are never surpassed. Prompt Attention to Matt and Phone Orders A. M. Repetto Reading Terminal Market STANDS 501 TO 611, 18TH ST. ISecond Door Abovo Filbert St ) -J;aJe, Filbert S371-S373 "flSl f - w i W XJ r , From tho Dainty I IVSrPfS mue Point to tho S J 3 LW O jinsstvo Lynn Hnven. WE JIAVI3 IT I"V t From the Tiny Smelt to mSII tho Largo Eastern Halibut. XkJ" AMI lUM! IT From tho Smnll Neck VjlnmvS ""'1 Cherriatoiin to tho U,UU1J Ills Bull Nosa Chowder. WE n.vvn IT T L- From tho Dellcnto LODStCrS Chicken to the XJWWOLUIO J,nrse Broiling Lobster. WE If.VVE IT No matter what you want In Sen rood, -VE ilAVE IT H. H. Clifton Co. Arch St. Wall STALLS 1233 to 1253 Phont Connections lAB vE r . Is Your Country Sausage and Scrapple Government Inspected ? Why Take a Chance? Every pound of STRODE'S country sausage and scrapple is inspected by representatives of the United States Govern ment. A. Darlington Strode Stalls, 423-431 4th Ave. Reading Terminal Market PHILADELPHIA, PA. Residence, West Chester, Pa, You will find them whole Bomo, delicious and inex pensive to mnkc. Tho seal ed, dust-proof cartons keep Franklin Sugar clean and puro. Tho right kind of Franklin Carton Sugar for nil kinds of candy can be had at your grocer's. Write for FREE book of Candy Hccipca. See our exhibit at the Puro Food Exposition in Reading Terminal Market December 2d to 12th. You will be interested in Raw Sugars, Sugar Liquors, Syrup and Refined Sugars. The Franklin Sugar Refining Co., Philadelphia. 7'xtiU riN.j ISM fJL f fill I wwLr 1 aaflSfflSSl &. I.V TIiIk In fpp-clally Kood for candy making. LOUIS L. BASSETT D Bassett Reading Terminal Market 12th Street Side Manufacturer of ice Cr P FOW S) Xj,-n'cJ T7T7rr Sells only the nnest Jn If Vy selected meats. Are , . you buylnK from a meat dealer who buys tho meat we reject? Our qunllty ktanilonl ha atnod the test of 100 yenra of exiirrlenee. Oscar A. Fow & Son CLARENCE B. FOW. StalU It3 to 47, Arch Street Sliln Reading Terminal Market Philadelphia Pa. Fllbrrt tin Hare 789 earn Banks and Trust Companies Supplied Dealer in Imported and Domestic Cheese "Cheese Sent by Parcel Post" Bell Phone. Walnut 1771 Lunch at Springer's Restaurant You'll enjoy it and you'll get real home-style cooking at very moderate prices. All our meats are Government inspected. We do all our own baking. And we have been established over 60 years, and our business is still growing. When you want the best in the market, prompt service and reasonable prices come to Springer's Terminal Market Restaurant 12th and Filbert Streets r j 3A r-7 Yon vj-t Thfc tJ 1 u 5 .4 Ik . . Tj-Sy TfOZIIi0 P?"1 EXHIBITION fw'Jl -T'TiTT'i-ii jinnii H i j ii mim iin lairniamiiiiyi II Hi' ' TTnTminiii n imtitmt SELECTION QUALITY SERVICE We carry the largest ilock of imported and domestic fruits and vegetables in Philadelphia. Anything you want, in or out of season, the year "round. Need more be said of our quality than that we supply the Ritz-Carlton. Bellevue-Stratford, St. James, Adelphia, Union League and many other well-known institutions? Our service is prompt and we deliver anywhere. Particular attention to mail and 'phone orders. Prices are always reasonable. DAVID H. S Bell Filbert (899-18?f Wholesale and Retail Reading Terminal Market Keystone Race H7S-23G3 Sea Foods All here right from the sca at reasonable prices. Fish Oysters Clams Crabs Crab Meat Lobsters Snappers Shrimps Terrapin Scallops Or any other kind of sea food in season. Our large stock is always strictly fresh, carefully handled and delivered to you in fine condition. Prompt atten tion to phone and mail orders. We deliver anywhere in the city. Try us for your next order. Seven Fridays in a Week AT John E. Fitzgerald's Reading Terminal Market rhoneHcll. Yttbert S1H ALLTHATYOUGETHEREIS Time-Saving Marketing Wa tave you time In marketing for your table by ghlne lou the choice products you would select youraelt If you were to look over our large atock ot poultry, butter, egft, sausage and scrapple. Simply phone us or send your order by mall We will fill It immediately and make a prompt delivery anywhere. Tost cards are supplied upon request. Our products are the best obtainable, and the (act that we guarantee them safeguards your purchase. For marketing satisfaction go to W.A.Bender - ONLY THE 1IEST . nOTTER. IX.CiS ASH I'OUI.TIIV READING TERMINAL MARKET Stalls 606-60S-610 Fllbirt, itSt-HSl Kaes, IMS BUTTER They beat that can he had at the most ron.sonn.lUfl prices. Olcn Roy, Sharpless and York State Creamery. Also all frrntles ot Tub But ter. Itetnll trade a Specialty. H. C. Gerhart & Sons Stalls 800-813 READING TERMINAL MARKET nutter Eos Poultry Borw ruoxES FRESH LAMB Recehed dally. Our meats are always fresh. We cater to the retail trade aa well as to hotel restaurants and Institutions, specializing In Iamb and mutton. Orders by phone or postcard promptly delivered to any section of the city. William R. Morris Stalls 810-831 Reading Terminal Market Jlell rhone. Walnut-1097 Merrill & Hopper The home of nil that Is best tn Salt and Smoked Fish. New Norway Mackerel Vhltc, Frit nud Delicious. No. 1 size, 5o lb,; 10-lb. kit, 82.40 No. 2 size, SOc lb.; 10-lb. kit, 81.00 No. 3 size, 10c each; 10-lb. kit. SUil lleedblrds, So each; 10-lb. kit. 03c Finnan Haddlos, JOc lb. Nova Scotia He'rrlps', 15c bunch. Roe Herring, 15c bunch, English Bloaters, On 3 for 25c. Kippered Herring; 15a pair. Kippered' Shad, sue lb. Codfish the finest white, thick ' George's Cod 18c lb. Codfish, shredded, absolutely bpnij- , less, SOc per lb. Queen Olives; large, luscious fruit: 40c qt. Stuffed Manzantlla Olives, 45c at, "We carry a full line of package and loose cereals and groceries. if Merrill & Hopper 1217-23 TERMINAL MARKET Arch Sr Aisle. ' ! w w Patrons of the Reading Terminal Market who live in West Philadelphia, on the Main Line of the P. R. R. as far out as Villanova, or on the Media Branch as fat as Media, and the P., B. and W. Branch as far as Rid-' ley Park, can now have their purchases delivered direct to their homes via the Terminal Market De livery Company, FREE. This Company has a fleet of new "White" Automo bile Delivery Cars with uniformed men, making- two deliveries daily in the above territories, TERMINAL MARKET DELIVERY CO. READING TERMINAL MARKET, PHILADELPHIA WMSMSMaKMUtttSSM -a. ; WW V (IF r 3i . Avar j-..mt u o slxl a sis--, -' r T n - K '-" V 1 1 amis it -srv M. "Hrmtfgnw -r--- , . 1TT.nrr r-nimM irmai,i, Tirr-riTTiTtrMrii nyrfr- - You Do the Buying Hampers will be returned and stored free. Order purchases sent to the receiving station of tlie "T, M. D," in the northeast section of the market. The Com pany will pack and deliver promptly, When shopping, bring your packages to the "T, M. D,," and they will be carried to your home. We Do the Delivering. 4 J ;, J ' . r? M "PJ jW si, rtv an 1- 4 X I V