v - A ' AlGHT 3M" .. " Mai ftv Sle&ger ituenm KB y i EXTR& iwm'i MtV " : bk r ESS ml 'ma t Xoi.1n;6. 08 t PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBEIt 1, 1914. Cotnronr, 1014, bt ns rcatto Lewn Courtier, xmcBioWsifis 1 ' SCENES AND EVENTS IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY .- ' ' ' -- ' - HHVMMaMMMwaMiwaMiMMnpMHMMMaMMMaiMMMMMMBaHI . GERMAN MARINES WHO ARE CO-OPERATING WITH THE LAND FORCES IN BELGIUM Admiral von Schroeden (with sword) is shown here with his staff of officers, who left their ships and came overland to direct the fire of big naval guns . which had 'been dismounted, shfpped by train and then remounted on concrete' bases. These are some of the men who bombarded Antwerp and have since spent much time-building lines of trenches from Bruges to Ghent 1 31 aw V. t 'vt-TVCJShf s w tsmmbn m M . v w ' -w-" iryirv3w'fii-.cV5,fi'lt ' SSilifc'r,. .- it.?i-Wt!fXiL"ia5i-W ft JtfMs. ' t fi ' l iPIm ' Jli v.. k BIS&'.ir.. StfJAiytCrTT??BfW,5tft"iJS.1t-j;4IW ' JffiFK5LL M - KtBHes8a8KaaBfs7-v. - mA HI i'MWW,iWBMBWiWHIiWpiWWiWPfWINIIIWPPWiWiW"l"" Copyright by. Underwood & Underwood. AMERICAN HORSES FOR THE WAR ZONE Some of the 1500 horses at th'e Jersey City stock yard ready to be shipped to Europe. Early in the war the United States was combed by hundreds of agents of the Allies In their search for suitable .mounts. m wm0mmmmmtmmm i n- - i nn - M i '. ' I m 'B a. Copyrlf ht by Undtrwood. Undrwood. A COSSACK LQCHINVAR AND BRIDE This Cossack, with a Circassian; beauty perched on his saddle, was no doubt a suitor for,' the hand of the young lady fho was looked upon wl(h disfavor, by the girl's parents. So she consented to the elopement. She is dressed in all her finery, A REVIEW OF GERMAN TROOPS IN A PUBLIC SQUARE IN BRUSSELS The Belgian capital has become a big German military post and reviews, inspections and parades are held there as faslias new regiments of troops arrive. The maneuvers are the same ub those of dress parade, though the men are in full field uniform. It is to be noticed that the bandsmen all wear the traditional helmet Just as the fighting men do. i; i n ni 1mrm9ammmmmfmftlllmflmmmmmtlfmmmmllmml9mmmlmlm''amw' ' rmm n i wm-wnwmiaapm .. . , , m - - - r AJ.OKRIAN TROOPS CAPTUR.BD BY THE ENEMY Frwch oihci are ioad nl wing the Tuxcos for reoniMUrisg purpow and, m a result, many of thtiA, hav at time bun trapped and auouMe4- Varyiuj typn f teatwM taw b uotictd mong tW boopa, - Pfcoto bf Bats. SIR HENRY HOWARD. BRITISH ENVOY TO THE VATICAN Fo the urn taiwe m hior; uie Bntuh. GorentiBat fa8 Mt s pmnnt eovoy to tiie YancAO, i GERMAN AEROPLANE BROUGHT OOWM AM !WBH9ilAH - .. .. . .- , .. --ij j. . i. a s- law snows au tbat was leit ot a miutary oipiaae aner n mm m$ot mm - frm shell &rd by Freiuh batten It two ugr" wte SM tkstiip wa Wruially a vltarre4 ukmioa by tb tisw u ts4 t.h rot, ' . , j!ehMriS?. -