Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 28, 1914, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    PfffiHV x v . NO V IS M B 0T8 ,Jjl4,
MHHHHBMBiVHuuw ii i frr7 , , m, , i)ir ,
unwjuw-i ...i. r i,vi,vi(l LKlHMWt ruiti.uM -
.J- -UL-
'ostal Authorities Issue Lists
of Farmers and Producers
in Districts Adjacent to
E "Fflrmfn.4nhlA ......l. i- rtunja.iui.
Il-ecelved an added Impetus today from
lists of farmers and producers In the
fuu" umiricis uesirous or selling df
rect to consumers.
Thll In nnlv rtM. a u--... -
- - nvi;u iii hid near luiurc
?. b,;onden Iho scope- of the new service.
-.. ..i, en,, oe naa upon application to
XL j"nr. rrintea notincatlons of
.- ."" lv " ociyisb will ue UIH-
trlbuted to every housewife and house
Holder In tho city. Those desirous to take
iia,.,UBe of tlle RVBtni may procure
a list of the producers by wrltlnjr the
The names of the producers who are
des rous of selling directly to consumers,
their addresses and the goods they sell
are as follows:
BmmIi0!?'1? W Rlchlsndtonn
ffis? Pb r ".v.v.v.iiV.0 !:
Uemme? Vfc.? E"1 Greenville
cimffl 'li1.' Sprlnj Mount
UI? T J..252 Hprlns Mount
thrf. wnn.? Sprlnt Mount
r?K?i n'J'Y ' V V ElliaCelhtown
i-Si"?! ." Joseph 2 Nnttlnihsni
Pox p ci" sP"n," Mount
rSJv p o"'""'"!', I'ipersvllle
iSivS.? Th Wayside, Klliabethtown
roi'r'nftr,i,n- V. Sprlnfi Mount
iiJlnnJl' Jn.W nm - Hchwenfcevllle
1 looter TW0rge fc- -St'lnS. Mount
2V.J J i-l- "Vli Houto Z, Mar etta
uwrence, Udward 8.,
I..,., c , nou' -. Box 100, Schwenksvllle
tJ. r'T-Solomon fcprln Mount
v??, J'.",te Spring Mount
a' Alban.. r.oute 1, Christiana
rf,i2?,JloS;l,rd rioule 1. Christiana
iMIW1.-!! rn1 Bevere
Perch. Elmer Spring Mount
Rosenberger. w. o.... Route 1, Hchwcnksvllle
Itftlionir. Hnfar c?..iH- u....s
t . -- rj. - . .oiiiih iuuiu
t L'h1. t ..'". Pprlnc Mount
it'""""j ..imm..... aprine .Mount
5m.'i?0v? '"Jf H SprliiK Mount
5 Hi;, Mlfhael ....Spring Mount
Summit View Farm, V. U. Lench.
-,... T ,. flprln Mount
Trumlaiier, J K Sprlnn Mount
' wE'i'.f t2u",t5:..Farrn Klntneravllle
.fHe. Frtink 01 Park street, r.llzabethlotvn
J!,n"n,i ilaTS- Kprlnff Mount
?J-"''.'.J.0J,n i Mechanl-i. Valley
VI oodflelds Farm Wycoiibe
Zlciler, J. 31 IJoutel, Uox 101, Ilea Hill
Allen, Claylnn S Koute T. Vlncenlown
Barradlff, 11. F Uoute 2 Klmer
Jlalr, Wv.OiIonlal Farms & Hatchery. Elnood
Jurr, Dr. Buclianan Dorehrer
Ratuto. Halph Koule 3, Vlneland
Canilua. B I. Abseeon
f.'J?rcI?"t Poultry Farms New Lisbon
'.",! .CK noulc 3- Vlneland
rlshcr s Toultry and Egg Farm,
,, Itoule a, Vlneland
Fulle, Wllllani Route I llerlln
Harvey, K Wilson Olassboro
Huftman, Nathaniel R
., .. .. Route 1, Eur Harbor Cltv
Itocan. Mrs. M. T Box 23, Cedar Drook
Hollynood Poultry Farms.
,, Box 21 Manahankln
Hutton, Wlltam H..
. Oakvlcw Farm, Pox lt:i. Atco
International Poultry Sales Co..Ilron Mills
Jones. Nathaniel B Masonvllle
Marsh. V. T..
, Spruce Grove Poullrr Fsrm. Milai?a
Okrah.ima Poultrv Farm.. Box 2M. redar Brook
The Red Farm. F. P. FallB. proprietor.
Route 1. Wllllanutntrn
Shertt, M. D Route 1. Ecfr Harjor City
Slirverberr, l'. Chewa Landing rd., Clementon
Wlldernesi Poultrv Farm, lnp.
County Boulevard, Egg Harbor City
Falkner, William Midvriy
Ooslee, J. B Stockley
Hitman. W. J..
.. . West Side Poultry Farm rvirmr
Mtlvln. H. D RoUt? 2. Harrington
Rftnolda, Mrs. Blanche Dagsboio
Todd, E VloU
Ward & Son, J. W t'annon
Boyer, C. B Box si. Henderson
t Bowera. Jdcn:i K . Tranpe.
v.uriiuku,ia wellies . . .Lfanini,
Tdelman. D. B Itnut 1. Fleetwno'l
t Frey. V. K. 141 N. Beaver street. York
K xiiveiy, J. c mnzers
JM'nz, Annur J t'rospectnie
K(irr. B. W .Bergey
MeFarUnd, Fred Route 1, Nan on
Morris, Arthur A..
Route 1. Friendly Farm. Scllersvllle
Stswirt, George K ChaUont
Ntttcomti. J. S Itouts t, Newport
Roberts, A. L Box 51, Turntrsvllle
Drown, C 3 Route 2, Brldgovllle
Cluitton, W. D , .Newport
Cooper, J. cardeen ....Route .1, Wyoming
llollenden. O. lUrry Redden
Maral, Mrs. r. H Route 1. neorsetown
Ruas, Ueorge B BrlJaevllle
Amey, acorge V Rlchlandtenn
Barrett, V. A ..Saxton
Bock, Albert , ....Spring Mount
Bolton, Charles .,..,... Spring Mount
Boners, Jacob K WPI
Brooks, II. a. ..,.,..,.,, , .Qrenoble
Castle, Lincoln A, ....Route l.Wayna
Chrtttman, F. ............ Rout 2, Sellersvjlle
Clirlatman, K. G K"Jt Grtenvlllo
Clemmer, Elmer ,,. .......Spring Mount
Conrad, John ,',. ........Srrlng .Mnunt
Cornucopia Ulirles ................... Uarllng
Dlse, Lranna ....Spring Mount
Edelman. D. B .....Route 1, Fleetwood
Enflo, W. H. Elliabcthtown
Fix, Kdnln Spring Mount
Fox, F. U.i .i Route 1, l'lrersvllle
Fox, Richard L ...Oownlngtown
Frey. C. 1 The Wayside, Klltabetiitown
Frey. V, K Ill N lfcr St., Yoik
Frier, Anron Spring Mount
Fulmer, E, V Spring Mount
Gait, John R , Routes, Nsrvon
Selbrrt, Wllllim Spring Mount
rlmley, Ross Spring Mount
Hallman, J. V Route 2, Schwcnkvlllo
Hastings. Georgo Sprthg Mount
Hlvely, J. E Klniers
Hoover, Theo Route 2. Marietta
Joce, f. M . . ..Route I. Enft Orecnvlllo
lusher, Solomon Si-Ung Mount
I.onp, .Trite trrlng Mount
McKrlnnd, Frrtt lioutp 1, Narven
Mtllrr, Groer A Mount Aetna
Morris, Attliur A.,
noule 1. Friendly Farm Petlersvllle
Nlon, Allinn Route I. ChriMlin.1
Nixon, Mownrd RouU 5. Chrhtlana
Parntme Farms Revero
Perch. Elmer Spring Mount
Hosenberger Route l, 8clienksllle
Roshonc, Horace Spring Mount
Ryan, Charle Rprln Mount
Schwenk. Msrla Spring Mount
Sherwood, Genrgo If Spring Mount
Phlrk. Michael Spring Mount
Stennrt, Oeorae K Chalfotit
Summit View Tnrm, F.II. Lersch.Pprlng Mount
Trtimbaurr, .t K Pnrln? Mount
AVells IVullry Farm KlntnrrsMlln
While, Frank M Park st . Klliarethtnwi
Wlnant. Hartr Spring Mount
Woivifields Farm Wjeonibe
Zlegler. J. II Route I. Rox 101, Red Hill
Allen. Tiajlon S ttotitr 2. Vlncentown
Alterman. Charles Routs 1. Elmer
raroliu. p. I........ Abseeon
Ceilnrcresl Poultry Farm New Lisbon
j-ulle, W Milam Route 1, Berlin
Harvey. E. MIot. . G asstoro
Hoffman, Nathaniel 1L,
.... Route 1. Fag Harbor City
i Sfi8.1?.."-,, M. T ,- v-Box 27.. Cedar Brook
Hollywood Poultry Yards,
i,,.,.. v., .., Dax B15- Manaliawkln
Marsh W T -Masonvllle
m,.' t P"VC. Orwe Poultry Farm Mslnga
Ne'om'bep-.i. JS?f? ' .' . f ""TxttgTi ' 'Wciri
ine Red rarm, F. P. Falls. proprlMnr.
Robert. A t Houto lWllllamslown
wtee Poui,VVFarm.D?ntP.!i'- Turn"""'
County nhd. Egg Harbor City
ae: GV-narVy:::::;:.-.-.-.-.::-.:-::5
M?lv"ln Hr'nC- " "'n" 2. neortowS
rt.inM."-2;"""""noule - Harrington
Reynold. Mrs. Blanche Dagshoro
T'odd- r'0'" " .....Brld"?mo
Toad- B Viola
S,,B'Lr-nnV,; Cox " Henderson
Johnson, O. A. M Alkln
genehal produce
(Consisting of vesctables, potatoes, corn, etc.)
Amey. George W Rlchlandtown
Biooks. 11. O Grenoble
Chrlatman. F Route 2. Selleravllle
Fox. Richard I. Downlngtown
Prey. . R The Wajalde. Elliabethtown
Ftej, V. If m Xorth Beaver street. York
Gait. John R Route 2, Narvon
Hallman. J. W Routo 2. SchwonkUUe
Hlvely, J. E Klnsen
Hoover. Theo Route 2, Marietta
Kunz. Arthur J rrospectvllle
Lawrence, Edward S., ,,
Route 2. Box 109. Schwenkville
MrFarland. Frod Route I, Narvon
Miller, Grover A Sit. Aotna
Morrl. Arthur 'A.,
Itouto 1. rrlendlv Farm, Scllerallle
Nixon. Alban . ..Route 1, Christiana
Nixon. Hon-ard Route 1. Christiana
Roaenbergcr. W. G Route 1. Schwenkville
SproM of Horticulture for Women. ..Ambler
Zlegler. J. H Routo 1, Box 101, Red Hill
Alterman. Charles Route 1, Elmer
nnrrncllff, R. F Routa 4, Elmer
Carolus, E. L Abseeon
Cllft, C Route 3, Vln-land
Fulle. William Route 1. Berlin
Haines, Jeremiah Mlckleton
Hoffman. Nathaniel R,
Route I. Bjg Harbor City
Hollywood Poultry Farnm.
Box 213, Manahawkln
Jones. Nathaniel B , Masonvllle
Marsh. W. F..
Spruce Grove Poultry, Farm, Malaga
Moore, I. D... Moore's Foultry Farm, Hartford
Smith, Elton A Smlthvllle
Clugston. W. D Newport
Tooper. J. Cardeen Route 8, Wvomlng
Falkner. William Midway
Goslee, J. T5 Stockley
Haman. W. .1..
West Side Poultry Farm. Delmar
Maral, Mrs. C H Georgetown
Todd, E Viola
Amev, George W Rlchlandtown
Brooks. H. G Grenoble
Chrlstman. F Route 2. Sellersvllle
A Plant Prisoner
A BRIGHT little plant once grew
in the rich black' soil of a truck
parden away on the outskirts of a
great big city.
This plant had creamy colored
straiRht stalks and gay green tops and
no blooms at all, at least none that
anybody cared about, for blooms were
not what it was made for, you see.
But he enjoyed growing and spout
more of his spare moments trying to
pet Jailer than any other plant in the
garden which was ambitious to say
the least.
Then one day the gardener came
and cut some of the stalks and took
I flietn in market
"This is fine eating." he said in his
most persuasive fashion, "buy of me
f you will like this." n ,
but tliougn, many Housewives iook
ed and listened nobody bought his
produce. "It's too green," they said,
"we want white, tender celery when
we buy. Yours is both green and
So the gardener went home and
viewed his garden with a discouraged
"You have too much sunshine," he
said to the rows of celery. "You are
too yain and you grow too much. I'll
have to take you in hand and change
your habits you mustn't grow so
"How can I help that?" the celery
seemed to answer him, "the sunshine
is warm and lovely and I am made for
"That's ejeactly where you are
wrong'," declared the gardener. "You
are made for selling, and if sunshine
makes you grow but not sell no
more sunshine shall you have."
And though the celery protested bit
terly, the gardener got his spade and
hoe and threw up the rich black dirt
on both sides of the celery row
threw it up till it touched the gay
green leaves and hid all the sturdy,
strong green stems from view.
Then he tramped it down with heel
and spade till not a bit of sunshine
could reach the celery stalks! They
were shut up tight in a dark earth
"Oh dear!" groaned the celery
breathlessly, "I'm squeezed so tightly
(between these piles of damp black
learth that I can't even breathe
Ipleasel oh please, let me out I"
nut trie gardener made no answer.
Prisoned there so tieht and dark,
the cheerful greeH celery grew pale
tnd white. TUe streug greea sums
became slim aad brittle, very di&tt eat
Then one day the gardener dug
away some of the black dirt, cut a
few of the white stalks and went
again to. market.
This time every one was anxious
to buy he could have sold even more
than he had.
And ever since then gardeners
everywhere bury their celery under
rich black earth. People like the ten
der white stlks. but the celery don't
you wonder if it doesn't miss the
Copyright, Mil, Clara Ingram Judson,
Opened November tith under tne management
of Mr. E. C. Worrell, owner.
The same htghgrada cuisine will be main
talned. All Northern whit help; private
baths; steam heat: tlectrlo lights.
Write for booklet.
The Winter Inn
Cornueopl Dairies . .. , Darling
Frey. V. K 14 North Beaver street. Tor
.Cflf. . emf emtw emfw cmfw emfw Tbglcq
OsU. John R neute 2. NarTpn
Hallman. J. W Route 2, Bcnwenksvllle
Hlvely, J E Wp'.'.r
Kun, Arthur J ...i.PrerpechllU
Lawrence, Ednanl 9 , .... . ....
Route 2, Box 109. Schwenkville
Mayberry, F. M., ,, ,
Fruit and Berry Farm, nbellik
Nixon. Alban Route 1. Christiana
Nixon. ilowtM .. Route 1, Christiana
School of Horticulture for Women.... Ambltr
Smith, Claries r .
Highland Crest Fruit Farms. FalMew Milage
Summit View Farm, F. II. Lereeh,
Spring Mount
XVoodfleM Farm Wycombu
Zlegler, -J. H Route 1. nox 101, Red Hill
Allen, Clayton S Route 2, Vlncentown
Bsrraclirre, Jl. F Route 4, Elmer
Brady, Jns. M. . .Clcarvlew Farm, Blue Anchor
Fulle, William noule 1, Berlin
Hoffman, Nathaniel R , . ...
Route 1, Egg Harbor City
Jones. Nulhanlel H.J Masonvllle
Marsh, W. F.. ., ,
Spruce Grove Poultrv Farm. Malaga
Moore, t. P.. Moore's Toultry Farm, llartronl
Newcamh J. S Route 1. Newport
Smith. Elton A Smlthvllle
Brown. O. J Route 2, B'WfV 111
foopcr. .1. Cardeen Route 3. Wvomlng
Falkner William Mid any
Ooilee. J. H Mockley
Perry. Wllllim Route 2. Harle'cn
Run. rieorie n Brlde-'vllln
Todd, E Mol
Bock, Albert Sprlnr, Mount
Bowera, Jacob K rrappe
PorU rmducu and cheese.
Brooks, II. Grvnoble
Wild game In senon
t'hrlslman, F Route 2, Scllcrevllle
Clemmer, Elmer Pprlns Mount
Funry table corn meal.
Falvre, Rev. Joseph Z Nottingham
Fox, F. O Route 1, riperiUlle
Apple butter and bonev.
Frey. C. P. The Wnyslde. F.lliabethtonn
I'-vnned fruit and homemade rle and tnkei.
Hlvely. J. E KIiiicm
Pork and tobieen.
Hoavjr, Then Route 2. Martrlla
Preserves and Jellies.
Hoslettsr, L. K Route (1, LltlU
ItUtfhk'I, J. W.,
3d and chestnut sis., Mt. Carmel
Joyce, P. M Routo 1. East Greenville
Pork products.
Kuni, Arthur J .' Prospeitville
Scrapple and cottrge cheese.
Kuni. B. W Hertey
Preserves, canned goods, pork products
and choese.
Mayberry, F. M.. , . . ,
Fruit and Berry Farm. Obelisk
Apple butter, honey, black walnuts.
Morris, A. 'A..
Route 1. Friendly Farm, Sellersvllle
Apple butter, .. ,.
Nyce. A. H Vernnetd
Parnamae Forms Revere
Jams and Jellies.
School of Horticulture for Women Ambler
Flowers, Jams, Jellies and preserves.
Blotter. W, A Kulpsvllle
Siusage and scrapple.
Smith. Chariest P.. . .
Highland Crest Fruit Farm, Falrview Village
Stauffer. Robert S Mllford Square
Ste-vart, George K Cliatfont
Pork products.
The Slyer Gardens Woodbourne
Strawberries, cornmeal mush,
bummlt View Farm. F. H. Lersch,
Spring Mount
f'cttaae cheese end elder.
Trhudy, Isaac R Smoketown
Quality table beets.
Webster. Ezra J Toughkenamon
Wnodfleld Farnie Wycombe
Apple butter and canned tomatoes.
Zlegter. J. H. .. Rcuta 3. Box 101, Red Hill
Borrles In seaeon.
Allen, Clayton S Route 2, Vlncentown
llurraclirf, R F Route 4, Elmer
Walnuts and chestnuts.
Haines, Jeremiah Mlckleton
Pork products
Long & Johnron 10 High at,, Glassboro
Squat and rabbits.
Japlenook Squab Plant Beverly
Marsh, W. F.
Spruce Grove Poultry Farm, lining
Game In rearon.
Moore, I. D. . Moore's Poultry Frj-ni, Hartford
Berrlea In season.
Ne comb. J S Boute 1, Newport
Strawberries, apple elder, elder vinegar.
Smith. Elton A Smlthvllle
Tork products.
Brown, O. J Route 2, Bridgevllle
Lard and meat.
Falkner, William Midway
Evergreens for decorating.
Goslee, J. F. Stockley
Hayman, W. J..
West Side Poultry Farm. Delmar
Sweet potatoes.
Ruas, George B Brldgeton
Gerald Oyster CO....S3S w. Cove t.. Crlafleld
. . Oyaters,
Johnson, G, A. M Alkln
Flour and meat
LEAPS trow: hospital window
Patient Plunges Into River and Is
Rescued With a Rope.
NEW TORK, Nov. a-John Judg. a
patient at the Metropolitan Hospital, on
niackwell's Island, became delirious to
day, broke from the restraining straps
which confined him to his bed and Jumped
from a window Into the East River. An
orderly threw him a rope and pulled him
Judse was none the worse for his cold
plunge, and will recover.
Sllght Improvement In the condition of
Joseph Smith, president of the reorgan
ized Church of Latter Day Saints, who
Is near death from heart disease, was an
nounced last nlfiht after a conference of
physicians. Smith Is 62 years old.
A modern hotel with quiet air of domesticity
and a homelike atmosphere.
Provides a charm of comfort and
ease amidst characteristic environ
ment that has established It as an
Ideal stashor home.
Directly on the ocean front
Capacity COO.
irALTEn J. nuznr.
The South Provides For
Your Summer Sport in Winter
and provides comoeeiv and well. fii"
tennis, motoring, riding and driving at
xneir top nor.cn nest.
Round trip
tourist tickets
honored via
without addi
tional charge.
Six trains
day from New
York to prin
cipal Southern
Dlv. Fass. Agent
JS Chestnut bt.
Flitladelphla, Fa.
No severities of weathsr to interrupt
out-of-door recreation. Day after day of
sunshine and lovely surroundings mountains.
seashore and the active social, life of peopl who
know bow to make their leisure count.
You will find delightful winter colonies offering; excel
lent accommodations at Asheville, in the Land of
the Sky. Augusta, AUcen, Columbia, Summervills.
tnanesion, ana luruir oouia on toe uull uoest
New Orleans, Mobile, Fats Christian, Biloxi, Gulf Port
as well as points In Florid.
Write or 'phone for Information and for
our illustrated literature.
'outhern Railway'
Fremlar Carrier or tfcfi SouA,
Slorc Opens 8:30 A. M.
tnrin iMHSgeee, i n
tilore Closes 6 P, M
Monday in
aiamaier s
A Never-Equaled Christmas Show
of Furniture
Superb means many things. It means quality beyond doubt or uncertainty; it means a novelty
and individuality in the goods which makes the display unique as a whole; it means the opportunity
for you to select from a number of rare pieces English and French, as well as American which
cannot be obtained outside of this store for love or money; and finally it means a scope of choice
which set down in actual figures tells its own story.
GO different kinds of sewing tables, $G.75 to .$92.
12 different kinds of muffin stands, $5.50 to $48.
100 different kinds of music cabinets, $8.50 to $45.
200 different kinds of bookcases, $7.60 to $215.
75 different kinds of desk chairs, $3.50 to $17.
14 different kinds of tea wagons. $11.50 to $55.
20 different kinds of tilt-top tablos, $5.75 to $67.
900 different kinds of chairs and rockera for
library, hall and living room, $4 to $145.
310 different kinds of desks, $10 to $415.
325 different kinds of library tables, $11 to $156.
220 different kinds of dressing tables, $10.50 to
35 different kinds of wardrobe chiffoniers, $30 to
(Fifth nud Sixth Floor)
A Sale of Domestic Rugs
at Lowest Prices
We have taken over 1500 fine rugs from groups that have been selling at special prices and
marked them still lower for a great end-of-the-month sale. Savings are a third and more.
We do not know how long it will be before another such opportunity will be presented to the
home-loving people of Philadelphia. A great many of the rugs in this sale are from the famous
Bigelow looms.
Superior Wilton Rugs
(Including Bigelow Ardcbils)
8.3x10.6, $37.50 9x12, $41
Bigelow Balkan Wilton Rugs
6x9, $22.50 8.3x10.6, $30
9x12, $35
Standard Axminster Rugs
36x72 in., $2.75 8.3x10.6, $15
9x12, $16
High-Grade Worsted Wilton
(Including Bigeloiv Dagheslans
and Bagdads)
27x54 in., $3 8.3x10.6 ft., $26
86x63 in., $5 9x12 ft., $30
Standard Wool Wilton Rugs
27x54 in., $2.25 8.3x10.6 ft., $22.50
36x72 in., $3.25 9x12 ft., $25
(Fifth Floor, Mnrket)
High-Grade Axminster Rugs
(Including Bigcloio Utopias)
8.3x10.6, $20 9x12, $21
Bigelow Body Brussels Rugs
8.3x10.6, $20 9x12, $22
Standard Body Brussels Rugs
27x54 in., $2 8.3x10.6, $18.50
6x9, $12.25 9x12, $20
Fourteen Kinds of Wanamaker Wardrobe
Trunks in a Sale, Every One at
a Reduction of $10
Not an old stock of trunks, but a new lot of trunks brand new from the factory; not trunks
that, have been sold and returned; not trunks that have got shop-worn and dusty; not trunks that have
proved hard sellers and stickers but the best wardrobe trunks we have been able to find anywhere,
and every one of them brand new.
Prices are $15 to $40, and just at a time when it seems as if every woman in the world wants
a wardrobe trunk and nearly every man.
(Satnvnjr Floor, Chestnut)
Special Sale of Women's Dresses,
Suits, Coats and Furs in the
Lower-Price Store
A feast of surprises of plenty cold weather merchandise (just as cold weather is coming on
in earnest), all at prices very much below usual.
In many instances you save half; in others a third. In every case you buy for less than any of
these same goods are likely to be found for elsewhere.
Silk dresses starting at $5 -They are of satins,
silks and silk poplins; very good and pretty at that
price. Others at $8.75, $12, $16.50 and up to $25. There
are some very lovely things between $16.50 and $25.
Serge dresses start at $3.25. These are good and
practical, and there are others at $5, $7.50, $10 and $15,
Fur-cloth coats by hundreds made up precisely like
the real fur garments; all daintily lined with good
satins and fine silks and useful for wear everywhere.
At $19,75 there are coats of Hudson seal fur cloth, and
$25 for coats of sealskin fur cloth.
Other warm Winter coats start at $7.50. These
are for both women and young womenj. There are good
coats for $7,50, $8,75 and $10, in chinchilla, zibeline
(Sabirar Floor,
and pebble cheviots. Some for women at $7.50 in the
new overplaid coating and hundreds at $10, $13.50, $20
and $25 in the finest materials.
Women's Winter suits start at $8.75; even at this
low price they are well made and good looking. Others
at $12.75, $15, $23.50 and $25. At the last named price
there are some very handsome novelty suits.
Very handsome furs at low prices $15 to $25 for
black fox muffs; $9.75 to $18.75 for Ben fox scarfs.
$6,50 to $10 for near seal scarfs (sheared coney), $15
to $25 for Japanese mink muffs, and $12.75 to $25 for
Japanese mink scarfs. Other furs at proportionately
low prices.
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