1 j, fa irj -f- f t a fci i & 3 ? &.': mf k tf:Br m n? i ; rfsaW. S, ml ll: m tW MiM 'V y nSift- rnp r wm at V JT aBE m it K mm" ar :ss ht t as h c lt ' Wlr- - " ': -aft. m sk aW F Kt .. asfcjiO, iySJ.lnttii(aBt EVENING LKDUHB PHILADELPHIA. BATUltDAr, NOVEMBEB 2. 1014. RAL LEAGUE BACKERS MEETING IN CHICAGO TODAY . Mesates Present From Ejght Cities and Draw Up itchtative Schedule May Spring List of Stars. , fHlCAQO. Nov. M-Wayn nml mcatu tot financing Another yenr'a campaign ;-Vl& Hid tltef problem hefrirsi Ihn T.Vrtiral jLaiie magnates' meeting here today. & K.,6, Ward and George Ward, of Brook- rn, who. tvllh Charles H. WeoRliman. of lih Chjfed?, proved the backbone of the iMrganjtatlon last neaeon, wrt flint of r the out-of-town omelftl to teach the city. Anna they were In confetence with I'resH dent Gllirtbro until an early hour today The nantee of National and American ? .League stars secretly signed may be made ', public. Announcement that the idlS scIkhUiIo (will be tentatively drnwn Indicated that 'Ihe federal circuit has been agreed upon, i The-accredited delegates present when the meeting opened at 10 o'clock were: Chltflgo-Charlcs Weeghman and Wll- Sllam Walker. Brooklyn Robert D. IVnrd, George S. ! Ward and Walter Ward. Pittsburgh Edward Owlnner and C. II. Comslock. St. Louis Edward Stelnlnircr. Otto Stlfel and Phil Ball. ' Baltimore Carroll Raisin, Harry CJold- imjii and Ed HanlcVn. Kansas City C. C. Madison. Buffalo Walter Mullen and William I Robertson. Indianapolis J. E. Krauso and John A. f George. U was renorted that the Wards of Brooklyn lYOUld Introduce Artie Hofman, fex-uuo, as manager of meir 1815 Tiptops. NOTABLB HOST SBBS CONTEST Confirmed from rage One band with capes thrown baek, displaying vivid red over their shoulders. Ten companies, of 9) middles each, poured through the gates at the south east end of the field. They marched to the eAst end of the Arena and then coun termarched In front of the north stand, lining up In a sdlld phalanx In .review formation. Efticti man carried a Navy pennant of blue and gold, which hung down from the waist, forming a striking contrast with the dark blue overcoat They formed slhgle file and paraded to their seats In the centre of the stand while the band played patriotic airs, The big blue and gold banners carried by the color bearers were held on high by two daring middles, Adams and Clark, hress box. In 20 minutes alt had been for their team. m AIR, EXPOSURE, CAUSE OF ALARMING NUMBER OF DEATHS (Diphtheria and Pneumonia Big Factors in Mortality, Despite Dr. Harte's Warn ings. Diphtheria and pneumonia hae become 'Inrmlns factors among tho diseases causlng deaths In the city since tho be r sinning: of the cold weather. In spite of the warnings of Doctor :Harte, Director of the Department of ' Health and Charities, against dangers tfrom neglect of colds, lack of fresh air and exposure, diseases of the lungs and fair passages caused 117 of the 462 deaths jjjn Philadelphia, this -week. Of that num fber, tuberculosis of tho lungs was respon- , Mbls for 43 deaths; pneumonia, 37; bron chopneumonia, 25, and diphtheria, 9. Doctor Harto today declared that re duction of the death rate from lung and throat diseases Is largely a matter of education of tho Individual In proper care i'of the body with the change of the sea- rn. Increases in the number of deaths from pneumonia and diphtheria during the Eweeks of November are shown by the Sfollowlncr table: Nov. lov. No. No. T JTolal deaths, nil cuss.3li PniUffloDA ...... ... iHroncho-pneumonla. . . MJipntrisria . FHaw cun reportea; DlDhtharla . ...... Pneumonia ........... The record of deaths from all causes in the last week Is as follows; Miuln 1 Ulcer of stomach . 2 Scarlat fever ..... -Other diseases of Dlpntnsrla v Homaco BrysipsVn .4.... . 1 Diarrhea, and tnter- Sc-ntlcsrnla s,tta (under 1 yr.J 12 Tuberculosis or Diarrhea and enter- lunrs 12rJ" 'l to - yr.). 1 Tuoorcuiosis tnsn- wiwrnea, ana enter ui - years ana . ar) 5 1 Intestinal parasites i Appendicitis and ty. t phlltts . ... . 2 Sll.rnta. . ... . .. i -Other obstruction or lntutlnea ... 5 TClrrboaU of liver.. U 'Biliary calculi , . J Othr dlseaaea of orrana 5 Acuta neDhrltli ... k Cancer of brtatt.,, 1 Urlxhfa dlaeas.., 61 Cancer ol akin 1 Other dlaeaaea of Ca&ctr of other or kldneya i tuupacinen ontana .jjikmh or Diaddar 1 WEST POINTKRS MARCH The West Pointers began their march Into the field In silence Their band came through the northwest entrance and re mained silent until tho future gcnernls. who had entered by the southwest gate, had nmsscd behind them. The flat topped caps of the middles were whipped oft nt the behest of tho cheer leaders anil a Navy ell that shook the stand rang out This was followed by a simllnr jell for the University of i'ennsMvnnln. I'cnn'a oval Rtmlentit. clustered In the west stand mado the welkin ring with a complimentary return cheer. At l.5 the Army band broke Into mel ody and the Cadets begnu their evolutions sround tho nrena. Erect and as sturdy ns their competitors, they strode back and forth In columns four The white lining of the dark blue coats of tho bandsmen was displayed by draping tho coat across their backs. Finally they swung Into 10 solid columns stretching across the gridiron for a dls tanco of 40 yards. As tho band nlnvert n Scottish hornpipe they trotted quick time to their scats In the centre of the South Stand. Ii, A. Clrnham, ofllclul goat keeper, was accorded n rousing welcome ns eh ap peared In the field with the Navy's goat resplendent In Navy colors. -The goat was brought to the Held In state, riding In a loxlcab. Moving plcturo men and tho usual inm era squad rushed to and fio In (heir frantic endeavors to mlsi nothing. The first song to be sent forth wns a parody on "It's a Long Way to Tlppcrnry." It was made more effective by tho sys tematic swinging of flags. As It con cluded, both teams dashed out o"n the Held and bedlam broke loose. No attempt was made at oiganized cheering nnd tho volume and vigor of the spcradlc yells were denfenlnir. When both sides had apparently exhausted themselves in a futllo effort to outshout the other, the Navy sprung a sensational long whistling yell. ARMY WILD OVER PRICHARD'S RUN. Tho Army cadets formed the letter A In tljelr seating nrtangement, yellow capos thrown back and the light blue of Its front worked to make tho proper combination Thunderous was tho babel as the ball was kicked off. Fifteen hun dred uniformed men danced Insanely and waved Hags In wild disorder. When an Army back made a speptacular dash of 40 yards on a fake kick In the early part of tho game, some of the glngei disappeared rrom tho cheers of tho Middles. The Cadets, on the other hand, had another frenzied fit. The Mid dles' depression lasted only a few sec onds. Navy stalwarts on the field held splendidly and Army's attempt at a place kick for a goal failed. JHyi JKkJfiaiHaaK Mx F iHa HaHak fi iKHaaV - JaMla 1 I jHBHnHHBHHByBnHnHfB jaaaaaaBflLV HaHaBPiaaaaiHB? l9fflHa9aHBiaHaaKlSflHP!aHb I ' K, ' aHalaaaBaB HHHsHBHaHHH jlaBaiWaKn & Wifct f" ?wHBOBk S1-. MSBnSBSttBBBmi. HaaaHaK BHHL JraHflH MaBfflWjSJBIWSBMHE n flfilaaaB ' tiMMi MV&JvMt&AMjtML r IwjJBm 1 aaaaaHalatt!MaHtta9aaaHaaaHlaaaaa9aaBaHia KlHlHHB.nHIE'' yBaflaHaHaOBaaHlaV 1 HHHBHIHIHHBniHIm iWVaaaaaa&SHPaEvnSCHnlaHaaElaaaaHi lallaaaaaaaaaaHHaHHsMHHHH9HHfr MmKKKKtK3SSimr VlK& 3 "LAST MEN" OF OMEGA CLUB, WHO DINE TONIGHT T. 14. 21. 2.S. 1311 4IM 4K 1IU 10 21 40 ;I7 17 14 34 M S 11 8 l M b& 70 OS 11 22 19 111 tnvltla ....... t Abdominal tubercu- loala Tjibtrculoala, dl tmlnated . ..." . BypMlla ........... gj tancer ot nou . ncvr vt IWUI.WI rnn HTar - ? Cancer ot lnteatlnea . rrt nerltonaum . Cancer of scnlul Dtabetefl tf . 'AlcoUolUm Encephalitis ' Wenlngltle . . . . locomotor ataxia. . Otner dlaeaaea or Mtnat cord ... Anterior poliomye litis . . Apopjazr --, Soltenlnr of brain. Far!raU General oaralysla of ft. ttisaoa . "Bpltepsy - r Qcovolalons of In- JODlMaeo of prostata 1 i Accidents of prtg- 1 nancy i 1 Otner accident! of 1 labor 2 1 Puerperal convul. alona .. ... 4 lAbscaaa . , i Xlaeaa of bones . 1 1 Premature birth . SO IS Congenital debility. 2 1 Other diseases ot 1 early Infancy , , I 6nl!lty ... .. , o 1 Suicide by potion.. 1 3 Hulclde by asphyxia 2 Duicia ny nrearmt, I tmxt Suicide bv cultlne DUeeaea ot the eya Instruments . . , , 1 ana Its unA. . - wear CUIB PV1S .tMsecuM or lb ear a onlnjs ., 1 iParioardltls , . . 1 cvnflagrmtlpn . 1 Kndocajditla 3 Burns 3 Slfcart dlaeaaa ... .52 AbaOrDtlon ef iraaee .1 AitiLn pMtorls..,. Blelurles by fall.... 8 Dlaeaaea or arteries o injuries ty mi- KmtcUem nnd Uiram- ohlns ,, l baals alolurlta try streat Itrjnrltls . . 3 car ,1 Acute bronsbltis B Injury by nutonw- Ohronlo broncbttls. . I biles i llronehopneumonla 2.f Homicide by flre 'neumoata ST arms ., ,., . I iiDoatcMa ny atner CesgaaUen and apo- xr oi i"" ' fUntrrene Of lungs . dfheV dleeaaas'res- terjr ystn . . Of -aTOPTIa- .-. gUat. . . . i means llnlurjts at birth .. 3 1 Otner Ill-defined 1 diseases 1 Coroner's cases 1 pending 1 Total . Uothlehcm. Pa . Mr Maxwell Wyeth, A. f L. Shields, Lieutenant Commander Chester Wells, 1J. S. A.; Rear Admiral A. 8 Wlllctte, U. S. A.. Commander W. 8. Chambers, V. H. A., Captain 8. P. Dallam, U. 3. A. Colonel .1. V. Fuller, Governor Toner's Staff, Catnnruio.ua; Charles Ilayden, Hay tlcn & Stone, Now York; Lieutenant A. K. Larrabee, U. 8 A.; Captain It. 0. Lnngdon, U. 8 A.; Joseph W. Powell, Fall River, Mnss : Colonel H. K. .Mc Carthy. V. 3. A ; Mrs. D. L. Tnltc, Jr., Now York city, Captain K. F. Smith, IT. 8. A.; George K. Crozlcr, Upland, Pa.; Walter Johnson, Philadelphia; Mrs. A. 12 Pntton, Philadelphia; Sntnuel C. Trex ler, Plilladelphln, Miss I2dythe Nevlns McQuade, Washington. Atklna. A. W. Abbott, Capt. IJ, C Anderson. Col. Hell. Copt. Jnmee 1 Ualiiwln, W. . Unlrd, Jeowe. Ucaer. J. h llrewst r, II It. I: Murray, I!. a. Murph, 1. B. Martin, J. I:. -Morrow, Mlea K. A. Mnc.Vnlr, I.. N. Mltcliain, u. II. Mcsee, Clmrlcrf I". Manchcntcr, Cadet OVERHEARD IN THE HOTELS JUST BEFORE THE BIG GAME Wit and Folly Win Laughs Easily from Good-natured Crowds in Lobbies and on the Streets. Hell, L.int J. Thom.is Moore. J, h, CURLEY HAS CONTRACT Returns With Jack Johnson's Signa ture to Fight Willard. N'UW YOI1K. Nov. 23. Jack Curley. nho ob tained Jack Johnson's signature to a contract to light Jeis WIHard 20 rounds In Tobruary. Rrrlred en the Lusltanla last night Curley lion enthusiastic oer the big mutch for the hcavvnrlght title of tho world and wild it nlll surelv take place Curlev. who ai met at tho dock by Harry Pollock, the manager ot Freddie Welsh, lad this l say rclatho to the Johnaon Wlllanl match "The Htorles that Johneon Is hor fat and In no condition for a hard battle are puro Mbrincatlona Ho Is within .",0 days of training for the bout at the present time nnd If forced to do so could get ready In io Johnson was moro than willing to fight Willard. or anybody else for that matter All he wants Is monej $J0,000. Tills sum he Infctits on for each fight, win. loie or draw The location or ths date of the battle has not been decided upon, but Johnson Ii willing to Hght any place with Willard provided the bout takes place early In February and" that he Is paid oer the sum he names before he enters tho ring " Martin Wins From Kairer V Martin, or Luxerne, defeated Doctor Kairer. of Knickerbocker, by a score of 100 to 83 In the Quaker City league pocket bil liard aeries last night at the Luzerne parlors. The game was Interesting from start to nnlsh, and there was a large crowd present. UrniHinu. N. noju, rrcd Bristol, Cnpt M. L. Karnes. .1. s Honor, V. u tlcale, Phi-Inn Hudd, Wnlfr ST. L'amcnn, Col Collins. S II. t'hurch, Com J, a Cobb, r. I, Coulter, II G. Croukhltc. A 1 LiarK, Theo. si Clnpp, Win 11 Churchill. M C'asiell, James C, It. Moss. J. A .vidian, l II. Morris, Douglas Martin, U. Col. Mngtilre. Mrs. 12. . Mills, I". O. Mohr, T. K. Miller, A. J. , MacUowell, (leorsi" 'Menu, Mrs. O. W. Mctcnlf. n. V. McCarthy, Col. D. Old, Dr. Herbert OrHs. 1!. V. Oglotce, f. P. II Oberleo. Mr. t'osieuo. .lrs. . v. Jr. L:ani tripn. i ii n.H. rane Cadet -1'rjor. Mrs. .1. B. Caml" t'om W n.'SS??, "a K Chaplain, .Tome D. I,!'?!"; X ? ,, ,v r.nt,r..ii r. ., 1'oweII. Joscnh w. McVey and Wills Matched NEW CHILEANS, Nov. 2S -Sam McVey and Harry Wills, negro heavyweights, hae been matched for a SO-round bout here December SO. r.AU'Skim Hlllc Must Be Pasteurized JtAftpiaayRG. P.. Nov. JS.-AJ aklm Ik mutt be pasteurized at creameries Uefere tetaur returned to farmers and alrymeu, under an order Issued today ttStte IJvo Stock Sanitary JJoarcj, )m an adoiuonai regulation of the AH W)A mouth disease Quarantine. The ripifasii afxeua to be well under control. j- fs w eaeee bay been reported tor a kir. tfltssWsaaaSWsajMSjniBsasssjkssaBjS TplnaT . m'jisn !'.. j. i. . i, i SADIES' U KT. UOLU WATCHES Ton wilt Bt tad lswVe such m 44 hIoUh f ladle' Watcaes 4 aM sw hers. W Uii a t aaly unusual la aVwtaa, hm feud ax dcu-aaUHr fgml tW catataf) Hwbrt m. W& Ji HOTELS' AMY-NAVY GUESTS A Partial List of Visitors at City's Leading Hostelries. Followlnff Is a partial list of those vis iting the city for Army-Navy game regis tered at the hotels: At the Bellevue-Stratford: Perclval S. iHIll, Congressman George "VV. Edmonds, Mayor J. P. Mltchel, of New York; Com missioner It. A, C. Smith, of New York; former Commissioner Ilhlnelander Waldo, New York, Governor and Mrs. Tener, of Pennsylvania) Governor Goldsborough, of Maryland; Secretary of War Llndley M. Garrison; Colonel Georxe W. Harvey, of New York! W. 8. Page, John A. "Wilson, of Franklin, Pa. General AVotherBpoon, of "Washington, Chief of Staff; Mrs. Stewart L. Wood ford, of New York; Mr, and Mrs. George C. Boldt. Jr., New York; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graham Miles, New York; Joseph Q. McCall, Judge D. Webster Dougherty, W. H. T. Hume, Samuel P Hume, W, B. Corey. Pittsburgh; John T, Wlndlm, W, It. Balslnger, J. U Replogle, Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Smith. Mr, and Mrs. E. T. Uaugh. Annapolis; Harry Hempstead, F. N. Hoffstott. Pittsburgh; Captain James F. Bell, United States Army; B. II. Brewster, Baltimore. Md.; Captain M. C. Bristol, United States Army; F. G. Lee, New York. Captain C. H. Patterson, U. S. A.; Dr. Robert B Leconte; Lieutenant Geo. D. Riley, U. S. A.; Mrs. E. P. Wilbur, Patterson. Cabt. C. 11. Pagenstecker. A., Jr. I'ennmcycr, P. V. rtndleton. A. J. Peebles. I,. H. Price, a. B. rhurber, T. S., l.t. Taslor, M. B Tntte. Mr. D. U Topping, Webb. Thonlov, O. II. Tlmborlako, B. J. Taylor. Cadet Tlios Todd, W. 1,. Talte, K. S. Thorn, Mrs J. P. Tnkamlre, M. K. Waldo. It., Comm'r. Woodford. Deneral Werntz, It. I White, E. II, Wllshlre. W. M. Weatherbee. W. P. Welehampcl, A. Watt. Mrs. n. W. Wilson, Jnmcw A Wilbur. Mrs. E. P.. Je. Walbach. Mrs. E. L. White, Mrs. Harry Wells, D. H. Williamson, Mrs. F. T. Wilton, W. C. Young, J. II. Illrtley McLean. U. S Mr' and Mrs. It C5. aillmor, U. S. N Mi. and Mrs. P. J Logan, U. 8 N Commodore Harris fjinnlng, U. R. N rrof. and Mrs X. M Terr-. If. H. N Acad W. W. Walton. U. 8. N. O. Sulton. U. S N. P W. Rockwell, U. S '.V. J. I Hall. V 8 N'. A C 'Head. V. S. N Mr and Mrs. jf. w Paine, U. s. A. I. lout, and Mr'. B. I. Scudder, U. 8. N. E J. Glllenu U. S. N N. N. Atnsworth, V S. N. Mr. and Mrs. T C. nialsde). U. 8. X. O. E. Gehn. U. B. N". Oeorgo II. nock, U. . N'. Commodore Babln, V. 8. N. a. 8. Galbralth, V. 8 N. M. L. Day. It. S. N A. .8. '.lerrlll. U. S. It. 8 Walker, V S. N'. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wlckham, IT. 8. X. 11. a Tarson. V. 8. N. Wallls Gearing, U. 8. Dr.' C. C. Meek. U. O. H. Fort. V. S. S. It. M. Comfort, U. S N. UrU Hunter, U. P O." S. Irian. II. R V At the Adelphla the following Army ana Navy officers were registered yesterday: s N. It. 8. Oberley, V. S. C M llaerkamp, U. John T. Henderson, U. S. A. George I Qreen, U. O. l! froilor, Geo K Dykman, w 11 Dallam, Capi s y Daniel, lohn V Do Camp, J. F. DoVU't, Irs CjUIh Rwlng, ulrs. A E Early, l.t C. W. EdwaiJs, U D Evan. II A Evans, w. P Faust. l.t W. II Fuller, J W., Jr. Fulton, A. Plnley. elm. It Prcnch. .1 U Gross. Ll. It. P. Gibson, Gen II. a. Goldman, II J. Gallowny, Jt. .. Oarretoa, I Jl Groha-n, M. X. Groves, W S. Hlbbft.-d, C B Hugh's, Thurston Hirst, John K Haywood, V li. Hanke), Mrs. G. t. Hodge. Cndet Herri ik. Cadet Halstead, Hlchard Pjne, iuylor, Jr Boncll, Jlrs. 11. W. Bellcy, Lt G D Hodgors. W. H ltldgctvay, M Hock, George Bolstoi, It G Iluhl, W. n. Steel. It. II Sterling, A K Sands, W H. Shields, .1. K. Sulton U P. StanclllT, W A. fichl.'.iker. Cadet Htrcot. L. II Starr. l.t. P. C. Hmlih. I apt. K V Hteelmin, A. U fralvaie, F Smith. If, C Hmlth. It. A Stelnman. J. II. Snjdcr. C. Tschnfit. Col W H Hoffstatt, P M. Halromb, Chas. K. Hempstead. Harry Haydcn, Charles Hail, Lieutenant Hudson. Joseph Jones, P. D. Johnson, George P. Joy, Mrs. Duncan Jordan, Robert A. Jones, L. 11. Johnson, A. W. Kimball, B. E. Kceten. Cadet E. C. Kerr, John C Kubts. L. P. Iee. P. 0. Itngdon, Cspt. R. C. Land. E. Jl. I.atrade, P. W. Larrabee. Lt. A. K. Loft, aeorga W Lem'y. It. I. Long, W. W. Ludlam. Mrs C A Miles, coionei Lieut L. G. Heffer- nam. u. a. Dr P. II. Ilalgler. U. 8. A. It. W. Malhewson, U. 8. A. Ellis M. Cacharlas, U. B. N C. B. Batlls. Jr., U. The reservations at the Rltz-Carlton Included: P W. Broeks L Brown II. BUuchard II. Bruisers E. Ilaerwald o. JAirnes II. Cowperthwalt !Mrs. Coinage James Cottlngs O. Pomlv K. P. Campbell J O, Drayfuss Mrs. Downs air. Dwlgbt Mr, Danker P. Pprd M. A. Pulton Mrs, Ouliek A. C. dray II. Gibson B. Holmes W, Halllday R. a. HUlIard P Ilaucbgon Mrs Htgbee J. Harden Cant. A. el. Halstead IR. Waldo J. James J. J, Waters St. Jelup Mrs Weatherl!! 11, a Kesaler a Waring A. Lawrence Mrs. Lewis Admiral and Mrs Martx, Mies D, Moody Mrs. P. Nsie IS. A. Mitchell J. W. 'Moras U C Palmer L. Palmer P W. Byley II. Raymond C. Blch Robert TIhiii J. K. Smith U Short A. C. Statt Mrs. R. P, Sahwerta James Spear A. Thompson Col. Robert Thompson Mrs. Talmas Mr. Talroage P. Ttnslsy W. Taylor Ray- Tnanipaon osneral Vroom "Hali! Itnhl Rail I" jelled one newslo when he d.tw thn Army team ko by. "Go wan," said his huddle, "these nln't no colleRo dudee. These Kiiys Is notdicrit; they do all their cheering with bugle calls." A near-vtedfie formation v.ih necessary to net tliroilKli the ciowd nt the Walton. Said tho fair one: "Tho West Pointers can ghow tho .Middle? n point or two when it comes to classy uniforms. Hut then tho sailors nro supposed to have a Bweetheart In evety port. They don't need fancy uniforms. It's their nlr thnt countH sea, nlr, of comse." Ono distinguished lookliiK foreigner caught a true Wnshingtonlnu napping when ho nsked If Captain Overesch wna a uavclint? salesman "Of course, not," thundered tho American, "why, some day ho may bo nn ndtnlral in the United States navy. It Is easy to see thnt you for eigners know little of footbnll." "Well," said the distinguished one, with a knowing llttlo twinkle In his eye, "I heard you sny that Overesch was going to 'deliver the goods ' " He laughs best "Looks like all tho recent conventions hno returned to stav." one man said when ho saw Broad street thli morning1, "and then some." "How do you like football?" one man asked a bellboy. "Well, boss, at least tho croud looks gtAd to me," camn the leply, Questions asked at the holel itcsk: "Are we hcre7" "What did I do with my hotel key?" "Where Is my wife?" "Who will win?" "Can I net a slmc?" "Can wo eat lunch heie?" "Who Invented football?" "Gee," said ono Into at rival, "this gnme knocks nnv disarmament tnlk In the head. Wlint would we do without our soldier boys?" "This gles yon nn Idea of what tho cro'nil nt tho Panama Exposition will bo like," one vMtor snlil. Submarine talk: U-het " "The Navy will win, Chinese puzzle: Count the U. S. N.'s nnd the II. H. A.'b on the hotel registers. Ileltrd from Iho c-lltcrnry: "Oh, ever thus from childhood's hour, some one's fondest hopes nro bound to take a slump." You can't slake n goat nnd a donkey In tho same Held nnd have peace. HIhIoij tepenls Itself. I would rather ho lighten the ginml stands than president of the Ananias Club. The rolling football, ns far as fumbles nro concerned, gathers no glory. Canon, of good hi ceding to tho right of tliem, canons to ttio left of them, how the conches thundered when soino one blunders. The Battle ot Muyhem Hut It means n gient victory. How they catrlcd the good news homo In "aches." On 'Franklin Field do 'ns tho Pennsyl vnnlaus do mnyuo' Keveiles of tho bachelor: Pair ones aio there In thousands. VILLA OFF TO HIDALGO Guadalajara Captured by Zapntista Cnballero Deserts Cnrranza. KL PASO, Tex., Nov. 2S. General Francisco Villa, commander-in-chief of the Mexican convention forces, has left Tula, a short distance from Mexico City, nnd has gone to Hulchapan, In Hidalgo State, 100 miles away. Provisional Presi dent Gutierrez and party will Join him there ut once. No reports of conditions In Mexico City have been wired to tho border. General Margann, one ot Zapata's subordinates, commands there. Guadalajara, second city In Importance In Mexico, has been captured by Vllllsta troops under com mand of General Felipe Angeles. Official mesbages from Angeles today, dated Guadalajara, said the Carranzlstas under General Miguel Dlguez had fled westward nnd thnt a few had deserted to Villa's banner. General 'apata osterday captured Toluca, capital of the State ot Mexico, from a Carranzista force under Governor General Medina. Tho Carranzlstas tied at Zapata's approach. This places Zapata within a few hours of Mexico City with his main force General Luis Caballero, after a short conference with General Alberto Carrera Torres, of the Vllllsta ftfrces at Tamasopa. has announced his repudiation of Car ranza and his allegiance to tho Aguas calientes Government, according Co dis patches today. He is said to be arrang ing the transfer of tho port of Tamplco to the convention farces, nnd expects to turn over the whole State of Tnmatillpas, of which he Is Military Governor. 222&5u -.TTOSBVffii eorge jriLilen. Inc. 1214 CHc3tnut Street1214 Today we commence our Great Semi-Annual Reduction Sale Over 2500 Hats lfaai?4iariJy Law Priet for Quwk Clearance Christmas Funds for Belgians Many wealthy residents of Germantown will depart from the practice of making costly gifts to friends this Christmas and will devote the money hitherto expended for this purpose to the Belgian "War Re lief Fund. The Goodwill Christmas League, of Germantown, has been or ganized to push the project and already has a large membership. Miss A. C Kvans is secretary of the Ufague, and the treasurer Is Bamuel Mason, SS2 Locust avenue. BRITISH RUSH MEN TO FRONT More Thnn 1,000,000 Fresh Troops to Be Landed in France. PATHS, Nov. 23. For three days Rrltish reinforcements have been pouring Into France. There has been a steady stream of transports Into the harbors of Hntro, Dieppe Boulogne, Calais and Dunkirk nnd it Is believed the ni rival of reinforcements Is the signal for a general offensive move ment lo push the Germans back out of France. The exact number of men in this new expeditionary force Is not known, but it Is believed that, by the time tho stream or oncoming men is checked, more than 1,000,000 fresh troops will hate reached C141.ll CUII, CIVIL SERVICE ELIGIBLES List of Successful Competitors for Fitness Announced by Commission. A list of the civil Service Commission made public loda., names the following men eligible for the J1S00 position of checker in the Department of City Tran sit's engineering service: HienYV'-T or!"' Sou," VJ' ' Tart- 7SlUCtXl11 J Ma,l5ck l5IJI Norlh Smedley street. Louts It Jones S157 Walnut street. 71 54 Wilmington Man Declines Office WILMINGTON. Del. Nov. 2.-Desplte the requests of his friends thnt he again Jm a candidate for reappointment as po llco commissioner. Thomas N Stajton who Is a member of the commission, de cllnes to allow his name to be used Particular Folk prefer to deal with proven successes whether individuals or institutions. This institution has been established since 1876. Yearly an ever-increasing n m M ta e r of Philadelphia's foremost families depend upon us for up-to-date laundry service. Phone--PiUFtHirt tut KfitoH9Rae fi TI10Y STEAM LAUNDRY 1333 ARCH ST. Diamond Platinum Cluster Rincjs 89 IS Pure Unite Diamond Hellhlug H Carat 55 I $98 LAST MAM'S CLUB MEMBERS RENEW PLEDGE TONIGHT Thirtieth Annual Reunion of the Omega Will Bring Together Seven Survivors of Unique Organization. Tho Omega, one of the oldest last man's clubi In Philadelphia, will hold Its annual reunion and banquet tonight In the homo of Thomas A Wlnchell, 1620 Butler street. This Is the 30th time tho Omegans have nsBembted for the purpose of recalling the memories of the years that liavo gone Inlo history. The organization was formed In this clly at a time when all of the members were young men. Tho members all orig inally lived In South Philadelphia. Since thnt time many changes have taken place The membership has become i)l,llt B.iinMlMl Imt In UfHnltiif with the I promiic mndo vhen tho Omega first came into existence, every member makes It his I special prlilo nnd duty to come to the IK'IIIIII, Uill llt-"I HIS' The Omega consisted originally or 10 members, and of theso seven now survive. These amen, who have already written lo annoiiurc their attention of being pres ent nt tonight's gathering, Include Louis U. Mathlcu, Brooklyn; Thomas A- Wln" chcll nnd Oeorgo Barton, of this city; Clmrles J. Potter. Charles Is. Hazzard, of Beverly, N. J.; William Bcarlett, of Mer clinntvlllc, N J , nnd Howard S. Bolt, of Beverly, N. J. At tho time of organisation all of tho membots were unmarried. Now they nro all married, nml thero Is some talk of forming a. Junior Omega. There l noth ing vielrd or ghostly about these annual gatherings. It is simply a reunion for the purposo of keeping alive the memo ries of youth, but nt each nnnunl meet ing the covenant Is rend nnd rn-slgncd nnd resented, Also, thero Is n strong box In which each of tho mcmlicts makes a vol uiiltlty deposit of cash, with Ihe iintlet standlng that the contents nrc to go to the Inst member The following ofllcois have been elected for tho ensuing year: President, I.ouls B. JInthlcll, Brooklyn; vice piesldents, Thomas A. Wlnchell, Philadelphia; secre tary, Clarence is. nazzarii, uuiu. treasuicr, Charles .1. Potter,' Krunkfoid. SPECIAL DELIVERY BOY HELD FOR ROBBING MAIL Committed on Charge of Taking Money From Letters. A 20-year-old special delivery messenger boy, who was the only support of his In valid mother, was nrrcsted todnv on a charge of stealing money from the malls. Ho Is Howard Zlcgenfuss, of S15 Jlth gow street. Postal Inspectors Wynne nnd 1I.VIM... on., ha Inlil tllPIll tllht lie llHU stolen moncv from letters on thtee li ferent occasions because no iu " muiim salary was not enough to piovlde for his mother's needs. !,....'...,.. .,i.i i,o liml fnm brothers ?.lt;t.' in ui. iiiiui ..,- ...-- - older thnn lilinseir who leiuseu iu ju' him in his efforts to provide a home for their Gl- ear-old mother. "I would not havo stolen for myself." he said. Ho had been suspected ot stealing, ac cording to tho postnl Inspectors, nnd a decoy letter with marked bills and a marked EO cent piece was glen to him to deliver to Miss JIny Parker, of 721 Marshall street. When arrested tho 50 cent pleco wns found In his potket. He confessed taWng $2.50 from the letter nnd throwing lt down a sewer. Ho was arraigned before United States Commissioner Charles W. Kdmunds, who held him under SM0 ball until an In vestigation con be made. The amounts of Ziegenfuss' nllcged thefts nro said to be small. He was at tached lo Sub-PoMoinco S, at Sixth street nnd Kali mount uenue. SEEK FASTIDIOUS THIEF Stylish Vandnl Hobs Chewing Gum Machines. A sty'ish tlilor Is being sought by the police of Iho Fiont and Jlaster stieets station He wears a light-checked suit, soft peai I colored hut and tan shoes, and makes a practice of robbing chewing gum machines. Uespite alt erfoits of the police to keep the crime a secret, It wns learned todaj that the fastidious thief broko open a chen lug gum machine nt Glrard avenue nml r.nmiraw street, and stole SO cents and a quantity of chewing gum, choco lates and gum drops. Too machine belonged to ndword H. Datls, 2932 .liulson street, He operates a chain of automatic venders In the north eastern pai'i or the elt. As an Induce ment to catili the thler, Davis gave eacli policeman of tho district a stick of chew ing gum nt rollcall today. BRAKEMAN'S ARM CRUSHED Albert Kaufterer, a brakeman on the Pennsylvania IXallroad. Is in u critical condition In the Krankford Hospital as a result of nn acciueni uenr rramuora .Junction last night. Kauftercr's arm was crushed and he received internal In juries while ho was coupling freight cars Ho is 25 years old and lives nt 2079 East Tioga street. CABINETMEMBERS AND NOTABLES SEE ARMHAVY GAME Army-Navy Classic Draws Scores of Nation's Distin guished to Philadelphia. Many Box Parties. President Wilson would havo been the premier attraction nt Franklin Field to day had not his grief over tho loss nf his wife caused him to be absent. He Is represented by three of hla Cabinet, Secretaries Garrison. Daniels nnd Iane. They are accompanied by members of their families and their friends, among whom are many debutantes of the White House circle, Champ Clark, Speaker of the House, Is the guest ot Assistant Secretary of War Breckinridge. The box Is located on the Army side of the field. Secretary Daniels Is nccompanled by his wife, mother and three of his sons. The Misses Bagley are also guests of tho Secretary of the Navy In his box In the Navy's stand. Secretary of Iabor AVIlson's daughter, Miss Agnes Wilson; Miss Lucy Burleson, daughter of Postmaster General Burleson, and Miss Jane Gregory, daughter of the Attorney General, were among the early arrivals from Washington. Every train from Washington brought a number of Capitol officials. Senators nnd Itcprcsentntlves, who had returned home after the adjournment of Con gress, came from all quarters. James Hay, chairman ot the House Committee on Military . Affairs, was ac companied by many of tho committee and their families. Adjutant General Mc Cann is Mr. Hay's guest. Members of tho staff of Chlef-of-Stalt Major Gencrnl Hugh I.. Scott, U. S A , have a north stand box. Their families nro with them. .Major General W. W. Wothcrspoon, until recently Chlef-of-Staff, nnd Briga dier General Enoch H. Crowder, .Tudga Advocate General, are the hosts of a largo party. Brigadier General U. A. Garllngton, In spector general, and Brigadier General Dan C. Kingman, Chief of Engineers, nnd their families are in the north stand. Major General John It. Brooke, retired, nnd Brigadier General John A. Johnson, also retired, havo a box. Major General Leonard Wood, com manding tho Department of the East, nnd Brigadier General Tasker II. Biles, as sistant chief of tho General Staff, will be accompanied by aides nnd members of their families, all ardent Army rooter. Other notables are Brigadier General J. B. Aleshire, Quarter Master General and Brigadier General Albert L. Mills, chief of the Bureau of Militia Affairs; Briga dier General William Crozler nnd Briga dier General E. M. Weaver, chief ot artillery; General Georgo P. Scrlvcn nnd Brigadier General Frank Mclntyre, chief of the Bureau of Ineular Affairs. General George Barnett, U. S. M. C, has Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlemagne Tower as his guests. Commander Henry A. Wiley," XJ. S. N., Is entertaining a party ot young folks, among whom is Miss Elizabeth Wiley, ono of tho season's debutantes. MAN FOUND UNCONSCIOUS Upholsterer Nearly Asphyxiated in His Own Shop. James J. Barrett, an upholsterer, was found unconscious from Illuminating gas In his shop, 953 North 11th street, this morning bv Samuel LI tit In, who occupies, the upper part of tho house. Barrett, if. Is believed, turned the gas on by mistake Lltkln noticed the odor of gas in the house this morning shortly after 7 o'clock. It was nearly an hour later .before he traced lt to the store of Barrett. Barrett was sent to St. Joseph's Hospital in an Oftomoblle. His wife died three weeks ago. N E W PIANO, ? 150 $5 CASH $5 MONTHLY BELLM 1129 CHESTNUT RElfA STATIONERS Beautiful Enameled Articles Just from Europe PUFF BOXES PUSH BUTTONS SMELLING SALTS PENCILS AND FOUNTAIN PENS CIGARETTE CASES AND HOLDERS MINIATURE AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES Dainty Colors Moderate Prices Excellent Christmas Gifts 1121 CHpSTNUT STREET 17 I'ure Hhlte 18 l'ure White "'tnoads I Diamonds Vu Carat 1 lit Curui Come aud sea these benllclilnc diamond cluster lings, which we now put oo sale ami make your choice from liuodrai of thtaa Korvcous linger ornaments, la which the diamond outline art of I. Press Sons has been carried to the falihest degrs. Jus Imagine IS pure white dUmoads, walxhlaa 114 carats ta all. clustered together Jo a to produce an effect of dalin- urlUUaec f?."T. l'Jttow dUnonl perfectly eat la ths Inimitable I. l'ress Bona style. Nondw. full Just look at the prices. Hat you eer beard of iirio to ridiculously low? it Sttff iW T"1 J.bujr dlret'' ''" s. Philadelphia's noted diamond cullers. Mall orders oiled. Write for Our llartala Hulletln. faff I lUs LiSg j- ' m4 HP iujiH i mu IM... . I, , if f HBBSBSBSBBBBJBaBJBaBBBSSBj3BBKS2ffiSK .J33y - ''''" saiasiniTTrTrirBjsissniTn-ssi ,. 7X --.-1--: rr.T sl I jaasaaaslsalaalalsaissssssssssssssssssasaj fffmV wmm SUTTCM OIT GlAMOMfu. Niy frmsommstm Call or Write for Kind's Catalogue Its 340 pages with over 22,000 photographic illustrations of the newest in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware will" help you solve your Christmas gift problems. S.K1ND & SONS DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWURS-SILVERSMITHfi WO CHESTNUT STgT 8 I I BcSteMferlaw I II SSSIIIIIIII ttto' ' ttrg- mm WwSKf W9 iS$HSjMnsaHBBHBHBSaliBj ,atfKiMafaiiiiMft . s? . " fltafcSiCsSfer ' -34 , wmmmmtOmmMfl Rm Jr- Tffl1inFfflsgBfllliar jutf ragaaMjUiy.- jflBMHBBBsWgWMtaareBSgBssaas - r -e--f-1 '"UjjL 'Ul-!lTg.,T F f jW -l m JfisTlBSalifiai I llTlltrMlsilHnaaaaaaWttBWnBa
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