Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 28, 1914, Night Extra, Image 14
ATFBBAT, ?OVlIMBTElt 28, 1914. ED MEREDITH, OF PENN, MEETS KIVIAT, POWERS AND BAKEOV RACE T0NIGH1 ?rfVF7iTW CAMDEN BATTLES DE NERI FOR SECOND PLACE TONIGHT Cage Contest Takes Place in Musical Fund Hall BotK Teams on Edge to Capture Runner-up Position in Eastern League Race. LL-SCHOLASTIG FOOTBALL 5? Kit '..... i m. m- TEAM PICKED BY JOHNSON a LjKurthcatt High School Coach Gives Preference to Eight Of His Own Squad-r-Ccntral Gets Two and West Philadelphia High One. I . ; " " T '"'""''' ' " ' " i l r i i i i MHMaMiMaMMHMMMHnMMMHSWPlAMSPeSIMSIW I T TTnTrimr -i "t rrrfinimnTr "rrjiiaWsiWMi r imiiiiii i i mm '::'." &WBi ..'vv - BEW' '- - ;v '-:, s m mjgaG t f. fj I i i-m 9HHK tfT M h EHsBBsH LSBBonH vWw JHfHHsl HBsB $ '" MlBk HHkHnS '" c IfSLssH BHBjtff ( - i ttlHj InauME dp IHsH IjBij tjBH 'jHggjfaj-- - i.'. bmFSmS asLlsssWslssfc g-fc -- . 7, . ... -JtSv, .JsbsH BBMMaam::? tr w. CBbE. HsfisHK't' ? w Hw Bli'lilMll'1 3 "i; W mm::' WMSKmBBgm '3Hss WAvsKroRP n w I ilfriMiin lilirTT X. . T-JSBBSm s&sJtmrd . . siHMassasassTAi. ' " WlML- JBHlKp J--'" ffWWilr- -j--f ipAwwi2ssWairiS: HHHHbbbK '&:' irSS- M All-Scholastic jTiHBT TRAM iiireon, Northeast High left end lie UHr, C 4w&J&I1!klnnV,S'. "rt mr Young, t A. Wnilakee. Inrlhr4t Ulh . mA t te..t,i i rUdpth, Northeast High right S&.SL'.n:. C'A' "J'JVv v TlHh V.JJl .' ". urnci man ugni Itfphen, central iileh.i . leu right Kin. west i-nuane nnia , High. Hendren. Northeast Illgh Cbach George Johnson, who drilled the BL.tiM Northeast High football team Into form to win' the Ellis Qlmbel trophy, has chosen the men above Indlcnted for the 19U all-scholastic football team. Johnson has limited his choice to the four public high schools and may pick a team con lstlng of players from all the Philadel phia high and preparatory schools In the near future. The personnel of the first team, however, would not have been changed had other echools been Included, with the possible exception that Green, of Catholic High, a former Exeter player, would probably have landed the centre position. Johnson cannot bo accused of being partial in choosing so many North east men for the first team, since In the Northeast High-Central High game each Red and Black linesman outplayed his opponent, except Thomns, who was Just about able to hold his own ngnlnst Wlrk man, of Central. Central High, It must bo remembered, was largely a one-man team, with "Billy" Stephens performing In the stellar role. Irt choosing the ends. Johnson had some excellent material In Bretthaupt and Wit son, of Northeast; De Long, of Central, and Scholes, of West Philadelphia. Many fan maintain that Scholes ahouM win a plnc on the first loam because of Ills wonderful drensivu work In the Olmbel Cup same, stopping: even Stephens on attempted end run In tee Central-West Philadelphia. Scholes w. unfortunately, severely hurt dur ing tha first half nf both these. cla.aaW.-s and . naa little opportunity to snow nis versatility t the wins position. DoLong was likewise a stood defenalva player, especially nt breiklns up the forward pass, Wilson and Urellhaupt, however. nr two moro experienced men who can perform well In every art the end berth requires. Unquestionably tha bcsl men at re ceiving the tort". aril pan), they also played jood defensive tames and showed the beat lr. trrterencei on line plays. Ilrclthaupt made the ell-echolastte team last year. The tnckln question Is easily solved. Wlrk mnn and Thomas outstripping all competitors. Wlrkman was able to break through the op posing team's line In every gamo until ha met Thomas, and In this lima the men wera deadlocked most of tho, time." Gardiner and Komi ptaved steady football and landed places on the second team, "Billy" Rldpatli upset all the dope hk to tha weakness of tho Northeast line nt guard when ho played the position for tho first tltno In his gridiron career In the Central HUh game and practically won the game for his school by breaking through and blocking But ler's fatal punt. It was not tho only time .....v,. li. j . .V , ; v."""; i,fc ; mi wimi;, iittv i iwuvii'iiiii iiikii o!r.vf or"t.HIh tpt.) quarterback Oiilanls. Centr.il HlRh Scholastic News and Notes The thirteen players who were awarded tholr letters as members of tho West Philadelphia football team this season will nominate and elect a captain for next year's gridiron aggre gation which will will represent tho. Institution across the Schuylkill, at a meeting In the school's gym. next week. The West Philadelphia players were greatly surprised when they learned that Mofflt' Ellis, tho star halfback, will not return to school next year. Ho hat announced hla Intention cl curtailing his course nt West Philadelphia and ' enter a business career. Ellis was cot'sldered at an unanimous choice for the eleven's leader ship tn 101S. Wiltam Wagenknlght. this year's captain, will graduato next spring. As Ellis will refuse the nomination of cap tain for next season's team, the probable se lection for the generalhhlp Is a matter of dif ferent opinion. However. It is likely that the captaincy will bo landed by either u. roaster, guard; Stelnmett, tackle, or Klrschner. tackle. The players who are eligible to cast their votes for the captaincy election are wagen knlght. rills, Klrschner. Otley. Stelnmetx. U. Fsater. W. Feaiter, Pfel. Ceowell, McCor mlelc. Ulchardson. Purcel and Bcholes. Dr. Albert U Multord, of the University of Pennsylvania, coach at West Philadelphia. Is optimistic relative to the developing or a winning combination, with half a dosen vet erans back tn the line-up next year. The team this season was one ox the best slsvens de vetoped at the school, hut Injuries sustained by the star men greatly handicapped the playing of the team. The second soccer football match of the sea son between Central High Schol anod West Philadelphia High School. which was scheduled to be plsred at Houston Field, 20th and Somerset streets, yesterday afternoon, was canceled. The managers of tht respective CORNELL DEFEATS HAYERFORD IN SOCCER MATCH Ithacans Gain Point in pf; 'League Race by Winning From Main Liners Three Goals to None. , HATTEKFOnD. Pa.. Nov. IS.-Cornell gained two points In tho Intercollegiate Soccer League, when they defeated Haverford College here today by threa f (mafia f mam Cornell used the same line-up that held J Pennsylvania to a draw on Thanksgiving Pay. but played a piuch better game. Tljey- opened the scoring a few minutes after- tha kick-off when Russell netted the ball from a corner kick. Flv minutes later Haverford presented Cornell with another goal when Steere. 'Haverford'a centre halfback, headed the ball Into his "own net from a comer kick. At half- '.ilwts the score was two goals to none In j; favor of Cornell. The teams changed ends ii without leaving the field, with but one cbange In the line-up, Laughlln going In tn placet of Ludlow at outside right for Qorrtell. flaverford pot up a spirited attack oa Cornell's eToal upon the opening of ih second half, but the Cornell backs .atwwed considerable resourcefulness at -.StlUeaJ atgses. especially Crelfelds, the .CRfAell captain. In goal, and three cor- 'W Kiovs in succession rauea to re stilt In s, single score. Play was then jMBsferred to Haverford'a end and the ':;-:'rUl zoal then came from a well directed , lf ox xjugnun s. no snot in ironi the wins; and Oummere. Ilaverford's goal, ttBught the ball, but was off his balance tftt fell over the line. TfsJs 14 the first time Cornell baa beaten Jfitvefford since tht) Intercollegiate -itWL was organlisd. The line-up: a-al faSH&l- . riitiSUtkUit Tlutesas ceAtre aalftick . . - . Lynch . wi aaireaa wmw .tsIM right . fjiJlow. LuushlW nSiid rifU Uyer seosra sorwarv . - nwHsv Ua BWBQii USt .. . Hsntsonjtry HIT. 21VIM of halvM r CbflMU. Kiueeil. ip meffiBi x Football Team .lie Leijjr, Centtaflllgh . ..Ilornlr, Central High fae-,.V-tt ITPlll central nign 1'entrsi Utah ua'rri .'.'.'u ITarmakK. r Farrnnklj, Control High 'rtl j.-1- .'lrrtlrr. Northeast High K av.I jj .k.lta ll. I HalUJilKl.il ttlU elm... nniinaca ,..os i.enirni man halfback .Ileuer. Northeast High fullback iiuuer. lentrai nun tenpt.) Jlldpsib Rot throush Farmakls in the imi.-eo of the ram, and Wetee! cot part Young sernl times, throwing the backs 'or lerre. The wav tho Archil r.v atisrds tnretl with the I'rlnnon and Cold soldiers has a resltire or tho play. ,. Whltakee hns not a single Inaccurate bass smtnst his reennl throunhiut the entlro teason. and has been ehofen hv .'ohnson be inuso he considers this tho "actor which makes !smn ra -Kiicin fiiny pnssiDip, tin inr ncien slve Whllake- hub) his own nitRlnst J. Far- mnkls, who Is relegated tn the second squad. BAKER RAPS MURPHY Claims ex-Cub Mogul Does Not Own Philly Slock. XV. P. nnker, president and principal nnntr of the i'hlllles, lock a sliarp rap At Charley Murphy, former owner nf the Chlcajo Cubs, yosterday, tind Issued ofTlclal dcn:al nf Mur rhy's statement tliAt the latter owned an In terest In the Phillies. President flaker was at the Phillies' headquarters In this city yes terday and talked freely nf Murphy's mv:ng. President linker explained the buslnecs transactions regarding the sale nf the Phillies' slock, which hne been printed before and which Murphy used ns nn euse to Onlm, thai he might lake over the t'hllllM Itnd rep resent the club nt the annual meeting In New York next month. FITZSIMMONS IS HUBT rillCAOn. Nov. is.- nob ritzslmmons Is down for Iho count. The cternn flshter. who has withstood hnnl poundings In many tights, Is confined to his room nt tils hotel liero to day as the result of a slip to tho floor when showing his ' young white hope" Hob Fltz- slmmnns, Jr . a foot shift. Fltislmmons scraped the skin off his light shin. Ho paid little attention tn the Inlury and three Uavs ngo Infect'nn set In. Dr. A, K. Mowr, who was called, round an abscess had been formed ami nfter npen'ng the wound ordered the former fighter to bed. COACH CKOWELL REAPPOINTED KASTON. Pa., Nov. !S. -At n meeting of tho Lnfnyetto Alumni Athletic Coinmltleo Conch rmwcll ns elected to take charge nf the football team for two moro years, and he signed a contract with the committee to tint effect. Conch Crnivcll hns .lately received a flattering offer from another prominent col lege In this par' of the country, but the Lafayette Committee offered Mr. Crone!! a material advance In salary and tie consented to remain in nation. J. T. l.uhr his been elected to captain the learn In W10, elevens have not decided as yet whether the contest will be played at a future date. The soccer team representing Moorestown High Schcol will Journey to Philadelphia next at Houston Field. Although the Crimson and Gold soccerltes havo no other game until then. Captain niley will have his bovs practicing every afternoon. Oallnway and lllngham are playing a fine gamo of the English pastime with tne Central eleven. The Easton High School will bring its foot ball season to a closo this afternoon, when tho eleven of that Institution lines up In combat against tho Phllllpeburg High School on the former's gridiron. Captain Drunner has Ills Eastonlan footballers primed up for the game, and hopes to annex the final fray from the I'hllllpaburg bunch. lloth thn Catholic High and St. Joseph's Col lege football teams are working out diligently tor their championship baltle. scheduled for next Wednesdny afternoon. This fracas Is an annual event tn decide the supremacy of tho Catholic schools on the gridiron. All of tne Catholic boys are In excellent trim for tho game with the exception of James McLaugh lin, captain. He will witness the contest from thn side lines because of a fractured collar bone. Thn St. Joseph team proved that It Is play ing In top-notch form, when tho Crimson and dray eleven had little trouble In trimming tha Georgetown Prep, School on Thanksgiving 15ay. Welgand. the St. Joe halfback, scored three touchdowns in that same. Followers of the school back their prediction of a victory over Catholic High on tho mentioned player's ability to gain ground through the Una. GIANTS AGAIN WIN Evening Ledger Champions Defeat Internationals on the Alleys. Frank (Markward's Bvenino Ledger bowling champions, the Giants, defeated the Internationals on the alleys of the Casino last night In three straight heats, ralmer led the winners, with an average of 14$. The features of the match were the verbal broadsides hurled at the enemy by Joe Beatty. In fact, It would have been a delight for nny one to have heard all the Internationals' rag. In the final game. George Simpson batted far Ebbert. He failed to make any pinch strikes, but his team won out, thanks to the good bowling of Appleby and Palmer. The closest Individual race of the even ing was betwene Beatty and Mttthauer, one of the Kaiser's reservists. He proved that he was a true reservist when he re served all of his bowling until a future date, Beatty defeating him two out of three games. Following are the Individual and team scores; CHANTS INTTOWATION-ALS Appleby ...103 UT HO Slsvin ...,10160 (M Ebbert -.." 1ST ... Fers 00 1(1 JOS M 10 Beatty "r ,.,.ju.i -9 111 wtDDer ...J3U 02 80 78 Jtlttautr. III ST Tl 70 83 Simpson ..... ... TU Cunnlng'm IU 133 16.1 runner ...iii jou no Totals ...511 6CO 527 Totals . . .858 W9 SOS SWIMMING CHAMPION IS NEARLY DROWNED IN SEA Duke Xabanamoku Left by Steamer After He Takes Plunge, rasjnrs on the steamer Wllhelmlna. which arrived at Han Francisco from Honolulu about a week ago, bring Bast a story of How Duki Kahaaamoku. who won ths XoO-nittsr swlm alag rseo lor the United Stales at tha BtoVk halm Olympic games, and who Is very wall known In athlslle circles la this city, nearly Kshanamoku. who was a oassenser on the steamsr Matsoala. was cavorting In ths plunge SfeSf 4 u steamer when a sister ship, ths Wllhelmlna, stopped on signs) to take aboard a stowaway found on thn Mstsenla. for trans fer back to Ban Francisco. While the trans fer w being mad Kahanamoku. without the knowlsdia of the ofriosrs-of the Matsonla, sllp ie4 off his bath rob and plunged lata tha ocsan with the intention of dlsplaylog his urowesa as a swimmer to his fellow-passengers Before the Duke was aware of ths intentions of the officers of the Uataonla, both sttamtra aot undfcr way. and ha was left paddling about betweea them in a rather rouih seaway. His signal to step a era act heard, and It took same time far tha passengers on ths MaUoola to let the officers know of tha perfl of t JUuk tartuaately KsUsnarooku kpt Us aad until tb Mataoala was asala stopped. a tawt kMwrad. mA lbs ueart eihausted efeaSBiilea sbort-dUUncs swtmmsr hauled ewtnanUsg igibitiaaa u tk stMmer's plunge Another Football fatality CINCINNATI. NOV. 2S.-Tha ttr.t faalhall feultty of ttw seasaa la this city was record 4 last olftK. wfcssj fraak Ooddan. eaptaia tSs ftlca Hltj ;AtbWle aSb elevsa, smwumbed u, an owo. i w wtmta m a gaaa wf ts rmrf . nsiwanMi I ainmsg m, k was aaaeuactq ysMtsoar -" -i , JZrf. 'S, Wf Wat H mim wHi W - Wmm ' '"'' mSBm JapW " -'W tmi - " ' "" ' ro. W& v r .N-n.: - TWO MIGHTY KINGS OF CINDERPATH WHO MEET IN SPECIAL RACE "Ted" Meredith, of the University of Pennsylvania, will meet "Abe" Kiviat, of the Irish-American Athletic Club, of New York; Homer Baker, of the New York Athletic Club, and "Jimmy" Powers, of the Boston Athletic Association, at the Irish-American A. C. games tonight. The race is to be one at 1000 yards. Meredith may be identified as the athlete wearing the insignia "M." The other picture is that of Kiviat. PHILADELPHIA DEFEATS BOSTON TODAY ATRACQUETS G. H. Brooke and J. W. Ware Display Great Form. Other Matches Were Well Played This Morning. I . Philadelphia gained nn unexpected vic tory over Boston In the Intercity doubles racquets match nt tho Racquet Club this morning by winning two matches to one, nine games to Ave. Two of tho matches could not have been moro closely con- ! tested and the form displayed by G. H. Brooko and, J. W. Ware in the one match nnd C S. Bromley nnd A. J. D. Paul In the other was a revelation. At the last minute Bromley substituted for It. K. Cassatt, who was unabla to piny, owing to business engngements, nnd It wns un doubtedly tho form that Bromley dis played that gave Philadelphia the vic tory. He never played a better all round game In his life anil with Paul In good form they Just pulled through from a strong pair In Hugh Scott nnd It, L. Agasslz by three games to two. The match that attracted the most atten tion, nt course, was the one between George II. Ilrooko and J. tV. Ware, representing Itilladelnhla, and C. L. Jutchlns and J. Cut lr, of Doston. It was thought that Brooke and Ware hail not had sufficient practice, but practice cr no practice, they gave a good account of themselves by beating the Hos tonlans bv threo games to two. The first game they won quite handily by 15 aces to 1), a run of nine aces In Ware's hand at the ending of the game being a..dcclctedly brilliant onn Tne secoml gamo tvas won even more easily by the Phlladelphlans, and runs of six and four ares early In the gamu placed the result practically beyond doubt. So strong a lead was established by the Racquet Club pair In the next gamo that It looked very much as If they would win In straight games. In Ware first hand a run of 8 aces was made, four of which were from his service. How ever. In Cutler's hand the Fostonlans made a run of 11 acres, Brooke and Waro failed to score In their next handa. and their op ponents scored a lone ace. Only one was added by the Bostonians. but Brooke and ware again took the lead with a run of four be fore being put out, They were unable to score again, however, and the Boatontans won their first game, IS to 13. The next gams was the beat contested of the nvu Brooke and Ware started off wlffi a lead of flje aces to three, but a f.no run of 11 aces by their opponents left them well In tho rear. In the net few hands nrooke and Wnro did all the scoring, and, with runs of three end five acris, they got on even terms with their opponents, thirteen all, Set three was CKllwl. and the rhlladelphlans added one more ace before being put out, and they did not havo another chance, as their oppo nents ran out the game. For a long tlms iho result of the third game was In doubt, Brooko and Ware estab lished a lead of 8 aces to 3, but their op pohents came back with a run of p and maS the score 0 to T. Although they had two or three more cuanews ui Bcui,iR. im, ; ..-..... do so and Brooke and War ran out the game, 7 n n-iu n. fBnlr nuM h found with tha I winners. On several occasion they served themselves out at a critical stage of tb Same, and It was fortunate for them that It Id not prove more costly. In tha match for second team P. S, Stock ton and J. S. Lovertng. of Boston, easly de (eated T, Rtdgway and 11. K. Mohr In straight names, 15-3, 15-T. 15-10. The match between CI. A. Bromley and X. J. V. Paul and Hugh Bcott and It. I- Agassis was a very fast one all tha way through. The Bostonians won the rlrst gam by a margin of 8 points, but wer beaten in the second by 1. Bromley and Paul had matter all their own way in the third gam and won 15-0, but the Bostonians mad ft two all by winning 15-0. It was nip and tuok all the way through In tha decider, but th horn pair Just pulled throujh by four aces. Summary: First match. P0.1'h! Woke and J. W. Ware 15 15 13 H 15 Boston C. h. Hutchlns and J. U Cutler 0 8 15 18 0 Second match, Boston P. Stockton and P. Layering. . 15 15 IS Philadelphia T. Rldgway and H. K. Mohr.. 8 T 10 Third mateh. PhUadelphla- O. R. Bromley and A- 3- U, Paul .: 7. !T TJ5 15 V15 Doiton- Hugh Boon and R. u Agassis U It 6 15 11 Gave Beading' Bad Scare ALi-ENTOWN. Pa.. Nov. 1S.-0LB of tha fastest apd meat lBm.sttflj bjjksKill Sub in thj Wsjory of ths leeal y. m.' ft AT was played, her last night, when the Association team Used up against the strong Reading SulnUt. af thj Baateni Lagu. and suffr3 treat, Wtaif STcVey and Wills Hatched . NBW OHLEAHf. .1.. No. .-8ub lie- "" $&. ?i, liSsirTwtta wSaSTrSu i vy m nsirj t;uj. negro . nsayywa r was w M JBB r se-se-u. &( MEREDITH MEETS TRIO OF FLYERS IN RACE TONIGHT Pennsylvania Champion Athlete Is to Measure Strides With Kiviat, Pow ers and Baker in New York. Four of the fastest middle-distance run tiers In America will meet In a special race in New York city tonight. They arc Tod Meredith," of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, who holds tho world's half-mile record : James Powers, of the Boston A. A., who holds several Australinn titles nnd records ; Homer Baker, of tho New York Athletic Club, who holds tho world's record for OfiO yards, and Abel Klvlnt, tho little ono mlle champion, of the Irish-American Athletic Club. This quartet of champions have entered for tho 1000-yard race for the McAlecnan Cup, which will bo tho feature of tho Irish-American A. C. nt Madison Square' Garden. For three weeks all of these men have been preparing for that nice. After Baker beat Meredith in tho "fiSO" at the New York A. C. games nt Travers Island, tho Penn flyer requested a return match. Lawson Robertson, coach of tho I. A. A. C, saw an opportunity for his club's grimes when this challenge wns Issued, and Immediately suggested a match nt "660" between Baker nnd Meredith. Baker said he would be glad to race the Penn champion, but suggested a longer distance. Meredith agreed, nnd tho Mc Aleenan event was changed so that It would be a special match raco between them. Later Kiviat and Powers requested pcrmlBison, to enter. The event was opened to them and both began training for It. AVlth all these champions In their best form a new record for the distance Is likely to be created. Another feature of this meet will bo a one-mllo relay raco. For It the Irlsh-Amerlcnn A. C, tho New York A. C, the Boston A. A. and the Chi cago A. C. have entered, Each of theso clubs will be represented by their fastest quarter-milcrs, all of whom have already begun training. There will also be a relay race for high school boys and 15 handicap track nnd field events. "West Branch T. M, C. A. will be the scene of nn Indoor closeil irack meet next Friday. The members will bo permitted to bring their lady friends."" WELTY. OF PENN STATE As right halfback he has proved to be a most wonderful player this year, and his efforts have proved to be a source of joy to hla many friends. sk i. 4aBBBBBBCBBBBBBBaaBBBBH JssW ''fallaWtBBBBaBsSBBSBBBBBBBBBBS BBBWBBBBSBaBBSBaBBBBBBn fiBBBBBBBEBBBBBaf "VBBBBBBsIbhSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB TRAPSH00T1NG POPULAR OVER 100 YEARS AGO London Sporting Magazine of 1 793 Says Pastime Had Long Been Established at That Early Date. Pigeon-shooting, tho forerunner of modern trapshooling, wits a popular sport In England during the last century. It una mentioned in the Sporting Magazine, London, aa early as 1753, and referred to as having already nn established repu tation. Tho "Old Hat." n famous Dubllc house lit Ealing, was for many years a favorlto rendezvous of plgeon-shtoters, but Inter the Ilcd Houso at Uattersea took precedence because It was more easily accessible to Londoners. "To those who foci anxious on the subject of pigeon-shooting," thn Sportsmen's Cyclo pedin (London, ISIS) recommends a vlBlt to the Red House, "where the business Is pursued In the first style of excel lence." Lofds nnd captnlns lent nn air of fashion to the activities of the place, and on the establishment of the Hullng hnm Club at Fulham tho amusement was raised higher than before in general favor. It has now been superseded by trapshootlng, the name of which is of American origin, and Inanimate targets, tho product of American Inventiveness, have accordingly been substituted for llvo birds. Of course. In all this history, there have beon !!U?F".li,l!I.. ,aB'"- Tha traps In us at tho OKI Hat were thallow boxes, each about one foot long and eight or 10 Inches wide, sunk in the ground lovel with the surface. A sliding lid wns operated by pulling a string, thus liberating the bird. Among the famous pigeon-shooters of that day was Richard loonier, to whom Mr. Johnson referred in his Cyclopedia: "The exploits which R. Toomer performed in shooting with such apparent csbc soon convinced the persons who bsw them, that tiny were done methodically; and this wsa completely ascertained by his frequently suf fering himself to bo blinded with a. double handkerchief over his eyes, after haying taken hla aim, and then to Are and hit a small ob lect. " In lK-'ll plueon-shnotlne was mentlniid In th records of the Sportsmen's Club. Cincinnati, and In the forties and a few decades thereafter It flourished in New York and Its vicinity, The Invention and adoption of Inanimate tar gets followed, though the older pastime waa not at onc abandoned. A Boston man. Charles Portlock. orlclnateil tho use of the glass balls for target shooting ubout 1SSH. A Philadel phia!!, a few years later, invented a target tons ntlns of a pasteboard disc, n. few Inches hi diameter, with tha ctnere cut out to admit a small rubber balloon. Punctured balloon, "dead bird." Clay dlrcs were the next Inno vation, but because they were of unequal hard ness and because the traps were mechanically deficient, th sport of trapshootlng camo near giving up the ghost. Targets arn now mad of river silt end tar and bear the mima of "clay pigeons." Plank Wants Too Much CHICAGO. Nov. 29. -President Weeghman, of the Chicago Federals, yesterday declared that , negotloqs for Edward Plank, former star piuher of the Athletics, had come to an end because of tht big salary demanded by th left-handed twlrler. FEDS TO HUBIi BOMB CHICAOO. Nov. S8.-Federal League mag nates promise to explode a bomb when they hold their annual meeting in this city. They ilalm they will make announcement concern ing the signing of National and American League plavers that will be a big surprise to the bassball public and officials of organized baseball. riayer Dies of Injuries MIIAVAUKEB, WU Nev. 2S.-InJurles re calyad In a football game two months ago caused tb death of Alfred Gslst, a student at South Division High Schoel, His hip bone was Injured. Cooper Had to Go Some In a match jranie of nnrket billiards last night, at the parlors. No. 600 South 6th street. Al 4'uoper wou from Dave Rose t th isor of 50 to 43. RACING TODAY HAVRE DE GRACE fix Race Dally Including a Stak Race sal a 8ieplchas. Special Trains: Penns. R. R., leave Broad St., li.U p. in., West Phils.. 12:39 p. m.! B. aid O. R. B.. lav J3: p, ra. ' Admission, Grandstand and Paddock, ILJ4. ladles. II 00. FfRST RACE. 3:0 p. It, OLYMPIA A. A. H'0 J1? nbrMg wu'"" if " Harry Edwards, SIrr. MONDAY MCIUT NOV. M. ' "' YOU. DIOniNS . KID WILUAMS 44. mi sat 8m.. mi Am vtZ.'is v Basketball fans will be treated to n. fast contest tonight at Musical Fund Hall. where Do Netl meets the Camden five. Uoth of these teams have shown vast ! Improvement In the past few games, and fie battle this eenlng will, therefore, bo onu of Iho best of the season, Judging by past performances, The game tonight Is of more than usual Interest because the teams will b fight ing lor second place In the race. The five that wins the contest will be close be hind Heading. This game marks the first appearance of Camden at Musical Fund Hall this year, hence a record-breaking crowd Is expected. Hefore and after the game there will be music nnd singing, and n dance will be Iho Inst feature on the program. Oreysloclc lurt doubted Jsenrr's score In lst nleht's Eastern Iongue btsketball gams, nlavcil at Cooper ntlallon (tall. Ihc result b In.t ."S to tn In fnvor nf the home team. fircyntork outplayed the Kensington five all the way, the flrat half ending .",2 to 10. Line- up' muirsTocrf. deals-- field, rout. Assl. Tts. 2 14 Wllsin. forward 1 15 Sugarman, forward ... 0 n rnslimnn, centro t n McWIIIhms. guard .... 2 0 Crcsr, guard ft 0 Total 10 12 JASPEn. (Cummer, forward .... 1 1ft Flligerald, forward ... 2 0 Oonnhun, centre 0 0 Fkhardt, guard o n fnvanaugh, guard .... 0 n Totals 1 in Fouls committed fircyslnck, lis Tnsner. IS. l.eicrct weaver, Time of hah cs 20 minutes. STANDING OFTHE CLUBS. XV. I.. F i Rearilnr ... a 2 .f0-.laper ... De Nerl ... 4 .1 .STt m-oyetock Camden 4 .1 ,fl71 Trenton . . XV. Xj. r.r .. 4 4 .SOU ...in ..t7 . . 2 (1 .250 MCHEDUI.E FOR TONIOHT. Camden at Dc Nerl. INTERSTATE LEAGUE. XV. !,. !'.!. f"mfln t 0 l.noo Trenton 1 0 1. 000 s:. Agatha t n l.noo New Itrunswlck 1 1 .SCO nrlstnl n t .ono Uernmntuwn , 0 2 .C00 SCHEDULE FOR TONIOHT St. Aftsthn nt Trenton: New Itrunswlck at Camden; llrlsto) at Oermantown. COUNTY CHURCH LEAGUE. j ' W L P C Linden Baptlsl .' 2 o' 1.000 First l'rcsbjtcrlin 2 0 1.000 First M. E. 1 n l.ono Tabernacle M, E I n l.oon nethany M. K 0 I .000 Second Presbyterian 0 1 .000 North Tlnptl't n 2 .ono Qrac llnptlst ,....)... 0 2 .000 SCHEDULE FOR TONIOHT First M. E. ts. Second Presbyterian; Flrat Presbyterian vs. Ucthanv M. E. EAST SIDE CHURCH LEAGUE. W. L. raui 3 i P.C. .7M) Personal Touches in Sports Tho Penn-Cornell game proied conclusively that It Is possible for a team to really play a better game than they know. This seems logically absurd, yot It Is nevertheless true that tho Red and Blue, probably drlicn to, the point of desperation Ly the stinging defeats earlier In the season and by repeated criticism, suddenly advanced in nil-round efnclency lar beyond tho expectations of their most san guine followers. They iiossersed In that con test a spirit Identical with that of the beast who Is drlvan to tho wall. They fought for their football lives, as It were, and tn so doing won back much of the. prestige which they lost In the Dartmouth Bud Michigan games. In Philadelphia Penn has not been as popular this year as In the past because It was the general belief that they were not fighters, Cer tainly th men did not fight hard In most of tholr games, but In the Cornell game, every one who cares to see Penn win was highly elated at tho splendid and sustained effort which the men put Into Their work. Captain Journeay was tho man who made the team fight. He set them nn example by getting Into ovcry play posslblo and by using every ounco nf energy that ho possessed. His work brought htm the Just praise which a lineman often loses becauso the public usually only sees Ihe man running with tho ball. It Is to be hoped that next season the fighting spirit of Al Journeay will remain with the team and carry them through a victorious season. The comparatively small amount of betting on today's game was the direct result of last years' contest. The Navy went Into the fray at the Polo Grounds 111 1U13 a 2 to 1 favorite, but tho "dope" was wrong, the 'Army walking away with an easy victory. Ray Caldwell, the Tankee pitcher, who la the latest nts'spaper acquisition of Connie Mack, haa not been given tho credit, outalde of New York, for hla brilliant work In the box. Those who know tno metropolitan ooosung .meinoas roaliss that every man who plays baseball tn Now Y'o.-k Is a wonder, according to the scribes. Therefore, when a real pitcher does great work his feats are underrated by tha public, rn the theory that the papers are merely crying "wolf" again. But Caldwell Is one of the game's great pitchers. With a win. nlng club which has tha batting strength of the Athletics he would not lose any more gamej tn a season than Walter Johnson did In 1 lnia. White local fans would not car tn baa Tlube Oldrlng and Jack Lapp'leave, they should tie glad for tha Mackmen to have Caldwell on the hurling staff. Tha need fur better handling of crowds at big high school games was clearly demon strated when Central High and Northeast played on Houston field for the Glmbel Cup. Thero wer between 10,000 and. 12,000 persons 5 resent. The stands seat approximately 8000. 'ha other five to seven thousand were banked aroui d the field. On the. west side there is nu fenc nor any obstruction to prevent the field being deluged with spectator. That Is Just what happened. Through the game an Insufficient number of mounted policemen at tempted to keep the crowd back of the aid lines, but they wera unequsl to the task. In tha last period there was a solid mass of humanltv on tha west end of the field as far a the 40-yard line. If Central had fumbled In tha last few moment and a Northeast player had had the chance to do a "Cool- lIKe Huijmobile Car- Oy TVs. 1365 F. O. B. Detroit Touring Car with Btdan Top. Roadtter with Coup Top. tlSll P. O. B. Detroit TIOGA AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 336 N. Broad St Bell Those Spruce iaos Broad and Tioga Sts. Bell I'lione Tioga ix Keystone Phone Park 8349 A G. G. Brownlee, Mgr. r s ' fl liHnivlil fit Embs9B9 Grace Baptist . Asbury i . Westminster ....,, ' ' Itosedale " a 8 400 Bt. Wilfrid ? 2 $ Bt. George ., i i syi Calvary ' " SHOTS FOR THE BASKET The Delaware Boys' Club would Ilka to ar range games with all first-class out-of-town basketball teams having halls and efferlng K fair guarantee. Address either H. A. O'Brien, MA Real .Estate Trust Building, or I. D. Sfcuall, 241 South 3d street, St. Rita's C. C. basketball team would like to hear from first and second-class out-of-town teams having halls and paying a good guarantee. This team desires (tames on any evening except Tuesday arid Friday. Any team wanting games with this speedy attraction addresa l". J. Miller, manager, Broad and Federal streets, Philadelphia. Stetson Mission amassed a 44-23 score en rrlehard last night at Stetson Hall. ,..,. . In the preliminary game stetson third best Fiftieth Uaptlst 4.1 to 17. Covenant P. F defeated Olivet Covenant by 21 to 1.1 and Incarnation downed Sanctuary 20 to 11 In Ihc Northwest Church Association last night at Nalatorlum Hall. . rrlehard defeated Westminster In section U of the Brotherhood League last night by 22 to 10 at Westminster Hsll. ... . , , . In Ihe other game Westminster defeated Prlchard 18 to S. . , , ,, , , , Bcthesda defeated Kensington, M. E, by 23 to 18 and First Presbyterian trimmed Trinity so tn Zt In the Kensington Church League last nleht at Uenle's Hall. In a nrolherhood Church League game Played at Cooper Battalion Hall Oreyetock reserves beat Berkeley by the acore .10 to 20. Anulnas beat Pyna Tofnt by Ihe score of 33 In" the Philadelphia Junior League Samaritan forfeited to Lvndenhuret, but In an eshlbltlon game Samaritan won by the score of 28 to 1,. Phalanx beat Combine oy the acorn nf 22 to 11 for the championship of Southwark House. St. Agatha reserves beat Shnnahan by a score of 20 to 11 nt Hallahan Hall. In a section a jiromernoon woimi s".'! Lyndenhurst beat Chamnera-wyiia Dy score of .12 to 20 on tho tatter's floor. ths Would like a basketball team fstrlctly ama teur) to take up the franchise ,our,tMm,1i1 a basketball league. .Would Ilka to make arrangements Tor transfer before December 1. Apply to .1. H. Cowperthwalt, manager, 0.15 Susquehanna avenue, Philadelphia. Pe Nerl Signs MacOresor Charley MacGrcgor. whn played with Orey stock last car. was signed by the De Nerl Eastern League basketball team last night, ant he will Join the downtowners tonight when they line up oaalnst Camden. MacGretor Inst Jcaiin scored .10 field goals In ,12 games many being only part of contests. He will be used a utility man by the Pt Nerls. niiiy Vlebahn has been released by Manager Dudley. Bender and Plank Confer GBTTYSnURG, Pa., Nov. 2S.-"Chlcf" Ben der sllnncd quietly Into town jeeterday and out to the farm to sea his famous teammate. Eddie riank. "lust what was tho naturo.of the con ference between the two great pitchers of ihe Alhlctlcs now deposed by Manager Mack, neither would make known, but It Is evident "hit plana for the coming year were given the first Place, and there Is a possibility that the two stars or other years may again be found playing on the same team. rldgt," he could -not havo run within 30 yards of tho Central High goal line. Luckily no such thing happened, for It would havo caused trouble. Inasmuch aa the game. was played on Central's field. Northeast, under tho con dltlons stated, would havo been entitled to a touchdown: but the chances are 100 to 1 that the playeis would not have been willing to' nhlde by such a ruling If It hail been made. In tho future It Is to bo hoped tliat when these big scholRstlc games are played that the management will make some kind of arrangements to handle the crowd, or els sell fewer tickets. The conditions around ths field nt 20th and Somerset streets on Wednes day were deplorable, and Indicated an exceed ingly short-sighted policy en the part of thoat who attempt to manage the games, BIG SWIM TONIGHT o West Branch Y. M. C. A. Meets Frankford Boys' Olub. The "West Branch T. M. C. A. swim ming team is on edge for the meet with the Frankford Boys' Church Club team tonight. West Branch champion relay team has been going in wonderful form of late and Coach Irwin Anthony and "Jim" Sterrett expect It to swim In close to record time tonight. There will be 50 feet, 100-yard, 220-yard races on the program, besides a plunge for distance and a fancy diving contest and a 400-yard relay for four men teams. The relay team will probably consist of Kelter, Kistler, Green and Drasher. Ito mlg and Drysmalla will, be entered in tho plunge for distance and Green will carry the "West Branch colors In the fancy diving event. WELSH WILL WEIGH 135 xrmxr vtnv xrn.. on r tu. ti. n. i -'i 4-,iJc. . : "". "ifcwosiii. -nam-plon Freddie Welsh and Joe Shugrue will weigh In at 13 sounds nt s nj1ui, , Wednesday for their ten-round bout at Madi son Square Garden. Tho managers of the fighters came to an understsndlng at a con ference yeaterdsy. when Peter Fitzgerald, manager of Bhugrue, demanded that Welsh make the same weight as Shugrue. Welsh at .first said Shugrue must make 133 pounds, but later consented to the 133-pound limit. Heck to Xead Penn Charter The members of th lntracadmla champion Penn Charter eleven yesterday elected Peter Heck, of Ilammonton. N. J captain for nxt seaaon. Eighteen letters were awarded to th squad, as follows: Captain Hallowell. Moore, eangree. Lane, Van Dusen. Ledyard. Pennock. Kindt . Guyer, Heck. Walsh. Br5wn, iloS?.?: Irwin, Gags, Krusen, Evans and Manager Parsons. s mt-o mj "jJ1 REAL Comfort In This Car The sedan and coups tops for the new Hupmoblle turn open summer cars into luxuriously comfortable closed winter cars. More than that, they give you the effect and the benefit of two cars, at a cost of mtle more than one. Thus is partially explained tha eg. cellent fall business we are doing. Almost every Hupmoblle buyer or ders one of the demountable tops as a matter of course, seeing ahead a winter of really pleasant driving-. Though readily detaehable. these tops are finished within with all tha trlmness that characterises, the costly limousine. They are free of rattle, most sub stantially built, with best coach glass windows, wide doors and plenty of bead-room. Where women and ehllrtrep are con eerned. their eoiy pretention from wind and rain aad storms makes them a necessity. A touring car fitted with the sedan top i now on display. Please call aad see it