yrrjifi&iti 'v EVENING LEDGER-PHIIiADEEPHIA", SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1914. tT rta CHURCHES AND THEIR WORKERS-RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS i $ i NOVEL CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR PLANS A JOY TO ORPHANS - Little Sons and Daughters of Odd Fellows Set Exam ples in Successful Spec tacular Work. Of all the hundreds of Young People's Societies of Christian Endeavor In the United States, It Is doubtful If there Is another that uses on spectacular meth ods In Its work an does the Junior Soteiety In the Home for Orphans of Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania, at Ogontr. and Chelten avenues. Gernmntown. This society was organized seven years So, and It has never missed a meeting and the roll has been railed In a differ ent way each time the young people as sembled for services. More than BO dif ferent ways have bcon devised. And a pleasing thing nbout ,thr organization is tho fact that every boy and girl Rives omo kind of personal reRpoiiBC. It was under tho direction of Mrs. L-. A. Enoch, matron of tho Home, nnd CJeorgo Hill, Instructor, that tho so ciety had Its Inception, and they havo seen to It that not a single meeting pass ed without some novelty In It that would make It different from any other. So much Interest has been taken In the work by the matron and Mr. Hill that all the children call the latter "Mister Oeorge." Uy adopting tho unique mothods tho leader? keep the children enthused, nnd ihey are nlways anxious for the meetings nnd special entertainments So success ful have tho methods been that they would serve as excellent examples for societies everywhere to copy. Not only are the youngstors kept In terested In the meetings, which nro al ways presided over bv the president of the society, who wields a gnvel with great force, but thero nro field days ar ranged each car. and tho hoys and girls vie with each other for Inexpensive prizes. For Instance, thero nre cook races, basketball games, baby carrlago races, , and all kind of novel entertainment In the open on the spacious lawn surround ing the homo. Anniversary days are "big" days, nnd thero nro alwnys plenty of ontortalnmont of unusual kinds. Last year, whon the annual entertainment was given, several hundrod persons were unable to gain ad mittance to tho hall. "Mister George" usually prepares somo special exercises that are not only Interesting nnd enter taining, but nttractlvo as well, as colored ribbons, streamers nnd cloctrlo llghtB nre used to brlghton tho sight for tho children and visitors. The last subject of their anniversary entertainment wan "Tho Captive." A young girl, tho Captive, was bound In fetters by tho Spirit of Darknoss. Then the story tells how Joy and hope came to her. HeraldB appeared and told their tales. Tho Spirit of Lovo, accompanied by cross-nnd-crown bearers, camo and vanquished tho Spirit of Darknoss, and at last the Captlvo waa freed at the foot of a beautiful cross. Five girls presented the "Rook of Ages" In pantomlne. Colored lights were thrown upon them as they changed their pos tures, and tho rays of tho Illuminated cross also fell on the Captlvo, whose dark dress Is changed to Immaculate white. Such entertainments would ndd new life to the Christian Endeavor societies every where. FRIENDS CONSIDER LIBERAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Topics to Be Discussed at Association Meeting Next Monday Evening. Tho Friends' Educational Association Will meet on Friday evening at 7:15 o'clock In the Friends' Select School, 16th nnd Itace streets. Supper will bo served 'at 6:30 o'clock, and tho general subjeot for discussion will be "The Claim of Liberal and Vocational Studies In Our Schools." Miss Katherlno E. Punaheon, principal of tho CUris High School, will talk on "The Claim of Liberal Studies," and "TheVJ v-iuim ml vuuauumu oiuuies will DO InO trubjeot of an address by Dr. Hollls God frey, the new principal at Drexel Insti tute). A THANKSGIVING SERVICE Prominent Artists Will Participate In Exercises at St. Xnko and Epiphany. Tho popular People's service at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon In the Church of St. Tjuko and the Epiphany, will take the form of a Thanksgiving Day Service. The order appointed for such service In the Prayer Book of the National Festival will bo used. Tho rector, the Rev. David M. Steele, will deliver a patriotic address. The an them will be "The Omnipotence" of Frana Schubert, arranged by Max Splcker. Na tional hymns will be sun? by the choir, which will bo assisted by Mrs. Helen Yarnall. soprano soloist. Other partici pants In tho service will Include Dorothy Johnston Baseler, harpist, and Dertrand A. Austin, 'cellist. BIBLE CLASSES IN CONTEST WiBsahlckon and Manayunk Church Men Trying for Blret Place. Wlssahlckon Methodist Episcopal Church is engaged In a contest with Ebenezer Methodist Episcopal Church, Manayunk, Sor the best attendance at the Men's Bible Class of the Sunday schools. No outside speakers are permitted to address tho class, and the men are urged to attend through personal appeals. On a rainy Sun day recently the Rev. G-eorge Gray, of the 'Wlssahlckon Church, had 107 men In at tendance at tho class meeting, OEOANISTS' ANNUAL SERVICE American Guild to Have Anniversary In Church of Advocate. The American Guild of Organists will give Jta annual service In the Churoh of the Advocate, 18th and Diamond streets. ion Wednesday evening, December 9, at 8 o'clock. The Servloej will be sung by a , chorus of 140 voices, chosen from the lead ing hoy choirs of the city, under the direction of George Alexander A West and 8, Wesley Sears. There -will be an ad dress on ohureh muslo by the Rev. Henry Martyn Medary. SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVICE HBM I -""S1 14IBR ; r.Wl G The combined choirs of the Seventh I BBPjKHp' MP W M- i H . t M,tf "ffiDfrjfe ,j t Street Methodist BpUcopal Church, num- WUcg Wm fv SSIKM 3leH fliiTllli VI QX I P burins 150 voloes, will glv their month- UEU. M Tm X? ppjwrB.fp- qptt viii-W V. ' H ty program 01 sucrou iuo wmorniw issssiastsassar.. " .& r'ljaFJViS-faSlK&JPV : viw,! nKJXSd m wnw, w xijv a ", u. vuweni, win ; ,4 It ovenlnl- The soloists will ba Mrs. Bmlly mBmmULWttRii VtVMBtm f 1 -OfaAHl HSii 'iM'L2tl J ju H. ik. .. -rr - . .... Anf i i a r.. , - . ms 3 im ri r lisbb'-e ' - . k m t'aaaaaaai bbbbbbs t: r . fc. ...i -- . t . -.-w -iif '' ? f a aavMai 1 . .. 'JLraK H.nltA rpha Savanth (Uraar HilHHftjjiBaiiHrH (Vmca.laQ." f fti.,a Ha fTH-ii tSviT. ' t THV. m'mwe KrnifAB tinirar Muuruuu. auu aiisa Ai&uun . . - -.-. t- -usBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW .kbbbbbb latin zir wuium wamuvi nnaMihti tr . vui itinNrtfutin mi ira. JIB DprtttUV, WUIIMdV. ... -. .IBJbbbbbbbbbbVI tJ """""" - ! M ''JJ' ' WWW - Bli VaWtaM IbIbW bUb """ g 4 111 Cburdi (.aoim wc noted foir U4r jMng lllliiRIi -thZz3fSJ ST ft?1 fHS&nfe1 .'' W JWi8er" Sansom aad Walnut g WtTvxt&lb&rk&tt BlS 'ffil rPgflTWr imwt "ntirn-n 1 m Ji W ta M to tto pabS?tbn WW wbt- Isfagn'TT" 1 r.1. .1 ! vf?f TlTlfg f 4 - . KS&feft!wRSuVKl X,itlt 'SVlS'' - Mm jRi " . ... w iij gfilyiliMtfiiWfltfittfiji.. ' "' iliiliii'1 pili' "'iwiiiiilii t sMm:tm , ,;Mt,iilBM&M & gj B:WfHBJBBBBBBBBBWBBBBmBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB '$,! EJMlMlEBlBiMHiBMBBBBBBBBBBBB ' :r- ''' ' . SOME tEIje Jf rfcnblp $ntlj There Is no earthly possession that means innro to n. man's happiness than his friendships. It hnn been wisely written: "Show mo n mnn with many friends, nnd I will point out to you a man." Real friendships ennnot bo bought. No mercenary value can bo placed upon them. They come as a Just re ward to those whoso lives aro unsel fish examples of earnest and devoted service. Kindly helpfulness Is tho only thing that wins us worthy friends. The wise mnn wilt nlm to make every fellow with whom ho comes In contact his friend. Thero Is no man so bad that his friendship Is not worth the seeking. Tho worst man In tho world may ren der Us Invaluable service If he feels kindly toward us. No man. It matters not how low he mny havo fallen, will rob or kill or do anything to Injure n person of whom ho Is truly tond. By making a friend of the wicked sinner wo have gained our greatest victory in our efforts to save him. The "Friendly Church" always has tho widest door for the unsaved world. David Grayson, In his now novel, "Hcmpflcld." beautifully describes tho valuo of friendships when ho declares. "When wo let new friends Into our lives wo becomo permanently enlarged and marvel that -we could over have lived In a smaller world." As we stroll through our dally path way let us seek to make life moro happy and easy for those about us. If wo do this cacli day, tho fruits of our endeavor will be reflected into our own lives. Wo will then be made Increas ingly happy, through the Joy that al ways advances with a growing nrmy of sincere friends. PHILLIPS FINEST CATHOLIC SCRANTON CHURCH TO BE DEDICATED Cardinal Gibbons Will Pre side and Archbishop Pren dergast is Going to Offi ciate at Elaborate Services Tomorrow. With Archbishop Prendergast officiating and Cardinal Gibbons, of Baltimore, pre siding, the finest Roman Cathollo Church In Northeastern Pennsylvania will be ded icated In Scranton tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock. In attendance at the elab orate services will be about halt a hun dren priests and higher ecclesiastics. In cluding Bishop Donohue, of Wheeling; Bishop Shnhan, of Washington, and Bishop McCort, of this city. The edifice was erected at a cost of about $300,000 for the large parish of the Church of the Nativity, of which the Rev. Dr. J. J. Loughran la the rector. It Is built of gray granite with red tile roof, and has a magnificent dome that may be seen for miles from the city. The three altars are of white marble. Above them are mural paintings of the saints, done in color. The rotunda is In old blue and gold, touched with crimson. One of tho finest organs that could be obtained will furnish the music. Bishop Hoban consecrated the main altar on Thursday. Cardinal Gibbons and his party are to arrive in Scranton tonight under escort of the Rev. J. J. Malone, rector of the Eoranton Cathedral. On Monday night the Cardinal will be a guest of the Knights of Columbus, and a monster pa rade through the central streets of the city will feature the reception to be given him. j nLfcSlftSLsB &0t3&sj3Cn, F9j&ra&r??" SHftt LIVE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOURS AND THEIR LEADERS Y, '. . I ' . ' 'S'Mt, "", " ' -. Miv . :..w ?, K&'Mj.,iz3&r S At the Odd Fellows' Orphange, Germantown, a Young People's Society has unique services every week. Above are shown George Hill, th'e, instructor, whom the children call "Mister George," with his Whatsoever Boys, and Mr. Hill and his aides at the annual field day exercises. The woman is Mrs. L. A. Enoch, matron of the home. MEMORIAL MEETING PLANNED FOR THE LATE H. W. WILBUR Prominent Men Will Speak at Scrv lco Tomorrow Night. Elaborate plans havo boon mado for a big meeting to be hold in memory of the into Henry W. Wilbur, one of the lead ing Quakers In Philadelphia, In tho Friends' Meeting House. 15th nnd Race atroets, tomorrow evening. Mr. Wllhur was one of the old-time members of tho Society of Friends, and wai Identified prominently with almost all their activities In this community. Dr. Jesso H. Holmes Is to be chairman of the meeting, nnd tho speakers will bo Elizabeth PowpII Bond. R. Barclay Splcer. Jano P. Rushmore, Henry A. Hunt. Dr. John Clarence Leo. Rufus M. Jones, Sam uel J. Bunting, Jr.. O. Henry Janney and Anna Travllla Spoilsman. Y. M. C. A. ACTIVITIES Bishop Berry at Central Branch. Prominent Speakers at North. Central Branch T. M. C. A. will cele brate the Thanksgiving senaon at Its Sun day afternoon meeting tomorrow when Bishop Josoph F. Berry, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, will be the speaker. Bishop Berry will give an address on "Thanksgiving The New Order nnd tho Old." There will be special vocal and Instrumental music, At the North Branch Robert R. Galley, former general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. In Tsln-tsln, China, and for eight years secretary at Pekln, will address the "Twenty-four Hour a Day Club'J on Thursday evening. Charles W. Harvey, who spent many years In China as a sec retary, will alBO be a speaker. The club contribute to tho work of George Gleason In Japan. Tho Rev. Dr. Forrest D. Dager will con clude hla series of addresses tomorrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the North Branch. His theme wll be "My Allies." TO PItEACH AS CANDIDATE The Rev. H. H. Guernsey, of Stamford, Conn., will preach as a candidate in the pulpit of the First Congregational Church, Germantown, tomorrow. The pulolt has been vacant for some time and several clergymen have been considered for the place. Tho Rev. Mr. Guernsey was formerly pastor of a church at Ebensburg, Pa. PROBLEM OF LAPSED MEMBER TO BE TOPIC FOR DISCUSSIONS Reformed Church Clergy men to Consider Important Matters at Conference at Messiali Church on Mon day. "The Problem of Our Lapsed Member ship" will be one of tho main topics to be discussed by clergymen of the Reformed denomination at a Ministerial Conference of the Reformed Church of Philadelphia to be held In Messiah Church, 13th and Wood streets, on Monday, As has been the case with the Presbyterian, Methodist Episcopal, Lutheran, Protestant Episco pal and other denominations, the Re formed Church leaders find that they ore constantly confronted with lists of sus pended members each year. The fraiuent residential changes are be lieved to be largely responsible for this. nnd it is the plan of some of the leaders to havo a follow-up system so that young men and women may not be lost to churches of their denomination when they move from one community to another. The Prebbyterlans, only two weeks ago, sent out a plan for doing such work. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES Tho morning- tlnma of the llev. A. E. i:nloopal Church, tomorrow, will be "The Wind Heforo the SLonn. In the evening; ha win lum uii am wpin. The llev. C. W. Jleathcote will b tho speaker at tho Lutheran Mlnlatara' mwtlns on Monday. Ills subjeot wilt be "Theories ol the Atonement." The Itev. Dr. John T. Ite-eva will preach on "What Shall I Bender?" at the morning serv ice In th Fourth I'nebrterlan Church tomor row, and In tba evening his theme will be "Stand Still and See." At the Church of Our Redeemer (Reformed rplacopal). th Itev. Dr. Augnjjt E. Barnett will preach tomorrow morning on "The Fiend of Ingratitude " At 3 o'clock In the afternoon, tho Itev. Dr J. F. Dickie, formerly paetor of 1110 AuieriuMu vuurvu in Aienin, uermany, will tpealc on "Why Qiraany Draw the Sword" at the meetlnif of the Men's Forum of the Drexel-Blddle Btble Clans. Doctor Harnett will preach in the evening on "Is tha Fire Kindled by Ridley and Latimer Dying Out?" Thero will be special music by a large chorus choir. The Itev. Claronce 15. Macartney, pastor of the Arch Street Preabyterlan church, 18th and Arch streets, will preach tomorrow morn ing on "El-wry Inch a Man " In the evening his toplo will be "To Young Men and Young Women." A patriotic service will be held In the Fifth Street MetbodUt Church tomorrow night, ui:dr the auspice of the Drexel Diddle Bible CU. The Patriotic Order Sons of America and several orders will attend. The Rev. Dr Horace K. IloltsJnger, partor of the churoh. will make the a4drae. The Rev. William Muir Auld, paetor of Cal vary PreeWUrUn Church, will preach on "Two Kvlu" at the morning service tomorrow, and In the eveBtag his theiue will be "Chart an J Compass." At the midweek service at S o'oloolc Wednesday afternoon be will talk en "The Bread of Life " At the WeUb Church, Slat street and Fair mount avenue, the Rev. R. K Wllltanw. imj tor, a song service 111 be held at 7:10 o'clock tomorrow evening- The choir of 40 oloe th, 111 sing Mauadurs beautiful cantata, "Sang- of Thanksgiving." under tho direction of Miss Edith Myfanwy Morgan. The service la sua to the public. The special preacher at the House of Prayer. Brenchtown. tomorrow evening, will be the Re Cnarioe Lewis Btsg. ih the saorohur $120,000 A YEAR ASKED TO AID AGED CLERGYMEN Fund Also Needed to Cnre for Widows nnd Orphans. The General Clergy Relief Fund of tho Protestant Episcopal Church, of which Alfred J. P. ilcCluro is treasurer, has Is sued an appeal for contributions of $120,000 n year for tho support of nged and dis abled clergymen, widows nnd orphans. Tho plan Is to get 1000 subscribers for J120 a year that tho oftlclals In charge of tho fund may havo a dcDnlto amount to depend on. Last October $35,000 was paid out n:t a quarterly payment for the work, uy another quarterly payment of about rfio same amount will bo duo on January 1. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES -.' ?." "" ?"'cea In tho Church of the In carnation. 47th etrect and Cedar aenuo. to morrow, tho paetor, tho Rev. Arthur T. lllch---' . ob"ervo the Advont nenBon. An np-r-rr,aie.,"rmon wl" b0 preached In the morn ing and there will bo a special musical acrvlco I ..)...r... . ..'"B, vvjiiru cnoir win Bins selections from Maunder's "Songs of Thanke glvlng" Th soloists will bo Mrs. tieorce tjves. soprano; Albert Moore, tenor, ami Ueorge Iwirrlngton, baritone. The ovenlng services will bo conducted by the Rev. Dr. George Sandt, editor of the Lutheran. i-TfiRt'V ? C-aamble. pastor of the First Lnlted Presbyterian Church, Slid stroet and i.Sf".r ,.v?j;1",i ,wl!1 Praich tomorrow morn. Iiig att 10.30 o'clock on "The Way of tho 3l .-Jn. !"?. vonlng his subject Is to be "When Christ Comes Hack." Bishop nhlm-lander will confirm a class at All balnts Church, Torresdale, tomorrow ?11B 5n.1 !n tno evening will be at Christ ?.huJfh,T V0,.tst?,wn- Bishop Garland will be ,nt 3tji0ims l' fiurth. Brown stroet 1-HwfT.hli-'n t,"lnrro,r morning, nnd at All Saints', rnllslngton. In the evening. Tih? n.ov- .?. " Kmmett, "Billy" Sundays assistant, will preach In tho Memorial Bap tist rhurrh. Broad nnd Master streets, tb morrow evening on "Flehors of Mnn." (h!'Xy.!l?'. 5irm,""f Drow " Rword" will hr. J.iihuViee.L. ot a lecture to b given tomorrow "'"''l " chitrch of the ftclccmer. 10th and Oxfoid streets, by tha Rev. Dr. J. V. pickle, who has returned from Berlin, whero no was pastor of the American Church for 20 years. hA i,"Vmpi5lumu on Christian ulucntlon will be hold by the Baptist clergymen at their f-d'i5'JmSe"nB ln "" Mrst Uaptlst Church, lith and Sansom streets The speakers will Vwrmrg Doctor" flw""'l. Spinney nnd The concluding ovent In the 100th anniver sary celebration of St. John's Proteatont Bpla SJJif'.rif8 Phl,rp.h- Brown streot below Third, will take plnce tomorrow night, whon Pror. Sl?ll ,N?r of. ,no Wharton School. Unl YSLim,"! I'nwlvenla. will speak on "Serv ing Cod. In the morning the rector, the Rev Ceorgo Chnlmorn Richmond, will preach on 1 'V.' ir" """ ot hi ijan Are Our Bishops Prophets or Time-servers?" rTn,5i W'!"iin,-U!r Auld- Ptor of Calvary Presbyterian Church will be the speaker at the rresbytcrlon Ministers' Asso elation meeting In Westminster Hall on Mon day morning. His subject will be "The Root of Democracy. "Impressions of the Provincial Synod" will b0.,h,JSD)tc'?f. an address before tno Cleri cal Brotherhood in tho Church House on Mon jay morning, to be given by tho nev. Hornco "Z ,t.N"?" wl" "be ho subject of a ser-"l0"7",71- i?h1 namsay Snaln, pastor of the Woodland Presbyterian Church, tomor row morning. In the evening he Is to rtlsruiw "John Calvin nnd the Swiss Revhnl." tho fiftn In a series of sermons on "areat Re vivals of Hietory." The Rev. Dr. Edwin Heyl Delk will preach at the morning service In St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. Broad and Sit. Vernon "te,?,?l .tom.?rro.,r ."J1 "Friendship, tho Heart of Religion." At the S p. m. sen Ice, Doctor Delk's theme will be "A Fool There Was." The subject to be dlscuised ln a sermon by the Rov. John Clarence Lee ln the Church of the Restoration (Untversallst), tomorrow mornlrg will be "Marriage a. Sacrament and an Ideal," Thr Rev. Dr. A. Pohlman. nasinr nt fh Temple Lutheran Church, will preach tomor row morning on "The Fight to tho Finish." and In the ovenlng on "Twentieth Century Methods of Christian Work." The monthly musical service will be given In the Church of the Advocate, Germantown. to morrow evening by tho quartet nnd chorus. The minister, the Itev. Gladstone Holm, will preach In the morning on "The Spirit of Elljan." "Varieties of Spiritualism" will be the theme of the address of the Rev IC. K. Evans, min ister of the Qtrard Avenue Unitarian Church, tomorrow morning. Frank Stephens, of Ar den, Del,, will speak In the evening. "What Shall I Render Unto the Lord?" will bo tho subjeot of a sermon to be preached by the Rev. Lee 13. Rife, pastor of the Norris Square United Presbyterian Church, tomorrow morning. In the evening he will speak on "The Decettfulness of Sin." Tha Rev. W. V. Berg will preach in the Central Congregational Church tomorrow morning, and In the evening A. IL Davis, of the American Board, will give an address on fcouth Africa. ;r, est si - IT sTs Books vrfbe Jiplidays The display which probably sur passes that of any previous year includes RELIGIOUS JUVENILE and GIFT BOOKS THE NEWEST and BEST FICTION Choke and Attractive Holiday Cards and Calendars Snd us a card or phone Wl bert WIS that we may send you our hoetday catalogue. Presbyterian Book Store r mr . .. &&. Itrsfs 1 PHILADELPHIA WILL HEAR NEW SERMONS BY "BILLY" SUNDAY Whirlwind Evangelist Is Now Busy Preparing Series of Orations Intended Especially for Local Cam paign. When "llllly" Sunday. Uie baseball evangelist, comes to Philadelphia to begin lils sK weeks' campaign on January 3, lt will be prepared to deliver some brnnd new sermons that will stir tho hearts of thousands who attend tho big revival meetings In the Tabernacle facing Logan Kipiarc Word has come from Des Moines. la, wliric Mi. Sunday Is now conducting the grontost revival that city has ever had, that the evangelist Is extremely busy pieparlng these sermons, which aro In teiidod pnitlcularly for tho Quaker City. Ho Is at work on them early In tho morn ing and late nl night, and, whenever he can get a moment from his strenuous duties In the Tabernacle, ho Is always writing and studying and studying nnd wilting lit anticipation of his early visit here. Mr. Sunday Is so thoroughly wrapped up ln this work thnt ho Is not taking a inlnulc from tho little spare time ho can find for anything else. When bo starts out to prepare new sermons he Una never cured to change Ills couiso of thought bv tyiher work or Interests, and, ln tho case of tho special sermons ho Is de vcli'plng Tor use In this city, ho Is apply ing this rule probably more carefully than pcr before, for ho Is anticipating tho gtrntest rolvnl hero that ho has over bad. Tho fact that be Is proparinc new ser ninnr for Philadelphia meetings does not menu that tho great audiences here will .. hn .ihll.ltnnnil In limit flirt f-rntlH. ntfl I ono.i that have made hlin famous. It simply means thnt thoy will have tho good-fort uno to hear him glvo messages that havo never been delivered nny whero elfic, nnd some thnt may reap greater harvests In souls than any ho has written befotc. Such favorites as "When Chickens Come Home to Roost" mas be expected during tho local meet ings. An Important meeting for the appoint ment and organization of ushers for the coming catnpnlgn will bo held In tho uni.iuious NOTICES naptlxts HAI'TIBr TEMPLE. Broad nnd Berks, rreachlnc by tho PaMor. Itt bSELl. 11 CONWKIA Morning. 10 :iu, Bible School. 2 :I0; Eve., 7:43. WILLIAM 1". NEWBURY. Tho noted baritone, will assist the chorus In tli vvenlnR OrRim recital, 7:15. Wm. Ponnll Twaddcll. Musical Director. Orund Fair. Decenibor 1 to December P. CHESTNUT STIIEET BAPTIST CIIUIICII Chestnut st. wost of 40th. GEOROE D. ADAMS. II. D.. Pastor. I" 4.1 lliothorlioo.1 of A and P. 10 TO u. m. Itev. a. W. Bull, of Scrsnton, will tell what the Billy Sunday Campaign did for tils Church. . 2:W) p. m. lllblo School and Hen's Bible Union , 7 4." p. m. Worship nnd Sermon by Pastor. Subject. "Tho Pompagslonalo Christ." THE SECOND HAITI ST CHURCH., 7th st. below (llrard live llov. Elmer W. Powell, S. T D Pastor: 10.30 n. tn . "My Wit nesos." 2 30 v m . brlcht, cheerful Bible hour, 7-4.1 P. in.; "Killing Ufa Full." Prnyor meeting Wednesday. 8 p. m. SECOND BAPTIST IIELPINO HAND CLASS meets 2 0; 7th below (llrard e.: William Kolly, "A Brand from the Burning." A "Thanksgiving Talk" rrldny night. Rev. Charles Haslett and his mission. "A Spirit ual Treat." Bethany Anchorage, 30"1 N. Uth st.. Sunday. Tuewlay and Thursday nights. Public coruiaiiy invuea. Cliiiri'lifs of Christ. Scientist Free Lecture on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The Orpheum Theatre. Chelten ave., west of Germantown ave. November 2!) at 3 30 p. m. Doors open at 2.30 p. m. Congregational CENTRAL. lMh'and dreen, Rev. W. V. Berg, Pastor. Servloos. 11 o. m. and 8 p. m. Preaching by tho Pastor. Bible School. 0 45 n. m. Junior Congregation in connection with morning service Drexel Illddle Iilhts Classes DREXEL BIDDLE) BIBLE CLASSES Employers are respectfully requested to call upon our Bureau of Mutal Holp. S0.1 La fayette Building for competent help of any kind. No charge to employer or employe. Ethical Culture . DR. ALGERNON ST CRAPSEY will lecture on 'The Nature of Man," at Broad St. Theatre, 11 a. m., and on "Lost Leadership From Prlwt to People," at Ethical Society House, 8 p. m. Public welcome to both lectures. XYunklin Home FRANKLIN HOME r-Oll THE ItEl'ORMA TIO.N OF INEBRIATES. Ml-13 Locust st -Sundays, S p. m. Service conducted by Rev. W. C. Alexander Lemon Hill Association 'THE MOTHER OF THE SOUL." GAP RICK THEATRE. Sunday night, 7:30 ALL WKLCOilE ALL Lutheran MESSIAH LUTHERAN The Friendly Church' lKth and Jenerson Sts, DANIEL K. WEIGLE. Pastor. 10.30 a. ru. Dr. M. H. Valentine, editor of the Lutheran Observer, will prrach. 2:80 p. m. Bible School. F. Nevln Wlest and Orchestra. 7:45 p. m. LAPITINO. celebrated harpist, and the Messiah Quartet. Sermon by the Pastor TABERNACLE, SBth and Spruce-Wm. J. Mil lrj Jr.. 10 45. 7.45 E. b' 2.30 p. m. TEMPLE, 62d and Race Rev. A. Pohlman, M. P.. 10 30 a m., 2.30 and 7:15. Methoillst Knlsccnal I'liiTRmi 3F THE ADVOCATE Wayne ave. and Queen lane. Germantown, GLADSTONE HOI-ir MINISTER 10 30 "THE SPIRIT OF ELIJAH" 7 45-MONTHLY MUSICAL SERVICE Special number by Quartet and Choir. Brief address by Minister. CHUROH OF THE COVENANT, Spruce and 18th sts. MJLTON HAROLD NICH0L3, Minuter. 10.JO Sermon b the Pastor. 7 45 A special musical service by the fol lowing members of tha choir: Sarah M. Daviei, Alice K. Hasklns, William W. Bur- rougns, jaan r.. xieu. jr.. ur, max Lick. An organ recital will be given ln this Church next Tuesday eening at 8 o'clock by Qeorge At AlUWUIVU, WISllli 'l'llE FIRST liUUUlAIVl-U W M CHARLEH WESLEY ItLH.SS, Minister. Doctor Burna preaches morning and evening. Musis by vested boy choir Welcome. THE FIFTH STREET TJSM4LJ HORACE K HOLTZ1NOER. JilnieUr. Sermon by Mr Holtslager before Patrietle Societies at evening service. il' B. MARINBRa' BBTHBL, Washington ave. below 3d M VSRarrr D. DBCKEK. MlnUter. The Minister preachw at both service. MOUNT IIEHJiON. IMb and Porter. Rev. rT c. inoataa, n. a. s. s.. aw p. aVZNTH ST.. 7tb and Norris W. B. John sa. 10.30 and 7 46; moathlr intmsal by eomMnal cbelra of 150 voloes la the eve ning, Mrs. Emily Stokes Hagor. soprajw, and Mtsa Mauds Soroule, eontralta, Pub llo cordially lavltafl. Tabexuacle. UUi bel Oxford A. 10 JO-"THE WIND BEFORE TH IMPORTANT MORNING SB 7.4S--SIN'S DEPTHS. BISHOP BKRRY. wtllweak oa 'TbaakiHi traj y!m. C. A- AU 'ovsa coniiallyUvUedsJ good music. New JeruaoleBi (HwedsafrergUa) ' ssaesisinw. uej wiiewc Arch Street Methodist Episcopal Chttrt, Broad and Arch atroets, tomorrow Bftsr noon. At that tima tho Rev. JB. St. Bmctt, Mr. Sunday's representative. Wilt present tho outline of the. dntlei of ttta ushers and explain tho Importance) 6 the work. Several hundred men -responded to the call for the first rnoeHrssr of ushers in the Baptist Temple, wji)oh was held last Sunday, nnd It is expected, that thero will be another big: irowol in attendance tomorrow. The call for men to act a usher hfcs been sent out by John D. Tuttlo, chair man of the Hoard of Ushera' iMsnh M Steele, chairman of the Executive Com mittee, and George C. Ethane, the ex- fcuuvo secretary. .-.- Mr. Emett will be the preacher at tha S p m. service in the Memorial Baptist Church, Broad and Master streets, to morrow evening. Ill subject will bs "Fishers of Men." GARJtlCK THEATRE SERVICES At thai T.emnn 7T11I Ammiiltn A-u. ices In the Oarrlclc Theatre tomorrow night tho Rev. Dr. James B. Kly wilt spoak on "Tho Mother of the BotlL" There will be an elaborate musical program, in cluding grand organ selections by Parke V. Hognn, solos by Martha Llttley Bright, soprano, and F. Nevln Wlest. eornsUst A group of two-part songs will be given bjr the Lemon Hill Olrls' Choir. RET.IOIOTJB NOTICE!! l'resbyterUn. ARCH STREET PRESBrTERIAIf CHURCH 18th nnd Arch. 10:45 "EVERY INCH A MAN." 8.00 "TO YOUNO MEN AND WOMKW " Rev. Clarence Edward Macartney will preach THE FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN ClltmOlI S. 47th St. and ivlngieaalng ave. Minister, The REV. JOHN T REEVB. D. D. 10 46 a, m. "What Shall I ReBderT" 7-4S p. m. "Stand Btlll. nnd flee 1" 11 PE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 31d and Wharton sts. Minister, Rev. J. ORAT BOLTON. D. D. llev. WILLIAM TAYLOR CALDWKLL-, As sistant. 10 45 a. m. Rev. Caldwell wltl preach. 7.45 p. m. "The Need of a. Re-vlvid.1 NORTHMINSTER CHUnCH 35th nnd Baring sts. W. COURTLAND ROBIN80N, D. D.. Pastor! 10 00 I Brotherhood Meeting. 10 is 1 prune wnnsiiip and sermon. 2 .10 lllblo School. 7 16, Y. P. a C. E. , 8.00 I Eenlrg Service Sermon, trplet ' "A CLEAN HEART." ORGAN RECITAL. 7:45. SCOTS riltmci!. Bronrt st , below Morris st. D. STUART MOORE. D. D., Minister. 10.:tu"The Refiner's Klre." 7:45 "Broken Cisterns." ST. PAUL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Baltimore ave.. cor. &0th st, llov. J. BEVERIDQE LEE. D. D., Minister. 10 15 a. in Publlo worship, and sermon by Doctor Lee. 2-30 p. m. Graded Bible School 7.45 p m Evening worship. Sermon by Doctor Lq. All eeaa free TABERNACLE PRESBYTERIAN CirURClT Chestnut nnd 37th The Minuter, Rev, John Allan Blair. D. D.. will preach. 11a m. Billy Sunday MoeUngs. 8 p. m. "Friends of Christ." Coma and worship with us UNION TABERNACLE York nnd Corn sts. REV. ROBERT HUNTER. PASTOR, will ireach. 10-3U am. and 7:45 pm.: 2:30, Sab iath School; 7. Y P. S. C. E.i 2:45, BIBLE 1'NION INTHBCHURC1L WOODLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 42d and Pino sts. JAMES RAMSAY SWAIN. Minister. 10'SO Brotherhood. 11:00 Worship. Sermon. "DO IT NOW," 2:45 Bible School. New scholars Invited. 8 00 Worshdpw ormon. "JOHN CALVIN" AND THE SWISS REVIVAL." fifth In series on "Tho Great Revivals of History." Friday at 8.00 Preparatory Service. It j on nre looking for u. church borne "Coma thou and alTjliy house." Protestant Episcopal CHURCUI OP THE HOLY APOSTLE3 21st and Christian sts. Rev. OEOIK1E HERBERT TOOP, Rector. n a. m. Holj Communion "" 10 30 a. m -iMornlnr Prayer nnd Sermon. 2.Z0 p. m Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7.80 p m. Evening Service and Sermon. Selections on organ, harp and violin both before and after service. OLD ST. JOHN'S. Brown st. below 3d. 10:307 Doctor Richmond preaches "Are Our Bishops Prophets or Time HervcrsT" T;5. Dr. 8cott Nearlng. on "Serving God." PARISH OF ST. LUICH AND THE EPrPHANT 13th st. below Spruce. Rev. DAVID M. STEELE. Rector. 8 00 a. m. Holy Communion. 10.00 a. m. Sunday School. 11 :b0 a. m Morning Prayer nnd Sermon. 4.t0p. m. Evening Prayer, Anthem and Ad dress. Organ, barp and 'cello prelude, interlude and postlude. Mrs Helen Yarnall. Serrano Soloist. Tho Rector will preach at both services. EPIPHANY CHAPEL" 17th nnd Summer eta. 8.(0 n. m. Holy Communion. 11.00 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 2.45 p. m Sunday School. H-00 Evening Prayer and Address. Rev. Irving A. Mcursw will preach. ST. GEORGE'S. lst nnd Haiel ave. Rev. O. La Via Smith. 7 30. 10-80 and 7:3 ST. MARK'S CUIUHCH mm ana iocust sts. The Rev. ELLIOT WHITE, Rector. Sunday 7 and 8. Holy Communion. 10.30. Matins; 11, Choral Eucharist, and 4 p m . Choral Evensong. juuiiy, (. iHjwo -j a. m.. ana a p. ra. Tho Rector will be the preacher on Sunday nt 11 a. in. On Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 m.. the Litany will be said and intercessions for poace made. ST STEPHEN'S CHURCH, " 10th st. above Cheetnut. Rev. CARL E. GRAMMER. S. T. D.. Rector. Sunday services. 8 a. m.. Holy Communions 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. In the afternoon the Rector is giving a. coursn of lectures on 'The Gospel Behind the Gospels." The Rector will preach at both serrieea. THE HOUSE OF PRAYER, Branchtown. Rev. H. a. a. VINCENT. Minister. Services, 10 30 a m . J:30 p. m. Reformed FIRST N. A.. 15th and Dauphin. Rev. John D. Hicks. Pastor. 10:30 and 8. 8. B.. 230. Reformed Episcopal AUOUSTU8 E. BARNETT: OUR REDEEMER. 18th and Oxford sts. lOO-'The Fiend of Ingratitude." 8 00 Rev. Dr. J. F. Dickie, of Berlin. "Why Germany Drew the Sword," 8 00 "Is the Fire Kindled by Ridley ani Latimer Dying OutT" . . i O..U1I.I " " D . DviwMai uinm; pvuctj OtlAHLUTTB PERKINS OiLMXK, editor f "Forerunner," will speak on ''War and Women" at Broad Street Theatre, Sunday. 3 p. m. Muslo by Van Den Besmt String Quartet. Admission free. Spiritualists - ADVANCED SOCIETY, '2158 N1. Broad. Suri" 7:45 p in. Messages by Mrs. Charlotte Kirk Jrldo. MRS. ZOLLF.Il LEES, WILL CONDUCT gieetlnge. Sunday evening, 8 o'clock, 133 J oluHihla ave. German and English. Bwedenborglan 8XE NEW JERUSALEM - Unitarian FIRST UNTTARI AN. 2128 , Chestnut ;"" Rev. C. E. BT. JOHN. Minister. 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. The Minister will preach. Tuesday, December 1, 11 a. m, to 8 p. m, ' taarisunaa naie dlRAltb AVE. OISM) Rev. K. K avani 10:46. "Unseen World:" 7 45, Jlr, pSl Stephens. "13 THE WORLD OVSRPflPIl llAUI THK NORRlS SqCAMB U P cltUft3H"' UWWBCt V -' -JC f u Key. umm m. JB-.a:MHv 19 43 a. HL "V 'Wbat ShaU I Roder UsW U abtath Sohool. i n m .CabhAil. SsalMWl. Ah d. . "tti DeUfuJiai of Sin." vn'cwvi wi t niiranu tBji Vi"1!!.!- L'i m 4sw.MiyssMg ya, jm nnvi V V. Vm CVtlst Coes Basle.' Universal 1st "Or THE RE8TORATlfll." t Jehu Cluasce Lee. IX D, W Of ship Of ship Sermon 3 48 Sunday SahiMf Young Men's Christian AetneluUan IS.WW BWll r" m Camlrul a. sweeut vow. sew in. ail SPSBl wespwens yVfy KoesM L. Lawtoa. p. ssraaVtew i f"- BErWVOLT A54KUUiTIMt itniBiaia tAiUsL SacETiarB r, luit ' galHsl SUislll BSBBBSBBBsllega?
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