Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 24, 1914, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 9
it EVkMSG LMDU&IL HHRmHRHJl UUJJUlllIU uaauuiuHiiuujm - ou in - "iJ'iiMUWI-impjPWirnjiiHJ! n,iil.i r. ) 1ITTLE GIRL'S LIMP VANISHES UNDER CLINIC TREATMENT Mary Slavin, Four Years Old and Formerly Lame, Now Romps With Other Happy Children. Four-year-old Mary Slavin Is doing more than any one eto to brine children Into th children's clinic held every Tues day ntternoon In the Sunday fiohool room o tha Bast Montgomery Avenue Meth odist Episcopal Church, Frankford and East Montgomery avenues. Until a few days ago the child was lame, Relatives and friends believed she Would go through life with her right leg shorter than the left by hair nn Inch, due to a dislocated or rotated hipbone. Now he romps about the big Sunday school room -while physicians work at the clinic s easily as other children. Iter lame nesa has entirely disappeared. Parents of other children afflicted with slmlllar troubles or with catarrhal deaf ness, noso and throat obstructions are hardly able to believe the story of little Mary Blavin. But the fact Is that she was cured by volunteer osteopathic phy sicians operating nt the clinic. The cure required patience. Sixteen treatments Were necessary before the hipbone could be manipulated Into place. Two little blind boys who visit the llnlc every week share Interest with the) little girl. Weeks ago they wero blind. Now they are beginning to dis tinguish large objects. Vision Is still dim to them, but It Is coming, say the physicians, and tho boys itremble with eagerness at overy treatment. Nitrous oxide gas, first demonstrated In this city at the clinic a few weeks ago, Is now bolng used regularly. It docs not deprive the patient of consciousness. Tha clinic was organized by the pastor of tho church, tho Rev. Alexander Henry Leo, last Septembor. Ho Is so encour aged with the remarkable cures that have been accomplished that he Ib planning to advocate the opening of clinics at churches throughout tho city for the freo treatment of children In the neighbor hood. About 30 little encs are treated every week by Dr. Earl V. Dunnlngton, of , tho Osteopathic College, at the clinic, for disarrangements of the ear, eye, nose, throat and body. Assistants to Doctor Dunnlngton are Dr. D. B. 8. Pennock, Dr. Ira W, Drew, Dr. Evalena B. Flem ing, Dr. J. P. Finch and senior students of the college. EVENING LEPaER-THIIiADPHtA. EtTflBP.&'ft NQYBMBBB M.t9Uj:T!-Z ".. :..'.! . . . . ,.. " . ..." . -, i .,",," ...."""' , '. " "fr'11" " " - -" 'r'.-irtr'iifT.T-iiirtirii m r--tr "i?i miir ni7rj-i ,t n ' 1 m" f'"" '-iT-r ?--f-- - --' -" '" i Mil ntnm uinri r-tiiiiiftiroMWMatWifiMtstfiiTnr n-rf 'Mnrrnji SI6QEL FOUND GUILTY AND SENTENCED TO JAIL New York Merchant Convicted of Obtaining Credit by Fraud. OENE8EO, N. Y., Nov. M.-Henry O. Slegel, the New York merchant charged with grand larceny, last night was found guilty of committing a misdemeanor. Justice William W. Clarke at once sen tenced Slegel to ray a fine of $1000 and to serve 10 months In Monroe County peni tentiary. Stay of execution of the prison sentence was granted "until the second Monday of June and ball was fixed at Z,0O9. Slegel must appear before Jus tice Clarke at that time, and If his cred itors have been substantially provided for, further action on the prison sen tence will bo taken. Slegel was found to have committed a misdemeanor In obtaining credit on false Hnanclal statements. Justice Clarke In his final Instructions, said he had serious doubts as to tho validity of the grand larceny charge, but left It to the Jury to decide as to Slegel's guilt or Innocence of the less serious' orfense. HOLY WAR PERIL THREATENED BY EUROPE'S CONFLICT SCOUTS WILL BE USHERS AT PENN-CQRNELL GAME Bour Hundred Boys to Officato in Frnnltlln Field Stands. Four hundred noy Scouts aro to bo ushers at tho Pennsylvania-Cornell foot ball game on Thursday. Tho scouts have been acting as ushers at all the athletlo contests of the Athletic Association of the University this year. They were chosen for this work because the officials of the association found them to bo re liable The young men have done this work without compensation other than the privilege of witnessing tho contests, nnd the number engaged has bcon from B0 to HX at a game. This kind of work has become a feature of the duties of tho scouts, and they have proved themselves bo efficient and courteous that they havo been In Constant dpmnnd. One "of tho lilRBSt croWds they cared forwas that nt the Bryan Peace Meet IfTkpn Convention Hnll In October, and rtkhv wore llvi. fiivu'iblo coiimntH on thejr work there. Last Saturday night Ihn. svouts were ushers at tho Red Crdss Keent In WUhTspoon Halt. fM the, Bryan meeting an offering was '. repeiveu lur win iu wiuh "wii, " at tha Penn-Cornell game there will bo n collection for the Beltrlan Relief Funds. The money will bo received In bags on all parts of the field, and will be taken to banks under the guidance of the scout masters following the contest. For threo days, beginning next Tuesday, tin ,boys will assist 40 teams In nil parts of the city In their efforts to collect tf ,000 for the. budget for the next three 3j Mrs, In order to make It possible to form ,T 4w troops and ndmlt to tho army of scouts about 10,000 young men who are anxious to bo associated with the or ganization. In each of the 40 teams to wage the campaign for the $50,000 there will be five men, and the 103 troops of scouts, with memberships aggregating almost SOCK), will co-operate with these campaigners. Hoadnuarters for the campaign will be established on the seventh floor of the Curtis Building. Man, KilU-d by Train, Identifiea NORRISTOWN, Pa., Nov. 24.-A mav Instantly killed on the Reading Railway near Port Kennedy yesterday has been Identified as Peter Farrell, of Consho hocken. He was struck by on express train while on his way to work. r Dr. H. K. W. Kumm, Founder of Soudan Mis sion, Tells of Grave Men ace Confronting the World. "The world may soon face a holy war, a holocaust that would be even more horrible than the present European con flagration, unless missionaries from American churches can be persuaded to go nmong the Mohammedan tribes of Central Africa." This Is tho declaration of Dr. If. K. W. Kumm, founder of the Soudan Mission, who Is In Philadelphia to ask churches here to procure 20 men who will volunteer servlco In the wild's of Central Africa as missionaries. Mohammednmlsm Is Increasing rapidly day by day and Is spreading to South Africa, where It threatens to undo tho great work accomplished by missionaries there, says Doctor Kumm. Tho Euro pean war has glvon tho danger new Im petus until now It may burst forth In the form of a holy war. "Until the war broko out," said Doctor Kumm. "wo had made commendabto progress nmong tho savage tribes of Mo hammedlsm. The British people had es tablished missions throughout the coun try, and we had plenty of money to finance our work. Now all of our men have been called homo to the colors and our work Is nt a standstill. It Is for the American churches to say whether this work shall go forward or whether It shall stand still." "There arc millions of theso men, llv- Inn In Pinlnl Affirm who hlV6 HCVCT heard of God or tho Bible. They have heard of tho European war, ana uiera a spirit of unrest. Wo havo converted many tribes of Mohammedans, but tho larger tribes we cannot touch." The dangers of a holy war, such as .i... r.itintt,mfrlnrt wnnlrl wntrft. declared the African missionary, ono can hardly realize. It would bo a massacre, and every missionnry in lowor una vuu,u u i.it! rMirfatlAna trirmllrhnut tho country would be sacrificed and armed "troop's would be In no" position to march Into the wild country over which the Mohammedans prowl. r.t..l i r.ti.a In full tt rlfinErftra ftVAtl worse than the dreaded Mohammedan, ho sala. it aoounao in iwumia uu ......... fr.tr. whfM, Mia Mnhnmmftrlnnfl 1IIUIU.9C.I H " ....... ... .-.. . .could retrent and defy capture. From there Wey couia anninnuio any nrjuy. This aanger, ifwii iwnun ouiu, "cannot be lightly estimated. Each day Mohammcdlsm Is progressing southward. Tribe after tribe Is being won over to the Crtuse'. Tho little band of mission aries that has been left there is working to stay this spread, but It Is sweeping ou like a mighty wave. It can be stopped by nothing less than American men and American enthusiasm." Doctor Kumm will visit all of the large cities In the United States and hopes to take back to Africa enough mission aries to All tho places of those who havo had to return to Europe to fight In tho European war. OPTOMETBISTS TO BANQUET Optometrists from this and other cities will be present tonight at a banquet to be given at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel under the auspices of the Pennsylvania College of Optometrists and tho Emer gency Committee of the Pennsylvania Op tical Society. More than 100 persons are expected to attend. Plans for the continuance of the cam paign being waged for legislation pro viding for the creation of a board of op tometrlcal examiners comprised of op tometrists will be discussed. STRICKEN BELGIUM TO BE PORTRAYED AT FORREST TODAY Madame van der Velde, Wife of Minister of State, Will Speak at Theatre This Afternoon. CHILDREN'S CORNER The Lazy Moon ONCE upon a time, the man in the moon was so lazy that when morning came he was in the middle of the skyl He saw the sun peer over the rim of the world, saw the stars shut their eres and go to sleep. "Whatever shall I do?" he ex claimed. "Day is coming, and day is no time for a moon!" He looked around and up and down, but there were no clouds, and he couldn't see a single place to hide. "What can I do? I can't drop down to the horizon in a minute," Then he stopped being foolishly frightened and began to think like the sensible person he usually is. "How foolish of me to be worried" he thought. "I have always wanted to see what happens oh the earth in the daytime, now is my chance, I'll be as pale and quiet as possible, and maybe I can see what the earth peo- file do." So he turned off his bril lant night lights, laid himself back quietly and comfortably against the sky and began to watch. He saw the sun rise in a glory of rose and yellow; then soon he saw window curtains pulled up in the houses, saw people eome$ and go. Some caTs out and swept their porches, sjjwe, got their papers and some starteifto work. Then children -ohl great number of ijhildren started to school, and the fw' work had begun. By this time the sun was well up in the sky and the moon was full of questions he wished answered. "Vou are used to daytime things he calld across the jky to tk MW, tell m what it U isaas, Wky jo the men leave their homes and shut themselves up In big buildings. Why 'don't they work at their homes and in their gardens?" "They go to those big buildings," explained the sun, "and shut them selves up all day and work for gold!" "Gold!" exclaimed the moon. "What kind of gold?" "I'll show you," saiil the sun. And he showed the man in the moon great glittering piles of gold pieces stacked up on the counters of a bank. "There! that is their gold that is what some of them give their lives for." "But what do they do With it?" asked the man in the moon curiously. "They buy food and shelter and clothes with part," said the sun, "the rest they store away or spend in search of pleasure." "What children they must bel" said the moon sadly, "and I had thought them very wise. Don't they know that Pleasure Is an elfin fairy, who runs when pursued and visits only those who work?" "No," replied the sun; "they haven't learned that yet. Nor do they know that the gold of sunbeams, the silver of your moonbeams, the fragrance of nature abloom, brings more happi ness thatiall the gold and sjiver pWea they can earn?" Pondering on the queer ways of earth people, the man in the moon sliped down and down in the sky till he passed out of flight. Tomorroi vtrt UnJooid For OvUbratUw. OwvtigM, ttH, Olarg Ingram Jwiio. MODBHK PAyCINQ Tt C OUWM4 CTBtr Bchwl, 11M eMt; cet nt SprUei lutrvaters. Tmc& tbt r Utct MMdWrlFwia . Hrtac&N trrtit. Tlptan. tmtt iiOU WAtft tq ?OHU TOUR fr w WH ': mmX OWH CLASS I I raHHlfl UWtkMMt Thb story of stricken Belgium and the plight oi the non-combatants will be told by Madamo Lalla van der Velde, Wife Of the Belgian Minister of State, at 4 o'clock this afternoon at tho Forrost Theatre. Madame van der Velde will speak under the auspices of the Emergency Aid Com mittee of HS8 Walnut street. Though she left Belgium only a month ago, her experiences among starving ref ugees who fled Into Antwerp and Ostend before tho German Invaders were suf ficiently harrowing to provide material for a vivid recital. Already since her arrival Madame van der Velde has col lected In tho neighborhood of 1160,000. Iter object In coming to the United States was to enlist aid for the relief of her stricken countrymen. The Committee on Arrangements for the meeting at tho Forrest Theatre Is mado tip as follows: Chairman, Mrs. Frank T. Orlswold; Mrs. Charles Diddle, Mrs. R. Walter Clark, Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson, Henry McKean Ingcrsoll, Hodman Paul, Herbert Welsh, William Alexander Brown. Mrs. John Markoe Is chairman of the ltcccption Committee. Tho other mem bers of the committee are Mrs. II. La Barro Jayne, Mrs. Arthur Blddle, Miss Agnes Irwin, Miss Agnes Beppller, Mrs. Henry Mlddlcton Fisher. Madamo van der Velde's knowledge of conditions brought about by the Inva sion Is extensive. Before leaving for this country she directed Red Cross work nnd helped In housing refugees who found their way to Antwerp. Sho left Brussels when the seat of government was changed ns the German army neared the capital. While Madame van dor Velde Is In Phila delphia sho will be the guest of J'.rs. John Markoe, of 16th and Locust streets. On the completion of her work In Philadel phia Madame van der Velde will continue her tour of the country In behalf of tho non-combatants' relief fund. "TWICE IN JEOPARDY" CLAUSE OF CONSTITUTION ATTACKED Amendment Proposed Empowering' Judge to Discharge Deadlocked Murder Jurlos. SCBANTON, Pa., Nov. 24. When the Legislature convenes In January, Senator-elect William M. Lynch, M. D of this city. Is to Introduce a resolution amending Section 10 of tho State Con stitution, the clause that provides that "no person shall, for the samo offense, bo twice put In Jeopardy of life or limb." If finally adopted by a voto of the peoplo In 1917, tho discharge of Juries empaneled In homlcldo cases In Pennsylvania, where the Commonwealth presses for a verdict of first degree, will bo left to the dis cretion of the trial Judge, An the law stands in this State, there cannot be a disagreement in a murder case where the Jury Is asked to return the defendant guilty of murder of the first degree. Failure of the 12 men who last month heard the testimony In the case of Wil liam Fcgram, a Negro, charged with the murder of Mary Qulnn, In this city, 12 years ago, to reach an agreement until nine days after Judge H. M. Edwards had concluded his charge, has resulted In tho movement to strike the "twice In Jeopardy" clause from tho Constitution. Judge Edwards and Judge B. C. New comb are heartily In favor of the propo sition. "It Is a forced verdict and does not represent tho honest and conscien tious convictions of the 12 Jurors," Is the way Judge Edwards expressed himself when asked what he bad to say of a Jury's action after it had been hopelessly ueadiocxea ror days. Tho Pegrnm Jury came to an agreement only after the majority of the Jury, who were for first degree from tho outset. Anally switched to the lone Juror who held out fdr a second degree verdict with an "extreme mercy" recommendation to the court. "It the Jury In a homicide case has been out a number of days and the Judge Is satisfied that It cannot agree on a verdict and that It Is useless to keep it together any longer, his Judgment as to the time of the discharge of the Jury should prevail," Judge Edwards says. Judge Newcomb takes the same view. He says It is high time that Pennsylvania wiped the "twice In Jeopardy" clause from Its Constitution. "I am very much In favor of the pro posed modification of the section of the bill of rights that deals with the trial of persons charged with homicide," Judge Newcomb says. "Other States have adopt ed It and the plan has worked well. The United States Supreme Court takes the sdme view. It should be left to the trial Judge to say when a Jury had spent enough time trying to reach an agree ment In first degree cases." In 18ST, when Judge Edwards was Dis trict Attorney and Judge Alfred Hand was on the bench, three men were tried for first-degree murder here. After th'e Jury had been deadlooked for several days the court ordered their discharge and directed that the case be placed at the head of the trial list at the next term. When the time for the' second trial arrived counsel for the defense set up the plea that their clients were being put "twice In Jeopardy," and asked for their discharge. Judge Hand took tha same view and tha defendants went scot free. District Attorney Edwards went to the Supreme Court, but the highest tribu nal In the State refused to disturb Judge Hand's ruling. It Is still the law In Pennsylvania. GARBANZA'S SHABP BEPLY Answers Spanish Protest Against Killing of Priests. MADRID, Nov. 21-Replylng to protests made by Spanish officials against' the execution of priests in Mexico, General Venustlano Carranxa has cabled; When I have committed a hundredth part o'f the atrccltles committed by the Kaiser's troops, I will listen to you." RESORTS KFFEL IMENMS ATLANTIC CM W.J. IN AUTUMN Provides a charm of comfort and a amldd chracttrltlo environ ment tfet b Ubllthtd It as aa dil leather bom. j)latly on th pecan front Capacity WO. WALTER J. BDZny. IwUtEWOOD N. 3. OAK COURT A modfra bout with quiet air of SamwMstrj u4 a BSiatMia aiuwapo!. as. a. BfZjtamtBima. urr. , JAoufgffYixjfrfr w KOQH, WITH IU.TJJ, 11.50 HfiT8L JURBMOGB Store Opens 8:80 A. M. WANAMAKER'S gHWMLiin.""1 'TO w;maj':t djLuuai.ii4.Hm mmmaiaHtiuMt JWmmiUuaoi Store Closes SiSO JP. Af. m p amorrow 11 rmiaaeipiiia n n at Wanamaker's It Fits Like a Glove is an old saying that we hear here every hour of the day. So it should be said otherwise the makers of this Store vill have failed in their endeavors for a lifetime. The same man whose original ideas still prevail is in the pilot house every day and every hour, and at' the wheel steering through the Straits of the North Sea of Endeavor towards the Port of Perfection. The Lighthouses on the Islands of Experience are all along the way, frequent stops being made at the Supply Stations for Intelligence and Commercial cargoes in order to keep fully abreast, of the necessities of bringing into the business the new nesses of every part of the world in products and business methods. This is a good time to be living in for men who like to do things. November S4, 1914. Last Minute Suggestions From the Salons of Fashion The woman who discovers some lack in her Thanksgiving wardrobe at the last minute will find all manner of good clothes here which she can choose and take away with her, and have both the satisfaction of being quickly equipped and of paying much less. For instance, here are corduroy coat dresses in brown and taupe, with a military dash to them, for $25. Per fect, with massive furs, for the Army and Navy game. Velvet suits at $25. Broadcloth Buits or velour de laine suits, with fur collars, at $50 to $95. Velvet one-piece dresses at $19.50. Lots of little dancing dresses at $10 upwards. Lots of fine ovening gowns between $19.75 and $100. N. B. Also among new and im portant things coming in are covert cloth suits with the new circular skirts priced $27.50. Separate skirts of the same fashionable material are $10 each. (First Ploor, Central) Young Women's Velveteen 'and Corduroy Coats 20 and $25 These are the warm, pretty winter wraps that girls will like to wear to afternoon card parties or dansants, and they will be equally useful at night to slip over dinner dresses and dance frocks. There are five different styles, all with new touches. The corduroy coats are $20, the velveteens $25 each. They have fur collars of skunk, opos sum, genet, beaver or chinchilla, squir rel, and in addition to being satin lined are warmly interlined." Black, blue, green or the fashionable tete de negre. 14 to 20 year sizes. (Second Floor, Chestnnt) The S. S."Rochambeau" Brings Filet Laces to the Art Needlework Store Wo scarcely hoped for their coming, but here they ar little and big pieces personally ordered last summer in France. There are pieces for fancy work, for the arms of chairs and backs of sofas; scarfs, lunch-cloths, doilies, all with the old designs. Prices from $1.25 to $80. (Second Floor, Central) If the Boy gets an overcoat from here he will have something to be thankful for, as he is getting a coat that wJl give him good service as well as keep him warm, Prices $8.50 to $80; sizes, 11 to 18 years. (Pint Floor, Market) Christmas and Other Notes Two pretty desk clocks nro new; one js also an ash receiver; the other nn Inkstand; each is $1.25. Subway Gallery, Juniper. ' An enlarged picture taken by an lea camera shows what a little camera can do when it's good. Main Floor, Central. A good walking stick of rare timber is a bit of genealogy; it is handed down in the family. Main Floor, Chestnut. The automobile tire3 in tho Sporting Goods Store have a price interest. Subway Gallery, Chestnut. Lovers of rnro furniture will admire tho satin-wood suite in tho furnished room, Fifth Floor, Chestnut; the sofa is $400, tho chairs $00 apiece. Finer French glassware would be hard to find than thnt shown in Pompeian and other forms on Fifth Floor, Chestnut. Not all of the mittens nnd mufflers nro bolng knit for warriors; a good many nrc for civilians nnd Christmas. Second Floor, Central. The "Kitchen Diary," with spaces for menus, orders for tho day, supplies ordered, things put up, etc., helps womon greatly; 50 cents. Subway Gallery, Juniper. Comfortable shoes help to do your Christmas shopping early. All of our canaries have boon personally selected by fanciers; so tho bird thnt can't sing nnd will sing is not among them. Sub iray Floor, Central. Toys More new toys than can possi bly be seen elsewhere; and more room for children and grown-ups who come to see them. On Two Floors 3d and 4th Bead Necklaces and Other Throat Ornaments Holidays mean festivities and fes tivities mean pretty low-necked frocks and such attractive little ornaments as these: Bead necklaces of coral, imitation amethyst or topaz combined with gold-filled beads a very effective combination $6 to $9.60. Pearl bead necklaces $1 to $24. Velvet bands, mounted with sterling silver ornaments $1.60 to $30. Necklaces, gold filled and with jeweled pen dants $1.60 to $0. . Necklaces with sterling silver jeweled pen dants $2 to $13.60. (Mnln Floor, Chenut) New German China Dinner Sets, $16.50, $18 and $25 Sets of 108 pieces in a choice of spray or border decorations. Anyone who can find equally good seta for as little will find something worth while. (Fourth Floor, Central) ' fN et)ery Christmas list there is some one name important above all others. Among all Christmas gifts there is one imperial and supreme it is The Angelus For that ono highest in your affec tions an Angelus player-piano is the Christmas gift imperial. It needs no apology, no explanation, no extenua tion it is THE BEST! The superiority of the Angelus la not denied. Dealers will try to per suade you that they have instruments "as good as the Angelus" or "nearly like the Angelus," but we have not heard of one with the temerity to claim a better player than the Angelus. There is none better, there is none "as good as the Angelus," there is none "nearly like the Angelus." The fact is that the Angelus is totally different, it is not in the least like any other player on earth. It is the one and only player-piano with the mastery of expression. ' Choose from any of these famous1 pianos, each combined with the Angelus player device. CHICKERING-ANGELUS SCHOMACKER-ANGELUS EMERSON-ANGELUS LINDEMAN-ANGELUS and the celebrated KNABE-ANGELUS Liberal arrangements for payment; Christmas terms may be taken advan tage of now. (Egrptfnn Hnll, Second Floor) Long White Gloves for the Opera Long gloves very long ones, in fact are especially in demand this season because of the very short sleeves now in fashion. Fine kid gloves from 8 to 24-button length are $2.25 to $5.75 pair. Soft suede gloves of exquisite qual ity, 16 and 20-button length, $8.75 and $4.50. . (Blnln Floor, Central) A New Load of Quilts Came in Monday Afternoon Lamb's wool-filled, cambric-covered, sateen-covered, silk mull-covered and S llk'C O V6 F6 d Prices, $3.75, $5, $6, $7.50 and $10 each. At $5 there is a choice of two grades. The wool in all is the same ; the differ ence in the grade of material causing the variation in the price and the price in every case is less than the 'actual value. (Fifth Floor, Market) 1000 Fresh, New Under- muslins for Women, 25c to $2, in the Lower Store Crisp, clean and dainty under muslins, well made and of good quality," ranging in price from 25c to $2 each. Among the particularly good things are 88c crepe corsot-covers. $1 crepe combinations, lace-trimmed. $1 crepe night-gowns. 38c drawers of cambric extra Bizes. $2 night-gowns of soft nainsook, daintily trimmed with laco and ribbons. $1 night-gowns of soft cambric, lace and embroidery trimmed. And th crepe garments need no ironing after they aro washed. (Subwar Floor, Market) Flannelet House Dresses $1 Each 300 new dresses of soft, warm flan nelet in styles that older women will like: dark materials, and made with high neck and long sleeves. (Snbvrar Floor, Market) Thanksgiving Clothing Specials for Men in the Lower-Price Store Two fine groups of suits new in the store with Bpecial allowances made with the manufacturer, so that there is a saving of at least $5 on every suit, 346 Suits special at $11.75 149 Suits special at $9.50 Each of these groups includes good, choice heavy weight worsteds, chev ; iots and cashmerea. The suits are in all sizes, new and very desirable, J : Please do not class these with bargain or reduction sale suits that fflgy be found elsewhere at prices as low. These are suits made up to the Wan&mjikp' standards of jfabrics and durability, a.nd are suitable for business wear or any (Subway Floor, Market) wear, 1 ' J- "A! JOHN WANAMAKEE "Wwim-iipll S5 I -. I' 9 5! I. I n -JS, - ,- KTiMKi - n vs rm. 'iWiittiil't' .t,lft.hJ n'Z,Z' - T,ir Tny "ft ---- PtvSf-', . "U.U. . ,,t.'".K-y