liVEAlXO LKUUK,K MnrirT.PjrTAJ.HAJlUWA-Y.OVKMnBtt BE. 1BU mi i ! iMtaimi i ' " ' ... ! - l . ... i. -- -xr " - r 891 EVENING LEBMBP&ILADJPHIA, TUESDAY, NO&MBBIt U, I0l4t """" rf ibfc.iiihponnli tiling ,11 frf.rtr, - - "w ,yfe j U WEDDINGS iff. "'...,,,",:, - '.-" "" .. ..-,.-Trrr: . , g SOCIETY K UP L am I '. rlTH the openlhff of Hie opera seaabn to- night, society will fftrmatly Inaugurate Its ind of winter gaiety, for although heretofore an, dinners and dances Innumerable have been fen. they have been limited largely to the butitnto set, the older aet reserving their airs until the winter Is well under Way. And Hhe little buds themselves the occasion will ftt gala one, for few of them have had the tenement of on evening at the opera with the accompanying supperB or dances. RSo tonlRhti when tho curtains come together stiiT tho tights go up at the end of the second let, there will be a general scurrying on tho part of the boxholders toward tho promenade I at the back of tho grand tier of boxes, ahd for k delightful, entrancing quarter of nn hour greetings will bo exchanged and comments made von anything and everything. Mr. and Mrs, Rodman Wanamnker, who have taken a box for the ensuing season, will en tertaln tonight In honor of their ilobutanto daughter, Miss Mario Louise Wanamakor. Among those who will entertain In their boxes will bo Mrs. Alexander Brlnton Coxc, who will have as her guests Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brlnton Coxe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8. "W. Packard and Judge Hobort Italston. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Stotcsbury will on- I tertaln Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hollrnan nnd Eton Cromwell, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas McKean will have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Itobert Kelso Cassatt and Mr. and Mrs. John Sergeant Now bold. In tho Thomas Do Witt Cuylcr bo: will bo Mr. and 'Mrs. Cuylcr, Mr, and Mrs. Alexander W, Blddle, Miss Mary Cuyler nnd Dr. Itobert 1, Contc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Custls Harrison will entertain a family party, Including Mr. and Mrs. C. Emory McMlchael, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward K. Ron land and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Custls Hnrrlson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs Richard AValn Vaux, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. George Wharton Pepper will bo tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Frederick Lewis. In tho Samuel F. Houston box will bo Miss Margaret C. Houston, who will havo os her guests Miss Gertrude II. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Mackle, Charles Blddle and Ed- mund Thayer. I Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Thayer will entertain, I In honor of their daughtor. Miss Emily Markoe I J Thayer. Their other guests will bo Miss Prls- ciua uonicn, wuuam west iTnzior, uctanuer D. Thayer, Russell Thayer and Charles S. Cheston. . Mr. and Mrs. George W. C. Droxol will havo Mr. and Mrs. Paul Denckla Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Learning Montgomery, Dr. Charles D. Hart and Livingston Ludlow Blddle. Mrs. Walter T. Balrd, of Brooknoll, Merlon, will give a matinee theatre party on Wedncs- y afternoon. December 9, In honor of Miss Ico Chapman Thompson, ddughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman Thompson, and Miss Jean Newbold Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson. Tho guests w ill bo of tho debutante set, and will Include CMIss Edith H. Bally, Miss Louisa' Gibbons Davis, Miss Mary E. Clayton, Miss Trances Tyson, Miss Elizabeth E. Wlster, Miss Hansell French Earle, Miss Lucia Allco Warden, Miss Hope McMlchael, Miss Virginia RobeVts and Miss Frances L. Stoughton. rn ' Mrs. John Bromley, of Wayno nvenuo and Hortter street, entertained yesterday in honor of Miss Mildred Jack. Tho affair was a bridge party, and the guests included Miss Ruth Elsenhower, Miss Beatrice Flood, Miss Theo dora Jellett, Miss Josephine Heron, Miss Edith Cochnln, Miss Dorothy Cochran, Miss Helen Gormley. Miss Marie Starr, Miss Eleanor Ed monds, Miss Mildred Hughes, Miss Elizabeth Latta, Miss Elinor Flood, Miss Helen Asbury, Miss Frances Buck, Miss Gladys Paine. Mrs. Edward F. Henson, of Wlssahlckon avenue and Manhclm street, will give a bridge party this afternoon In honor of her two nieces. Miss Eleanor Wunder and Miss Margaret Burton. The guests will Include. Miss Grace Brewster, Miss Elizabeth Brewster, Miss Mar garet Perot, Miss Josephine Reeves, MIsa Marlon Button Miss Dorothy Marshall, Miss Ruth Marshall, Miss Mario Starr, Miss Sophie Blspham, Miss Margaretta Bispham, Miss Deb orah Seal, Miss Nancy Smyth, Miss Josephine Hooper, Miss Helen Betz, Miss Mary Bonner Danjel. Miss Margaret La Rue, Miss Judith ' tJennlngs, Miss Emily Crowder. J Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clothier, who have upent the last few days In New York, will re turn, to their home this week, Mr. and Mrs, Augusto F. Pulldo and their son, who have been living for the past three years In Paris, will arrive In this country De cember 10, They have taken apartments at the St. James-for the nter. Mrs. Pulldo was formerly Miss RpspUd Betz of this city. ALONG THE MAIN LINE Mzniox A. bridge club, composed chiefly of prominent Main Line residents, meets every ther Friday at the different members' homes. Those belonging to It are Mr. and Mrs. Ljwts August Belmont, f I.atchoB lane, who last en tertalned the club; Mr and Mrs, William II. Wonamalier, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Croft, Mr. ahd Mrs. Thomas Patton, Mr. and Mrs, Walter1 Bailey, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Voorhees, Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. William Glenn and Mrc and Mrs. Frank Schaper kotter. nakbestii -Owing 1a tile shortngss of the winter afternoons Mr, and Mrs. Perclval Rob erts. Jr. will not be at liorae Sunday after noons again until early spring. As these Sun day afternoons pf Jfr. and Mrs. Roberts are always sueh delightful affairs, soalety can. look forward with much pleasure tq tyejr resumption during the spring days, when Fwhurst, their wonderful estate at Hartwttj, wfll look een more beautiful than during the wletw months. Mrs Harry Wyckoff, of Washington, P. O, who has been visiting hu oousln, Mrs. Braest A Sterling, of Narbertb avenue. rturntd home t week KOSEMONT-Tbwnas MtKeaa had as a guwt last week A. J. du Popt, of Wilmington, Mr and Mrs. R, W. Daniels have returned to their hoim, aer visiting friends In Sfc. roond, v. GERMANTOWN Mrs Francis Uoward WilUaw has wtjr ggiti4 h Army atul Navy HUf SocUty "" " wioUr ta tfee Bit ajut twos JuW Tiur4y mqrmtaga, Ttw a4t v,..i nt atna at tius Uni f th .it-,- flood,, when It did admirable work, and also at the tlmo of tho Spanish-American War. The members are concentrating all their energies for the relfef of the Belgian sufferers. Mrs. Edward Fell Lukens, of 147 West School house lone, will entertain at cards this after noon, In honor of her guest, Mrs. Charles Francis Ac"Ams, bf New York. Mrs. 'Lukens gave a luncheon of 14 covers, followed by bridge, jesterdfty nltcrnoon, for Mrs. Adams. Pink rose buds formed the docoratlons, and the guests wero Mrs. Alexander Do Haven, Mrs. Charles Mende, Mrs. Henry Rogers Swope, Mrs. Edward NewtOn Hartg, Mrs. II. H," Cooke, Mrs. James A. Aull, Jr., Mrs. Jesse Hnmlllon Ambler, Mrs. Henry Eaton, Mrs. Andrew V, Brown, Mrs. Ualnbrldgo, Mrs. I.. Curtis, Mrs Jame-j Mc Allister, Mrs. Walter Walls and Miss Anna Serrllt. Mrs; Edward Norman will entertain at dinner at the Manufacturers' Club tonight In honor of Mrs. Adnms, who will return to New York to morrow, Mr. and Mrs. George Grler Allison will return .Wednesday from Boston, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. William Hendro Lloyd, who has recently undergone an operation for appendici tis. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd will spend tho holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Allison. CHESTNUT HILL Mrs. William W. Adams, of Navahoe nve nuo npd Mermaid lane, has as her guest her sister, Miss Maudo Shattuck, of Boston. Mrs. Adami will spend Thanksgiving Day In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Patterson, of 7101 Chew street, are at present In Atlantic City. Mr. Patterson Is rapidly recovering from a re cent illness. Miss Eleanor Moyn nnd MIsa Marlon Moyn, of Graver's lane, will have as their guests Miss M. Hutchinson nnd Mrs. Horace Hutchinson, of Brooklyn, N. Y., over tho Thanksgiving holi days. WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Mildred Dallas, of 4019 Baring street, will give a luncheon today In honor of MIsa Ancta Jones, of Chester, who Is visiting her. Among the guests will be Miss Elizabeth II. Voorhes, MIsa Adele Bartram.Wcst, Miss Janet Heath, Miss Frances Hughes, MIsb Doris Mc Cnnn, Miss Ethel Clark. Miss Louise Soulas. Miss Erwyn R. Whltaker. Mrs T. V. Bolan. of 32J Preston street, has ns hor guest her sister, Mrs Fr Wlllard Wood, of Nicholas, Pa. Mrs. Wood has taken a house nt 253 South 21st street and will occupy It about December 15. The Saturday afternoon Bridge Club of West Philadelphia will give a charity bridgo and TOO at Hamilton Court, Saturday, November 28, for the Christmas fund of the poor of Phila delphia. The members of the club are Miss Hilda Oallcgher, Miss Mary Dohan, Miss Ella Ryan, Miss Mary Devlne, Miss Florence Loughlln, Miss Lucille Bowc, Miss Rosa Bowe, Miss Kiln Conner, Miss Maria Kelly, Miss Martina Kelly, Miss Mary Loughlln, Miss Marie Mc Mnnus, Miss Teresa McNulty, Miss Agnes Ryan, Miss Helen Shields and Mrs. Charles E. Waters SOUTH PHILADELPHIA At the fifth annual dinner of the men of Trin ity Lutheran Church on December 3 the guest of honor will be the pastor emeritus, Rov. S. A. K. Francis, who celebrated his golden Jubi lee as pastor several weeks ago. The dinner will bo a very fine affair and covers will be laid for about 00. The committee In charge, most of whom are well-known South Phlla delphlans, Include 'the following: Dr. John E. Scheld, Burton C. Simon, John P. Brooks, Peter H. Brower. J. Milton Deck, William Williams, Horace B. Simon, Dald H. Simon, Edward Carre, Henry Shetzltne, Jacob Frank, V. W. Storch, H. T. Whitehead, George D. Simon, George W. Shlssler, William E. Myers, Charles A, Shetzllne, Charles H, Shetzllne, Harry M, Shetzllne, Charles Shelter, Robert A. Hlmeback and Charles Hauser. Miss Agnes Mohan and Miss Marje Mohan entertained tho members of their 600 club last evening (Monday) at their home, 1527 Rltner street. Tho game was followed by a buffet luncheon. Their guests were Miss .Margaret Farrell, Miss Isabel Drumraond, Miss Sara Love, Miss Anna Mohan, and Messrs. Thomas Robinson, Lawrence Carlin. Frank Schmucke, Walter Jackson and William J. Kane. This is the first meeting of the season, and others are to follow every week at the homes of different members, Miss Ella Mae Young will entertain the members of her "bridge" club tomorrow after noon at her home, 1316 South Broad street. A buffet luncheon will follow the game. Her guests will Include Mrs. George W, Shlsler, Mrs. Thomas Simmons, Mrs. Harry Everllne, Mrs. Harry Husley, of Stone Harbor; Miss Dalsoy Wilson, Mrs. Richards, of Newport; Mrs. Knerr, Mrs. ,F. B, Stockley, Mrs. F. 8. Parks, Sirs. David McCoach, Jr., and Mrs. George McLaughlin, NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Warnbold have returned frqm their extended wedding trip and are now the guests of Dr and Mrs, J. Franklin Meade, of 2S2S North Broad street, while their new home on Wyoming avenue, Logan, Is being completed. Mrs, Warnbold, until her maniagi) In October, was Miss Helen James Meade; the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J, Franklin Meade, ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Young, Jr., of Mount Carmel, Pa., are being congratulated on the kblrth of a daughter, born November it. Mrs, young was formerly Miss Alice O'Boyle, of 367 North ?Sth Btreet. Mr. and Mrs, DMrles A, Carey, of 2S07 Dia mond street, spent the week-end at their cot tage. In Oeean City. ( MhM Bernadstte Goman, of 17) North lfth street. Is In Washington visiting her slsjer, Mrs. John Cojjway. , MUsHelsa Brown entertained at earda last AnlM at her hpme, 2040 North th Gtret Her guests will be Miss Bdltn Lar zalwe. MIsa Gladys De Camp, Miss Mary Wilkinson, Miss Helen 'Millard. Miss pearl Wastcott. Neville D Camp, Na,tbn!l Watson, Stanley Vanderitieo. Jafc FtHin. Walter Mutor and Ray fceott Mr and Mrs- J$ti Ttwuna of 72 Nrtn Bread mrt. f$v mvw lotewwl Hg epls, (mi BsfvrHr nlttbt la IwnVr ot Mr. and Mas. JIISS ELANORE IlISPIIAM Misi Bitpham is the daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Samuel BispUam. tea early in the month. DEBUTANTE AFFAIRS Miss Roberta Brown Downing Will Make Ilcr Debut at a Tea Today. One of the largest dancing teas of tho season wilt be given this afternoon when Mrs Robert W. Downing will present her daughter, Ml si Roberta Brown Downing, nt her home, 1G24 Locust street. Tho handsome rooms of the largo house aro nrranged with numerous palms, forns and chry santhemums. Smllax Is twined about tho ban isters of the stairway and every nook and corner Is filled with the flowers sent to the charming little debutante. Miss Downing will wear a lovely frock of whito satin and tulle, which Is mado with tho long basque bodice and outstanding tunic A number of tho debutantes will assist Miss Downing In receiving. They will Include Miss Hansell F. Earlo, MIsa Margaret H. Burton, Miss Anna Mary Walthour, Miss Ethel Hastings, Miss Inez Drayton, Miss Cordelia Blddle, Miss Huberta Potter. Miss Katharlno Z. Ogden, Miss Katharine Tenney, Miss Dorothea Oberteuffer, Mlis Elinor Judd Boan, Miss Ruth Mann, Miss Marjorle H. Mann, Miss Elizabeth Custls Yardley, MIsb Charlotte Fahnestock, Miss Ariean Miller, Miss Edith Grade, Washing ton; Miss Hope Malcolm, New York; Miss Julia Potter, New York, and Miss Prlscllla Beachum, Baltimore. A theatre party will be given for tho receiv ing party and additional guests. Mrs. Alexander P. Robinson gave a debutante luncheon at her home in Chestnut Hill in honor of her daughter, Miss Helena Robinson. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. William Dlsston will give n large theatre party In honor of their debutante daughter. Miss Paulino Dlsston, who will make her formal debut at a dance to be given at the Bellevue-Strntford January 20. The guests tonight will number about 70. They wll bo entertained at supper at the Bellevue Stratford after the theatre. LANSDOWNE Miss Victoria Hays, oj Germantown, was the week-end guest of Miss Cecil Ryan, of La Crosso avenue. James H. Walton, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Walton, of Shadeland avenue. Is III In the American Hospital, 1812 Wallace street Meanwhile, it transpires, Mamma hears a noise, And for just a second she loses her poise, She wonders if she, too, is listening to spoons, Wei mi out she is, but not those of full moona. ' IV The street was quite empty and all she could sight . y ' Tffts the glare on the conier-from electric So she called to theiight and said: "Will you please Come into my house,when I throw you that htia'' the keys,' VI After waiting much time a policeman appeared. He was very mueh moved by the tale that he heard, So he piaked tip the keys quof f opened the door, And he started right off the house to explore. U VJII Now, her slumbere afe troubled by 80m$th.in0 or otm She awake with a start, ami there stands her mother. She w't be mk, far at her parmt? SH( Ximfe Mm uniform, VfUh samdhady wutsfnup 1 v .-it fyf&iir WRITE of a maul who cavie home fijWjf fwnl TltWnk Where she'd reigned as a belle, had 11 7 ? Jy yt&ft And so she had sought that viell'earned Jun Jn vi Tho' she had enough beauty to muke SLr v young men weep, II III Fbolo kj C. M. Gtlbnl Sho was introduced at a large AT THE DANSANTS Milady of Fashion Is to Do Found at the Many Dancing Teas Each Afternoon. Before the Introduction of tho universally pop ular tho dansant how did society pass tho late afternoons that period after matinee or or chestra yet before tlmo to dress for dinner? But then that was In tho far distant past mercy I almost two years ago. For tho dansant has taken a firm hold on our affections and, many expressions of opinion to tho contrary, has come to stay. The Bellovue-Stratford rose garden has be come quite a rendezvous and on Saturdays shortly after 4 o'clock groups of fashionably gowned women saunter in, to be Joined later by tholr husbands, on their way home from the offlco presumably. Last week quite n number of persons wero soon dancing, among them Mr and Mrs. Thomas Earlo White, Mrs Henry Drinker Rlloy, Mrs. Charles Brlnton, Walter GllkjBon nnd Frederick Larnod, who occupied a tablo together. Mrs. Brlnton looked well In a costume of deep green broadcloth mado In tho redlngoto style. The gown had a loose panel of the material running from shoulder to hem and tho ovorsltlrt was longer on the sides, partially concealing a skirt of green vel vet, tho latter being used also to form tho girdle. Mrs. Brlnton's hat was of black velvet with a piping of moire taffeta and upstanding goura feathers. Mrs. Riley wore a smart frock of black velvet combined with taffeta, tho velvet skirt made qulto short and full with wldo folds of the taf feta as trimming. Topping this was a blouso of chiffon nnd lace, and the costume was com pleted by a jaunty black hat fitting closely to tho head. Another party Included Mr. and Mrs. Warner Earnshaw, Mr, and Mrs. Boulton Earnshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lloyd, Mrs. Schroodcr, of New York, and Charlos Bradford Fraley. Mrs. Lloyd wore n good-looking street suit of plum colored cloth. The skirt was made with four tiers and topped by a self-toned gtrdlo of velvet. White spats and a small black velvet chapeau trimmed with paradise feathers completed tho costume. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murphy also occupied a table, Mrs. Murphy wearing a becoming cos tume of tlaclc and white, and at another table Mrs. Horace Combes was most attractive in a severely plain black broadcloth suit worn with a feathered toque. For a very bad burglar, with pistols and such, Was working downstairs and with spoons was in touch ' So Mamma, in a trice, with great pres ence of mind, Goes to the front window and throws up the blind. .V The burglar got wise to this delicate hint. He heard every word and decided to sprint. He got out the back way and he used wen fits tega. No spoons the next morning to use for L.:i I I boiled eggs! VII Uaoollecl all this time this debutante maid Was dreaming of beauat and of more hearts to raid; And now in her dreats, oould it only earns true, There crept football games and a middie or two, IX But, qlcisl it's right here that my stary must stop. It isn't a middie, ifn anly the cop. Who has picked tp the keys and earn in ta hunt The vary bad burgter, tk gf this - 1. 1 . ,..,.i 1 ...11 ,i, 1 11 .) Arm 1, MISS ELIZABETH JANE COLLINS, daugh ter of tho Rev. Vaughan S. Collins, tv. D nnd Mrs. Collins, nnd Mr. Ernest Rhea Early, of Now York city, will be married tonight nt 6:30 o'clock, In St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church, Wilmington, where tho father of the brldo Is rector. Tho bride will be given In mnrrlngo by her unole, James Hopo Caldwell, of New York city, and tho ceremony will be performed by tho fathers of, the bride nnd bridegroom, tho Rev. Vnughnn S. Collins nnd tho Rev. John Alfred Early, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, nt Marlon, Vn. Miss Rebecca H. Collins, tho bride's sis ter will bo maid of honor, and tho bridesmaids will be Miss Kcllo Holker, Miss Ethel Burden nnd Miss Cora Yomnp, of Wilmington, and Miss Marguerite Munn, of Washington, D. C. Frank Scott, of New York city, will bo tho groom's best man, nnd the groomsmen will be the Rev, Ernest Johnson, Olnf Cudllpp and Paul Holter, of New York city, nnd Alan Tumor, of Char lottesville, Va. A reception will follow at tho homo of tho bride's parents, tho Rev. and Mrs. Collins, 1011 West 10th street. After a wedding Journey Mr. and Mrs Early will be at home, at 3M West 03th street, New York city. Ill OCK-IlI-OCIt A wedding of Interest In Montgomery County as well as In this city was solemnized last night nt 6.30 o'clock at the Hotel Adclphla, when Miss Clara Bloch, daughter of Mr and Mrs M. L. Bloch. of 1633 North 33d street, was given In marriage to Morton E Block, of Norrlstown. Tho ceremony was per formed by Rabbi Max D. Klein, of tho Adath Jcshurun Temple, Broad and Dlnmond streets. The brldo's eldest brother, Lester M, Bloch, was master of ceremonies, nnd sho was at tended by Miss Henrietta Bloch, her sister, as maid of honor. Miss Margaret Brown, of Balti more, Md.; Miss Ethel Harris, of New York; Miss Ruth Slckcls, Miss Marjorlo Abrahams, wero bridesmaids, and Miss Solma Block, tho bridegroom's niece, was flower girl. A gown of whlto satin and rare lace, a fam ily heirloom, was worn "by tho brldo. Her lace veil matchod tho trimming of the gown, nad was her mother's bridal c!l. It was arranged with ornngo blossoms, and sho carrlod orchids and llllcs of the valley. Tho maid of honor's frock was of peach-colored satin trimmed with tulle of tho same color. Mr. Block had his brother, Mron Block, of Norrlstown, for best man, and the ushers wero Gustavo Bloch, Alexander Bloch, brothers of the brldo, Morton Colin, Milton. Tagol, of Nor rlstown; Bertram Wise, Emll Rothschild and Ross Hoffman. Tho service was followed by n dinner nnd dance. Mr. and Mrs. Block on their return from a tour through tho South will llvo on North 33d street. ALONG THE READING Thero will bo a concert nt BcecTiwood Hall, Jcnklntown, this evening, at 8:15 o'clock, tho proceeds of which will go to tho Ladies' Auxil iary of tho Ablngton Memorial Hospital. An elaborate program has been arranged, In which the following well-known artists will tnko part: Mmo. Margarotho Boye-Jenscn, contralto, Thad dcus Rich, ilolinlst; Claf Jensen, piano, and Hans Kindler, 'cellist. Among the chaperons of tho affair will bo Mrs Beauveau Boric, Mrs. George W. Elklns, Jr., Mrs. Laurence Butler, Mrs Marmaduko Tlldon, Mrs. John Newbold, Mrs. AVhnrton Sinkler, Sirs. John Grlbbel, Mrs. Daniel Wcntz, Mrs. James Bayard, Miss Mnrgaret Fox, Mrs. Henry Mlddleton Fisher, Mrs. William Fretz, Mrs Paul Cllno, Mrs J. Howard Ervlen, Mrs. Milton K. NetlTor, Mrs. Penrose Robinson, Mrs. Franklin Watson, Mrs. Howard Wilson, Mrs. Richard H. Harte. Mrs. Henry Thlssell, Mrs Andrew Grlfllth.Mrs Georgo Satterthwaltc, Mrs. Charles E Schwartz, Mrs Paul Fullman, Mrs. C. A. Walter, Mrs. M. Boyle, Mrs. II. Bubb, Miss Gertrude Smith, Mrs. Harry Ambler, Miss Susan Fulmer, Mrs. James Butler nnd Mrs. Emlen Stewardson. TIOGA Mrs Elwood A. Steelman, of 4914 North Camac street, entertained her card club at luncheon nnd COO today. Her guests were Miss Mary Weldon, Miss Alice McFadden, Mrs. Datd Tlmmons, Mrs. Raymond Brooks, Miss AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC BURTON HOLMES THTS FR!- EVE.. 8:15 1x1x0 SAT MAT 2:30 SCOTLAND C0o, 75c. $1 at Heppe'i 25c Academy Bentnt Woman's Asuoclallon M K Hospital Tues. Evg., Dec, 1 ENGLAND Pnnvacf s Weeks Only. Tonight at 8:18 V UllCfll srat Thl Week Wed . Thure . Sat. EXTRA MATINBU TIIANKbQlVINQ DAY Oreateet Danclns Show on Karth Thoe, W. Ryleys Musical Comedy Co. of 85 QUEEN & MOVIES Popular Price Wedneiday Matinee. Het Seat SI SO. 'RTJHA'n TWs Week Only. Egs. at 8;I5. ""'-'".Ay Mate Wedneeday. Thursday A Haturday. EXTHA MATINEU THA.N'KfalVlNO PAY CHARLES IltOUMAN I'reaenu JOHN DREW In THE PKOOiail. HUSDAND Next Week FRANCES hTAIUt In THE SECRET METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE METROPOLITAN OPERA CO, NEW YORK TONIGHT AT H O'CLOCK OSCA sa-. Ms iimee. farrar. Sraelaui Jartinelll, Soottl, Rossi. Ananlan. Conductor. Mr. Tomantnl State now on sale. J 100 Chestnut Street. Telephones. Walnut TOSS; park 069. LVPTP POPULAR MATINEE TOMORROW I JUU TONIC1HT AT 8 :15 BEST MUSICAL SHOW IN TOWN1 "HIGH JINKS" A HEAL MUSICAL JOLLITY! TIIAXKBCIVINQ MATINEE THURSDAY A "TiW "PTTT VosmvHLY last t tImbsi AUikLf-rni Thanlje Mat. Thursday TUB BI00B8T UiVQU SHOW ON SARTill A PAIR OP SIXES "A fare that cures , crouch " BulMio. Next Woe; Tas Sensatloml TODAY" W1THHRSPOON HALL, Friday Kvj . Ntw ST. at 8. The Most RemarkaU Lecture liver CHvta" B Helen Keller $&& Ttekets, fits) A l-6- Box Osltoe. WW- witji BWsT. MME. LOUISE HQMJ5R Her Only Recital Here This Season THURSDAY KVENIfcSl PBCBUBBB ad, AT 8 U THE OLD UT1MU TODAY n Xfte AND laW THB WALNUT HOMESTEAD New Wejsk TH I-WTLS IsOflT 6lTit" NixoN a 1 in old rtfuji. uyi RRAND iTIASfc.i r j . . .. 1 ygm . j?Aii ha. 1 ippi & w v iiif-? tminflPi Kalhryn quems, Miss Jennie Qurns. Mis Edna MoFftdden, MUi Carl Schoeffef, Mrs. William Voorhees, Mrs. Victor Beck1 ahd Mm Zano Hofman. FRANKFORD "Captain Rackett." a. comedy In three nets, will bo Riven ty tho Prankford Dramatlo tfftflj -on Thanksgiving night at Assembly iraif,f Herbert Newton and a party of friends hay returned this -week from a gunning- trip to Maryland. They were successful in bagjrln a number of rabbits, 1 Klwood McKlnley and TV. Yahn havo r. turned from a sunnlnff trip at WIlllamBport. , Tho Bymphony Society, of Fraftkford, will Blve their concert December 3, under tho di rection of Carl Clemens. Miss Elsie Baker, of New York, nllt be one of the soloists, The Oeorso T. Smith Fluto nnd Drum Band, will hold their fourth annual entertainment and, banquet Wednesday night at tho Knights of Columbus Hall. KENSINGTON Miss Ilcbecca Korman, Miss Gertrude Wilis, Miss riorenco Schbppe, Miss Frances Haskell nnd Mrs. Anna Craig spent tho wcek-crtd at Stone Harbor ns guest of Mrs. It. Day. Dr. E. J. Mitchell and his mother, of 251J Frankford avenue, will spend ThankBgtvlne in Now York. Mr. and Mrs. r. It Plcrson, of 720 East AIi legheny nvenuo, havo just returned from a sir months' stay nt Wlldwood, N. J. Trinity Presbytorlnn Church, Kensington, 111 Blvo a bazaar Saturday, December S. ' Thoro w'lll bo nn attractive entertainment on Thanksgiving night at tho East Baptist Church. Flans are under way for the Winter Car nival, to be held In tho Union Tabornacle early In January. Tim Kensington Kennel Club will glvo Its nrst dog show of tho fall senson next Saturday, November "3. WILMINGTON One of the most novel attractions of tho season for local society folk will bo a fashion feto, to be given on Thursday ovenlng, Decern 3, at tho Now Century Club for tho benefit of the West End Heading Room. A living review of stles will bo given, representing' tho dif ferent decades of tho past century. Tho com mltteo In charge consists of Mrs. Cazenova r Lee, Jr., Mrs. John Percy Nlelds, Mrs. Gcortf? A. Elliott, Mrs. Frank S. Garrett, Mlss,Emllr P. Blssoll and Miss Katherlno Dunham. Dancing will follow at the conclusion of tho fashion fete. 1 Tho Bachelors Ball tomorrow night will bo tho big social event of tho week, f It will "bo held In tho New Century Club auditorium, Tho hostesses will bo Mrs. James A. Droper, Jr., Mrs Harry G Haskell. Mrs. MncMlllan Hoopes. Mrs David D. Ilankcn, Mrs. Paul E. WHsbri; Mrs. Leonard A. Yerkes. AMUSEMENTS Academy of Music Tuesday Afternoon SALE NOW OPEN lbo Chestnut St; Dec. 1st (At 1:30) Monster All-Star Benefit FOR THB Belgian Relief Fund Hurry for Seats AND REMEMBER EVERY DOLLAR , WILL HELP FEED THE Starving Belgians AND YOU'LL SEE THB GREATEST. BI"ST L MOST VARIED COM BINATION OF BIO FEA TURE3 FROM ALL THI THEATRES, EVER WROUGHT TOGETHER IV UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE UNITED THEATRE MANAGERS OF PHILADELPHIA SAMUEL F. NIXON CHAHIMAN I THIS CITY, ' PRICES 50c TO $2.00, WATCH THE DAILY PAPERS' : : : . 7 ,, ,.lrV iJlltlbUlUU OU HOUSE I Oreatost PbQtnnUis Aft, I to 5. 10 $ 15c Evg 7 to 11. 10. IS, V4 THIRD CAPACITY WEEK THE SPOILERS Tnlce Dally Afternom 2 SO. EvcnJnrt 8.SO 1'rseedtU by Dajly ChanKo Flrit-Itun picture. ' V'l"J EtE at SilS. Wed . rtuirT. Sat.1. UcUllLiV Mats Thla Week BVritA MATINEE TUANKSQIVINO PAT f , POTASH & PERLMUTTER ynJ 5 A-?A Popular Prkw Wednenday Matinee. Uui Seats !,& TH8 MARKET ST ABOVH ISTtf omA XTT -rov CONTINUOUS 11 TO ll STANLEY ADKLB FARBINOTON THBATRB. "UUUWTttX MUUSJU" Thursday, and Saturday MAY IRWIN. In 'MB! .3 BLACK IB BACK" GLOBE MARKET STKBWr OPPOSITH WANAMAKHn'S s uoniiomxw vaodevine 11 99-119 PJX "The Bachelor Dinner" $$ y viim w- y !fr .!va vtflHfV' , ai itm B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE ao TH4.rjcByNa yMrrrAi; Q7HBrtiiM Oe aioW Me4le, BoMjr Mw, SK iTKmm. Mortao ai Auitg. aad Qthaa. " T S3TrvB ORPHEUM JfKSvS PAINTING THE TOWN NOV W "THS OVBMW8 &MT LITTLE 3rt "Hindla WaH- TKATR TMrPigSTS lTtAP)UMCy TiTtn rt .t ni a DLMLtti-r mm u iM&AM&it&: EMPIEE MATINEE TOPAf - r rufcAWMB ,i. )&. -jf v wm t. in- --SM- m tf 9 h 0 0 8 6 3 3 3 7 9 .2 .9 13 A T 3 2 t3M 1
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