j.iifeiifflfc V tt a. IN . I- E 1) tf K R ,ljjp t: j i i i ii iiiiiritliw'iiVii ii .rs . .. - -1- s,y. tJtfVW'-rvtBfcvXU In1! tffti; iTf f?ffr ' -- 5-, r- vTT j 4' 7 f f - 3 i jPKty!wyyjwwiM'- !aTFT Tm "-f i . iffi ' iSfV&V"-.. .? - j.. NIGHT EXTRA .a '-is XTRA . ; ,!? ' s TTS 3 VS ?ir4ATtmiUJ.OV 1CMBEB 2, 19 t GMT OL. I-NO. 02 PltILAl)BLPniA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1914, CoriiTonT, 1014. sr in Pdruo Lxrara Courinf . price ojoj aBorar v TO German Aid Rushed to Poland Relief Ship Fund Complete 300 Bodies Voice Commuters' Protest 25 Perish in Shipwreck SCENES AND' EVENTS IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY .&2&0 V ' . T.i "-'. e. ftTs - - '.'! ,..v... jWA-H (SKI i . ... ",- 4-" ;- ' i HT i4k: '. Sc&&l vt t . - ,. i : vj.iA.wSJ..5;".5!-, j. ' . THANKSGIVING TURKEYS ARRIVING BY EXPRESS It is estimated that 100,000 turkeys arrived in the city yesterday. Wells-Fargo Express Com pany wagons are shown here unloading several crates at 24th and Chestnut streets. Price ranee from 28 to 32 cents per pound. - . t I 7v 't - i a JJ.?7- -Is.K. " VC IX 5"i.Ti. . '".- T .;, f- Ji.!v ' ' " ' W?-4 &-; K (i ' OTKif '. r -" i . , - , r '! iiiiMiiiii'i Hilaiiii iiVif in i ' 'i ii IB 1 - . " " n .'' "; : J' . .. ..,----l 3 BpJ li - ;ij I. I .i 4. m. i..--:' . s .-ivJ A qRATE OF FINE GOBBLERS The recent outbreak of foot and mouth disease has had little effect on the tur- key crop. There will be plenty for Thanksgiving. v iff. r. v. ' Jffitet:;-' A i. w. Et,C" !y : u&mf'i , ?, " 1 -: ' HMi'l 'iJWff W iii'iIT iff MM ill II . ISi irMMi.' ,WBMHHE 7l aVflSsWilwvVak AbHhIIBbbH f v-'i Mi; ,Www nFiryffMffaM Iff :-fMPi- KwamaBm m nM; ',,, HHHHBBPv -Wm sXB .. fl 'danVflar ' -111 Warn . hdimMMsS'sm v". fMP . ..c.:.' i.. iwaw tncffiKinn I .iRP" ---' rmmMmMzMBm - '03M !. : i-. fc..' " ,'Ji f '. I'hoto by Bain Nwa Beri-Ico, SOUTHERN BELLE ENTERS CAPITAL SOCIETY Miss Elizabeth Harding is.the daughter ofW. P. G. Harding, of Birmingham. She is one of the belles of the Southern city. This winter she will spend in Washington, where her father is a member of the Federal Reserve Board. She has already made her bow to society in Washington. i ' ' ffi ii 'ill tjttiMtirSiMBBBWBWWBBMBM cSPIVIHIBHnQIB? SM1BiBrJmrHkT9l nSrVH'&KEL-jRLirjiWiM HK - d.M4stB m Wft H ' Hi FORTY-TWO RABBITS FELL TO THIS PARTY That rabbits are still plentiful in Monroe County is evidenced by the photograph, showing the results of a two-day gunning trip into the mountains near Stroudsburg by four Quakertown gunners who succeeded in bringing down 42 rabbits, five pheas ants and. one woodcock. The party consisted of William and Charles Blnkley and Harry and William Derstine. Photo br TJnaerwooa & Undtrirood. WIFE OF CHIEF BRITISH AVIATOR Among the prominent arrivals on the steamship Adriatic from Liverpool last Friday was Mrs. Claude Graham-Wjiite. ien .! ; iM Jtt"$M2'$& -i ,Twm muz x. ISM4lalfBr9KaKnB'9llKT bhPt!5tr,!7' J ilfe. Ja Fb ali?'3fii'iif .tt ?l3H HI WKSmF??'-' Jk mmmimlmmmwmm B AXHxluTOR'BBHBiiri'P nu war rttwwwcwoc FR0M SOUTH AMERICA TO PHILADELPHIA 9 The Mother of I? oSS "hv ? ? p iUF?ERS Tl occlo U the nret approach to the Indian tiger that the continents of North ad jBWC Wbiw tta NwOToS iLwL& uu & ? Iouth Ameflca n.PP1- TW Pii9 is another brought by the UnivrUy t BHlL hit o iSr t& KMlb? .ftL.T P-muylYwb exp4Mi & the Amazoa region. He is not as'lirge u ths tfgr, !:'!! MP! ! rs5Mr.SJ? !y?iQ;S?': wiT liSlSKS wS 4s'' M ,-'4iflV;, rafc- " .. : t. KjVAhhhI ' HBfiSSBS Sall '" niiuimnnHMiiMwm ii i ' ' rin ..rIttiT-Mll- I' im jLtJwjbpsjM' t fkui'iaisr. FIRST OF NEW AUTO PL8ET FOR MARKET DELIVXRY Very . handsome is the new motor high-sp) u; of the Tettruna! Msikct Delivery Company It is finished in greet, red and guid, with the attecduus iu uliJ- lira: w;i.. Irnu. e tan wui , alftw rjuJljr. V A r-- r jiiip " " " ""mp mmw iiiiii''iwi11' -wwm n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers