.?t9fV$fin auamBammnmBmBKMaBmnmmmammmimmmmmmHmmmm3mLjmMummMu,w-mui'" - . - --?., .,.. -,4feM,,.jaw ;W"PMW " m ' f E i!rj"''".".,?f-' KVlONIXft LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 191J , r -r- r ff fctT"''" SCENES AND EVENTS IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY i H&. JM - fiff n 'HbHHMv hIbmw - iiimii ljHHv T lk-i yiL, v. R'St ' f HishbbbKh&. v ? y.y' flffcvi IS.'.! If W;':- ' IMAM A T1AIr,er,M jffiF&Vl&'u J ' tl 'r'- these presents, Intended for a House of Correction inmate, ww confiscated . mP'z If m Wi WILLIAM A. PATTERSON MmV W ftL J. , """ , when a guard discovered the drugs hidden as shown in this illustration. I ESri if ft w?f Superintendent of the House of Correction, Holmesburg. ..Wsm , J$g4fil MPMW d m. nV i W Be" m- rr "DOPE" INTENDED FOR A HOUSE OF CORRECTION INMATE These bottles were found concealed in the clothing of the wife of one of the Holmesburg inmates when she came on visitors' day. Superintendent Patterson declares he has much trouble preventing such liquids from being smuggled to persons undar his care, as all sorts of ingenious methods are resorted to to get ' ' . . such articles past the guards. "SPECK," HIS OWNER, HAYWOOD GAY, AND FRIENDS "Speck" is shown just as he was caught after another one of his expeditions, which have kept the home of Prof. A. T. Gay, at Swarth more, in a commotion. The baby Shetland's specialty is getting tangled up in lace curtains and ruining flower beds. DRUGS CONCEALED UNDER POSTAGE STAMPS ON LETTER This illustrates one of the most ingenious tricks ever tried to smuggle a pow dered drug into the HouseVof Correction. A small quantity of "dope" has been laid on the corner of the envelope and the stamps carefully pasted over it. To the right is a coin intended for an inmate concealed in a piece of harmless- -- looking cardboard. ' -;- .. . i. v :r. i. WITH THE WITS AT HOMEANDABROAD .! & i 1 Mi- ftn &.' M 'bG-KEAT PRESSURE 15 BEING EXERTED ON OUR LEFT AND RIGHT. OUR POSITION REMAINS UNCHANGED. 9 - r i i ' X From the Chicago Evenlnr Pot ILLUSTRATED WAR PHRASES NO. 12 , . A Natural Mistake London Scot (proud of Ills English) AwMt be name aboot 8 o'clock the ntcht, sftW BRytyet or Operator (obedient to Gpvern- mein;tnietions) No foreign languages, mete. (put oil.) Anrthlnir for a Good Tight (iMj-OI don't see what th' towers idiL want to be scrappin' ror, anyway. a-Jrln-Ta don't, eh! Then, begefrra i Uom poor spJejmin av an uinan- TtiHu Boton Transcript- Hia Mistake Serious ' ' nf e'p a, self-made man." l Know. lie surety maae a imsiaxe in . eaDSUlling an qaperi. -uoiton rica &' sssssssssflllSil"-Sl P HHillilvJtlte ?'- THE KID'S CHRONICLE EiiUftMy IguortUlt NilkMf Is' kijuu Mt Yiltfi' feb' BliHUt that ftff itm A" aeWi ts neUMli"." We was eeting brekfist this moarn ing and pop was stirring his kawffee, and awl of a suddin he scd, It looks like rane. Wy how reedickilus, sed ma, the sun is shining and thares not a cloud in the sky, O, my error. I beg yure pardon, sed pop, I sed it looked like rane, dident I, I beg yure pardon, its kawffee. Wat do you meen, wats the kawffee got to do with it, sed ma. Perhaps, taking yure limited ex perience with the worlds grate wits into consideration, I had bettir repeet the idea in a body, as it were, sed pop, maybe a grate lite will atrjke you if I say it this way, It looks like rane but its not. its kawffee. Wiliyum, if I dident no you Id think you were krazy, sed ma, in the ferst plase it duzent look the slitest bit like rane and in the secojid plase dont you think I no its kawffee, and in the therd plase wats the kawffee got to with weathir it looks like rane or wat it looks like. Sents of humor, thy Bairn is not Mrs. Potts, sed pop. Iissen, my deer. maybe that grate lite is still sticking crround watting to berst awn you, ill say U this way, This flooid in my cap i kawffee, but at ferst giants I tbawt it was rane. Wat, sd ma, wy tbats lnvly kawffee. Im not reely refleckting awn the kawffee, sed pop, but you no nothing is to sacred to make a joak of in this age of freedom of tbawt, I jest herd that joak Iwt site and Id thawt Id tpruiK tt wuc it was. frH m my 4 w4tH m iftwitf pJp'WW "-v. BACKWARD i p ro v. WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND costs 38 sents a pound and you sit thare and say it looks like rane. wats the use qf buying the best groceries for this house, Id like to no, 33 sent kawfee and he sits thare and ses it looks like vattir. I sed rane, sed pop. Wats the diffrents, sed ma. No diffreats, to a seats of humor awl botwd rowid with a woIIcb striHg, p yo eo me, sed m. ' I H BlWy, sed gop, AM i"1. HiqF-pw -pfmypvymamv n 11 got up and went and put awn his hat. ana cjoit, saying, watur ana rane. wats the dfffrerttiL yce gpds and UttcJ boneheds, wats the diffrents. Owed It to His Wife "Uy wire made me a eucoess," remarked the man. "I am glad to bear ye aar tbAt." de- ) dared his paster., "tut he haa alway wd tobt .t'' The Beasoii, S"f(tfid-So you're going 'to give up your gh jie moterraarn 3-hauaeur Yt. I can't atand the (train. You ft comethlng on the street that you want to hit. and unlets it U right on the track you are helpUia. Puck. From th St. Loulj Poit-Dlipatch. JOHN BULL SEEING THINGS Starting the Day Wrong There .was gloom on the face ot the. New England (armor, "What'a the matter. Elijah?" asked hie nearest neighbor. "Flapjacks given out over to your house " "Worse'n that." said Elijah. "Vou know, 'twasn't apple year, and wife says we can't have any more apple pie (or breakfast." "Can't you make out If you have apple pie noon and night?" "I can, because I've got to," said Elijah, "but, I tell you, It upsets me; starting In the day wrong like that." New York Evening Post. Mere Man's Way He is exacting, I declare, You know the type, ,i He thinks bis wl(e should know just where He left his pipe. Kansas City Journal. In the Middle OUas "Wlfey What Is the seelal scale that U9 )vJ talk a mwlt about? HjpM-Tt to where they wstffe Ht-j4Hutf mqH hs,' Si1 ," Convinced of It "Do you believe there Is a higher power?" My dear sir, I married her."-Frtfin Life, A. Limited Number A man Who WAS nrlman1 n. ..... nr replied that he did not see any harm Sll I"" ,n ,t!" ald the minister. mL'.j'0 you not know the (Command ment. 'Swear not at all'?" "I do not swear at all," said the man. I only awear at those who annoy me." A Dead Eeply ,L.. "v me matter w th my over ta rtsa.np more," "q XUe Dodo. itioju ui Vogue of War Styles "Kftl net . h..... laT i ,:' . v" in L r.rkT.r "i''!! " '" WB. enaj Waar .arm (: .. I CHP uui. blt, th . -: -; A MLffnJTliirlif llMs V ill' ir-- " --'i liiiJiiiili'lii! Ifilliiniii ' i i Hi nw!sMBs,BssrnssMsssrss!niri siir 'i r '' imiaVlii i flsiiih iiiii i. nrstrnm i inslllTBBMHMrrTrralTrHnWWfcilltMiMwsM i ustn aWMiTMiHWh ifjrtWrTirPWtMTOBisrnffifcfPPlr I' i - " , - - . Tf TiTT"TrrrT"ln "TlfBllilgsmi BiBr ,fPri " " ' - Be?-; j.!-3 4Sj a. -a .-. fllilgfljIpHllSjlSSBMSBSSSSSassMaBBsS