Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 23, 1914, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 15

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    m afttHiwrtii"
.fiitUfeTi' i it
aMcmber of New York Com
mittee Says That Business
May Be Resumed Before
End of Week.
Tlio announcement made by the Speclnl
Committee of FIVe of tho Now York
Stock Exchange on Saturday that tho
olTer of resuming trading In bonds nt
minimum prices will be taken up, by tho
Governing Committee nt Its regular
meeting tomorrow, was supplemented to
day by the statement that the Governing
Committee favors this action and that
trading In bonds may be resumed before
the end of thin week.
One of tho leading members of the
Governing Committee Is authority for
this statement, and for the further state
ment that It Is Intended to extend tho
scope of trading cm tho floor gradually.
Next week or tho week after other depart
ments will be opehed for trading, with
tho bond dealings to be accepted as- a
guldo for restrictions In other Issues.
Members of the Governing Committee
instated today that all the banking In
terests In New York desire the resump
tion of trading on the board, and re
ports that opposition has been met In
that quarter are without foundation.
Tho reopening of tho Chicago Stock
Exchange was naturally regarded with
Intense Interest. There wero no signs
of a liquidating disposition on the Chi
cago exchange and bids were more plen
tiful than offers. The volumo of busi
ness was small and Included only a few
stocks in which there was more than
local Interest.
Sterling exchange wns strong, with
more ovldencc of operations for a specu
lative clement which Is supposed to be
buying exchange In anticipation of a de
mand for remittance against sales of
bonds for foreign account. Demand
opened at 4.83$i and cables at 4,S9'4.
iRelchsmarks went down to the low point
of S6, while Paris cables were In demand
at 6.10, showing a profit on gold ex
ports to France, but French bankers are
averse to talking about prospects of any
shipments of the metal to France.
The heavy surplus shown by the Federal
banks on Saturday has as yet had no
Influence on tho money market, and Is
fj not reflected in any increased offering.
Time money for all dates was In free
supply in New York at 5 por cent, nnd
call money loan's generally at 4i per cent.
On the New street curb bid prices aro
Copper, 47; St. Paul, 83; Great Northern
prefercd. 111; Brooklyn Itapld Transit,
821,; United States Steel 47U; United
States Steel prefercd, 1014: Baltimore
and Ohio, 6614; American Can 20-; South
ern Pacific, 82ft; Western Union, GH4l
Pennsylvania, 104tf; Central Leather, 3214,
and Union Pacific, lllli. Business on tho
curb was small bocauso of scant offer
ings, and transactions were scattered and
.mostly for small lots.
Copper metal was strong at 1214 cents.
It Is estimated that 100,000,000 pounds of
copper In all were placed on the upward
movement now In progress.
Tho Northern Pacific Railway has made
application to the New York Stock Ex
change to list $2,697,000 additional prior
l(en 4 per cent, bonds, due 1937.
New York banks lost to the Subtreasuty
8aturday,$2,21C00, and since Friday have
lost $6,912,000.
Tho October output of the Utah Copper
Company was 6,765,396 pounds.
Ten of tho 30 hot mills at the Shenango
tin plant will be operated this week as
the result of retrenchment on the part of
the American Sheet and Tin Plate Com
1014. Decrease.!
October cross $SS0,O41 $12,S20,
.Cfc .,.,,.,, .,..... ..,., UV.DU
Four months' groan.,.., 3.570.U8 $47,003
Net .., 1,005.401 Si, MS
Second week November, $sfin.U7rt $iai,noo
Fiom July i so,43l.3S3 1,834,828
fitcond week November. $10,1.13 $2,2.13
From July 1 44.'U3.i 42,271
Second week November, S12.ROO $2,320
From July 1 2S0.nS M.407
Second week November, $20,410 13.41S
nom juiy i , 4si,u&.f uu.aus
Second week November., I9S.04.-I .1RI
From July 1 1.7S0.EO.1 47,233
October oper. revenue.., $4,U0,M2 Slft.sso
Net 1,S0.1,2M 80,8.-l4
Four months" oper. rev. , 13,378, 1JW 180.373
Net ,.. . 4,083.450 018
First week November... S40.402 $729
From July 1...., 007,77 2l,132
Recond week November,. $172,800 134,723
From July 1 ., 3,603,01:1 335,317
Tear ended June 30
Total operating revenue. $31,B21.1SS $825,070
Net T7 8.700.000 78.778
Second week November.. S4,13fl $24,T3&
Fiom July 1 1,630.140 203,(03
Total operating- revenue. $lfl,0IIUT l.002,fU(l
Deficit 1.118.078 4.062,80
Bank clearins today compare with eorre
apondlng day last two years:
1014. 1B13. 1012.
Philadelphia. I21.010.0M $23,B87,485 $22,018,103
Boston .... 15,077,207 10,622.10! lO.WftBlW
WASHINGTON. Nov. St - Protests
fiom the meat and livestock business
generally against the proposed increases
in freight rates on cattle and dressed
meats aro pouring- into the Interstate
umintrce Commission. The stock men
ask that the Increase, which would be.
. ome. effective on December is. be sus
pended until public hearings can deter-. I
mine tneir reasonableness.
'lUCAQO. Nov. .-The Chicago Steek
f.jUianae reopened this JnorulBg after
tetttK closed since the day the war
eterted tn iturope. The first trade today
M 10 share ot St. Paul a 8H. tbe
'"' Pr U at U Ml JJy Jt
the bhU UeAc wu J llMM f V"m
rbid m mT tfMMM to U ahrj at
. r, aaauc prtce u coanBaraia wkk 1M aa
jusy W-
First Transaction of tho Kind nt New
Federal Institution.
The Pcnn Nntlonal Bank today rcdls
countcd $(0,000 worth of commercial pa
per at the Federal Reserve Bank of Phila
delphia. This Is the first member In
stitution of the new regional bank In this
city to take this action, and will be the
first bank In District No. 3, of which
Philadelphia has the Federal ' reserve
bank, to receive any of the new Fcdcrnl
reserve notes, which aro Issued against
tho collateral deposited by the Fenn Na
tlonal Bank.
Tho paper deposited by the bank, whlcli
matures within 30 days from today, came
under tho 814 per cent, discount hate, and'
was rcdlscouutcd by tho Federal Bcservo
Bank nt thh figure. Tho bank was cred
ited with $30,000 on the books of the
regions? bnnk and can now draw by
check against this credit, when the now
Federal rescrvo notes will bo Issued to It.
H. C. Ueltzel, assistant cashier of the
Pcnn Natlonnl'Bank, said not all of the
J50.00-) In notes will be taken out nt one
time, but that tho bank will take out
some of the notes this afternoon. The
notes will bo the first of their kind to
go Into circulation In tills city.
NEW1 Yontv, Nov. ai.-The turl market was
iron? nt 1 o'clock, and quotation! wern iu
rollowa: Htntularil Oil of California, 2u.182na;
New Jcriey, .ISOWISSi PralrK nmptlSOi In
diana. 47,Wt77: Now York. lOOfMUl: Aiialo
American, MHttl.V Savoy, 7011; Union Tank.
M1RM; Vacuum Oil. IKfllJWl: Mux well Motor.
144trU1: tlrrt iireferreil. -WHS; recoml pre
ferred, 17WIS: lli.iden. BW; Jumbo Exten
sion. 1 n-lrtffl"; Willys Overland, 71SR7.";
Ifegcman, WSH. oxtIkIiU: I'ront BharlnK. 12?
UtS: Clear Stores, 8.l,ft8n?.
NEW YOltlC, Nov. 23. The metal market
ivns steady today. Tin In five-ton lots nun .T.t"
fK14)lc; 23-ton lota. .".3Hc. bid; lead, .1.MOT
4c; spelter, S.lSffS.Itic.; aluminum, IS.IiOW
Would Establish Ono Each In Central
nnd South America.
CHICAGO. Nov. 23. A plan Is being
considered by bankers and business men
In this city and Towa to establish a
branch bunk in a thrifty city In Central
America, nnd other branch on the west
coast of South America to develop trade
relations between tho United Stntes nnd
thogo sections. The proposal developed
after the delegates returned from the
recent Mississippi A'nlloy Trade Confer
ence, at Memphis,
The delegates agreed that a bank
financed by manufacturers and business
men In the Mississippi Vnlley must pre
cedo trado extension In the Centrnl nnd
South American ropubllcs. It Is pro
posed to organize a bank with a capital
of JjOO.OOO, each of 25 firms, to subscribe
for stock up to $20,000. Tho branches aro
not to compete with New York institu
Private Subscribers Expected to Tnke
Entire British Issue.
LONDON. Nov. 23. Thero was no let
up In today's rush of prlvatb Investors
to subscribe to the now 330.000,000
war loan. It Is probnblo that upon al
lotment none will be left for banltst and
Insurance companies.
"" Tho American group of securities was
strong In spots. Resumption of deal
ings in bonds on tho Now York Stock
Exchange; is being looked forward to
Reported successes by General Villa
wero responsible for heaviness In Mex
ienn railway securities. A belief that
the rebellion In South Africa has been
crushed Induced a better feeling In the
dealings in Kaffirs. Russian securities
were dull.
The Bnnk of Englandwas a -light dis
counter of premoratorlum bills. Rates
for loans and bills wero easy.
White House Cnlls Story of H1b In
tention to Quit Cabinet "Absurd."
WARHIKOTOV. Nov. 1 "Ahanril. rl-
dlculous and not worth dignifying hyV
denying it. this In effect was tho White
House characterization of a report that
Secretary of State Bryan was to resign
from the Cabinet March 4 next. Secretary
Tumulty laughed when the report was
brought to his atcntlon.
"If Secretary Bryan was about to re
tire, or contemplated such a step," he
said, "I think we would know of It. It
can be said with emphasis that there
Isn't a shadow of foundation for the
Secretary Bryan is on his way to Wash
ington from Miami, Flo., where he
spent a few days at his winter home. All
knowledge of the secretary's plans were
disclaimed at tho state Department uy
officials. The story of his purpose to
leave the Cabinet was to tne effect that
Mr. Bryan desired to devote himself to
the rehabilitation of the Democratic
party by having it align Itself defi
nitely against the liQUor Interest. Basts
for this news of tho Secretary's Inten
tion was found In an article over Mr.
Bryan's signature In the current issue
of his weekly paper, the Commoner.
Daring Robbers Obtain $300 Prom
Reading, Pa., Office.
HEADING, Pa.. Nov. 33. Almost within
the shadow of the Pennsylvania Railroad
depot In this city, Yeggmen early today
dynamited the safe In the office of the
Craw-Levick Oil Company, cpnrlscated
$300 In cash and escaped.
The company's establishment la lo
cated In West Reading, directly across
the new Penn street bridge spanning the
Schuylkill. Entrance was gained by
forcing a rear door, windows in sev
eral residences in the vicinity were
smashed by the force of the explosion.
A detachment of State police and a
posse of suburbanites started In pursuit
of the robbers, who are believed to have
boarded a coal train.
Dropped From Internal Revenue Serv.
ice by Democrat Superior.
WILMINGTON. Del., Nov. M.-That the
Democrats Intend to take all oflleea pos
sible was shown today when Daniel Bur
ton, of Millsboro, outside Deputy Collector
of Internal Revenue, reoelved notloa from
Joshua W. Miles, the collector, that his
services would terminate November SO.
Burton la it Republican, has held his
position (or a number of years and was
supposed to be in tbe olaaslfUd swvlee.
It is understood that Dr. R. P. Pl4chr,
deputy In charge of the office here, also
wilt be dropped and both plates filled by
It 1 expected the Republicans will
' ' t
Pw Aftr Murderous Geaviets
MOBILK, Ala., Nov. K-Aml with
sbotsuiu) wl expctic a iispcrate bat
tle, a wm with bloodbotuw to4 u
huaUtag for ftvw ctsjvlts who lat night
ktUaA VflUta Mato. a. Iiumi of Uu cvtv
J'Vtet ctwn v at Cno. u4 t ten c, j.
Resting Oders Around
$1.20 for May, With
Demand Through Com
mission Houses Good,
CHICAGO, Nov. 23,-Scntlment In the
wheat tnnrket nt the opening today was
bearish nnd the market was easier. Tho
receipts nt spring wheat points were
large. There wero resting orders In the
maiket around $1.20Vi for May, and the
demand through commission house? gen
erally was hood. The market at Liver
pool wai easier.
Crop news from Argentina and Liver
pool wns favorable. It Is estimated that
tho stocks of wheat In tho Punjab nre
about 101,000.000 bushels, or about 4.000.000
bushels over tho supply last year nt this
time. Millers' stocks In Great Britain nre
large, nnd It Is expected that tho ar
rivals this week will be heavy.
Piospccts were for a good Incrense In
the visible supply In tho United State?.
Tho receipts nt Mlnncnpolla nnd Duluth
today were H32 enrs. against 1537 cars a
year ngo; nt Winnipeg. R47 cars, against
1M0; nt Chicago 171 cars, against 39. Ex
ports from tho United Stntes may de
crease In the near future, becauso of the
fact that Argentina's supply will soon
be available.
Offerings arc being made for January
Kcbruary shipment, nnd the bids are suf
ficiently below United States prices to at
tract business. Shipments from Ntfrth
America for tho week ucro 8,377,0C0 bush
els, of which 1,133,000 bushels were from
Canada. The stock at Liverpool Is 4,413,000
bushcle, an1 Increase of 98,000 bushels for
tho week.
Corn was easier under further selling
pressure of Dccombcr, which apparently
came from hedgers. Tho weather con
tinued fnvoable for tho movement. The
receipts here today were 242 cars. Tho
stock at Liverpool Is l.lCOJOOO bushels, nn
Incrense of 1S7.0C0 bushels for tho week.
The maiket nt Liverpool was easier, with
Plnte offers lnrger.
Oats ulso wero easier. Tho receipts hero
today weio 140 cars. Shipments of oats
from North America for the week wero
2.129,000 bushels.
Leading futures ranged aa follows.
.... . ... . Noon. Saturd'a
Nhrnl Hlah. Low. Ulote. clnxo.
December I.14J4 1.14ti 1.14K tl.1.1
May 1.20., 1.20ti l.'Olj tl.21'4
1'orn new ilclliery)
December 05ft fl.1T;, r,s 'niui
("nii- ',''J 70" "' '' t70
Deeember r.0', noli 40', wl
May . X, rait Kl4 M'i
November lf).M 10.50
January 10.1(1 10.15 10.12 HUH
MW'bs- t,0KO
.lanuary '11.117 ft.or. 410.00
Hay 10.30 10.30 10.25 llu.27
January IR.fW 1R.C0 1S.S7 IS.fifl
May 10.10 10.10 10.05 tlO.10
Uld. TAsked.
CHICAGO, Nov. 2S. HOas Hecelpts. 18.
OOo; markets 10c. higher; mixed and butchers,
7.10fl7.75; Rood heavy, $7.KW7.73; round
heavy, $7.107.4n: lluht. $7.10787.03: plBa, $5.50
4T7 40; bulk. J7.4087.flO. CATTLi: Receipts,
10,000; market ateadv; beeves, aO,f,0&in.,M;
cows nnd hclfcra, $.'!.75ft0; stockera and feed
era. 15417.10: Tcans, $7.4(VTrS.2.3: calvea. ta&
11.50. SHEEP Receipt. 15,00(1: mirkota 100.
higher: native and Western, $.1.500.15; lambs,
NEW YOIIK. Nov. 2T..-I)UTTEn rtrmer: re
ceipts. KU57 packages: creamery, extra, .141 if
:He : high acorlnir, .ISfi.lSUc; State dairy,
32A.I1S : Imitation creamery, 2341ir24!ic.
EGOS steady: receipts. 3S27 cases: fresh, ex
tra, firsts. 3SJT..0e.; fresh, nrsta. 3&ff37c : near
tiy, whites, 4ni7i:0c. : nearby, mixed, 35ffl2c. ;
special trarks, 25323Vc.
Modern Institution on Old Kaighn
Farm Cost $250,000.
The new West Jersey Homeopathic Hos
pital and Dispensary, at Atlantic and
Mount Kphrlam avenues, Camden, waa
opened for inspection today. The build
ing, which cost more than $250,000, will
be ready for patients December 1.
Popular subscription raised the funds
for tho purchase of the ground and the
erection of the building, the work of col
lecting the money having begun In 1910.
The sl.t-acro tract, known ns the old
Kaighn farm, on which the hospital Is
erected Id the highest point In Camden.
The building- Is of brick and stone and
Is three stories high. In the basement
aro situated waiting rooms. X-ray room,
operation room for minor Injuries, out
patient surgical department, pathological
laboratory, diet kitchen nnd linen room.
On the first floor aro tho offices of the
superintendent and head nurse, the In
ternes' room, nurses' library jind lecture
room, trustees' meeting room, receiving
ward, auxiliary diet kitchen and five
medical wards having 24 beds.
The children's public ward with 10 beds,
and 20 private wards for women, and two
suites, are on the second floor. An ob
stetrical ward and nursery are also on
this poor.
Interesting Subjects in University
Extension Course This Week.
Prof. Stockton Axson, of Rice Univer
sity, Texas, will begin this week's sched
ule of university extension lectures In
Association Hall, Germantown, this after
noon, with a lecture on "Society and the
Individual In Ibsen's Plays." James Her
vey Hyslop, formerly professor of ethles
and loglo tn Columbia University, will
speak this evening In Wltherspoon Hall
on "Psychical Research in Relation to
Telepathy and Spiritism."
Other lectures of the week will be
"Japan and the Dutch Bast Indies," Illus
trated with colored views and motion
pictures, by R. C. Andrews, of the Amer
ican Museum of Natural History, New
York, In Association Hall, Tuesday eve
ning: "Human Responsibility In Shake
speare'a Tragedies," by Professor Axson,
In Grifnth Hall, Tuesday evening; "Analy
sis of Shaw'a Misalliance," by Alfred H.
Brown, playwright and dramatle critic,
In Wltherspoon Hall, Wednesday after
noon; the fourth of a series on "The As
cent of Man." by Dr. S. C. Sehmucker, In
Association Hall, Thursday evening, and
"Happiness." by Mlsa Helen Keller and
her teacher, Mrs. Macy, In Wlthenpoon
Hall, Friday evening.
No decision wa reached by Vtee Chan
cellor Learning la th Camden County
Court today In tbe application (or a re
ceivership of the Ocean City Garden
ComsAuy, of Ocean City. The receiver
ship was Mked October 36 by WlUlam
Kene, Edwajrd Springer and Christopher
Hand- The eWlau of two re A14 to
bavv Men matfcJNMI tkavd Hand's eJUm, it
t su, would bv &M Utter-
I Federal Reserve Institutions Hold
! fiono At k nnn nl,i
WASHINGTON, Nov, Ji.-The Federal
Reserve Hoard today Issued tho first
weekly statement of the condition of the
new Federal reserve system, The stdte
ment showed that the la Federal reserve
banks, nt the close of business November
20, had on hand gold coin nnd certificates
to the amount of $208,415,000; legal tender,
silver certificates nnd subsidiary coin,
$37,30(3,000, making a total of $210,723,000.
Rediscounts aggiegated $5,607,000; nil
other assets. $91,000, making a total of
$216,445,000.' Tho capital paid In was $1S.
072,000; reserve deposit, $22713?000, nnd
Federal reserve notes In circulation,
Gold reserve ngalnst nil liabilities wns
S9 per cent., cash reserve 105 per cent., and
cash reserve against nil liabilities, after
.setting aside 40 per cent, 'gold reserve
against Fpderal reservo notes In circula
tion, was 105 per cent,
Redlscounllng privileges, tho Hoard
said, wns availed of to a considerable ex
tent In Now York, Chicago, St. Louis nnd
Knnsns City but the showing elsewhere
wns much smaller, Tho Fcdcrnl reserve
notes were Issued principally In Chicago,
New York and Minneapolis, but each of
tho teservo banks has been supplied with
nn adequate quantity of the notes.
Sun nnd Tides
0:51 a.m. un sets
Sun rises
4 30 p.m. 1
IIIrIi wnter. f:00 n.m. I High water,
Low water.. 12:10 n.tn. I Low water.,
High water. 2:4 a.m. I lllch water.
Low water., 0:22 a.m. Low water..
IIIrIi water. 12:.11n.m. I High waler.
II 2(1
water.. o.lT a.m. Low water,.
Vessels Arriving Today
Sir. Jolando dl Ocorglo (Nor.), Port Antonio,
fruit, Atlantic Fruit Company.
s!r- ?! Antonio (Nor.), Port Antonio, fruit,
united Krult Company.
Str. Lexington, lloston. passengers and mer
chandise, Merchant nnd Miners' Transportation
Sir. Indian. Jacksonville, etc., passengers nnu
merchandise, Merchants nnd Miners' Transpor
tation Company.
Str. Columbian, San Francisco, merchandise,
V. 1. Hagnr & Co.
Str. Joseph J. Cunco (Nor.), 1'ort Antonio,
fruit, Cuneo Importing Company,
Str. Lompoo (llr.). New, ballast, Clyde, L.
Wcitcrgnnrd &. Co.
Steamships to Arrive
Name. t'intii. Date.
Mongolian Liverpool .... Nov. 12
liuverrord Queenstown . .Nov. 11
Ancona Naples Nov. 'JO
Name. From.
. .Oct. 22
....Oct. 25
. .Oct. .11
..(Vt. .11
...Nov. 1
...Nov. t
...Nov. 4
...Nov. -I
..Nov. S
...Nov. S
...Nov. '7
. Nov. 7
. . Nov. HI
...Nov. 11
...Nov. 18
..Nov. 14
...Nov. 14
...Nov. in
...Nov. 17
...Nov. 17
...Nov. 1l
. . . Nov. 20
. . . Nov. 10
. . . Nut. 20
Virginian IIIlo
Hesperos Port Natal
Livonia Hull
(Hullo Ccsare Measlnn
....(lothenburtr .
inKinoy ....
l'rudcnjta .
America ..
William ..
oinrnitar ...
Oruikolda tic
Mariner. ..Ifinehostcr .
Illorneflord Lisbon
llorxland Shield
South I'olnt London ....
Iirl of lHtin Valparaiso .
llot.i Methll ....
i-oulilana Copenhagen
Nechea llalnoa .A.
Mneklnaw London
Alaskan San Tedro. .
Manchester Miller 'Manchester
Cronn I'olnt London ....
Helena. Rotterdam .
Cassiopeia Shields
Steamships to Leave
Name. For. Date.
Haverford Liverpool .:...Nflv. 23
(Mongolian (llasgow Nov.
Ancona Glasgow . .j. ..Nov...
Name. r'or. Date.
Missouri London Nov. 2-1
Iljorgvln Chrlstlanla Nov. S3
Chlltern Itange Lclth Nov. 2.1
VlrglnU Copenhagen . . . Nov. 1M
Thcinlsto llotterdam Nov. 23
Manchester Mariner. ...Manchester Dec. 4
Louisiana. ..Copenhagen . .Dec. 12
Crown I'olnt ....... ...London Doc. 4
Manchester Miller ....Manchester ...Dec. 17
South Point .1 London Dec. 12
I'otomae ...Lelth Doc. lu
Steamships Arriving Today
Name. From. Sailed.
Napoll Palermo Nov. fl
Marquette Ixindon Nov. 12
llotterdam Rotterdam Nov. 14
Steamships Due Tomorrow
Name. From. Sailed.
Franconla. ..Liverpool Nov. Hi
Hellg Olav Chrlstlansand ..Nov.lt
Chicago , Havre Nov. 14
Steamships to Leave
Name. For.
Ilcrgensfjord Hergen ...
Adrian? Liverpool
Taormlna ,.,.,Naplca ....
Oscar H Copenhagen
Roma iraraollles
Cameronla Glasgow ..
Nov. 24
Nov. 23
Nov. 23
....Nov. 2(1
No v. 27
....Nov. 23
Movements of Vessels
Str. Lusltanla (Dr.), for Now York, steamed
from Liverpool No ember 21.
Str. America (Nor.), for Philadelphia,
teamed from Uoston November 22,
Str. L. V. Stoddard, from Philadelphia, ar
rived at llangor November 21.
Str. Joseph Cuneq (Nor.), for Philadelphia,
passed Diamond Shoal lightship! November 22.
Mr Persian, for Philadelphia, steamed from
Jacksonville November 22.
Htr. Robert M. Thompson, for Philadelphia,
atsained from 1'ort Kads November 22,
Str Orlgen (Nor.),' for Philadelphia, steamed
from Port Kads No ember 22.
Str. Larimer, for Philadelphia, steamed from
Port Arthur Noember 21. .
Str. Herman Frlach. from Philadelphia, ar
rived at Sabine November 21,
Str. Teias. Philadelphia for Port Arthur,
ipassed Sand Key at IS p. m. November 21.
Str Toledo totvlng nchr. Delawar Sun. Sa
bine for Philadelphia, waa 200 miles west of
Tnrtugaa at t) p. tn. November 22.
Str. J. M. Uurrey, Port Arthur for Philadel
phia. ws'27S miles east of Sablee Uar at noon
November 22.
Str. Uulfstream, Philadelphia for Port Ar
thur, wa :I22 miles south of Hatteras at noon
November 12.
Str. Satllla, Philadelphia for Tampa. ai 03
miles south of Overfalls lightship at noon No
vember -J.
Sehr. Thomas H. Lawrence, Philadelphia for
Rockland, sailed from Vineyard Haven Novem
ber 22,
Steamships offer moderately to meet (he de
mand for prompt loading. Rates are firm. The
call market la unchanged.
Lady Iveagh (llr.). Quit to Nantes, grain,
13,000 quarter, 6s December.
Hlghcllfte (Dr.), 21.000 quarter, Quit to
London, grain. So. l4d.. December.
William 1. Palmer, 1GOU tons. Baltimore to
Mayport, coal, private terms, prompt.
Spiral (Nor ), SOU tons, Philadelphia to
Sagus, coal, private terms, Novomter.
Mascara (Or.1. 3201 tone. transatlantic trade.
Including Halifax and St. John, N. U., d
months. 64. 6d., delivery and redelivery United
Kingdom, November,
Ocean Monarch (Dr.), 2935 tons, same.
Bcottlsh Monarch (Dr.).. 3037 tons, transatlan
tic trade, 6 months, Ba. Gil., or If Including
St. John, N. II.. Qa. 2d., delivery and rede
livery United Kingdom, November.
Sebek 7ir., 2840 tooa, same. 2 or 3 round
trips, 6. 3d., delivery and redelivery United
Kingdom vU Canada, November.
Heltre (Br). 2714 ton. Mate, oae rwiad
trip. Be. Id., delivery Geaea. redelivery United
KLngdam or Havre via tor Oulf, NaveaaJMr.
Waal (Dutch), 70S tone, same, one retutd
trip, ens delivery and redelivery United
Wabaai fHr.h 2476 coo, same, one trip,
lump sum, XateO. delivery Montreal r4t
livery United Kingdom or France, November.
Detroit and Mackinac Railway, regular semi
annual !h par et. on common ana preferred
payable January 2. Books close Dsoeaiber 15
and reopen January 4.
Xtlando Coaat Line, regular quarterly 11.50,
payaHe Decunsar 10. Books oloao DenUr 1
aba retiea uwwatvw v
Mobil and BlnBlsabaDl. regular sual-unual
2 per ceat., paiabie January 2. UeoXs clou
peceiubar 1 aa4 reoewo January 3.
Sit and PUtaburgh, regular quarterly ! par
raoH wsHr aw va awes or reeera
rapu aod omm lwhsi,
E'ira XrZLr&TXZ
and Aitgutr. . mm. (-
obi . pa
0:01 or retoru ? jEffaK-.
Shipments of Fruit, Wine nnd Salmon
Arriving Here From Coast
A large cargo of fruit, wine and salmon
arrived here today from Pacific coast
ports, via the Panama Canal, and an
other Is duo tomorrow, Tho American
Hawaiian steamship Columbian docked at
Pier 31, South Wharves, from San Fran
cisco, etc., after n voyngo of 21 dnys.
The Ncches Is expected In tho Dcla
waro Cnpos this evening.
Steamship officials engnged In the At-tnntlc-Paclric
business via the Panama
Canal aro amazed at the rapid growth of
the trade. Freights arc offered In nbun
dnuce, Insuring n full cargo for every
steamship both on tho Inward nnd out
ward voynges. This Is due to the cheaper
freight rates when compnrcd with the
transcontinental railway routes.
A oolnparlson of rntes furnished by the
Luckenbnck Steamship Company Is given
In tho following table. The articles are
typical of the trafllc, nnd the unit taken
Is cnrlond lots, this being customary nnd
more convenient than the ton rate:
Westbound P.C. T.O.
Steel mates $100.i $.120.(10
Canned pooda ZUO.IM 3GO.0O
Lry goods (not otherwise
specified) 522.00 l.O'O.OO
Hardware .IWI.oo .1011.110
Helnir rnaehtnes (e. I.) lHO.m 'SOO-iiO
Hewlnit machines (1. c. I.).,.. 1.15 .1.,0
Tunned salmon 120.00 .110.00
Dried fruit IUO.(m) 140.00
Wine t.3 f.25
1'er 10,000 lb. ffer 100 lbs.
List Showed (Jains of From Two to
Six Points,
NUW YORK. Nov. 23. There was but
lllllo feature to the cotton market to
day, but tho list nt the start showed
gnlns of from 2 to 6 points. There seemed
to be a scarcity of December, nnd spot
houses continued buying that option
against sales of May.
Some accumulated hedge selling of tho
far months caused a slight reaction In
thoso positions after the call, but De
cember continued steady. Liverpool cot
ton; continued steady and quiet.
Revolutionist Counts on TJ. S. to
Maintain Peace in Far East.
"China nnd America alone enn main
tain poaco In Asia. Provisional Presi
dent Yuan Shl-kal seeks an American
loan so as to become Emperor. "Without
American assistance the dictator must
abdicate nnd tho Chlncso revolution of
1911 will become a fact. With money
from America Yuan Shl-kal wilt cause
another great uprising in China."
This Is the warning and advice of Gen
eral Hwang Using, tho "liberator o
China," and general of the revolutionary
army which brought about the overthrow
of the Manchu dynasty. Ho Is now liv
ing In seclusion at Media, with a prlcp
of $100,000 on his head.
"In speaking of peace in Asia," the
general continued, "I hope you will not
think mo presumptuous In placing China
and America side by side a strong na
tion and a weak one. But China is
strong. It needs only a stable Govern
ment, .1 rolcaso from Its dictator, to
become tho bulwark In Asia's pence. AVo
Chlneo who have come to this country
find tn you a desiro for prace and an
untlpathy to aggression, n feeling simi
lar to that of our own people."
General Hwong said Yuan Shl-kal can
get no money from the warring nations
In Europe nnd that tho tlda was turning
against him in China. Ho said the peo
ple or China appreciated America's stand
In refusing to be n party to the recent
Four ngents of Yuan Shl-kal are now in
tlflt country trying to negotiate a largo
loan to aid China's dictator In his
schemes. General Hwang said. "Europo
has boon thrown into war by a few
ambitious men," he said, "and what I
fear Is that a few ambitious men may
throw Asia Into a terrible war.
Carranza Garrison Attacked by
Forces Under General Angeles.
SAN LUIS POTOSI. Jlex.. Nov. 23.
Sbarp lighting bctuecn the Carrnnzlstas
garrisoning Guadalajara and the conven
tion's farce under General Felipe Angeles
Is reported to have been In progress at
that city, the capital of Jalisco, last night
Information received here states that
General Angeles proposed to capture the
city within n fow hours. If ho was well
equipped with artillery It is probable that
Guadalajara has already fallen.
First Shipment Received From U. of
P. Expedition in Brazil.
Have you seen tho agouti, the coate, the
guam and the ocolot? They are the
latest from Brazil, ono of the lands of
the maxlxe. The guam is especially
gruceful, but the agouti has many quaint
steps. The coate, guam, agouti and ocolot
dnnco occasionally, and especially when
These animals are guests at the Zoo
logical Garden in Fatrmount Park. They
have Just arrived from the Interior of
Brazil and form the tlrst consignment
sent by the University of Pennsylvania
expedition, now in South America tn
charge of Dr. "VV. C. Farabee.
Four Steamships Now in Course of
MONTHEAL, Que.. Nov. an.-Dasplte
present war conditions, the Canadian Pa
cific, has now four steamers building on
the Clyde, Two were launched since the
outbreak of the war.
The Motagama. sister ship to the Mis
sanable, a steamship recently completed
and put on the run between Liverpool
and Montreal, lias been launched nnd will
be rushed to completion. The four ves
sels are the Princesses Irene and Mar
garet for service on the Pacific coast,
the MIssanable and the Metagama for
service on the trans-Atlantic runs. The
Mlsianable and the Metagama have a
dead weight capacity of 7960 tons and
an approximate cargo capacity of 6000
tons. The Princess Margaret and Irene
are small steamers.
.I , ,1
Sixteen Companies Xeave Vera Cruz
for Philadelphia Today,
In accordance with the Government's
plan for the withdrawal of American
troops from Mexloan soil. 16 companies of
marines will leave Vera Cms today. They
will come north on tbe transport Han
cock and the auxiliary cruUer Prairie,
and will be quartered permanently at the
Philadelphia Navy Yard.
This, will be the largest number of men
ever quartered at League Island, and will
be in pursuance) of the Navy Department's
plan to make the: local navy yard the
largest marine ba la the country. Upon
their arrival br the man will be grant
a menth'i leave of atoence. a special dis
pensation greJiUd tntm 0 account of
their long vigil In Mexico.
With the aurtaiM will come Colonel I4t
tleton W T. Waller, who will succeed
Xajvr OMatfft 3rp Bftfoett co
taavutoet at lb 'oe 'WU ttion.
- 1 ..-. . 1. 1 I, , . , - - 1 1 i if 1, -
WIIIJAT. Receipts, 108,145 bush. There
was a fair export Irqulry nnd the market
ruled steady, titterings were moderate. Quotations-
Car lota, In export elevator. No. 2
reo, spot ana riovrroner. ai.Mtti.iit no.
re-i ivppirrn, eLiotM.
Duluth. J1.2:.HI.2SH
ft,101.22i No. 1 Northern
CORN Receipts. 2201 buili. The market
w dull and prices were 1e. lower. Quota
tion Car lots for local trade, as to location.
No 2 vellow, old, S2?8SHc.; steamer yellow,
old, sm!.!e.
OATS. Receipts, 7BR0 hush. Trade more
actlvo and prlcei c. higher. Quotation: No.
S white, MIMJ5.V.: standard white, SHV854C.;
No. il, white, S.li.1!,c.
1'I.OfIL Receipts. 2230 bbls. nnd 2,204,
701 lbs. In sacks, Offerings moderate but
ample. Trndo quiet nnd prices without Impor
tant change. Ouotntlona per 100 lb In wood
Winter clear, 4.7.r4.I)0i do., straight, J3
C.2S) do , patent, !3.rifjft.73; Kansas, straight,
Juta aacka, .'v.2Cjt,5.40; do., patent, Juto sacks,
I5.40ff3.03: spring, firs clear, S3.10itfl.30! do,,
straight, 5.a,-er,.t;0, do., patent, .G3.V00; do.,
favorite bmnds, nit.W); city mills, choice and
fancy patent, 0flO.r,O: city mills, regular
grades Winter, clear, 4.7."94.fH)i do., straight,
393.23; do., patent, 15.50(1,1.73.
IlVr. Pl.OUlt. Plow of sale, but valuea
steadily maintained We quote nearby and
Western In wood nt $5.5030.
Trade quiet and prices showed no Important
change. Wo quote: City beef, In sets, amoked
and air dried, mtfTOi.. Western beef. In acta,
smoked. 2'.(n0c. ; city beef, knuckles .and
tenders, amoked and air dried, 3o.11c.: West
ern beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked. SOW
Hie.: beef hams. MOSoS; pork family, 524025;
hams, 8. P. cured, loose, Hfjll'ic; do., skin
ned, loose. Mltffllo., do., do., smoked, 14H
10c: other hams, smoked, city cured, as to
brand and nvernge, l.lfllSvtc.i hams, smoked.
Western cured, lnxtBUe.; do., holled, bonelesa.
204121c: picnic shoulders. P. I', cured, loose,
lli)l12o.. do, amoked. l.lfflS'.ic.l bellies. In
rdrkle, nccording to average, loose, lOwlOWc ;
breakfast bncon, as ,to brand and average,
city cured. 1IW20C.. breakfast bacon, Western
cured, lny2fle. , lard. Western, refined. Ilerees,
12ftl2iir do., do., do., tubs, 12(fl2'ic: lard,
pure eltv. kettle rencleied, In tierces. 12Jt
12', e.: lard, pure clt. kettle rendeted. tn tubs,
Little trading, but values firmly maintain
ed. Iteflnera' list of prices: Standard gran
ulated. 5.1. V.. tlno granulated, O.lue. :
powdered. n.20c.: ccnfectloners' A, Be.; aoft
grades, 4.254r!..S5c
CIIIXSK, The market steady under small
aiippltcs, but trade quiet, quotations: New
York, full-cream, earlier receipts, choice, 15'
Vllle : do., du., current make, cholco. 15Hc:
do., do., fair to good, 14V4C1BC.: do., part
aklms, NJ71:ic.
IU.'TTLK-necelnts were light and the
market ruled firm with demand readily absorb
ing nil offerings of cholco stock. Quotations:
Wistrrn, rrcsh, solid-packed creamery, fancy
special", .'17e.: extra il.'c; extra firsts. M1S1
.'lie. frsts. :t0f?31e : seconds. 2nit2Hc; ladle
packed, 21W2.V.. na to qunllty: nearby prints,
tancv, 5Sc. ; do. do., nvernge extra, .inw.iie.;
do., firms, U2W35c , do., seconds, 3047.11 c.
Special fancy brands of prints Jobbing at 43
KtiOS. There nns a good outlet for the
limited receipts of fine newlald eggs and
values cro firmly held. Quotations: In free
ensca, nearby, cxtrn. 40c. per doz.; nearby
firsts, S1II.M) per Btandard ease: nearby cur
rent receipts. X0.0oni0.2O per atandard case:
Unmistakably Identified as
the Trespasser on Flower
Beds and Gardens at
It was following; a long: chase which
sent captive nnd captors many times
around tho CO by ISO foot lot at the homo
of Professor A. T. Gny. In Swarthmore,
that rlpeck was caught and photographed
today. Ilia picture has been wanted for
the collection for a long time, as he
stands unmistakably Identified, through
footprint evidence, ns the principal ag
gressor In many cases of trespass, when
(lower beds and gardens suffered. Ills
consistent infraction of household rules
has caused him to be regarded as Incor
rigible. Speck's record as n baby Shetland is
somewhat out of the ordinary. It was
just three months ago, when the flower
beds at Swarthmore were blossoming as
fast as they could, that Specie wandered
forth from tho paddock back of the sta
ble early one morning. Later, when ho
became tangled up In a pair of lace cur
tains left ovor night on the lawn by a
leundress who believed green grass the
best of bleachers, he was extricated, for
given and returned to his natural guard
tan. But lc was not long before he was
off on another expeditionary stunt. He
engaged for several hours along lines of
original research, paralleling and criss
crossing In every direction tho carefully
cultivated flower beds of the lawn. "When
discovered he was caught and returned
to the anxious mother In the paddocl: to
bo disciplined. Madamo Shetland's ideas
regarding her son did not include his
posing as a dilettante nor as a walking
udvertlsement for a garden seedhause.
Ho understood the strength of her ob
jection when he recovered from the kick
with which she icsented his aromatic
Properly discouraged In one direction,
however, he set forth hunting trouble in
another. In a short time he had scraped
an acquaintance with most of tho chil
dren of the neighborhood. Many n. young
ster resisted the temptation to eat the
last bon-bon to bestow It on Speck, Ap
ples and cake likewise were collectod for
him; and chocolate cakes intended for tho
neighborhood sewing circle were denuded
of their toothsome covering by Speck's
juvenile friends. Thus he came under
suspicion of silently aiding and abetting
juvenile delinquency, as well as of being
a receiver of stolen goods.
Speck Is owned by Master Haywood
a ay, but it la a toss-up as to which Is
Will Introduce Expert Testimony and
Ask Quashing: of Indictment.
GBNBSBO, N. Y., Nov. . The de
fense In the grand larceny trial of Henry
Slesrel, former banker and merchant o(
New York city, opened today. According
to the plans of John B. Stanchfleld, chief
of counsel for the defense, only two wit
nesses were to be called. They were Sid
ney Salomon, former manager of the 11th
street store in New York city, and II.
13. Fernald, an expert aoeountant. Mr.
Salomon is new manager of the Siegel
Cooper Company of Chicago.
Mr. Stanchfleld said that Salomon
would be asked to testily to the actions
Of Siegel on the day that the Austin
Nichols Company check for 164.66. the
amount mentioned in tbe grand larceny
Indictment, was issued. This was ex
pected to show that Siegel bad no per
sonal knowledge of the cheek. Mr. Fer
nald had compiled charts to combat toe
figures Introduced in the testimony by
Assistant District Attorney Arthur Train,
the prosacutor.
Before court opened Mr. staneheMd
aid: "It Is aay lntantlo to agk lb &t
Ustlatosy In reference to an alleged con
spiracy be struck from tbe recejfaV
the prosecutor aes failed to nmtjt We
CMxee y any resumes). TJee WOK
mjt ' faulty and etiouM be
Tfce t..at set forth do net
mftfl ereu '
Western and Southwestern extra, firsts, 10..O
per rase- do., firsts. 10.00010.20 per ci ilif.,
eceonas, 9 cvu.PV
per ease; Southern. fs.40
u per case; refrigerator eggs, at27c. per'
dot., as to quality. Fancy selected candu,
mer eeieeteii candW
fresh eggs were jobbcl out at 41510?
MVK. Demand fAlr for desirable aloelc
and values well sustained on thin description.
Quotations: Fowls. Mfflflc; old roosters, ltfi
12; spring rhlckens, according to quality. IS
Bloc.: lurkevs, lstJZw.s ducks. 140150,: geese.
14(fl5e,; guineas, young, weighing 2 lbs. and,
?y.cr..P,ce- fee pair, .73c: do,, weighing IB
lit lbs. apiece, per pair, 05f70c; weighing l
lb, apiece, per pair, me. ; old, per pair, twe.j
pigeons, t'r pair, lSQlSc.
DRESSED, Demand active for fine deslr
able-sited stock and prices firm on this de.
serlptton. Quotations- Turkeys Fancy, large,
spring, 244723c: average receipts, aprlnsr.ZiW
Sic: inrerlor, spring, IO132OC1 No. 1, old, 2d
0-22C Fowls, per lb., selected heavy. ,S0.8
weighing 4V,ft." lbs. apiece, 10c ; do., 4 lbs.
apiece, ll8c ; do., sit lbs. apiece, lfte., do,
n, lbs. and under, l3fT14e.j old roosters, dry
picked, 14e.j broiling chickens, nearby. Weigh
1'43 lbs. apiece, 20fl22cj broiling chicken,
nearby, fair to gooit, lturiRc.l chlckena. West
orn, i lbs, and over apiece. In boxes or bbls.,
dry-packed, 20c; do., do., do., Iced, loe ; do.,
do., :i' Ibe. apiece, fat, 17c I do., do., 2HQ.1
lbs. apiece, lsvifle.l broiling chickens, .west
ern, 1HQ2 lbs, apiece, 17c ; broiling chickens.
Western, fair to good, 1214c.j spring ducks.
Iflffl8c! .spring geese, lOWlRc. Squaba, per
dos. Whlto, weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per dos ,
$-MKM.50: white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs. per
dot.. V1.lOfl3.7Si white, weighing 8 .lbs. jr
dos., 2.50f)2.73: do., do., 7 lbs. per dox.. Vt
2.23; do., do., (IffOH lbs. per doz., $1.25al.03
dark and No 2, Me.C$1.10.
The general market quiet and without Im
portant cnange. vjuoiaiions: Apples, per ddi.
Jonathan $30.1.50: King, f2.Wft3.23L Dluoh.
$7.afl3 25 1 haldwln, f 1.739125! Clreenlng,
1.7502.25 Twenty-ounce, $2.K0fI3; rippln,
1.7532.:5! Tork Imperial. $1 5032; other good
-u,,ii 'Hiiriicv, ! .V""j i.ir.tiuiii. 9.1U..W.'
apples, Western, per box, $1(71.50: apples, Del
an aro nnd Pennsylvania, per hamper, 5oQG0
Lemons, per box, X34J4. Oranges. Florida, per
box. $1,7302.50, Clrapcfrult, Florida, per box,
$l.5flfr.1. Pineapples, per crate rorto men.
t.25f 13.23; Florida, $1172.50. Cranbcrrie". Car
Cod, Harly lllack. per libl,, $3114; do., do., do .
per crnte. 75c.ft$l.n0: cranberries'. Jersey, per
crate 73e.fi$l.,j'. l'ears. New Tork. per hbl -
Seckel, $.1,5005; lleurra IIosc. $4(15.50: Shel
don, $4?n; llcurre Clalrgeau, $2.50iT.1.5O
Ileurre d'AnJou. $2.25fl3.25: Ducheaa, $23j
Howell. f2R2.50; other varieties, $203. flrapes.
New York Concord, per 8-lb. basket. 13815c,i
do., per 4lb. basket, 10311c; Niagara, rr .,
lb. basket, 8llc; grapes. Concord, per 20-lb.
basket, 3OS40C.
Trade fair nnd values well sustained on
choice atock of moat descriptions. Quotations:
White potatoes, per hush. Pennsylvania, 6R47
(12c.; New Tork, 4550c.! white potatoes, Jer
sey, per basket, .IStNOe.; sweet potatoes, East
ern Hhore, per bbl. No. 1, $1.75B2.2J: No. 2.
l: sweets, Jersey, per bbl. No. l.f $303,501
No. 2, $282.23: sweeU, Jersey, per basket, B0
70c. Onions, choice, per bush., .COfrOOc: do.,
oidlnary, iier bush., 40843c.: do., choice, per
10O-lb. bag, Il.limi.1.1: do., medium, per 100
lb. bag, 85c.7$l: do., seconds, per IO0-lb. bap,
tOSfiOc. Cabbage, domestic, per ton, $7ps;
do., Danish, per ton. $10311. Cauliflower, Near
Tork. per crate 73e.(T$1.3C Lettuce, Florida,
per basket. $101.25; do., North Carolina, per
basket. 75e.O$l. Ileana. Florida, per basket,
$101.73; do.. North Carolina, per basket. $l..S
02.20. Celery, New York, per bunch, 15tf3c
Mushrooms, per 4-lb, baskot, $101.00.
Miss Constance Kopp, An
noyed for Months, Main
tains Unrenounced Vigil at
Place Named in Letter
HACKBNSACK, N. J., Nov; 23.-3Iiaa
Klorctte Kopp and Miss Constance Kopp,
who have been terrorized for- several
months by means of Black Hand threats
and tho discharge of flrenrms at night on
tho farm near Wyc'koff. where' they live
with their mother, have received another
letter, which reads as follows:
"Madam We demand $1000 or we will
kill you. Give Monee to girl dressed In
black at the corner of Broadway and
Carroll street. Paterson, Saturday night.
If you don't pay we will fire your house.
We know your horse and wagon. Wo live
In Paterson. Ha ha! II, IC Si Co."
Miss Constance Kopp, the elder of the
two sisters, waited at the corner In Pat
erson until 9 o'clock on Saturday night,
but no girl dressed tn black approached
as though seeking $1000. Miss Kopp tnen
left for her htfme. She had a revolver
ccncealed In her muff and was ready to
use It.
Sheriff Heath, of Hackensack, and
some of his deputies patrolled the neigh
borhood of Broadway and Cart-oil street
In an automobile for an hour, closely
notching Miss Kopp and all -women
dressed In black who passed thia corner.
The Kopp family lived happily together
on the Wyckoff farm until ono day last
June when the first anqnymouo letters
reached them. Then nocturnal prowlers
began to discharge revolvers and shut
guns under the bedroom windows at the
After county detectives had failed to
capture the prowlers and the Post Office
authorities had failed to And the Black
Hand letter writers Sheriff Heath sta
tioned a guard at night at the farm. This
watchman Is still on duty.
The Misses Kopp recently won a verdict
of $0 In a suit against Harry Kaufman,
a Paterson silk manufacturer, whose au
tomobile struck the buggy in which they
were riding last June. Kaufman did
not pay the 150 until one day recently,
when Miss Constance Kopp. seeing him
going along Main street, Paterson. in his
automobile, created a scene by running
after the machine. A traffic policeman
stopped the automobile. Then It was,
seized, to satisfy the judgment and Kauf
man paid Miss Kopp the JM.
On another occasion Kaufman, while
motoring with, a party of friends, berated
Miss Kopp In passing her In the street.
He was arrested and fined W.
The Misses Kopp are attractive young
women. The family is well to do. The
authorities have granted the young
women permission to carry revolvers.
"If.we ever catch a strange man sneak '
Ing around our house after dark we will
use the revolvers." said Miss Constance
' 1 1 1 1- 1
State Highway Department Shipping
Them by Parcel Post.
Automobile Uoensea for lSli wtl fee
shipped to owners from the State IIlsAe
way Department by parcels post Wet
year. Applications for licensee aheuM fft
made early as the parcels poet w sjse
taxed to the utmost during the heJWIr
The bkw licenses bo Into effect Jan
1 wu. Pour thousand licenses air
have been taken out by automflUfle wk
era. Tsf department expects W gTOK
19,0S licenses for next year.
Mr. Wilson to Spend Holiday '"Wit. .
Daughter at WUllatTw.v
WA8HINOTON, Nev. tt-Preeidesu w
aon will leave WaeUagiou xmxuttrtrw sefb
for WlUUmeiowu. li., to U Use Meet
Of bis dAuftMier. Mre- Ftewcse SftVfe.
Styre over Tpjw oy- ,JP
as ltaeiijilrte4Weee He anil
return WeisrfSaflOQ Trt
nHeHsM '' ..'-'
a, -i
2 4 .Jsj 4 k&JL&&Z a,?? ,
ssfe sfeaar
- tx 0tQ'-Jl crv c
sLjSl jsV ffl'F'ffilSssWHBssasHassCT "