w a!t ITU 11 -v V -. . X (KAHtJLs, 1 9 1 vJlIDT'll LH ! Tfl V 10 MA' G LJiiJUK ..tiiffiPMlj lyignwiw mmmm h ' . i iwiwj iiiiiiiuiiii llipiBIfttrnJIMMMW v 1 -.- -- ?, " - tw .. - . V. r - , . "-y ' j.,-1 " ' ... , . itfcifcfifc-"': evening EBPB-PHiiiaDBCTHra:,. MpypYt grpTBsrBE 2& roia; . ir ,,,. i, .,.,,.., it i, ,,,., i, ii , iii .';?'" " " i i ' '..; .''; i. ... i "':. ..'...'. '," ;.Jr7- . i, . ...,..--. , 1 .i i .1 - . !' . . i .i i f ii '"-""; " '" i -ii ii ffT3 4 IT Su ? S Jc4 ill In ,f yi SaaHHllHrS IVEHILE FAULTS LOGICAL RESULT OF IMPROPER HOUSING clfarc Workers Charge Councils With Responsi bility for Evil Conditions. t Rabbi Krauskopf s Views. eaeftrch activities In Juvenile delln- ency show that about 60 pr cent, of ft children arraigned In tho Juvenile fourt come from tad environment. These tlldren live In houses ot the slums. Noted hyalclnna on hygiene call theso houses 'death nulls." Exberlenced welfare workers who hao tudled housing conditions In Phllndel- hlft declared ioday Councils can relievo ho present appalling conditions. The act creating a Division of Housing and Sanitation In tho Department of lealth nnd Charities, was passed oy mo .eslalature July 22, 1911 It was signed y 3oernor Tener. This act, with an pproprlatlon of W13.710, would have eloed to maintain a more careful watch on landlord .of Insanitary houses. Whether the present existing conditions will continue to prevail Is for tho Com mittee on rinance of Council, of which John P. Connelly Is chairman, to decide. All efforts by more than 63 agencies composed of representative women and men of Philadelphia to have Councils grant the appropriations have failed. CHILDREN OP THE ADMITS. necords on file with the Philadelphia Housing Commission show that children from 10 of the 13 alleys In tho heart of the alums were arrested In 1910. Among the 119$ persons In those alleys, 021 arrests were made In three jears. Ninety per cent, of the Juvenile offenders camo di rectly from the "death vaults." Their arrests were chiefly duo to bad environ ment. Crime- among the children of Philadel phia will continue Just so long as Insanl tnry houses exist, was the statement made today by the nev. ,Dr. Joseph Krauslcopf. pastor of the Keneseth Israel Temple, Broad street above Columbia avenue. Doctor Krauskopf Is oho of the leading rabbis of this country. He Is a member of the Philadelphia Housing Commission and one of the score of representative citizens who Is urging Councils to grant the appropriations needed. DOCTOR. KRAUBKOPF'S VIEW. It Is the opinion of Doctor Krauskopf that tho mental activities of thousands of children who play, eat, sleep and llvo In the Blum quarters are impaired through tho presont conditions. He also declared that It Philadelphia didn't have insanitary houses In tho slums the calendar of the Juvenllo Court would not be as large as It Is today. "It la the duty of every self-respecting citizen of Philadelphia to glvo his upport toward tho act passed by the Legislature last year," said Doctor ICrrtusltoDf. The act, with which I happen to be faXilliar, was drawn for the purpose of Uerlnfr conditions In certain parts ot Is city. The act wasn't drawn to In ure tho Interests of the property owner. Wo wanted to be fair with both sides. If tho act were enforced today many The Thanksgiving Ship Must She will leave on time; there is no question about that. But there is a question, and it is a question for every Philadelphian to answer Shall She Sail With a Full Cargo or With a Partial Cargo ? The "Thelma" left this port loaded down with food. The relief fund was oversubscribed in a few days. It was magnificent! Then, with the surplus from the first appeal and cheered by the city's noble response, this second ship was procured. It seemed that two shiploads of food was little enough for Phila delphia to send. And goodness knows it is little enough, in the face of Belgium's destitution. It is the very least we can do. Will we do that much? We Must Not Let the "Orn" Sail With a Short Cargo Think what it would mean for Philadelphia's Thanks giving Ship to arrive on the other side short so much as a pound of beans! V Cynis H. K. Curtis . .w; ; Cyrus H. K Curtis nwiiOTmiiwi.nm!rjff HHp i -4 -w IBaHKsT aaaaaaHaaaaKk HBB ,! .tl-Vi "'a I if i - iji.M J-Mttaatf&T TT HtAjP- -,Tl j. jJt l rMrffc$Jf!r 'Pymh ft IfiL -iliiRgVrt - raff -J-"lT.TiVifrriiHir "ffr-i 1nrVr"J T - feaf " " "TtJ jirffefer- HB0apH fr "MaaiaaaaaaaaaHaaaBBBaaBWBoBa B8E JTf JfmMtHK WaaaaaaaWaaaaBaaBBBBaBBH WWpirs "'aHBaaaK igHjsisa8iiaBs I -V3 nE2BBIBIHBanBBnlaBBBBIBBBBlBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB - S5SSlfc4il9S A 111 1WIMI aa aaaaaaaaaaajaaiaaj aaj aiaaiaaBaaaaaajaaaaaaajaaaaiaaiaMaaaaajaaaaaj a nil s mmsm?K-J ..aBBBBBBBBBBBa&'a'' ssji W!Pw9M'K&'j$ Wee PHHHB? 6f9BBasrBBB7'BaVRBi& HBjaafaK? vtjJylVsMHi KS7" RABBI JOSEPH KRAUSKOPF Improvements would bo made on tho hundreds of filthy houses. "Why members of Councils should con tinue to Ignore this act I can't under stand. If members of Councils In whose power It Is were only to devote a little of their time in reading tho new law they would see that the enforcement ot tlio act would result in better neaitn ana hyglcno among many women, men, chil dren and little babies. I know what tho conditions are In the stum quarter lie causo I have visited that section." ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH. "In mv opinion, one of the chief reasons for many children being ar- rested and arraigned in the Juvenile Court Is duo to their bad environment. The children who live In tho houses where tho plumbing Is faulty, where there aro broken windows nnd poor ventilation are not In the best of health. "Instructors of schools declaro that chil dren In poor health flnfl It Is hard to keep their minds on their studies or to mem orize what tho teacher tells them. The children don't feel well. They havo no appetite for food. "What Is tho result? "An army of sickly children, poorly fed, with no ambition, go dally to their class rooms. After school they wander home In the rlcket, dirty tenements Natu rally, thoy don't want to sit Inside of tho dust-coverrd rooms. The children want fresh air. They wnnder out to tho alleys, where tho sun shines once In a great while. EVIL. COMPANIONSHIP. "Tho children while In tho alles do not read good books. As a matter of fact, thoy don't know what to read. Tho bad environment brings them Into contact with grown-up persons, who often aro of ques tionable reputation. This is when the child, as a rule, begins to Iolata the laws of tho Commonwealth. "The result Is that arrest follows Then comes tho scene In the Children's Court. Often they nre sent to somo Institution. SomctlmeB they are reprimanded and dis charged. However, when discharges fol low where does the child of the slum go? "Hack to the filthy, poorly ventilated houses. Ho sees tho old surroundings There Is no placo for him to go except Inside of tho rickety kitchen or Into the narrow, fenced alloy." Among tho representative citizens who aro In favor of better housing condi tions and the granting of the J213.719 ap propriations nre Director George W. Nor rls, of tho Department ot Docks and -Perries, Charles U Borle. Jr. Mrs Russell Duanc, Dr. IT. R. M Landls, Bernard J Newman, secretary of tho Philadelphia Benjamin G. Wells John J, Collier . HEADQUARTERS LINCOLN BUILDING, BROAD STREET V" i nT-rx. Housing Commission, who has worked hard for months In trying to cbnvlnea Councils thatfeata not Was a good one; Doctor Bedrosautrt, Walter B Fogg. Bishop Thomas J Garland and many others "Only Councils can change the present condition," said Mr Newman today, "We are prepared to go before Cftunclls ami answer any question about the" new act. Wo can prove with figures and sta tistics why Philadelphia's houses In the slums require Improvement." TOL.D BX THE CAMERA. Hundreds of persons today viewed pictures of Insanitary houses located in tho slums which nre on exhibition In tho window of 931 Chestnut street The pictures were taken under tho auspices of the Philadelphia Housing Commis sion. In the centre of the window Is an edi torial entitled "Hand ofj Esau," publish ed In the EviSnino Ledger on October SR, 1914 which describe how Councils, for more than n ear, has been Ignoring tho appropriations asked. Tho pictures aro attracting consider able attention. Among thoo who viewed tho pictures today were women shoppers, merchants, ministers, phjslclans, law yers, laborers and visitors In this city. Some of the persons were suprlscd to so that conditions such as pictured by the camora actually exlslted In tho 20th century In this city WHAT'S HERS IS HERS, ALSO WHAT'S HIS IS HERS Wife Owns All Presents Sent by Hus- band, Court Rules. SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Nov. 23 -Gifts from husband to wife are the-wlfe'a per sonal property when they nre delivered to the house occupied by both, the Court of Appeals held In an opinion in the suit of Mrs. Susan A. Aylor, respondent, against Ben C Ajlor, a wealthy mine operator On being Uhorced Mrs, Aylor replev ied certain household goods given to her by Aylor He contested, but lost the suit nnd appealed; The Judgment of the lower court Is affirmed. Funeral of Mrs. C. A, Sparks. The funeral of Mrs Sparks, widow of Charles A. Sparks, sugar refiner, of this city, who died Saturday after a brief MncsK, will tako place tomorrow at 12 o'clock from her lato residence, 325 Cooper street, Camden. Mrs Sparks, who was advanced In jears, hail been taken 111 soon nftcr returning from her summer homo hi Atlantic City. She wbb well UncVun In Philadelphia. TJuce daughters survive, Mrs. Charles Elmer Smith, Mrs Walter P. Douglas and Mis Amelia Sparks, and a son. Edward K. Sparks. DIVORCES ORANOTED Tho following divorces were announced as being- granted by Court ot Common I'lcaii No. C today fleorKO F. iBrlstow from Mary E Brlstonr. Kllzabetli Relchard from William J. Relch ard. 3. Cornelius Patterson from Alma Louise Pet tcrsen 'Amanda it. McCusker from James B. Mc Cusker. Laura, I'MHli Lauzo from Charles I.euze. Jr. Irene I. Roberta from Ed n aril Roberts. Klorcnca O Voelkcr from Frank A. Voelker. Kettle Schwartz from Joseph Bchwarti. Draco U. Crowther from Samuel Crowther. Jr. Lena L'psteln from Herman Epstein I.oul-0 V. nodxera from James n. Itodge.rs, OeorKO If. Irwin from Annlo C. Irwin Vlncont C. Dlttmar from Carrie P. Dlttmtr Hazel O. PuUerman from William E. Pul- orman Louis Lchrman from Mayme Lehrman. I'.lJle SI. Weliner from Ilobert a Welmer. Mar I"ranco from John M. rranco Harry L. I'lnkney from Wary Plnkney. nobecca Schneider from Joseph Schneider. John J. Moran from Minnie Moron. Ida I Dcrklnshaw from Herbert T nerkln shatt Carrlo Kmjelhardt from 'William Ensclhnrdt. Cdwln A Trlat from Anna K. Trlst DeWltt C. Trazler from Mary O. lYazler Iff Bt Bi Sk rn w B m B tne jjeigians- iser . . Public Ledger . . Evening Ledger . Philadelphia Press . . Evening Telegraph Bell Telephones: Filbert 2456 and POyCE DECLARE YOUTHS WRECKED AUTOMOBILES Arrests Made Aftef One of Accused Is Found Unconscious. WILMINGTON, Del , Nov. 83,-In the arrests today of Arthur Bauman, George L Evans Homer Lane, Horace Ball, Samuel Hlnger and Everett Bell, the police believe they have- taken the gang which the last week has stolen nnd dam aged five automobiles. All the accused are youths. There Is one charge against Evans, two rach against Bauman and Ball, three each against Lane and Hlnger, and four against Bell. Ei Davis and De borah Wood, girls living at Kennett Square, Pa., were held under $100 ball each as witnesses. It Is charged that Bauman and others Inst night took tho automobile of Dr. S C. Rumford, and, after a Joy-ride, wreck ed the machine on tho Kennett turnpike Bauman, who was rendered unconscious, was picked up by another automobile, brought to this city and arrested, rive machine were stolen last week, damaged nnd then abandoned OBITUARIES HAItOLD OSGOOD BINNEY New York Lawyer Was Brother of Mrs. Lincoln Eyre, of This City. NEW YORK, Nov. 2J.-Haro1d Osgood lllnncy, who led a strangely dual exist ence as patent lawyer and a man whose cccentrlo exploits kept him almost con stantly before tho public eye, died last night at tho home of relatives In Mt Vernon. Ho was 7 yearn old Mrs Lin coln Eyre, of Philadelphia, Is his sister Ills death is supposed to have been caused by an overdose of headache tab lets taken Saturday night. Yesterday, he suddenly collapsed unci died when his heart failed to respond to stimulants Alienists had pronounced Blnney one of the most temarkable Individuals they ever examined He was a brilliant law yer, a chemist, a physicist, a mechanical and an electrical engineer. He was de voted to nutomobllo speeding and was frequently arrested for dashes on Broad way, having been roleased November 4 fiom Blackwell's Island, where he had been for two weeks becauso ho refused to deposit $1000 as a guarantee, that ho would not violate the speed law. On one occasion Blnney became Infatu ated with the Idea of Joining clubs, and became a member of one after another, until ho tired of the novelty. Aeroplanes attracted his attention and he went In for them In his usual manner, buying two at a time. Ho flew them for a while, but abandoned them for yachts His first wife was Miss Miles, ot Phila delphia. After being divorced In 1910, he turned up In California, where It iwns rumored that ho was about to marry again. Instead ho returned to this city, where he married Miss Etlse Martin, a singer. In March, 1913 A trip to Europe followed, but Mrs. Blnney was unable to overlook the eccentricities of her hus band and returned alone. Two daughters by his first wlfo survlvo him. ROBERT STOKES Robert Stokes, 75 years old, a veteran of the Civil War and for many years connected with the United Oas Improve ment Company, died Saturday at his home, 7027 Gray's avenue. He had been 111 for Borne time. Ho served In the Civil War with the 72d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers Ho was a member of the Philadelphia Brigade, Old Guards, 2d Reg iment, nnd Post No. 18. G. A R. The funeral will tako' place Wednesday after noon, at 2 30 o'clock, from his late resi dence REV. CHARLES N. SPAULDINO The Rev Dr Charles N. Spauldlng, 79 years old, a retired clergyman, died late Saturday night at the Episcopal Hospital, ore following n attack of heart dleeae. lie suffered ft general breakdown thred years Ago, when he was compelled to resign ns pastor of the Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Simeon Tho funeral services will bo held tomorrow afternoon, at S o'clock, In the Protestant Episcopal Church of St Simeon, nt 6th street and Lehigh nve nue, Rev George 3. Valentn, rector of the church, will conduct the services, assisted by tho Rev Thomas MeKee. BYRON E. ENO Byron Eugeno Hno, proprietor ot the Rlvcrtide Hotel; Forked River, N .T tiled late Saturday afternoon at his apartments In the hotel, following a brief Illness. Ho wns 77 years old. Mr. Eno held largo In terests In Bovernt Philadelphia, hrftels nnd was a director of tho Ocean County Trust Company, at Toms River, N. J. Ho wns a member of tho Barnegat Lodge, No. 150, F. and A. M. The funeral will be held on Wednesday afternoon MRS. HENRY M. WETHERILL Mrs. Henry Mayer Wethcrlll, of Ger mnntown. a leading member of St. Mi chael's Church, High nnd Morton street"). died last night at her home, 2115 East Penn street Sho was lit her Mth year. Two daughters, Mrs Christopher Wether Ill and Mrs Faul Lajus Tlets. and four grandchildren survive Tho funeral will be held from her lato rcsldenco Wednes day nfternoon at 3 o'clock. JOHN H. AYRES BORDENTOWN, N. J., Nov. 23.-John H. Ayres, who had been a. contractor nnd builder In Philadelphia, died Buddenly at his homo here last evening. Ho was CO years old. eatljs; HKNbON. Suddenly, at Hniiilllnn ller muda, on November 17, ItlM, MAtlEI. MUlt IlAY I1ENSON, wlfo of John C llenson. Duo notice o' tho funeral will ha given llKltUMli:ii. On Novomhor 20, 1014, CHAIILLS OOTTLOll lVCHI.INOlUl, huj land of the late Hoflna ncrltnccr (nee Km let). In his Sit ti year ttelitlvrn nnd friends, l;n Herman Lodg No US, 1'. and A. M.i Kemlngton n A rhaptf". 'o. !UJ Mnry Commander, Nn tn k T Lu Lii Temple, A. A ON. M. S . dlroctors or Intonrlty lllle Insuiance, Trust and S&fo Deposit Com pany, Cannslatter Volkfost Voreln. sSchuet ren voreln Philadelphia quartet Cluli and all other societies of which he was n mem. nrr. are Invited to nttond the funeral serv ices on Tuesday nt i o'rlock. at htq lato residence, SOTS North Hancock st Interment ptliate. at Herman Lutheran Cemetery llOi:im. Suddenly, nt Ills lato residence. 1741 North Park nvo , on Jiovember SI. 11)14, noIlEItT E eon or the Into William nnd Agnes Doners broiI 70 soars llio relatives nnd friends of tho fnmlly arc respectfully In vited to ntteud tho funeral eervlccs on Tues day afternoon at U o clock precisely, at Bchuyler's Droad and Diamond sts Inter ment private. Auto funeral imANDKNHTElN. On November 22. ION WILLIAM P, husband of Catharine M. llrandensteln funeral on Wednesday, No vmber 23, at 1! p m. from 2312 pHlethorji st Interment prlale, nt Orecn Mount Ceme tery IHJI I V. On November 22. 1014 ANTHONY DL-KIT, husband ' barah Duffy funeral on Thursday, at S 30 a. in . from his Into residence, Burtnont nc Oik View, Deln waro Countv. Pa. Solomn Mass or Requiem nt at Charles' rhurch, Kellyvllte, nt 10 it. nt. Interment St Charles Cemetery. No carriages DUNPHY. On November 22 1014 PinitCn husband of tho into Bridget Dunphj Kuneral on W rdnesdny, nt 8 1 n. in trcmi CIO Hudd st . West Philadelphia .Solemn Hequlcm Slnss nt St gntha s riiurih at 10 a m Interment Holy Cross Cemetery I'.NO -On November 21 1014. T1YP.ON Y.XS (lU.N'n. husband ot tho late Mary Iteheccn Lno (me Hosklns) In his 77th year. Holn tlvea and friends also members or the Dame rat, No l.'O, F and A M. Lodge directors of Ocean County Trust Comptny, of Toms Hlvcr N 1 , aro Invited to attend tho funernl on Wedncsdai, November 23, at 2 o'rlock, from his lato residence. Porltcd Itlver, Ocean County, N J. Interment pri vate. FOR1IKS On November 21. J014 Ann LAIDU C, wife of Andrew I'orbos. Delntlves nnd friends ot tho fnmlly aro Invited to in tend tho funeral services, nt her lato resi dence, R823 Qutncy st . Clermantown, on Tues day, tho 24th Inst , nt 2 p nt precisely Trains leave Droad Mtrcet Station at 1 14 and 1 25 for Carpenter Station Interment prlvato JXMMOIIK. At Hrldpeboro, N T. on No vember 22. C!l OnQB D. KKNIMOUK Tuneral on Wednesday, at 1 p. m , from Sad With Mi Thursday "May Heaven bless the Americans for their kindness !" is the cry of Belgians everywhere. "Belgium will never forget." It is good to feel that we are helping that we can help. It would be a sad thing to remember that we did anything short of our best. Other cities and towns have joined with Philadelphia in . filling the Thanksgiving Ship, but there is not yet enough. Who Can Be Deaf to the Appeal of a Starving People ? Hundreds of thousands of Philadelphians have not re sponded. Not because they are ungenerous, but because in their warm and comfortable homes, with all the good food they can eat, they do not realize that across the sea women and children are (Jying by the hundreds. Some one has said that joy is the greatest thing in the world; but only the stricken know it. Probably most of us have not seen enough of misery to understand the desperate need of little Belgium. But if this fact can only be driven home to us that a few cents will save a life, none of us will sit down to a Thanksgiving dinner with the pennies in our pocket. M. F. Hanson . ... Philadelphia Record James Elverson,Jr. . Philadelphia Inquirer E. A. Van Valkenbttrg . North American W L. McLean . , . Evening Bulletin Filbert 2457 I)ATIt8 tb residence of Ms nephew. It P Gaskllt, Main at , BrMgwboTO NT OAMIJLIV On November 20. 1914. SAItAtl 8 , wife of Robert 11 Gamble Funeral serv ices on Tuesday, st 2 p m nt HB4 Booth 20th it. Interment at Mt Morlah Cemetery HAM,. On Novomher 21. 1014 .MARY SPltAaUFJ, fife of the late BMward I) Hall. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on TueHv afternoon, November 24, nt 2 o'clock preclMr. ,rrem the resldonce of her eon-ln law, Mr William B. dray, OSS Bouth St. IVrnard st , West Philadelphia Interment private, at West minster Cemetery Boston and New York parors pleaea copv HAIiniSONV On November SI, 1014. KLTAS o , husband of Rmma Harbison (nee Ctirre den) nnd son ot Isabella and tb lato Ttobert Harbison Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funoral services on Tuesday, November 31. at 1 40 o clock precisely, at his lato residence 4n4,West Duncnnnon ave., nincy Interment private, at North Cedar Hill remetery. Remains may be viewed on Mnndnv evening , HASLKTT. On November 17, 1914. rrtANK C, liubnnd of Mary HnHett. and son of Mary A. and the late William Hnslett Duo tiotlco of the funernl will be Riven, from his Into residence, 123S Bast Palmtr st HIIIItr.HD. On Seventh I)av, Rleventh Month, 21st ANNA M HlnnKnD, Wlfo of Joshua K Illbberd, In her 71st year, Itela tltes nnd friends aro InTlted to attend tho funeral, on Third-Day, Eleventh Mnn'h, 24th, at 1-30 p m, from her late residence, l'aoll. Pa Interment private JAMU1. Of diphtheria, on November 20. 1IU4, OKonOH II, youngest rhlld of Albert nnd Eltnlra Walter James Tuneral strictly jfiliVKOn November 10, 1014 CLINTON I. son of Ida V Urlan and tho late William C John Tuneral services on W ednesday, at 2 V m. nt rrlmos nve and Hook roa 1, Folcroft, Delaware County, Pa Interment private, nt Mount 5Mon Cemetery. Kl'HN. On lyovemtier 22 1914. MAltOA HUT KtlHN nged S-, yenr' Relatives and friends of tho family are Invited to attend tho funeral serv Ices nt 2 o'clock, on Wednes day afternoon nt tho residence of her eon lolin Kuhn, 1201 Mellon st (12th aim Fair mount ave) Interment nt Nortluvood Cemc terv I.r.DDON. On November 20 1014. V.IA'.A HETH A . widow of Porryman Leddon (nee Htoy ) Funeral services on Tuesday, at 2 p. m , at 4000 York avc. Interment private, nt K of V Cemetery l.r.Klll. On November 22, 1014, nt Easton Pa H V.LB I.EIOH, son of OcorRo o and Wlllet'a Lelrh. aged 2 mortha Interment Westminster cemotery, on Tuesday, at 4 30 p m l.dfirn. On November 20 1014, CECHLIA I.OOUC (neo Dougherty) wlfo of John Loguo, nt tho resldencn of her husband, 1M2 Man Ion st , nbovo Wharton st Duo notlco of the funeral will bo given. l,H)NN.-Oii November 20 10H, THOMAS A husband nf Kllzaboth Lyons Funeral on Monday at 8 10 a. m . from 1.CIS Houth 40th st High Muss of Requiem at Bt Francis do Males Church, at 10 a. in. Intcnnnnt strictly private MncAHAN'. On November 10. 1014. TAMC1 1) , son o( tho late Jamea D and Hannah MacArnn Hervlces nnd Interment private MAGNA MRC At his residence. Uerwyn, Pa., on November 10. 1014, RICHARD S. MACNAMHK Duo notlco ot the funeral will be given MASStN'TON." On November 22, IBM. ED WARDS MAKS1NTON. husband of Ida L. Musslnton Funeral notice will be given, from 111" elter'n residence 010 Enisnorth St. MrCOUMlf'K. On November 10. 1014. AN DREW McCORMICK, husband of Sfary Mc cormick Funeral on Tuesday, at S HO a m , from 2S2S i:ast Lehigh nve. Solemn Requiem Moss nt St Anne's Church, nt 10 n m In terment ti Holy ,'leoulchre Cometery Ml:lti:i)ITH. In West Chester, on eleventh Month 22d 11114. ULIZADKTI1 D MERE DITH, In tho POthyoar of her ngc. Relatives nnd friends of tho family aro Invited to at tend tho funeral from Downtngtovvn lYIends' Meeting House, on Fourth-day, Eleventh Month JSIh Meet nt 1 p m. An opportunity will bo given to view the remains at tho Harcley, West Chestor nt 10 10 a m. Car riages will meet the 1 V) trolloy from "West Chester nt East Downtngtovvn and tho 12 43 train from Philadelphia, reaching Downlng timn nt 2 II p m MILLER. -Suddenly, on November 22. 1014, EMANUEL L.. son of tho lato Henry O. nnd Catharine Miller. In his 00th vear. Rela tives and friends, also Welcome Lodge, No 221). I O O r, nnd Veteran Odd lellowa' Asm , are invited to attend tho funoral serv ices on Tuesday, November 24, 1014, at 2 o'clock, from his lato residence. 1217 North 12th st Interment Westminster Cemetery. MII.LKR. On November 22. 1014, EMAN UEL L. son of tho lito Henry O and Kath i rlne Miller Funeral services on Tuesday. November 21 1H14, nt J p m from 1237 North 12th st Interment Westminster Ccmo cry MUItnnOK On November 22. 1014, MAR tlUERITn MURDOCH", daughter of Mar ruerlto iMcNulty nnd the lato William Mur ilock and granddaughter of lredcrlck nnd Elizabeth Dmnlncer Funeral on Wednesday, nt 11 n m , from parents' residence, 1120 South Broad st. hcrvlco at St Luke's Epis copal (""lurch. 13th nbovo Pino St.. at 12 30 precisely. Interment private. Fernwood Cemetery. MURPHY. -On November 22, 1014. at hoi lato residence, 181 Master st , ANNIB MUR PHY Duo notlco or tho funoral will bo given 1'AIIMV. On November 20, 1014, IDA A, t Can URAfcttS Wlfo ef TheeJor c. Pafl Punsovl serjj leos 6B Tuesday, at 1 p. m at ll Mfiri at Interment private tVltm. At his late residence 204 North) Camae t MORItin M PAUL Funtral itr lew on Tuesday, at IV a m preelaoiz, M Hehuylera, lJroad and Diamond t. Inter rnnt private. MBHCIV-On November 4J, 10U, ANNA MARY riBRCTl. aged 82 years, wlfo of Jefferson 8. Plerca and danghter of John and Salilo Bennet Funeral without farthtf notlco on Wednesday, Novembor 2 tUJt p m from Hulmevllfe. Rocks Oonntr, Pa Interment Reeelvflood. Cemetery KAM8PACHKIL Ort November SO, 1914, al his Parents' residence, 2340 South 17th at , RAXfOND J , son of Clauds W. and Ceotllo II Ramspachor fnw Dvibler). Da notlc nf the funeral wlil b given SCHROEDER. Suddenly, on tho 20th Inst. J5LI7.ADETH. wlfo of Frank Behroeder. Rtla tlves and friends are Invited to attend th funeral services, on Tuesday afternoon, at ft o clock, at her lato residence, istw North Ettlng at. Interment at West Laurel Hill i emetery. Remains can be viewed Monday evening BIIOLENnunO. On November 20, 1914. ELLA M , widow of William II. Hhelenberg. Duo notice of fureral will bo given, froml tho residence B340 North 12th at,, Logan SMI LI IE, CHAB.LE8 FRANCIS, suddenlr, nn Sunday, November 22, at his homo, 2 East 38th at., New York city. Funeral prl vato, at hla residence, Wednesday, at 3 p m. Kindly omit flowers SMITH On November 20, 1014, THOMAS n. SMITH, son of John II and tho late ICat Smith nnd grandson ef the late Adorn anil Susa Lep Funeral nn Wednesday, at 2 p m from lr40 North Alder st. Inter ment private, at Greenwood (IC ef P.) 0m etery. SMITH, Suddenlr, en November 20, 3914, SARAH A., widow of Frederick B. Smith. Funeral servlcea on Tuesday, at 1 p m.. av f!780 North Rouvier st. Interment strictly private, at Northwood Cemotery. SMITH. On November 22. 1014, FRANK A SMITH, aged 71 vear. Funeral service on w rdnesday, at 2 p m , at hla lato residence, Ralley Road, Tendon, Delaware County, Pa. Interment eVouth. Laurel Hill Cemetery. SPARKS-On November 21, 1014, AMELIA riOSi, wife ot the late Charles A SDtrks, Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Tuesday, November 21, nt 12 o'clock noon, at her lats residence, 32"! Cooper St., Camden, N. J. Interment private, at Laurel Hill Cemetery. PhlladeU phla. Carriages will bo In watting at Cam-, den ferry. 8PALD1NC,. Suddenly, on Saturday. No vember 21. 1914. at tho Episcopal tloipltt), Philadelphia, Pa the Rov. CHARLES N. 8PALIUNO. D D., in the 70th year of hla nge Funernl services at tho Church of St. Simeon, Philadelphia, at 2 o'clock. Tuesday November 24. Interment private. SIOKER. Suddenly, on November 21, 1014. RORERT RTOIvE, aged 7 years. Hefa tlves and friend of tho family, aloo Ivsnhoo I-odge, No. 44w, F, and A. M.i survivor or the 72d Regiment. Pennsylvania. Volunteers: Philadelphia Urlgade, Old Ouard. Ssconil Regiment: Post 18, U, A. R., and employe of tho U..O. I Co, aro Invited to attend, tho funeral, on. Wednesday afternoon, at smi o'clock precisely, from hla lato resident. 7027 nny'j nve. Interment at Mount Morlait Cemotery. THOMPSON. Suddenly, on November 1, 1014, ELIZAUET1I A., wife ot William Thompson and daughter ot th lato 'William It nnd Elizabeth Morris. Funeral servteoa on Tuesday, at 2 p. m.. nt ."047 North tfx st. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cmiry, TOIIEY. On November 22. 1014, FRANK T) , husband of Sarah A- Toboy. Funeral on Wednosday. at 8.30 a. m., from 1242 South, inth st. Solemn Mass of Requiem at St. Teresa's Church, at 10 a, m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. TILEK. At Richmond Vo., on Novomhor 10 1014, SUSAN MARSHALL MORRIS TY LER, wlfo of John Tyler, Jr. Interment pri vate. WAIIILE. On November IB. 1914, HELENA MAUEL WAIDLE Funoral on Tuesday, at 7 30 a m from Prlmos Delawar County. Pa High Mas at tho Holy Spirit Church. Sharon Hill. Delaware County, at 0 a, ttu Interment nt St. Charles' Cemetery. WETZEL. Suddenly, at Wllkei-TIarre. Pa., November 18, 1014. JOHN L.t husband of Katie I'ost-r Wetzel. Duo notlco ot th funeral will bo given, from his lito resi dence lMn North Judson st. WILKINSON. On NovemUr 22. 1014. LBANDDH, husband of Mary Wilkinson. In his 7flth year. Funeral on Wednesday, at 3 n m, from KO Washington st.,. Camden, N J Interment private, Harlsigh Com tor v. WILSON. On November 20. 1914. ED WARD WILSON, husband of Julia Wilson. Funeral, on Wednesday, at 2 p, rn., from 14S League st. Interment Mt, Morlah Cemetery. what it U? S: - vi. imPmSp -if x w& o &- 5-rf i- Kxift'afci.r,t i x J - MiPiiWWII.lMh i r 4 4 g!fars"e irf jsi