isTri tHTT TtTtrjB' kiimumnH 'iiai8(t""'- ' ' ... "1' J-L 1 r f ! iwqpi Wttrnpiitwj!ife mm HIGHT EXTRA jjbiknbgBraH1kaIBHKVKi i-jp...,,.... ,...., ,.. 1 ttrirojrififinpyiiwM tcueninn " jj.r-A wTOf Kivrr'DA TOL. I-NO, 01 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1014, CoiTMBH't. 1014, iiiniFosuoXsostx Counter. PRICE ONE liwfii !'" wSW"' J.a i w ia-Mi German, Big Guns Boom Along Coast Drive on Warsaw Halted Two Stabbed at Wedding U. S. May Buy Midvale Steel Plant SCENES- AND EVENTS IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY GAME THAT FELL VICTIMS TO RIFLES OF CITY OFFICIALS J ; : Director, of public Safety Porter and Receiver of Taxes Kendrlck recently sought recreation from official duties by disappearing Into the wilds of Pike County in search of game. Here is what they brought back. These ten deer may be seen hanging at the plant of the Welsbrod- & Hess brewery, at Frankford road and Adams street. They provo that Messrs. Porter and Kendrlck are entitled to' respect oo Nlmrods. ONE OF THE NAVY D Photo hx Harris & Ewlng, UTANTES' WHO WILL ATTEND ARMY GAME HERE Miss Dorothv I. Mason is the daughter of Rear Admiral and Mrs. Newton Mason, of Washington, and Is deemed'one of the prettiest girls in capital society. She will be among the feminine rooters here on the Navy side at Franklin Field, next Saturday, November 28. 2&Bifc 3hhm?'1' - X j!T - t JL IS&bVbBBBBBKL39sHiBBB 2BBBBIBBB&BBbtHH fBHBBBMBBBBKaHBI9 ? l&t KBIbBBBbV VaBBHP 9rStf3KS8"tjJ iff x " f' t' jf.-ttii MsBBBBMBBHPWlirBSS BflUBH'SBBfi' rT ji jff'jk, BBsL'-jtiBMBWVJWHfM'TLaflPLISBBBK Rl f? SJbbbLbbIHE & 5aES8BKSKtiBlUSrL - j" u f? LsKf wBssniBBvL H S? v3 tvM lflBBBHBH jflLv HHEHBBBhKisbLBBBIiLG&LiMSIiBiiHEBflBKflt tfrTflmfc if gilH' t w7 sLBIHIBBMBflv beLd bbbve rtfl fM gBfl ArBBf JsBBKBBHBBs iMF HfcwltBBSBfctBfcBHBBLgLfSji' f-EfM !Bfc. fcb JeBlSL- v(S PHbTt ftBLLLESLBLBW. flBBHf BBE-SiBH HbbbbbLHbE SHr - S? Jy 'fllSftK' Ifei ' j) MjjSraB8i ?BHjB 'S i.i. mi i ' ' i-iiniiMi i ,' i i i I. mm 1.1,1 , $) I Photo by Sola Nw Serxjca. ONE OF THE GERMAN SUBMARINES WHICH HAS' OiyEN THE DRITI8H NAVY SOME ANXIOUS MOMENTS This is No. 14 of the "U" class which has figured so much in the news of German operations by sea. The famous U-0 is a slater craft. "U" by the way, simply stands for "Unterseeboot," tho German word for submarine. Literally translated, it means "underseaboat." The sinking of the great British dreadnought Audacious is now ascribed to one of these stealthy vessels, which apparently roamed far from base. MWWWIHBaWMOTWWMavBMHaBavOTaHHBHiaaB aaM JSf 'Hv 'J'Hvj&jjBtt i $Y f VV ' ' A ' JbVbIbVbi WrfwwJy.Vy?iK m '-if ' Ife IbBBBBhHB Tiii b H ? sbbbbbbK&Ll Ibbv sslKIBBJ' .Hhi BBBBHHBKf ' sB fttttffiNrtMiiiin "t),' , fcSft "iH -""" Bfll $$?S&iV$iffiSMKSBK&B6.' ' ' flBBslBIBMBBHHBlBBiflBBBBBBBBB-BSBBBvB BBBBBgBBqBBBBIBBWBifaBI ; i-yHBWBBHBlBB,ffffBBBBB3aBjT8BwpnBSBsBBWBBBBiBIBH HaaaHIinMBaBMawnMiMilaH few - ' ' rf-.. '''' ""yJBK,1 W :f bbbK' '.i' . ' :.; il b " X ULBbtBIHIIISiIimM tMlaMMMM-a MMMMaiMrtWiaWIIWifiam MMM IIHiiiiIIHI mnwinBfmil I Phto by Baia Mtvs 8rvta, LARGE AND SMALL TYPES OF GERMAN SUBMARINES Thia photograph Illustrates strikingly the diffweaca la the. sues of the Kaiser's under-water craft. The smaller vessel is maintained mostly fr harbor defense, but tho larger la capable of waking extended crb. It would bo inpolUe guard against attacks by such deadly vcb tJHMft for, fact that tkey awnt eome w tk Waq tQ tak ofestryatlaHB, BIO OUNS OF GERMAN BATTLESHIP Phto br Bull Nra Service. LOTHRINGEN t J It Is qulta probabls that the crews of the French battleships would like nothing better than to' meet this warship, as her name Is the German one for Lorrake, tho province wkleh Germany took from France in th war of 1870. The vessel carriaa tour these great riSes, each IMaeh, She is 13,0 toa dUjacemsijt aad 16,6Q horge)Owr, -ant by Bl Kern HMrrlm, CAPTAIN OMAN, OF THS UNITItD STAT1BI CRUISER NORTH CAKOXWf A WJth Captain Dackar, of th "Vimmtm, m AwTa JptTMts dwaiI fej 5f! 1!-i IJ!l.!Lfc" & r m "mii.v . & 'a ,'.'; ) , A ,.J 0 2 1 a i h &. is iefigs& -?-